NORM NAVIGATORHandbookLeveraging Social Sustainability and Gender Equality
WHY NORM NAVIGATOR?Are you new to the field of inclusion and sustainability? Areyou tired of not seeing enough results in socialsustainability and CSRD? Do you want to walk the talk? Youneed an analysis made by experts, with minimum timerequired of you. We know exactly what to look for in yourorganisation to give you a road map forward. You will have alist of actions ready to be implemented that goes beyondcounting heads and actually strive for change.The world is changing constantly and it can be difficult toknow what is going to be the most important step for yourorganisation in the next five to ten years. But one thing iscertain - sustainability will be a core thing. CSRD stands for Corporate Sustainability ReportingDirective, which is an EU regulation aimed atimproving and harmonising sustainability reportingamong companies within the EU. CSRD expands therequirements for reporting sustainability informationto include more companies and provide more detailedinformation on how companies impact and areaffected by sustainability
The Gender Equality Agency Add Gender, AI company Jolint andproduct design studio Boid put together our collectedknowledge in a smart and user friendly tool that we call theNorm Navigator. A tool based on a platform, successfully usedfor over 15 years, that will help your organisation to get moreinclusive by putting in minimal effort. By conducting athorough analysis of your organisation through the NormNavigator’s six rooms, you will get KPI:s to use in sustainabilityreports, a more inclusive workplace and happier teams.The analysisresults in areport of yourcurrent state butalso in actioncards that helpyou prioritise andset goals for yourwork ahead.“Using the Norm Navigatorwill make it easier to takereasonable action in theareas we want to improve.It helps us understand theproblem better as well ashow to work with inclusionand equality in a morestrategic way.” Sigma Industry West, October 2024
A Norm Engineer is an expert who identifies,understands, and influences norms—unwrittenrules that shape behavior and expectations inorganizations and society. They work to revealand reshape norms that may limit equality,inclusion, and diversity, fostering fairer andmore creative workplaces.
"It is convenient and facilitatescollaboration, allowing all ourskills to come together tocreate something fantastic!"How the tool worksThe tool helps us to work in a common arena, where both youand our norm engineers log on to the same platform. In anutshell, you answer questions about your organisation’sinclusion and upload your strategy documents. Our normengineers analyse your answers and documents and you get apreliminary report. You collaborate with our Norm Engineersby asking questions, commenting and giving feedback on theanalysis so they get an accurate understanding of yourcurrent state. Everything happens in the same place, it is easy to use andyou can pause whenever you want. Nothing is lost. The final output to you from the Norm Engineers includes asummary, a norm reflection and concise actionable nextsteps for you as an organisation. These actions make up anaction plan with a responsible person and a deadline. Thisway you know what to do, you can measure your progress andyou can always link it back to the Norm Navigatorassessment. Change can sometimes feel scary, but ourground is rock solid. -Norm Engineer and expert on accessibility and disability, October 2024
THE NORM PLATFORMAn inclusive communicationthat reaches out to bothexternal and internal targetgroups in a successful way,this is what we will look afterunder this section.COMMUNICATION & MARKETING3This section gives an overviewof your current capability inmanaging diversity, genderequity and inclusion - and howyou can improve and take thelead.MANAGEMENT & CAPABILITY4Here you will get an estimateof how biased yourinteractions are with futureco-workers, exhibitions,internal career paths andcurrent recruitmentprocesses.HIRING & EMPLOYER BRAND5Gives a clearer image of theinteractions and jargonsshown in the everyday “fika”:between meetings, atkickoffs, traditions, gifts andin conversations.“FIKA” & WELLBEING6This area of the platformgives a clear picture of thecompany's competence whenit comes to inclusiveleadership, meeting cultureand teams.TEAMS &LEADERSHIP1This area investigates theunwritten rules that are takenfor granted in customerinteractions? Such aslanguage, tonality, channel,frequency and innovative newways of being inclusive.CUSTOMER INTERACTION & VALUE PROPOSITION2
"Just by sitting down andactually shining a light onthese topics raises a lot ofthought for us, and that’seven before we have seen asingle piece of result fromthe Norm Engineers!" -Industry client, October 2024 AND INCLUSION Why focus on norms and inclusion? Wouldn’t it be better tofocus on your core business? Well, we would say that those arevery much connected. Happy people make better stuff. And ifyou put resources into inclusion and psychological safety,people will produce more and better, they will take less sickdays and they will stay with your organisation longer. Researchalso shows that the quality of products or services increaseswith more gender equality. Magic, right? This is both riskmanagement and a business strategy, on top of the fact thatpeople will feel more pride working for you.
VOCABULARYWe know there are some tricky words in this field. Just to be onthe same page, here is our quick guide.Social sustainability is thedevelopment of a society thatensures well-being, quality of life,and social equity for present andfuture generations. It focuses onsocial cohesion, inclusion, andresilience while addressingpoverty, inequality, and humanrights.SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITYEquality means having the samerights, opportunities, and accessto resources for all, regardless ofcharacteristics like race, age, orabilities. It ensures fair treatmentwithout discrimination. Genderequality focuses on equal rights,responsibilities, and opportunitiesfor all genders, aiming toeliminate discrimination, such asthe gender pay gap and unequalrepresentation in leadership. Italso addresses harmfulstereotypes and cultural normsthat maintain gender-basedinequalities.EQUALITY/GENDER EQUALITYInclusion is about ensuringeveryone, regardless ofbackground or abilities, feelsvalued and can fully participatein society, work, or communitylife. It involves creatingenvironments that celebratediversity and actively removebarriers to participation. Whilediversity focuses onrepresentation and equity onfairness, inclusion emphasisesintegrating everyone so theyfeel respected, empowered, andable to contribute meaningfully.INCLUSIONNorms are socially accepted rulesthat guide behaviour within agroup or society, settingexpectations for what'sappropriate or not. They can beformal (laws) or informal(customs) and help maintainsocial order. Acting outsidethese expectations may lead toexclusion.NORMS
AN INCLUSIVE APPROACH Looking at your organisation through Norm Navigator’s sixperspectives will create an understanding of how self-managing inclusion becomes possible. The visualisation helpsthe organisation's employees, owners and management teamto visualise, understand and collaborate for inclusive norms. Itcan propose which activities need to be carried out to evolveoutdated structures and systems. It also shows what needs tobe fixed immediately and gives a tailored strategy in a morelong term view. But most important of all, it gives us a way oftalking and acting on unwritten rules and norms - and makingthem support a sense of belonging. This feeling is gold in anymodern startup or business, but not as easy to find.“By combining ourexpertise with AI, wegain powerful insightsand precision thatgive companiestangible, effectivetools to drive real,lasting change."-Norm Engineer and expert on gender equality, October 2024
YOUR NEXT STEPReady to give this a try and get actionable results? The nextstep could be to bring this up at an internal meeting.To prepare, consider: What are our objectives? What budget isavailable? How does this align with our business case andemployer brand?Afterward, feel free to reach out to us for a quote.From there, we can only imagine the results that will propelyou into the future. Buckle up!Contact Phone EmailPernilla AlexanderssonC E O & F O U N D E R A D D G E N D E R+46 (0) 767 877 877 pernilla.alexandersson@addgender.seJenny ClaessonO W N E R & C O N S U L T A N T+46 (0) 761 25 25 50 jenny.claesson@addgender.seKlaudia MurC E O & C O - F O U N D E R J O L I N Kalle EkdahlP R O D U C T D E S I G N E R B O I D+46 (0) 706 06 54 78 kalle.ekdahl@boid.seFaheem ShahC O O A N D C O - F O U N D E R J O L I N WelanderE N G I N E E R I N G C O N S U L T A N T S I G M A I N D U S T R Y W E S (0) 73 464 40 92+46 (0) 738 470 224
EXTRA (because we love you)Take this flowchart to find out if Norm Navigator would be agood fit for you!
LET’S GROW TOGETHERThe challenge is to develop into the people we needto be to create inclusive norms in a complex world.We’re excited to see how we jointly solve thischallenge, to together create a more equal society!