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Newsletter 1 2024 - Template

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Important NoticesDental clinic contact detailsPhone: 0800 698 3384Mobile: 021 576 594Website:

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Cara LillyPresiding MemberHi, my name is Cara Lilly and I am the new presiding board member.I was born in Kaitaia and grew up in Peria where I currently live now. Iattended Peria Play Centre, Peria School and Taipa Area School. Currently Iown Coopers Beach Hair and Beauty Salon which Is where I also completedmy hairdressing apprenticeship ( a long time ago).I have one son, Cullum, who attends Peria School. Being a part of andsupporting the school is something that is important to myself and my family.My mother Barb Lilly was a founding member of the Peria School Board asthe Secretary when my brother and I attended Peria.As a board member I aim to do my very best to ensure that all our childrenhave the best opportunities to set themselves up for a bright future and I willhelp wherever I can to make sure that the school continues to run smoothly. Ibelieve we have a great team and I’m excited to see what the future holds.Ngaire Tauhara-WhiteParent RepE te kura whānau o Peria, tēna rā koutou katoa.Ko Ngaire Tauhara-White tōku ingoa. He uri ahau nō kōnei. Nō te whānauTauhara ahau.Greetings to the Peria School Whānau. My name is Ngaire. I am from here inPēria. I come from the Tauhara whānau. I am married to Thomas. We havethree children. I currently work at Kaitaia College as a Deputy Principal andhave been working in the education system for nearly 30 years. I have hadexperience as a Board member at previous schools.I am fully involved with Te Paatu ki Kauhanga Trust, Kauhanga Marae and StBarnabas Church (opposite the school).My aim is to ensure our tamariki excel and enjoy their learning at Peria Schoolincorporating the uniqueness and values from our community.Tēna rā koutou katoaNaomi McQueenParent RepHello members of the Peria school community. I'm Naomi McQueen, I workpart time as a large animal veterinary technician and am the mother of Dallas(8) and Cash (6), who both attend Peria school. My husband, Lee, and I havebeen part of Peria school since 2020, and we regularly come to any event thatthe school is participating in.We love helping and being involved in the school community and being apart of the school succeeding and growing. I am pleased to be elected to theparent representative position as I would like to further assist in the schooland the Peria community. I hope to bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to theposition and help make the school the best it can be, so our children canenjoy such a wonderful place that has been made for them.

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Rebekah DangenStaff RepTēna koutou e te whanau.Me again… just in a different role! After the results of the triennial election atthe end of last year I’m pleased to now have the opportunity to represent thestaff of our kura on the Board of Trustees.For those of you who aren't familiar with me, I'm the year 5 and 6 kaiako in TeMoana where I started teaching in July/August 2023. I am Lacey (who’s in TeRangi) and Flynn’s (who just finished at Peria last year) Mum.I’ve been involved in the education system in one way or another since I leftschool and involved with Peria School since our eldest started in Te Puna in2016.I have a huge love for and commitment to Peria School and my priority, in allthe different facets of my involvement has been the tamariki. Ensuring thatthey are offered the very best opportunities and that Peria School is a placewhere everyone is celebrated and given the opportunity to shine.Mā te wāWhaea BeksRay OlsenCo-opted TreasurerKia ora everyone,My name is Ray Olsen and I am currently the treasurer on the Peria SchoolBoard of Trustees. I have been on the Board for 29 years and have been in thetreasurer role for 28 years. My previous occupation as a Bank Manager is whyI have enjoyed being in this role for so long.My wife Claire and I have 3 adult children and it was back while they were atPeria School that I originally came on the Board.I have a long history with my family attending Peria School. My grandfather,father, myself, my children all attended and now my granddaughter Ella hasstarted school in Te Puna this year.I love to be involved with events and supporting Peria School. You willusually see me there helping out with everything from Cross Country, GalaDays, working bees etc.I enjoy working with my fellow Board members andcongratulate and look forward to working with our two new members Naomiand Ngaire.Cheers,RaySarah O’NeilMinute SecretarySarah takes all minutes for our Board of Trustees meetings. The minutesecretary is a non-speaking role and is not involved in any BoT discussionsor decision making.Nikole WalkerBoT Support SecretaryIf you have any queries or would like to contact the Board. Please contactNikole at of Trustees NoticesIf you would like to get in contact with the Board of Trustees please email Nikole and attention BoT next BoT meeting will be held on the 22nd of May 2024, 5:30pm at Peria SchoolPeria School Policies and ProceduresWe utilise SchoolDocs for its set of policies and procedures.SchoolDocs policies incorporate all of Peria School's legislative and regulatory requirements.To view our complete set of policies and procedures, please follow this link.Sign in with username: peria and password: oruruOnce in use the search feature to locate school policy or procedural information.

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Kia ora e te whānau,Great to see you all back after the school holidays and getting right into your mahi!I am loving how much work whānau are putting in at home, as it’s really making an impact in theclassroom. So many kids are reaching their goals or getting close! It’s super exciting!We are focusing on addition and numbers after (e.g. 4 comes after 3) for maths. See if you caninvolve them with practical household tasks that involve addition at home. For example when outshopping or when setting the dinner table, ask tamariki to join groups of objects together to find thetotal. E.g. We already have 4 apples, we need 8 for apple cake, how many more do we need?We also learnt a lot about fish this first week of the term. We learnt that it’s important to count uphow many fish you catch and measure how big they are. We also learnt of different kinds of fish anda bit about their adaptations. Check out our wonderful watercolour fish paintings below!Here’s a friendly reminder to please continue bringing in book bags every day, and to bring in goalbooks every Friday. Nga mihi all!Warm regards,Whaea DominiqueTerm 2, Week 1, Mathematics: additionTerm 2, Week 1, Art: Fantastic Fish

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Te Awa 2024Term 1:For most of Term 1 I was looking after my moko, River, in London as her dad, my son Jeremy had fractured his armand was unable to pick her up. So I had the privilege of being her main caregiver for two months. I was luckyenough to be there as she began crawling and just before I came home, she took her first steps. How lucky wasthat!Te Awa was fortunate to have Whaea Kate as their main teacher, and Whaea Sue as well. If you came along to theend of term Celebration Assembly, you would have enjoyed the wonderful performance Te Awa put on about Kupeand Te Wheke. Huge thanks to Whaea Kate for writing the script, making the costumes, and directing most of thepractices. These are the experiences that students always remember.I am well settled back into school life and enjoying helping Te Awa students on their learning journeys. It is great tosee how independent they are becoming, especially when they think about where they are in their learning, andstart noticing and explaining what their next steps are.This term we are getting into a regular homework routine. Each Thursday, a new library book, two readers andweekly spelling words will be sent home in their homework packs. Basic facts are also included.Please make sure the homework packs come back to school before Thursdays so this can be done. Whaea Clairewho works in Te Awa makes sure these packs are updated every week.Now that I’m back, I will be in Te Awa from Monday to Thursday and Whaea Kate will be in on Fridays.I have included some photos of London. River in her happy place at the Library, her first slide, and me at the GlobeTheatre where I watched a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, who both had cell phones!Here’s to a great term of learning and fun,Whaea Jo

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Tēna koutou e te whanau.Wow it’s good to be back sharing in the form of a newsletter! We in Te Moana have had a superbusy start to 2024. It’s so hard to believe it’s term two already! We have well and truly settledinto a whanau rōpū here in Te Moana, supporting each other's learning and celebratingachievements together. I’ve been super proud of all my students so far, and can’t wait to seewhat comes next.Because I am a beginning primary teacher I am released from the classroom 1 day each week sothat I can seek advice and guidance on my teaching practice. To ensure consistency andcontinuity for our students this day is covered by the same teacher each week. At the end oflast term we farewelled our beloved Whaea Lou as she embarked on her journey to return to theclassroom full time! While we were sad to lose her in Te Moana we wish her nothing but the bestand know that we will see her out and about in the community. In return we are super excited towelcome Whaea Kate Parkinson to the Te Moana whanau this term! I know that Te Moana is inreally good hands with Whaea Kate each Wednesday, so thank you and again welcome to youKate.The Kaiawhina in Te Moana are Whaea Lucinda who works Monday to Thursday and we alsowelcomed Whaea Brooke at the start of Term 1. Brooke works Monday to Friday and spendsblock 1 and 3 with us. These wahine are a great support to our students and myself, weappreciate them everyday. Below is a collage of some of the highlights that we have experiencedso far in 2024. Watch this space for future highlights and updates.Mā te wā!Whaea Beks.

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Kia ora e te whanau,Welcome back! I'm delighted to share the exciting progress our class has made so far this year. We've had a fantasticstart filled with engaging activities and valuable learning experiences.Inquiry Focus: "The Story Behind the Name"Our inquiry topic this term, "The Story Behind the Name," has sparked deep curiosity and exploration among ourstudents. They've been captivated by storytelling, discovering the significance of names through pepeha, andresearching local names as well as their own origins.Utilising Abundance: Fruit ExplorationTaking advantage of the bountiful fruit within our school, students have found ways to use it so that it doesn’t go towaste. They've learned to make apple and grape juice and have experimented with dehydrating fruits, creating healthytreats for everyone to enjoy.Subject Focuses:Mathematics: Our focus has been on place value, addition/subtraction, and decimals/fractions, reinforcing foundationalskills crucial for future learning.Physical Education: Students have been honing their swimming abilities, focusing on survival skills, water safety, andstroke techniques. They've also been developing striking and fielding skills, including striking, pitching, and catching.School Values and Safety: We've delved into school values, rules, and expectations, fostering a sense of communitythrough activities centred around Whakawhanaungatanga (building relationships) and our class treaty.Important Topics: Additionally, students have explored significant concepts like Waitangi, cyber safety, sun safety, andwater safety, empowering them with knowledge and skills for safe and respectful interactions in various settings.It's been a pleasure witnessing our class's enthusiasm and growth. I look forward to the rest of the term, filled withmore exciting discoveries and enriching experiences.

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Across the School our Enquiry topic has been ‘ Identity - Who are you?’So in MakerSpace students have been learning about who they are as‘Humans’ via comparing and contrasting themselves to ‘Robots’. Whoare those guys ? Are they friends or foes?! This has been our drivingquestion and below are Te Rangi’s outcomes :In the process students have been learning :- How to turn an idea into a 3D outcome- How to draw components up digitally- How to refine outcomes through prototyping- How to use computer programmes and our laser cutter- How to create basic circuits to power up their creations!Very proud of our kids' amazing creations !Maa te Waa - Naa Whaea Josephine

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Mauri Ora e te iwiKo Maungataniwha te MaungaKo Waiwhero te AwaKo Oruru te KaingaKo Te Kauhanga te MaraeKo Te Paatu te HapuKo Tokerau te MoanaKo Mamaru te WakaKo Ngati Kahu te Iwi.Ko Ren connelly toku ingoa, he mahi ana ahau ki te kura o peria te mahi Creatives in schoolmatauranga maori unit, Wananga organizer and facilitator and Kapa Haka Kaiako workingalongside taku hoa Roberta Nathan.Last Term our tamariki, Parents, Kaiako and tumuaki ventured out of their comfort zoneand took up the opportunity to hikoi down to our marae weekly and learn in a culturalenvironment. Our hakaaro has always been Koha atu, Koha mai, To give and to receive.Teaching and learning on the marae had so many benefits for our tamariki to feel culturallygrounded and we saw a lot of our tamariki express themselves in a safe space. We allworked hard on the marae showing kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga.Our tamariki were exposed to hard mahi in the gardens that they accomplished by workingtogether showing Kotahitanga also our tamariki painted rocks, cleaned up the Atea, Mahoeand Painted the marae fence. Our learning on the marae also included Kapa Haka, Hitori ote whenua ( History of the land) learning about muka and its whakapapa, Learning abouttikanga and kawa on the marae among many more things adding to their kete ofknowledge.As we go back to Koha mai Koha atu our tamariki and whanau where invited along to awananga we had facilitators, kaiako from our rohe come in who taught our tamariki somuch in one day, our tamariki where buzzing with excitement and where busy in therotations alongside their parents it was so much fun to be on the marae learning andhaving our parents and kaiako together. We had a kapa haka performance from membersof te Kotahitanga o ngati kahu, we had a new school waiata taught to us by Whaea Ngaireand we had Matua Christian and Whaea Chantelle teach us the Pepeha of Te Kauhangaand learning Mau rakau we also had Whaea Kylie and whaea josephine who were ourringatoi teaching our tamariki how to make a tukutuku and our lovely tukutuku now stays inour kura hall there where many many more moments from wananga our kids and parentsenjoyed and i would like to acknowledge all of those who helped that weekend.Papa Marsh has been a Pou for our kura and their learning down on Te Kauhanga Maraeand has been instrumental in the way we manaaki our manuhiri and work together.Our kairinga wera Jolene and Gavin, the preparation and their delicious kai that kept usmahana all day and night.Our kapa haka kaiako Roberta with all her matauranga and helping out in the wanangaweekend.Whaea Ari for her awhi and tautoko of the kaupapa being a part of the planning processand guiding our tamarik on their weekly visits with the most positive and can-do attitude!Whaea Claire and Whaea Stephanie for driving their cars down ensuring our kids stayedsafe.Kaiako ma for their support and display of kaitiakitanga through this process.All those who made this wananga possible i mihi to you all!Nga manaakitanga na Whaea Ren

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Waste Reduction and Recycling InitiativesOur students' dedication to waste reduction and recycling has expanded to include composting, an essentialpractice for minimising landfill waste and promoting environmental sustainability. Through educationalactivities, our students have gained an understanding of the benefits of composting and its impact onreducing greenhouse gas emissions.Recently, students discovered alarming statistics from a waste audit conducted at Northland refuse stations,revealing that nearly one-third of the waste was food scraps—a significant contributor to greenhouse gases.Additionally, another one-third of the waste was recyclable materials. Armed with this knowledge, ourschool's environmental leaders have taken proactive steps to raise awareness and encourage responsiblewaste management.To promote mindfulness about waste production, we have implemented a new policy: any non-recyclable ornon-compostable lunchbox waste will be sent home with students.This initiative aims to encourage families to consider the types of materials used in lunch packaging and tominimise unnecessary waste generation. Similar strategies have been successfully implemented inneighbouring schools, fostering more conscious consumption habits among students.Furthermore, we are excited to announce upcoming workshops where students will have the opportunity tocraft their own reusable food packaging. These workshops will empower students to take practical stepstowards reducing single-use plastics and embracing sustainable alternatives.Together, we are making meaningful strides towards a greener future, one compost heap and reusablecontainer at a time. Thank you for supporting our students' commitment to environmental stewardship.Peria School’s Upstream Battle - Rubbish Clean UpDear Parents, Whanau, and Community Members,Peria School is excited to invite you to join us for our first Roadside Rubbish Clean Up Day on Wednesday,May 15th, 2024. This event is part of our participation in the Upstream Battle programme, which aims tokeep rubbish out of our waterways and promote being kaitiakitanga of our environment.Event Details:● Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024● Time: Meeting at school at 10:45 AM● Meeting Point: School premises● Participants: All are welcome, including parents, whanau, and community members● Purpose: Cleanup designated roadside areas to prevent rubbish from entering our waterwaysCleanup Areas:● Te Puna and Te Awa (Junior Classes): Entire school premises, including "out of bounds" areas● Te Moana and Te Rangi (Senior Classes): Roadside areas in front of the school, from the gate downto the bridge on the left and to the intersection on the right of the school

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We are pleased to have Sharee from CBEC/Eco Solutions assisting us with safety equipment and REAPsupporting us with traffic control during this event. This initiative aligns with Road Safety Week, providing ourstudents with essential road safety skills while contributing positively to our environment.Please ensure that participants wear appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor activities. Gloves andother safety equipment will be provided.Let's work together to make a difference in our community and show our commitment to environmentalsustainability. Your participation and support are greatly valued and will contribute to a cleaner, saferenvironment for everyone.If you do not wish for your child to participate in this event, please contact the office asaporIf you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us 4085834