Peria School Friday 25 October 2024 Newsletter
Edge Caregiver app If you haven't already please check out the link on how to set up the caregiver app on edge. This will allow you to send us absentee messages, get reports and important updates. Bus/Pick up changes by 2pm A friendly reminder that bus/pick up changes need to be communicated to the office by 2pm at latest to ensure children are in the correct bus/pick up lines. The bell goes at 2.20pm where students are put into the bus/pick up lines and first buses leave at 2.25pm. The preferred way of communicating any bus/pick up changes is calling school 094085834 option 2 and leave a message. Thank you Dental clinic contact details Phone: 0800 698 3384 Mobile: 021 576 594 Website: Kauhanga Marae - Peria - Health Clinic Tuesday 19th November: 10am – 2.00pm Free Consultation – Exam vitals – Scripts Peria School
Board of Trustees Notices If you would like to get in contact with the Board of Trustees please email Nikole and attention BoT at Our next BoT meeting will be held on the 27th of November 2024, 5:30pm at Peria School Peria School Policies and Procedures We utilise SchoolDocs for its set of policies and procedures. SchoolDocs policies incorporate all of Peria School's legislative and regulatory requirements. To view our complete set of policies and procedures, please follow this link. Sign in with username: peria and password: oruru Once in use the search feature to locate school policy or procedural information. This terms policies open for review are as follows: FINANCE AND ASSET MANAGEMENT POLICY (board) Review main board-level policy Managing Income and Expenditure (board) Financial Conflicts of Interest (board) School Donations and Student Activity Payments / Attendance Dues and Other Income Expenditure Asset Management and Protection (board) Property Planning and Maintenance Prevention of Bribery, Corruption, Fraud, and Theft They will remain open until the end of Term 4 Peria School
Kia ora whanau, Te Puna have been very busy learning all about fractions this term (and making some good connections to division in the process). We learnt the difference between wholes and parts. We also learn how to write the fractions for half, quarters, thirds, and fifths. With your child, can you come up with some different ways you use fractions at home to help you complete housework, work or other projects? We have also been learning about ‘personality traits’ and how you can describe some using adjectives. We learn some different ways to say the same word (e.g. smart, creative, well read, genius) and how it can add more information to our writing. We have also been retelling the legends of Maui, starting with how he slowed the sun. Another area that Te Puna has been working on is learning our new karakia. You received a booklet last term with a list of all our waiata (songs) and karakia within it. Please take a look at this and practise our karakia together with your child. Lastly, a reminder to bring in hats (and book bags!) to school every day. In term 4 children are expected to have a hat on when they are outside otherwise they wouldn’t get to play. Nga mihi! Warm regards, Whaea Dominique Top left: our fraction wall, comparing halves, quarters and fifths Photos 2-10: How many bear paws do 6 bears have altogether? Te Puna
Kia Ora Whanau, Te Awa is always a busy place, and it’s great to see how independent and motivated Te Awa students are. We are writing some mini stories about Maui and ourselves to show what kind of characters we are. We are noticing the similarities and differences between Maui’s characteristics and ourselves. We are learning to use precise words to describe actions, and make our stories interesting. Most of the class has completed or is near to completing the LLLL Reading series which is the structured literacy programme we follow at Peria. Students are very excited to see their progress and be able to read all the books in the series. We read fiction and non-fiction in this series. The non-fiction books are much harder in respect to specific vocabulary. Please help at home by regularly reading both fiction and non-fiction books or texts. In Maths we are reviewing place value and the importance of being able to identify how many 10’s are in numbers, and being able to partition numbers in many ways. Whaea Kate is making some cool 3-D objects from 2-D nets. Athletics is coming up next week on Wednesday 30th and we are practising the long jump for one of the events. We are getting pretty good! Hope you all have a lovely long weekend with Labour Day on Monday as well as a Teacher Only Day on Tuesday. Regards Whaea Jo Te awa
Kia ora e te whanau, Te Moana is the busiest we have been all year, we have set ourselves targets and we are working hard to prioritise our time to make sure that everything gets achieved. This term's maths focus is Measurement and with Athletics next week we have incorporated our practice sessions with maths. Using measurement in real life scenarios is really allowing the students to understand the concepts within measurement so far. I have also noticed those students that usually stand back in maths (and in athletics might I add) are coming forward and participating and enjoying these hands-on meaningful lessons. We have also been preparing for our EMR snorkelling trip coming up at Maitai Bay in the coming weeks. Ray came in with some of the equipment we will be using to snorkel and gave us an opportunity to become familiar with snorkelling. We are really looking forward to this trip - so if you haven't returned your child’s permission slip, please do so asap to ensure that your child doesn't miss out. Pet Day is definitely at the forefront of our minds right now and the students are working incredibly hard to ensure that their classroom exhibits are to a high standard. The end products so far are fantastic and I would hate to be a judge for these items, the competition is fierce! Swimming is a high priority for Te Moana students already, I’m very impressed how quickly they are all remembering their togs each day. We need to improve a little on our bringing of hats though, the sun is really hot out there already so this is a non-negotiable item. We do have sunscreen here at kura, but if your child needs or requires a specific type please ensure that they have this in their bags everyday please. Te moana
Kia ora koutou! We’ve had an exciting start to the term in Te Rangi, diving into narrative writing. This past couple of weeks, we’ve been exploring the stories of Māui and Kahuitianui, using these rich cultural legends as inspiration. Our tamariki are learning how to craft engaging narratives by focusing on setting, characters, and plot development. These stories are not only helping us improve our writing skills but also deepen our understanding of the values and characteristics that make Māui and Kahuitianui such important figures in our heritage. In maths, we’re focusing on measurement, particularly converting between kilometres, metres, centimetres, and millimetres. This week, we’ve been making predictions about lengths and distances and then using our skills to check our estimates. Learning to convert measurements and make accurate predictions is crucial as it helps us understand the world around us and solve real-life problems more effectively. We’ve also been working hard on our Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) project. After completing the theoretical workshop and snorkel training in the pool, we are all looking forward to our upcoming trip to Maitai Bay, where we will get to experience a marine reserve firsthand. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our tamariki to learn about marine conservation and the importance of protecting our natural resources. Lastly, our Pet Day projects are coming along nicely. We are still in need of small boxes and jars, so if you have any to spare, we would greatly appreciate your donations. Ngā mihi for your support! Ngā manaakitanga, Te Rangi Class Te Rangi
Eco Centre Greenhouse Rebuild Update Exciting progress is being made on our school’s greenhouse rebuild! OTO Construction has been hard at work, completing the massive task of clearing the site and beginning to erect the framing for our new greenhouse. It’s great to see the space taking shape, and the students are eager to see the final result. The next steps in the project include creating a hothouse area using Clearlite, which will allow us to grow produce year-round, as well as building a shade house area. This will give our tamariki access to the Eco Centre in all seasons, providing hands-on learning opportunities and helping to further our school’s sustainability efforts. We can’t wait to see this space come to life! Ngā mihi for your ongoing support! Enviro