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Newsletter Fall2024

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1860.889.4435TheArcECT.orgFall 2024Strategy Maers!We are taking a planful approachCookie Factory is Cooking The agency moves boldly aheadSoon, The Arc ECT will have an inclusive, resource-rich website that is reecve of an agency that’s ready for the future.Thanks to all who are parcipang in our eort to move strategically and to plan fully into the future.A Message From the Presidentof the Board of DirectorsA Message From the Chief Execuve Ocer of The ArcAs The Arc Eastern Connecticut moves forward with our strategic and facilies planning, we have taken care to survey the people we serve, their families, and the generous communies that support us here in eastern Conneccut.First, thanks to all who are parcipang in our eorts to move strategically and to plan fully into the future. Second, we’re pleased to share what we’ve learned.A 10% public awareness percentage for any public charity is considered excellent. Data gathered for us by GreatBlue Research indicates The Arc ECT enjoys an amazing community awareness indicator of 70%! This is a tribute to you, our team, the people and families we serve, and the legacy of our founding families.We, your Board of Directors, look forward to connuing The Arc ECT’s journey and look forward to working with you to map the path to cung-edge, innovave services. Thanks for changing lives, and for helping to make dreams come true.P.S. – Don’t miss the 47th Annual Jack O’Keefe Memorial Strides Road Race Sunday, October 6, 2024, at Camp Harkness. Sign up at Many of you know that a cung-edge, fully accessible website for our agency is in the works with Quinn Fable Adversing of New York. Soon, The Arc Eastern Conneccut will have an inclusive, resource-rich website that is reecve of an agency that’s ready for the future.We also are fortunate to aract some of the naon’s best talent as we take a big step toward growing our micro-enterprises. With a planned theme around love and cookies, The Cookie Factory, with Quinn Fable�s team, will launch a major holiday cookie campaign with ns of cookies—made by the people we serve—heading to Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, and a host of other well-known household brands.Consulng Chef Tim Brown (from Johnson & Wales) and our new factory Chef Krisne Tartaro are sup-porng an expansion of cookie sales naonally. Execuve General Man-ager Barry Shead and his team are scaling all micro- enterprises for growth (see p. 2).To celebrate the launch of our book about the Agency’s micro-enterprise success, 11 Secrets of Nonprot Excellence, I will be presenting —with our development team— at the Naonal Confer-ence of Execuves of The Arc and The Arc Naonal Convenon in October.Excing mes! P.S. – Our Annual Appeal mails shortly. Please do-nate!Diane AubinKathleen Stauffer

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2TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWSRally at The Capitol for Nonprot FundingReal Work for Real Pay: The Arc ECT updateThe Cookie Factory is gearing up for growthThe Arc Eastern Conneccut’s Cookie Factory in Woodstock is looking to grow, thanks to the addion of new talent and bold strategic planning.Earlier this year, The Arc ECT brought on Tim Brown, a senior baking and pastry instructor from Johnson & Wales University, as a business consultant. Brown, who specializes in chocolate, has already begun to make an impact. “We believe in Chef Tim,” said Kathleen Stauer, CEO of The Arc ECT. “I think his experience and entrepreneurial mindset can help us drive innovave growth opportunies for the business.”The Cookie Factory also recently welcomed Krisne Tartaro as the new bakery and pastry chef (see p. 7). In addion, Barry Shead, who served as a business consultant for The Arc ECT’s micro-enterprises, has been named the execuve general manager. With years of business experience and strong connecons within eastern Conneccut communies, Shead’s strategic mindset and nancial experse will be crucial as The Arc ECT renes and grows its business ventures.Among the immediate goals are maintaining a fully staed team, increasing producon capabilies, and expanding market reach. Currently serving about 75 vendors, the Factory looks to expand into school cafeterias and organizaonal fundraising—with a loy goal of going naonal. With Tartaro’s bakery management experience and paent teaching skills, alongside Shead’s strategic leadership, it looks like The Cookie Factory is on the right path to success.“The fact that there is great potenal to expand the business is part of my excitement,” said Shead. “But what really makes me smile inside is that as the business grows, we can increase employment and training opportunies for our parcipants. That’s the real mission, the real joy.”“As the business grows, we can increase employment and training opportunies for our parcipants. That’s the real mission, the real joy.” –Barry Shead, GMA team of 16 from The Arc ECT attended the Rally for Nonprofit Funding and Advocacy Day at the state Capitol April 24. Our group joined 1,800 other vocal supporters of nonprofit agencies to ensure that our legislators hear about the importance of increasing funding for community nonprofits. The rally was attended by a bipartisan group of 55 members of the General Assembly, some of whom spoke to the crowd in support of the cause.

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3TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWSThe Arc ECT Website Is Geng a New Look, FeelThe Arc Eastern Conneccut will soon have a new user-friendly website. Designed by Quinn Fable Adversing, Inc., a renowned New York City adversing agency, the new site will oer an intuive plaorm that meets the needs of various audiences, including the greater community, individuals with IDD, caregivers, and team members.“We needed a website that reects an agency that’s ready for the future,” said Kathleen Stauer, CEO of The Arc ECT. “Quinn Fable is delivering that, and more.”The easy-to-navigate site will clearly showcase The Arc ECT’s mission, goals, and values by featuring detailed program informaon and up-to-date news on relevant happenings and opportunies within the agency. The site will also upgrade our eCommerce game by streamlining the process of making donaons to support the agency. An enhanced employment portal will oer online applicaons and informaon. Caregivers and team members will benet from an easier navigaon framework that allows people to share experiences and oer support, nd recommended resources and valuable links, and discover comprehensive guides and informaon for eecve caregiving. For employees, the website will include a team-member directory, translaon tools and language opons, private and secure access to benets informaon and parcipant records, and a comprehensive package of how-to resources to help them achieve excellence.Best of all, the new site will be more accessible to parcipants and people with IDD. They will be able to share personal stories and experiences, receive alerts about new developments and programs, and get easy access to informaon and assistance—features that will enhance independence. By leveraging Quinn Fable’s experse, The Arc ECT will have an inclusive, resource-rich website that aligns with its mission: “In Parnership for Full Equality.” Stay tuned for an announcement about the new site’s launch!HR Training Workshops Empower EmployeesDenisse Mateo and the HR team connue to put together in-house manager and employee workshops that make a dierence. This fall they are launching a series of workshops aimed at enhancing the skills and capabilies of our management team. These workshops are designed to equip managers with the tools they need to excel in their roles, beer support their teams, and foster a collaborave and eecve work environment.The workshops cover a range of topics, including Interviewing Skills, Teambuilding, Management Skills for New Managers, and Tips for Eecve Communicaon. These sessions not only provide praccal knowledge but also create a space where managers can share ideas, discuss challenges, and delve into the intricacies of their responsibilies.The Arc ECT also connues to address crical social issues with upcoming workshops on domesc violence awareness. These sessions are open to all employees and will focus on understanding and idenfying domesc violence and sexual abuse (Sept. 18), recognizing and addressing domesc violence in vulnerable populaons (Sept. 25), and empowering individuals through awareness and boundary-seng (Oct. 2).Furthermore, The Arc ECT is planning a series of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshops in October and November. While the topics for these sessions are yet to be nalized, they are part of The Arc ECT’s ongoing commitment to fostering an inclusive and supporve environment for all employees and parcipants.

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4TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWSThis spring The Arc Eastern Conneccut got some very excing news from a research project conducted by GreatBlue Research, Inc. The project was the rst step in our strategic-planning process, and we will leverage the results to help us idenfy community needs as we look to expand our services to beer serve people with IDD in eastern Conneccut.Our objecves were to create benchmark awareness levels of The Arc ECT in the community and among businesses; to understand percepons of The Arc ECT and our role in the community; and to assess the willingness of business owners to hire people with IDD. We also surveyed our caregivers to assess our level of care and services and to engage them about future services and potenal employment.Overall, the ndings are overwhelmingly posive, with high awareness and strong, posive percepons among the community, businesses, and caregivers surveyed. Key takeawaysThe data collected by GreatBlue is extremely informave. The research highlights the community’s movaon to donate and their desire to see people with IDD respected, included, and provided with job opportunies. They welcome more educaon about our mission and are interested in events and volunteering. Equally important are the percepons of The Arc ECT in the business community. Respondents see the agency as a caring, well-run organizaon that serves a crical, highly valued role in the community.Caregivers also have posive things to say. Those surveyed say our teams are dedicated, compassionate advocates for their loved ones—84% say the majority of their expectaons are met by the agency. The reasons: safety of the parcipants; quality of services; eecve use of technology; our Community Life & Advocacy program; and employment opportunies.Leveraging research for strategic growth The research insights are deep and detailed. “The data will help guide our strategic planning, allowing us to invest smartly in the future,” said Kathleen Stauer, CEO of The Arc ECT.Although the research conrms that our services—including group day supports, individualized services, in-home supports, remote supports, assistive technology, supporve living, residenal support, and employment services—are meeng the diverse needs of our participants, there’s room for growth and improvement. The research data indicate a strong desire for more socializaon, recreaonal programs, and volunteer opportunies, which we are acvely working to expand.“We will leverage the research feedback to help us drive posive change and build a more inclusive society for people with IDD,” said Stauer. “Our commitment to innovaon and community involvement ensures that we remain at the forefront of advocacy and support, making a tangible dierence in the lives of those we serve and promising equality for all.”Research Paints a Posive Picture for The Arc ECTLocal businesses and communies say they’re eager to get involved“We will leverage the research feedback to help us drive posive change and build a more inclusive society for people with IDD.” –Kathleen Stauer, CEO

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5TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWSOur hearelt thanks to these great organizaons,whoprovidedgrantsandoperatingfundstosupportvitalprogramsbetweenMarchandJuly2024. Ò The City of Groton and the Towns of North Stonington and Old Lyme generously included us in their yearly budgets to support Community Life & Advocacy. Ò Big thank you to The Andover Companies Charitable Foundaon, the Electric Boat Employees Community Service Associaon, Mohegan Sun, and Killingly High School for their connued support. Ò The Chelsea Groton Foundaon made a generous donaon to The Arc ECT’s Donaon Staon for the purchase of four new outdoor collecon bins. This generous grant will increase the Donaon Staon’s capacity to collect and recycle redeemable boles and cans. Ò The American Hellenic Educaonal Progressive Associaon (AHEPA) Foundaon made a substanal donaon in support of the Arc’s Annual Giving 2024 Campaign. Ò Eastern CT Savings Bank made a generous donaon for the purchase of new planters for The Arc’s Mechanic Street locaon in Danielson, CT. This contribuon will help enhance the environment and provide therapeuc gardening opportunies for people with IDD. The planter project benets all of the parcipants who use the Mechanic Street facility weekly. Seeds for the project were donated by Ocean State Job Lots and the UConn Master Gardener program. Ò Many thanks to The United Way of Southeastern Conneccut for their connued support. The United Way helps fund our Community Life & Advocacy programs, and we are appreciave of their generosity over the years. Ò We are also deeply grateful to the friends, family members, employees and their companies’ matching gis programs, and community partners who have contributed to our Appeal since March 2024. Your generosity has helped further our mission of walking “In Partnership For Full Equality” for people with IDD.Our Community PartnersMake Dreams Come TrueCONGRATULATIONS!James Hymon has been named Deputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer, Day Services.Michelle Torres has been named Deputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer, In-Home Supports.Wandali Torres has been named Director of In-Home Supports.Alexia Macht has been promoted to Director of Employment Services—South.Keisha Bailey has been promoted to Coordinator of Supporve Housing.Congratulaons to our new and promoted Residenal Managers: Katelyn Hedding, Walter Lewis, Damon James, Helena Mamudovski, and Nancy Toohey.Special Shout-Out to Valerie Malone, Deputy Chief Quality Assurance Ocer—Support Services, who is celebrang 40 years with the Agency.The Arc Eastern Conneccut in the SpotlightSelf Advocacy Corner—by Jamie Lazaro, Self-AdvocacyCoordinatorA Focus on EleconsThe Self-Advocacy Group has been meeng about vong for the last several months. Our goal has been to educate our members so they can make informed decisions on who they choose to elect on Tuesday Nov. 5, 2024. Some of our topics have been when and how the primaries are held, how to plan to get to the polls, and how to check to make sure they are registered voters. We also did some side-by-side comparisons of the candidates on the key issues that are important to them. The Clubhouse members learned about the accessible vong machines they can use to cast their votes. Informaon about upcoming debates was passed out to the members. Our group will also be doing two voter-registraon assistance days in September. If you would like to learn more about the Self- Advocacy group and membership, contact Jamie at

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6TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWSIn this issue of The Arc News, Reporter Krisna EmersoninterviewsValMalone,deputyQAofSupportServices.Krisna: Hi Val! How long have you been with The Arc ECT?Val: 40 years.Krisna: What was your rst job with The Arc? Val: My rst job… Hmmm. I was a direct care worker.Krisna: What do you enjoy most about working here? Val: I enjoy the people that we serve. Krisna: What do you do now? Val: Now I’m deputy QA of Support Services. Krisna: What’s that? Val: Good queson. I do a lot of stu, Krisna. I kind of I get involved with… psych clinic... I work with the behaviorists. I also work on Camp Harkness for our summer program. And a lot of other lile things.Krisna: Wow. Do you have a favorite moment? Val: I don’t know, to be honest with you. There’s probably so many moments that I hold deep in my heart because I’ve been here so long. So many people have touched my life. So, it’s hard to, like, pick one thing out. But that’s why I love my job. Krisna: Do you have a favorite event that The Arc puts on? Val: Well, I enjoy our annual Holiday party. Krisna: Oh, those are really fun. Val: Yeah, I think it’s nice to see everybody get together, dressed up, and enjoy a nice meal. And the dancing and the music… and gi exchange.Krisna: What is your biggest accomplishment during your me here? Val: While I was working—and I was working two jobs at the me—I went back to school. It was a two-year LPN program. Now I have my nursing license. The biggest thing for me was that I did it—in my 40s—while working the two jobs. So that would be my biggest accomplishment personally. Krisna: It’s a huge accomplishment. Val: Yes. Krisna: Do you have any rerement plans that you’re looking forward to? Val: I think just spending me with the family, you know, that’s really about it. And traveling a lile. Krisna: That's good. Events, Looking Back and AheadThe Arc Eastern Conneccut has had a bustling fundraising summer, and the excitement connues as we look ahead to the fall. On June 17, we hosted the 36th Gardner Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament at Conneccut Naonal Golf Club in Putnam, CT, where 103 golfers gathered for a day of compeon, camaraderie, and charity. One highlight of the day was the presentaon of the Gardner Johnson Memorial Award to Pamela Brown by Gene Michael Deary, Vice President of The Arc ECT’s Board of Directors. The award is presented to a person who has proven to be a strong advocate for individuals with IDD and for the mission of The Arc Eastern Conneccut. On July 20, we moved indoors with our Murder Mystery fundraiser, a thrilling and engaging evening where community members gathered to solve a diamond heist at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum. Nestled between these two events was our Founders Day celebraon on June 25, where we recognized the unwavering commitment of our employees and volunteers. With more than 130 aendees, the day featured the presentaon of various awards, including the Legislave Awards to Representave Kevin Ryan and Senator Je Gordon, and Community Service Awards to Anne Ogden and Jack and Robin O’Keefe.As we move into fall, we’re lacing up for our Strides Road Race on Oct. 6 at Camp Harkness in Waterford. We invite everyone to join us in this fun and meaningful event in support of The Arc ECT and the people we serve. Register today!For more informaon, and to register:Visit contact Denise Ti at T: 860.889.4435 x116 E: d@thearcect.orgThe Arc Through My Eyesby Krisna Emerson

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7TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWS5 Quesons with Our New Bakery ChefKrisne Tartaro is the new bakery and pastry chef for The Cookie Factory in Woodstock. She comes to us from The Queen’s Cups, a unique “cupcakery” in Worcester, MA, where she worked as the bakery manager. In addion to her baking skills and managerial experience, Krisne brings relevant teaching experience to the job, which will benet our employment training eorts.She sat with us for ve random quesons…Cookies or cake?Cookies.Favorite comfort food to cook outside the bakery? Mac and cheese. Favorite weekend acvity? Going to the local farmer’s market with my husband Dan and our Boston terrier, Carter. We do that every Sunday.Favorite guilty food indulgence? I don’t normally eat them, but a doughnut. I guess I don’t want to take them for granted, so I have them occasionally.Why did you choose The Arc?At rst, when I saw the ad, I had no idea you guys existed, so I started reading about The Arc and its mission. I’m a trained pastry chef, but I also have a degree in human and child development—teaching is a passion of mine. The mission really encompasses what I truly believe in. The more I read, the more I thought, “This is perfect for me.”5-Step Flourless Peanut Buer CookiesDIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.2. Place the peanut buer and the brown sugar in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Using a tabletop small mixer or handheld mixer set on medium or low speed, cream the peanut buer and brown sugar unl the mixture is light and uy. As you mix, scrape the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as needed.3. Add the egg and baking soda and mix on medium to low speed unl combined. When nished, the dough should have the consistency of Play Doh.4. Scoop dough using a 1-oz. scoop. Place each scoop on a parchment-lined baking sheet, approximately 2 inches apart (I use a standard size sheet pan at home and get 8 cookies per pan.) Use a fork to press each dough ball down gently, creang a crisscross paern.5. For soer cookies, bake 8-10 minutes. Cookies should be light brown with visibly set edges. For crispier cookies, bake 10-12 minutes. Cookies should have a golden-brown color and set edges. Allow to cool on baking sheet for 10 minutes. Move to a cookie cooling rack to thoroughly cool.This simple-to-bake recipe, from The Arc ECT’s new pastry/bakery chef Krisne Tartaro, yields 20, 1 oz. cookies.INGREDIENTS1 cup creamy peanut buer1 cup dark brown sugar, rmly packed1 egg1 tsp baking soda

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8860.889.4435TheArcECT.orgThe Arc NEWS125 Sachem Street Norwich, CT 06360T: 860.889.4435TheArcECT.orgDATE!DATE!SAVESAVETHETHERequest a copy today! Email Annemarieabellenoit@thearcect.orgPLAN AHEADHelp Peoplewith intellectual and developmental disabilities by partnering with The Arc Eastern Connecticut for all of our EXCITING 2025 fundraisers!Contact Denise Ti TodayT: 860.889.4435 x116E: d@thearcect.orgSunday, October 6, 2024