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NHS Grampian Case Study

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CASES STUDY: NHS Grampian SAFE AND RELIABLE TRANSPORT OF BLOOD SAMPLES Background:NHS Grampian provides NHS services to a population of over 500,000people living in Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire and Moray. One of 14 Regional Health boards in Scotland it consists of 17community hospitals across the region and several specialist acutehospitals. The requirement for reliable compliant courier services isessential to support the timely diagnosis of samples across theregion. TVS SCS Rico has held the contract with Grampian NHS for medicalcourier services since 2010 during which time they successfullyretained the work through a tender process.Challenge:This long-standing partnership is built on the National courier’s abilityto provide consistently reliable services across the Grampian regionand beyond.The main part of the contract is the coordinated transfer of samplesfrom over 100 surgeries across the region Monday to Friday and thedelivery to the Laboratory in the Forester Hill campus in Aberdeen. To optimize cost efficiency the surgeries are required to have theirsamples ready for collection each day at a predefined 15 minutes pickup window. The courier location on each of the runs covering theregion can be viewed online and at street level in real time by the HNSContract manager, ensuring complete transparency is provided. In addition to real-time visibility, the contract manager is providedwith Management Information incorporating a range of metrics andKPT’s including pick up times at each surgery. Further analysis isprovided by a series of exception codes, including for example trafficcongestion and surgery not ready. This information is used to drive further efficiencies throughout theservice, for example through internal dialogue with surgeries orpotential reconfirmation of the routes. A clearly defined changemanagement process is in place to support new surgeries oramalgamated surgeries. Customer Benefits:Reducing managementcosts by providing on-siteManagement support asrequired Providing collections each daywithin a 15-minute windowADR Awareness trainedcouriersReducing cost through the provision of real timelocation statuses Utilize courier resource toservice to service 9791002