Dear Friends,In July 2019, I had the privilege of introducing you to our rst group of scholarship recipients. Those ve recipients have already graduated from college or will in the coming academic year. This year, we awarded seven scholarships bringing the total to over $40,000 to 23 recipients! In the following pages, we introduce you to these deserving students from Landon’s alma mater, Bleckley County High School.In this issue, we also provide an update on funding for our Landon Padge Paent Family Assistance program at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Sibley Heart Center Cardiology. Aer a successful virtual event in 2020 and in-person in 2021, we are excited to share a date for our 2022 Run for a Dream 5K & 1M Fun Run. This year, we are expanding our fundraising eorts. So, look for informaon about our very rst rae ($1,500 Visa gi card) set for August 5, 2022. Thanks to all of you for making such a dierence in the lives of children and young people. Whether you’re a donor, volunteer, sponsor, family or friend, your commitment to Landon’s legacy and our mission means the world to us. JULY 2022NEWSLETTERLANDONPADGETT.ORG346 Woodland Trail RDCochran, GA31014TONY RussellFOUNDEREXECUTIVE DIRECTORDID YOU KNOW? Donors have contributed over $11,000 to Facebook Birthday Fundraisers since 2018!See “A Giving Checklist” on Page 4 to learn how you can create a Facebook fundraiser for LPMF. 12022 Donors and SuPporters Letter FROM THE DirectorThank you to the following Individuals and families for their support so far this year Alan CaerAmanda Brown Amanda GarneAmy Cynthia GallagherAngie KnightonAna and Jacob LudwigAshley Maria LintonBanner LeighBrenda DiamondBrian HaughtBrian JohnsonClark KirbyBubba and Jo Ann PadgeCarol ThomasCathy CoodyEddie and Deb Van BurenGlen SawyerGrace DanielHeather Diamond-NajaJackie WilsonJan Rush YeartyJanice PadgeJe HumanJen Laser LesshaKim BraxtonKristen Elaine Hanson AlexanderLon and Tena RatcliLisa AguirreMargaret KilpatrickMary Lee WimberlyMary Kathlyn BlanchardMcKenzie Daub DarseyMegan Hernbroth KahnMi WatersMike-Bobbie GribbleNancy CoonNatasha DiMaggioNikki Barlow DuBoisePaulee and Lee WatsonPeggy Padge BaugherRegine Wiley KimmelRobin PukeRyan MicikSara RosenthalShannon O’DanielShari Whitaker DobbsStephanie Schaer
School: Middle Georgia State UniversityIntended Major: Rehab ScienceWinning this scholarship means that I will have aid in pursuing my dream of becoming a physical therapist. I would like to thank every donor that helped fund this scholarship, it means a lot.School: University of GeorgiaIntended Major: Secondary Mathemacs EducaonWinning the Landon Padge Memorial Scholarship is a spe-cial honor. This scholarship will help my dream of becoming a teacher happen. I would like to say thank you so much to the Landon Padge Memorial Scholarship donors for funding this scholarship and contribung to my educaon. I vow to honor Landon’s memory by being a posive inuence on those around me as I teach and serve others.Introducing the 2022 LPMF Scholarship RecipientsThis year, we awarded $14,000in scholarships to seven outstanding graduang seniors from Bleckley County High School. Like Landon, these young people have le an indelible mark on their communies. Landon Padge Memorial Scholarshipshonor Landon’s pursuit of knowledge byrecognizing incredible young people whoshare that commitmentSchool: Young Harris CollegeIntended Major: BiologyBeing awarded the Landon Padge Memorial Scholarship is a great honor. This scholarship will allow me to further my educaon to pursue a degree in Biology. I am grateful to connue the memory of Landon and all he stood for.I would like to thank each of the Landon Padge Memorial Scholarship donors. It is such an honor to be awarded this scholarship that all of you so graciously donated. I promise to uphold the memory of Landon and all he has done for those around him.2School: University of GeorgiaIntended Major: EducaonWinning the scholarship is an honor that I do not take light-ly. I am honored to carry on Landon’s memory and his pur-suit of higher educaon. The money will help me further my educaon and obtain a degree in educaon.I would like to thank the donors for awarding me with this scholarship. It truly is a blessing! I promise to carry on Landon’s legacy of working hard and helping others!Carter BrannonMishayla BrownVERONICALEEDARCI DILLARDSchool: Middle Georgia State UniversityIntended Major: PsychologyWinning this scholarship means a lot to me because my par-ents did not have the opportunity to aend college. Aer all, they lived in poverty. Being able to obtain this scholarship helps me to cover some of the expenses and it will allow me to focus more on my studies.I would like to thank donors for allowing me to apply and win this scholarship. It helps my family and me tremendously be-cause of the nancial issues we are currently going through. Being able to have some of the stress lied o my shoulders about worrying about how to pay for my educaon is a relief.Stephanie Lopez
5K and 1M Fun Run SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2022 Our biggest fundraising event will be back this year aer a very successful showing in 2021. This year’s event promises to be fun for the whole family. So, we hope to see you there. More informaon to come as we get closer to race day.3Thank you card from Emily Sanders, 2020 LPMF Scholarship RecipientSchool: Middle Georgia State UniversityIntended Major: NursingWinning this scholarship was such an honor. It shows my hard work has been recognized. Also, this scholarship will be a big help in funding my college. In conclusion, this scholarship means I will be helped in funding my college, and working hard pays o. I would like to give a big thank you to all the donors that fund-ed this scholarship. This money will not be wasted, I will con-nue to work diligently.School: University of North DakotaIntended Major: Criminal Jusce Receiving this scholarship is such an honor and will help me to further my educon. It means a lot to me and I can’t wait to start college in the Fall. I am so grateful to those who generously donated so that I may have a beer start in college. It will be put to good use and I will always be thankful.$1,500 VISA Gift Card RAFFLEOn August 5th, we will host a rae for a $1,500 Visa gi card that can be used at the millions of places that accept Visa credit cards. Proceeds will benet our two programs dedicated to the health and well-being of children and young people.RAFFLE OPENS: August 5, 2022RAFFLE CLOSES: August 19, 2022RAFFLE DRAWING: August 23, 2022 BUY ENTRIES: hp:// COST: $10 for 10 entries, $25 for 30 entries, $50 for 75 entries and $100 for 200 entries MORE INFO: hp:// PAYING WITH A CHECK (oponal): Send your check to346 Woodland Trail Road | Cochran, GA 31014and write “Rae” in the memo line. Please also include your email address for nocaons. Checks must be postmarked by August 16, 2022 to be considered for the drawing. You will be nofed via email when your entries have been processed.KayliEMerritPiper SimpsonOur Paent Family Assistance Program at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta provides much needed nancial support to low-income families of kids at the Sibley Heart Center Cardiology where Landon was a nurse. The program helps cover the cost of expenses such as food, lodging and gas that families incur spending me with their kids while they heal. This spring we funded this program with an addional $5,000 thanks to your generosity; bringing the total nancial support to these families to $15,000 in just a few short years!!3***SAVE THE DATE***
AMAZON smile Do you shop on Amazon? If so, supporng LPMF is easy! Just go to instead of and select Landon Padge Memorial Fund. Then, every me you shop at, 0.5% of eligible purchases will support our programs. It’s that simple.A GIVING CHECKLISTOur donors have accomplished so much since we launched in 2018. Your gis have already changed the lives of children and young people.How can you help Landon Padge Memorial Fund do even more great work? Here are ve simple things you can do:100% of your donaon supportschildren andyoung people and is 100% tax deducbleGIVING IS EASYOnline Go to hp:// Then, select which program you’d like to support.MAILLandon Padge Memorial Fund 346 Woodland Trail RoadCochran, GA 31014VOLUNTEERWe are dedicated to delivering life-changing programs which somemes requires specialized skills in areas like markeng, social media, accounng and event planning. If you’re interested in volunteering, email Help us make a dierence!FACEBOOKDonors and Board members have raised over $11,000 for our programs by creang Facebook Birthday Fundraisers. So, like us on Facebook. Then, create a birthday fundraiser for LPMF. To get started, visit: hps:// ShiverChairmanErika LudwigCo-Chair and SecretaryJimmy PadgeTrusteeSherry ConklinTrusteeNichole Brewer Durden TrusteeAren PaceTreasurerLPMF BOARD OF TRUSTEES4