We would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! At the Region III Office we are excited with all theevents and possibilities the new year brings.This issue of our newsletter highlights the events fromthe end of 2024 and planned programs for 2025.As always, if anyone has any suggestions or areas ofconcern or events for us to promote please contact us.Our emails are listed below:NancyAnne.Conner@gaswcc.ga.govChristi.Brantley@gaswcc.ga.govMiki.Smith11@gaswcc.ga.gov NEWSLETTERVOL. 05 WINTER JAN 2025 ED.Georgia Soil and Water ConservationCommission Region III1905 MLK DriveSoperton, GA 30457912-529-6728https://www.facebook.com/GASWCCIII NancyAnne Conner - Conservation Regional Manager Christi Brantley - Resource SpecialistMiki Smith - Admin Assistant
Fall is always packed with Ag/Farm Days in our Districts - this past yearFall is always packed with Ag/Farm Days in our Districts - this past yearwas no exception!was no exception!A fun, but WINDY K-5 Ag Day was held atWheeler County Schools!GSWCC's Miki Smith was there with muchappreciated help from Ms. Bobbie Davisand three reps from the Ag Program,Brantley, Mallory and Jaleigh. We made pinecone bird feeders with thestudents before they left for Thanksgivingbreak. #WheelerCoSchools#ohoopeeswcd
Montgomery County Farm Day! CRM NancyAnne Conner and RS Christi Brantley were on hand to teach thestudents the importance of pollinators followed by a fun relay race!
CRM NancyAnne Conner andAA Miki Smith were pleasantlyand thoroughly exhausted afterconstructing “Pumpkin BowlingLanes” for the enjoyment of thestudents of Wheeler CountyElementary School for their2024 Fall Festival! It was quite anight!Fall Festival Fun!
Treutlen Elementary School Ag Day with RS Christi BrantleyStudents participated in a very competitive relay race and learned aboutpollination in all the fun!
RS Christi Brantley’s Soil Lesson at Treutlen Middle Schoolwith Rose Cauley’s 7th grade Ag class
GSWCC was among several vendors that participated in the 87th Annual FarmBureau Convention held on Jekyll Island in December 2024. Members from all overGeorgia had the opportunity to listen in on inspirational speeches, networking, andregister for giveaways, along with the business and voting aspects. FEMA was also onhand to provide help and information. A great time was had by all! With CRMNancyAnne Conner representing Region III.Farm Bureau Conference
More pics from Farm Bureau Convention
And going to each District to build a jarterrarium with students. It’s a great way tospend the colder months when youroutdoor garden is dormant. A terrarium isa special type of container garden thatforms a decorative display piece in a clearvessel. It is either completely or partiallyclosed and creates and maintains its ownunique ecosystem. Continued Outreach in SchoolsChristi Brantley will continue our outreachmission with several projects this year in Districtclassrooms. Starting seeds early in milk jugs is a low-maintenance method called winter sowing. Itinvolves placing seeds in milk jugs and leavingthem outside to germinate during the winter. Thejugs act as mini greenhouses that protect theseeds from the elements and allow them togerminate earlier than direct sowing.
We had a great experience with our Butterfly Atrium last year.The excitement and interest from the students and teacherswhere we were able to take our Caterpillar to Butterfly lessonsencouraged us to continue it again this year! We have plans ofbigger and better and expanding our lesson to include thebenefits of roly-polies!Project UpdatesMiki Smith has been gettingthe pollinator garden readyand seeds started for raisingMonarch Butterflies in ouroffice atrium and inclassrooms!
Upcoming EventsIf you have an upcoming event that you would like for us to promote pleasecontact us ! Check out our Facebook page for updates and our live stream that will befeatured in the Butterfly Atrium to watch the Monarch’s life cycle!https://www.facebook.com/GASWCCIII