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Newsletter 8 2024

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Peria School Friday 27 September 2024 Newsletter

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Kia ora ē te whānau, We hope that you have enjoyed hearing about all the learning opportunities that your children have engaged in over the term. We have had a huge term with the Cross Country events, the Peria School Olympics, whitebait connection, not to mention all the reading, writing, maths, makerspace and so much more that your children get to engage in at our kura. Yesterday we held our Ka hui hikitia, celebration assembly and it was such an awesome experience with all our students getting the opportunity to share their learning through plays, through sharing their writing and through the musical items. We are always so happy to see the whānau engagement at these events. The students love to have an audience and our whānau never disappoint as they show up for all of our students. You may be hearing a lot about the government's focus on structured literacy and structured maths approaches. At Peria School we have been working on structured literacy for many years and so these changes are nothing new to us. You may have noticed over this year that we have been talking about maths a lot, in particular maths Professional development that we have been attending as staff. This maths professional development is supporting us to improve our Maths knowledge and the results for our students. In particular we have a focus on building up students' self confidence in Mathematics. We do this by reminding them about some important things. We use this chart below in our classes and we talk about what makes a mathematician regularly, by doing so it encourages students to have a growth mindset when it comes to maths. We are not so focused on churning out answers and more interested in understanding how students found the answers or what processes they went through to get there. Our Olympics kaupapa (topic) this term has been so rewarding. When I asked the students what they learnt during this kaupapa at assembly they said things like I learnt about different countries, I learnt that although we were from different countries we still needed to be kind to each other, we learnt about the history of the Olympics and the sports they have, I learnt about the flags from different countries. There was so much real and authentic learning taking place through ‘doing’ engaging students in a real world Peria School Olympics and watching them really come to light has been the highlight of the term for me. The students are really excited about our next Peria School Olympics in four years' time, some students, sad when they realised they wouldn’t be here then. A big thank you to Whaea Jo for organising it all. Friendly Reminder that we have a Teacher Only Day Scheduled for Term 4 - The date is the 29th October 2024 Peria School

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Board of Trustees Notices If you would like to get in contact with the Board of Trustees please email Nikole and attention BoT at Our next BoT meeting will be held on the 23 of October 2024, 5:30pm at Peria School Peria School Policies and Procedures We utilise SchoolDocs for its set of policies and procedures. SchoolDocs policies incorporate all of Peria School's legislative and regulatory requirements. To view our complete set of policies and procedures, please follow this link. Sign in with username: peria and password: oruru Once in use the search feature to locate school policy or procedural information. Bus/Pick up changes by 2pm A friendly reminder that bus/pick up changes need to be communicated to the office by 2pm at latest to ensure children are in the correct bus/pick up lines. The bell goes at 2.20pm where students are put into the bus/pick up lines and first buses leave at 2.25pm. The preferred way of communicating any bus/pick up changes is calling school 094085834 option 2 and leave a message. Thank you Dental clinic contact details Phone: 0800 698 3384 Mobile: 021 576 594 Website: Kauhanga Marae - Peria - Health Clinic Tuesday 22nd October: 10am – 2.00pm Tuesday 19th November: 10am – 2.00pm Free Consultation – Exam vitals – Scripts Peria School Peria School

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Kia ora, So far we have learnt about 3 continents: Asia, Africa, North and South America. Hopefully next term we can spend a few more weeks learning about: Antarctica, Europe and Oceania. The kids are super excited to learn about landmarks from each of these continents and want to go there on holiday! Everyone has gotten very good at drawing animals and writing some sentences about if they are carnivores, omnivores or herbivores. We also are very excited each time we get to eat something from that continent. So far we have tried dumplings, dukkah and pancakes. Can you match the food to the continents? We are also getting very good at reading. I’ve seen many children actually reading the books in our library corner (not just looking at the picture and making up the story). So exciting to see it all coming together for them! Some of our other students have recently learned all 26 alphabet sounds and are really getting into their stage 4 books! I will send home some extra books and a ‘sound swap’ game for you to play with your child over the holidays. The instructions come with the word list, but basically you change one sound in a word to make a new one. Use magnetic letters, alphabet flashcards, a whiteboard marker or chalk to write the words and change the sounds. If you want help in how to do this, get in touch with me on: Have a great holiday everyone! Nga mihi all! Whaea Dominique Te Puna

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Kia Ora Whanau, The Peria Olympics 2024 have been our focus over the last few weeks. You can see from the photo of the Kenyan team that students had the opportunity to buddy up with all the class levels to compete. Paxton, Elisha, Marshall and Maia were Te Awa’s athletes representing Kenya. Now the Olympics are over and the school holidays are here. Hopefully with the holidays will come some nicer weather to enjoy outdoor activities. If that’s not the case and you get stuck inside, your child might like to do some work on our studyladder programme. Go to the studyladder website and your child has their own username and password which will have been sent home by now. There are Math, English, Science and spelling activities and tutorials to help students practise their skills. In Maths Te Awa has been practising how to add fractions, compare fractions and we even had a quick look at how fractions can be the same but have different names - equivalent fractions. For example 1/2 is the same as 2/4. Jak asked “Does that mean that 1000/2000 is the same as 1/2?” Music to a teacher’s ear!!! In Reading, a big focus has been being able to read, write and draw words, phrases and sentences. Being able to illustrate a sentence shows that we understand what that sentence is saying, and we aren’t just decoding a bunch of words like a list. In Writing, we have been thinking about our audience and making sure that we are answering the important who, what, when, where, why and how questions. We have also practised starting our piece with a good “hook”, to get our audience interested in our stories. I’m sure you are all looking forward to some family time over the holidays. I’m planning on seeing all of our NZ kids in Auckland, Hamilton and Wellington including two gorgeous granddaughters, plus we are going to Takaka in Golden Bay, South Island to have a special family gathering for my husband's family. Take care, and see you all next term. Whaea Jo Throughout the Peria School Olympic Games, Te Awa have not only enjoyed competing in the events, but also learning about the Olympic Rings and the 5 continents that are represented by these. Within these continents we have looked at various countries and used this learning to inspire our art. In learning about South America and Africa we discovered some frightening animals and used crayon and dye to create our own species of venomous snakes which are currently inhabiting our classroom! We also used paint to blend colours to create a sunset in the African Savanna. It is always a pleasure to be in Te Awa and very exciting to see the huge progress that all the students are making since the start of the year. The students have worked really hard and deserve their spring break. ‘Ka kite wawe koe’ See you soon. Whaea Kate Te awa

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Kia ora tātou from the most beautiful place in the world… Peria! Te Moana have been off exploring local Peria awa again again, this time to the beautiful Honeymoon Valley. It was a little bit of a hike to the exploration spot, but what started off as a walk in the rain soon turned to a beautiful bush walk under a clear blue sky. Our akonga were able to find many species that we were unable to locate further downstream here at our manga. They also were able to identify why that was - the bush and trees lining the waters edge making it cool and sheltered.They also identified the stoney pebble bottom that isn’t all silted and muddy two key elements ideal for the array of species you would hope to find in the rivers and streams. It was soon clear that the mauri of this awa was very strong. Life here at Te Moana isn’t all outdoor explorers I can promise you that. We have been winding up our learnings on fractions and we have completed a massive test and I’m looking forward to seeing how much they have retained! They have all worked really hard so I’m optimistic about what I will see in their results. Learning all about the History of the Olympic Games has been a real journey for these akonga. We hope you all enjoyed our play retelling the history of the games! The tamariki were able to summarise the key points based on all the readings we have undertaken in class and interpret that through drama. Tino kino te pai tamariki ma! (Too much kids!). I hope you all have a wonderful safe holiday and we will see you back here for term four!!! So don’t forget to dig out your pōtae over the break!!! Mā te wā Whaea Beks and the Te Moana Crew Te moana

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Pest Control Programme We are excited to announce that Peria School is rolling out a Pest Control Programme with the support of Clayton and Shoda from the Regional Council. For a long time, we’ve been losing produce to unwanted pests such as possums and rats. Thanks to our connection with the local council, we’ve received possum and rat traps and launched a trapping programme with our senior students. Te Rangi students are thrilled to be part of this environmental initiative, doing their bit to protect our school’s gardens and surroundings. School Olympics Our school Olympics were a huge success! It was fantastic to see the whakawhanaungatanga (relationship-building) across all classes as students worked together, supported one another, and had loads of fun competing in different sports and activities. The spirit of competition was inspiring, and we can't wait to do it again in four years! Whitebait Connection We recently had our final field trip for the Whitebait Connection programme, travelling to Honeymoon Valley to the stunning property of Yvonne, Wayne, Brit, and Chris. We are so grateful for their hospitality. During the trip, we honed our biology skills by observing the awa (river) for signs of life and assessing its well-being. It was a fun, educational experience, and we are looking forward to the next part of the programme with EMR, where we will have the opportunity to observe marine reserves. Ngā mihi to everyone who has supported these incredible learning experiences! Te Rangi

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Peria School Olympics 2024 Congratulations to all our athletes who competed in the Peria School Olympics 2024. Every afternoon for a week and a bit our athletes were out there competing in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Handball, Basketball, Rippa Rugby, Frisbee Golf, BMX time trials and 100m sprints. We held an opening and closing ceremony with gold, silver and bronze medals awarded. Congratulations to Mexico, the overall winners and thanks to the many people who helped make this event such a success. Whaea Jo. Country Gold Silver Bronze Mexico 2 2 3 Fiji 2 1 Kenya 1 2 4 Japan 1 1 3 Germany 1 1 Olympics