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Next Brochure Digital

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“Seek rst the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”- Matthew 6:33

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Dear Foundry Family,ese past six years have been a whirlwind of change, and through it all, we’ve seen God’s faithfulness. Together, we’ve navigated challenges no one could have prepared us for, yet we’ve kept our eyes on Jesus. He’s been our guide, our strength, and our constant.Today, we stand in a new season—a place of opportunity and promise. Like the Israelites stepping into the Promised Land, God is calling us to move forward boldly, trusting Him for what’s next. at’s why I’m so excited to introduce our capital campaign, NEXT. Rooted in Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33—“Seek rst the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”—NEXT is about helping people take their next steps in faith and providing space for deeper discipleship and connection.Here’s what we’re focusing on:e NEXT GenerationOur kids and students are the heartbeat of the future. We’re committed to creating spaces where they can grow in faith, build strong relationships, and discover God’s purpose for their lives.NEXT Steps: Community and ConnectionWe’re also called to deeper connection with God and one another. By investing in environments where people can connect and grow together, we’ll create space for life-giving friendships and spiritual growth.is is about more than buildings or projects—it’s about people. It’s about seeking His kingdom and His righteousness here and now and trusting that God will provide for what is NEXT. What we do now will shape the future of our church and our community for generations to come.I invite you to join me in praying for this campaign and considering how God is calling you to be a part of it. Together, as we seek His Kingdom rst, I believe God will do more than we can ask or imagine.With hope and gratitude,

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Our History198217392008201019781984John Wesley purchased and refurbished an abandoned cannon foundry in London, previously used by the King’s army. Here he preached, held prayer meetings, taught classes and distributed discipleship materials. This foundry was the cradle for what would become a great revival in England, the American colonies, and around the world.The opportunity to reach more people with the Gospel of Jesus in the growing Cypress area was obvious. We answered the call when our second campus was launched in the Cypress Cinemark theatre under the leadership of Ray Hughes.In an eort to be faithful to the mission of Jesus, we began an initiative to become a more externally focused church. In 2010, we launched Cy-Hope, a 501c3 organization, to make life better for kids in the Cy-Fair school district. Cy-Hope works to help children who are spiritually, relationally or economically disadvantaged.On Memorial Day, our church was chartered when 28 people gathered at Post Elementary School in Northwest Houston for worship.Godfrey Hubert was appointed as senior pastor, a tenure that would span 34 years. Under his leadership the church would continue to ourish, growing to become one of the largest churches in Northwest Houston. Foundry had grown into a vibrant community of faith and we established our rst permanent church site on Jones Road.

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2018201320202022In 2018, after prayer and deliberation, we engaged in a resource initiative called All In to meet the changing needs on both campuses. The goal was to raise $5.5 million for three key areas: critical updates and enhancement to all worship venues, a leadership development initiative, and the construction of a Kids Building at Fry Road. We raised $3.4 million towards the goal.We celebrated the opening of our rst permanent church site for the Fry Road campus in the heart of the rapid population growth in the Cypress area.Covid hit! With the uncertainty of the times, we paused the work that was underway on the Kids Building and focused eorts on the areas that we could address during the shutdown and the months beyond. All worship venues underwent signicant renovations and vital technical and infrastructure improvements.The denominational challenges heightened and the church faced a historic decision regarding continued connection to the UMC. Eorts were focused on prayerful discernment that led to a vote to disaliate from the UMC. Throughout this season, some of the All In initiatives were paused to focus on the future of the church.

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The Project Jones Rd.

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Welcome Area and Connection SpaceOver the past two years, we have begun taking steps to provide more connection between our worship venues to foster relationships and unity. We know the Foundry family is abundantly generous and welcoming! Hospitality isn’t a chore, but for many is like breathing. This renovation plan will help us create a main entrance and gathering space, which will connect the Sanctuary Building and the Administration Building/Foundry Hall and will create nearly 3000 sq ft of space for people to gather and connect. The secondary outcome of this portion of the renovation is to centralize the entrance and clarify trac ow for guests and young families. We believe this will better facilitate the heart of hospitality that clearly exists among our people and will invite guests to take a next step into community.

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The Project Jones Rd.

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Gym RenovationBy renovating our gym with a new court and a fresh look, we will create a space that invites the community onto the campus to connect and take a next step into deeper relationships. The gym will be expanded to accommodate a full-size basketball court and provide additional space to expand missional opportunities. We envision this space as a community engagement hub; one that meets basic program needs for our kids and students while fostering deep, meaningful connections with the community. This renovation oers unlimited potential to introduce the community to Jesus and invite them to be part of the church’s mission.Judy Dierker Holiday Market

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The Project Fry Rd.

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Kids Ministry Building Our kids need safe and secure spaces to connect with God, each other, and adults who help them grow in their faith. Parents, grandparents, and families need a place to gather for support and encouragement as they raise the next generation of disciples who make disciples. While our current building is well-equipped for our preschoolers, toddlers, and babies, it does not serve the growing needs of our elementary kids. We need a building designed with their faith development as a priority. Building a new children’s building, as Phase 2 of our master plan, will help us reach new families in this rapidly growing area. This new children’s building will increase our opportunities to engage with Foundry families and the community for faith-forming programs and events. By moving these kids into a new building, we also create additional space in the existing building for students and adults to expand their reach. As we invest in this next generation, we help families develop a deepening faith as they put God rst in their lives.

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How much debt does Foundry have currently? Our current debt is $3,575,422.45. Payments are $33,675 per month (approx. $404,100 a year). We currently pay approx. $10,000 per month above the required amount to reduce the debt and to train ourselves to absorb that additional debt if needed. What percentage of the budget is presently servicing the debt? With the current debt of approx. $3.6 MM, the debt service is roughly 10% of the 2025 budget. If we decide to borrow an additional $2 MM for this project, our debt service would be roughly 13%–a very healthy ratio for a church our size. With the current economy, will the commitments be there? Will the congregation support the projects? We believe so! We know there are uncertainties around us, but we are committed to xing our eyes on Jesus and working to fulll his mission! What if we are short on funds; what project will be prioritized or postponed?The ideal situation is to fund all projects. If we fall short (even after exploring all funding options), we will evaluate the scope of each project and see where adjustments can be made on each project that would allow us to still accomplish the goal on a dierent scale. What are the plans for a third campus? There are no immediate plans to launch a third campus; however, leadership continues to pray and seek God to discern this for the future.FAQ

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The success of the NEXT campaign relies on each of us seeking God’s direction and stepping out in faith. Here’s how you can be part of this exciting journey:1. Be InformedLearn about the vision and scope of the NEXT campaign. Attend gatherings, read materials, and ask questions so you can understand how this project will help our church fulll its mission.2. ReectUsing our NEXT STEPS card, write down where you have seen God at work in your life, and where you see him at work in our church. Then write down what God is calling you to in the NEXT season of your discipleship and spiritual development. What does this look like for your family, your involvement in the church, and in the community?3. Pray for Guidance and ProvisionPray for wisdom and clarity as you consider how God is calling you to participate. Lift up our church, leadership, and community as we step into this new season together.4. My CommitmentAsk God how He wants you and your family to partner in this campaign. Prayerfully discern what sacrice and investment look like for you as we seek to make this vision a reality.5. Participate TogetherRemember, every gift matters! Whether your contribution is nancial, through prayer, or by sharing the vision with others, your involvement is vital to the success of NEXT.What’s My Part?

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7 $36,000 $252,000 $1,932,000 8 $32,400 $259,200 $2,191,200 10 $28,800 $288,000 $2,479,200 12 $25,200 $302,400 $2,781,600 14 $21,600 $302,400 $3,084,000 No. of Gifts at Level Gift Level Total at Level Cumulative Total No. of Gifts at Level Gift Level Total at Level Cumulative Total No. of Gifts at Level Gift Level Total at Level Cumulative Total 1 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 2 $250,000 $500,000 $900,000 3 $100,000 $300,000 $1,200,000 4 $60,000 $240,000 $1,440,000 6 $40,000 $240,000 $1,680,000 25 $14,400 $360,000 $3,444,000 35 $9,000 $315,000 $3,759,000 45 $3,600 $162,000 $3,921,000 55 $720 $39,600 $3,960,600 75 $360 $27,000 $3,987,600 Remainder < $360 $12,400 $4,000,000To meet our goal, we need commitments at every level. Below is an example of how gifts of all sizes, given over three years, work together to reach our $4 million goal.“NOT EQUAL GIFTS BUT EQUAL SACRIFICE”16 Commitments = $1,680,000 or 42.0% of Goal51 Commitments = $1,404,000 or 35.1% of Goal235 Commitments = $916,000 or 22.9% of GoalGiving Chart$1,000$900$800$700$600$500 $250$100$20$10$10MonthlyMonthly77.1%42%100%of Goalof Goalof Goal

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Online GivingVisit our secure website at to make a one-time gift or set up recurring contributions.Commitment CardsComplete a commitment card during one of our campaign gatherings or worship services. Cards can be submitted in person, mailed to the church oce, or completed online at Text-to-GiveSimply text “NEXT” to 281.884.300, follow the prompts, and contribute directly from your phone.Ways to GiveMail a CheckWrite a check payable to The Foundry Church, with “NEXT” in the memo line, and mail it to: 8350 Jones Road Houston, Texas 77065.Non-Cash GiftsConsider giving through stocks, bonds, or other assets. For more information on these types of gifts, contact businessoce@foundrychurch.orgLegacy GivingMake a lasting impact by including the NEXT campaign in your estate planning. Contact Deanna.Gau@foundrychurch.orgWe’ve made it simple for you to contribute to the NEXT campaign. Here are the options:

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Campaign TimelineHere’s an overview of key milestones as we move forward together in the NEXT campaign:Commitment MonthCelebration SundayPreparation PhaseBegin Construction/RenovationCampaign LaunchGroundbreaking CeremonyCompletion & DedicationMarch 2025April 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025February 2025February 20262026 - 2027Congregation prayerfully makes commitments.Celebrate commitments and God’s faithfulness.Finalize project designs, permits, and construction plans.Begin construction projects at Jones Road. Share the vision through gatherings, booklets, and videos.Begin construction project at Fry Road.Celebrate the completion of spaces that will serve our church family and community for generations!

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