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HOUSEHOUSEYOUR REAL ESTATE INSIDERHow to Choose theRight Tile for YourHomeDoes your home matchour qualified buyersneeds?DEJA LETT

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WELCOME TO THE SEPTEMBER EDITIONOF OUR REAL ESTATE INSIGHTS!Greetings, dear readers! My name is Deja,As a proud member of the Top HomesGroup, I am passionate about not onlyhelping you find your dream home butalso ensuring you have all theinformation you need to thrive in ourwonderful neighborhoods. Our team isalways present for your needs!As the crisp air of September settles in,we're excited to bring you the latestedition of our newsletter, packed withvaluable insights and updates from theworld of real estate. Whether you'reconsidering buying or selling, looking toinvest, or simply staying informed aboutthe market trends, our goal is to provideyou with the knowledge you need to makeconfident decisions.This month, we're diving deep into theunique opportunities and considerationsthat come with waterfront living, exploringthe evolving real estate landscape inMaine, New Hampshire, and Florida, andoffering tips to help you navigate themarket with ease. From the allure ofcoastal properties to the benefits of high-equity homeownership, we've got youcovered.

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MEET THE TEAMWe are family! We have combined our love of real estate to createa powerful team that allows us to serve our clients better. Wehave an intimate knowledge of this incredible city and all itsunique neighborhoods. Our commitment to each other translatesto our commitment to our clients: creating the best possibleexperience with integrity, putting our clients first and alwaysremaining solution focused. Real estate has changed our family’slives in so many incredible ways and we know it has the to powerto do the same for you. ANT H ONY JONE SASSOCIATE BROKERLicensing: SA926430(207) 590-9064Anthony@TopHomesGroup.comLAU R A J A CKSO NASSOCIATE BROKERLicensing: SA925831(413) 887-9983Laurabj@TopHomesGroup.comDEJ A LE T TBROKERLicensing: BR916256(207) 415-8204Deja@TopHomesGroup.comMEL I SSA MILE MBROKERLicensing: BR921326(207) 329-6939Melissa@TopHomesGroup.comNICO L E TOLEN T I NOVIRTUAL ASSISTANT(207)

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HOTTEST NEW (207) 610-79224 b e d r o o m s1 , 9 0 1 S q f t1 . 5 b a t h r o o m1 2 5 H I L L S T R E E T , S O U T HP O R T L A N D$ 4 6 5 , 0 0 0

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1 8 0 N E W G O R H A M R O A D ,W E S T B R O O K2 b e d r o o m s1 b a t h r o o m1 , 0 9 9 S q f tS E L L E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N9 0 P I N E C O N E D R I V E ,S H A P L E I G H3 b e d r o o m s2 b a t h r o o m s1 , 3 4 4 S q f tB U Y E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N3 B A Y A V E N U E , U N I T # : 2 2O L D O R C H A R D B E A C H1 b e d r o o m1 b a t h r o o m5 0 5 S q f tB U Y E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O NU N D E R C O N T R A C T1 5 6 S M U T T Y L A N E S A C O3 b e d r o o m s2 . 5 b a t h r o o m s2 , 0 1 3 S q f tS E L L E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N

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U N D E R C O N T R A C T8 7 F O R E S T S T R E E T , U N I T# : 1 , S A C O2 b e d r o o m s1 . 5 b a t h r o o m s9 6 0 S q f tB U Y E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N5 5 O C E A N A V E N U EO L D O R C H A R D B E A C H2 b e d r o o m s1 b a t h r o o m9 1 2 S q f tB U Y E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N1 4 O D E N A A V E N U E , O L DO R C H A R D B E A C H3 b e d r o o m s1 b a t h r o o m6 5 2 S q f tB U Y E R & S E L L E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N1 3 2 B E A C H S T R E E TS A C O2 b e d r o o m s2 b a t h r o o m s2 , 0 6 0 S q f tB U Y E R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N

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CHOOSE THE RIGHTTILE FOR YOUR HOMEWhen it comes to picking out tile for your home, there aremany factors to keep in mind. How well can it withstandwear and tear? Is the material resistant to stains andwater? Is it easy to clean and maintain? To help younavigate these questions, we’ll take a look at differenttypes of tiles and which areas of your home they’re mostsuitable for. CERAMICCeramic tile is strong, colorfast and flame-resistant. It doesn’tconduct heat or electricity; it’s hygienic; it won’t absorb odors oremit hazardous chemicals; it won’t swell or contract in extremetemperatures; and it’s easy to clean. Given its durability andversatility, ceramic tiles can be used in a wide array of locations inyour home, including bathroom countertops, kitchen backsplashesand floors in any room. “Ceramic tile is an optimal selection forwalls, often providing a color palette not available through other tilecategories.PORCELAINGlazed porcelain tiles are much harder and have more damageresistance than ceramic tiles, so they should be suitable foralmost any indoor residential application. Given their lowporosity and durability, porcelain tiles are a good candidate forareas that receive high traffic or are prone to getting wet, such asshowers and bathroom counters. Porcelain is generally suitablethroughout the home but should be selected with care, lackingthe warmth of natural stone, porcelain tends to make spaces feelcolder.GRANITEGranite is a dense-grained hard stone formed either from themelting of sediments deep within the earth. The sedimentswere held under extreme pressure and temperatures formillions of years. Once polished, natural granite will maintainits high-gloss finish virtually forever. Because of its durability,it can be used for kitchen countertops, wet bars, entry walls,floors, fireplaces and bathroom vanities. Flamed or honedgranite can be used almost anywhere.

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PORCELAINGlazed porcelain tiles are much harder and have more damageresistance than ceramic tiles, so they should be suitable foralmost any indoor residential application. Given their lowporosity and durability, porcelain tiles are a good candidate forareas that receive high traffic or are prone to getting wet, such asshowers and bathroom counters. Porcelain is generally suitablethroughout the home but should be selected with care, lackingthe warmth of natural stone, porcelain tends to make spaces feelcolder.GRANITEGranite is a dense-grained hard stone formed either from themelting of sediments deep within the earth. The sedimentswere held under extreme pressure and temperatures formillions of years. Once polished, natural granite will maintainits high-gloss finish virtually forever. Because of its durability,it can be used for kitchen countertops, wet bars, entry walls,floors, fireplaces and bathroom vanities. Flamed or honedgranite can be used almost anywhere. SLATESlate is a fine-grained, metamorphic rock, commonly derived fromsedimentary rock shale. It's composed mostly of micas, chlorite andquartz and is best suited for floors, walkways, roofing, kitchencountertops and wet bars. It’s a dense, tough composite typicallyavailable in blacks, grays and greens, although it can also be foundin many other colors. Unless it has been honed smooth, slate’ssurface can be recognized by its distinct cleft pattern.kitchencountertops and wet bars, because fruit juices and alcohol productscan stain them. It's also prone to scratches.MARBLEMuch as diamonds are created from coal, marble was oncelimestone that underwent a metamorphosis from the intensepressures and high temperatures within the earth. Marble isavailable in unique colors with veining of great depth and intensity.Most marble products are softer and have more porosity thangranite. Because it's softer, it's most often used in bathroom wallsand flooring, as well as for tub decks, fireplace surrounds, furniture,sculptures and courtyards. Marble is not recommended for kitchensunless the stone is honed and sealed.

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October 11, 2024 [6:00PM - 8:00PM] Rising Tide Brewing CompanyJoin Maine Public for a Bob Ross Inspired Paintand Sip Night at Rising Tide Brewing Company.Tickets are $45 per person and include all artsupplies and a free drink ticket. Only a few ticketsavailable, so make sure to reserve your spot!A BOB ROSS INSPIRED PAINT &SIP NIGHTLocal Events You'll LoveTHIS MONTH'SSept 8 - Oct 13, 2024 [3:30PM - 5:30PM] 243 Washington StreetBathLearn about oyster farming from some of Maine’sfantastic oyster farmers on this tasty two-hourriver cruise. Each guest will receive a ticket for adozen oysters on the half-shell and a beverage ofchoice from the museum’s beer and wine list. Sitback and take in spectacular river views, learnabout Maine’s thriving oyster industryOYSTER TESTINGOctober 24, 2024 [5:00PM] O'Maine Studios, 54 Danforth St, PortlandMeet the talented distillers from the MaineDistillers Guild and get a behind-the-scenes tasteof the magic in every bottle. Whether you’re a fanof gin, vodka, bourbon, or rum, you’ll findsomething to love.THE MAINE COCKTAIL CLASSIC

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October 25, 2024 [12:30PM] O'Maine Studios, 54 Danforth St, PortlandVisit the competing chefs’ lobster stations to taste andexplore their unique lobster creations and meet theculinary talents behind them. Enjoy a selection ofbeverages, including Zardetto Prosecco, Clean SlateRiesling, Root Wild Kombucha, Coffee By Design, andAustin Street Brewing beer.2024 MAINE LOBSTER CHEF OF THEYEAR COMPETITIONNovember 1, 2024 [9:30PM] Regatta Banquet & Conference CenterJoin us for a night filled with amazing music, good vibes,and unforgettable memories. Don't miss out on thisspecial event - grab your tickets now! Come celebrate the30th anniversary of Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" albumwith an epic concert at the Regatta Banquet & ConferenceCenter! WILDFLOWERS 30TH ANNIVERSARYCONCERTNovember 10, 2024 [12:00PM - 4:00PM] The Governor Hill MansionThis in-person event will honor the incredible athleteswho have made a lasting impact on the runningcommunity in Maine. Indulge in a delicious meal, connectwith fellow running enthusiasts, and witness theinduction of the newest Hall of Fame members. Get readyto be inspired by the stories of dedication, perseverance,and triumph.MAINE RUNNING HALL OF FAMEINDUCTION BANQUET

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Top Homes GroupSaco Maine StreetOctober 19, 2024HARVESTFestivalFestivalSTOP BY AND SEE US! 11:00AM - 3:00PM

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Top Homes GroupHARVESTFestivalFestivalWe’re excited toannounce that wewill have a table setup at the HarvestFestival, and wewarmly invite you tostop by!We’ll be passing outa variety of deliciouscandy and tastytreats, perfect forcelebrating theseason.It’s a wonderfulopportunity to enjoysome festive fun,connect with friends,and indulge in somesweet surprises.

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HELP!My buyers have looked at all the homes onthe market in your n eighb orhoo d, but nonefit THEIR needs. If y ou would be interestedin selli ng pleas e c ontac t m e A SAP. I a mhappy to s end o ver m y buy er's pre-approval.SOLDSLD SOLDI need a home in yourneighborhood!

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WE HAVE BUYERS LOOKINGFOR THEIR NEXT HOME...COULD IT BE YOURS?Buyer #1Old Orchard BeachAt least:3 Bedroom2 Bathrooms3 Car Garage$525,000 or lessBuyer #2CumberlandAt least:2 Bedroom2 Bathrooms2 Car Garage$490,000 or lessBuyer #3SacoAt least:3 Bedroom2 Bathrooms1 Car Garage$499,000 or lessLet us know, and let’s startyour new jouorney!

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THE HOUSINGMARKETIS HEATING UPDO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH?We have seen some local housing market adjustmentsand want to keep you informed and updated on yourhome's value.HOME VALUE REPORTSCAN THIS QR CODETO GET AN UPDATEDDEJA LETT(207) 415-8204

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T h e f i rs t s t e p i s g e t t i n g c l e a r a b o u t h o w m u c h y o u rc u r r e n t h o m e i s w o r t h i n t o d a y ' s l o c a l r e a l e s t a t em a r k e t . T h e m o s t r e l i a b l e s o u rc e i s o u r M L s a n d Ia m h a p p y t o p r o v i d e y o u wi t h a no -o b l i g a t i o n h o m ev a l u e r e p o r t . W o n d e r i n g w h a t y o u r h o m e c o u l d b e w o r t h i nt o d a y ’ s m a r k e t ? D o n ’ t m i s s o u t o n v a l u ab l e i n s i g h t s !R e a c h o u t to u s f o r a p e r s o n a l i z e d , d e t a i l e d h o m ev a l u a t i o n , a n d l e t u s h e l p y o u u n c o v e r y o u rp r o p e r t y ’ s t r u e m a r k e t p o te n t i a l . W h e t h e r y o u ’ r ec o n s i d e r i n g s e ll i n g or ju s t w a n t to s ta y in f o r m e d ,w e ’ r e h e r e t o g u i d e y o u e v e r y s t e p o f t h e w a y !U n l o c k y o u r h o m e 's t r u e v a l u e – r e a c h o u t t o ust o d a y !

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CUMBERLANDCOUNTYHousing Market Update - September 2024592N E W L I S T IN G S403L I S T I N G S S O L D10M EDIAN D A Y S O N MARKE T$529,405M E D I A N S AL E S P R I CE

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YORKCOUNTYHousing Market Update - September 2024554N E W L I S T IN G S409L I S T I N G S S O L D11M EDIAN D A Y S O N MARKE T$462,500M E D I A N S AL E S P R I CE

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who we areBecause we support each other within our firm, we’re better able tosupport our clients: with compassion, mindfulness, and collectivemotivation to reach our common goals. In all things, we strive to be kind,welcoming, and open-minded, especially when facing challenges.N E I G H B O R L YSimply put, we love what we do, and it makes all the difference betweenproviding a service and delivering an experience. We fully commit to everytask, providing well-rounded solutions that don’t shy away from thedetails. We go above expectation, not just because it’s the right thing to do,but because we care about our clients, and genuinely enjoy building on ourrelationships.P A S S I O N A T EWe pride ourselves on being a team of knowledgeable specialistsembodying an exceptional level of professionalism, both with our clientsand among our peers. Our dedication to the highest quality service,efficiency, and insight is unparalleled.P R O F E S S I O N A L

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client testimonialsMy home buying experience was excellent. Deja helped me feelcomfortable with my choice. Deja truly looked out for me and mychildren’s best interest. I have and will continue to refer Deja andher team to anyone I know that may be looking to buy or sell.Thankful to have worked with such a professional and caring team!Laura Buffett-Jackson was amazing with our retirement purchase. Shewas professional , yet warm and friendly. Very knowledgeable andassisted with our negotiation questions. No pressure, just guidance. Shewas attentive during our closing process and follow through withtaking possession. We live in Florida so it counted we had a realtor wecould count on and knew she had our backs. I would recommend Laurato any body who is looking for a home.We lucked out when we contacted Melissa to look at a house in Maine.We were downsizing and wanted to be near family. Melissa was soknowledgeable about the areas we were looking in and she had greatconnections to contractors and service providers which was extremelyvaluable.

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THANK YOUAs a dedicated real estate professional, I fully understand thesignificance of this decision and the trust you have placed in me. I amcommitted to providing you with exceptional service, market expertise,and unwavering support as we navigate the intricacies of the real estateprocess together. Your confidence in my abilities is truly appreciated,and I am excited to embark on this partnership with you. I assure youthat I will go above and beyond to exceed your expectations and ensure asmooth and successful experience. Thank you once again for consideringmy services, and I look forward to the opportunity of working with you.D E J A L E T T