N E T W O R K N E W S I S B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y ' S S T U D E N T M A G A Z I N E . I T I S P U B L I S H E D O N L I N E B Y T H E B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T N E W S R O O M . D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2Network NewsArt by Cora Swan
Virgil Lybarger '25Graphic Designer, Creative Directorhe/theyZephyr Fleury '25Creative Columnisthe/theyAnissa Nieves '23Creative Columnist she/herRebecca Wehner '24 Current EventsDirectorshe/herfall 2022 Network News TeamJulia DeRidder '23Editorshe/herDia Arias '23Associate Editorshe/herContact us: studentnewsroom@baypath.edujderidder@baypath.edudalmontearias@baypath.eduSamantha Robinson '25Local Events Columnistshe/herAlyssa Young '24Graphic Designer, Creative Columnist she/herCharlize Hernandez '23Creative Columnistshe/herContributors:Khyarah Gastón Feliciano '23Mars Gallant '23Celine Rodriguez '24Bianca Fernandez '25Gabrielle Schneider '25Carleigh Esposito '26 Kaylah Sheppard '26 Cora Swan '23Digital Artist & Art Directorshe/herBAY PATH UNIVERSITYSTUDENT NEWSROOMFall 2022Hailey Lenski '24Creative Columnist,Instagram Managershe/her
C O N T E N T STABLE OFClimate change and NetworkNews Live! special sectionCareers sectionCreative spotlightWhat's happening on campusHere's what we're watchingCurrent events & socialjustice
E D I T O R ’ S N O T EN E T W O R K N E W S I S B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y ' S S T U D E N T M A G A Z I N E . I T I S P U B L I S H E D O N L I N E B Y T H E B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T N E W S R O O M . D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2Network NewsClimate change has been a personal concern of mine since I heard about it in first grade. After reaching out to theBay Path community for their thoughts, it's abundantly clear I’m not the only one who’s passionate about this issue.When Professor Fondon told us that the Network News had been tapped by Longmeadow to assist in a climatechange project, the Bay Path Student Newsroom immediately stepped up to the plate. This edition of the Network News, and Network News Live, directed by Virgil Lybarger, is centered around thiscrisis. Gen Z and millennials alike know that we are the ones who will have to face the most serious consequences ofactions taken by generations before us. It was therefore extremely gratifying to document the concerns of the widercommunity and put our stamp on the environmentalist movement. By looking at our special climate changesection, it is clear to see we have many passionate individuals on campus and off who will do anything they can tomake a change, no matter how incremental.We are a multifaceted magazine, so make sure to check outour other sections. There's surely something for everyone.We also moved the Creative Spotlight up from its usualplace, as we do at the end of each semester.In the spring semester, we will be implementing asection for student voices, a permanent space wherestudents can submit articles or comments on things theycare about. If you’re a student and have any suggestionsor topics you want to be covered, please email me atjderidder@baypath.edu. My primary mission is torepresent you, not the faculty.I hope you all have a relaxing winter break and that you’reable to spend quality time with the people you love. See you in the spring semester!-Julia DeRidderThe cover of the December issue of the Network News, titled "Touch ofHumankind," is a piece inspired by Bay Path University's ClimateChange initiative and illustrated by Cora Swan. This piece ties togetherthe image of a burning hand - a symbol of humanity's impact on theenvironment - with imagery of Earth's different locations and climates.The cover is meant to illustrate humanity's actions as directly tied to theenvironment and the eventual decline of Earth's ecosystems that we needto continue living, and the self destructive nature of our actions. -Cora SwanAbout the cover: "Touch of Mankind"With gratitude...A special thanks to everyone who has contributed tothe success of the Network Newsfor the fall 2022: Professor JanineFondon, Dr. Lisa Ruch, Dr.Courtney Patrick Weber, ElizabethCardona, Dina Moore, andUniversity Communications.
Bay Path Student Newsroom holds fall 2022 awardsby Julia DeRidderStudent newsroom with Senator Eric Lesser. Source: Dr ShabazzAll alumni in the room. Source: Dr Shabazz Select Bay Path community members were invited tothe Fall 2022 Communications award ceremony onDecember 8. Senator Eric Lesser, the guest speaker,informed students how important the communicationsfield is, especially in today's world of misinformation. Professor Janine Fondon kicked off the ceremony bygiving Allison Zaczynski a leadership award for herhelp in the alumni section of the past two seniorjournals. Priscilla Kane Hellweg, of Arts Integration Studio,issued the Fall 2022 'Green Prize' certificates tostudents who worked on the climate change grantproject.The National Association for Multi-ethnic Diversity inthe Communications Industry announced the winner oftheir annual media pitch project, Rebecca Wehner. Dean Moore gave out Student Life awards, followed byMulticultural Affair awards passed out by Elizabeth Cardona. Julia DeRidder presented certificates to students whowent above and beyond in the newsroom. Melissa Wert rounded out the 45-minute event bypresenting certificates from Bay Path's communicationsdepartment.The trailer for the newest Network News Live!, whichcan be viewed in this edition, was broadcasted beforeeveryone departed. Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you fora great semester.
@bpu_networknewsBAY PATHNetwork NewsFollow us onStay updated on new issues,get exclusive content, andget involved!@bpu_networknewsHappy Holidays from the Network News!
Get Involved Now!We want to hear your voice!We are now accepting submissions for the next issue of our onlinemagazine, Network News, until January 24, 2023!Enter event/club flyers, issues you want tosee in our social justice section,visual/written art, or contribute youralumni voices to our future issues. Calling all TAWC (The American Women's College), Undergrad, and Graduate students!This is your time to raise your voices!Contact anyone in the news team or email:Contact anyone in the news team or email:studentnewsroom@baypath.edustudentnewsroom@baypath.edu Network News cover art by Cora Swan
Climate ChangeThe Network News focus on climate change as seen in this special section reflects the work by the Bay Path Student Newsroom. We were invited to support a community-wide digitalstorytelling initiative to share perspectives on climate change and resilience. A special thanks to Holyoke-based Arts Integration Studio and Priscilla Kane Hellweg for directing this project.
Longmeadow High School students, the newsroom team, Bay Pathcommunity members, and citizens from Longmeadow came to BayPath on October 28 to kickstart Longmeadow’s climate perspectivesstorytelling project, made possible through a $235,555 grant the townreceived to combat climate change. Attendees engaged in brainstorming activities that were led by theCEO and Teaching Artist at Arts Integration Studio, Priscilla KaneHellweg. They were encouraged to think of a question, a concern,and a solution surrounding climate change, and then share them withthe people around them. Each table subsequently created a list oftheir most powerful questions and communicated them with thewhole room. The questions were then handed to Professor Fondonand Hellweg, and were eventually formatted into interview questionsthat have been used for the grant project.The event was taped by Longmeadow Community Television andnewsroom members. A representative from WWLP TV 22 Newscame to document the event and grab clips from the audiencemembers. Now over a month from that afternoon, the climate projectis well underway. Please enjoy the Network News Live’s exciting addition to theproject on the following page. Climate change 'storytelling' kickstarted at Bay Path Universityby Julia DeRidderLongmeadow High School studentsbrainstorming. Source: Anissa NievesPriscilla Kane Hellweg.Source: Anissa NievesProfessor Fondon speaking to the room. Source: WWLP
Network News Live!Climate Change: If Not Us, Who Will?The Bay Path Video Production and Broadcast Journalism classes collaborated once again on a videosegment for the newsroom. This video discusses the ramifications of the ongoing climate crisis, andturns to both professionals and ordinary citizens to hear their perspectives. A Note from the Director: Virgil Lybarger '25It has been a pleasure to work on this project for the last fewmonths, alongside the other students in the Video Production andBroadcast Journalism classes. It was a wonderful opportunity, toget to speak with professionals and Longmeadow residents aliketo learn more about the ongoing climate crisis and to spread thisincredibly important message via the video above.I appreciate all of the work my peers have put in over the last fewmonths to make this project what it is, and I hope you all not onlyenjoy the fruits of our labor, but take a moment to think about themessage, as well.
I think climate change will impact thegeneration to come because they will haveto rely on artificial environments to growthe foods we need and have grown to love.Land and homes near bodies of water willgradually shrink and fall underwater as theglaciers continue to melt. The ecosystemwill be altered and some species and insects won't be able to survive under theextreme conditions. --‘Nate PaigeClimate change will result in morehealth problems. My family alreadystruggles with asthma. --Isabella Hinkle I feel that climate change will impact future generationsin the aspect of living conditions. If we keep living theway that we are, climate change will only become afaster and faster appearing issue. If we do not tackle itas soon as we can, it will only get worse. When it doesget worse, people will begin using more heat and a/c.This will result in even more carbon output and we willbe in a detrimental state. We need to learn not tochoose convenience over longevity. Just because fivepeople cannot change the entire climate does not meanthat we don't have the power as a whole to turn thiscrisis around while we still have the chance.--Sara BresciaCertain places will no longer behabitable because of extremetemperatures and flooding. Suchextreme weather conditions willmake collecting resources like crops and fresh waterincreasingly difficult.– Jada HarrisonHow do you think climate change will impactfuture generations?Section edited by Julia DeRidder and Cora SwanThe Newsroom reached out to the Bay Path community, with two yes or no questions and one openresponse: "How do you think climate change will impact future generations?" These are their answers.(Continued on next page)
If corporations and governmentagencies lead the charge inprotecting the environment insteadof protecting their wallets, futuregenerations will be less impacted byclimate change as we move into ahealthier direction for the Earth.--Carly LaskowskiI think that it will, and has been, hitting populationsclose to the equator first with the most severeconditions, which will cause a global migration ofpeople seeking refuge. I think many countries inEurope and the Americas will deny refuge to thesepeople, and I can't say for certain what will happennext. All I can say is that I've decided I don't wantchildren if most of their life is going to be spentevading the climate crisis we created.--Julia BatesSignificantly. If there is no planetthere are no people. The nature weknow today is not the nature of 50years ago nor will it be the nature weknow 50 years from now if we keepon this trajectory. We need to get onthe same page and become lesswasteful and more sustainable as acountry and even more so a planet.-Megan Bleakley RizzoI think that climate change will impact howfuture generations live. So many places areexperiencing changes in climate and peopleare needing to find alternate ways to do dailytasks because of this issue. The waters rising,I think, will impact coastal cities even morethan they already have. Once the water startsaffecting those places, it'll start creepingthrough the lower levels of land and producemore problems for residents there. I'm notsure how fast climate change is going to takeover but I believe that change is constant andwe need to put our best foot forward inprotecting the world not only to build a betterfuture for ourselves, but also for generationsto come.-Carleigh Esposito (Continued on next page)
Future generations are going to be faced with evenmore extreme temperatures and catastrophic eventssuch as droughts and flooding than we have already.This will leave them faced with poverty along withdisease and pollution, which will lower their health.The UN issued a warning that families willeventually be left to choose between starvation andmigration. Our university and community need tostep up to begin working toward contributing to the goal for environmental longevity and a negativecarbon footprint.- Skylar MaeThere is no future if we continue toimpact the environment in so manynegative ways, starting with largecorporations not being heldaccountable. --Julia DudekOur world is slowly dying. Eventuallyour polar bears will die out and ouroceans will flood the land. We will dieoff eventually from our own doing. -Gabby Schneider Climate change will preventthe growth and/or emergenceof future generations.--Allena SmithClimate change will result in a wide array of changes anddangers that we can't yet begin to conceptualize. We havealready seen an uptick in natural disasters includingwildfires, hurricanes, tornados, tropical storms, andflooding. We have seen animals going extinct and becomingendangered, limited natural resources, and lately due toprominent droughts this summer, limited produce such astomatoes and chickpeas. It is hard to truly comprehend howclimate change will affect future generations. However, it islikely that current trends will persist with continued weatherchanges, natural disasters, and limits regarding what we canbuy and eat. We will need to adapt as a society, find betterand safer places to live, update our infrastructure and changewhat we eat based on access. -Sawyer Harris(Continued on next page)
Privilege of denying climate changeby Alyssa YoungMany decide to overlook the scientific facts ofclimate change by saying the natural cycle of theclimate is to warm up, ignoring the speed at whichit is warming, which is the real issue. The "climatemodels that predict global temperature rises" usedby scientists have remained similar for 30 years,only changing in complexity. Ignoring scienceOne largely used excuse for not taking action isthat it is 'too expensive.' However, economists saythat "we could fix climate change now by spending1% of world GDP." For comparison, the worldgenerated "US$86,000,000,000,000, and everyyear this World GDP grows by 3.5%."Economic excusesDenial of harmSome think the world being hotter more often isactually a 'good thing.' While it may seem nice tohave eternal summers, it poses threats to manyenvironments. Playing the blame gameA big political excuse to deny acting on climatechange is to point out other countries that are nottaking action either. The U.S. produces about"25% of the human-produced CO₂ in theatmosphere" while Africa is under 5%.While many are in a position to affect climate change forever, theychoose to ignore and redirect blame over the fear of the pushback fromdeniers. It is a privilege to deny the existence of climate change in 2022.It is now time to act.Source: The Conversation
Source: National Park Servicethat because each year seems to get warmerthan the previous years, the foliage isn’tchanging colors as quickly because it isn’t giventhe signal until much later to halt the creation ofchlorophyll. If temperatures continue to rise, specifically inWestern New England, there is a very highchance that the colors we have grown to knowand love will not be possible anymore. Thefoliage that has been around for centuries willcease to exist. This is a scary thought. Yet, climate change isaffecting so much more than just our trees. Ifwe do not act, our environments, food, wildlife,and our very way of living will shift and changegreatly. Please take some time and see how youcan help – even little steps make a difference. Autumn brings a beautiful array of colors.Brilliant oranges, yellows, and reds of allshades grace the foliage with theirmagnificence. Yet, with temperaturesconstantly shifting and rising in WesternMassachusetts due to climate change, we maysee a difference in the way our scenery looks. According to Sarah Fetch in an articlepublished by the Columbia Climate School,leaves change colors because of temperatureand light. When cold temperatures hit, the tree"stops making chlorophyll, the stuff thatmakes leaves green, and as a result, otherunderlying pigments — like red, yellow, andorange — finally get a chance to shine”(2022). With this understanding, she thenfurther explainsThe colors of climateBy Anissa Nieves
The "Impact On Earth" Collectionby Cora SwanThe "Impact On Earth"Collection is a series ofillustrations presented at the2022 Winterfest. Playedalongside a rendition of"Tomorrow" performed byDe'Jhaun Bercy and the Singersfor Climate Justice, theillustrations demonstratesymbolic imagery of theconsequences of humanity'simpact on nature, such aswildfires, melting icecaps, andrising sea levels. All artwork wascreated by Cora Swan.(Continued on next page)De'Jhaun Bercy, of Berklee College of Music, and a small choir. Source: N. Fondon
The "Impact OnEarth" Collection created by Cora Swan.
1. Take advantage of the free services offered by theSullivan Career and Life Planning Center. The SCLP office is located on the ground floor of the BlakeStudent Commons, and it is open from 8:30 am- 5:00 pmMonday through Friday. The SCLP offers many freeservices, such as digital business cards, resume/cover letterreview, internship planning, professional photos for youronline business social media profiles, and much more. Youcan even schedule an appointment with a personal careercoach. 2. If you are a junior or senior, sign up for a freementor through our Carpe Diem Career Network program. Connecting with a mentor will help you to determinehow to move forward with your career plans. They can help with reviewing résumés, interviewquestions, and more. 3. Review your social mediaHave you reviewed your social media channels lately?Take some time this month to review the photos andposts you have shared on these outlets. Delete anythingyou would not want a potential employer or internshipsite supervisor to see! Employers often review the socialmedia platforms of prospective employees, and you donot want one post from your senior year in high school tobe the reason you are not invited back for a secondinterview!Crystal Senter-Brown.Source: Bay Path UniversityWhether you are starting your first year at Bay Path, orpreparing to graduate, you are probably already thinkingabout what you’d like to do as a career after graduation.Maybe you have always known you wanted to be ateacher, or a scientist, or a cybersecurity analyst, but youmay not be sure about how you can prepare for yourfuture career now. Or maybe you have no idea what youwant to do after you graduate! No matter your situation,these three tips can help you take the next step towardyour career goals:by Crystal Senter-Brown, Director of Employer Relations/WELL 100 FacultyCareer fears? Start here. College is a time to learn, have fun, and make memories,but it is also a time to prepare for your future. While youare enjoying your journey, don’t forget to make time towork on your career plan so that you are ready for theworkforce after graduation.The next fewpages highlightselect careers.Want to submit career opportunities and aspirations fromyour major? Email jderidder@baypath.edu orstudentnewsroom@baypath.edu.Contact careers@baypath.edu orgacareers@baypath.edu for more information.
Communications in its many forms such as journalism isdesigned to keep the public (individuals, communities,and companies) informed. We learn the art of dialogueand inclusion so that we can inform others througheffective communication.I think it is because they're used to the old constructof the news. Today, the news is created throughengagement, ideas, and intellectual exchange. Withthe internet, you can't just say something, people aregoing to check it. If you say something that is eithervery sensational or extreme, people will also flag it,so we have new accountability and must move withthe times. We live in a more polarized world, so youneed the best communicators to ease the divides.We're living in an emotional world, so we need thebest communicators to add empathy to theconversation. We're living in a world of people thathave lived with trauma, so we need the bestcommunicators who can be bridges to heal. Ourworld has learned various versions of history, so wemust communicate truth with transparency. What is the importance of an education inCommunications in today's world?Why do you think most people so easilyoverlook the need for Communications?In your personal experience, what skillswould you say you gained through your workin Communications?Often overlooked as a useless or 'easy' major,communications is really a misunderstood field ofstudy that is necessary today more than ever. I decidedto interview Professor Janine Fondon, the chair of theUndergraduate Communications Department at BayPath University about the topic. Fondon also serves asa major advisor for Communications students, myselfincluded.Why communication matters: Professor Janine Fondon.Source: Bay Path UniversityAn interview with Professor Janine Fondonby Alyssa YoungWriting, broadcast media production, editing, socialmedia, and public relations. There are so manyskills that you develop in Communications --leadership, speaking, podcasting, video/filmproduction, animation, graphic design and more.As a professor/advisor, what do you try toensure your students take away from yourteachings?I hope they take away that life is not all figured outand there is a story behind everything. We arestorytellers and we have to believe in our voice. Click here for an audio version of this interview!
Network News gets a nod fromthe Ad Club of Western Massby Julia DeRidderOn November 3, ProfessorJanine Fondon won an awardgiven by the Ad Club of WesternMass for her recent article aboutJuneteenth that was published inThe Republican newspaper. Theawards ceremony was held atUnion Station in Northampton,MA. Upon entering the building,guests had their photos taken bya professional photographerbefore networking with other guests.The Network News’s December 2021 edition, whichhad been submitted by Professor Fondon, could not beconsidered due to the low number of submissions forthat specific category. However, it was given a nodfrom the judges by being projected onto the screen aspeople settled into their seats. Professor Fondon waslater informed that the judges were impressed by the submission. Professor Fondon plans to continue tosubmit the Network News for consideration.Nikai Fondon, Professor JanineFondon, and Julia DeRidder.Source: Stephanie CraigPhotographyKelly McGiverin, Presidentof the Advertising Club ofWestern MA. Source:Stephanie CraigPhotography
Life as a hockey player: an interview with Captain Tommy Crossby Samantha RobinsonOn October 29, I was able to interview the Captain ofthe Springfield Thunderbirds, an American HockeyLeague (AHL) team about his career, starting with hiscollege days playing for Boston College leading up tobeing named Captain of the Thunderbirds.What was playing in the AHL like after playingin the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) for a few years?Playing in the AHL was difficult because it was morephysical and fast-paced than the NCAA. But gettingdrafted in 2007 by the Boston Bruins was something Iwill never forget. I remember how happy my familywas that I was drafted. Playing in the NHL was a great experience and agreat opportunity for me. Being 26 years old andplaying for the Boston Bruins is something else I willnever forget.Personally, I miss Providence [RI], but I do enjoyplaying in Springfield [MA] because I am from thearea. It does make travel much easier for me. I missplaying at the Dunkin Donuts Center, but the MassMutual Center is a great arena with great fans. What did it feel like for you to help lead theThunderbirds to the Eastern Conference andthen the Calder Cup finals?It was a great experience because I enjoyed playingwith the team and the players were very welcoming tonew players including myself. I wish we had won theCalder Cup, but I am proud of how far this team came.I see the team this season going all the way. Do you confirm the rumor that you are retiringat the end of the season to be with your family?Yes, I do confirm the rumor. You may not know thisbut over the off-season, my wife had a baby boy, sonow I have two kids. I am also getting up there inage. Being 33 now, I am getting to the age where if Iget hurt, I may have to hang up my skates for goodand that is not something I want to do. It's hard to travel and be away from your familybecause you miss your bed, you miss your families,you miss being home, you miss the homecookedmeals. You basically get homesick while on the road.I remember traveling to Laval and how hard that isbecause we have three games in Canada, and youdon’t get to see your families for a long time. Evenwhen we travel to Pennsylvania it is hard to be awayfrom our families. You start to get homesick and justwant to go home and sleep in your own bed. Do you miss playing for the Providence Bruinsor do you prefer playing in Springfield?What is it like for you to be a father of two and ahusband as a hockey player?Being a father of two and a husband it really does hit meharder because I don’t get to spend a lot of time with myfamily and being away from them hurts. I rememberanother player who is in the same shoes as me, PaulThompson. He was Captain before I was. He ended upgoing to Bridgeport to be closer to where he is from. Forme being in Springfield I can go home after the gamesbecause I am from the area. Source:Samantha Robinson
Multi-creative Wisdom:an interview with MaríaLuisa ArroyoHow would you define your career? What do you do?Well, I’m a multilingual poet and educator–independenteducator, so I’m no longer affiliated with the university. Iam looking forward to assuming a new identity in the fallwhen I’ll be pursuing my Ph.D. in comparative literature.But in the meanwhile, I’m a poet, educator, and also,apprentice publisher. I’m looking forward to creating myown publishing house online under the brand MultiCreativewisdom, to foster spaces for individuals who code-switchor write in more than one language. I want to representunderrepresented writers.What’s the publishing process like? How did you goabout it at first?So, I had the experience of having my first collection ofpoems published by Bilingual Press. It came out in 2008but the challenge for me was because this was anindependent press and university, it took them over 6 yearsto publish this collection of poems. So I started doing self-publishing. I wanted full control over what my book lookslike, and what the content looks like as well [...] The ironyis, I’ve had more sales of the [self-published] book than the[published] book [...] What I was also seeing too, to behonest, is that here we are in 2022, and I’m Puerto Rican,I’m multilingual, there’s still such a dearth of poets likeme, writers like me out there, and I’m hungry for them. Thecatalyst moment for me was like you know what, if it’s notthere, I’ll create a safe space for them to publish.by Virgil LybargerMaría Luisa Arroyo is a self-identifiedmultilingual poet, educator, and apprenticepublisher, based out of the Springfield, MA area--currently living in Nevada.María was a WELL and English professor at BayPath University for some time but has sincemoved to continue her career elsewhere. She is apublished poet, working in four differentlanguages--English, Spanish, German, and Farsi--and currently championing her own publishinghouse, MultiCreative Wisdom, hoping to raisethe voices of other multilingual writers.You can learn more about her and her publishedwork via the link below.https://www.marialuisaarroyo.infoRecently I had the pleasure of speaking to María LuisaArroyo, a former professor here at Bay Path University.She is in the midst of a publishing and writing career, andwas more than willing to share some tidbits of wisdomwith me about becoming a professional writer.(Continued on next page)María Luisa Arroyo.Source: María Luisa Arroyo
Have you always been a writer?Yes. Yes, yes. I can concretely say, sinceelementary school, thanks to public schoolteachers. They’re the ones who taught me to keepa journal. I don’t write poetry every day, but Iwrite every day–I journal every day. But my firstjournals were those black and white compositionnotebooks [...] I started writing silly kids’ poetry,but I enjoyed it because I was playing withlanguage. I would go to the library and see if therewere any books on the obsolete cart, and I found aMerriam-Webster dictionary without a cover. AndI took it home, weighing down my backpack, andI owned the language that way, one word at atime. Finding rhymes, playing with language,sense of play. The only realistic observation Iwould make is that it was mainly in English. Ididn’t have any literature at home [...] the onlySpanish I saw was in Sesame Street.Would you say it’s more difficult to publishthrough someone else or to self-publish?At this stage, thanks to technology, it’s morechallenging to publish collections of poems withsomeone else. In my genre, poetry, it tends to bewho knows whom. It’s more challenging, which iswhy I was like ‘I’m gonna publish it [...] in mylanguages, and I don’t care.’ I’m tired of thesemarkets saying ‘Please submit a manuscript onlyin English.’ I’m not going to reduce myself to onedimension. At the same time, I’ve been asked byone or two publishers if I had a manuscript readywith them, and I told them… I don’t want topublish with you. And I said okay, if they don’t,then who does, if they don’t then I will.Why do you write? Why do you want topush your stories out into the world?If I don’t write, I would die. When my son waslittle, maybe nine or ten years old, he would knowwhen I hadn’t written in my journal beforeschool, because he would go ‘Mom, are youemotionally constipated?’ He could tell when Ihadn’t journaled. If I don’t, I get anxious, and I’velearned to accept that as opposed to reject that [...]That’s different from ‘do I have to publish?’ No!That’s separate, that’s the business side of it, but Ihave to write. I have to write."If I don't write,I would die."- María Luisa Arroyo
CreativeSpotlightTHe Creative Spotlight is asection where we highlightsome of the amazing visualand literary art that ourstudents create. These piecescan range from poetry toillustrations.This month we feature artwork from Bianca Fernandezand Mars Gallant, poems from Gabrielle Schneider, CelineRodriguez, Julia DeRidder, Zephyr Fleury, and SamanthaRobinson, a short story from Khyarah Gastón Feliciano,and a tribute from Samantha Robinson. If you wish tohave your art, writing, or creative expression featured inthe next issue, please submit tostudentnewsroom@baypath.edu.
Students in the Children's Literature class led by Dr. Abbott were tasked with creating apoem from the text of one or both of the verse novels, Locomotion by Jacqueline Woodsonand Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai. If you see a at the corner of a page, the following poem is from this class.I have a feeling Moonlight turns us silver My hair is growing And her smile gets big and so doesmine. -Julia DeRidderFire hair on skin dotted with spots Then she leans against the schoolyardfence But you feel it on your forehead andneck and down Your arms -Julia DeRidderAnd with the sun coming in the room that way The kitchen is warm At sunset Ours is a silent Hope and acceptance -Julia DeRidder Sometimes I whisperTo myself,Do not worryWe escaped.We wait and wait,Having the heart and the magic,The last remnant of love. Zephyr Fleury
by Bianca Fernadez
When the missing gets real bad I go to the bathroom and grab the Caress Soap from the cabinetI rip the box of soap open and inhale The sweet orange blossom signature scent hits meThe orange pastel bar of soap solid in weight has a hold on me…. Feels as if she is with me, at that moment Hugging me so Eyes closed, I can picture her hereEyes open, I can still picture her here. Putting the soap back in the box and into the cabinetThe scent still fills the airReminding me she is never really goneShe is always here with meOrange blossom and white peach Caress Soap are home…MAMAShe smelled of hair products and a fresh showerShe smelled like caress soap She smelled like rice and beans and chuletas with avocado after cookingall dayShe smelled like MY MAMA. My rendition of MAMA(From the text of Locomotion) by Celine Rodriguez
(Cont. on next page)‘mano?" said the Jíbara, who was not so convincedabout this. "No te preocupes; don't worry, 'Manita," the Jíbarosaid calmly. "I will find one in no time." With this being said, both Jíbaros kept on workingin the sugarcane field until sundown. When bothsiblings were walking back home to La Finca, the roadwas starting to become more and more dark as the sunwas setting and the mood was rising. The walk to LaFinca was filled with the song of grillos, coquis, andother small island animals that sounded like a chorusaltogether. As the Jíbaritos were close to La Finca, asmall Coquí jumped on top of the Quinqué that the bigbrother was carrying. This startled both of the siblings,who jumped, scared, for a second. "Buenas noches, my dear Jíbaritos" greeted thesmall Coquí. Both siblings looked at each other, surprised atbeing able to understand what the coquí was saying."Buenas noches, Señor Coquí. How is it that we areable to understand what you are saying right now?"with wide-eyed surprise and curiosity, the little sisterinquired. "The magic of the Festival lets me be understoodby the true and desirous souls of this island. Which areyou two, my dear Jíbaritos" responded the Coquí. "I amhere because I heard that you wanted to be crownedking and queen of the festival, and I want to help." Thesiblings looked at each other with excitement andeagerness at the offer that the Coquí made. "And how will you help us, Señor Coquí?" askedthe big brother, trying to mask the excitement in hisvoice. "The people of El Pueblo and the Vejigantes do notthink that Jíbaros can be their equals and worthy of acrown. Me, the animals of El Yunque, and the Rey deEl Yunque, think that the people of the pueblo are beingunfair to you. People of the earth and protectors of ElYunque and the Campo. This is why we have all agreedto trick the people of El Pueblo and even the tricksterspirits themselves into wearing nothing but imaginaryand fine traditional wear that can only be seen by themost pure, passionate, and capable souls." Señor Coquí The Emperor’s New Clothes Reimagined: "Los Reyes del Festival de Vejjigantes’Érase Una Vez… On a small island in the Caribbean Sea calledPuerto Rico, people prepared for the "Festival deVejigantes." This was the most ancient, largest, andmost-anticipated festival in the entire south of theisland, with people celebrating for 5 days in the streetsof Ponce. Vejigantes—big trickster spirits—werepreparing their best traditional clothes, merchants werepreparing their best foods, drinks, and artesanías; andmusicians were making their new instruments fromscratch so they could shine while they played Bomba yPlena with their happy and passionate souls. And in asmall house in the countryside of the island, a youngman and woman wanted to be crowned king and queenof this grand festival. The two young Jibaro siblingshad always wished to be crowned king and queen ofthis magnificent festival, but were always held back bytheir lack of resources and the personalities of thepeople. People in town thought that all campesinoswere a bunch of Jíbaros who were uneducated, alwaysmuddy, and did not even wear shoes. In the eyes of thepeople of the village, Jíbaros could never be Reyes ofthe Festival de Vejigantes. Even the trickster spiritsthought the same, but these two siblings weredetermined to change the minds of the people from ElPueblo and show them that Jíbaros could be kings andqueens of anything one day. This day was coming verysoon, with only one week left for the beginning of theFestival which marked the last week before theSardinas died and the beginning of the Cuaresma, atime of fasting and abstinence for the next 40 daysduring which people could only eat sardines and nomeat. "Ay, hermano," she called her big brother. "Thefestival is in a week. UNA SEMANA. And all of ourtraditional festivals have been terrible, unfit for such agrand occasion." "Do not worry, mi hermanita," said the Jíbaro,consoling his young sister. "I will find us the bestseamstress on the island, a seamstress that no one hasever heard of before, and we will become Los Reyes ofEl Festival." "And how will you do that with so little time, by Khyarah Gastón Feliciano
change into their clothes, and when they came back towhere the festivities were held, everyone was therewearing nothing but nonexistent clothes. Some peoplelooked confused, but no one was brave enough to sayanything about the lack of clothes. When theVejigantes arrived, they all started laughing at theislanders, and one of them said: "Why is no onewearing any clothes and the two young Jíbaritos arethe only ones wearing them?" After the Vejigantes said this, the islanders startedtalking and agreeing with the Vejigantes, while thetrickster spirits laughed and laughed until they couldnot breathe anymore, making the people of El Pueblofeel embarrassed. While this was happening, the Rey of El Yunqueshowed up with his big wings and majestic colorfulfeathers, just like the ones in the Jibarita skirt, and thepeople stopped talking and listened to the songs of theanimals of El Yunque and the Rey of El Yunqueexplaining what had happened and showing them howhorrible the people of El Pueblo had been to theJíbaros. When this happened, the island cried oncemore, realizing what they had done wrong andapologizing to Jíbaros all over the island.Finally, the two young Jíbaritos were crowned LosReyes del Festival de Vejigantes because of theirmagical and hypnotizing costumes and their pure andpassionate souls. The siblings, who were as happy asever, started singing the songs to the Vejigantes, whostarted to dance and scare the people of the island. "Prrrrrr/ Pó/ Toco, toco, toco, toco/ Vejigantecome coco/ Vejigante bo-bo-bó/ Viene comiendomangó/ Bobo, bo-bó/ Ya se lo comió/ Pepapepa-pepa-pepa/ No te tragues la quenepa/ Vejigante comiómangó/ Hasta las uñas se las lambió/ A lo sucusumucu/ A lo sucu sumucu/ A lo sucu sumucu/ A losucu sumucu/ Pún cayó la piedra/ Pracatá cayó elpeñón" The Reyes of the Festival of the Vejigantesdanced the night away with the animals of El Yunque,the Vejigantes, the people of El Pueblo, and the entireisland of Puerto Rico, singing songs and dancing theBomba y Plena.… Y Colorín Colorado Este Cuento Se Ha Acabadosaid, lowering his voice when saying the last thing. "How will you trick the people of El Pueblo and theVejigantes, Señor Coqui?" questioned the little sister,also lowering her voice just as Señor Coquí did. "Every night as the sunsets and the moon rise, whenall the nocturnal animals of El Yunque wake up andstart to sing, we will trick the minds of the people of ElPueblo with our songs that they love very much. Andthey will believe this trick because everybody trusts theanimals of El Yunque, and they will not want to looklike fools in their eyes. Even the Vejigantes would notdare to come across us," said Señor Coquí. With that being said, the coquí left, and the twosiblings walked to La Finca to talk about what the smallSeñor Coquí had revealed to them. Both Jíbaritos wereexcited to be part of this master trick and become theReyes of the Festival de Vejigantes. In the days thatpassed, the small coquí came once more to visit theyoung man and woman and gifted them with beautifuland colorful traditional Puerto Rican wear that theanimals of El Yunque crafted themselves. For the bigbrother, there was a big, fresh Pava, a traditional hatmade of straw, a white suit perfectly tailored to him, anda vibrant red belt that would catch the eye of the entirepopulation of the island. For the little sister, the animalsof El Yunque crafted a long, beautiful, colorful skirtwith a white top and a fresh, and vibrant red amapola forher hair. The two Jibaritos could not believe their eyesor the creativity of the animals of El Yunque. In the lastfew days before the festival started, the Jibaritos werelistening to what the people of El Pueblo were sayingabout the trick that the animals of El Yunque weresinging to them during the night. They had no clue as towhat was really going on, and if they thought thatsomething was wrong, no one dared say anything aboutit. Finally, the week of the festival came, and everyonewas wearing their best clothes and eating all that theycould eat. The Vejigantes would walk around scaringthe islanders, while the islanders sang them songs, andat last, the Reyes del Festival de Vejigantes wereannounced. All of the islanders went home to changeinto what the animals of El Yunque tricked them towear. The two Jibaritos went to La Finca running to
by Gabrielle SchneiderIf the mountain seems too big todaythen climb a hill instead.It's okay to not have answers.It's okay to not be strongIt's okay to do nothing at allYou tell me that you’re hopeless,You want your life less than your death,But if you jumped into a pool right now.I know you’d hold your breath.So I know that it’s not hopelessBut that your hope’s hard to find.Sometimes the hero stumblesAnd falls right off the pageWe shouldn’t define people by someone else’s point of view-Just because it’s what we've been told, Doesn't make it true.Take chances, take a lot of themBecause honestly, no matter whereyou end up and with whom, it alwaysends up just the way it should be.If the mountain seems too big todaythen climb a hill instead.
you lie awake at nightfeeding your thoughts your demonsyou. you break apart every small interactiondid i say something dumb?do they think i'm dumb?am i? you wear yourself outwith every thoughtwith every assumption. yet you glowfor everyone but yourselfyou blind us with that radiance. i can't imagine how you'll shinewhen you finally glow for yourself -Charlize Hernandez
Winterby Samantha Robinson Snow is falling, falling, falling.Winter has come.Darkness fills the air Winter is hereSweater weather is hereWinter is nearHot Cocoa warms you upWinter has arrivedBoots are onTime for WinterThere is a chill in the airWinter has arrivedWait a minute. The sun is outWinter is still herePut away your summer clothesTime for WinterWinterWinterWinter
A tribute for Jason David Frank, my childhood idolby Samantha RobinsonOn November 20, 2022, the fans of the original PowerRangers suffered a major loss. Tommy Oliver playedby the one and only Jason David Frank sadly passedaway at the age of 49. Jason David Frank was mostlyknown for his roles in the Power Rangers franchise. Jason’s most famous role in the franchise was TommyOliver who was the most famous Power Ranger fromfirst being the evil Green Ranger and then finallyhaving control over his powers. Jason was broughtback due to popular demand to revise his role manytimes in the remakes of the Original Power Rangers.He later went on to play Dr. Oliver in Power RangersDino Thunder. Jason David Frank wasn’t just knownas Tommy Oliver, he was also an MMA (MixedMartial Arts) fighter. Jason David Frank was a greatactor who brought the character of Tommy Oliver tolife for millions of kids. He was a role model to manyyoung children around the world. His costars expressed their sadness when the newsof his passing hit the internet. His Power Rangercostar Austin St. John who played Jason in MightyMorphin Power Rangers expressed his sadness inthis quote; “The memories will never die... becausea beautiful friendship built together will always beeternal in their hearts... Forever!”Amy Jo Johnson who played Kimberly in MightyMorphin Power Rangers said this about Jason DavidFrank: “Jase, you were beautiful and truly unique.My life just won’t be the same without your frenetic,hilarious, caring, driven and creative ball of energy.I will always love you, dear friend. Please Rest nowIn Peace…”Tributes from around the world started pouring inand are still pouring in. Fans are making TikToksand expressing how much JDF meant to them.May he rest in peace. JDF 1973-2022. May the power protect him foreverSource TMZ Source: USA Today
Beautiful Devilby Mars Gallant
And more!Wildcat Chat Multicultural extravaganza Friends of Hatch Ignited: A Musical Revue
Candid conversation at Wildcat Chatby Julia DeRidderThe student fills out a form Resident Life approves or disapproves therequestIt is sent to campus police. Visitor policyMany attendees stated that they were confused aboutthe visitor policy for dorms. Dean Moore toldstudents that they are working on automating theprocess, and in the meantime to keep an eye on thespreadsheet. One student recommended eliminatingthe resident life step and sending it straight tocampus police. Dean Moore said she’d be willing todiscuss that option, and encouraged following up forclarification.The process at the moment is as follows: 1.2.3.One oven in Bollum is not safe and iscumbersome to useThe heater in some dorm halls are still broken,creating disruptive banging and forcing studentsto keep the temperature at 80 degrees to preventthe noiseMold grows in some washing machinesThe shower curtains are slimy and need to bereplacedMaintenance and dorm requests:The consensus among residents in attendance wasthat certain appliances are not up to standard:Some shower stalls do not lock and need to befixedSome shower heads have inadequate waterpressure and need to be replacedOne student shared that she cleans the stall herselfbefore showering. Other students said that thecleaning staff use the same cleaning spray and rag forevery appliance, and are not in possession ofscrubbers. Dean Moore said she would send out a bulk email tomaintenance. “We will create a game plan,” BiancaRomero, the Assistant Director of StudentEngagement and Residence Life, stated. Food committee:That same day, the first food committee had been heldwith Aramark Dining Services, where students couldbring suggestions and concerns. One studentwondered if Bay Path could partner with chains likeDomino's or other local businesses to create a vouchersystem, similar to the Starbucks on campus.Apparently, other colleges in the area have thatoption. Bianca Romero said that Student Life woulddiscuss with Aramark what third-party vendors theypartner with, and see if that is a possibility. Romerodid caution students that coupons probably won’t beable to be used while on the voucher system, much tomany’s playful chagrins.An informal chat with Student Life to expressfrustrations, ask questions, and provide follow-upto the town hall was hosted on November 30 inD’Amour Hall. Students could join on Zoom, andthose who attended in person were provided withsnacks and eggnog, adding to the casual feel.Around 13 students were in attendance. Topics of the evening encompassed the visitorpolicy, maintenance and dorm requests, the foodcommittee, and updates in place to addressconcerns at the town hall*. (Continued on next page)Source: Julia DeRidder
Commuter Lounge: Dean Moore conductedresearch into the commuter lounge now beingplaced in Helliwell. She stated that good feedbackhad been given, so they will not be moving thelocation. She acknowledged that boxing classeshad been held in the dance studio which shares awall with the space, but that the classes havediminished to one day a week-- Monday, 11 AM to12 PM– which should help alleviate noisedisruptions. In addition to Helliwell, Catok plans tocreate a study space on the second floor.SGA: Two people have been newly appointed tothe Student Government Association— IsabelleHinkle as treasurer, and Khadeejah Abbasi as thefirst-year delegate. Dean Moore stated that becauseof the low volume of applications for openpositions on the board, they did not go to a third-party vendor to vote. [An email with the constitutional amendment, thecurrent process, and an invitation to the SenateTaskforce was sent out on December 8, whichDean Moore had promised to do during theWildcat Chat.]Town hall updates:DEI: a new anti-racism task force, being led by HRand Ashley Pereira, is beginning in a few months.This was “hot off the press,” as Dean Moore put it.Students will also be a part of the task force, andDean Moore asked for names of people who wouldbe interested in joining. Students in Wright Hall would like to be notifiedwell in advance when an event will be held in thebuilding and when people will be in the lobby. Itwas suggested that the events are only held atmidday, and it was requested that noise be kept ata minimum.Bringing back student leader events, such as thetradition of inviting students to the president’shouse to have a holiday dinner, was requested. Itwould bring unity between student leaders,attendees asserted. Faculty responded that thepresident's office and alumni lead the events andthat COVID-19 probably was the main cause oftheir cessation.Students requested more events from StudentLife, like Wellness Wednesdays that had beenheld last semester, and visiting farm animals.Jessica LaFleche, the Director of Health Services,stated, “we will have more educational eventsnext semester,” including a visit from PlannedParenthood. Bianca Romero acknowledged thatthey had had a rough start and had beenunderstaffed, but that they “have a lot of eventscoming up next semester.”Miscellaneous:The evening wrapped up after an hour and thirty-fiveminutes. Students expressed their gratitude towardsStudent Life, and the staff responded with their owngratitude for their courage to raise their voices.*Read about the town hall in our November 2022 issue.Source: Julia DeRidder
The second annual Multicultural Extravaganza, held onNovember 17, was a resounding success. Following atalent show exhibiting four vocalists, students at BayPath showed off their culture's attire in a fashion show.The models strutted down the runway to roaring by Julia DeRidderGaby DeOliveira and Julia Dudek. Source: Crystal NeuhauserMulticultural Extravanganza: an evening of joyful celebrationapplause and commentary about each culture by theEMCEE, Shakira Sosa. Audience members were thentreated to a collection of foods from across the world toenjoy. The event ended with an impromptu dance party,a joyful bookend to a celebratory evening. (Continued on next page)Mouna Alrahani and Khadeejah Abbasi. Source: Julia DeRidderThe models about to walk together on the catwalk, led by EMCEE Shakira Sosa. Source: Crystal Neuhauser
Samantha Robinson performing in thetalent show. Source: Julia DeRidderAsli Hassan and Barera Ali. Source: Crystal Neuhauser Rowanne Mustafa. Source: Crystal NeuhauserBrianna Chambers, Jaileen Vargas, and Tiffany Candelaria (AKA TheLoveliest) received applause after their talent show performances.Source: Crystal Neuhauser
The Network News isn’t the only Bay Path publication on theblock. The MFA program also produces a nonfiction literarymagazine, called Multiplicity. On November 16, a Friends ofHatch event invited six authors from the most recent edition toread aloud their works on the theme of milestone momentsthroughout their life. The evening was hosted by Leanna James Blackwell, the EditorialDirector, and Kate Whouley, Senior Editor, of Multiplicity.Before the readings began, Whouley and Blackwell explained thetitle for the edition, 'At Every Age'. “There are more and moreconversations going on in literature about aging,” Blackwell said.While aging was addressed, it wasn't the only theme the authorstouched upon. The stories encompassed pivotal moments in theauthor's lives during childhood, middle age, and beyond.If you missed the event you can still enjoy the compelling wordsof the authors at Multiplictymagazine.com.Lou Storey read from his essay, “RunTip Run”, a poignant story about readingdifficulties and rediscovering childhoodcharacters. María Luisa Arroyo read her “the verbs ofour afflictions: two poems”, reflections ongrowing up as a bilingual child and the griefthat comes with assimilation.Peter Welch shared a reflectionabout uncovering the beauty ofwords in “On Becoming aWriter at 60”.Reflections on life at Friends of Hatch's 'At Every Age'Sandra Salinas Newton read “Exile”, threeconcise yet detailed poems reflecting onfamily, both blood and found.by Julia DeRidderSudha Balagopal read herevocative essay “Banana Leaves,”about learning to appreciate oldtraditions and introducing them tonew generations.Ann Klotz read 8 shards of her“26 shards of loss,” a powerful,personal roadmap for grief andlife after a loved one’s death.Source of photos: Julia DeRidder
Ignited: A Musical Revue, put on by Bay Path’s Directorof Performing Arts and Musical Activities RobertTomasulo, was performed on November 10 andNovember 12. The show consisted of fourteen songs fromfourteen musicals. Numbers included "What AboutLove" from The Color Purple performed by JanelleSmith and Je’Naya Mesidor and "Spread the LoveAround" from Sister Act, performed by the full company. The stage comes alive in Ignited: A Musical RevueThe performers were accompanied by live music andengaged in choreography that made the stage come alive.Standout singers were Brooke Evanchek, who showed offstrong vocals alongside harmonic Molly Bryant in"Freedom" from The Mad Ones, Margret Phillie whoconsistently received effusive audience reactions forvocal control and stage presence, and Amelia Gioscia in"Live Out Loud" from A Little Princess, whose clearvoice was satisfying to hear. by Julia DeRidderFull company performing Come Alive from The Greatest Showman. Source: Julia DeRidderEach performer brought something unique tothe stage. This was a hopeful start to the 2022-2023 performing arts productions at Bay Path.Brooke Evanchek. Source: Tia St. JulienTia St. Julien, Sophie Coldwell, Olivia Carey, MargretPhilie, and Melissa Fantato. Source: Catherine Wong(Continued on next page)
Margret Philie. Source: Tia St. Julien. Amelia Gioscia. Source: Tia St. Julien. Je’Naya Mesidor and Janell Smith. Source: Tia St. Julien.Murphy Hadlock and Très-belle Gaudette performing"You've Got Possibilities" from It's a Bird... It's a Plane.. It'sSuperman. Source: Tia St. Julien.
Spirits high during Spirit WeekFrom November 7 to November 9, the Bay Path communityshowed their wildcat pride by participating in Spirit Weekactivities. Each day of the week had a different theme, butTwin Day on November 8 garnered the most attention. Enjoya few pictures from the photo booth. by Julia DeRidder
So much more goes into writing a picture book than itseems, as Bay Path faculty members Dr. Weiss, CrystalSenter-Brown, and Dr. Stratton know. The trio was invitedby Dr. Abbott to the Children's Literature Class on December 6 to talk about the inspiration behind theirpublished books, writer's block tips such as puttingcharacters in wacky situations, and researching whatpublishing option is best for you. The following are quotes from students about theirthoughts on the experience.Children's book authors inspire studentsby Julia DeRidderIt was one of the best classroom experiences I havehad in college so far. It was great and inspiring tohear from all of these talented authors, and learnwhat got them to where they are today.--Haley OliverIt was eye-opening, especially learning about whatcaused them to create their stories and the love andmeaning behind them, and learning the figurativeblood sweat, and tears that go into the writing andgetting their books published. -- Gabrielle SchneiderI loved getting to know the authors and their stories.Each author was different in how they went aboutmaking books as well as how they described theirbooks. Each author was very sincere and real abouttheir process. Dr. Stratton almost had me in tears, Icould feel just how much Nick affected the her. -Celine RodriguezI felt that talking to Dr. Stratton about herpersonal connection to Nick Springer wasmotivating and learning about her personal lifemade me feel more connected to her. --Jailyn HarriganIt was really inspiring to hear about thepeople who helped inspire their books andhow the losses of their loved ones keepthem motivated to keep writing.--Brianna LesterFrom left to right: Dr. Weiss, author of Dr. McFiddle’s Brilliant Book of Creative ConflictPotions and Other Magical Things, Crystal Senter Brown, author of Gabby Gives Back, and Dr.Stratton, author of Nick Springer On the Move. Source: Julia DeRidder
Saturday, November 5 was the first annualThundercon at the Thunderdome with specialguest appearances by The Hulk and BlackPanther. The T-Birds faced off against theProvidence Bruins in what became an aggressivegame. At the 1:44 mark of the first period,Providence got a goal by Zherenko, which putthe Bruins on the board first. At the 18:00 minute mark of the first period, #18Mathis Laferriere got a pass from #5 TylerTucker and #36 Matthew Highmore, to tie thegame at one apiece. Just 59 seconds later at theMarvel characters visit the Thunderdomejust days before the new Black Panther film comes outby Samantha RobinsonSamantha Robinson with Black PantherSource: Samantha RobinsonHulk with Samantha Robinson and Black PantherSource: The Springfield Thunderbirds Facebook page18:59 mark of the first period, #36 MatthewHighmore got a pass from #10 Josh Levio and#18 Mathis Laferriere, which put the T-Birdsup by a goal going into the first intermission.The game at this point was very physical withProvidence having to replace their goalie dueto him getting hurt by one of his own players.Players from both teams were throwing fists. Penalties were flying and players weregetting hurt. Providence went on to score two more goals tosecure their victory.
Here's WhatWe're WatchingShows and movies we've been streaming all month long!(continued on next page)I decided to watch the film Uncharted, a movie based on thevideo game. Nate Drake (Tom Holland) and his brother Samgrew up in orphanages where Sam would get into trouble a lot--so much trouble that he had to be taken somewhere else. Butinstead of going where he was ordered, he decided to run awayand leave his brother, Nate, with his necklace. A man namedVictor Sullivan, who goes by Sully, found Nate working at a barand wanted Nate to help him find lost treasure. They need towork together despite the differing objectives the two have, andmake sure they can trust each other to get the outcome they bothwant. With the twists and turns between countries because ofsurprise attacks, it makes you wonder what’s going to happennext. Watching the camera angles and the lighting they dothroughout the movie is interesting to observe as well. I do reallylike this movie and would recommend it. -Carleigh EspositoUncharted (2022)Directed by Ruben FleischerSource: MetacriticThe Grinch (2018)Directed by Scott Mosier, YarrowCheney, Pete CandelandWhen it comes to holiday movies, I love most of them becausethey really put me in the Christmas mood. I was a bit skepticalwhen Illumination announced the newer The Grinch film in2018, but I still gave it a watch expecting to not enjoy it as muchas the live action version from 2000. Fortunately, I was mistakenand the film is a really great, more modern retelling of the story.With this version being a musical, the original songs written forthis movie were a good fit for the overall story without strayingtoo far from the original. Cindy Lou Who has a single motherwho struggles with working overtime and taking care of her kidsand Cindy's wish for Christmas is for her mom to have help fromSanta, not for gifts. I think this change makes the message of theentire film much stronger and relatable. -Alyssa YoungSource: IMDb(Continued on next page)
Carol (2015)We all have our holiday traditions, and watching Carol is oneof mine. This will be the fourth December that I sit in thechair in the living room, put in my earphones, and turn off allthe lights as I watch two women (played by the iconic CateBlanchett and understated Rooney Mara) fall in love with the aesthetically pleasing 1950s New York City backdrop. Whileit isn’t a Christmas movie, it has that warm, nostalgic feeling,and the first half of the film is set between Christmas and NewYear. There are multiple barriers to their relationship,including a jealous ex-husband and, of course, the generalhomophobia that was rampant during that time period, but it isan overall beautiful, thought-provoking love story. I highlyrecommend this movie, and highly recommend starting yourown traditions around the holiday. You can even borrow minethis year. -Julia DeRidderSource: IMBDMy favorite scary movie is Scream (1996). Some may say thisis a basic choice but when I think of a proper scary movie,Scream wins by a longshot. There’s suspense, a final character,explained (but not justifiable) villains, just the right amount ofgore, and a solid yet buildable storyline. Over the past twenty orso years the film has been able to release five sequels due itsever growing and consistent fanbase. That number will grow tobe six by late next year due to the most recent film in the seriesbeing released Scream (2022). As a Scream semi-superfan I feellike I’m more than justified in saying that it was severelyunnecessary, and the film quite frankly hurt my feelings. Iunderstand that it is hard to keep a franchise going withoutreleasing new material that matches the interests of the newergenerations, but this is one franchise that broke the mold anddid not need the update. -Kaylah Sheppard Created by Wes Craven, MattBettinelli-Olpin, and Tyler GillettScream (1996)Source: Rotten TomatosDirected by Todd Haynes
Current Events &Social Justice This section may contain sensitive content, including discussionsaround natural disasters, microaggressions, and police brutality.This is a recurring section of the Bay Path Network News. A variety ofsocial issues have been and will continue to be discussed, such asminority recognition, gender equality, the Black Lives Mattermovement, global issues, and so much more.Source: Canva.
Making history one election at atime; General Election 2022 Review MAby Rebecca WehnerSource: Getty Images.Governor-elect Maura HealeyFlipping the seat for Democrats inMassachusetts, Healey defeated opponentGeoff Diehl in her run for governor. Shemakes history as the first female governorof Massachusetts, as well as the first outlesbian governor in the United States. Attorney general-electAndrea CampbellSource: Getty Images.Formerly a member of the Boston City Council,Campbell has spent many years advocating forchange in politics. Despite an unsuccessful runfor mayor of Boston the previous year, shereceived an endorsement from former attorneygeneral Healey to take her place, and will nowserve as the first black woman attorney generalin the country's history.MA voted to add a newincome tax level thatwould give revenue topublic education andtransportation costs.Voters approved bill toregulate dentalinsurance, aiming toprovide better coverageand value for patients.One new law will no longer require citizenrequirement for driver's licenses, allowingimmigrants in MA to provide another form ofID when going in for their license test.(continued on next page)
ORGovernor-elect Tina KotekSource: Getty Images.Alongside Maura Healey, Kotek serves as thefirst openly lesbian governor in the US.Despite Oregon being a longtime blue state,the gubernatorial race was quite competitiveagainst Republican Christine Drazan andindependent former Senator Betsy Johnson.On October 11, Drazan conceded her loss andKotek secured the seat for governor-elect.AKGovernor-electSarah Huckabee SandersSource: Getty Images.Republican candidate Sanders gained politicalexperience as press secretary under former PresidentTrump, and working on election campaigns for herfather, former AK governor Mike Huckabee. Winningthe gubernatorial election made Sanders the first femalegovernor of Arkansas, and the first woman to begovernor of a state her father previously had the role in.Maxwell FrostFirst Gen Z Member ofCongressJames RoesenerFirst out trangender manelected to a state legislatureAruna MillerFirst South Asian womanlieutenant governorFLNHMD
Tragedy: 5 killed and 25 injured inColorado LGBTQ nightclub shootingby Rebecca WehnerSource: Bluescape.During a time period of increasing mass shootings inColorado, a horrific attack on the LGBTQcommunity occurred this month when Club Q wasunder fire.On November 19 in Colorado Springs, an individualentered Club Q wielding an AR-15 rifle and wearingbody armor. Initially mistaking the sounds of bulletsfor part of the music, many of the dancers in the clubdid not realize what was going on until they saw thegun's muzzle flash. Richard M. Fierro, a US army veteran who hadvisited the club to watch a performance with hisfamily, acted quickly after seeing the shooter. Hetackled the shooter and wrestled a handgun from their grasp, shooting them several times in thehead in defense. Fierro, as well as a trans womanpatron who stomped on the shooter with her heels,were able to subdue them until the police came to the scene.There were five fatalities as a result of the nightclubshooting and 25 were injured. One victim, DanielAston, was the bar supervisor at Club Q and abeloved member of the Colorado Springs queercommunity. Other victims were Kelly Loving, AshleyPaugh, Derrick Rump, and Raymond Vance.The accused was identified as 22-year-old AndersonAldrich. Aldrich had previously been charged andjailed on counts of felony and kidnapping a year priorwhen threatening their mother and neighbors with ahandmade bomb and a rifle. For the nightclubshooting, they were charged with five counts ofmurder and five counts of bias-motivated crime. Response to this tragedy largely supported the cluband mourned the victims, though some outspokengroups and churches condemned the support of thequeer lifestyle during the aftermath. The continuationof homophobic rhetoric by the media has createdconflict during an already distressing time.
Health and Wellness SectionSeasonal Affective Disorderby Rebecca WehnerAs the weather gets colder, many individualscan suffer from an extreme drop in mood as aresult. When the symptoms become severe, thiscan be classified as seasonal affective disorder,or seasonal depression. This ailment is classified as a type of majordepressive disorder that is displayed throughseasonal patterns. While SAD can be seenduring the summer, it is largely in play duringthe fall and winter seasons. The biologicalclock change we undergo during daylightsavings, as well as a Vitamin D deficiencyduring a time of less sunny weather, cancontribute to these effects. During this time ofthe year, it is important to consider howpeople's emotions are affected and respond withcare and sensitivity to others. About 5% of adults in theUnited States experience SAD.Statistics show that SAD affectsbiological women the most.10-20% of all Americansexperience a minor form ofseasonal depression, oftenreferred to as the "winter blues".Tips to Deal with SADLight Therapy Social Activity Diet and RoutineGetting out for exercise can bedifficult when suffering from SAD.But an important part of keepinghappy and healthy is to get someVitamin D! Whether it's a mile runor a walk around the block, gettingoutside and moving around isincredibly effective in lifting spirits,even on the cloudiest of days.Social isolation is a leading strugglefor SAD sufferers, and can leaveyou feeling down. To combat this,putting lots of effort intosurrounding yourself with friends,family, and social situations iscrucial. Be sure to check in withyourself to see how charged yoursocial battery is, and do your best tosocialize.Maintaining a structured diet androutine for your day can be a greatway to keep yourself motivated. Trycreating a "To-do" list, and keepinga temporary food diary to track yourprogress and accomplishments.Eating lots of fruits and veggies isrecommended, along with plenty ofwater. Source: Mass General Brighamby Hailey Lenski
Do what you must to survive the cold, make yournest and scavenge for drinks to warm your soul. Notruly, wear sweatpants and layers. Gloves arehelpful. Don't give care to how silly you may look,it's cold!Tips on how to get through a New England winterfrom across the newsroomInvest in a good scarf. Even if you're wearing ahuge coat and a hat, there will always be a bitof your neck or face that will be exposed to thebrutal wind. A scarf is a game changer! -Julia DeRidder-Zephyr FleuryInvest in a fleece-lined winter coat or awarm jacket that has good lining. A goodwinter coat is the difference between beingcold and being warm. Also a good hat andgloves are good. Also invest in good longsleeve shirts that won't be scratchy againstyour skin. -Samantha RobinsonYou can insulate your house bysealing any cracks in the windows anddoorframes with old fabric and blankets.Also, take vitamin D supplements during the winter.Seasonal disorders tend to exacerbate dueto a lack of sunlight during the winter monthsdepriving us of the sun's nutrients. -Cora Swan