Ning Xia Increasing Nutrientsin your everyday life!Red 寧夏紅For personal use of Pure Senzes Members only.Do not copy or alter without permission
Su pp or ts w ho le -b od y we ll ne ssRi ch i n an ti ox id an ts & d -l im on en eSu pe rf ru it b le nd t ha t pr ov id es a n i nf us io n of d el ic io us n ut ri en ts Explore fun and creativeways to take your NingXiaRed while learning aboutall the health benefits ofthis nutritional supplementdrink. We also mentionNITRO, Zyng, the driedberries, and Einkorngranola!All AboutNingXia Red2
NingXia Red® is a powerhouse of antioxidants andnutrients that the whole family will benefit fromusing. It is a whole body supplement for ahealthier life experience. The wolfberry, alsoknown as the goji berry, is touted for having highantioxidant properties. A daily shot helps supportbetter energy and normal cellular function, as well as whole-body health and wellness. Four ouncesof NingXia Red® equals one serving of fruit;however, one ounce has the antioxidantequivalent to eating four pounds of carrots oreight whole oranges! NingXia Red® is safe for allpeople from solid-food eating children to adults.Pregnant and nursing women should also considerusing NingXia Red® as part of their healthy dailyregimen. The Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerineessential oils in NingXia Red® contain d-limonene,which is a powerful wellness-promotingconstituent. NingXia Red® is free of high fructosesweeteners. Wolfberries and exotic fruits such as blueberry, cherry, aronia, pomegranate, and plumgive NingXia Red® its delicious flavor. At a Glance3
• Calories - 25 • Carbohydrates - 6 g (2% DV) • Sugars - 5 g • Protein - <1 g • Calcium - 40 mg (4% DV) • Iron - 0.4 mg (2% DV) • Sodium - 35 mg (2% DV) • Potassium - 414 mg (9% DV) Proprietary NingXia Red® Blend – 58 g Ningxia Wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) whole fruit puree,Aronia fruit juice concentrate (Aronia melanocarpa),Sweet Cherry fruit juice concentrate (Prunus avium), Plumjuice concentrate (Prunus domestica), Blueberry fruit juiceconcentrate (Vaccinium corymbosum), Pomegranate fruitjuice concentrate (Punica granatum) Proprietary Essential Oil Blend – 100 mg Grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract, Orange (Citrus sinensis) peel oil, Yuzu (Citrus junos) rind oil, Lemon (Citrus limon) peel oil, Tangerine (Citrus reticulata) rind oil Other Ingredients - Water, Tartaric acid, Natural blueberryflavor, Pure vanilla extract, Malic acid, Sodium benzoate(to maintain freshness), Pectin, Stevia rebaudiana extract. Ningxia Wolfberry puree rich in vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A and C along with zinc and iron.Unusually high in complex carbohydrates, this high antioxidant puree supportsthe immune system and has been found to be particularly beneficial to supportliver and eye health. Blueberry juice concentrate, Plum juice concentrate, Cherry juice concentrate,Aronia juice concentrate, Pomegranate juice concentrate a unique collection of all extremely high antioxidant rich fruit juices that areknown to support immune function and protect against oxidative stress. Calcium healthy bones, muscles, nervous system, and heart. Iron supports healthy blood and immune function; helps combat fatigue. Sodium supports nerve impulses and maintains the balance of water & minerals. Potassium maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. What the Ingredients Do Proprietary NingXia Red BlendIngredients 4
GARY Y OU NG | DR . SO UG QI AO C HA O | DR . CY RU S MC KE LL When Gary Young was introduced to Ningxia Woldberrythrough Dr. CyrusMcKell, a professor of Botany at WeberState University in Ogden.As a former Dean of the College of Science, Dr. McKell hadbecome very close with a number of his colleagues in China.He then introduced Gary Young to Professor Songqiao Chao,a visiting professor from China on teaching assignment inthe US.The history of NINGXIA Professor Chao’s area ofexpertise was geography,and he had authored abook on the subject. Dr.Chao told Gary about howthe residents of the Ningxiaregion of Northern Chinaenjoyed the astonishingwellness-supportingbenefits of the uniquewolfberries that grow in thearea. However, due to theNingxia region’s physicaland political isolation,knowledge of this superfruitremained relatively hiddenfrom other cultures.The legendary Ningxia wolfberry has long been soughtafter for its rich nutritional content. With documented usedating back to the Ming Dynasty, it’s one of the earliestknown superfruits used in ancient eastern healthpractices. Residents of the Ningxia region of northernChina have enjoyed the wellness-supporting benefits ofthe wolfberries that grow in the area.136819935
The Province of NINGXIAA myriad of unique growingconditions combines in this region toproduce a berry that is superior in nutrientconcentration and hardiness whencompared to its cousin speciesgrown in milder climates.The harsh, arid climate of Ningxia isessentially a desert, with the YellowRiver bringing mineral-rich hydrationto the goji plants.Scorching summers, bitter winters,and an almost complete absence ofrainfall all contribute to the pressureon this region's wolfberry plants.These factors cause the plants tostore up a treasure of vital nutrientsthat sustains them through thedifficult growing seasons.The Ningxia plain produces what iswidely accepted as the highestquality goji berries in the world.Statistics from the Regional HealthBureau in Ningxia show that the areahas over 16 times as manycentenarians (100 years old) as therest of China.The Chinese call the Yellow River the“Mother River” and “the Cradle ofChinese Civilization” because it isthought that the original Chinesepeople first came from the YellowRiver basinADVE R S I TY PRO D U C ES EX C E P TIONA L R ESULT S6
The Chinese SecretProfessor Chao told Gary that there are Three Medicinal Herbs that weretreasured by the Chinese. They are Ginseng, Green Tea and Wolfberry.Of these, the most revered throughout Asia was the Ningxia Wolfberry;more benefits were ascribed to this fruit than any other naturalingredients found in China.One of the most intriguing studies on theNingxia Wolfberry during the last decadewas conducted by researches at theInstitute Medicinal Biotechnology at theChinese Academy of Sciences in 2003.They found that just an eight-weektreatment using supplemental NingxiaWolfberry was able to reverse signs ofaging by significantly lowering tissuelevels of damaged proteins and increasinginterluekin-2 levels.With over 15 percent protein by weight andone of the highest vitamin, mineral, andamino acid profiles of any food Gary hadever encountered, the wolfberryrepresents a breakthrough in nutritionalmedicine. It is more than just a berry or anherb; it is a hybrid between a food,vitamin, herb, and medicine, a superfoodthat represents the future of therapeuticnutrition.ThreeTreasures 7
Biochemists at the Ningxia Institute of Nutrition analyzed the wolfberry andfound it to be one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Thewolfberry is revered for its unparalleled nutritional profile, which includes fiber,zeaxanthin, critical amino acids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and adistinctive ratio of trace nutrients.The fruits of the Lycium barbarum have been used for thousands ofyears in traditional Chinese medicine and cuisine since it is believedto be beneficial to the eyes, liver and kidney.MAN-SHAN YU ET AL., LABORATORY OF NEURODEGENERATIV E D I S E A S E S , U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G .A Miracle of Nature 8Fiber helpsregulate thebody's use ofsugars, helpingto keep hungerand blood sugarin check.Zeaxanthin is acarotenoidmolecule found inthe cells of youreyes. It has potentantioxidantproperties and islinked to severalhealth benefits,such as reducingthe risk of age-related maculardegeneration,glaucoma, andcataracts.Amino acidsare moleculesthat combineto formproteins.Amino acidsand proteinsare thebuildingblocks of life.Polyphenols aremicronutrients thatnaturally occur inplants. They'reincluded in manysupplements, thoughthey're also easy toget in your diet fromfoods like fruits,vegetables, teas, andspices. There aremore than 8,000types of polyphenols,which include:Flavonoids likequercetin andcatechins in fruits.Polysaccharidesderived from plantfoods are majorcomponents of thehuman diet, withlimited contributionsof relatedcomponents fromfungal and algalsources. In particular,starch and otherstoragecarbohydrates arethe major sources ofenergy in all diets,while cell wallpolysaccharides arethe majorcomponents ofdietary fiber.Trace elements arevery important forcell functions atbiological, chemicaland molecularlevels. Theseelements mediatevital biochemicalreactions by actingas cofactors formany enzymes, aswell as act ascenters forstabilizing structuresof enzymes andproteins. To ensure you’re not missing any of these transformative wolfberry benefits, we usewolfberry puree as the core ingredient in NingXia Red instead of juice. That way,NingXia Red retains the goodness of the whole berry, including the skin, juice, and pulp.
Gary Young visited Ningxia between 1998-2001, and was impressed by thehearty vitality exhibited by the elderly folk in the Ningxia Hui Villages.With a population of about 4000, Najiahu boasted size centenarians,according to the village elder. Their ages ranged from 104 to 108. Moreover,there were more than 400 people over the age of 70. While in Asia, Gary also learned that biochemists at the Ningxia Institute ofNutrition had analyzed the wolfberry and found it to be one of the mostnutrient-dense foods on the planet.*AvailableTO T HE W OR LDWo l fb er r ie s a r e l ai d o n t he ta r p t o d ry .Ne v er s p ra y ed wi t h n it r a t e o r R ed Dy e s.Wo l fb er r y T re e s g ro w s ex c ep ti o na l ly we l l i n N i n gX i a.9
Young Living works directly withvendors at the Ningxia WolfberryFarm and Distillery to growwolfberries in a pristine locationthat is rigorously tested forpesticides, heavy metals, and otherpotential contaminants. Once thewolfberries are harvested, they’recleaned and sent off to be pureed. All Wolfberries are pureed and sentto the US, and packages intobottles with essential oils in the US. Seed to Seal Guarantee is a bigdeal especially with a superfoodthat is infused with essential oils. Making sure there is no pesticides,and the products is at their best forus to consume.Quality10
Why Ningxia?The puree includes the juice, pulp, and peel of the plant, whichcontain vitamins and minerals such as Vit C, Vit A, calcium,potassium, zinc, selenium, riboflavin (B2) and more. A puree allowsyou to also get fiber and protein. Gary combined the wolfberry with pure essential oils, creating theworld’s foremost functional beverage, NingXia Red®. Young Living is proud to offer the only nutrient drink on the market thatcombines whole Chinese wolfberries with pure essential oils into asingle beverage that tastes as good as it is good for you.POWERFUL INGR E D I E N T S = P O WERFUL BENEFITSAN T IOX I DA N T ( O RA C ) S C OR E FO R W O LF B ERR I ES = 3 0 3MA K ING IT ONE OF THE HI G HES T K N OW N OR A C S COR E O F AN Y W H OLE FO O D34 large onions100 oranges814 blueberries22 medium carrots10.85 lbs of spinach55.83 lbs of almonds59 broccoli florets73 medium strawberries93 applesHAS TH EANTIOX I D A NTPOWER E Q U IVALENTTO EAT I N G THEFOLLOW I N G :1- 2 OZ A D AY I S AL L YO UR N EE D 11
Antioxidant WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ANTIDOTE TO OXIDATIVE STRESS!Oxidative stress or damage is caused by free radicalslatching onto healthy atoms and stealing theirelectrons in an attempt to stabilize, which causesoxidation. An example of oxidation is visible when asliced apple exposed to the air turns brown.Oxidation has been implicated in the origin of morethan 100 human diseases and in the aging process.The molecules that lost their electrons tooxidation then try to stabilize themselves bytaking what they need from other molecules,triggering a chain of free radical reactions.This chain reaction has been implicated in thepathology of several human diseases,including cancer, atherosclerosis, malaria,and rheumatoid arthritis.Healthy Atoms Free RadicalsAntioxidants bind to free radicalsby sharing their available electronsand safely helping the bodyeliminate them. Antioxidants act atthe levels of prevention,interception, and repair to opposethe free radical activity,neutralizing the damage caused byfree radicals.Healthy Atoms Free Radicals AntioxidantAN T I OXI D A NTS T O T H E RE S C UEOX I D ATI V E ST R E SSLO N G TE R M DA M A GES12
FactIt's a lab test that attemptsto quantify the "totalantioxidant capacity" (TAC)of a food by placing asample of the food in a testtube, along with certainmolecules that generatefree radical activity andcertain other molecules thatare vulnerable to oxidation .After a while, they measurehow well the sampleprotected the vulnerablemolecules from oxidation bythe free radicals. The lessfree radical damage thereis, the higher the antioxidantcapacity of the testsubstance.ANTIOXIDANT (ORAC) SCORE FOR WOLFBERRIES = 303What is ORAC?13Carrots OrangesBeetsRaspberriesStrawberriesWolfberries21075025,3008401,2201,540
Wolfberry fruits were effective in increasing white blood protecting the liver,relieving hypertension, displaying an insulin-like action that was effective inpromoting fat decomposition and reducing blood sugar. The commission alsonoted that a wolfberry extract inhibited cancer growth by 58% and "cancause the involuted indexes in the blood of old people to reverse to a youngstate noticeably".ACCORDING TO A REPORT FROM THE STATE SCIENTIFICAND TECHNOLOGICAL COMMISSION OF CHINAStudies Confirm14
Naturally sweetened with steviaStevia is a natural, zero-calorie sweetenerthat’s 300 times sweeter than sugar.Contains no high-fructose sweeteners andno added sugarFree from additivesPreserved with natural sodium benzoateSafe and effective preservative thatextends NingXia Red’s shelf life whilemaintaining product integrity. It ensures a24-month shelf life but makes up less than0.001 percent per serving.Flash pasteurized for only 30 seconds andcooled right away to preserve nutrientsStandard pasteurization can involveseveral minutes of heat exposure and hasbeen shown to highly degrade both thenutritional aspects of the juice and itsappealing flavor and color.Extra steps to keep the juice movingthrough a closed system that allows theprocess to be extremely monitored andprevent any part of the juice to remain hotfor too long. Lastly, we employ a coolingtunnel right after pasteurization that coolsthe juice as quickly as possible. This step isnot required, but reduces cooking timeand preserves nutrients.Reasons to LoveNI NG XI A RE D15
Quality Matters Never compromise on whatgoes in your body! 16
NingXia Shots1 oz. NingXia Red1 drop Cinnamon Bark +1 drop Ginger + Spicy1 oz. NingXia Red1 drop Peppermint +1 drop Orange + Fresh1 oz. NingXia Red1 drop LemonCitrus SmoothiePB & J1 cup mixed frozen berries1/2 cup frozen banana2 T almond butter1 toothpick touch of Cinnamon Bark +8 oz. unsweetened almond milk1 oz. NingXia Red Mix all ingredients in a blender, and enjoy! SmoothieGreen Diva2 oz. NingXia Red1/2 cup almond milk1 cup spinach1/2 banana1 mandarin orange1/4 cup ice2 T plain or greek yogurt (optional)Mix all ingredients to blender, and enjoy!17
BombNingXiaDitch the artificially-flavoured energydrinks that lead to a sugar crash 1 can NingXia Zyng1-2 oz. NingXia RedMix both ingredients into a glasswith ice, stir, and enjoy! 18
Blend all ingredients and pour into popsicle molds.Freeze until firm. Enjoy! NingXiaPopsoc;cle1/2 banana1/2 apple1/2 cup frozen berries1/2 cup spinach or other vegetables6 oz. NingXia Red19
In a sauce pan, heat orange juice,frozen fruit, and raw honey or maplesyrup on low heat.When liquid is hot, add gelatin onetablespoon at a time and use animmersion blender so that gelatin iswell-absorbed (no lumps). Theconsistency will thicken.Remove from heat.Pour into silicone molds andrefrigerate until the snacks harden (about 3-4 hours).When ready, pop out of the molds.They should come out pretty easily.Pop them in the freezer for a fewminutes it these gummy snacks do notcome out easy.Store in the fridge for 3-5 days20NingXiaGummies
with NingXiaMake OverLet's Do A23
NingXia Starter BundleC $199.75NingXia Red 2-pack, 30 NingXia Red Singles (2 fl oz each), 5 ml Northern Lights Black Spruce, 1 AromaGlide Roller Fitment,Thieves Hand Sanitizer, 2 NingXia Red 2 fl oz samples. Item no 54670324
Grab a Starter Bundle AND say YES to Essential Rewards right away -Young Living's customizable subscription box program! You will earnspendable points on your order and be THAT much closer to earning yourfirst loyalty gift with Young Living!Savvy Shopper, Anyone?Loyalty gifts (FREE oils)Earn points that convert to product creditCompletely customizable from month to monthAccess to exclusive discounted ER bundlesQualifies you to receive $ for referring friendsGet bonus freebies depending on your monthly order total Essential Reward PerksItem no 489303Essential Rewards NingXia Collection C $237.25NingXia Red 4-pack, 30 NingXia Red Singles (2 fl oz each)25
Getting Young Living products shipped to your door is as easy as 1-2-3!There are no obligations, no minimum purchases, no membership fees, and you're never required to sell anything (unlessyou want to), just enjoy the member benefits of purchasing all yourfuture products at 24% off retail pricing!Being a member also means you become part of our oily tribe and canattend our members-only events, classes, and groups. We will be therebeside you to teach you about how these pure essential oils work, andhow oil infused products can really make a huge impact in your life!Your Young Living Wholesale membership grants you a few things:• Save 24% on every Young Living purchase• Save even more with Essential Rewards, 10 - 25% back • Earn free products with monthly promotions• No monthly obligations or membership feesWHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?Go to to get started todayDon't forget to add my ID#______________ as your sponsor and enrollerso my team and I can guide you along!How Can I Help?Be sure to join the Pure Senzes Members Lounge onFacebook or for continual support.My Account Number ______________My User Name ______________My Password ______________My PIN ______________(Please keep information in a safe place)Pure Senzes26