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New Member Brochure DIGITAL

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A Pleasant Place to do Business!A Pleasant Place to do Business!

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MEMBER BENEFITSMEMBER BENEFITSGROWTHGROWTHThe Chamber receives calls and emails fromvisitors, locals andbusinesses looking forservices. Chamber membersare always our first referralswhen directing inquiringminds.GRAND OPENINGSGRAND OPENINGSWe are here to celebratethis memorable occasion!Celebrate your grandopening with a ribboncutting or celebrate amilestone anniversary. POLICY ACCESSPOLICY ACCESSMembers get exclusiveaccess into current laws andpolicies that impact theirbusiness.ONGOINGSUPPORT TEAMONGOINGSUPPORT TEAMOur team completes anonboarding process withevery new member whichincludes showing them thevariety of services and toolsoffered with theirmembership.CHAMBER CHATCHAMBER CHATWe create a YouTube videoof you talking about yourbusiness and the strugglesyou have overcome. It’sposted on our weekly emails,YouTube channel, socialmedia and website. This canbe used on any of yourmarketing platforms topromote your business.WHY JOIN THE CHAMBER?WHY JOIN THE CHAMBER?CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINCERTIFICATE OF ORIGINWe offer certificates ofOrigin to provide easier andfaster customs clearance andincreased productivity forcompanies.

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The Mission of the Placentia Chamber of Commerce is to provide leadership for theadvancement of economic vitality and quality of life for the total community.Providing programs and services that will expand and nurture investments, jobopportunites and economic activity in Placentia.Increase your business'svisibility through the chamber'swebsite, social media, and localevents. We use our social mediaand web presence to tell the community about more than just the Chamber. MARKETINGAND VISIBILTYMARKETINGAND VISIBILTYWe offer valuablenetworking opportunities,including businessnetworking lunches,expos, and events, whichcan help you connect withpotential referral partnersand customers.NETWORKINGNETWORKINGYOUR FUTURE STARTS HEREYOUR FUTURE STARTS HEREEXPOSURE AT THECHAMBER OFFICEEXPOSURE AT THECHAMBER OFFICEFeature your business,organization or project atthe Chamber office withbrochures, businesscards, postcards, picturesand more.The weekly Chambernewsletters keeps membersupdated on upcomingevents and newdevelopments within thecommunity. STAY INFORMEDSTAY INFORMEDTEXT SERVICETEXT SERVICEStay up to date on allChamber events and nevermiss out on a networkingopportunity or event.

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100+ Years of Success100+ Years of Success On April 9, 1924, the Placentia Chamberof Commerce formally incorporated withA. S. Bradford serving as President andCharlesLee as Secretary. The Chamber of Commerce’s missionstatement was "to promote new andexisting businesses with services,programs, and projects designed toimprove economic activity, and thus theoverall community” – this remains truetoday. The Placentia Chamber of Commerce iscelebrating 100 years of supporting ourlocal merchants, businesses, and ourcommunity. Over the years, the endeavors of thePlacentia Chamber of Commerce haveboth influenced and formed thepleasant place we know today asPlacentia. We are proud of our past andlook forward to continued activeinvolvement in making Placentia thevibrant, pleasant and rich littlecommunity it is today. In 1922, Henry Tuffree, O.D. Harmon,C.R. Farrar, E. C. Basten, A. S. Bradford,Charlie Mitchell, E. Hockstein, and G. A.Manshardt met to organize TheChamber of Commerce in Placentia.They all were appointed interimdirectors until the election of officers in1923. After the election, they were officiallyappointed as the chamber’s firstdirectors in 1923 adding L. R.Morehouse. A.S. Bradford served asPresident from 1923 until his death in1933.The Placentia Chamber of Commerceadopted the constitution and bylawsJanuary 2, 1924. They rented spacefrom L.R. Morehouse, the proprietor ofthe Placentia Courier, for $15 permonth. There were 117 membersenrolled and 94 service fund (non-voting) members, with a first year’sbudget of $7,500. Their slogan was:"Placentia: The Rich Little Town."

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Follow us!CONTACT US!CONTACT US!714-528-1873info@placentiachamber.com120 S. Bradford Suite BPlacentia, CA 92870JOIN THECHAMBERJOIN THECHAMBERw w w . p l a c e n t i a c h a m b e r . c o mJOIN TODAY!JOIN TODAY!