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NN Nov 2022

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N E T W O R K N E W S I S B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y ' S S T U D E N T M A G A Z I N E . I T I S P U B L I S H E D O N L I N E B Y T H E B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T N E W S R O O M . N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 2Network NewsArt by Cora Swan

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Virgil Lybarger '25Graphic Designer, Creative Directorhe/theyZephyr Fleury '25Creative Columnisthe/theyAnissa Nieves '23Creative Columnist she/herRebecca Wehner '24 Current Events Directorshe/herfall 2022 Network News TeamJulia DeRidder '23Editorshe/herDia Arias '23Associate Editorshe/herContact us: studentnewsroom@baypath.edujderidder@baypath.edudalmontearias@baypath.eduSamantha Robinson '25Local Events Columnistshe/herAlyssa Young '24Graphic Designer, Creative Columnist she/herCharlize Hernandez '23Creative Columnistshe/herContributors:Mars Gallant '23Madisyn Vera '25Arializ Santiago '25Kaylah Sheppard '25Marissa Donaldson '25Carleigh Esposito '26Beyhan Gonzalez '26Cora Swan '23Digital Artist & Art Directorshe/herBAY PATH UNIVERSITYSTUDENT NEWSROOMFall 2022

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The newsroom also wanted to let the volleyballteam know that we are keeping them in ourthoughts in light of the recent car crash.E D I T O R ’ S N O T EOf course, we didn't just focus onvoting. We cover events like the TownHall and sports games, have a sectionon what Latnix/Hispanic HeritageMonth (September 15-October 15)means to Bay Path communitymembers, share excellent artwork, andmuch more.Throughout the publication, you willalso see PSAs from the CMS100 class,about important topics such asclimate change. While we do cover awide range of subjects, nearlyeverything we put in this edition ofthe Network News ties back to theworld we want to see. And right now,voting is one step to making thatworld a reality. America has been feeling increasingly divided over the past several years, on both issuesthat seem like they should be simple and larger, more complex ones. Since the beginningof October, the newsroom has focused extensively on the upcoming 2022 midtermelections in an effort to understand ways to bridge that gap. We've asked ourselves whyvoting is important to us as individuals, and what it can do for the world. To top offour voting theme, we filmed our second Network News Live! episode, which NayeliMorales, '23, directed. Me and my dog Skylar, taken by Rebecca Wehner outside of HatchLibrary. She really wanted the treat I had in my hand. Source: Julia DeRidderEnjoy this edition, andsee you in December! -Julia DeRidder

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C O N T E N T STABLE OFNetwork News LIVE2022 Midterm electionsLatinx/Hispanic HeritageMonth What's happening oncampusHere's what we're watchingCurrent eventsCreative spotlight

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@bpu_networknewsBAY PATHNetwork NewsFollow us onStay updated on new issues, get exclusive content, and get involved!@bpu_networknews

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Network News Live! is back and better than ever Tune in to the episode (below) about voting.VOTINGDAY:11/8/2022This installment of Network News Live! covers the2022 midterm elections and the significant impactvoting has on democracy. The Network News collaborated with Bay PathUniversity Undergraduate Communications, MultimediaJournalism, and Longmeadow Community Television tobring this production to the screen. Thank you to ourguest stars, Dr. Surbrug and Elizabeth Cardona, for theirwillingness to share their wisdom. Credits:Rebecca Wehner- HostJulia DeRidder- HostCora Swan- AudioNayeli Morales - DirectorZephyr Fleury - Cameraman Virgil Lybarger - Graphic Design/CameramanSamantha Robinson- Photographer

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Director Nayeli Morales Source: Samantha RobinsonHost Rebecca Wehner Source: Samantha RobinsonFrom left to right: Dr. Shabazz, Cora Swan, Virgil Lybarger, Nayeli Morales (center, above), Rebecca Wehner (center, below), Janine Fondon, Bryon Kozaczka, Zephyr Fleury, Tracey Durant, Julia DeRidder (below), Source: Samantha Robinson

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ConnecticutConnecticut Question 1, Allow for Early VotingAmendment (2022)Amending the state constitution to by law allow early votingCalifornia Proposition 1, Right to ReproductiveFreedom Amendment (2022)Amending California's constitution to prohibit thestate from interfering with a person's right toabortion and contraceptivesCaliforniaTennessee Constitutional Amendment 3, theRemove Slavery as Punishment for Crime fromConstitution AmendmentAmending language in the state's constitutionallowing slavery as a criminal punishment andreplacing it with "Slavery and involuntaryservitude are forever prohibited."Idaho Advisory Ballot, the Income and CorporateTax Changes and Education Funding QuestionChange tax rates and allocate $410 million of salestax to public school income fundTennesseeOregonOregon Measure 111, the Right to HealthcareAmendmentAmend Oregon's constitution to legally ensure thatevery resident has access to healthcareIdahoVermontVermont Proposal 2, Prohibit Slavery andIndentured Servitude Amendment Amend Vermont's constitution to remove languagethat says people can be held as servants or beenslaved for repayment, and instead implement thesentence "Slavery and indentured servitude in any form are prohibited." Voter Identification Requirements for Mail-InBallots and In-Person Voting MeasureRequire date of birth and voter identificationnumbers for mail-in ballots. Also would remove thetwo document alternative of providing an in personphoto ID ArizonaSources: NSCL BallotopediaA sampling of ballot questions across the countryby Julia DeRidderTo explore ballot propositions from each state, theNSCL is an extremely helpful database. Tounderstand what the ballot propositions are asking,use of the 37 states with ballotquestions in the 2022 midtermelection.=Maryland Question 4, the MarijuanaLegalization AmendmentLegalize marijuana use by people over the age of21 and pass laws for regulationMaryland

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Are you a first-time voter or just need a bit of help understandingwhat you are actually voting on? Use this helpful guide to learnwhat each question actually means and what your 'yes' or 'no'vote will make happen.Question 1:Additional tax on income over$1mil added to state constitution.A YES Vote: agree to impose anadditional 4%tax on any incomeshigher than $1mil to be usedtoward public education;transportation etc.A NO VOTE: no change incurrent taxation laws.What should you expect to see on the ballot?A guide to the 2022 Massachusetts ballot questionsby Alyssa YoungQuestion 2:Regulating dental insurance.A YES Vote: regulate dentalinsurance rates, including byrequiring companies to spend atleast 83% of premiums on memberdental expenses and qualityimprovements.A NO VOTE: no change incurrent regulation laws.Question 3:Extended availability of licensesfor sale of alcohol.A YES Vote: increase the numberof licenses a retailer could have;restrict use of self-checkout;require retailers to acceptcustomers’ out-of-state ID.A NO VOTE: no change incurrent alcohol sale laws.Question 4:Eligibility for driver's licenses.A YES Vote: keep in place anexisting law that allows MAresidents who cannot provideproof of lawful presence in theU.S. to obtain a driver’s license orpermit if they meet othernecessary requirements.A NO VOTE: repeal this law.Information from Secretary of MA's website

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Voting is important to me, mainly because itdetermines the course of this country's future. Itdetermines whether or not I get to exist freely andwithout fear in the general public as a queer person,and ensures that I have the rights I need to survive.And most of all, without voting, the public doesn'thave a voice. Our country was founded on the idea ofthe public having a voice. If people don't vote, what'sthe point, then?- Virgil LybargerWhy is voting important to you?Opinions from the NewsroomVoting gives each citizen the opportunityto make their opinions heard throughrepresentation. It is not a perfect processbut it does allow voices to be heard. -Alyssa YoungVoting is not a foolproof way ofgetting the world to be how we want,but it is the first real step the average personcan do to make it a bit easier.-Cora Swan Even though voting can feel like a losing battle, it’sthe best tool each citizen has to make their voiceheard. This is why voting is important to me: itmakes me feel like a part of something bigger, and ifmy voice can change even a fraction of what’shappening in the world, I’ll do it.-Julia DeRidderVoting is an opportunity to advocatefor the needsand wants of myself and the people around me. Someissues need to be addressed by certain people, andvoting ensures the right people are involved. -Hailey LenskiDuring such a period of uncertainty in thiscountry, it can be comforting to know that thereare still ways as an individual that you cancontribute to a larger cause and advocate forchange. Voting gives us the power to do betterthan those who came before us.-Rebecca Wehnersection edited by Alyssa YoungVoting is extremely important. In our government structure voting is the only way we get our voices heard. People voting in this so important especially in the current stages of our society because America is more diverse than ever before and we the people need to see representation that reflects our population to ensure that all voices are represented and being heard. If our society is going to make any changes it is vital that this election is an accurate representation of our views and values as a society. This could behuge for big movements like Black Lives Matter Movements and the Women's Rights Movement as well. Hopefully, everyone does use their vote so that we can actually have a well-represented government. However, if this doesn't happen then it could be a turn for the worst in our government.It is our duty to make the world a better place and let ourvoices be heard. We need to vote for people that careabout our rights and not what they want for this country.We need people who know what they are doing. We needpeople who will help us make the world a better place forus and our children. -Samantha RobinsonIn our government structure, voting is the only way we getour voices heard. America is more diverse than ever beforeand we need representation that reflects our population toensure that all voices are represented and heard. This couldbe huge for big movements like Black Lives Matter and forwomen's rights. Hopefully, everyone does use their vote sothat we can actually have a well-represented government. If this doesn't happen then it could be a turn for the worst inour government.-Dia Arias

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Climate change is a long term shift in temperatures andweather patterns. These can be natural, such as throughvariations in the solar cycle. It is important to be awareof this impact because it will affect all of us and futuregenerations. This is why our PSA brings awareness ofwhat is really happening in the world.PSA by BeyhanGonzalez, CarleighEsposito, KaylahSheppard

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Victoria GonzalezLeadership and Organizational StudiesMajorYadilette Rivera-ColónI'm 100% Puerto Rican. This monthmeans everything!What Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month means to the Bay Path communityI personally do not like the Latinx term as is not something that canbe said in Spanish. Being Hispanic and Latina is important to me tocelebrate my heritage and also recognize the history of oppressionas well as the different shapes it can take in the present day. Latinxseems imposed on Hispanic people from the English language.Hispanic countries have already used a different term, Latine,which can be pronounced in Spanish. It can also be used withwords that have gender, for example, "Le persone" and "les niñes". Celebrating heritage is important especially when we want to learnabout each other and how different cultures have differentperspectives on current social issues. It is important that wecelebrate our differences and embrace them.section edited by Julia DeRidder and Alyssa Young(continued on next page)Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated annually from September15 to October 15. Although this edition is published after the endof that time period, the Network News still wanted to celebrateour Hispanic/Latinx Bay Path community members. For a briefhistory of the month, refer to the September/October 2o22edition of the Network News.Source: Yadilette Rivera-ColónSource: Victoria GonzalezAssistant Professor of Biology /Undergraduate Science Research Coordinator

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Jami WitherellEd.S in Reading SpecialityThe gift of SIGHT and song. As an adoptee from Chile, myLatinX heritage is a piece of me that never had a lot of spacegrowing up. To celebrate in song, dance, food, and being seenby others, is one of those gifts that has radically altered my lifeas an adult learner. These are gifts I hope we continue to sharewith each other and that I gladly share with my 2nd-gradelearners. This month we learn Somos El Barco, sung in bothEnglish and Spanish.I am Chileana, adopted from Santiago, Chile at age 3. Myadoptive family is steeped in European cultures (Rev. NathanialWitherell rode the Mayflower.)(continued on next page)Source: Jami Witherell Source: Alexa Estrada-Caceres Alexa Estrada-CaceresEarly Childhood Education MajorTo me, Latinx Heritage Month feels like a time to share andlearn. A lot of times there seems to be the generalizedmisconception that everyone they meet who is Latino is alsoMexican, which isn't true and is something I find frustrating. Italso shows how much information is lacking when there is talkof cultural and ethnic backgrounds. I find being able to sharewith others and even explain different aspects of my own cultureto be both satisfying and rewarding. Every Latinx/Hispanicculture is beautiful and important, and dedicating a month of theyear to learning about different aspects of it highlights theimportant of diversity.I am Guatemalan-American. Both of my parents were born andraised in Guatemala and I also have dual citizenship as aGuatemalan-American. My family has lived in Guatemala longenough to have roots in the Yucatan Peninsula, with a probableconnection to the Maya civilization. I was raised by my mother inLos Angeles, California and still live here to this day.

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Source: Jaileen AguilarTo me, Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month is all about Latinx peoplehonoring our history and showing our pride.As an Afro-Indigenous Latin Caribbean, my cultural backgroundstems from the Dominican Republic where there is both Spaniardand African cultures historically present. For me, this month isabout being proud of our culture. It's the food and the dancing andthe time to reflect and honor our ancestors. I am a proud Boricua. For me, Latinx Heritage Month is atime for celebration, acknowledgment, appreciation, and lovefor my culture and other cultures. I love being Latina andbeing able to celebrate it. It is a great time to highlight LatinXpeople and celebrate them. To me, Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month means a month of all thehistory of Latinx/Hispanics.My cultural background is Puerto Rican. My mom and dad andpretty much all my family were born there. I, however, was born inSpringfield, Massachusetts so this technically makes me Americanbut of Latinx descent.Khyarah Gastón FelicianoEducation MajorJaileen AguilarInterior Design MajorSource: Khyarah Gastón Feliciano Dia Almonte AriasCommunications MajorSource: Dia Almonte Arias

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And more!Town Hall Family and Friends Day Bay Path's new app Decolonizing Storytelling

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HOW TO BEA TRANS ALLYUse the right name and pronouns. If you're unsure what touse and you're in a safe environment, ask! A good default isthey/them, but not everyone will want you to use thosepronouns for them.Avoid gendered language. Instead of using genderedterms when addressing groups of people, try for agender-neutral term instead.Don't assume someone's gender. Just because theymay look to be a certain gender, doesn't mean theyactually are that gender. It's good to double-check!If it's safe to do so, correct people when they misgendersomeone. People are likely to make mistakes, and that'sokay! Just politely but firmly remind them, without making abig deal out of it.Listen to the transgender person, above all. Everyone hasdifferent needs and different ideas of what a "good ally" is tothem--just make sure you listen when a trans person tells yousomething!According to the Trevor Project, "42% of LGBTQ youth seriouslyconsidered attempting suicide in the past year, including morethan half of transgender and nonbinary youth." It is moreimportant than ever that we support the transgender community,to help lower these tragic statistics and ensure that these peopleknow they are loved.Genderqueer on Campusby Virgil Lybarger"Hey ladies." "Thank you, miss." "Can she scanagain?" I've heard all these things said to me or aboutme in the last year or so on campus. People don'treally think twice about it--they just say it. We're an"all women's" school: woman's in the name.I am not a woman. I think if I have to hear someonerefer to me as such one more time, I might scream.Bay Path University is praised for being progressivewhereas other schools are not. We're a safe haven forwomen, certainly, and we provide a level of securityand encouragement for women that other places lack,but the fact of the matter is that Bay Path is not an"all women's" campus anymore. It hasn't been for awhile now.By accepting nonbinary, genderqueer, and other suchtransgender-identifying individuals into thiscommunity, Bay Path has given up its "all women's"branding: but the culture on campus refuses to do thesame. I've had many professors default to calling meby she/her pronouns, even after I've told themotherwise--and that isn't a dig at their character, moreso an observation of our school and its culturesurrounding gender itself. We are rooted in thefeminine, and I do believe it is important toremember those roots. It is important to empowernew generations of curious and ambitious women.But it is also important to empower students thatidentify beyond the gender binary. I, myself, am oneof those students, and I am not feminine in any way.I dislike presenting myself as female and usemasculine terms and pronouns to refer to myself.It is a drastic change to alter the school's branding insuch a way, but it's one I and so many othertransgender and transmasculine students on campusagree on. We are not women, and we would like tobe treated as such.And it all starts here: with you.Read more here:

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Tough topics discussed at Town Hall“I feel unheard.”“Black students' voices on this campus are constantly silenced.”“How are our new core values implemented?”These statements were placed around the room at BayPath’s Town Hall on October 26. The event wasmoderated by the SGA president Julia Dudek and hadfifteen staff and faculty members in person and onZoom answering questions posed by the audience. Four main themes of the evening emerged: equity,accessibility, gender inclusivity, and the controversialstudent government elections. In person panelists. Source: Julia DeRidderby Julia DeRidderEquityCommuter lounge: On October 14, the commuterlounge was moved to Helliwell to make room for thenew food pantry. Commuter students felt “stuffed in arandom classroom,” which reportedly echoes, is muchsmaller, and doesn’t have adequate food storage. Facultyresponded that Helliwell was found to be the best fit aftera survey, but that they are willing to revisit it.Food pantry: Booking an appointment for the foodpantry was reported to be uncomfortable, as well as theidea that their peers would be working at the pantry.Faculty responded that the booking is only temporary togather data, and Dean Moore said she would take theobjection to student employees into consideration.Microaggressions: Students asked howmicroaggressions are being addressed on campus and how Bay Path is working to deconstruct racial bias.President Doran responded, “We look to you to shapethese conversations for us to address authentically andwith intentionality.” Another panelist said that there isan art to facilitating such conversations, and that theyare in the works.AccessibilityMobility: Several students brought up the fact that thecampus is not accessible to people with limitedmobility, such as the steep hill to Carr Hall and the factthat there are few elevators on campus. Peter Testoriand other faculty members acknowledged this struggleand asked for patience, explaining that they don’t havethe funds to make the campus more accessible and thatmany of the buildings are old. Accommodations: Despite having accommodations forlimited mobility, a student reported a professorthreatened to fail them because there have been dayswhen they haven't been physically able to make it toclass. Faculty members were appalled, and PresidentDoran instructed the student to speak to her personallyto rectify the situation.Gender inclusivityLanguage: The inaccuracy of being called a "woman'scollege" was brought to the stage. President Doranexplained that anyone who was assigned female at birthor identifies as female is allowed to apply to Bay Path.She likened it to historically Black colleges changingtheir admissions process to accepting non-Blackstudents: “as they evolve, so must we.” (continued on next page)

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Miscellaneous topicsEportfolio: No longer required for students to graduate Dining hall: Student taste testing is about to beimplementedVaccines: The COVID task force is still following theguidelines of the CDCInadequate heating in the dorms: Heating will belooked into by maintenancePresident Doran. Source: Julia DeRidderGender inclusivity, cont.WELL name change: Faculty reminded the audiencethat the name change from Women as EmpoweredLearners and Leaders is rolling out in the spring. Thedelay is due to federal policy. “This came out as agrassroots movement of students,” Gretchen Heatonsaid. She asserted that they are trying their best to movein the right direction. Technology: The new app doesn't allow name changes,and professors oftentimes don't ask or don'tacknowledge correct pronouns, students told the panel.They were assured that IT is working on making allsystems across campus available to change yourpronouns and names, which they have been beta testingwith students. They also asked for flexibility and grace,admitting that they aren’t a perfect university. PeterTestori said his door is always open to discuss suchissues on campus. Student governmentDiscussion of election fraud: For the past six months,there has been controversy surrounding the studentelections, which some suggested had been rigged.Students announced that they were still concerned aboutthe integrity of the elections, and felt that the Blackcommunity on campus hadn't been listened to. Dean Moore reminded the audience that an investigationinto the election had been conducted, which found thatthere was no fraud. Students responded that they stillwanted reelection, especially considering the lack ofdiversity in SGA. One student said, “One POC advocateon the board is not POC representation.” Respect: Another student passionately reported thatthey had been given the runaround, and had not beenlistened to by Dean Moore, to which Dean Moorefervently responded was not the case. “As a person ofcolor, first-generation Haitian, first-generation graduatestudent, Dean of Students– we weren’t trying to hurtyou,” she promised. She asked for respect and said that“We knew no decision would make everyone happy.”One audience member previously in the SGA cameforward and admitted that they felt attacked at a campus meeting earlier this semester. Throughout the evening, panelists thanked students forusing their voices to better the Bay Path community.As the event drew to a close, President Doranpromised to host more frequent town halls. Studentsare sure to keep track of what parts of their requestshave been met, and what parts still need to beadvocated for.

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The day started off at 11 AM with a food truck parkedoutside of Wright Hall. At 1 PM, students could checkout the new commuter lounge located in the HelliwellConference Room inside the Breck Fitness Center.Also at 1 PM, alumni were given various awards foroutstanding things they have done for the school or thecommunity. Around 1:45 PM, students were invited to a ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new food pantry located in theprevious commuter lounge. On a sunny October afternoon, Bay Path hosted itsannual Friends and Family Day. This event was forincoming or prospective students to see the campus,get a feel for college life and ask questions to currentstudents. The event also happened to feature somealumni from the college as well. At 2 PM, there was a pumpkin painting event hostedby the Student Government Association. Throughoutthe day tours were led by students so incoming firstyears had an idea of what living on campus is like. Ribbing cutting ceremony of the new food pantrySource: Samantha RobinsonRoary trying to "eat" Ansley MorrisonSource: Samantha Robinsonby Samantha Robinson Reunion/Friends and Family Day

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As some may know, Bay Path introduced a newapp on September 26, 2022. It was created sopeople can gather information about what’s goingon around campus as well as keep track of theirown events and assignments on the app.According to the Bay Path’s Office of Analytics& Innovative Technology via email, “BPUCommunity will be your one-stop-shopconnecting you with the people, information,systems, and updates you’ll need to succeed atBay Path University.” This way, past and currentstudents as well as staff and faculty can keep upwith what’s going on without having to go tomultiple different places before findingeverything they need.In the spring of 2023, the Office of Analytics &Innovative Technology plans to have a desktopapplication released to take the place of thecurrent My Bay Path Portal. It will have furthertraining and times to give feedback to helpimprove both platforms.Since the launch of this app, not many have usedit. I was put into two groups automatically, and Ithink others were as well. Not many people haveposted in these groups at all (at the time ofwriting) and the events haven’t been updatedrecently. However, new features are still beingincorporated. With all of the information providedabout this app, it will soon be the standardtechnology people at Bay Path use! Side bar on the student version of the BPU Community app. Source: Julia DeRidderWhat's hAPPening on campus?by Carleigh EspositoBay Path launches new app, "BPU Community"

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Several attendees expressed grief for indigenouscommunities throughout the event, but there werealso moments of joy and catharsis. Individualsspoke lovingly of their homes and the land andwater surrounding them, from Puerto Rico toArizona, to Connecticut and beyond. “Colonialism has harmed everyone,” Emistated. It is through intentional processes likethese that we can work to decolonize ourmindsets and our stories. Before the Q & A section and the end of theevent, participants were separated into breakoutrooms, where they discussed what they asindividuals and Bay Path as a whole can do todisrupt settler-colonial culture. Answers includedinviting more indigenous people to speak andteach on campus, planting native seeds, doingyour own research instead of expecting others toteach you, and dedicating articles in the NetworkNews to local indigenous culture and events. Emi Aguilar was the facilitator of the workshopDecolonizing Storytelling. They took audiencemembers through the process of reframing thenatural world and their own personal narratives.Through a mixture of lecturing, onlineexploration, and discussion, the Bay Pathcommunity members in attendance left with apoetry-like self-narrative and a deeperunderstanding of the importance of decolonization.Emi asked a number of thought-provokingprompts throughout the evening using Jamboard,starting with “How do you nurture yourrelationship with lands and water?” Audiencemembers were able to answer as they feltcomfortable– through text, words, pictures, orvideo. Decolonizing Storytelling, an evening with Emi Aguilarby Julia DeRidderEmi Aguilar. Source: Julia DeRidderEmi (they/she) introduced themself as queer,Coahuiltecan, and an educator, who grew up inArizona and New York. This is her tenth yearteaching, and they have an MFA in Drama andTheatre for Youth and Communities, a BFA inTheater, and a BA in Literature. They can befound on Instagram @indigenizingartsedEmi shared the link, Native-Land, a website thatallows users to find out what land indigenouscommunities originally resided on. They gaveattendees ten minutes to explore the map, andshare what they found on the Jamboard. Colonialism: the policy or practice of acquiring fullor partial political control over another country,occupying it with settlers, and exploiting iteconomically. Decolonization: refers to 'writing back' against theongoing colonialism and colonial mentalities thatpermeate all institutions and systems ofgovernment

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Wildcats vs SUNY Fighting Tigers: a real nail biter!by Samantha Robinson On Thursday, Oct 6, 2022, our Wildcatsvolleyball team took on SUNY Cobleskill in whatwould be a nail-biter of a game. The Wildcats hada lot of support from the school, including ourvery own mascot, Roary the Wildcat. Roary gotthe crowd going with chanting and cheering. OurWildcats put up a good fight but unfortunatelywent on to lose in the fifth set. They had won thefirst set but the Fighting Tigers would take thenext two sets. Lilly Kibbe sent the game to a fifthset. The Fighting Tigers though would take thegame in the final set with a final score of 15-8sending the Fighting Tigers to victory. Due to unseen circumstances, the season has come to anend. However, the Wildcats should be commended onhaving a good season. The record for the Wildcats thisseason is 8 wins, 15 losses for a percentage of 0.348%. #12 Beyhan Gonzalez and #2 Zylasia Knighton getting ready toset the ball.Source: Samantha RobinsonPictured far left:Our very own mascot, Roary. Source: Samantha RobinsonRoary. Source: Samantha Robinson

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Our Bay Path University Wildcats softball team hasstrongly kicked off their fall off-season with a two-hour blended practice of team introductions,conditioning, defense, and offense. From their firstmeeting of the season on September 20, 2022, theyhave been working hard for hours each day on thefield, in the cage, and in the weight room to train fortheir upcoming spring season in 2023. The youngteam is currently composed of two seniors, threejuniors, five sophomores, and eight first-yearstudents who are eager to work together for successthis spring. Our ten returning upperclassmen played their firstseason together just last year, after the Universityheld two consecutive years without a softball seasondue to the COVID-19 pandemic. The youngathletes, recruited from various states such as Bay Path Softball on the riseby Madisyn Vera Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, RhodeIsland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Arizona, andColorado, have extensive and varying experiencesin the world of softball, with many loving andplaying the sport for over a decade thus far. With great high-school achievements from our firstyears and strong 2022 statistics from our returners,a victorious 2023 season is to be expected fromthe Wildcats. On top of this, the versatility of theteam is a huge benefit, with many utility playerswho can help the team come up with the mostsuccessful defenses and offensive lineups. Eachplayer's varying strengths will combine with theothers to blend into clean plays, moving runners,timely hits, and great teamwork on the field thisspring; it will be exciting to watch and you will notwant to miss it!Source: Madisyn Vera(continued on next page)

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Source: Daisy Guzman Daisy Guzman, senior, had a strong defensive andoffensive season as a junior last year batting .444AVG with a .557 OBP, 18 RBIs, and earning MostValuable Defensive Player of the 2022 year for herstrong abilities pitching, catching, at first base,second base, and in the outfield! Madisyn Vera, sophomore, earned MostValue Offensive Player of the 2022 Yearwith 28 hits, the team’s record last year,12 of which were 2Bs and 1 of whichwas a home run. She also put up greatRBIs, 15.Brooke Evanchak, sophomore, put up 13 RBIsover 15 hits last season! Emma Scheeren, a speedy and strong switchhitter, had 22 hits in her sophomore season lastyear, two of which were home runs, and had 8stolen bases! Source: Madisyn VeraSource: Samantha RobinsonSource: Madisyn Vera

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On a brisk and sunny Saturday evening theSpringfield Thunderbirds opened their 2022-2023season against the Bridgeport Islanders. Theevening started at 4 PM with a pre-game blockparty hosted by MGM Springfield. Fans couldlisten to music, try free food and drink, and havefun before the game. After the block party fanshurried into the Thunderdome for the game.Before the game started, fans got to meet the2022-2023 Springfield Thunderbirds team alongwith the coaching staff. After the introduction ofthe team, fans witnessed something that willforever hold a place in the Thunderdome, theunveiling of the 2021-2022 Eastern ConferenceChampions Banner. Then it was game time infront of a sellout crowd of 6,793 screamingThunderbirds fans. There was no scoring in thefirst period, but the only power play went toBridgeport. In the second half of the opening frame,Bridgeport was able to get one by Joel Hofer tomake it a 1-0 game at the 12:06 mark of theopening frame. Springfield Thunderbirds open their 2022-2023 season with an unforgettable sight to seeby Samantha RobinsonThe 2021-2022 Eastern ConferenceChampions BannerSource: Samantha RobinsonSome T-Birds players looking at the Eastern Conference Banner.Source: The AHL websiteUnfortunately for the T-Birds, the Islanders wereable to make it a 2-0 game after 20 minutes ofplay. That would be short-lived, because just 16seconds into the 3rd and final period theIslanders would score again making it 3-0.However, the Thunderbirds weren’t ready towave the white flag yet. At the 2:59 mark of thethird period, Matthew Highmore got a wonderfulpass from Nikita Alexandrov to score for the T-Birds putting Bridgeport up by two goals. Butthen on a T-Birds power play, Mathias Lafferrierwould get a beautiful pass from NikitaAlexandrov and Matt Kessel to score for the T-Birds putting them one goal behind the Islandersin the final period of play. Unfortunately, thoughthe T-Birds were unable to tie the game sendingthe Islanders home with a win on what was anoutstanding night for T-Birds fans.

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Here's WhatWe're WatchingShows and movies we've been streaming all month long!(continued on next page)Abbott Elementary (2021)Source: IMDbAbbott Elementary, created and starring actress, writerand comedian Quinta Brunson, follows teachers in anunderfunded public school in Philadelphia, PA. Theshow is mockumentary style and very heavily resemblesthat of The Office and Parks and Recreation. It featuresfamous faces like Tyler James Williams from EverybodyHates Chris and Lisa Ann Walter from the 1998 filmParent Trap.If there is one show I could suggest to people in today'sworld, it would have to be Abbott Elementary. Thisfresh, new show is premiering its second season rightnow weekly on ABC. The first season of Abbott brokerecords with its amount of viewers and even wonmultiple Emmy awards. It is hilarious, relatable and veryrepresentative of public education in the U.S. -Alyssa YoungSee How They Run (2022)Saoirse Ronan rarely misses, and she isdefinitely one of the highlights of the goofymovie See How they Run. This spoof on thewhodunit genre is an enjoyable watch, althoughnot very memorable. The bright color palletteand not-quite-authentic outfits make it appealingon the senses. I'd definitely recommend if you'relooking for an easy movie but still want to beentertained.-Julia DeRidderSource: IMDb

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The Covenant (2006)Source: Sony PicturesThe Covenant is a 2006 SCFI-Fantasy movieabut four warlocks Caleb, Reid, Tyler andPouge. These boys are not your averageteenagers. They all have something thatmakes them special.-- the "Power". Thismovies also stars Sebastian Stan as ChaseCollins a new boy in Ipswich. This movie isdefiantly one to watch if you like warlocksand magic. I highly recommend this movie. Ihave seen it myself over a dozen times. -Samantha RobinsonThe Muppet Show (1976)An oldie but a goodie, The Muppet Show stillholds up today, in my opinion. The storylineis simple but charming--Kermit and hisfellow Muppets put on a vaudeville show intheir theater, bringing in celebrity guestsfrom the time period for each episode.It's a pleasant snapshot into the past, and thejokes--while corny--all land without missinga beat. There's humor for kids and adultsalike--I totally understand why it'sconsidered such a classic. - Virgil LybargerSource: IMDB

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Current Events &Social Justice This section may contain sensitive content, including discussionsaround natural disasters, microaggressions, and police brutality.This is a recurring section of the Bay Path Network News. A variety ofsocial issues have been and will continue to be discussed, such asminority recognition, gender equality, the Black Lives Mattermovement, global issues, and so much more.Source: CanvaSource: Public Domain Pictures

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This article was debutedon our Instagram,@bpu_networknews.Follow us for access toexclusive content andupdates in betweenpublications.Rishi Sunak becomes British prime minister afterLiz Truss resignsby Rebecca WehnerThe United Kingdom has faced a whirlwind ofchanges in the past few months, with shifts inleadership and policy that has brought uncertainty tothe citizens affected. Not even two months after LizTruss was sworn in as prime minister, she left herposition and was promptly replaced by fellowConservative Party member Rishi Sunak. On September 5, former Foreign Secretary Liz Trusswas elected through a runoff party leadership election.From the beginning Truss was adamant in her beliefthat she would put together and release a plan tocombat the country's energy bills and high cost ofliving. The tax cuts that Truss' team rolled out took anegative toll when it was meant to do the opposite,resulting in a pileup of debt within the government.Only weeks after Truss defended her plan despitebacklash, the government chose to reverse the tax-cutsand formally apologized for the consequences. On September 20, Truss made a public announcementdeclaring her resignation, saying that she could notremain in her position after failing to deliver herpromises to her party and nation. Five days later, lessthan 200 lawmakers of the Conservative Party appointedRishi Sunak to take her place as prime minister. Trussnow stands as the shortest running prime minister inEngland's history, and Sunak has quickly vowed to undoher mistakes. While Sunak makes history as the firstAsian prime minister of England, many citizens worrythat his extreme wealth detaches him from the needs ofthe people. His policies mirror those of former primeminister Boris Johnson, who was often criticized by hishuman rights stances. The UK's position in the world islikely to change in the coming years with a new leaderwho says he is here to stay.Liz Truss. Source: FlickrRishi Sunak. Source: Flickr

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What is the Transgender Day of Remembrance?by Virgil LybargerNovember 13 - November 19: Transgender Awareness WeekNovember 20: Transgender Day of RemembranceTransgender Awareness Week, the week leadingup to the Transgender Day of Remembrance, is aweek where transgender people and allies bringattention to the community and attempt toeducate the public about transgender issues. It isa week to share stories and experiences and tocelebrate the transgender identity. It is alsomeant to bring attention to the problems thecommunity faces, such as prejudice,discrimination, and violence--all things thatcontinue to this day.So take a moment during this week to learnabout the transgender community and itsstruggles, and keep the memory of those whohave been lost, alive.There are many places you can go online tolearn more about the transgender community andthe Transgender Day of Remembrance, such asGLAAD, the Trevor Project, and GLSEN, toname a few.The community has made great strides in recentyears, with more rights and recognition than everbefore--but we can always do better, and thatstarts here with you.Reduce hatred and discrimination, one person ata time, and together we can make the world asafer and kinder place for transgender people,and the queer community as a whole.Falling on November 20, the Transgender Dayof Remembrance is meant to honor those whohave been killed by violence against thetransgender community. According to GLAAD,2021 was one of the most deadly years for thetrans community, with at least 45 transgenderpeople killed--the majority of which being Blackor Latinx.

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Unarmed teenager Erik Cantushot by police officer in Texas by Rebecca WehnerSource: Canva.A young man suffers in critical condition aftera San Antonio police officer shot him in aMcDonald's parking lot. While the victim wasunarmed and seemingly no threat to the officer,there is still speculation surrounding thecircumstances of the night.On October 2, 17-year-old Erik Cantu wasordered out of his vehicle by Officer JamesBrennand. Brennand responded to adisturbance call in the area nearby, which wasunrelated to Cantu's vehicle. According to thedepartment's training commander, the officerrecognized the license plate on Cantu's car asnot correlating with the actual vehicle model,and went to check it out in the McDonald's lot.When asked to step out of his car, Cantu wasunarmed and eating a burger. Despite this, hewas shot multiple times by Brennand whoclaimed that Cantu attempted to harm him.Brennand stated in the early period of theinvestigation that Cantu had previously evadedgetting pulled over for his license and that onthe night of the shooting he was almost hit byCantu's car door and felt threatened. He wasstill on his probationary period as a policeofficer, meaning he was still in his "training"period when the incident occurred.Cantu has been on life support in the hospitalsince he was shot, and had four bulletsremoved from his body. After the shooting,Brennand was fired from his position at thePolice Department. The chief of police made apublic statement condemning Brennand'sactions and vows to continue the investigationfor more information. Many have taken tosocial media to provide support for Cantu andhis family during this difficult time.

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Supporters of potential climate reparation argue that itwould allow for better infrastructure to preparecountries for global warming. It would also help payfor climate refugee supplies such as medicine andmosquito netting. Opponents state that this is unrealistic without specificclimate change classifications and a way to make surethe money is in the right hands.The United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP27), which will be held from November 6-18 inEgypt, is expected to hear from Pakistan and othercountries about climate reparations.Other coastal countries around the world will continueto be faced with increasingly horrific natural disastersas a result of climate change. In the meantime,Pakistan continues to rebuild its country and recoverfrom the losses exacerbated by the actions takenby other countries.Pakistan's flooding and climate reperationsPakistan only emits 0.8% ofglobal carbon but isdisproportionately affected byclimate change. This summer, as a result of climate change, Pakistanfaced 800% more torrential rain than predicted,leading to cataclysmic floods which left one-third ofthe country under water. Agriculture, infrastructure,and ways of life were destroyed. Now, as the floodwaters drain into the Indus River, cholera, malaria,dengue fever, and other waterborne and mosquito-carried illnesses are taking over the country.According to UNICEF, 5.5 million Pakistanis don’thave access to safe drinking water. This tragedy has rekindled the conversation of climate reparations. If these measures wereimplemented, it would mean that the biggest globalemitters of carbon should be providing monetarycompensation to countries disproportionately affectedby climate Julia DeRidderThe cost of climate changein Pakistan:1,700 people dead9 million people displaced2 million homes destroyed1.7 m of rainfallSources: The AtlanticUNICEF

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Attorney General's plan tocombat climate changeby Alyssa YoungMassachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey,running for Governor of Massachusetts thisNovember, announced on September 21, 2022, thatthe state would join 17 other states as well asWashington DC and New York City in an agreementon climate change. The agreement is with the BidenAdministration’s Department of Energy, which"updates energy efficiency standards for 20 categoriesof common consumer products and commercialequipment." Experts estimate this to allow people to save "morethan $600 billion on their utility bills by 2050 andavoid more than 90 million metric tons of greenhousegas emissions annually by 2040." This step towardsfighting climate change will be beneficial to theAmerican people as well as the environment.Specifically in MA, "residents will incur lower coststo power their appliances and will help the state meetits long-term emissions reduction goals." This move could prove beneficial to Healey as sheruns for the position of Governor of Massachusetts onNovember 8, as it shows her priorities andattentiveness to subjects like climate change.This decision comes after the Trump Administration'sDepartment of Energy was criticized heavily for"failing to comply with deadlines for updating energyefficiency standards for a range of product categoriesset by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of1975 (EPCA)" Source: Wikimedia CommonsThe EPCA requires that the Department ofEnergy "periodically review and revise theseefficiency standards to ensure they are set at themaximum technically feasible, and cost-effective efficiency level." Due to theDepartment not meeting these deadlines, thecoalition claimed the Administration had"deprived American families of the benefits oflower energy bills, a more reliable electricitygrid, and reduced emissions of dangerous airpollutants." Source: Mass.Gov

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Nowadays, we are extraordinarily dependent on theinternet for information in our daily lives. However,does that information always give us the right answers?Some resources tend to provide us with certaininformation depending on our formulated question.Therefore the data we get is not constantly relevant.Instead, we should lean more on libraries.Public libraries play a fundamental role in supportingeducation. They offer endless resources to visitors,including academic materials, training, and scientificarticles. Furthermore, numerous posted researchshowed that public libraries had incredible educationalimportance in every community. Libraries, whichhouse centuries of learning, information, history, andtruth are important defenders in the fight againstmisinformation. A library is a very useful platform thatbrings people who are willing to learn together. People go to libraries not only looking for information,but also for finding themselves and their communities.In addition, it helps us expand our knowledge. Thisplays an important role in the personal growth anddevelopment of a person. By providing free access toeducational news and historical resources, librarieshelp keep the public aware of facts. SOURCE: Do they cite their sources? If so, whatare their sources? Infographics on Instagram. Three-minute TikTokvideos. Retweeting a line from an article.There are many ways to spread information on theinternet these days. It has allowed social justicemovements to mobilize, lowered barriers to mentalhealth help, and created lasting communities. However, misinformation comes at a cost to thesebenefits.Here are some questions to ask yourself before youspread misinformation, too. Misinformation: False information that is spread,regardless of whether there is intent to misleadConfirmation bias: Bias that results from thetendency to process and analyze information in such away that it supports one’s preexisting ideas andconvictionsHelpful (and entertaining) websites: Fakey — a game created by Indiana University that letsyou practice judging what is or isn’t misinformation Ad Fonts Media— a chart showing where news sourcesrank on reliability and bias All Sides — compares news headlines from the Left,Center, and Right Important definitionsSources: Cast The Conversation Combatting misinformationby Julia DeRidderLibraries are essentialby Beyhan GonzalezVULNERABILITY: Am I in an emotional placeright now? Am I experiencing confirmation bias?PROFIT: Is this source trying to sell me something? TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE: Is the source claimingto fix a complex problem? Are they claiming theyalone have the answer, or that they've uncovered an obscure fact?LANGUAGE: Are there typos in their posts? Doesthe language they use seem inflammatory? Is the headline sensational?

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MAKING A DIFFERENCE THIS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTHSteps to Become the BestSupporter You Can! Educate Yourself On:The BRCA geneMyths and facts about breast cancerStories of those who survived or lost someoneHow treatment may affect the body and mindHow to talk about Breast Health 1.a.b.c.d.e.and moreHealth and Wellness SectionOne of the most harmful things we can do to thosewho are diagnosed with breast cancer is to remainuneducated. Being on top of the myths and factsregarding breast cancer, and advocating for the facts,can make a huge difference in the lives of those livingwith it. Whether you are a survivor yourself, knowsomeone who is, have lost someone from it, or haveno personal connection at all, empowerment throughknowledge and education is key to being the mostsupportive during every month, not just Breast CancerAwareness month. Education is important, but participating andinvolving yourself in community volunteer work,fundraisers, and sharing your breast cancer story canall be huge ways to demonstrate support for thoseundergoing treatment. 2. Get Involved: a. Share your story b. Volunteer in your community c. Raise funds through advocacy d. Share the facts to educate others3. Remember that EVERY month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month: a. The support is needed year-round! b. Keep up with Breast Cancer news c. Keep yourself and others healthy and happy!1 in 81 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetimeBreast cancer affects Breast cancer affects men men as well, with an estimated as well, with an estimated 2,170 diagnoses2,170 diagnoses in 2022 in 202230%30% of all cancer diagnoses in women are of all cancer diagnoses in women are breast cancerbreast cancerThe risk for breast cancer among trans men and AFAB nonbinary people isThe risk for breast cancer among trans men and AFAB nonbinary people isnot well understoodnot well understood.. Did you know?Did you know?For more information and ways to become an advocate, visit more information and ways to become an advocate, visit Hailey Lenski

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Access tocareCVS MinuteClinicoffers manyaccessiblehealthcareappointments fromgetting birthcontrol &pregnancy testingto STI testing &treatment.*Lower costsCVS has decidedto reduce the costof CVS Healthbrand menstrualproducts by 25%at most locationsas well as coveringthe taxes on allmenstrual productsin every locationpossible,*Equal pricingCVS hascommitted to priceequity on 'mens'and 'women's'products such asrazors, as they putit: "After all, awoman’s razor…is just a razor."*Period Wellness Prioritizedby Alyssa YoungWhen you work for the same place for 4 years, as Ihave at CVS, you become used to the performativeactions companies do to pretend they "care." That'swhy it is refreshing to see a company actually takeaction. On October 5, CVS announced that they aretaking the initiative to provide "easier access toservices and products that help support women's mentaland physical well-being."*The company recently went through a change inCEO as we gained a new face of the company,Karen Lynch. She seemingly has great ideas abouthow CVS can improve its mission to help people ontheir path to better health. These benefits of CVS'srecent initiative will prove to be beneficial to manycommunities and people nationwide:*Information from CVS Health*CVS chose to use'women' over'menstruatingpeople.

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Does this semester have you feeling a tadoverwhelmed? Are you having a hard time managingassignments and self-care? Finding time to manageyour academics and busy schedules can leave you a bitstressed. It's essential to be aware of some physicalsigns of stress: Low energy levels, headaches,stomachaches and nausea, insomnia, chest pains,frequent colds or other illnesses, shaking or sweatinghands, and more. Although these side effects may varyfrom student to student, a few psychological effectsmay include depression, anxiety, concentration,feelings of irritability, anger, hostility, or frustration.4. Purchase a plannerPlanners are a great way to feel on top of assignmentsor tasks. Sometimes just having something to cross offwhen you've finished can be very beneficial. Schedulesomething fun to do, too.5. Practice self-careSelf-care is so important. Remind yourself that it'sokay to take homework and study breaks. Try readinga book, doing your nails, meeting with friends,binging some Netflix, or whatever works for you. Trynot to put your self-care on the back burner.6: Prioritize sleepWe all know getting a good 7-8 hours can be hard.However, prioritizing your sleep will be so beneficialin reducing these stress symptoms and starting yourday strong. 1. Practice Healthy EatingStarting your day off with a healthy breakfast can beessential in managing a few of those stress symptoms.Unhealthy food may also add to feelings of stress.2. Get your body movingExercise is one of the biggest stress relievers. Have youhad a chance to check out the Fitness Center oncampus? Even just a 30-minute walk can be beneficialfor relieving stress.3. Lay out your scheduleBefore your week starts, try and preplan what yourschedule will look like for that week. That way, youdon't have any last-minute assignments or studying tofit in. Some weeks may be busier than others, and this way you can feel a little more prepared and ready forthe week to come.Stress Management 101by Marissa DonaldsonSource:UAGC

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Social media influencers promote super greens powders asa tool for weight loss and achieving a flatter stomach. Thismarketing strategy creates the idea that bloating is notnormal and needs to be fixed, portraying flat stomachs asthe necessary standard of beauty. This normalizes the use ofpowders for physical appearance rather than for healthbenefits, if any.PSA by Madisyn Vera,Marissa Donaldson,Arializ Santiago

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CreativeSpotlightTHe Creative Spotlight is asection where we highlightsome of the amazing visualand literary art that ourstudents create. These piecescan range from poetry toillustrations.This month we feature a short story from VirgilLybarger and a poem from Samantha Robinson, and artfrom Mars Gallant. If you wish to have your art,writing, or creative expression featured in the nextissue, please submit to

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Up ahead I see a hill,Up ahead I see a river,Up ahead I see a mountainEach place holds something special.Each place can lead you where you want to go.Each place is a special placeOh No, another hill.What shall I do?This is the start of your journey.Your journey is what you make it.Which path do you take?Do you take the hill path, cross the river, or climb the mountain? That is up to you my friend.This is the start of your journey to find yourself to find your future.Your future is yours to make Nobody can tell you what your future will beThe future is a blank slateThis, my friend, is your future your journeyThe journey is yours to make.The Journeyby Samantha Robinson

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Rabbit's FootThe wind whistles and the red-gold-brown branches of trees all rustle, the creek in the woods across the streetbubbles in the chilled October air, and Millie stands near-barefoot on her cold, dim-lit porch.There’s something haunting about the neighborhood around this time, when the streets and windows are all darksave the porch lights behind her and dotting the houses along the road, and Millie feels like the only person in thewhole wide world as she carts the garbage out to the street, the chill of the sidewalk pressing through the thinsocks she wears. They do little to keep out the cold, and she likes it that way, the reminder that she’s alive: thefact that she’s here, and she feels the cold.She spins on her heel, feels the grating of the sidewalk on the underside of her foot through her threadbare socks.One day she’ll do that and tear the flimsy fabric, but for now it merely twists and holds as she hurriedly dartsacross the concrete. The gate clangs shut before she can catch it, all rattling metal and the thunk of wood onwood. The wooden slats drag on the concrete as she pushes it open again—the old gate had begun to tilt, oneday, listing on its hinges, and nobody had cared enough to fix it. The wood scrapes the stone, an eerie noise thatmakes Millie shiver. Not because it frightens her—on the contrary, it’s almost comforting in its familiarity. Itseems at home, here, in the eerie in between her neighborhood falls into after dark.“Marjorie!” She calls into the dark between her house and the neighbor’s. The old dog doesn’t come. Millie can’tsee her when she goes into the side yard—the black lab blends right in when she’s sniffing around over there.She can hear her sniffing and scuttling, though, and the shuffling of paws in the dirt.“Whatever you’re digging up,” Millie says, picking through the cold grass and watching out for any littlepresents Marjorie may have left behind, “stop it.”She fishes her phone out of the pocket of her overalls, blinded for a brief moment by the screen. Millie turns onthe flashlight, shining it out into the darkness. Marjorie has her nose in the dirt, snuffing like a pig who’s justuncovered a stash of truffles, pawing at the earth and wagging her tail. More blind and deaf than the 16 year oldcat down the street, but her sense of smell is better than ever, Millie supposes. She steps over some leaf litter, reaching down to grab Marjorie’s ratty old blue collar with one hand.“Margie,” she says, “c’mon. Leave it. What are you so interested in, anyways?”The dog looks up at her, wagging her tail and panting, smiling her same old dopey, mostly-toothless grin in theporch light as Millie switches off her flashlight, shoving the old dog back toward the house. “Let’s go in.” Millienudges her again, and Marjorie lopes across the yard, back toward the porch.“Good girl.” As she turns, Millie pauses—the porch light catching on a glimpse of white in the dirt.Continued on next pageby Virgil Lybarger

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Marjorie had found something. She crouches down in the dirt, burying her hand in up to the knuckle, pulling outa gnarled white rabbit’s foot. Frozen where she stands, Millie stares at it—there’s still fur, dirt-stained andmatted, clinging to the padded toes. Short little claws poke out, black and glimmering in the dim light. Millieturns it, eyes wide, studies the grey and pink gristle clinging to the flesh and fur still hanging on for dear life. Ananimal probably ate the rest of it—but the hair on the back of Millie’s neck still rises and bristles.“Gross,” she says over her shoulder. Marjorie just stands there on the porch, wagging her tail.Millie throws the rabbit foot into the garbage can, past the fence. “Absolutely gross, Margie.” She wipes her handon her overalls with a grimace. “Inside, girl.”She goes in, makes sure to wash her hands. The rabbit goes forgotten, and the trash is picked up in the morning.(And in the morning, there is no rabbit’s foot to be found.)

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by Mars GallantIsolated Warlock

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