E L H A M N E W S L E T T E R D ECEM BER 2 0 2 4 Published by the Elham Village Hall Association, Charity No 1024757 Also available on the EVHA website, www.elhamvillagehall.co.uk. Events and News available to read on Facebook, Elham Village Hall, and on www.visitelham.co.uk. Date Event Time Location Contact Page Sunday 1 December Community Tree Planting Day 10.00 King George V Playing Field See poster 17 Every weekend in December The Sometimes Gallery 10.00 -17.00 St Mary’s Church Hall See poster 30 Sunday 1 December ‘Light Up Elham’, the big switch on 17.00 The Triangle See poster Back page Monday 2 December Júnior and Adult Table Tennis 18.00 / 19.00 Anna Clayton Room Elham Village Hall Jim Clements 01303 840295 35 Monday 2 December Elham Parish Council meeting 19.30 Elham Prinary School Claire Greenwood website 14 Tuesday 3 December Lyminge Historical Society 19.30 Tayne Centre CT18 8JA See poster 29 Tuesday 3 December Elham Valley Walkers 10.00 Walnut Tree pub, Aldington TN25 7DT Andrew Cornford 07761 034407 32 Cover picture from Mark Berry FREE to you, paid for by Elham Village Hall
2 ELHAM VILLAGE HALL PERSONNEL (all are volunteers) President: Jan Stanyon Vice President: Liz Cox Treasurer: Sue Weller Secretary Miranda Weller Other Committee members: Maureen Alexander Trevor Bateman Renee Bull Jim Clements John Tebbs Jon Vince Registered Office: Elham Village Hall, High Street, Elham, CT4 6SX Editor and advertising; elhamnewsletter@gmail.com Renee Bull 01303 840295 Distribution organiser: Janet Pain 07710595891 Please email any newsletter copy to the editor by 9am on the 13thof the month prior to publishing or by hand into the Elham Village Hall bag at Elham Valley Stores. Whilst every care is taken in gathering and presenting the information by the volunteer who produces the Newsletter, errors can occur. No responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions nor consequential loss or liability. Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of the Elham Village Hall Association. We do our best to produce an interesting, accurate and informative read. ELHAM VILLAGE HALL 01303 840128 ELHAM SPORTS CLUB 07714 415651 DOCTORS The Elham Surgery, Old Road 01303 840213 The Hawkinge Health Centre 01303 232300 74 Canterbury Road, Hawkinge HOSPITALS William Harvey, Ashford 01233 633331 Kent and Canterbury, Canterbury 01227 766877 Royal Victoria Hospital (walk-in) 01303 850202 PHARMACY 21 Station Road, Lyminge 01303 862425 Tesco Pharmacy (Junct 12 M20) 0345 6779273 SCHOOL Elham C of E Primary School 01303 840325 © Copyright Elham Village Hall Associaon 2024 Permission must be obtained for reproducon in any format. WHO’S WHO and WHAT’S WHERE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Sojan Joseph (Lab) sojan.joseph.mp@parliament.uk KENT COUNTY COUNCILLOR Susan Carey 01303 670561 FOLKESTONE and HYTHE DISTRICT COUNCILLORS James Butcher (Green) james.butcher@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk David Godfrey (Con) 07584 304301 Stephen Scoffham (Green) stephen.scoffham@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk ELHAM PARISH COUNCIL VETERINARY Lord Whisky Low-Income Veterinary Clinic 01303 862622 Bourne Vets, Bekesbourne 01227 832322 Manor Vets, Folkestone 01303 273203 Hawkinge Vets, Hawkinge 01303 764190 ELHAM CHURCHES www.elhamvalleygroupofchurches.co.uk St Mary The Virgin, Church of England Vicar; Rev. Carol Bates n/a Wardens: Peter Swain 01303 840408 Ken London 01303 840440 Methodist Church, High Street Minister: Rev. Gill Songer 01303 240228 SAMARITANS (freefone) 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org LIBRARY Mobile Library is fortnightly in Elham outside the Rose and Crown - Fridays at 12.35 -13.05. HOW TO MAKE BACS PAYMENTS to ELHAM VILLAGE HALL? Elham Village Hall Association Ltd Sort Code: 09- 01- 52 Account No. 13698706 Elham Village Hall Association website: www.elhamvillagehall.co.uk elham.co.uk www.elhamvillagehall.co.uk. Chair – Kevin Lamb 01303 840215 Vice Chair – Christeen Chapman 01303 840224 Brian Swan 01303 840006 Kevin Allen 01303 862087 Stuart Peall 07956110887 Geoff Clements 01303 840255 Chris Francis 01303 840502 Clerk - 07702268475 – cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk
3 Date Event Time Locaon Contact Page Wednesday 4 December Social Snacks and Cinema 19.00 for 19.30 Elham Village Hall Jan Stanyon 01303 840820 4 Sunday 7 December Acrise Church Christmas Fayre 10.00 - 14.00 Elham Village Hall See poster 34 Friday 13 December Elham Gardening Society A.G.M. 19.30 Peggy Pike Room See notice 17 Sunday 15 December Christmas Food and Craft Festival 11.00 - 14.00 The Square and St Mary’s Church See poster 11 Sunday 15 December Elham Valley Walkers 10.00 Five Bells TN255LP Chris Jelly 07518 163183. 32 Monday 6 January Elham Community Shed Opening 10.00 - 12.00 Elham Village Hall See notes 28 Tuesday 7 January Elham Valley Walkers 10.00 St Peter’s church Bridge CT45AR Ros Humphreys 07760 485382. 32 Thursday 9 January Elham Community Shed Opening 14.00 - 16.00 Elham Village Hall See notes 28 Saturday 11 January Elham Community Shed Opening 10.00 - 12.00 Elham Village Hall See notes 28 Thursday 16 January Elham Gardening Society 19.30 Peggy Pike Room See notice 17 Saturday 18 January EVHA Volunteers’ Day 10.00 - 14.00 Elham Village Hall Just turn up 6 Sunday 19 January Elham Valley Walkers 10.00 Grand Hotel Folkestone CT20 2XL. Len and Lorna 07980 309419 32 Thursday 23 January EVHA Annual General Meeting 19.30 for 20.00 Peggy Pike Room Elham Village Hall Jan Stanyon 01303 840820 5 Friday 24 January Elham Historical Society 19.30 Elham Village Hall See poster 29 Tuesday 28 January Friends of St Mary’s AGM 18.30 St Mary’s Church See poster 30 What’s On, In and Around ELHAM Pages 2 / 3 Who’s who and what’s where / EVHA BACS details / Editor’s note / what’s on in Elham / Contents Pages 4 / 5 / 6 7 Elham Village Hall Association News / Chair’s Report / Social Snacks and Cinema / ‘Light Up Elham’ and the Big Switch On. / 130 club / New bike shelter / Return of Christmas trees Page 8 Elham Bell ringers Pages 9 - 14 / 23 Elham Parish Council and Twinning News / Rector’s Message Pages 15 / 16 District Council Report / Kent County Council Report Page 17 Elham Gardening Society Page 18 Know Your Neighbour Pages 19 - 22 Church pages Pages 24/ 25 / 26 / 27 Elham Village Hall and village events Page 28 Elham Community Shed Page 29 / 30 / 31 Local News Pages 32 / 33 Elham Primary School / Elham Valley Walkers / Valley Bee News Page 34 Local events Page 35 Sports and local groups Pages 36 / 52 Looking After You and Your Family’s Wellbeing / Looking After Your Home and Your Garden / Elham Services Contents Welcome to the Elham Newsletter - December /January 2024/25 Our cover picture is of Henry the Herdwick (his friends call him Hank). He belongs to Debbie and Mark who wrote ‘Tupping time! Yes, it’s that time of year again; the time when love is in the air. And our ram, Henry, is no stranger to an amorous ewe…or in this case, four ewes! Barbara, Bev, Betty, and Ringo have made their intentions clear…and he is up to the task.’ Thank you both for sharing his picture! Christmas celebrations have begun and December is an opportunity to show appreciation to all those who have demonstrated care, love and support to others. It is a time to contact friends and relatives, colleagues and acquaintances. The Elham Village Hall Committee would like to thank the many helpers who have contributed to the running of our village hall, especially those who have turned up each ‘Volunteers’ Day to help maintain your village facility and those who have stepped up to help with events such as the Halloween Hullaballoon, Social Snacks and Cinema and Dessert Island Discs. We could not offer these events without the energy and willingness of volunteers. Christmastime is an opportunity to thank all the Newsletters distributors who deliver your Newsletter and Janet Pain, who receives and sorts the various rounds. We need volunteers to step in if any of our distributors are unable to do their voluntary work. If you have an hour to spare each month to help with this task, please contact Janet or email elhamnewsletter@gmail.com to offer your services.
4 Elham Village Hall Association News The perfect venue for every occasion ELHAM VILLAGE HALL Situated in the beautiful Elham Valley, our modern village hall offers convenient and flexible facilities. Ideal for small or large occasions, happy or sad, from business meetings to christenings, wakes, birthday parties and weddings. Approved by Kent County Council as a venue for the solemnisation of civil marriages and the formation of civil partnerships. Take a look at our website: www.elhamvillagehall.co.uk Contact Maggie Tappenden telephone 01303 862467 mobile 0774 6790 618 for further information. bookingsecretary.evh@gmail.com All hiring at competitive rates As we approach the end of another year, I thought it a good time to reflect on some of the projects that have taken place at Elham Village Hall. For those of you who are new to the village - the hall was built in 1998 replacing the old Village Hall. It has served the village well over the years. However, 25 years on and some areas of the building were beginning to show their age. In addition, regulations have changed and upgrades were required. The management committee recognised that it was necessary to invest in a series of refurbishments. We developed a plan to futureproof and update our hall in readiness for the next 25 years. I thought you may be interested to know what has been implemented since 2020 and how much these projects have cost to date. Bar Refurbishment £1,915.00 Disabled Toilet Refurbishment £3 544.00 Gents Toilet Refurbishment £7,138.00 Kitchen Refurbishment £723.00 Ladies Toilet Refurbishment £6,576.00 New Path £2,664.00 Table Store £1,322.00 Updated Fire Alarm £3,816.00 Exterior Painting £2,807.00 Interior Decorating £2,350.00 Floor Re-sanding £5,070.00 Extraction Hood £4,622.00 Replacement Fire Doors £11,400.00 TOTAL £53,947.00 In addition, many of the day-to-day maintenance jobs and small projects are carried out by the management committee and a large team of volunteers who help to keep us safe, keep it running well and looking at its best. A huge thank you to all these people (you know who you are!) - the cost of the above would be much higher if not for their efforts! Looking forward- our next large expense will be to replace our ground source heat pump. We will be looking for a grant to help cover the cost which could be as high as £25.000! How can you help? ...cont EVHA END-OF-YEAR UPDATE from the CHAIR
5 Cont…/ You can help by supporting Village Hall events, you can help by joining the 130 Club, you can help by coming along to one of our Volunteer Days and you can help by hiring the hall for your event or function. We no longer have Elham Village Hall Association membership - we want the hall to be for everyone, so if you live in the parish, you will receive a 10% discount on hiring charges. Check our prices and discounts on our website. Of course, you may wish to make a financial donation to the hall - that would also be very welcome! Details on inside cover of this Newsletter Whether or not you contribute - the hall will be there, just tucked away behind the trees waiting to be used. I hope many of you will find it for your events in 2025. On behalf of the management committee - a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all! Jan Stanyon (chair). Social, Snacks and Cinema Wednesday 4 December 7.00 for 7.30pm FREE ENTRY! As it’s the last SSC of the year we have made it a free entry event! Our lm choice this month is Just thE thing befoRe all the Christmas madness staRts! It’s a gentlY comic feel-good lm, which is intended to provide A soothing, cyNicism-free balm in these troubled mes. We meet in the Peggy Pike Room- the Doors and bar open at 7pm. If you’ve not been along before- this May be the ideAl me as it’s a fRee entry. Do GivE it a try! We have the bar, refreshments and some GoOd banter. We Look forwArd to seeing you on the Rst Wednesday in December. There will be no lm in January but we’ll be back with another Great one in FEbruary. Happy New year! Jan Stanyon Elham Village Hall Association News
6 Elham Village Hall Association News Our pictures show the hardworking volunteers who helped out at the November Volunteers Day. Without the contributions that these village folk make, the expenditure for maintenance would be even more than that stated on Page 4. VOLUNTEERS DAY AT THE VILLAGE HALL Saturday Nov 2 NEXT ONE? Saturday Jan 18 MANY HANDS MAKE ELHAM VILLAGE HALL WORK BETTER…..You are invited to the Volunteers Day at the Village Hall on Sat urda y 18 J a nuary 20 2 5 1 0 .0 0 – 1 4 .00. Many different jobs need to be done in order that your village hall stays the attractive facility that it is. Please join us for all or part of the day. Coffee, cake and lunch is provided. Whatever your skills, your contribution of time will be most welcome. Just turn up at the hall… dress strictly ‘working gear’.Elham Village Hall CommitteeELHAM VILLAGE HALL ASSOCIATION LTD NOTIFICATION OF AGM The Elham Village Hall Association Ltd will be holding their AGM on Thursday 23rd January 2025 in the Peggy Pike Room at Elham Village Hall. The bar will be open at 7.30 for an 8pm meeting. All drinks will be free. There will be copies of our accounts and the President and Treasurer’s reports available for your perusal both prior to the meeting and at the meeting as well as committee members on hand to answer any questions. If you would like to view the accounts prior to the AGM or have any questions regarding the Village Hall please contact the village hall President Jan Stanyon 840820/stanyonjan@aol.com. The agenda is as follows: Apologies for absence Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 31st January 2024 Matters arising The President’s Report Treasurer’s Report Appointment of Independent Examiner of Accounts Election of Members of the Council Hall Activities 2024 Any Other Business
7 Elham Village Hall Association News NO JANUARY NEWSLETTER A reminder that there is no Elham Newsletter in January, but it is an opportunity for you to make a donation to our charity, Elham Village Hall Association Ltd, that produces this newsletter - it is not a parish magazine, it is not a church magazine, it is your newsletter for all of the community. Supporting our charity means that the trustees of the Village Hall can continue to ensure that it is a thriving facility for us all. Please make your donation by BACS using these details. Thank you. Elham Village Hall Association Ltd Sort Code: 09- 01- 52 Account No. 13698706 A Proper Christmas Singalong! Our annual tree switch on will take place on Sunday 1 December at the Triangle. Join us at 4.55pm for the countdown. Father Christmas says he is available to greet the little ones and has agreed to lead the procession to St. Mary’s Church where there will be mulled wine and mince pies followed by a proper Christmas singalong. Anthony Trinkwon will be playing the organ and there will be a vocal contribution from Elham Primary School. We look forward to seeing you there. ELHAM VILLAGE HALL 130 CLUB Winners NOVEMBER DRAW 1st Prize (£32) Number 48 Peter Swain 2nd Prize (£20) Number 63 Gerry Newman 3rd Prize (£13) Number 74 Thomas Turner please contact Martin Turner 01303 840804 / jgt867@aol.com We are delighted to report that the Village Hall has gained another green asset. Our new bicycle shelter has been installed and looks splendid. The majority of funds for the shelter (90%) were received from the Rural England Prosperity Fund to whom we are extremely grateful. So if you are coming to the hall for an event, sports or the community shed you can leave the car at home, use your bike and secure it safely. Many thanks to John Tebbs and Trevor Bateman who erected it all. Well done chaps! Jan Stanyon NEW BICYCLE SHELTER FREE HIGH CHAIR In very good condition Please contact Liz 07971250493
8 Cantor es D i ar y On December 14th in Lyminge Village Hall our next event will be the ever popular Christmas Concert with Hythe Town Band - always a guaranteed crowd pleaser! We look forward to seeing many of you at the above concert and as always, if you should like to join the choir, we welcome you with open arms, but slightly more open if you are a tenor or a bass! We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at Lyminge village hall at 7.30 pm. Just drop in, no auditions needed, so come and give us a try – contact through any members you may know or to john.vincett@gmail.com. LOCAL NEWS The bells are always half muffled for Remembrance Sunday. This is a leather ‘cup’ that is strapped to one side of the bell clapper which gives the more solemn muffled sound on every back stroke. It’s a fiddly job to put them on and off as you have to get underneath each bell and make sure they are attached firmly so they don’t fly off! (Which is why I tend to get my son Lucas to do it these days - he’s far more flexible!!). The bells are only fully muffled for the death of a monarch but that is a matter of choice. We usually half muffle as it sounds better. Fiona Turney ELHAM BELLRINGERS Thank You June Parker and family are sad to announce the death of John, a much loved husband, father and grandfather who died on 23rd October after a long battle with cancer Many thanks to our neighbours and friends in Hog Green for the cards, flowers and letters of condolence that were much appreciated. DON’TS FOR WIVES was a self-help book written by Blanche Ebbutt in 1913 Don’t think it childish to celebrate birthdays. Your husband may not say any-thing, but he will carry an inward grievance if you forget the date. You need not buy expensive gifts, but let there be something special for him on that day. Ask his best friend to a nice little dinner, or arrange to dine in town together, and go to the theatre. Editor Bell muffles
9 ELHAMPARISH CO UNCIL cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk LOCAL NEWS UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024. Those Present: Councillors: Cllr K Lamb (Chair) and C Chapman (Vice Chair), B Swan, G Clements, S Peall and 9 members of the public. Apologies: C Francis and K Allen received and accepted. To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI), Other significant Interests SI’s) or a Voluntary interest relating to items on the agenda. None were declared. Public Contribution MOP – what is the relationship between Parish Council and Football Team as the Chair reports the football scores at Parish Council meetings. Chair responded that he reports on the last game played prior to the meeting but there are generally three other games played in a month. It is the intention of the football team to do a monthly report for the newsletter. Hopefully, this will receive the support of the newsletter. MOP – 20/0304/FH – Longland Farm, Exted Hill – it was agreed that this would be discussed under planning agenda item. MOP - Firstly I would like to thank the Parish Council for inviting me to join the twinning ceremony in Ambleteuse on 17th October. It was an opportunity to share good practice, and my requests here have arisen from seeing their Newsletter and hearing how their parish council operates to benefit and communicate with the community. I listened to the Chair’s concern about the cost of the church wall repair and have done some research re loans for Parish Councils. I have here an application form for a loan from the UK Government Debt Management Office which is especially for Parish Councils or town councils. (PWLB – Public Works Loan Board). It provides a loan for capital projects with varied terms of repayment which can be fixed to a regular income eg the precept. The government will advise any entity which is unsure whether it must follow the lending arrangements published or whether they borrow from the PWLB under separate arrangements. Queries should be directed to pwlb@hmtreasury.gov.uk In the name of transparency, I am asking if a few hard copies of the agenda could be made available to members of the public so that they can follow the PC meetings. Not all parishioners can access the website nor print off an agenda. Also, that the minutes made available to the Elham Newsletter could NOT be abbreviated but an informative reflection of items discussed at the meetings. Editor of Elham Newsletter - Ambleteuse Website has past copies of their newsletter on their website. We at EVHA are copying their good practice and doing the same. As well as a hard copy of the Newsletter, all members of the parish of Elham can receive communication about activities in the village through a monthly email. Only three parish council members are on that EVHA contact list. I am asking for permission to add the email addresses of all members of the Parish Council so that you receive the same messages as your members of the parish that you represent. The Ambleteuse Newsletter has pictures of their council members in their copy. The December Newsletter last year published pictures of all the EVHA committee with each of their responsibilities and pictures of the new District Council were published earlier this year. Could we publish a picture of each of the members of the Parish Council this month so that parishioners ‘Know who you are’? Would one of the Parish Councillors be willing to be the subject of ‘Know Your Neighbour’ in the Elham Newsletter? A Trustee of Elham Village Hall - The twinning certificate needs to be hung somewhere accessible. There is space at the Village Hall and a request to use that space has been added to next month’s meeting agenda. The meetings for the Ambleteuse council are held in their council offices. The village hall has a more intimate setting (the Peggy Pike room available on Monday evenings), with an overhead projector so that agendas and other documents could be shown easily to members of the public, who would be sitting on comfortable chairs and not school benches. Finally, the EVHA committee want to invite a member of the Parish Council to attend their meetings each month so that communication is improved.
10 LOCAL NEWS ...cont/ Minutes of meeting. The minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council 7th October were approved and were signed as a true record by the Chair of meeting. The minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council (Budget) of 21st October were approved and were signed as a true record by the Chair of meeting. The minutes of the Wellbeing Committee meeting of 31st October were approved and were signed as a true record by the Chair of meeting. Chairmans Report Nothing to report as all items covered in the agenda. Finance The Accounts from September 2024 were a true record and were signed by the Chairman of the meeting. The Bank Reconciliation from September 2024 was a true record and was signed by the Chairman of the meeting. It was noted that all Councillors received the Accounts for October 2024. It was noted that all Councillors received the Bank Reconciliation for October 2024. The October 2024 invoices were agreed, and payments were approved. Planning Applications received were noted and comments agreed: There were no applications received since the agenda was issued therefore no comments needed to be agreed. Notification has been received that 20/0304/FH – Longlands Farm, Exted Hill, Elham – The use of land for the stationing of a mobile home for a temporary period for key agricultural workers and use of part of an agricultural building for the incubation and hatching of poultry. will be on the agenda for FHDC Planning and Licensing Committee meeting on 12th November 2024. Following a discussion, including members of the public, it was agreed Cllrs would confirm if they could attend the FHDC Planning and Licensing Committee meeting. The following decision were, made by Folkestone and Hythe District Council: Community and Amenities Church Wall – Insurance - The uplift in the value to be insured for the Church wall was discussed. The additional cost of £1049.14 to cover this uplift for 2024/25 was agreed. …/cont EDF ONLINE £57.77 Electric Bayliss Executive ONLINE £1,300.00 Twinning Artes Ambleteuse Debit Card £82.68 Twinning KCPFA ONLINE £40.00 Subscriptions Elham Primary School ONLINE £80.00 Room Hire CameraExperts ONLINE £107.98 SID Castle Water ONLINE £94.79 Burial Ground Reliable Networks ONLINE £49.08 Microsoft License Planning Application Address Description Comments / Views 24/1622/FH/TCA The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Elham, CT4 6TT Situated in a Conservation Area - T1 (Beech,) crown lift to approx. 8 meters above ground level. T2 (Hornbeam), reduce crown by up to 3 meters due to open cavity at base. G3 (Yew Trees x7) reduce down to 3 meters above ground level. No Objections. 24/1201/FH The Lodge, Droveway, Stelling Minnis, CT4 Change of use of land to residential garden and construction of rear single storey extension. No Objections. Planning Application Address Description Decision 23/0589/FH Fir Tree Farm, Chapel Lane, Rhodes Minnis, Canterbury. Rebuilding of agricultural building including extension, to convert to a single holiday let accommodation unit. Approved with conditions. ELHAMPARISH CO UNCIL UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024.
11 ELHAMPARISH CO UNCIL cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk LOCAL NEWS UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024. ...cont/ At a previous site meeting with the DAC Secretary and DAC Consultant Archaeologist the Parish Council were advised that DAC Archaeologist would need to be on site every day to supervise the excavations works and that this service would be provided on behalf of the Diocese. Upon receipt of the faculty, it was noted there was a condition stipulating that an Archaeological Watching Brief was required. The Clerk emailed the DAC Secretary requesting a written method statement and risk assessment including an outline of potential mitigation measures required with a timeline indicating the impact on the work schedule. In response to that correspondence the DAC have now stated that they are unable to provide the Watching Brief and they felt that the Parish Council should be paying for this. After a discussion it was agreed that a letter is to be sent to the DAC Secretary advising that the Parish Council would not be funding the required Watching Brief. Burial Ground – the application for memorial for 364 was considered and approved. Highways – Re-instatement of the yellow lines adjacent to the school are to be carried out by the end of the month. Thank you to D Cllr Godfrey for resolving this matter. It was agreed to defer discussions regarding drainage to the December Ordinary meeting when the Highways lead would be present. Twinning – Thank you to Anne Leva for the offer to write an article about the recent twinning trip for the December edition of the Newsletter. The trip to Ambleteuse was very informative and relations between the various organisations have been established. A twinning committee, with members of public and members of the various organisations, will be discussed at a future meeting. MOP – if organisations wished to attend events in Ambleteuse representing the village organisations would the Parish Council assist with travel costs. The Chair responded that the Parish Council would consider each request for funding as and when presented to the Parish Council. Environment Group – Following the receipt of drawings proposed planting plans for whips and bulbs it was discussed and agreed that the Parish Council agreed with the plans with the exception of whips being planted along the boundary fence for Hog Green properties in the King George V and bulbs being planted to the Community Orchard. The EWG will email revised plans for water harvesting system to the herb garden. The Clerk is to email EWG statement of fund available. Remembrance Day – The Clerk will email all involved with the plans for the Road Closure on Sunday 10th November. Consultation – It was agreed to defer discussions regarding the National Highways and Transport Survey 2024-25 until the Ordinary meeting in January 2025. The closing date for this consultation is 28th February 2025. County Councillor Susan Carey - Member for Elham - Valley Kent County Council Report received in absence. Since your October meeting we’ve had the news that the European Entry Exit System (EES) has been postponed because not all EU states are yet ready for implementation. KCC is continuing to lobby the Government to make arrangements with the EU for people to register their biometric details for EES before they arrive at the port and this delay is a chance to do this. Another (less welcome) delay is the decision on the Lower Thames Crossing which the Government has now put back to May 2025. This is a much-needed major infrastructure project that will move much of the HGV traffic from the M20 and which KCC has long supported. KCC’s Solar Together scheme is open for residents and owners of community buildings to use a collective buying scheme to get a good deal for solar panels and/or storage batteries. The scheme has also been extended to include the installation of EV charging points (most people will not need a special charger at home as an EV can easily be slow charged overnight). A reminder that KentTogether on the KCC website pulls together all the various schemes on offer to people who may have financial problems or mental health problems. There are many schemes available and discretion to help those in need who don’t precisely fit any category.
12 ELHAMPARISH CO UNCIL cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk LOCAL NEWS Kent Highways had no record of commissioning the yellow lines for the parking restrictions near Elham School and the District Council is normally responsible for parking restrictions. Folkestone & Hythe District Council declined to check their records but thanks to the intervention of Cllr David Godfrey they have agreed to redo the lines. Susan Carey Member for Elham Valley Kent County Council District Councillor Elham Parish – Cllr Scoffham Corporate Plan Consultation - Work on the new corporate plan is proceeding steadily. There were over 500 responses to the consultation from all sections of the community. The feedback on the draft plan was generally very favourable and was particularly useful in highlighting issues which residents regard as important. Attracting this level of engagement is a significant achievement and is one way in which the Council is reaching out to people locally. The decision to move the full council meeting in early October in New Romney is another example of community engagement. Sustainable Futures Forum - There are two mini events this autumn designed to help local groups develop and promote their activities. The first Forum was held on 4th October at Folkestone College. The session was divided into two parts focussing (a) on communication and promotion and (b) on issues and common concerns. Around 50 people from very different walks of life attended the forum. Businesses and financial advisers shared ideas with local action groups and educationalists. The benefits in terms of networking were immediately apparent and there are plans to develop the scheme in the year ahead. A second forum, following a similar format, is due to be held on 14th November. North Downs Forum - The next meeting is due to be held in early January in Elham Village Hall on Thursday 9th January with a special focus on health. The Forum is proving a useful way to identify issues relating to the rural area and seeing that they are drawn to the attention of the Council. Local action groups, councillors and interested residents are all warmly invited so please do come along. James Butcher (james.butcher@folkeston-hythe.gov.uk) is the point of contact. Liaison with Sojan Joseph - The next occasional meeting between councillors in North Downs East and North Downs West and Sojan Joseph our local MP is due to be held later this week. All local town and parishes councils have been contacted. Road to rail - I reported last month about the need to get freight off the roads and onto rail. The benefits this could bring in terms of reducing both traffic congestion and air pollution are manifest and the business case is compelling. I have been having meetings with representatives from Eurotunnel over the past month and there is now growing support from across all sections of the Council and beyond. Encouragingly Tony Vaughn MP asked Gareth Thomas (the Minister of State for Business and Trade) about this in the House of Commons last week. It will be interesting to see how the campaign unfolds. Overgrown Tree - Turning to domestic matters, a problem has arisen regarding a yew tree in Orchard Gardens which is overshadowing local properties. Officers from both the Housing Dept and Grounds Maintenance Team have both been involved and it has been decided to reduce the size of the tree by about a metre all round. The work should be completed this week if it hasn’t already been undertaken. Planning Matters - As part of its preparation for the new Local Plan the Council has launched a call for sites. This is an opportunity for residents, parish councils, landowners, developers and other stakeholders to suggest land – with the potential for future development – for a wide range of uses. These include housing, employment, leisure, community, open space or areas set aside for nature. District Councillor Elham Parish – Cllr Butcher A brief verbal report was given regarding Southern Water. A point of contact will be given to the Parish Council. District Councillor Elham Parish – Cllr Godfrey Residents, visitors and businesses can jingle all the way in Folkestone & Hythe this December thanks to free festive parking. Charges in Folkestone & Hythe District Council car parks and on-street pay and display bays are once again being waived on the three Saturdays leading up to the big day: Saturday 7 December, Saturday 14 December, Saturday 21 December Correspondence The receipt of correspondence was noted, and any required actions agreed. ...cont/ UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024.
13 ELHAM PARISH COUN CIL cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk Date Email From Re Action 07.10.24 Email NALC Unveiling of new website. Clerk received login details from KALC. No action required. 07.10.24 Email Hopkins + Costings for forthcoming year. Informative. 08.10.24 Email FOsM Replacement railings. Clerk awaiting informative and invoice. 08.10.24 Email Brogdale Site visit report. Clerk sent to Chair, Tree Warden and Harmers and Son. 10.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Weekly List. Informative. 10.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Delegated List. Informative. 14.10.24 Email Woodlands Trust Expectant delivery date for awarded whips. Clerk informed the EWG. 15.10.24 Email FHDC Remembrance Day Road Closure permit. Sent to Stagecoach, to be erected in various agreed locations. 15.10.24 Email Zurich Churchyard. Sent to Cllr Peall. 15.10.24 Email to and from Access Insurance Churchyard. Clerk replied with the information requested. No quotations received to date. 15.10.24 Cc Email D Cllr Scoffham Yew Tree to The Orchards. Sent to Tree Warden for information. 16.10.24 Email Rev’d Carol Burial enquiry. Clerk liaising directly with Funeral Directors. 17.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Weekly List. Informative. 17.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Delegated List- 23/0589/FH. Decision Notices sent to Cllrs. 17.10.24 Email EWG Plans for 2025. Discussed with all Cllrs at Ordinary meeting. 24.10.24 Email FHDC Planning 24/1201.FH – The Lodge. Sent to all Cllrs. 24.10.24 Email Resident Ottinge Streetlight. Emailed D Cllr Scoffham, FHDC and D Cllr Godfrey. 24.10.24 Email Resident Remembrance Day Road Closure. Clerk responded. 24.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Weekly List. Informative. 24.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Delegated List. Informative. 25.10.24 Email EVFC Fixtures. Sent to Harmers. 27.10.24 Email Rev’d Carol Remembrance Day. Clerk attending meeting 29.10.24. 28.10.24 Email D Cllr Scoffham Yew Tree to The Orchards. Sent to Tree Warden and hand delivered email to resident. 30.10.24 Email KCC Highways Twinning signage. Clerk to respond. 31.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Weekly List. Informative. 31.10.24 Email FHDC Planning Delegated List. Informative. 31.11/24 Email Ellingham Historical documents. Clerk responded. 01.11.24 Email FHDC Democratic Services Electoral Register. Clerk responded. 03.11.24 Email Resident 20/0304/FH – Longlands – FHDC Committee date. Clerk responded. Email and details sent to Cllrs. 04.11.24 Email DAC Secretary Archaeological watching brief. Sent to Chair. To be discussed under agenda item. UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024. ...cont/ LOCAL NEWS
14 ELHAM PARISH COUN CIL cgreenwood@elhampc.co.uk The Gore 5 The Community Orchard 3 Churchyard 15 Defibrillator 3 Burial Ground 18 Environment Group 10 Twinning 38 Road Closures 18 Remembrance 16 Village Newsletter 2 Highways 7 Planning 14 Other 18 Councillors 47 ...cont/ Email Summary Log – Date of next meeting and Close The next Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 2nd December 2024 at 7.30pm. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm. Your Parish Council and their areas responsibility Kevin Lamb Chair of PC Christeen Chapman Deputy Chair of PC, Planning lead Geo Clements Tree warden Brian Swan Member of PC Chris Francis Stuart Peall Member of PC Member of PC Kevin Allen Member of PC Highways lead LOCAL NEWS UNRATIFIED Minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council on 4th November 2024. The Rector’s Message Christians are in the season of Advent - a traditional moment for the Church to wait on God through reflecting on the heroes of our faith: the patriarchs and matriarchs, the prophets and the saints. Their stories, include faithfulness in waiting and pointing to God through words and acts of service. In this super -speed culture, it's harder now than ever to wait. Waiting often comes with a healthy dose of anxiety, impatience, and boredom even when we know something exciting is coming. Let's take some time with the heroes of our faith and see what God says to us through their examples. Perhaps through active waiting we can receive wisdom and blessings that will transform our lives and faith. “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27: 14 Revd Carol Bates
15 LOCAL NEWS District Councillor’s News for Elham December 2024 Elham News I am finally able to confirm that the FHDC maintenance Team will be re-furbishing yellow lines around Elham school once a suitable weather window arises. Owing to a project cancellation I currently have funds available under the District Council Ward Budget scheme. For details, please visit https://www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/downloads/file/4548/ward-budget-ts-and-cs-2023-24 District Housing More than 40 new affordable homes are set to be acquired by Folkestone & Hythe District Council. Cabinet members have approved the purchase of 44 properties at Risborough Barracks, secured with the planning consent obtained for the site in Shorncliffe and funded by the council’s Housing Revenue Account. The homes will be let to applicants on the council’s housing list through Kent Home choice once they are completed. A mixture of properties for affordable rent and shared ownership will be made available. I was very pleased that the housing team had won a prestigious award for a project that was delivered during my tenure as Cabinet Member for Housing in the previous Conservative Administration and is being further developed by the Council, The Asset and Social Housing Decarbonisation staff were judged to be a top team at the Kent Housing Group Excellence Awards on Wednesday (25 September) winning the Asset Management category against stiff competition. The Folkestone team has led the multi-million pound project to help keep tenants warm in winter and cool in the summer. Work included the installation of measures such as: cavity wall, under floor and loft insulation, ventilation, double-glazed windows, new external doors, high heat retention storage heaters, as well as the installation of air source heat pumps and solar pv panels. On the subject of awards at the Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation (IRRV)’s national awards ceremony last week, the council tax, benefits and welfare team were named the winners of the Benefits and/or Welfare Reform Team of the Year and Excellence in Social Inclusion categories. Judges praised a “holistic approach to supporting residents” including an “innovative” collaboration scheme with ReachOut, a private sector service from Sigma Connected, aimed at working with the most vulnerable. The work of “alleviating poverty and deprivation” within targeted groups in the district through the Household Support Fund and Home Essentials Fund was also commended. Beach Management The latest chapter of bi-annual beach management work helping to protect more than 3,000 homes and businesses from flooding starts next week. Contractors will begin recycling and regrading shingle along the five-mile stretch of coast between Fisherman’s Beach in Hythe and Folkestone Harbour on Monday 4 November – a process that takes up to eight weeks to complete. Enforcement After numerous warnings residents who failed to clear a build-up of waste from their back garden in Lydd have been fined heavily A dog walker who failed to clear up after a dog on a visit to The Warren has been fined. Hopefully these successful prosecutions which have been reported in the press and on social media will deter others. Obviously our enforcement teams cannot be everywhere at all times but residents can report such anti-social behaviour anonymously at https://www.folkestone-hythe.gov.uk/report Christmas Parking Charges in Folkestone & Hythe District Council car parks and on-street pay and display bays are once again being waived on the three Saturdays leading up to the big day: Saturday 7 December Saturday 14 December Saturday 21 December District Councillor David Godfrey
16 LOCAL NEWS The new Government’s Budget saw some welcome announcements on extra funding for Adult Social Care, children with Special Educational Needs, continued funding the Household Support Fund which helps the most vulnerable and extra money for road maintenance. Less welcome was the increase in the Employers’ National Insurance Contributions and the National Living Wage as these will increase costs particularly for the companies and charities we pay to deliver Social Care. The final settlement for Local Government will be confirmed in late December and we still expect we will need to make substantial savings to balance the KCC budget for 2025/26. It was dismaying to see no changes in the Budget to eligibility levels to the Winter Fuel Allowance and KCC has a campaign to try to get more people to apply for Pension Credit so that they can still receive the Winter Fuel Allowance. The changes to Agricultural Property Relief are also alarming in their impact on family farms. Current consultations include one on the use of pharmacies and another on KCC’s Education strategy and you can take part at https://letstalk.kent.gov.uk/ Matthew Scott, Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner, also has a survey for the public to help shape the new Police and Crime Plan. It takes around 5 minutes on the link below: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/PoliceandCrimePlan2024/ There was a paper about the preparations for the much-postponed European Entry Exit System (EES) at the meeting of the Full Council at KCC on 07 November. EES, which replaces passport stamping with a biometric system, was due to be implemented from 11 November but most EU countries (including France) are not yet ready. I spoke in the debate to make the point that our communities face regular disruption to our roads whenever there are problems with cross Channel traffic quite apart from the potential of long delays as people register for EES. More needs to be done to enable people to register away from the ports and to manage the Cross-Channel traffic, both tourist and freight, so it doesn’t blight Kent’s roads. You can read the paper and see the full debate on the KCC website. As we reach the end of the year, I’d like to thank everyone in the parish who’s contributed to our community whether it’s by looking out for their neighbours, giving time to a voluntary group, the church, chapel, the village hall, the play groups and to those who run the local shops, school, pubs and businesses that keep the village alive. A big thank you to your parish councillors and clerk who are always prepared to roll up their sleeves and get things done. A big welcome to the Shed which opened this year in the grounds of the Village Hall and a special thank you to those who edit and distribute this newsletter. To everyone I wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Susan Carey, Member Elham Valley, Kent County Council County Councillor’s report Elham December 2024 Allotment Tidy Up On the 2nd November a “Volunteers Tidy Up” took place at the Elham Allotments by the Parish Burial Ground. A group of 14 people spent a couple of hours tidying the storage shed, the barbecue area, sorting out the tools, sweeping leaves and tidying up 2 vacant allotments that are currently looking for new owners. Anyone interested in getting an allotment please contact Mark Flight by email:- mark.flight@sky.com
17 What a lot of very mild days we have had recently but very GLOOMY days - now, suddenly, it's a bit colder but brighter which makes such a difference to life! The speaker at the October meeting- which was too late for the last Newsletter - was Ed Flint who gave an excellent 'down to earth' talk on the value of sowing seeds in Autumn as opposed to Spring. Obviously doing both gives a really long period of flowering and cropping. The large audience, having enjoyed the talk, left vowing to follow his advice at once. The highlight, so far, in November was the Annual Dinner which took place in the Golf Club on the 8th. A very successful and enjoyable evening, attended by over 40 members and friends who indulged in a time of chat, food and drink and a hilarious short "lecture" by Peter Morgan. Many thanks go to Jenny Gasson for her organisation and to Maggie for the lovely table arrangements. The next event for the diaries is the A.G.M. on 13th December - a short amount of, usually entertaining, business to start with , followed by the Christmas party - Don't Miss It. Meetings are held in the Peggy Pike room of the Village Hall on the third Thursday of the month at 7..30pm. Visitors always welcome Frances Horton - 840550. LOCAL NEWS
18 Editor KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOUR A regular Sunday Cleaner is required for 4 hours (occasionally more depending on need) as soon as possible for Elham Village Hall. £15.00 an hour. For further details please contact 07746 790618 or email bookingsecretary.evh@gmail.com. How long have you been part of the Elham Community? Kelly and I stumbled across Shep’s house during a lockdown walk and immediately fell in love with the house and its setting. At the time we were living in Sandgate having been there for about 4 years and thinking that we would never get pulled way from the sea view. But that changed when we found Mount Lodge. W hat do you consider your greatest achievement to date? It’s your children, isn’t it? Thomas is 23 and recently graduated from Manchester and Robyn is 26 and lives and works in Faversham and is also a trainee tattooist. W hen were you happiest? Now - where we are in our lives, where we live, Kelly, friends, family. W hat did you want to be when you were growing up? I wanted to go into the royal marines because it sounded exciting and adventurous. I didn’t because I was talked out of it at my final interview by the officers who made me see the errors of my ways, I didn’t really want to do it. And it was absolutely the right decision. I went to work in an insurance office in London. How was that? I wanted an exciting career and ended up in insurance? W hat keeps you awake at night? Everything. I am a worrier and I worry about all the normal stuff. W hat is the most important lesson life has taught you? Be kind - and what goes around comes around. W hich village event do you most look forward to? ‘Open Gardens’ is my favourite because you meet people that you do not normally meet and who doesn’t like a nose around someone else’s garden? Tell us three activities that keep you busy? Renovating the house. It is the classic Forth Bridge. When I finish, I will be starting again! Running round like an idiot mitigating against Kelly’s time keeping skills Obsessing about Liverpool winning another league title. W hat one change in the village would improve your life? More affordable housing so that young families can live here. Cat, dog or goldfish? Dog. Why? Loyalty. Goldfish and cats are not loyal. W hat is the worst job you have ever done? Holding Kelly’s dog when it was put down. Kelly just wasn’t up to it. Tell us a joke. I like to meet my wife at 12.59 because I really enjoy that 1 to 1 time. W hat would the people of Elham not know about you? I was born in a desert. My father was a US serviceman in the air force. Last thoughts, final word. I thought this was going to be an ordeal and I was right! Actually, it hasn’t been at all! Robey Hilliard is known as Kelly’s husband who is the shepherdess at the top of Cullens Hill, with the curly black faced sheep. He was forced into being the neighbour we can get to know this month ! !
19 Dear Friends, Candles are a feature of most churches. Although they appear almost everywhere at this time of year, as people decorate their homes for the season approaching Christmas. The present season of the church is now Advent, which means a time of waiting. Waiting for the birth of Jesus which commemorates the start of his earthly journey here with us. We generally experience Advent as a time of happy anticipation: buying and wrapping gifts, attending Christmas meals or fairs, preparing or buying special food to enjoy at our celebrations. Yet in past centuries Advent was much more like Lent: a time of fasting, prayer and devotions. It is a time to reflect on the year just gone. For those wishing to be baptised, this was a period of preparation leading to a Christmas baptism. In those far off years candles , too, would have been significant, not just in worship, but as the only available form of artificial light once the evening darkness had fallen. Ancient Egyptian tomb decorations portray the use of rudimentary candles. Although candles with wicks seem to have been invented by the Etruscans as early as 900BC. Candles are quite mesmerising to look at. The flame flickers with any passing flow of air, offering a hypnotic image of movement and light that constantly changes. No wonder many people use them for relaxation or meditation. Something calming, soporific and stress reducing. In our hectic, often difficult lives - we seem to have even greater need of such things today. This is another reason perhaps why they are prevalent in spiritual worship across so many different belief systems, offering a focus for prayer and helping to achieve stillness. For the Christian faith the candle represents faith as a light in the darkness of the world. Thus, during Advent most churches have an Advent wreath. Although the use of a wreath dates back to the pre-Christian era as a marker towards the winter solstice, it was adopted as an aid to Christian worship many centuries ago. Some traditions hold that it is a reminder of the persecution of early Christians when they necessarily had to worship in secret and under cover of darkness, as in the Roman catacombs. Today, lighting a fresh candle each Sunday as Advent progresses is a reminder of the hope, peace, joy and love we encounter in our belief. The circular shape of the wreath symbolises eternity, reminding us of God's infinite love and presence in our lives. The evergreen leaves that decorate it represent the life, hope and renewal given to us by Jesus. The lighting of the candles sequentially each week provides us with a tangible way to mark the passing of time towards Christmas itself. Although for many people this is the busiest part of the year, for some it is a time of sadness as they recall earlier, happier times. However this Advent season feels, our local churches can offer something for all: calmness, stillness, comfort and hope. Why not pop in and see the wreaths in our local churches? Better still, join us and come and see them being lit. Rev. Sharon Paine DEC 24 - St Mary’s (open daily 9-5): 1st 8am Said Euch; 11am Euch. Canterbury Cathedral 8th 9.30am Eucharist. 15th No services 22nd 9.30am Service of the Word; 5pm Joint Carol Service 24th 5pm Crib Service; 11pm Midnight Mass 29th 10am Benece Eucharist Every Tuesday - 8.30am – Morning Prayer DEC 24 - Methodist Church: (at 9.30am unless otherwise stated) 1st Richard Blackwell 8th Valley United Holy Communion 10.15am Rev.G.Songer 15th Local Arrangement 22nd United Carol Service at St Mary’s 5pm 29th Circuit Service at St Andrew’s CHURCH PAGES
20 CHURCH PAGES JAN 25 - St Mary’s (open daily 9-5): 5th 8am Said Eucharist; 9.30am Eucharist 12th 9.30am Eucharist - 19th 9.30am Eucharist 26th 9.30am Service of the Word Every Tuesday - 8.30am – Morning Prayer JAN 25 - Methodist Church: ( 9.30am unless stated) 5th Revd. Malcolm Peach 12th Valley United Service at Rhodes Minnis 19th Dwight Harris. United Service at St Mary’s 26th Richard Blackwell Churches Together in Elham Prayer meetings in the Methodist Hall, open to all persons of any denomination or none. Bi-monthly, on a Saturday morning, at 8 am, half an hour of prayer followed by breakfast at 8.30 (please let David Whitethread know if you are coming – 840650 or 07961053335). The next Prayer Breakfast is 7th December. All welcome, come and join us. Coffee & Cake morning – Mondays, 1030 to 1200. Next Prayer Meeting – 5th December, then every ACRISE CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAYRE Elham Village Hall on Saturday 7th December – 10am to 2pm Festive goods & crafts on sale, books, refreshments, cakes, raffle, tombola and Father Christmas! In aid of St Martin’s Church, Acrise Thanks to all those who supported the Macmillan Coffee Hour on Saturday, 28th September in St. Mary's Church. We raised £400.00 for Cancer. Special thanks go to Sharon of The Cosy Tearooms who organized the raffle, receiving prizes from The King's Arms, Abbot's Fireside, Hairdressers, The Pig, Angie and Moira. Jane Blain guessed correctly the number of chocolate chips in Sharon's cake, winning the cake. A fun time was had by all. Peter Swain MACMILLAN COFFEE HOUR - 28th September Cleaner wanted for St Mary’s Church. Do you have around an hour to spare either Wednesday or Thursday mornings? If so, can you help us keep St Mary’s clean and welcoming to visitors and villagers? All that is involved is putting the vacuum cleaner around the porch and general areas, a bit of dusting, and tidying the kneelers in the pews. If you are interested please call me Anne Newman 07944721218.
21 LOCAL NEWS Every year in November Barry Flanagan and I put up poppy hearts on the village signs as our tribute to the fallen. When they are taken down Pauline Flanagan removes and washes the poppies, Barry services the heart shaped boards and I staple the clean poppies back ready for the next year. Our poppies are looking a bit ragged after years of service and weather exposure so we are looking for some new ones for next year. If you are a knitter and have half an hour to spare please can you knit us a poppy or two. There is a simple pattern to follow. Completed poppies can be put through my mail box at Orchard End on the corner of Park Lane. Thank you in advance everyone! Jan Stanyon REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Easy Knitted Poppy Size 3.5mm needles (or 4mm. if you are a tight knitter). We want the finished flower to be quite tight. Colour A – Red double knit yarn (one ball makes many poppies) Black or dark green double knit yarn for the centre. INSTRUCTIONS: Using colour A cast o 120 stitches Rows 1 – 4 knit (tip, knit row 4 fairly loosely) Row 5 Decrease to 40 stitches by knitting three stitches together across the row, or K1, K2tog, PSSO across the row. Rows 6 – 9 knit Row 10 Knit 2 tog. across the row (20sts) Rows 11and 12 Knit then change to black yarn Rows 13 and 14 Knit in black yarn Row 15 Knit 2 tog across the row (10 sts) Row 16 Knit 2 tog across the row (5 sts) Row 17 Knit 2 sts together, knit 1, knit 2 tog and thread the yarn through a sewing needle and pull all stitches together tight and stitch up the dark middle of the poppy, leaving a length of thread to attach it. Stitch together the red edges of the poppy and trim ends.
22 CHURCH PAGES 22nd December 09.30 – Tradional Carol Service
23 It’s official: Elham and Ambleteuse are twinned! After a year of exploratory visits, Elham and Ambleteuse in Northern France are now officially twinned. A delegation from Elham set off early on 17 October to cross the Channel and drive the short 22km from Calais to our new twin village, and there to sign the official charter. The delegation was led by Parish Council chairman Cllr Kevin Lamb accompanied by Cllr Geoff Clements. Village representatives included three from Elham School Governors, Trevor Gasson, Anne Le Baigue and Jenny Gasson; our pétanque team Ian Sladden, Mark Jenner, Bernard Perry, Chris Burtonshaw, Maureen and Kirk Alexander; Renee Bull representing Elham Village Hall and Elham Newsletter, and Anne Leva for Elham Community Shed and Friendship Lunch Club. Our French hosts, headed by the Maire Stéphane Pinto, greeted us outside the Mairie and led us for the official signing of the charter and a delicious French breakfast of coffee, croissants and pains au chocolat. In lovely autumn sunshine the group then proceeded to the Ambleteuse village sign to unveil the official new addition, Village jumelé avec Elham (Royaume-Uni). There was plenty of time for photographs and for both delegations to chat and find out more about each other before lunch at Le Cap d’Opale, a large holiday village offering accommodation for individuals and groups. Over lunch Cllr Lamb gave a speech, in French, to thank our hosts for their generous hospitality. He expressed the wish that this twinning would be the opportunity for organisations in both villages to enjoy cultural, artistic, sporting and educational exchanges, and work together to foster greater understanding in the spirit of the “entente cordiale”. The group split after lunch with the Elham pétanque team taking on the French. Ian said: “We had three games each, and after much frivolity the match was a draw. I don't think the Brits are used to playing after a heavy and enjoyable lunch! We are looking forward to a return match.” Trevor and his colleagues visited the school. Ambleteuse and Elham primary schools are of similar size with pupils broadly the same age range. Trevor said the two schools are well suited to develop a closer relationship which will benefit each in a variety of ways. He added: “As well as greatly enjoying the day’s programme we were especially pleased to have the opportunity to visit the school and see a number of classes at work, including an English lesson!” Renee and Anne were taken to visit the Fort d’Ambleteuse, a major historic tourist attraction. It was built in the 17th century by Vauban for Louis XIV and was still used by the German invaders in WWII. Anne and Renee also had the opportunity of talking to Catherine B’Aheu, responsible for cultural affairs, about possible artists exchanges next year. The day ended with a visit to CROSS, the regional maritime security and surveillance centre, responsible for the French side of the Channel. We learned how the centre manages search and rescue operations for all Channel traffic, be it fishing, commercial, yachting and leisure sailing and now, sadly, migrant boats. There was a final glass of bubbly and then it was au revoir and the hope that organisations in both villages will embrace opportunities for exchanges and joint initiatives. AL LOCAL NEWS
24 Members of St. Mary’s Church congregation and Elham Village Hall Association presentA PROPER CHRISTMASSING-ALONG!at St. Mary’s ChurchSUNDAY 1st DECEMBER5.15 (after the tree switch on)Everyone welcome! Free event.Come and enjoy some mulled wine and mince pies. Sing some Christmas carols accompanied by Anthony Trinkwon on the organ.M ERRY CHRISTM AS ELHAM !Gather at the triangle at 4.55pm for the t ree switch on then follow Father Christmas to the church for the festivities!And after the mince pies, you are invited to The Abbots Fireside where there will be a FREE buffet provided by the landlords. ELHAM VILLAGE HALL NEWS
25 ELHAM VILLAGE HALL NEWS What a fun night it was at the Village Hall. This free event was attended by young and old. The ‘limbo’ was particularly challenging especially for our shapely witch! The balloons coming down from the ceiling offered great excitement for all the spooky witches, fairies, zombies, ghosts and skeletons. Many thanks to the EVHA committee members and the parents and carers who supported this event. Halloween Hullaballoon October 26
27 name the chocolate bars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 If you missed the Elham Village Hall Autumn Quiz in October, try this ‘continuity round with your family at Christmas time. ‘Dentists Delight or Despair’ - answers on page 31. Entertainment RETURNING YOUR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Hopefully by now your Christmas Tree, visible from the street, is erected and lit. All our lights are distributed in working order. Please ensure that you return your lights after Twelfth Night but before Valentine’s Day to Elham Village Hall in the numbered box in which they were given to you. Your tree can be disposed of via the local authority - see their website for when to leave it out for collection. Alternatively you can bring it to the village hall when you return your lights. Thank you. Elham Village Hall Committee
28 LOCAL NEWS Elham Community Shed opens next month The moment we hope many of you have been waiting for, and the moment many of us have been working for, has arrived – Monday 6 January 2025 is Elham Community Shed Opening Day! So what will happen? The Shed will open on this date for two hours from 10am to 12 noon. The Shed team will be on hand to answer all your questions, show you around, and sign you up as a member. So that as many people as possible can attend, there will be two more opportunities that week: on Thursday 9 January from 2pm to 4pm, and on Saturday 11 January from 10am to 2pm. There will be tea, coffee and biscuits; come and meet the team; find out the Shed opening hours and activities planned, meet other potential ‘Shedders’. Members: How and why – Anyone using the Shed will have to be a member. This is necessary for all to be covered by our insurance. As we want the Shed to be as inclusive as possible, we have kept the membership fee at a very reasonable £10 per person to cover the period from January to the end of August 2025. This coincides with the end of our financial year, when you will be able to renew your membership for the following year. We will accept cash or card! On your membership form you will need to tell us if you have any illnesses that may affect what you can do, and also the name of a next of kin, just to be on the safe side. All this information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Activities – The Elham Community Shed is your Shed, so make sure to come with ideas as to how you want it to be used, what you would like to learn or make… There will be a small charge for each session, to cover costs for materials, electricity, etc. Importantly, the Community Shed is not just for people wanting to make things. It also aims to be a social hub, somewhere where people can get together just for a chat, have a coffee, meet people, perhaps play cards or other games, fight isolation, get you out of your house, enjoy some social time, make new friends. The Shed is for people of all ages, and all genders! The proof is in the name, Elham Community Shed. We hope to see many of you in January and once again, a huge thank you to all who have made this idea a reality.
29 LOCAL EVENTS QR stands for QUICK RESPONSE ….. who knew that? A QR code is a 2D matrix barcode; where a 1D barcode stores information as a series of lines that must be read in a linear direction, a 2D matrix uses modules (square dots or cells) that are arranged in a specific square or rectangular pattern that is scanned as a whole image, allowing more information to be stored in the same area. QR codes are usually square in shape and use black modules on a white background to create specific patterns in black and white, although colours can also be used. QR codes usually store information about the item they are attached to, but they can also perform functions such as displaying a particular message, launching a particular webpage, or even purchasing a particular item. QR codes are most commonly used on products for tracking or information purposes, but are increasingly used on advertising materials ranging from small individual leaflets, magazine and newspaper adverts, to billboards and posters. Let’s have some fun & try it! 1.Grab your phone now 2 Open the camera app 3. Use the QR code for Valley View Shepherds Hut advert shown here 4. Hold the phone camera over the QR code found on the advert “Scan me”! 4. A yellow box will appear after a few seconds 5. Tap the yellow box Voila!! Practise your new skill with the QR codes on the front cover for Elham Village Hall Association and Elham and Visit Elham.
30 The site for our LOCAL NEWS A date for your 2025 diary Friends of St Mary’s AGM Tuesday 28 January 2025 at 6.30 St Mary’s Church Wine and canapes Please do join us!
31 Jamming Sessions Acoustic Music Collective! Clive and Jan Stanyon attended the North Downs Forum run by Folkestone and Hythe District Council for things significant to the area. It was there that they found out about the offer of ‘Song Writing Workshops’ and subsequently engaged with Sophia Stutchbury to arrange these in Elham Village Hall. Sophia and her husband, Tim, have been instrumental in making Folkestone a recognised music town. The offer to run workshops was part of their outreach to local communities. The sessions have been advertised in the Newsletter and were held on 1 /17 October and 12 / 28 November. There were people who usually attended the jamming group and others who came to these sessions. With the encouragement and guidance of Sophia and Tim, an amazing and wide variety of songs have been written by people who probably had never thought of having a go. AW ’s contribution is below. Jim Clements Answers 1 Lion Bar 2 Flake 3 Peppermint aero 4 Snickers 5 Bounty 6 Crunchie 7 Double Decker 8 Mars 9 Twirl 10 Milky way 11 Frys Chocolate Creme 12 Yorkie Bar 13 KitKat 14 Turkish Delight 15 Whispa Dentist’s Delight or Despair. Answers LOCAL NEWS
32 ELHAM CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL Term 1 concluded with each class celebrating the end of term in their chosen way – stone age day, Octopus Baking, Chinese Food, Ancient Greek delicacies and Cupcake making! Term 2 is now well underway with the daily routine interspersed with preparations for Christmas whether it is rehearsal for the carols to be sung at the Elham Christmas Lights switch on or the Key Stage 1 Nativity production. The PTA Christmas Fair, which this year is on Friday 29 November, is always an exciting start to the Christmas Season [3.15 in school all are welcome!] while the whole school visit to the Marlowe Pantomime, Beauty and the Beast, will be a real treat. Thank you to the PTA for once again funding the transport into Canterbury. All of us at Elham School wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and a safe and healthy 2025. Trevor Gasson Co Chair of Governors Year 6 hold a Remembrance Service at the War Memorial Elham Valley Walkers Autumn Programme Please check https://elhamvalleywalkers.co.uk/our-next-walk/ prior to joining a walk, for any last minute changes, or phone the walk leader if you are unable to access the internet. Tuesday 3 December. Meet 10am the Walnut Tree pub, Aldington TN25 7DT (road parking). A walk around Aldington and nearby countryside which is full of history; smugglers, the Archbishops Palace, Tudor execution and perhaps a haunted house?? Approx. 6 miles, easy. Andrew Cornford 07761 034407 Sunday 15 December. Start 10am, Five Bells, The Street, East Brabourne, TN25 5LP. Five miles, 3.25 hours, easy. Climbing above Brabourne we take the beautiful North Downs Way to Stowting passing the Tiger Inn, renowned for its fine dining. Proceeding South we arrive at Broad Street, Monks Horton, passing another pub, The Black Horse. Completing the loop, we will call in at The Five Bells before saying farewell until the New Year. Please try to park by the roadside along The Street, rather than the pub car park unless you are dining there. The Five Bells has a fine lunch menu including Christmas Fayre in December. If you wish to take lunch after the walk please book direct on 01303 813334. Walk Leader, Chris Jelly 07518 163183. Tuesday 7 January 2025 A repeat walk from Bridge, due to popular demand. Meet 10am at St Peter’s Church, Bridge CT4 5AR, road parking in the village. A reasonably flat circular walk of 8 miles, so do come if you feel able to complete this longer walk. We head north-east towards Littlebourne, through Bifrons Park to join a small section of the Elham Valley Way. After crossing through Woolton Farmland we eventually follow the Nailbourne stream towards Patrixbourne. Potential to walk the route in reverse. Leader Ros Humphreys 07760 485382. Sunday 19 January 2025. Meet outside the Grand Hotel Folkestone CT20 2XL. A 5 mile walk to avoid mud! Along the Leas, down into Sandgate, back to the harbour along the lower shore path, before the climb up the Old High Street to the start point. Some nice coffee shop opportunities! Len and Lorna lead. Tel 07980 309419 LOCAL NEWS
33 BEE WISE – Valley Bees News It is all quiet in the Elham apiary now. Once the ambient temperature goes below 15 degrees Celsius the bees will rarely be seen but if the sun does come out for a little while there will be a lot of activity in and out of the hives for gathering what they can forage and also cleansing flights. We are now in the process of cleaning and repairing all of our redundant hive equipment and making plans for the coming season. Packs of fondant are ready to give to the bees on Christmas day – so we are very well prepared. Are You Interested in Beekeeping? The local association that we are members of is the Dover and District Beekeepers Association which welcomes beginners and interested newcomers. In summer (April-September) meetings are held on the last Saturday afternoon of the month at apiaries in Eythorne or Walmer or at members’ hives. In the winter there is a programme of discussions and talks on related matters at Alkham Village Hall. The October Honey Show is the largest show in the area. The Association has strong links with other local societies and an enthusiasm to encourage new beekeepers. Beginners are able to loan a hive (with a mentor), or to “adopt” a hive under supervision at Eythorne for their first season. There is also the possibility to provide nucleus colonies of bees for beginners at a reasonable cost. Bees have been very much in the news lately, their importance as pollinators cannot be ignored. They are vital for food and the countryside and hobby beekeepers play a very important role. If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary: Maggie Harrowell email the.harrowells@btinternet.com Annual Hive Count We have just forwarded our Annual Return to the Animal & Plant Health Agency which asks beekeepers to take part in the National Hive Count. Over 8,500 beekeepers completed the Hive Count in 2023!! This information is vital for the A&PHA planning and preparation for outbreaks of disease or exotic pests. Knowing the number and location of beekeepers, hives and apiaries helps to inform where Bee Inspectors should be deployed. This applies in relation to familiar pests and diseases and to more recent threats such as the damaging invasive species Yellow-legged hornet (Vespa velutina). They will also use the figures to monitor honey bee populations over time. Having up to date records that reflect the current position in each year is vital and allows changes over time to be monitored. For this, it is important that beekeepers notify the number of hives owned on 1st November 2024. For interest these are the numbers for the last 7 years:- 2017 - 252,000 2018 - 244,000 2019 - 264,000 2020 - 260,000 2021 - 272,631 2022 - 288,311 2023 - 252,577 Finally, the Asian Hornet Update: As of the 1 November, 68 credible Yellow-legged hornet sightings have been reported in the UK in 2024 and 23 nests have been found and destroyed. This compares with last year’s figure being 72 nests across 56 locations. Closing statement:- Did you know that one of the first coins in the world had the symbol of a bee? Roger Newman Valley Bees www.valleybees.co.uk LOCAL NEWS
35 LOCAL NEWS CLUB SESSIO N S Mondays 18. 00 Clive; stanyonc@aol.com Tuesday and Thursday 10.00 Maureen Alexander 07714 415651 maureentalexander@gmail.com Fridays 17.30 - 19.30 BEGINNERS and RETURNERS FUN SESSION Steve Uttley 07984 763156 Steveuttley@gmail.com We welcome New Members Tennis members can either book and play, or join the friendly club sessions CONTACT INFORMATION Chair Maureen Alexander 07714 415651 maureentalexander@gmail.com Membership Brett Clitheroe Treasurer Clive Stanyon 01303 840820 stanyonc@aol.com Badminton: Clive Stanyon 01303840820 stanyonc@aol.com Casual Bookings Clive Stanyon 01303 840820 stanyonc@aol.com Any adults or youngsters for Table Tennis? The table tennis sessions on Monday evenings in the Anna Clayton room have been going well - long may they continue. There is now a session from 6:15 to 7:15 for children, in school Year 5, 6, 7 or 8 ( adult accompanied ) in the Anna Clayton room. Please contact me if you intend to come at 6.15. The adult session continues on Monday nights at 7.15 Elham Village Hall, upstairs as usual. Equipment provided; we just need your enthusiasm. If you would like further details please contact Jim Clements 01303 840295 or ajcjim1904@gmail.com. Anyone for Cribbage ???? Every Sunday aernoon in the Abbots Fireside 4.00-6.00pm (Not 1st Dec) Come and join us for a few rounds – expert or novice! Roger Newman 07895 880123
36 LOOKING AFTER YOU and YOUR FAMILY’S WELLBEING Open Times Monday - Closed Tuesday - Closed Wednesday 12pm - 10pm Thursday 12pm - 10pm Friday 12pm - 11pm Saturday 12pm - 11pm Sunday 12pm - 8pm Food served Wed - Sat 12pm - 3pm and 6pm - 9pm Sunday 12pm - 4pm Takeaway menu available Stone baked pizza, burger, fish and chips Contact us: Tel: 01303 840566 Email: info@theabbotsfireside.com
37 LOOKING AFTER YOU , YOUR HOME and YOUR FAMILY’S WELLBEING Clinics in Ashford, Dover, New Romney Home visits on request 07745 532075 Podiatry, Chiropody, Foot Health. Treang and managing foot and nail condions, corns, callus, insoles, ingrown nails, diabec foot care www.eastkenootcare.co.uk
38 LOOKING AFTER YOU and YOUR FAMILY’S WELLBEING HOME VISITING OPTOMETRIST If you are over 60 years of age and no longer able to get out on your own, then you are eligible for a NHS sight test in your own home. Please call Elaine Edwards BSc (Hons) MCOptom 01303 840541 If you wish to advertise here, the cost is £53 per annum. Please contact elhamnewsletter@gmail.com Sara’s Fruits Apple and Pear Juice - 1 Litre Bottles Frozen Fruits 500g Freezer Bags Raspberries Blueberries Littlegate House, Park Gate, Elham CT4 6NE Email sara@littlegatehouse.com 0798 091 15 89 FRESH BERRIES NOW ALSO FOR SALE
39 LOOKING AFTER YOU and YOUR FAMILY’S WELLBEING Hatha, Zen and Yin Yoga Mindfulness Meditaon Trauma Informed Yoga Pre and Post Natal Yoga 1:1 and group classes Gentle Evening Yoga, Wednesdays 7-8 PM Morning Yoga, Fridays 10-11 AM Currently at St Mary’s Church Hall, Elham serenityyoga20@gmail.com www.serenityyoga20.com @serenityyoga As osteopaths, Adam and Katie can help patients suffering from a wide variety of conditions including arthritic pain, circulatory problems, frozen shoulder, back pain, sciatica and much more. Please visit our website or give us a call for more information. AK Healthcare Garden Suite 4 Station Road, Lyminge Tel; 07904311554 / 07980897382 www.akhealthcare.org.uk Pilates, Skeletal alignment exercises and Stretch Tuesday Morning 08.30-09.25 and 9.30-10.25 Elham Village Hall CT4 6SX Thursday morning Pilates, Mobility exercises and Stretch 08.30- 09.25 and 09.30- 10.25 St Mary’s Hall CT4 6TQ janenemoat@gmail.com
40 LOOKING AFTER YOU AND YOUR FAMILY’S WELLBEING Guided Safaris Self-Drive Adventures Tailor Made Holidays Contact Your Elham Safari Specialist www.yoursafari.co.uk kathryn@yoursafari.co.uk 01233 510269 Boyke Manor Coages Family run holiday lets that have been running for 12 years. Are you looking for somewhere for a break or a longer stay? Two coages available in the Elham Valley (Onge) One sleeps 6 and One sleeps 4 Can be let individually or together. Fully equipped holiday coages rated as 4 star. Relaxing holidays in a peaceful rural seng, close travelling dis-tance to the coast and a wide range of places to visit in close prox-imity. Ideal for a family getaway/ holiday or short stays in between house purchases/whilst renovaons are being undertaken. Much more economical than hotels and the accommodaon oers very high standards. www.boyke-manor-coages.co.uk Contact Paul on 07860 452640
41 Park House Sanctuary Boarding Kennels and Caery Park House, Stelling Minnis Brick-built Heated Kennels Daily Walks – Reasonable Rates All dogs and cats must be fully inoculated Heated Cat Chalets in Quiet Area To book, or for further informaon, call us on 01303 862622 or email lord.whisky@bnternet.com Elham Dog Training Club **** FULLY INSURED Dog training Puppies from 12 weeks old Kennel Club Good Cizen Dog Scheme Puppy through to Gold Other fun classes available – ask for details Lyn Fagg 07866 234820 Email: Lynn.Fagg@yahoo.co.uk BARKING BEAUTIES 01303 840456 / 07866 463660 Unit 11, Barham Business Park Valley Road, Barham CT4 6DQ Fully qualied City and Guilds grooming: Bathing, drying, nail clipping. De-mang. Hand stripping and de-shedding. Fully qualied City and Guilds Master Diploma and K9 First Aid qualied. £16 for simple wash and blow dry. www.anityandbarkingbeaues.co.uk An independently owned veterinary surgery for all types of small animals. Separate waing, consultaon and recovery rooms for cats, small pets and dogs. Opening hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-19:00 Saturday 08:30-13:00 24hour emergency service Hawkinge Veterinary Surgery 9b Defiant Close Hawkinge CT18 7SU TEL: 01303 764190 www.hawkingevetsurgery.co.uk email hawkingevetsurgery@gmail.com
42 R.B.W. KENT’S WATER FEATURE SPECIALISTS AND POND BUILDING EXPERTS Garden/Pond Design, Building and Refurbishments Pond Cleaning/Maintenance/Maintenance Contracts Child Safe Pond Covers Filtration Specialists Patios-Decking-Fencing-Brickwork-Arbours Tel. 07563 212858 FREE ESTIMATES and CONSULTATIONS www.reflectionbywater.com Email: andrewlongrbw@hotmail.com Established in 2001, award winning Hythe Garden Landscapes have been delivering the highest level of service to both domesc and commercial clients for a number of years. We are fully insured members of the Associaon for Professional Landscapers (APL) and encompass every aspect of gardening including: One-o garden jobs Garden maintenance packages Paos and driveways Composite decking Fencing Planng Tree surgery Turng Please take a look at our website www.hythegardenlandscapes.co.uk to see some of the projects that our professional, reliable team have completed, or call us on 01303 770610 LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN KJB Garden ServicesMowing Pruning WeedingHedge cuttingGeneral garden maintenanceOver 35 years experienceContact Kevin01303 862181Mobile 07704989402Email kbaldock06@gmail.comDo you need a helping hand? Garden and Domesc Work House and Pet Sing Small Animal Care Then please ’phone Fiona Johnson 01303 840507 (working locally for 30 years)
43 LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN D.M.B. Plastering All aspects undertaken Interior, Exterior, Plastering, Rendering, Coving, Ceilings, Walls, Floors Finest quality assured, CSCS Certified 28 years experience Free estimates - Reliable service - Fully insured Call David on 07818 607209
44 Swanson Plumbing and H eating Local Elham Valley experienced plumber Reliable and on time From taps to bathrooms to complete heating systems 24hr emergency service Call 07971090018 / 01303 840177 Email FBS_LTD@Yahoo.co.uk LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN FINCHAM PLUMBING and HEATING We specialise in bathroom remodelling, including all tiling and pipework. Natural gas boiler servicing. Installation, Maintenance, Repairs and Replacement. All your plumbing requirements. Martin is a qualified Plumber Gas Engineer Gas Safe, CIPHE, WIAPS registered. Rosemary and Martin Fincham 07835 851 706 martinfincham@sky.com CAROL CREES CL EARANCES HOUSE CL EARANCE I N SOUTH EAST KENT Based in Folkestone Full/Part House Clear ance Est. over 30 year s –Fair Pr ices Paid Antique/Vint age/Ret r o/Modern Register ed Rubbish Carr ier Contact SI MON CULLEN 07745 421680 si jnzo@aol.com JACKSON PLUMBING Domestic plumbing and property maintenance No job too small Special Rates for O.A.P.s Free estimates Home/ evening: 01303 270691 or daytim e direct line to the proprietor 07773 089398 or 07864 929826 Em ail: jackson.mark20@gmail.com Luxury German Kitchens at Internet Prices Contemporary and traditional styles Family run local business with the most experienced design team in the area Built-in appliances from Neff, Bosch, Siemens and Miele Visit our showroom at: Units 8-10 Kingsmead, Park Farm Ind. Est. Folkestone CT19 5EU 01303 223322 info@tradexltd.co.uk www.tradexltd.co.uk
45 LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN ANDY MANNERING FLOORING SPECIALISING IN AMTICO AND KARNDEAN LUXURY VINYL TILES Also Safety Flooring, Rubber Flooring etc Commercial and Domestic Work Undertaken No Job Too Small Free Estimates and Advice Given Over 35 years experience Fully Insured Telephone: 0797 434 7248 or 01303 863095 info@andymanneringflooring.com Please visit my website for further information and to view my Feedback www.andymanneringflooring.com + Carpets Supplied and Fied + Carpets Professionally Cleaned + Carpets Whip Edged and Coon Bound Domesc and commercial carpet specialists If it’s to do with carpets … get in touch 07943 764442 Email: kingdom.carpet.co@gmail.com www.kingdomcarpetco.co.uk SARAH de ROUGEMON T UPHOLSTERY Established 1990 Loose Covers - Fabrics - Roman Blinds All commissions considered Tel: 01227 455841 Mob: 07973 377817 Need a Van? Then I’m your Man! For all light removals, furniture, domesc items including house clearances Avoid expensive deposits, pick-ups and drop-os Remove, dispose of or recycle all household items, including electrical appliances Based in Barham Reasonable and fair rates Free esmates and quotaons Call Chrisan on 07771 728080 Email stablegate@hotmail.co.uk CEDAR HOME MAINTENANCE General Builders and Roofing Specialist Roofing.-.PVC.-.windows/doors.-.Kitchens/Bathrooms.-.Plastering.-.Electrical- Installations - Plumbing CALL NOW FOR A FREE NO OBLIGATION QUOTATION All Work carried out by Qualified Tradesmen (Fully insured – all areas of Kent covered) Mobile: 07968197613 Office: 01303 230787 Email:cedarhm@hotmail.co.uk www.cedarhomemaintenance.co.uk Air Link Cars (You pack up, We pick up) Airport, Seaport and Long Distance Travel Specialist The family run business where service really counts. Estate cars and people carriers. Fixed price 24 hrs a day. No extras. Written confirmation of booking. Established 10 years. For the Easy Airport Link, Think Air Link!
46 LOOK- ING AFTER Your local reliable Electrician Part P Registered and Elecsa Approved Insured and On Competent Persons Register For a free quotaon and advice call James on 01303 766333 www.sunhouse-electrical.com ELHAM VALLEY STORES We are looking for more volunteers to work, on an occasional basis, in the Village Store. Full training will be given. Please contact Martin Turner (01303 840804 or jgt867@aol.com) if you would be interested have any questions.
47 Bossingham Groundworks and Landscaping LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN Excavation Stables Site Clearance Fencing Demolition Drainage Brickwork Concreting Turfing Driveways and Patios Mob 07894 007660 RALPH ALLARD CHIMNEY SW EEP Brush and Vacuum All Chimneys, Boilers and Stoves Swept W oodburning Stoves and Fireplaces Fitted, Chimneys Lined Certificates Issued HETAS and NACS Registered, Fully Insured Member of the N ational Association of Chimney Sweeps Tel: 01303 844465 - Mob: 07813 716654
48 LOOKING AFTER YOUR HOME AND YOUR GARDEN HARMER and SON LTD Ground Maintenance Ltd Grounds maintenance, turng, fencing FREE ESTIMATES Tel: 01303 893414 or 07831394372 Quality materials and reasonable rates Established 1996 Based in Hawkinge near Folkestone Covering all roofing work from small roof repairs to complete re-roofs In Folkestone and Hythe area What we do: Fibreglass Grp flat roofs Felt flat roofs New pitched tile and slate roofs and repairs Small and large jobs Fascias, soffits and gutters Chimney repairs, rebuilds and removal Conservatory conversions Advice and free quotes Visit full website below for more details www.roofers-folkestone.co.uk 01303 892705 07916273886
SERVICES FOR ELHAM Young’s Accountancy Services Accountancy, Audit, Book-keeping, Payroll and VAT Services. For all businesses, partnerships and sole traders. Free inial consultaon, exible hours. Contact details: Mob: 07704 518251 Tel: 01303 259734 contactyoungstoday@gmail.com Based in Etchinghill, I provide a personalised service with a one-o at fee of £180.00 to prepare and submit your Tax Return. No hidden costs. FMAAT Licensed Accountant, fully insured and HMRC authorised. Ring Anita on 07361 238744 or email aabookkeepingservicesaadams@gmail.com East Kent Mole Catcher No Mole – No Fee Your local mole catcher, based in Ash, covering all local towns and villages. Offering mole control for your lawns, gardens and paddocks. Public liability insurance. Call/Text – Keith, East Kent Mole Catcher 07876 686543 Email – molecatcherkeith@hotmail.com www.eastkentmolecatcher.co.uk
Social, Snacks and CinemaElham Village Hall 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of the month. Entry on the door. £5.00 for EVHA friends. Others £6.00Pay Bar available from 7.00pmELHAM VILLAGE HALL EVENTS LIGHT UP ELHAM !If you would like a four foot tree with lights for the OUTSIDE of your house to be seen from the street - please complete the request form in the NovemberNewsletter and pop it into the Elham Newsletter bag at Elham Valley Stores shop or email your address and details to elhamnewsletter@gmail.com. by the 20 November. We expect the trees will be available for you to collect from Elham Village Hall on Saturday 23 November 10.00 - 12.00. Please contact Jim Clements if you need any assistance with t he erection of your tree- 01303 840295. We are asking for a minimum of £20.00 for each t ree requested by participating households. This is a non- profit making venture -the price is the unit cost of each tree. The lights are loaned- you just have to plug t hem in. The big switch on, ‘Light Up Elham’ is at 17.00 on Sunday 1 December on The Triangle. Members of St. Mary’s Church congregation and Elham Village Hall Association presentA PROPER CHRISTMASSING-ALONG!at St. Mary’s ChurchSUNDAY 1st DECEMBER5.15 (after the tree switch on)Everyone welcome! Free event.Come and enjoy some mulled wine and mince pies. Sing some Christmas carols accompanied by Anthony Trinkwonon the organ.M ERRY CHRISTMAS ELHAM!Gather at the triangle at 4.55pm for t he tree switch on then follow Father Christmas to t he church for the festivities!And after the mince pies, you are invited to The Abbots Fireside where there will be a FREE buffet provided by the landlords.