Selling your home is often one of the most exciting but stressful events in aperson's life. Selling your home becomes even more complicated if you are a petowner. Not only does one need to show a home, but it is also necessary to lookafter the furry family members. Here's how to make sure your pet's transitiongoes off without a hitch:Keep Your Pets Offsite During Showings: If a friend, family member, or the placeof pet daycare—whenever possible—is a safe and cozy haven for the pets, then ittakes the stress off and makes the showing process smooth.Clean Your House on a Deep Cleaning Level: Pets leave a smell that is a turn-offto buyers, even if they clean themselves. Have your house deep cleaned—especially in the carpets and furniture. That may involve repairing other damagecaused by pets—such as scratched floors or chewed furniture.Remove the Pet Belongings: Make sure all the pet stuff is everywhere else butnot in the showing area - be it toys, beds, bowls, or litter boxes. Yard Duty: For pet owners whose pets utilize the yard space, it is important totend to waste clean-up and repair any damage done to the grass or landscaping.Buyers want to be able to walk the properties without stepping on any landmines. With pets, it's quite the juggling act between keeping your home up and making itso that your furry friends are content and secure. I can't believe the firstquarter of 2024 hasalready passed by! We hadan extremely successfulquarter and helped over 10families buy and sellhomes!VOLUME SOLD:$2300,000LIST TO SOLDPRICE RATIO:94%DAYS ONMARKET:26 DAYSUNITS SOLD:12M A X I M I Z E Y O U R H O M E ' S A P P E A L :SELLING YOURHOME WITH PETSREACH O UT TO GET STARTED !
1. ALWAYS CUT THE STEMS BEFOREPLACING THEM IN WATERIt’s important to clip the stems after a few daysto allow fresh water to penetrate the flower'sstem.2. CUT BACK OR REMOVE THE EXTRALEAVESEliminating the foliage will decrease anybacteria in the water, helping keep the waterclean and free of foul odors. This will also allowthe focus of the bloom on the flowers, enablingthem to stay fresh longer. 3. CHOOSE THE RIGHT SIZE VASE ORCONTAINERIf the opening is too narrow, the flower stemsmight look cramped or squished, If the mouthof your vase is too wide, the arrangement willnot have any form or shape. 4. CHANGE THE WATER EVERY TWO DAYSYou should take the flowers out of the vaseevery two or three days, rinse the vase out, andfill it with fresh water.5. REMOVE DYING FLOWERSTo continue to enjoy your flowers, removeblooms that are wilting and dying as they canbegin to grow mold and contaminate thehealthy flowers. TRICKSFLORISTSUSE TO KEEPFLOWERSALIVELONGEROnce the ground has thawed and the trees begin to bud, it'stime to prepare your home for spring. On top of your regularspring cleaning, you'll also want to consider these generalupkeep tips. Inspect roofing for missing, loose, or damaged shinglesand leaks.Change the air-conditioner filter.Clean window and door screens.Refinish the deck.Power-wash windows and siding.Remove leaves and debris from gutters and downspouts.Replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxidedetectors.Vacuum lint from the dryer vent.Repair or replace caulking and weather stripping aroundwindows, doors, and mechanicals.Remove the insulation from outdoor faucets and checksprinkler heads.Have the air-conditioning system serviced.APRIL HOME MAINTENANCED. SmithAs a first time home seller I have had questions and wavered on everything!Jennifer has been wonderful to work with and answering all of our questionsalong the way. We really enjoy working with Green Key!
READY TO PLANT YOURROOTS THIS SPRING?L E T ' S F I N D T H E P E R F E C T H O M E F O R I T !SCAN THIS QR CODETO GET STARTED“COUNTER HEIGHT” Renovating a kitchen is an exciting time as you pick out flooring, scourwebsites for faucet ideas, and add color-inspiration pictures to yourPinterest boards to create a personalized space. However, during theprocess, you may encounter a few home terms that your contractor orinterior designer often uses that leave you scratching your head. Acouple of such terms? “Counter height” and “bar height.”As a real estate agent, I've seen how potential buyers are drawn tokitchens with proper counter height. It's a small detail that can make abig difference in the overall appeal of your home. When renovating,consider installing a counter height that is comfortable for most people,around 36 inches. This ensures that the counter is at the perfect levelfor prepping and cooking meals, as well as doing dishes. “Counter height” is between34 inches and 36 inches high.Most counters in kitchensand bathrooms are counterheight. “Bar height” is taller,at about 42 inches high.What’s the Difference?TABLE HEIGHT COUNTER HEIGHT BAR HEIGHTIs The Must-Know Number ifYou’re Planning a Kitchen Reno