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New Arrivals IIM Sirmaur

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BOOKSIN THE CITY CAMPUSTOTAL COLLECTION : 500+To cultivate readingTo cultivate readinghabits and foster lifelonghabits and foster lifelonglearning, the librarylearning, the libraryadded over 300 newadded over 300 newbooks to the city campusbooks to the city campuslibrary collection inlibrary collection inDecember 2024.December 2024. CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW the booksTrace the bookson the shelveson the shelvesusing the Call No.using the Call No.

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeWiest, Brianna101 essays that will change the way you thinkAmaryllis,158.1 WIE002944Peterson, Jordan B12 rules for life: an antidote to chaosPenguin books,170.44 PET002945Bailey, Jon. S.25 Essential skills for the successful behavioranalyst: from graduate school to chief executiveofficeRoutledge,174 BAI003139Reklau, Marc30 days: change your habits, change your lifeRupa publications,158.1 REK002946Halvorson, Heidi Grant9 things successful people do differentlyHBP,158.1 HAL003061O'Regan, GerardA guide to business mathematicsCRC Press,650.01 ORE003140O'Regan, GerardA guide to business mathematicsCRC Press,650.01 ORE003241Gillespie, Brian JosephA guide to R for social and behavioral sciencestatisticsSage,005.13 GIL003242Malkiel, Burton GA random walk down wall street: the bestinvestment guide that money can buyW.W Nortan &Company332.6 MAL003079Woolf,VirginiaA Room of one's ownPenguin,823.912 WOO003203Khan, Mohd. ShadabA textbook of business mathematicsViva Books,510 KHA003098KringAbnormal psychologyWiley,150 KRI002947Mckeown, MaxAdaptability: the art of winning in an age ofuncertaintyKogan page,155.24 MCK002949Sadhguru,Adiyogi :the source of yogaHarper Element,613.7 SAD003116Hooker, JohnAdvanced introduction to business ethicsEdward ElgarPublishing,174.4 HOO003141Freed, SamAI and human thought and emotionCRC Press,006.3 FRE003209Christian, BrianAlgorithms to live by: the computer science ofhuman decisions Christian, BrianWillian collins,153.43 CHR002950Lyons, Evanthia[Editor.]Analysing qualitative data in psychologySAGE,150.72 LYO003210Shankar, UdayAncient secrets of soft skills unravelledBloomsbury,658.3124 SHA002951Breakenridge, Deirdre k.Answers for ethical marketers :a guide to goodpractice in business communication.Routledge,174.4 BRE003142Buunk, Abraham PApplying social psychology :from problems tosolutionsSage,302 BUU003211Mighall, RobertArt of corporate storytelling: only connectViva Books,658.872 MIG002953Maxwell, John CBecoming a person of influence: how to positivelyimpact the lives of othersJaico Publishing,158.2 MAX002955NEW ARRIVALSCONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeCorr, PhilipBehavioral economics: the basicsRoutledge,330.019 COR003212Hallsworth, MichaelBehavioral insightsMIT Press,361.1 HAL002956Pelc, KrzysztofBeyond self-interest: why the market rewards those whoreject itBloomsbury Publishing,650.1 PEL002958StolerMiller,Barbara(Translator)Bhagavad - Gita: Krishna's counsel in time of warBantam book,294.59 BHA003118Swami, OmBig questions of lifeHarper Collins,179.7 SWA002959Bazerman, Max HBlind spots: why we fail to do what's right and what todo about itPrinceton University Press ,174.4 BAZ002960Heilman, KennethBrain laterality: right, up, and forwardRoutledge,152.3 HEI003213Susman, SallyBreaking through: communicating to open minds, movehearts, and change the worldHarvard Business ReviewPress,658.45 SUS002961Brooks, Arthur CBuild the life you want: the art and science of gettinghappierRider,158 BRO002962Clevenger, Morgan R.Business and corporation engagement with highereducation :models, theories, and best practicesEmerald Publishing,378.1035 CLE003175Quintanilla, Kelly MBusiness and professional communication: keys forworkplace excellenceSage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,658.45 QUI002963Nawal, MallikaBusiness communicationCengage,658.45 NAW002964Kaul, AshaBusiness communicationPHI Learning,658.45 KAU003214Ferrell, O.CBusiness ethicsCengage Learning ,174.4 FER002966Kumar, ShailendraBusiness ethicsCengage,174.4 KUM003216Rao, K. ViyyannaBusiness ethics and corporate governanceDreamtech,174.4 RAO003217Meinhold, RomanBusiness ethics and sustainabilityRoutledge, Tayloro &Francis Group,174.4 MEI003143CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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A u t h o rT i t l eP u b l i s h e rC a l l N o .B a r c o d eR a o Pul a p a , S u b baB u s iness e t h i c s and t h e b h a g avad g i t a :c o s t of u n e t h i c a l ac t s : d i r e ction s o f t h ed h a rmatm a n f o r e thic a l l e a d e rshi pS p r inger ,1 7 4 .4 RA O0 0 3 144K a m atchi , PB u s iness e t h i c s foun d a t i o n f orc o r porat e s o c i a l res p o n s i b i l ity a n dg o v ernan c eI . K . Int e r n a t i o n alp u b lishi n g h o u s e ,1 7 4 .4 KA M0 0 3 215V e l asque z , M a n u e lGB u s iness e t h i c s : con c e p t s a n d cas e sP e a rson i n d i aE d u catio n S e r v i c es,1 7 4 .4 VE L0 0 2 965D u h é, S a n d r a C . ,B u s iness f o r c o m muni c a t o r s : thee s s entia l g u i d e to s u c c e s s i n cor p o r a t ea n d publ i c a f f a i rsR o u tledg e ,6 5 0 .1 DU H0 0 3 145R a n garaj , GB u s iness m a t h e m a ticsC e n gage,5 1 0 RAN0 0 2 967S h a rma, J . K .B u s iness m a t h e m a ticsW i l ey,6 5 0 .015 S H A0 0 3 218V e e na, G . RB u s iness m a t h e m a tics a n d s t a tisti c sD r e amtec h ,5 1 9 .5 VE E0 0 3 219C a n avor, N a t a l i eB u s iness w r i t i n g : fo r d u m m i e sJ o h n Wil e y & s o n s,8 0 8 .0666 5C A N0 0 2 968C u l len, J o h n GB u s iness , e t h i c s and s o c i e t y : keyc o n cepts , c u r r e n t de b a t e s a n dc o n tempo r a r y i n n ovat i o n sS a g e Pub l i c a t i o n sI n d ia Pv t . L t d . ,1 7 4 .4 CU L0 0 2 969M o r gan, N i c kC a n you h e a r m e ? : ho w t o c o n nect w i t hp e o ple i n a v i r t ual w o r l dH a r vard B u s i n e s sR e v iew P r e s s ,3 0 2 .231 M O R0 0 2 970H e i nzen, T h o m a sE .C a s e stu d i e s f o r tea c h i n g s o cialp s y cholo g y : c r i t i cal t h i n k i n g anda p p licat i o nS A G E,3 0 2 HEI0 0 3 220J a y arama n , R a j i vC l e aring t h e d i g ital b l u r : h owo r g aniza t i o n s c a n tr a n s f o r m thems e l v e sa t the s p e e d o f digi t a lW i l ey In d i a ,6 2 1 .382 J A Y0 0 2 971Z y l , Ll e w e l l y n Ev a n .C o a ching p s y c h o l ogy: m e t a - t h e oreti c a lp e r spect i v e s a n d app l i c a t i o n s form u l ti-cu l t u r a l c onte x t sS p r inger .1 5 8 .3 ZY L0 0 3 223R o g ers, J e n n yC o a ching : w h a t r e ally w o r k sS A G E Pub l i c a t i o n sL t d ,1 5 8 .3 RO G0 0 3 222G a l otti, K a t h l e enMC o g nitiv e p s y c h o logy : i n a n d out o f t h el a b orato r yS a g e Pub l i c a t i o n s,1 5 3 GAL0 0 2 972B y r um, K r i s t i eC o m munic a t i n g c o rpor a t e s o c i al r espon s i b i l i t y :the t r u s t f acto rL e x ingto n B o o k s ,6 5 8 .408 B Y R0 0 3 176H a m ilton , C h e r y lC o m munic a t i n g f o r su c c e s sR o u tledg e T a y l o r &F r a ncis G roup,6 5 1 .7 HA M0 0 3 146CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeHougaard, RasmusCompassionate leadership: how to do hard thingsin a human wayHBR,658.4092 HOU002973Konnikova, MariaConfidence game: the psychology of the con andwhy we fall for it every timeCanongate ,364.163 KON002974Huang, HazelConsumer psychology :theories & applicationsSage,658.8342 HUA003229Getto, GuiseppeContent strategy :a how-to guideRoutledgeTaylor & Francis Group,658.4012 GET003147Foxall, Gordon R.Context and cognition in consumer psychology:how perception and emotion guide actionRoutledge,658.8342 FOX003230Sweezey, MathewContext marketing revolution: how to motivatebuyers in the age of infinite mediaHarvard Business ReviewPress,658.8343 SWE002976Eastman, WayneCritical game theory: humanistic and radicalalternatives to the mainstreamRoutledge,519.3 EAS002977Hanscomb, Stuart,Critical thinking :the basicsRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group,160 HAN003131Kant, ImmanuelCritique of pure reasonPenguin ,121 KAN003119Vaynerchuk, GaryCrushing it !: how great entrepreneurs build theirbusiness and influence-and how you can, tooHarper Business,658.421 VAY002978Layton, Richard A.Cutting the cost of confusion:eliminate the highprice of failure to communicateRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group,658.4 LAY003148Brown, BrenéDaring greatly: how the courage to be vulnerabletransforms the way we live, love, parent, and leadPenguin Books Ltd.158 BRO002979Sözen,H. Cenk (Editor)Dark sides of organizational life :hostility, rivalry,gossip, envy and other difficult behaviors /Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,174.4 SOZ003149Heath, ChipDecisive: how to make better decisionPenguin Random House,153.83 HEA002980Keydana, SigridDeep learning and scientific computing with RtorchCRC Press,006.3 KEY003150Newport, CalDeep work: rules for focused success in a distractedworldPiatkus,650.1 NEW002981CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeKelly, NicholasDelivering data analytics :a step-by-step guide todriving adoption of business intelligence from planningto launchKogan Page Inc,658.472 KEL003231Dolan, Simon LDe-stress at work :understanding and combattingchronic stressRoutledge,158.72 DOL003232Nurse, DavidDo it :the life-changing power of taking actionJohn Wiley & Sons,158.1 NUR003177Foroux, DariusDo it today: overcome procrastination, improveproductivity and achieve more meaningful thingsPenguin Random HouseIndia Pvt. Ltd.,158.1 FOR002982Olson, Eric TDo we have a soul?: a debateRoutledge,128.1 OLS003234Pink, Daniel HDrive: the surprising truth about what motivates usCanongate,153.8 PIN002983Hallowell, MDDriven to distraction at work: how to focus and be moreproductiveHarvard Business ReviewPress,158.7 HAL002984Jain, NeeraEffective business communicationMcGraw Hill,658.45 JAI002985Ira , Anbu. VEffective communication: the kambar wayViva Books,294.5922 IRA002986David, SusanEmotional agility: get unstuck, embrace change andthrive in work and lifePenguin books,155.24 DAV002987Goleman, DanielEmotionally intelligent leaderHarvard Business ReviewPress ,658.4092 GOL002988Digangi, JuliaEnergy rising: the neuroscience of leading withemotional powerHarvard Business ReviewPress ,616.89 DIG002989Mosey, SimonEntrepreneurship and innovation in sport and leisureRoutledge,796.069 MOS003236Sydsæter, KnutEssential mathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.151 SYD002894Sydsæter, KnutEssential mathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.151 SYD002895Sydsæter, KnutEssential mathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.151 SYD002896Shiryaev, Albert N.Essentials of stochastic finance: facts, models, theoryWorld ScientificPublishing Company Pvt.Ltd.,332.601 SHI002990CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeMcLean, G. R.Ethical basics for the caring professions:knowledgeand skills for thoughtful practiceRoutledge Taylor &Francis Group,174.9 MCL003151Henderson, ElizabethAnneEthics and corporate social responsibility in themeetings and events industryJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.,174.4 HEN003178Boatright, John REthics and the conduct of businessPearson,174.4 BOA002991Kline, John MEthics for international business: decision making in aglobal political economyRoutledge,174.4 KLI003237Howard, Ronald A. &Korver, Clinton D.Ethics for the real worldHBP,170.44 HOW002992Kurnoff, JanineEveryday business storytelling:create, simplify, andadapt a visual narrtive for any audienceWiley,658.4 KUR003179Banasiewicz, Andrew D.Evidence-based decision-making : how to leverageavailable data and avoid cognitive biasesRoutledge,153.83 BAN003238Thill, John VExcellence in business communicationPearson,658.45 THI002993Sekerka, Leslie E.Exercising your ethics :bringing moral strength tobusinessRoutledge, Taylor &Francis Group,174.4 SEK003152Sastry, AnjaliFail better:design smart mistakes and succeedHBS,658.401 SAS002994Fernando, A.CFernando's business ethics and corporate governancePearson,174.4 FER002995Campolieti, GiuseppeFinancial mathematics: a comprehensive treatmentCRC Press,650.015 CAM003153Campolieti, GiuseppeFinancial mathematics: a comprehensive treatment incontinuous timeCRC Press,650.015 CAM003155Hastings, Kevin J.Financial mathematics: from discrete to continuoustimeCRC Press, Taylor &Francis Group,332.05 HAS003154Sinek, SimonFind your why: a practical guide to discoveringpurpose for you or your teamPenguin,152.4 SIN002897CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeDelong, Thomas JFlying without a netHBP,658.314 DEL002997Taleb, Nassim NicholasFooled by randomness: the hidden role of chance in lifeand in the marketsPenguin,332.6 TAL002998Balaguer, MarkFree willMIT Press,123.5 BAL002999Brooks, Arthur CFrom strength to strength: finding success, happiness,and deep purpose in the second half of lifeGreen Tree,155.67 BRO003000Bhardwaj, KumkumFundamentals of business communicationDreamtech,658.45 BHA003239Kellogg, Ronald TFundamentals of cognitive psychologySage,153.4 KEL003001Ross, Timothy J.Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic with engineering applications:an Indian adaptationWiley,511.3 ROS003002Pfeiffer, ChristophGame theory - successful negotiation in purchasing:requirements, incentives and awardSpringer,658.72 PFE003156Heap, Shaun P.HargreavesGame theory: a critical textRoutledge,519.3 HEA003240Berne, EricGames people play: the psychology of humanrelationshipsPenguin,301.11 BER002898Krogerus, MikaelGet things done book: 41 tools to start, stick with andfinish thingsProfile Books,650.11 KRO003003HBRGiving effective feedbackHBS,658.3125 HBR003004Judge, SteveGold: 5 winning ways to unlock the power of yourpotential and achieve your goalsRight Book Press,158.1 JUD003180HBRGood habits: emotional intelligenceHBR,155.24 HBR003006Luoma-aho, VilmaHandbook on digital corporate communicationEdward ElgarPublishing,650.01 LUO003157HBRHBR guide to delivering effective feedbackHarvard BusinessReview Press,658.3125 HBR003008CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeHBRHBR guide to emotional intelligence: build trust andinfluence strengthe relationships and with resilienceHBR,152.4 HBR003009HBRHBR guide to motivating people: engage your employeesenergize your team boost performanceHBR,153.8 HBR003010HBRHBR's 10 must reads on leadership lessons from sportsHarvard Business ReviewPress,658.409 HBR003012HBRHBR's 10 must reads on presenting and public speaking.Harvard Business ReviewPress,808.5 HBR003204HBRHBR's 10 must reads on trustHarvard Business ReviewPress,179.9 HBR003013HBRHBR's 10 must reads: on communicationHBR658.45 HBR002899HBRHBR's 10 must reads: on communicationHBS,658.45 HBR003011Straub, Richard OHealth psychology: a biopsychosocial approachWorth Publishers ,362.1 STR003014Boyatzis, RichardHelping people change: coaching with compassion forlifelong learning and growthHBR,658.3124BOY003015Grant, AdamHidden potential: the science of achieving greater thingsWH Allen ,153.8 GRA003016Heineman,Ben W.High Performance with high integrityHBS,174.4 HEI003017Taylor, AlisonHigher ground: how business can do the right thing in aturbulent worldHarvard Business ReviewPress,174.4 TAY003018Goodwin, C. JamesHistory of modern psychology: a global perspectiveWiley,150 GOO003019Russell, BertrandHistory of western philosophyRoutledge,190 RUS003020Das, SandeepHow business storytelling works: increase your influenceand impactSage Publication,658.11 DAS003021Das, SandeepHow business storytelling works: increase your influenceand impactPenguin Random House,658.45 DAS003120Gordon, JonHow to be a coffee bean:111 life-changing ways to createpositive changeWiley,158.1 GOR003181Cullen, LaraHow to be a people person: be kind be brave be brilliantSRA Books,158.2 CUL003182CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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CONTACT USNEW No.BarcodeCanfield, JackHow to get from where you are to where you wantto be: the 25 principles of successHarper Element,158.1 CAN003022Nhat Hạnh, ThíchHow to loveRider Books,158.2 NHA003023Lepera, NicoleHow to meet your self: the workbook for selfdiscoveryHarper Wave,158 LEP003024Carnegie, DaleHow to win friends and influence peopleFingerprint,158.1 CAR003025Hunt, ChristianHumanizing rules:bringing behavioural science toethics and complianceWiley,174.4 HUN003183Grace, HannahIcebreakerSimon andSchuster,823.92 GRA003121Manikutty, SIIMA-being ethical: ethics as the foundation ofbusinessRandom House,174.4 MAN002957Garcia, HectorIkigai: the Japanese secret to a long and happylifeHutchinson,613 GAR003026Harris, Thomas AI'M ok- you are okArrow books,616.89 HAR002900Lewis, StevenIncredible communication: uncover theinvaluable art of selling yourselfBloomsburyBusiness ,658.45 LEW003027Chance, ZoeInfluence is your superpower: how to get whatyou want without compromising who you areVermilion,155.9 CHA003122Levin, AronInfluencer marketing for brands: what youtubeand instagram can teach you about the future ofthe digital advertising.Apress,658.8 LEV003132SadhguruInner engineering: a yogi's guide to joyPenguin,204.36 SAD003029Maimone, FabrizioIntercultural knowledge sharing in MNCS: aglocal and inclusive approach in the digital ageSpringer BerlinHeidelberg,658.4038 MAI003158Varian, Hal RIntermediate microeconomicsW.W. Norton,330.101 Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management Sirmaur

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeSinha, AmarjeetLast mile: turning public policy upside downRoutledge,320 SIN002936Sinek, SimonLeaders eat last: why some teams pull together and other'sdon'tPenguin,658.4092 SIN002907Mahanand, AnandLearning to learn: Study skills in EnglishViva Books,658.45 MAH003037Hamkins, Joel DavidLectures on the philosophy of mathematicsMIT Press,510.1 HAM003038Gallier, JeanLinear algebra and optimisation with applications tomachine learning: linear algebra for computer vision,robotics, and machine learningWorld Scientific512.5 GAL003039Sunim, HaeminLove for imperfect things: how to accept yourself in a worldstriving for perfectionPenguin RandomHouse,158.01 SUN003041Dornbusch, RudigerMacroeconomicsMc-Graw Hill,339 DOR002908Dornbusch, RudigerMacroeconomicsMc-Graw Hill,339 DOR002909Dornbusch, RudigerMacroeconomicsMc-Graw Hill,339 DOR002910Blanchard, OlivierMacroeconomicsPearson,339 BLA002911Blanchard, OlivierMacroeconomicsPearson,339 BLA002912Blanchard, OlivierMacroeconomicsPearson,339 BLA002913Heath, ChipMade to stick: why some ideas survive and others comeunstuckArroe Books,302.13 HEA003042Bochel, CatherineMaking and implementing public policy: key concepts andissuesPalgrave,320.6 BOC003208Drucker, Peter FManaging oneself and what make an effective executiveHarvard BusinessReview Press,650.1 DRU003045Dugar, AnuragMarketing metrics: beyond clickbaitsSage Publication,658.80151DUG003046Anand, PayalMastering behaviour: managing self and othersSage India,658.3 ANA003047Greene, RobertMasteryProfile books,158 GRE003123Peren, Franz WMath for business and economics: compendium of essentialformulasSpringer,510 PER003160Rosazza Gianin,EmanuelaMathematical finance: theory review and exercisesSpringer,332.0151 ROS003161CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW No.BarcodeSwami, OmMind full to mindful: zen wisdom from a monk's bowlHarperCollinsPublishers,294.39 SWA003054Scott, S.J.Mindful relationships habits: 25 practices for couples toenhance intimacy, nature closeness, and grow a deeperconnectionJaico publishing,294.3 SCO003055Kotasthane,PranayMissing in action: why you should care about public policyPenguin,320.6 KOT002941Foer, JoshuaMoonwalking with Einstein: the art and science ofremembering everythingPenguin Books,153.14 FOE003124Falk, StefanMotivation: how to love your work and succeed as neverbeforeMacmillan,153.8 FAL003058Wheelan, CharlesNaked statistics: stripping the dread from the dataW. W. Norton,519.5 WHE003059Staats, Bradley RNever stop learning: stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and thriveHarvard BusinessReview Press,370.1523 STA003060Kahneman, DanielNoise: a flaw in human judgmentWilliam Collins,153.83 KAH003062Krishnamurti, JidduOn godJaico publishinghouse,113.8 KRI003063HBROvercoming ageismHarvard BusinessReview Press,305.26 HBR003065Freire, PauloPedagogy of the oppressedPenguin Books,370.115 FRE002926Bay, SamaraPermission to speak: how to change what power sounds like, starting with youPenguin Business ,808.51 BAY003066Luong, AlexandraPersonnel psychologyRoutledge,158.7 LUO003067HBRPersuading people:expert solutions to everyday challengesHarvard BusinessPress,303.3 HBR003068Monippallu, M.MPersuasive manager: communication strategies for 21st century managersPortfolio Penguin,658.45 MON003126Klaff, OrenPitch anything: an innovative method for presenting, persuading and winning the dealMcGraw-Hill,658.452 KLA003069Stone, Deborah.Policy paradox:the art of political decision makingW.W. Norton & Co.,320.6 STO003198Hsieh, Tsun-YanPositive influence: the first and last mile of leadershipWorld ScientificPublishing ,658.4092 HSI003070 Donaldson, Stewart I [Editor.]Positive organizational psychology interventionsdesign andevaluationJohn Wiley & Sons,Inc.,150.19 DON003184Bowman, NatashaPower of one: leading with civility, candor, and courageRoutledge,303.4 BOW003134

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeHrycej, TomasMathematical foundations of data scienceSpringer,005.7 HRY003162Watanabe, SumioMathematical theory of bayesian statisticsRoutledge,519.542 WAT003163Betti, MatthewMathematics and statistics for the quantitative sciencesCRC Press,001.4 BET003164Sydsaeter, KnutMathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.0151 SYD002914Sydsaeter, KnutMathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.0151 SYD002915Sydsaeter, KnutMathematics for economic analysisPearson,330.0151 SYD002916Simon, Carl PMathematics for economistsViva Books,510.2433 SIM002917Simon, Carl PMathematics for economistsViva Books,510.2433 SIM002918Simon, Carl PMathematics for economistsViva Books,510.2433 SIM002919Jain, Anupam ; Dani,Shrikrishna; Shah,Pankaj; Jain, SurenderMathematics in ancient jaina literatureWorld scientificpublishing,510.954 JAI003050Posamentier, Alfred SMathematics: its historical aspects, wonders and beyondWorld Scientific,510 POS003048Aurelius, MarcusMeditationsDoverPublications,188 AUR003051Ogawa, YokoMemory policeVintage,895.635 OGA003052Shannon, NickMetathinking: the art and practice of transformationalthinkingSpringer,658.3 SHA003133Varian, Hal R.Microeconomic analysisViva,338.5 VAR002923Varian, Hal R.Microeconomic analysisViva,338.5 VAR002924Varian, Hal R.Microeconomic analysisViva,338.5 VAR002925Nicholson, WalterMicroeconomic theory: basic principles and extensionsCengage,338.5 NIC002920Nicholson, WalterMicroeconomic theory: basic principles and extensionsCengage,338.5 NIC002921Nicholson, WalterMicroeconomic theory: basic principles and extensionsCengage,338.5 NIC002922CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodePeale, Norman VincentPower of positive thinkingPeale Center forChristian Living,158.1 PEA003073Pink, Daniel HPower of regret: how looking backward moves us forwardCanongate Books,152.4 PIN003074Harvard business essentialPower, influence, and persuasionHBP,658.4092 HBE003075Turk,IrfanPractical MATLAB: with modeling, simulation andprocessing projectsApress,005.13 TUR003135Siegel, EricPredictive analytics :the power to predict who will click,buy, lie, or dieWiley,303.49 SIE003185Case, Karl EPrinciples of economicsPearson,330 CAS002927Case, Karl EPrinciples of economicsPearson,330 CAS002928Case, Karl EPrinciples of economicsPearson,330 CAS002929Case, Karl EPrinciples of macroeconomicsPearson,330 CAS002930Case, Karl EPrinciples of macroeconomicsPearson,330 CAS002931Case, Karl EPrinciples of macroeconomicsPearson,330 CAS002932Shamim, AmnaProfessional communication: winning the trajectoriesAtlantic,658.45 SHA003076Singh, Agya JitPsychological skills training for human wellnessSage,158 SIN003077Chakrabarti, RajeshPublic policy in IndiaOUP,320.6 CHA002933Krishnan, Sandeep KPurposeful: finding greater meaning and engagement atworkPenguin RandomHouse,158.1 KRI003078Nihalani, ShobhaReboot, reflect, revive: self-esteem in a selfie worldSage India,158.1 NIH003080Ghemawat, PankajRedefining global strategy: crossing borders in a worldwhere differences still matterHarvard BusinessReview Press,658.4012 GHE003081Krishnamurti, JReflections on the selfJaico PublishingHouse,126 KRI003082Coolican, HughResearch methods and statistics in psychologyRoutledge,001.42 COO003136Singh, Swaran andMarwah, ReenaRevisiting Gandhi: legacies forworld peace and nationalintegrationWorld Scientific,954.035 SIN003083CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeEdmondson, AmyRight kind of wrong: why learning to fail can teach us tothriveCornerstone Press,158.1 EDM003127Selby, HubertRoom: a novelPenguin,813.54 SEL003128Macleod, DaveScaling conversations :how leaders include theiremployees, customers, and community in decisionmakingWiley,658.4 MAC003186TinxShift: change your perspective, not yourselfBluebird,158.1 TIN003129Kaag, JohnSick souls, healthy minds: how william james can saveyour lifePrinceton UniversityPress,191 KAA003086Hesse,HermannSiddharthaBantam Books,833.912 HES003087Vora, SejalSimply data: storytelling with dataKabdwal bookinternational,658.452 VOR003088Ryden, PernilleSocial media storms :empowering leadership beyondcrisis managementRoutledge,302.23 RYD003165Branscombe, Nyla RSocial psychologyPearson,302 BRA003091Mills, C. WrightSociological imaginationAakar Books,310 MIL002938Rao, C. N. ShankarSociology of Indian societyS.Chand and Company,301.09 RAO002934Sharma, MeenakshiSpeak with impactRandom House Business,658.45 SHA003092Covey, Stephen M. RSpeed of trust: the one thing that changes everythingPocket Books,174.4 COV003093Sinek, SimonStart with why: how great leaders inspire everyone totake actionPortfolio,658.4092SIN002935Hari, JohannStolen focus: why you can't pay attentionBloomsbury Publishing,153.733HAR003094Chakraborty, IndranilStories at work: unlock the secret to business storytellingPenguin Portfolio,658.45 CHA003095John, C. FredericStorytelling and market research:a practical user guideRoutledge,658.8 JOH003166Roberts, Sheryl LindsellStorytelling in presentations for dummiesJohn Wiley and Sons,658.452 ROB003187Knaflic, ColeNussbaumerStorytelling with data :a data visualization guide forbusiness professionalsWiley,001.4 KNA003188Knaflic, ColeNussbaumerStorytelling with data:let's practice!Wiley,001.4 KNA003189CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeMahoney, JamesStrategic communication :campaign planningRoutledge,658.45 MAH003167Munoz-Garcia, FelixStrategy and game theory :practice exercises with answersSpringer,519.3 FEL003168Cassidy, TonyStress, cognition and health :real world examples andpractical applicationsRoutledge,155.9 CAS003096Pope, Adam R.Sustainable crowdfunding :research-based analysis forcommunication campaignsRoutledgeTaylor &Francis Group,658.45 POP003169Vijaybaskar, Latha,Talk action :how successful teams align conversations withactionSage,658.4022 VIJ003097Robinson, NickThe 9 types of difficult people:how to spot them and quicklyimprove working relationshipsPearson,158.7 ROB003190Ramesh, GopalaswamyThe ace of soft skills: attitude, communication and etiquettefor successPearson,650.13 RAM002948Zichermann, GabeThe a-ha! method:communicating powerfully in a time ofdistractionRowman &Littlefield,658.4 ZIC003191Basant, RakeshThe black box: innovation and public policy in IndiaPenguinRandom HouseIndia Pvt. Ltd.,338.954 BAS002942Craggs, AndyThe change mindset: the psychology of leading and thrivingin an uncertain worldKogan page,658.4 CRA003221Medicharla, PhaniThe conscientious manager: nurturing workplace ethics andsynergiesSage,658.4 MED002975Blok, VincentThe critique of management: towards a philosophy andethics of business managementRoutledge,658 BLO003170Leeds, MichaelThe economics of sportsRoutledge,338.43796 LEE003235Long, Douglas GThe ethical kaleidoscope: values, ethics and corporategovernanceRoutledge,174.4 LON003171Gervais, MichaelThe first rule of mastery: stop worrying about what peoplethink of youHBR,158.1 GER002996Westerhoff, JanThe golden age of Indian buddhist philosophyOxforduniversitypress,294.3 WES003005Campbell, BetsyThe innovator's discussion: the conversational skills ofentrepreneurial teamsRoutledge,658.4 CAM003172Greene, RobertThe laws of human natureProfile Books,158 GRE003036Exupery, Antoine DeSaintThe little princePrakash Books843.912 EXU002937Popper, KarlThe logic of scientific discoveryRoutledge ,501.8 POP003040CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeSchwartz,DavidThe magic of thinking bigVermilion,158.1 SCH003043Chasen,EverettThe manager's communication toolboxViva Books,658.45 CHA003044Cross, RobThe microstress effect: how little things pile up andcreate big problems-and what to do about itHarvard BusinessReview Press,155.90 CRO003053Sharma, RobinThe monk who sold his FerrariJaico,813.54 SHA003056Sharma, Robin SThe monk who sold his Ferrari: a fable about fulfillingyour dreams and reaching your destinyJaico PublishingHouse,813.54 SHA003057Gordon, JonThe one truth: elevate your mind, unlock your power,heal your soulJohn Wiley &Sons, Inc,158.1 GOR003192Levitin, Daniel J.The organized mind :thinking straight in the age of information overloadPenguin153.4 LEV003125Neumann,ErichThe origin and history of consciousnessPrincetonUniversity Press,153 NEU003064Luca,MichaelThe power of experiments: decision making in a data-driven worldThe MIT Press,330.01 LUC003071Duhigg,CharlesThe power of habit: why we do what we do and how to changeRandom HouseBooks,158.1 DUH003072Siegel, CraigThe reinvention formula :how to unlock a bulletproof mindset and upgrade your lifeWiley,155.2 SIE003193Haidt, JonathanThe righteous mind: why good people are divided by politics and religionPenguin Books,201.6 HAI003084Drayton, MichaelThe saboteur at work: how the unconscious mind can sabotage ourselves, ourorganisations and societyRoutledge Taylor& Francis Group,158.1 DRA003085Muller, F. MaxThe six systems of Indian philosophyBooks and BooksUnlimited,181.4 MUL003089Brooks, DavidThe social animal :the hidden sources of love, character, and achievementRandom HouseTrade Paperbacks,305.5 BRO003090Berger, Peter LThe social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledgeAnchor Books,301.01 BER002943Loh, Jennifer,The superwoman myth :can contemporary women have it all now?Routledge,305.42 LOH003137Brink, Joan Van DenThe three companions: compassion, courage and wisdom: the powerful keys to happier work and a fulfilled lifeSRA Books,158.1 BRI003194Gladwell, MalcolmThe Tipping point: how little things can make a bigdifferenceABACUS,302 GLA003105Rond,Mark deThere is an I in teamHBSP,658.4022 RON003100CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW

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AuthorTitlePublisherCall No.BarcodeLevitt, StevenThink like a freak: how to think smarter about almost everythingPenguin,153.42 LEV003101Nietzsche,FriedrichThus spoke Zarathustra: a book for everyone and no onePenguin,193 NIE003103Fogg, BJTiny habits: why starting small makes lasting change easyVirgin Books,158.1 FOG003104Collins, DavidTom Peters and management: a history of organizationalstorytellingRoutledge,658.45 COL003173Friedman, Stewart DTotal leadershipHBP,658.4092FRI003106Buchanan, J. RobertUndergraduate introduction to financial mathematicsWorld Scientific,650.015 BUC003107Frei,FrancesUnleashed: the unapologetic leader's guide to empowering everyonearound youHarvard BusinessReview Press,658.3 FRE003108Ariely,DanUpside of irrationality: the unexpected benefits of defying logic atwork and at homeHarper Collins,153.4 ARI003130Lefkowitz, JoelValues and ethics of industrial-organizational psychologyRoutledge,174.9 LEF003138Lefkowitz, JoelValues and ethics of industrial-organizational psychologyRoutledge,174.9 LEF003174Neog, BhaskarjitWhat responsibility? whose responsibility?: intention, agency, andemotions of collective entitiesRoutledge,170 NEO003109Mate, GaborWhen the body says no:the cost of hidden stressVermilion,616.08 MAT002939Johnson, SpencerWho moved my cheese? 1Penguin155.24 JOH003110Sharma, RobinWho will cry when you die?Jaico PublishingHouse,153.8 SHA003111Sachs, JonahWinning the story warsHBS,658.802 SAC003112Estés, Clarissa Pinkola.Women who run with the wolvesEbury publishing,155.333 EST003113BloomsburyWriting skills for businessBloomsburyPublishing IndiaPvt. Ltd,428 BLO003114Rao, GitanjaliYoung innovator's guide to stem: five steps for students, educatorsand parentsRupa Pubication,600 RAO003115CONTACT Resource CentreIndian Institute of Management SirmaurNEW