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New Concept Healthcare Services

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2023Highest and Most ReviewedFunctional Practice in South Carolina

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Our Mission To change the way you view commonhealthcare with a new concept ofindividualized, alternative healthcare.MEET OUR PROVIDERV I R G I N I A M I N G I O N E FNP-C,Founder Of New Concept Healthcare© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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SERVICES OFFEREDAcute CarePrimary CareFunctional MedicineMale Hormone ReplacementFemale Hormone ReplacementWeight LossLipo Mic-C B 12 InjectionsIV TherapiesRoutine LabsFunctional/Specialty TestingDUTCH Hormone TestingZYTO Elite BiofeedbackWomen’s Health ExamsSport PhysicalsPre-Employment ScreeningsMinor Procedures Drug TestingPPD/TB TestingMedical Grade Supplements© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Our goal at New Concept Healthcare is totransform you into a lifetime of overallnutritional prosperity. Weight alone cancontribute to emotional, physical, social, andeconomic disabilities. Losing weight dramaticallyreduces the unnecessary strain that you place onyour heart, lungs, blood vessels, joints, andskeletal structure. So overall, weight loss is notonly about changing the way you view yourself inthe mirror; it’s about changing your life. We offer multiple programs for weight lossbecause we know that every program isn'tsuitable for everyone. Our most common weightloss solutions include Semaglutide, Tirzepatide,Adipex, and low-dose Natrexone (LDN). Yourinitial consultation allows us to assess your pastand current health habits, analyze your bloodwork, and develop your personalized nutritionand weight loss plan.WEIGHT LOSSS O L U T I O N SRx Signature_____________________ VirMinPatient Name: _______________ DOB: ____________Jane Doe1/4/90PrescriptionVirginia Mingione, FNP-CAppetite suppressant onetablet by mouth daily 30 days. Jane DoePatient:GoalPlanStrategyWeightHEALTHCARENew ConceptSemaglutide© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.Tirzepatide

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These injections include Lipotropics, B-Complex vitamins andVitamin B12. Lipotropics, are fat-burning amino acids.Lipotropics stimulate the body’s metabolic processes, convertfats into energy, remove toxins that cause fat accumulation,boost energy levels, and promote overall well-being. Methionine is essential for muscle growth and energy. It alsohelps preserve artery function, maintains healthy nails, hair, andskin, breaks down fat, and removes heavy metals from the body.Methionine prevents and relieves fatigue and is helpful in somecases of allergies by its ability to reduce histamine release. Choline is vital for liver function, along with helping to removetoxins and prevent fat from accumulating in the liver. Cholineaids with memory and supports the parts of a healthy nervoussystem. Inositol medicinally to help lower cholesterol and triglyceridelevels in the body. Inositol may also improve circulation, preventhair loss, nourish the brain, and facilitate the conversion ofnutrients to energy. Also, it participates in the action ofserotonin, a neurotransmitter known to control mood andappetite. L-Carnitine converts lipids into fuel for energy. Supplementationcan decrease fat mass, preserve muscle during exercise, andreduce fatigue. It also regulates skeletal muscle fuel selection,which means it is needed to determine whether muscle tissueutilizes carbohydrates or fat for energy. LIPO MICI N J E C T I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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estrogenestrogenestrogendheadheadheaNew Concept Healthcare desires to help renewyour sense of vitality and youth. We want to helpyour body’s natural function by providing youwith Hormone Replacement Therapy. As part ofthe aging process, our bodies start to producefewer hormones. In males and females,decreased hormones commonly cause an absentsex drive, depression, increased irritability,decreased memory, lack of concentration,decreased muscle mass, weight gain, obesity,hair loss, and decreased bone density.We offer comprehensive functional hormonetesting for males and females. Our uniquehormone testing and reporting methods createbetter tools to explore hormone issues with ourpatients. We are fully committed to profoundlychanging lives through functional hormonetesting and replacement. S O L U T I O N SHORMONE© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Hormone Replacement TherapyHormone Replacement TherapyIncreased EnergyIncreased Sex DriveIncreased Bone DensityIncreased Muscle MassDecreased Body FatEnhanced Mood and Sense of Well-Being Hair GrowthReduced or Absent Sex DriveLoss or increase in Body HairLoss of Muscle MassSymptoms of DepressionObesityDecreased Bone DensityFailing Memory Chronic Fatigue Are You Experiencing Any of These Symptoms? Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy estrogen© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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ZYTO ELITEB I O F E E D B A C KBioenergetic testing is an easy, non-invasive way to gatheruseful information directly from the body. Whether you’relooking to enhance preventative health, having troublefinding the root cause of an issue, or wanting to achievewellness goals faster and more holistically, bioenergetictesting can be an incredibly valuable tool.ZYTO Elite technology uses Galvanic Skin Response or GSR,the same technology used for over a century in equipmentsuch as the polygraph test. Much like the polygraph, the Elite5.0 sends stimuli to the body and measures the response.Everything on the planet has an electrical current. We areliterally electrical beings in search of a recharge.Get insight into your wellness. Your ZYTO scan reportsprovide information that may help you make individualwellness choices. Identifying Virtual Items to which you havean unusual response may give you and your wellnessprofessional insight to keep you functioning optimally.Identify your biological coherence for nutrition. Does onesize fit all when it comes to nutritional support? Of coursenot! ZYTO scans identify your body’s responses. Knowingyour biological coherence helps you and your wellnessprofessional choose the dietary supplements to support yourhealth and wellness needs.© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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HEALTHCARENew ConceptScan QR Code For More Informationon Zyto Scan Technology6 REASONSto get aZYTO SCAN© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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IV OZONE UBII N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the indications? General Wellness and PreventionAcute IllnessChronic FatigueFibromyalgiaNeurological Symptoms and Disorders (Alzheimer’s,Parkinson’s)LYME DiseaseOsteo and Rheumatoid ArthritisAuto-Immune Disease (Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis)Heart and Vascular DiseasePeripheral Artery DiseaseDementia and Cebreal Vascular DiseasePost StrokeDiabetic Circulatory DiseaseCancer (Complementary concept in oncology)Asthma and COPDHepatitis B and C Herpes simplex and herpes zoster (shingles)Eye Diseases, especially retinopathiesInfections (viral, bacterial, fungal)Low ImmunityAcute hearing loss and Tinnitus (vascular only)IV OZONE UBII N F U S I O N SDraw bloodAdd OzoneBlood goes backinto your bodyExpose to UV Light© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV OZONEOzone (O3) is an energized form of oxygen that containsthree atoms of oxygen rather than the two atoms wenormally breathe. Ozone is one of the best healing agents,detoxifiers, and sterilizers when used in medicine. A systemicmedical treatment using ozone is autohemotherapy. Simply put, Autohemotherapy is taking a person’s blood,cleaning it with ozone, and re-introducing it back into thebody. Much more common in Europe than in the United States,Autohemotherapy is effective against numerous healthconditions. In the U.S., it is considered an alternativetreatment and is well understood, utilized, and backed bymany studies. It can be used as a preventative, with age asnatural degeneration occurs, as well as in the chronically illor therapy-resistant population. It boosts vitality,metabolism, balances hormones, and increases oxidation andenergy. Many people with existing health conditions orchronic diseases use Autohemotherapy to stimulate theirimmune system and boost healing. By definition, “chronic” means long-term or frequentlyrecurring. Part of the reason chronic disease persists is dueto a weakened immune system. Reintroducing your bloodback into your muscle, tissue, or vein causes your immunesystem to re-recognize any metabolic by-products (heavymetals, chemical overload, infectious agents) and launch anew attack. Similar to how we think of “vaccines,” introducinga small amount of virus so the body becomes familiar with itand then creates immunity, autohemotherapy engages theimmune system the same way.A U T O H E M O T H H E R A P Y© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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Ultraviolet Light Blood Irradiation (UBI) is removing a smallamount of blood from a patient, exposing it to UV light, andthen reintroducing it back into the patient. A unique glasstube (fused quartz) is used for the UBI therapy. It is called acuvette, and it is unique in that it allows for about a 90%transmission ratio of UV light into the blood.There are several types of UV lights:UV-C, being the most germicidal, is used for sterilization inboth air and water. There are many germicidal applicationsfor UV-C light, from swimming pools to air circulation unitsto hospital room sterilization. UV-C light is excellent at“killing” bacteria and viruses. UV-B stimulates vitamin D production, a vital nutrient formaintaining bone health and supporting immune function.UVB light has also shown promising effects in reducinginflammation, which can contribute to improved skin healthand the treatment of certain skin conditions.UV-A stimulates the production of certain enzymes andenhances blood flow. UV-A light is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may contribute to the overalltherapeutic effects of UBI therapy.IV UBIU V B L O O D I R R A D I A T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV OZONE UBII N F U S I O N SAt New Concept Healthcare, we combine MajorAutohemotherapy (MAH) and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation(UBI) for maximal results. Our team draws your blood, addsozone, and passes it through special tubing filled with UVA,UVB, UVC, and full-spectrum LED lights. The combination ofozone and light rays increases the biological activity of theblood cells, thereby increasing immune boosting effects andadding a tool for eradicating bacteria, fungus, viruses,parasites, and cancer, as none of these dwell under moderateto intense UV conditions. With one infusion, you get thebenefits of both therapies!© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.Draw bloodAdd OzoneBlood goes backinto your bodyExpose to UV LightHEALTHCARENew ConceptHEALTHCARENew ConceptBefore Ozone After OzoneNot Approved By FDA

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What other methods of Ozone do you offer?Limb Bagging- Introduces topical ozone gas directly to anaffected skin area. A limb, such as an arm or leg, iscovered with a limb bag filled with ozone gas through asmall opening. This application is excellent for significantwound healing. It is also used for diabetic ulcers, fungalinfections, bacterial infections, and tinea-versicolor. Ear Insufflation- A modified stethoscope slowlyintroduces the ozone/oxygen gas mixture into the ears.The ear canal produces a waxy/oily substance, allowingthe lipophilic ozone to penetrate and saturate the wholebrain and sinus area. This application is excellent for earinfections, tinnitus, unexplained ear pain, brain fog,allergies, and macular degeneration.Nasal Insufflation – Medical-grade ozone is bubbledthrough an organic oil. Patients can safely inhale theozone vapors using a nasal cannula through this process.This application successfully relieves allergies, sinusinflammation, and infections within the nasal passages. Vaginal Insufflation- A cannula is used to introducemedical ozone gas into the vagina. Medical ozone hasanti-bacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects onunhealthy cells associated with common menstrualproblems. This application is excellent for vaginalinfections, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, history ofcellular abnormalities, and herpes. OZONEA D M I N I S T R A T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV METHYLENE BLUEI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the indications? General Wellness and PreventionInfections (viral, bacterial, fungal)Chronic FatigueBrain FogChronic Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnessesNeurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s disease,Parkinson’s disease, etc.)Age cognitive decline and brain fogMood disorders, including depression and anxietyMitochondrial dysfunctionAge-related cognitive declineChronic viral infectionsInflammatory conditionsOxidative stress-related conditionsSkin aging and wrinklesPoor MemoryInsomniaPsych DisordersFibromyalgiaInflammationNeuropathyDementiaAthletic PerformanceLow ImmunityCancer (Complementary concept in oncology)METHYLENE BLUEI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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Methylene Blue, also called methylthioninium chloride, is adeep blue synthetic dye with a long history of medical use. Inrecent years, it has emerged as a promising treatment optionfor cognitive enhancement and neuroprotection. Healthcareprofessionals use it to treat a variety of brain-relatedconcerns, such as traumatic brain injury, dementia, anemia,and carbon monoxide poisoning. It has also been effective inchronic infections such as Lyme, mold, and parasites.Methylene blue in low doses has shown remarkable potentialin enhancing memory and cognitive performance. Studieshave demonstrated its ability to facilitate the formation andretrieval of memories, leading to improved learningcapabilities and information recall. By targeting multipleaspects of memory processes, methylene blue treatment canbenefit individuals experiencing difficulties with memory,concentration, and focus.One key mechanism through which methylene blue improvesmemory is its impact on mitochondrial function.Mitochondria play a crucial role in energy and ATP production, and methylene blue enhances mitochondrialfunction, leading to increased levels of ATP, which fuels braincells and supports optimal cognitive performance.In addition to its direct effects on memory, methylene bluetherapy has also been shown to reduce inflammation andoxidative stress potentially. These secondary benefitscontribute to long-term brain health and protection againstage-related cognitive decline.METHYLENE BLUEI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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Methylene blue selectively targets the cells most in need ofhealing first. So the sicker a person is, the more profound theeffects of methylene blue can be. Methylene blue quicklyconcentrates in the brain and can be used to reversemetabolic dysfunction in the brain and neurological systemthat leads to symptoms of dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Any stress on the body can result in inflammation, whichsignals the production of cytokines and other inflammatorymediators. This inflammatory response reduces energyproduction in the mitochondria. The fastest replicating cellsin our bodies are the immune cells and the neurological cells.When mitochondrial energy production goes down, ourimmune and neurological systems are often first to showsigns of dysfunction (chronic infections, autoimmune issues,dementia, and Parkinson’s symptoms). METHYLENE BLUEI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV NAD+I N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the indications? General Wellness and PreventionChronic FatigueBrain FogPoor MemoryLong CovidPTSDDepressionAnxietyInsomniaPsych DisordersFibromyalgiaInflammationNeuro Disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)Auto-Immune Disease (Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis)NeuropathyDementiaPost StrokeAthletic PerformanceTraumatic Brain InjuriesConcussions (CTE)Alcohol Addiction RecoveryDrug Addiction RecoveryIV NAD+I N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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NAD+ is a cofactor for many enzymes involved in energymetabolism and DNA repair. It helps transfer electrons tomolecules, which is essential for producing ATP, our primaryenergy source. In addition, NAD+ plays a crucial role inregulating gene expression, which can profoundly impactcellular function and overall health.As you age, the level of NAD+ in your cells decreases. As aresult, your mental and physical health declines. Lifestylefactors can accelerate the decline of NAD+ in your cells,including stress, medications, alcohol, and poor diet. As yourNAD+ levels decrease, the physical symptoms of agingincrease and neuro disorders develop.NAD+ infusions are needed for the fundamental biologicalprocesses that make living possible, from DNA maintenanceto metabolism. Without NAD+, nothing can live, and low levels can lead tomany adverse health consequences. NAD+ infusions causetwo general sets of reactions in the human body:It helps turn nutrients into energy, playing an essentialrole in metabolism.It works as a helper molecule for proteins, regulatingother types of biological activity.Processes like these are critical since they help regulatecircadian rhythms and oxidative stress while maintainingDNA health.IV NAD+I N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV NAD+A D D I C T I O N & R E C O V E R Y© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.NAD is a holistic alternative to medication-based solutionsfor individuals undergoing addiction and recovery treatment.NAD is especially useful for patients who want to avoid theside effects of medications.NAD detoxifies the body, replacing essential vitamins andnutrients that are typically depleted in individuals whoengage in substance abuse. NAD reduces withdrawalsymptoms by binding to opiate receptors, which can helpindividuals overcome cravings and risk of relapse. At thesame time, this powerful coenzyme naturally protects thebrain and accelerates recovery.NAD also helps stimulate energy production, which helpscombat the fatigue that typically occurs during detox. Peoplein recovery often try to boost energy using sugar, caffeine, orother substances that can cause crashes or jitters. Improvingthe body’s energy levels naturally helps reduce the likelihoodthat individuals will attempt to boost energy using thesemethods. It is found that NAD helps patients significantlywith symptoms like anxiety, depression, and cravings duringwithdrawal from alcohol and opiates.Not Approved By FDA

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IV CHELATIONI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. © 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the indications for Chelation Therapy? Preventative Health MaintenanceBrain FogChronic FatigueLong CovidAuto-Immune Diseases (Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis)Chronic Infections (viral, bacterial, fungal)Neurological Symptoms (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)TremorsRashes (Eczema, Psoriasis)Heart and Vascular DiseasePeripheral Artery DiseaseCerebrovascular DiseaseDementiaPost StrokeDiabetic Circulatory DiseaseDiabetesHypertensionMemory DisordersIV CHELATIONI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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In our modern world, we are constantly exposed to toxinsfrom our food, the air we breathe, hygiene products, and evenmedications prescribed to us! The presence of thesechemicals drains the body's clearinghouse, primarily the liver,and over time, the clean-up process slows down. As a result,there is an increased accumulation of toxins in our cells –especially fat cells. This puts a constant strain on our system. Chelation therapy involves using a chelating agent, CalciumEDTA, that binds to the toxins in the bloodstream and helpsremove them from the body. The therapy was first used totreat heavy metal poisoning. Still, it has also been beneficialin treating other conditions, such as heart disease, peripheralartery disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Thus, Chelationtherapy is not only for people who have tested positive fortoxic metals on a urine test but is beneficial for anyonedealing with chronic illness.IV CHELATIONI N F U S I O N STHE CULPRITSLEADCADMIUMMERCURYARSENIC© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the symptoms associated with heavy metals?The buildup of plaque in arteries (Heart Attack, Stroke)Stomach and Bowel IssuesHeadaches or MigrainesBrain FogCognitive DeclineFatigueMood Changes DepressionAnxietyJoint Pain High Blood PressureLow Blood PressureMemory LossNeurological SymptomsAutoimmune DisordersChronic Illnesses and DiseasesIV CHELATIONI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV NUTRIENTI N F U S I O N S© 2022 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. © 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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What are the indications? General Wellness and PreventionAcute IllnessDehydrationHeadaches or MigrainesAthletic PerformanceBrain FogCognitive DeclineFatigueJoint PainHigh Blood PressureLow Blood PressureNeurological Symptoms (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)Autoimmune Disorders (Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis)Chronic Illnesses and DiseasesChronic FatigueStomach and Bowel IssuesFibromyalgiaChronic AllergiesAuto-Immune Disease (Lupus, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis)Heart and Vascular DiseaseDiabetic Circulatory DiseaseCancer (Complementary concept in oncology)Asthma and COPDLiver DysfunctionInfections (viral, bacterial, fungal)Low ImmunityIV NUTRIENTSI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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IV Nutrient Infusions contain different minerals, vitamins,and amino acids that are administered directly into the vein.By this route of administration, critical micronutrients avoidthe metabolism of the intestine. Also, the substances get intothe bloodstream and around the body faster as they are notlimited by how quickly they can be absorbed, as is the casewith the oral application. Ultimately, only small amounts ofvitamins and micronutrients go to waste during IV Nutrienttherapy; most of it is absorbed and used by the body. As aresult, the body gains the full benefits of vitamins andmicronutrients when administered through the veins ratherthan by mouth.With IV Nutrient Infusion therapy, one size does NOT fit all.At New Concept Healthcare, our healthcare providerspecializes in IV nutritional therapies. Every infusion ispatient-specific after consultation and exam; your IVtreatment plan will align with your acute needs and overallhealth and wellness goals. Most IV nutrient infusions onlytake 30 to 45 minutes and yield fast results. Intravenoustherapy delivers hydration throughout the entire body rightaway. You will be instantly rehydrated. You will feel anoticeable difference because the health benefits areimmediate.IV NUTRIENTSI N F U S I O N S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Not Approved By FDA

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InflammationBrain & NervousSystem FunctionPrevents ArthritisAuto-ImmuneSupportAcute IllnessEnergy SourceAllergiesHealthy BonesStronger ImmuneSystemAnti-Aging AthleticPerformanceHealthy ThyroidHealthy HeartBeautiful Skin, Hair, & Nails© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.Gut HealthNot Approved By FDA

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Also known as Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid is a water-soluble vitamin that plays many essential rolesthroughout the body, helping to maintain systemssuch as muscles, bones, immune support, and thecirculatory system. Vitamin C is well-known for itshealing benefits and its role in increasing ironabsorption. In addition, it promotes thebiosynthesis of collagen, which is a fundamentalpart of connective tissues. Vitamin C reducesstretch marks and is an essential component ofhealing wounds in this capacity. Vitamin C is avital antioxidant that helps regenerate otherantioxidants within the body. This vitamin reducesthe damaging effects of free radicals, which areunstable molecules that contribute to tissuedamage and aging. More benefits from Vitamin Cinclude reducing high blood pressure, loweringblood uric acid in those with gout, preventing irondeficiencies, and helping to protect your memory.Some people like pregnant or breastfeedingwomen, smokers, burn victims, and thoserecovering from surgery need extra Vitamin C.ASCORBIC ACIDI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Glutathione is an antioxidant that plays a crucialrole in preventing cellular damage. Thisantioxidant binds with toxins in the body andfacilitates their removal from the body.Glutathione is involved in many metabolicprocesses, biochemical reactions, and DNA repairand synthesis. Studies suggest that it also slowsthe speed of aging. Glutathione shields cellularmacromolecules from redox reactions andmitigates oxidative stress by detoxifying the body,neutralizing free radicals, and facilitating cellexcretion. Glutathione also recycles vitamins Cand E to protect cells from damaging oxidants.The amount of glutathione in cellular fluidsnaturally decreases over time, reducing theeffectiveness of the body’s natural ability toremove free radicals. A glutathione deficiency cancontribute to increased oxidative stress on thebody, so supplementation is especially valuable inpreventing the damaging effects of free radicalsand reducing oxidative stress at the cellular level.Because glutathione is not well absorbed by thebody when taken by mouth, it is ideal whenadministered in IV solutions.GLUTATHIONEI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Amino blend contains glutamine, arginine,ornithine, lysine, citrulline, carnitine, criticalamino acids. Amino acids are a group of organiccompounds that form the building blocks ofproteins that make up 75% of the body. Beingfoundational to normal chemical reactions, aminoacids are involved in almost every body function,including growth and development, healing andrepair, normal digestion, energy production,regulating moods by producing hormones,producing neurotransmitters, assisting in thecreation of muscles and connective tissue, andassisting in the synthesis of skin. A balance ofessential and nonessential amino acids is requiredfor optimal health and wellbeing. This amino blendcould help boost your metabolism, improveenergy levels, increase endurance, and help toburn fat. The body does not store amino acids, sothey must be ingested or produced daily.Otherwise, the proteins in muscle and tissue willstart to degrade. Top athletic performance relieson proteins to help maintain power and tissuestrength. Studies suggest that amino acidsenhance the body’s endurance and capacity forexercise. Amino acids may modify athleticperformance in several ways, including increasingthe number of anabolic hormones in the body toboost metabolism, changing the way the bodyutilizes energy during exercise, and delaying theonset of mental and physical fatigue by alteringthe rate at which serotonin is created.AMINO BLENDI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Citrulline stimulates nitric oxide production andhelps increase blood flow to the muscles.Citrulline plays a crucial role in supplying theoxygen and nutrients needed for energyproduction.Ornithine is used to remove excess nitrogen andammonia from the body. It’s most beneficial in itsability to aid in muscle strength and enduranceand reduce waste in the body.Carnitine is found in nearly all cells of the bodyand plays a critical role in fueling energyproduction. It transports fatty acids so they canbe oxidized, or burned, to produce energy. Lysine is one of the nine essential amino acids.Research has indicated that Lysine can effectivelytreat osteoporosis, diabetes, the spread of theherpes virus, stress, and athletic performanceimprovement.Arginine stimulates the release of insulin, growthhormone (helps increase muscle mass and reducethe amount of fat in the body), and othersubstances.Glutamine provides the necessary nitrogen andcarbon to fuel various cells and produce differentamino acids and glucose. Because of this,glutamine plays a crucial role in fueling the body’snatural healing processes and healthy organfunction.AMINO ACIDSI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Mineral blend contains copper, manganese,selenium, and zinc, essential trace elements. Inbiology, trace elements are also calledmicronutrients. These minerals stay in the livingtissue in small amounts. Some trace elements arenutritionally essential, and the rest of them areconsidered to be nonessential. Trace elementswork as reactants in the enzyme system. Somemineral ions, like copper, play a role in oxidation-reduction reactions in metabolism. All of theseminerals help your body to do things such asproduce hormones, regulate metabolism, anddeliver oxygen through the blood to the varioustissues in your body. That's why they're soessential to good health. If you don't get enoughtrace minerals in your diet, your body will notwork as it should. Obvious signs of a trace mineraldeficiency include a weak immune system, anemia,chronic fatigue, low energy levels, irregularheartbeat, brain fog, poor digestion, and appetite. MINERALSI V© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Zinc has been identified as a cofactor for over 70different enzymes. Zinc facilitates wound healinghelps maintain average growth rates, regular skinhydration, and senses of taste and smell.Copper is essential as a cofactor for serumceruloplasmin, an oxidase necessary to form theiron carrier protein, transferrin properly. Copperalso helps maintain average rates of red and whiteblood cell formation. It also helps produce energyfrom carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Copper isalso essential for the construction of bone,connective tissues, and red blood cells. Manganese helps in the formation of enzymes andis also necessary for their activation. It works asan antioxidant, helps develop bones, and healswounds by increasing collagen production. Selenium is part of glutathione peroxidase,protecting cell components from oxidativedamage due to peroxides produced in cellularmetabolism. Selenium, along with vitamin E, worksas an antioxidant that prevents damage of cells,may contain some cancers, and is essential for thenormal functioning of the thyroid glandMINERALSI V© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid that plays arole in many systems throughout the body.Taurine is often called the "wonder molecule" andcan be found within the brain, retina of the eyes,heart, and platelets. Taurine has been shown tohelp create and moderate Gamma-aminobutyricacid (GABA) in the brain. GABA acts as aneurotransmitter, and when there are low levelsof GABA in a person’s body, this has beenassociated with anxiety. Taurine is also used as anantioxidant to prevent against side effects ofchemotherapy. Taurine is indicated in congestiveheart failure (CHF), liver disease (hepatitis),retinal disorder, cirrhosis, cystic fibrosis,diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, mentalperformance, exercise performance, insomnia,psychosis, weight loss, and anemia. Taurine isoften associated with enhancing sportsperformance. Studies indicate that trainedathletes who supplement with taurine experienceimproved exercise performance. Cyclists andrunners have been able to cover longer distanceswith less fatigue. Another study supports thisamino acid’s role in reducing muscle damage.Participants placed on a muscle-damagingweightlifting routine experienced fewer damagemarkers and less muscle soreness.TAURINEI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant essentialfor aerobic metabolism. It also acts byregenerating other antioxidants. ALA is unique inits ability to work as a water- and fat-solubleantioxidant. It crosses the blood-brain barrier andtherefore reaches the brain. It helps stimulateliver regeneration and signals cellular apoptosisor cell death. It is involved with other antioxidantssuch as vitamin C, E, glutathione, and CoQ10. Theaverage levels of circulating ALA within the bodyare relatively low, meaning that supplementationis necessary to experience ALA’s full benefits.Most of the ALA the body makes is consumedrapidly, so IV supplementation of this moleculecan have significant benefits. Alpha-lipoic acid canlower blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Itsability to kill free radicals may help reduce pain,burning, itching, tingling, and numbness in peoplewho have nerve damage caused by diabetes. ALAcan also be used for the treatment of type-2diabetes, burning mouth syndrome, fibromyalgia,chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy, cancer,atherosclerosis, cardiac autonomic neuropathy,retinopathy, cataracts, dementia, HIV/AIDS,cancer, liver disease, Wilson's disease,cardiovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease(PAD), intermittent claudication, and Lymedisease.ALAI V© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Magnesium is a mineral involved in over 300biochemical reactions and enzyme systems thatregulate various functions in the body. HealthyLevels of Magnesium maintains nerve and musclefunction, maintains bone strength, providesimmune system support, regulates heartbeat,regulates blood glucose levels, regulates bloodpressure, boosts energy levels, and aids inproducing proteins. Magnesium plays a large partin energy production and protein synthesis.Supplementation can help improve fatigue andenergy levels. Magnesium also providescardiovascular support and helps regulate bloodglucose and blood pressure. Studies suggest thatsupplementing magnesium can improve thesymptoms of major depression due to thecorrelation between low serotonin andmagnesium deficiency. Low magnesium levels cancause various symptoms, including fatigue,cramps, muscle weakness, or numbness.Magnesium deficiency may also be associatedwith Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease,osteoporosis, and diabetes. Athletes with lowmagnesium levels may benefit fromsupplementation to improve muscle functionenergy production and enhance physicalperformance. IV therapy can quickly andefficiently correct magnesium levels and preventhealth complications caused by prolongeddeficiency.MAGNESIUMI V© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Zinc is an essential trace element in the humanbody. Although you do not need much zinc, youcan experience severe symptoms with a zincdeficiency. You can become more susceptible todisease if you have low zinc levels. Zinc is knownto help ease cold symptoms, but it has severalother uses, too. Other services includediminishing acne, slowing the progress of maculardegeneration, wound healing, and decreasinginflammation. Do you have low hormone levelsrelated to menopause or treatment for a disease?Zinc can help spark more production of estrogen.Men can also use it to increase their testosteroneproduction. You can get better control of diabeteswith higher zinc levels. Zinc moderates insulin,too, which is also a hormone. Like glutathione andvitamin C, zinc has antioxidant capabilities thathelp lower disease risk by diminishing theoxidative stress caused by free radicals in thebody. Low zinc levels can increase the likelihoodof specific medical issues, including infections,macular degeneration, and fertility problems inmen. ZINCI V© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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B complex vitamins refer to several differentvitamins part of the same family. Together, thesewater-soluble vitamins perform various vitalfunctions, including cardiovascular support,helping the body convert food into energy,immune function, and more. In addition to these, Bcomplex vitamins are most notable for promotinghealthy skin, hair, and nails. They reduce freeradicals in the body that contribute to aging,resulting in an overall healthier and youngerappearance. B-Complex will fulfill the demand fordifferent B vitamins in your body. B-complexcontains Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2(riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5(dexpanthenol), and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Bvitamins are crucial neuro vitamins that have alsoreduced anxiety and depression. These series ofnutrients can be helpful for pregnancy, dietarychoices, genetics, medical conditions, alcohol use,and medication.B-COMPLEXI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Thiamine HCl (Vitamin B1) plays an essential rolein energy metabolism, immunity-boosting, and thefunctioning of the nervous system. It can helpprevent type two diabetes, cardiovasculardiseases, vision and kidney disorders, andneurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Riboflavin-5-Phosphate Sodium (Vitamin B2) is apowerful antioxidant and plays a vital role inmaintaining healthy blood cells and boostingmetabolism. Niacin (Vitamin B3) plays a critical role in theproper functioning of the nervous and digestivesystems. Like other vitamins from the family, it isnecessary for energy production and themetabolism of fatty acids. It also provides healthyskin, nails, and hair.Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) is essential for thehealthy development of the central nervoussystem. It is involved in energy production anddifferent metabolic and anabolic cycles indeveloping amino acids, blood cells, vitamin D3,and other fatty acids. Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6) has a very influentialrole in synthesizing neurotransmitters and isessential for good mental health. It also has adirect effect on immune function. It plays a role inthe metabolism of amino acids and is a necessarycofactor in the folate cycle, a lack of which canlead to anemia.B-COMPLEXI V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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BIOTINI V O R I N J E C T I O NBiotin, also known as vitamin B7, is an essentialnutrient needed to maintain healthy metabolic,nerve, digestive, and cardiovascular functions.Biotin also helps us keep a youthful and attractiveappearance as it plays a role in maintaining thehealth of our skin, hair, and nails. Receiving yourBiotin through an IV versus orally; helps the bodyabsorb it at a higher and quicker rate so that youwill feel the effects much quicker. Being deficientin Biotin is noticeable in many ways. Thedeficiency can cause dry or irritated skin, brittlenails, digestive issues, decreased energy andmood, mood instability, and many othersymptoms. The benefits of receiving Biotin at aconcentrated dose will help alleviate thesesymptoms. The health benefits of Biotin includesupporting healthy metabolism, improving glucoseintolerance, balancing blood sugar, maintaininghealthy hair, skin, and nails, protecting brainhealth and cognitive decline, cardiovascularsystem benefits, supporting thyroid and adrenalfunction, aiding in building and repairing musclesand tissues.© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Vitamin B12 is part of the B-vitamin complex andis notable for maintaining optimal neurologicalfunction. The vitamin is associated withpreventing memory loss, improving concentration,and boosting energy levels. Vitamin B12 has asignificant role in DNA synthesis and metabolizingamino acids. B12 is essential to ensuring theproper formation of red blood cells; low levels ofB12 can result in anemia. Some individuals haveincreased difficulty absorbing B12 due to anunderlying medical condition. These individualsare at an increased risk of developing vitamin B12deficiency. Symptoms of B12 deficiency includeanemia, fatigue, and neurological changes such asmemory problems, depression, and dementia. B12absorption is less effective when supplementedorally, so IV injection is an alternative and moreeffective way to correct B12 deficiency. Studiessuggest an association between low vitamin B12in the body and cognitive impairment,neurodegenerative disease, and dementia. Manypeople who take this as a supplement regularlyreport they have more energy, healthier immunesystems, fewer allergies, stress, depression, morestamina, better sleep, and less frequent, lesssevere headaches. Vitamin B12 injections are nowbeing used to treat early-onset Alzheimer'sdisease and treat children with autism and similardisabilities.VITAMIN B 12I V O R I N J E C T I O N© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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INJECTIONM E N UVitamin D -Reduces Inflammation | FacilitatesHormone Regulation | Regulates Blood Sugar |Enhances Immune System | Protects Against CancerS U N N Y DBiotin - Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails | StimulatesMetabolism and Weight Loss | Regulates Blood Sugar| Lowers Cholesterol B E A U T Y B O O S TGlutathione -Amplifies Skin Complexion | SlowsAging | Enhances Immune System | Supports Liver |Recovery and DetoxL I Q U I D G L O WCoQ10 -Reduces Inflammation | Supports HealthyVision | Regulates Blood Pressure | LowersCholesterol | Improves Fatigue | Reduces MigrainesH A P P Y H E A R TFolic Acid - Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails | IncreasesBlood Cell Production | Supports Nervous System |Facilitates Healthy Digestion | Improves FertilityA T T E N T I O N G R A B B E R© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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INJECTIONM E N UTaurine -Optimizes Performance | SupportsAnxiety | Regulates Blood Sugar | LowersCholesterol | Supports Eye and Ear HealthH A P P Y H O U RNAD+ -Promotes DNA Repair | Improves MentalClarity | Increases Endurance | Protects AgainstStress | Promotes Sleep Regulation B R A I N B O O S T +Amino Blend - Boosts Energy | Enhances Mood |Promotes Muscle Growth | Regulates Hormones |Decreases Muscle Fatigue | Regulates Blood SugarC L O U D N I N EVitamin C -Fights Illness | Powerful Antioxidant | Aids inCataract Repair | Improves Acne | Reduces Inflammation| Prevents Iron Deficiency R O C K E T F U E LLipo Mic B Vitamin - Promotes Energy | BoostsMetabolism | Regulates Mood | Detoxes Liver | ReducesCholesterol | Regulates Hormone Production S L I M S H O T© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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WELLNESSM E M B E R S H I P S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. 3 Month Minimum Required. Prices Subject To ChangeP L A T I N U M $ 4 4 93 Menu Injections of Choice3 IV Infusions of ChoiceIV Infusion High Dose $50 UpgradeExcludes Chelation & NAD+ InfusionsS I L V E R $ 1 4 91 Menu Injection of Choice1 IV Infusion of ChoiceIV Infusion High Dose $100 UpgradeExcludes Chelation & NAD+ InfusionsG O L D $ 2 9 92 Menu Injections of Choice2 IV Infusions of ChoiceIV Infusion High Dose $75 UpgradeExcludes Chelation & NAD+ Infusions

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I V I N F U S I O N S $ 9 9 95 IV Infusions of ChoiceSAVES $250I V I N F U S I O N S $ 1 8 4 910 IV Infusions of ChoiceSAVES $650WELLNESSP A C K A G E S© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved. Prices Subject To Change. Full Payment Due Prior To Service.I N J E C T I O N S $ 1 0 04 Menu Injections of ChoiceSAVES $20Excludes Chelation, NAD+, and High Dose InfusionsExcludes Chelation, NAD+, and High Dose Infusions

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In today’s world, getting all the nutrients you needfrom diet alone is challenging. Additional factorslike age, lifestyle, health status, and certainmedications may make it difficult to obtain,absorb, and utilize essential nutrients, potentiallyleading to nutritional deficiencies.Our bodies require a continuous supply ofvitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to maintainoptimal health. When your body doesn’t receivethe necessary nutrients, supplements provide theadditional support required to increase thequality of your total dietary intake. With this inmind, it’s essential to consider a few factors thatcan ensure you are taking the best quality nutritional supplement.Medical supplements are held to very highstandards and are third-party tested bypharmaceutical companies. OTC supplements arenot subject to the same standards. Additionally,medical-grade supplements cannot be purchasedover the counter; in the same way doctorsprescribe prescription drugs, they must alsoprescribe these supplements.SUPPLEMENTSM E D I C A L G R A D E© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.Activated oxygen (ozone) is a natural yet powerfulsubstance that reinforces healthy skin. NikolaTesla himself researched and worked on ozone,which continues to be studied by scientists anddoctors. We utilize the power of ozone withozone-infused products. These unique formulascan safely be used for you, your children, and evenyour pet.OZONEP R O D U C T SNot Approved By FDA

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NATURALN U T R I T I O N A L P A T C H E SANXIETY AIDPromotes Relaxation Stress and Mood SupportPromotes Balanced Well BeingSLEEP AID Promotes RelaxationCalming Lavender Scent Prevents Restless SleepIMMUNE PLUSContains Vitamin C & DSupports Immune FunctionContains AntioxidantsENERGY AIDIncreased EnergyImproves Focus Enhanced EnduranceUP TO 8-HOUR SLOW RELEASE TECHNOLOGY PER PATCH © 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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NATURALN U T R I T I O N A L P A T C H E STRAVEL / NAUSEA AIDAlleviates Feelings of NauseaSoothing Peppermint ScentReduces Motion SicknessNon-DrowsyUP TO 8-HOUR SLOW RELEASE TECHNOLOGY PER PATCH MOOD PLUSEnhances Mood Reduces Feelings of StressPromotes Nerve and BrainHealth PMS DAY Relief of Cramping, Aching, Tension,Stress, IrritabilityPMS NIGHTProvides Restful Sleep, Relief of Cramping, Aching and TensionBIOTINPromotes healthyhair, skin, andnails© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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Highest and Most ReviewedFunctional Practice in South Carolina© 2024 New Concept Healthcare. All rights reserved.

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