Institute of Animal Technology Bulletin G G G New IAT Merchandise AAALAC Fellowship Award AS ET Celebrating Tech Month G G G Branch News Situations Vacant Diary Dates Vol 53 No 3 March 2017
Bulletin Vol 53 No 3 March 2017 EDITOR Sarah Lane bulletineditor iat org uk ASSISTANT EDITOR Carole Wilson bulletinassistant iat org uk ADVERTISEMENT MANAGERS PRC Associates Ltd mail prcassoc co uk Published monthly by the Institute of Animal Technology Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL ISSN 0263 2861 For enquiries other than Bulletin related contact IAT ADMINISTRATOR admin iat org uk or 0800 085 4380 Final copy date for May Bulletin 1st April The opinions expressed in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or the Institute CONTENTS Celebrating Tech Month 5 New IAT Merchandise 7 AAALAC Fellowship Application 11 Scottish Technician Training Day Report 13 15 Tech Month 16 17 Suppliers Register i xliv Steve Moore Memorial Poster Prize 19 AS ET 21 23 Branch News 25 26 Situations Vacant 28 30 Diary Dates 31
Bulletin March 2017 Celebrating Tech Month IAT Launches New Merchandise Range with Free Lanyards To celebrate the IAT Tech Month a new range of A Caring Career merchandise has been launched This includes a new hoodie featuring the winning IAT mouse logo competition a new polo shirt with a subtle IAT logo and all branches have been provided with a free A Caring Career lanyard for all members The Youth Reps suggested the development of the new hoodie and polo shirts and these high quality garments are now available to order costing just 22 00 for polo shirts and 26 for hoodies Polos are available in S M L sizes and Hoodies in S M L XL XXL sizes and postage is 2 80 per item We are expecting these items to be extremely popular and have already had pre orders so please be aware that delivery may take around 3 weeks For every item purchased the IAT will donate 1 to AS ET Purchase yours at www iat org uk merchandise 5
www iat org uk merchandise
Bulletin March 2017 13 Scottish Technician Training Day T he second free Scottish Technician Training Day took place in Dundee on the 15th November 2016 and was made possible by securing sponsorship from AS ET DBM Scotland and SAB It was organised by Linda Horan University of Strathclyde and Donna Wallace University of Aberdeen The event was fully subscribed and the sixty delegates started arriving around 8 45 with a full programme to look forward to The first presentation was from Drs Kathy Ryder and Norman Flynn who talked about the Named Training and Competency Officer NTCO role and the importance of the Animal Technicians in the training and assessment of new Personal Licence holders This was followed by Tina O Mahoney a full time NTCO formerly of Imperial College London Tina delivered an interactive workshop complete with scratch cards Examining the complexities of this role the NTCO does not have to undertake the training just be able to assess competence or delegate to someone more experienced who can She looked at how to achieve competency and understand the requirements of the role under ASPA Following lunch Tim Betts chair of SAB delivered a novel look at how effective different types of assessment questions are PIL courses previously used multiple choice questions MCQ but there is a need to change this to assess the information the candidates have retained during the course Tim delivered a 15 minute lecture on The History of Animal Research and then all the delegates had to answer questions on the lecture to assess how much information we had retained However we were split into 3 groups and each group was presented with three different types of question which highlighted the benefit of other styles of question over MCQ The final presenter was Gerry Creighton Operations Manager at Dublin Zoo now well known by Animal Technologists He gave us an update on the Elephant enrichment and training programme The latest development a remote control feeder located in the internal compound can be activated from a smart phone In fact Ros who has written the report overleaf actually fed the elephants from Gerry s phone when we were enjoying some refreshments later that evening Although a zoo is a very different environment the animals are still captive and the thinking behind training methods and enrichment are the same as those that Animal Technologists should constantly be re evaluating how do we make the animals environment better for them There was then some time for questions and discussion before people headed home or out for some further refreshments
14 March 2017 Bulletin A delegate s view by Rosalind Carroll University of Dundee Having been at last year s event I was very happy to go along again this year to meet up with the friends that I made previously and hear how everyone was getting on The Queen s Hotel is handy for us you can virtually see our building from it Tea and coffee and a chat at the start of the day was good as was choosing where to sit rather than being allocated a seat Our HO Inspectors outlined their role and explained that the Home Office think that the current rules and roles are working well Consistency of approach and record keeping has improved now My favourite talk of the morning was from Tina who had come from London to present to us Small group work with a quiz at the end got everyone mixing well and added that competitive edge that gets everyone going Unfortunately my group didn t get one of the prizes After lunch some people took the chance to have a walk on the Perth Road but I took the opportunity to chat some more with people I only get to see once or twice a year I was surprised to learn that even way back in Roman times they were using animals to enhance medical treatments for gladiators and soldiers So that is what the Romans did for us If you are under 40 you need to go and watch some Monty Python films Although we don t have any elephants at Dundee University my pick of the day was the fascinating talk by Gerry from Dublin Zoo about his elephants It was good to hear that the elephants have choices about their daily life e g when to shower eat socialise etc They enjoy a large enclosure and every opportunity for enrichment is seized upon The success of their breeding programme demonstrates how well this hard work has paid off This also reinforced my view that Animal Technologists all over the UK will do the very best they can for their animals whether they are the smallest or the largest of animals At the end of the day some people had to rush off to catch trains but around a dozen of us went next door to DCA Dundee Contemporary Arts for more food and drink and to relax
Bulletin March 2017 15 Ros who wrote the delegate article feeding the elephants remotely from the device on Gerry s phone This is where the very best part of the day occurred Gerry showed us his newest baby elephant via CCTV on a tablet He showed me a button on the tablet screen and allowed me to push it This released food in the elephant s enclosure and I was absolutely delighted I had to go home after that to feed my own little animals I am already looking forward to seeing you all next year B B B B B I would like to apologise for the late submission of this report and send thanks to the fantastic speakers who agreed to give their time the three sponsors and Donna Pat and Kally who helped on the day Linda Horan
16 March 2017 Bulletin Tech Month Get Involved T he Institute of A running an Anim March 2017 This will be a celebrat Animal Technologists welfare and to biome of a series of events r will also take place at will be detailing oppo participate in fun com discounts prizes mon We appreciate that no also understand that s updates on opportun engaging with local IA out to members attending their Annual General Meetings Information about Tec is all about The IAT will also provide new polo shirt and hoodie samples plus the a quiz or competition Announcements will appear in the Bulletin via e newslett employers might want to get involved and support Tech Month Here are some ideas Provide a tech brea Organise a research Organise games or Award gift cards or Hold a bowling or l Instigate a tech aw Offer an extra half We hope that you wil provide recognition fo Technologists do 365 information or wish to planned please contac
Bulletin March 2017 Animal Technology IAT is mal Technologist Month in tion of the contribution that make to animal care and edical research It will consist unning throughout March and t Congress During March the IAT ortunities for Technologists to mpetitions online quizzes training and Continual Professional Development ney off new merchandise and free giveaways ot all Animal Technologists can attend conferences such as the IAT Congress and some may not have access to the IAT website and cannot receive e alerts or ities to participate To try and ensure that we are inclusive the IAT is already AT branches all around the UK and Ireland to supply them with freebies to hand ch Month will also be circulated to each branch to inform their members what it opportunity to have some additional merchandise as prizes if the AGM includes ers and on the IAT App In addition to the IAT activities it is hoped that akfast or lunch hers lunch with highlights of projects competitions r other small recognition gestures laser quest evening ards for excellent work day off via a free raffle ll want to get involved and help the IAT to or the excellent work that Animal days a year If you would like more o share what your research facility has ct us on communication iat org uk 17
Bulletin March 2017 19
Bulletin March 2017 21 AS ET News IAT Congress 2017 By the time you receive this Bulletin IAT Congress will be here If you are attending please make a point of visiting the AS ET stand meet the trustees and see what AS ET can do for you At this year s meeting we will be launching the 2017 Special Travel Bursary Competition The winning entrant will attend the AALAS National Meeting being held in Austin Texas this October Visit our Congress stand for more information Plus further details appear overleaf and will be on our website Raising money is important to us because without it we cannot grant bursaries or support the education and training of animal technical staff There will be several fundraising activities for AS ET at Congress Toby Sanders has devised and organised a competition based on the number of steps delegates take during Congress so be sure to obtain your pedometer from the AS ET stand and join in the fun Professor Sir Richard Gardner is donating some more of his watercolours to sell If you do not yet have a Gardner on your wall please do not miss this opportunity We are very grateful to the London Branch who have selected AS ET to be the beneficiary of the Congress Raffle this year so be sure to buy your tickets If you are going we look forward to meeting you at Congress
22 March 2017 Bulletin Patron Professor Lord Naren Patel KT Chair of Trustees Professor Sir Richard Gardner FIAT Hon FRS Secretary to the Trust Ken Applebee OBE FIAT FRSB Trustees Stephen Barnett MSc Hon FRSB Jasmine Barley MSc FIAT Karen J Gardner Registered Charity Number 113319 Registered Office 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL AS ET Fifth Special Travel Bursary Competition AALAS 68th National Meeting in Austin Texas USA 15th 19th October 2017 AS ET is pleased to announce the fifth special travel bursary competition This will allow a laboratory animal facility technical staff member to attend the AALAS National Meeting 2017 The intention of this bursary is to encourage career grade technical staff to extend their knowledge and experience by attending the largest laboratory animal science meeting in the world Applications are invited from animal technical staff based in the UK or the Republic of Ireland who are over the age of 21 below the level of facility manager and who have never attended an AALAS National Meeting before The successful applicant will be selected on the basis of a 1 500 word essay on the following Are the special considerations afforded to cats dogs primates and equidae under the Animals Scientific Procedures Act 1986 as amended ethically scientifically or legally justified The essay should be submitted by Wednesday 14th June 2017 and the result will be announced by 1st August 2017 Further details and application forms can be found on the AS ET website www as et org uk or by writing to AS ET 5 South Parade Summertown Oxford OX2 7JL Please note this competition is only open to laboratory animal technical staff Applicants will be asked to submit a CV with their essay
Bulletin March 2017 23 AS ET is a charity to advance education and promote excellence in the care and welfare of animals used in science Sponsors of AS ET are listed below and to find out more please visit the website www as et org uk
Bulletin March 2017 25 Surrey Hampshire Sussex Branch AGM Report O ur AGM this year was held on Wednesday 8th February at Lilly UK in Windlesham Surrey Lilly provided both the venue and the delicious finger buffet which was kindly organised by Stuart Stevenson Eight people attended and Stuart kicked off the meeting with an interesting talk on the history of Lilly UK which has occupied this site for 50 years since 1967 Over this time it has become a centre of excellence in neuroscience research We learnt that 50 million has been invested in development in that time including the building of the Bio and Chem labs The existing manor house is still in use today whilst the newest building is carbon neutral An established badger set limits further building on the site Lilly also own the surrounding West wood which is home to wildlife and provides a picturesque setting to the site Milestones in the history of Lilly include 1982 Lilly introduced Humulin insulin identical to that produced by the human body Humulin was the world s first human healthcare product created using recombinant DNA technology and represents the most significant breakthrough in diabetes care since the 1920s 1986 Lilly launched Prozac the first major introduction in a new class of drugs for treatment of clinical depression 1996 Lilly introduced Zyprexa for the treatment of schizophrenia Currently Lilly are committed to finding a drug to treat Alzheimers Neuroscience is also looking at Parkinson s and pain according to brain perception Dan Harding Sychem then held his containment of contamination workshop which has proved to be a success since it was first held at Congress last year He gave an interesting talk on the transmission of disease causing organisms and on the cost of outbreaks to research in terms of time money animal welfare and human stress His talk covered transmission routes and the effectiveness of barriers
26 March 2017 Bulletin The AGM proceeded with a report from the Branch Secretary on the events of the last year and from our Treasurer on our budget of just over 1 600 There then followed the Election of Officers with the following elected Chair Secretary Treasurer Stuart Mackrell Fran Whitmore Stuart Stevenson Stuart Smith is standing down as a committee member Existing members are Lesley Hughes Ian Milne Dan Harding Marc Lind and Rob Bond who will all continue The Chair thanked Stuart Smith for his long standing contribution to the Branch The Chair also thanked Stuart Stevenson for organising the venue and refreshments and Dan Harding for his workshop Lesley Hughes Branch Reporter The Biomedical Research Education Trust Call for proposals The Biomedical Research Trust BRET is a charity which funds work to improve the care use and replacement of animals in scientific research and increased public understanding of the role of animals in biomedical research Previous projects include schools speaker programmes education for veterinary students preparation of online resources and travel bursaries We are inviting proposals for funding further work in two categories G G improved public education and understanding of the role of research using animals in the biological sciences including medical advances to promote the use and development of 3Rs methods Proposals should be brief explaining how the work meets the aims of BRET what you plan to do and a breakdown of costs Grants are usually up to 5000 but proposals for bigger projects may be considered If you would like to discuss an idea before submitting please contact us at bretenquiries btinternet com Proposals should be submitted by 30 June 2017 BRET Registered charity no 292366
Bulletin March 2017 27
Bulletin March 2017 DIARY Dates 22 24 March 8th European Charles River Short Course Berlin Details from www eushortcourse criver com 28 30 March 18 20 April PiL A C Training London Details from info learningcurvedevelopment co uk 30 March LASA Fish Veterinary Society Meeting Edinburgh Details from www lasa co uk meetings 10 April Workshop Assessment prevention and alleviation of pain and distress in lab animals Newcastle Details from http webstore ncl ac uk conferences and events 8 June Tecniplast IVC Knowledge Skills Refresher Course Central UK Details from info tecniplastuk com 15 16 June NACWO Course Cambridge Details from info learningcurvedevelopment co uk 31 March Oxford Branch Quiz Oxford Details from adrian woodhouse envigo com See page 27 26 June 7 July International Course in Laboratory Animal Science Utrecht Details from las uu nl 5 April Tecniplast Foundation Course in Tecniplast IVC s Central UK Details from info tecniplastuk com 30 June BRET Closing date for proposals Details from bretenquiries btinternet com See page 26 Cover photo Celebrating Tech Month IAT Merchandise 31