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New 2024 Speaker Program

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HERSHEYCIVIL WARROUND TABLEPRESENTSWe Honor those who served in the Civil War and to preserve the valor of their lives in memoryVietnam Veterans of America Chapter 542 8000 Derry Street,Harrisburg, PA 17111Round Table meets on the3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PMHershey.CivilWarRoundtable@comcast.netwww.hersheycwrt.orgIRS 501 (C) and PA Charitable Organization. Receipt for donations available. Free and Open to the Public.January 18, 2024Julian Sher “North Star - Canada’s Role in the Civil War”(ZOOM Meeting Only) A riveting account of the years, months anddays leading up to the assassination ofPresident Abraham Lincoln, and theunexpected ways Canadians were involved inevery aspect of the American Civil War.Canadians take pride in being on the “goodside” of the American Civil War, serving as ahaven for 30,000 escaped slaves on theUnderground Railroad. But dwelling inhistory's shadow is the much darker roleCanada played in supporting the slave Southand in fomenting the many plots againstLincoln. More...February 15, 2024Bob O’Brian “Jack Hinson – Legendary & Most Wanted CivilWar Sniper”(ZOOM MEETING ONLY)John "Jack" Hinson was a wealthy plantationowner in the Dover, TN area near the borderwith Kentucky and Fort Donelson. Hisplantation, "Bubbling Springs" was home toJack, his wife and ten children at the time ofthe outbreak of the Civil War. After theUnion captured Fort Donelson in February of1862 Union soldiers occupied the area. JackHinson was determined to keep himself andhis family neutral during the War. In the Fallof 1862 two of Jack's sons were huntingwhen they were taken by a Union patrol.MORE... March 21, 2024Cooper Wingert The Confederate Approach onHarrisburg: The GettysburgCampaign's Northernmost ReachesIn June 1863, Harrisburg braced foran invasion as the Confederatetroops of Lieutenant GeneralRichard S. Ewell steadily movedtoward the Pennsylvania capital.Capturing Carlisle en route, Ewellsent forth a brigade of cavalryunder Brigadier General AlbertGallatin Jenkins to scout thedefenses near Harrisburg. More...April 18, 2024Bob O'Conner "Sarah Slater- Confederate spy andLincoln Conspirator"Bob likes to write about significantcharacters who most people havenever heard of. Sarah Slater fits thosecriteria. She was a courier for theConfederacy, carrying messages fromRichmond to their Secret Service officein Montreal. Canada. She was incahoots with John Surratt, Jr. and knewJohn Wilkes Booth. She disappearedafter Lincoln's assassination and wasnever found. She is the Missing LincolnConspirator. More...May 16, 2024William Binzel "Mary Surratt - Innocent or Guilty"In 1865, Mrs. Surratt was convictedas a conspirator in theassassination of Abraham Lincolnand was hanged, becoming the firstwoman ever to be executed by thefederal government. Thecontroversy over it remains to thisday. Who was Mary Surratt? Whywas she charged as a conspirator?Was she innocent or guilty?More...June 20, 2024John Fitzpatrick “No Fail Here -- Lincoln’s Leadership & theReal Back Story to the Gettysburg Address“There is No Fail Here” is the real back-story to Lincoln’s leadership challengesand the Gettysburg Address. Why didthis conflicted and careworn Presidentcome to Gettysburg on November 18-19,1863? He was not the keynote speakerand was asked to make only a fewappropriate remarks. More... 2024SPEAKER PROGRAMSPEAKER PROGRAM

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HERSHEYCIVIL WARROUND TABLEPRESENTSWe Honor those who served in the Civil War and to preserve the valor of their lives in memoryVietnam Veterans of America Chapter 542 8000 Derry Street,Harrisburg, PA 17111Round Table meets on the3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PMHershey.CivilWarRoundtable@comcast.netwww.hersheycwrt.orgIRS 501 (C) and PA Charitable Organization. Receipt for donations available. Free and Open to the Public.January 18, 2024Julian Sher “North Star - Canada’s Role in the Civil War”(ZOOM Meeting Only) A riveting account of the years, months anddays leading up to the assassination ofPresident Abraham Lincoln, and theunexpected ways Canadians were involved inevery aspect of the American Civil War.Canadians take pride in being on the “goodside” of the American Civil War, serving as ahaven for 30,000 escaped slaves on theUnderground Railroad. But dwelling inhistory's shadow is the much darker roleCanada played in supporting the slave Southand in fomenting the many plots againstLincoln. More...February 15, 2024Bob O’Brian “Jack Hinson – Legendary & Most Wanted CivilWar Sniper”(ZOOM MEETING ONLY)John "Jack" Hinson was a wealthy plantationowner in the Dover, TN area near the borderwith Kentucky and Fort Donelson. Hisplantation, "Bubbling Springs" was home toJack, his wife and ten children at the time ofthe outbreak of the Civil War. After theUnion captured Fort Donelson in February of1862 Union soldiers occupied the area. JackHinson was determined to keep himself andhis family neutral during the War. In the Fallof 1862 two of Jack's sons were huntingwhen they were taken by a Union patrol.MORE... March 21, 2024Cooper Wingert The Confederate Approach onHarrisburg: The GettysburgCampaign's Northernmost ReachesIn June 1863, Harrisburg braced foran invasion as the Confederatetroops of Lieutenant GeneralRichard S. Ewell steadily movedtoward the Pennsylvania capital.Capturing Carlisle en route, Ewellsent forth a brigade of cavalryunder Brigadier General AlbertGallatin Jenkins to scout thedefenses near Harrisburg. More...April 18, 2024Bob O'Conner "Sarah Slater- Confederate spy andLincoln Conspirator"Bob likes to write about significantcharacters who most people havenever heard of. Sarah Slater fits thosecriteria. She was a courier for theConfederacy, carrying messages fromRichmond to their Secret Service officein Montreal. Canada. She was incahoots with John Surratt, Jr. and knewJohn Wilkes Booth. She disappearedafter Lincoln's assassination and wasnever found. She is the Missing LincolnConspirator. More...May 16, 2024William Binzel "Mary Surratt - Innocent or Guilty"In 1865, Mrs. Surratt was convictedas a conspirator in theassassination of Abraham Lincolnand was hanged, becoming the firstwoman ever to be executed by thefederal government. Thecontroversy over it remains to thisday. Who was Mary Surratt? Whywas she charged as a conspirator?Was she innocent or guilty?More...June 20, 2024John Fitzpatrick “No Fail Here -- Lincoln’s Leadership & theReal Back Story to the Gettysburg Address“There is No Fail Here” is the real back-story to Lincoln’s leadership challengesand the Gettysburg Address. Why didthis conflicted and careworn Presidentcome to Gettysburg on November 18-19,1863? He was not the keynote speakerand was asked to make only a fewappropriate remarks. More... 2024SPEAKER PROGRAMSPEAKER PROGRAM

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HERSHEYCIVIL WARROUND TABLEPRESENTSWe Honor those who served in the Civil War and to preserve the valor of their lives in memoryVietnam Veterans of America Chapter 542 8000 Derry Street,Harrisburg, PA 17111Round Table meets on the3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PMHershey.CivilWarRoundtable@comcast.netwww.hersheycwrt.orgIRS 501 (C) and PA Charitable Organization. Receipt for donations available. Free and Open to the Public.January 18, 2024Julian Sher “North Star - Canada’s Role in the Civil War”(ZOOM Meeting Only) A riveting account of the years, months anddays leading up to the assassination ofPresident Abraham Lincoln, and theunexpected ways Canadians were involved inevery aspect of the American Civil War.Canadians take pride in being on the “goodside” of the American Civil War, serving as ahaven for 30,000 escaped slaves on theUnderground Railroad. But dwelling inhistory's shadow is the much darker roleCanada played in supporting the slave Southand in fomenting the many plots againstLincoln. More...February 15, 2024Bob O’Brian “Jack Hinson – Legendary & Most Wanted CivilWar Sniper”(ZOOM MEETING ONLY)John "Jack" Hinson was a wealthy plantationowner in the Dover, TN area near the borderwith Kentucky and Fort Donelson. Hisplantation, "Bubbling Springs" was home toJack, his wife and ten children at the time ofthe outbreak of the Civil War. After theUnion captured Fort Donelson in February of1862 Union soldiers occupied the area. JackHinson was determined to keep himself andhis family neutral during the War. In the Fallof 1862 two of Jack's sons were huntingwhen they were taken by a Union patrol.MORE... March 21, 2024Cooper Wingert The Confederate Approach onHarrisburg: The GettysburgCampaign's Northernmost ReachesIn June 1863, Harrisburg braced foran invasion as the Confederatetroops of Lieutenant GeneralRichard S. Ewell steadily movedtoward the Pennsylvania capital.Capturing Carlisle en route, Ewellsent forth a brigade of cavalryunder Brigadier General AlbertGallatin Jenkins to scout thedefenses near Harrisburg. More...April 18, 2024Bob O'Conner "Sarah Slater- Confederate spy andLincoln Conspirator"Bob likes to write about significantcharacters who most people havenever heard of. Sarah Slater fits thosecriteria. She was a courier for theConfederacy, carrying messages fromRichmond to their Secret Service officein Montreal. Canada. She was incahoots with John Surratt, Jr. and knewJohn Wilkes Booth. She disappearedafter Lincoln's assassination and wasnever found. She is the Missing LincolnConspirator. More...May 16, 2024William Binzel "Mary Surratt - Innocent or Guilty"In 1865, Mrs. Surratt was convictedas a conspirator in theassassination of Abraham Lincolnand was hanged, becoming the firstwoman ever to be executed by thefederal government. Thecontroversy over it remains to thisday. Who was Mary Surratt? Whywas she charged as a conspirator?Was she innocent or guilty?More...June 20, 2024John Fitzpatrick “No Fail Here -- Lincoln’s Leadership & theReal Back Story to the Gettysburg Address“There is No Fail Here” is the real back-story to Lincoln’s leadership challengesand the Gettysburg Address. Why didthis conflicted and careworn Presidentcome to Gettysburg on November 18-19,1863? He was not the keynote speakerand was asked to make only a fewappropriate remarks. More... 2024SPEAKER PROGRAMSPEAKER PROGRAM

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HERSHEYCIVIL WARROUND TABLEPRESENTSWe Honor those who served in the Civil War and to preserve the valor of their lives in memoryVietnam Veterans of America Chapter 542 8000 Derry Street,Harrisburg, PA 17111Round Table meets on the3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PMHershey.CivilWarRoundtable@comcast.netwww.hersheycwrt.orgIRS 501 (C) and PA Charitable Organization. Receipt for donations available. Free and Open to the Public.January 18, 2024Julian Sher “North Star - Canada’s Role in the Civil War”(ZOOM Meeting Only) A riveting account of the years, months anddays leading up to the assassination ofPresident Abraham Lincoln, and theunexpected ways Canadians were involved inevery aspect of the American Civil War.Canadians take pride in being on the “goodside” of the American Civil War, serving as ahaven for 30,000 escaped slaves on theUnderground Railroad. But dwelling inhistory's shadow is the much darker roleCanada played in supporting the slave Southand in fomenting the many plots againstLincoln. More...February 15, 2024Bob O’Brian “Jack Hinson – Legendary & Most Wanted CivilWar Sniper”(ZOOM MEETING ONLY)John "Jack" Hinson was a wealthy plantationowner in the Dover, TN area near the borderwith Kentucky and Fort Donelson. Hisplantation, "Bubbling Springs" was home toJack, his wife and ten children at the time ofthe outbreak of the Civil War. After theUnion captured Fort Donelson in February of1862 Union soldiers occupied the area. JackHinson was determined to keep himself andhis family neutral during the War. In the Fallof 1862 two of Jack's sons were huntingwhen they were taken by a Union patrol.MORE... March 21, 2024Cooper Wingert The Confederate Approach onHarrisburg: The GettysburgCampaign's Northernmost ReachesIn June 1863, Harrisburg braced foran invasion as the Confederatetroops of Lieutenant GeneralRichard S. Ewell steadily movedtoward the Pennsylvania capital.Capturing Carlisle en route, Ewellsent forth a brigade of cavalryunder Brigadier General AlbertGallatin Jenkins to scout thedefenses near Harrisburg. More...April 18, 2024Bob O'Conner "Sarah Slater- Confederate spy andLincoln Conspirator"Bob likes to write about significantcharacters who most people havenever heard of. Sarah Slater fits thosecriteria. She was a courier for theConfederacy, carrying messages fromRichmond to their Secret Service officein Montreal. Canada. She was incahoots with John Surratt, Jr. and knewJohn Wilkes Booth. She disappearedafter Lincoln's assassination and wasnever found. She is the Missing LincolnConspirator. More...May 16, 2024William Binzel "Mary Surratt - Innocent or Guilty"In 1865, Mrs. Surratt was convictedas a conspirator in theassassination of Abraham Lincolnand was hanged, becoming the firstwoman ever to be executed by thefederal government. Thecontroversy over it remains to thisday. Who was Mary Surratt? Whywas she charged as a conspirator?Was she innocent or guilty?More...June 20, 2024John Fitzpatrick “No Fail Here -- Lincoln’s Leadership & theReal Back Story to the Gettysburg Address“There is No Fail Here” is the real back-story to Lincoln’s leadership challengesand the Gettysburg Address. Why didthis conflicted and careworn Presidentcome to Gettysburg on November 18-19,1863? He was not the keynote speakerand was asked to make only a fewappropriate remarks. More... 2024SPEAKER PROGRAMSPEAKER PROGRAM

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July 18, 2024Bruce Mowday “Three Views of Gettysburg"A combination from his 3 booksBruce will combine the three Gettysburgbooks, whose ancestor was wounded atthe Wheatfield. Bruce didn’t set out towrite about Gettysburg. He will describewhy he believed the Pickett’s Chargebook was necessary. The book led to hiswork on the largest private collection ofartifacts of Gettysburg. The podium usedby Lincoln is in the collection and Brucehad an opportunity to stand behind theartifact as PCN filmed a show on hisbook. The third book takes a look at thehistory and legacy of Gettysburg.More... August 15, 2024Scott Mingus “Flames Beyond Gettysburg’"In late June 1863, two powerful columnsof Confederate troops approached theSusquehanna River in south-centralPennsylvania. One, under Lt. Gen.Richard Ewell, marched northeasterlyfrom Franklin County through Carlisletoward Harrisburg and the other, underMaj. Gen. Jubal A. Early. More...September 19, 2024Tony Rose & Barbara Kauffman Panel Discussion of Lincoln’sAssassinationGashes on the Face of Heaven is a Work-in-Progress Historical piece. The Project ishistorically accurate and strives to “pull thecurtain back” on the untold stories andlives of many of the people ignored orforgotten about during the lead up to theassassination of Lincoln and the aftermathof his death. Our goal is not to focus onAbraham Lincoln—his story has been toldhundreds of times--but instead, on all thesecondary characters who wittingly orunwittingly played a role in that tragedy.Who were they as people? What inspiredthem? What were they fearful of? Whatmotivated them to make fateful decisionafter fateful decision leading up to themurder of the US President? This historicaldrama will tell THEIR stories in a powerfuland moving narrative sure to both educateand entertain, and make the world realizethat maybe the “good guys” weren’tnecessarily all good, and maybe the “badguys” weren’t necessarily all bad. Notunlike the political and societal climatefacing the world today, parallel themessuch as political unrest, the struggle andsuffrage of women, and an overallredefining of culture occurred during themid to late 1800s, as well. More...October 17, 2024Pat Falci “Saddle-up with General A.P. Hill”Ever since the movie Gettysburg, wherePatrick created the role of Hill, he hasbeen enlightening the public about “Lee’sForgotten General.” Come and hearabout the life of General AP Hill and themaking of the movies “Gettysburg” andGods and Generals”. More...November 21, 2024Scott Hartwig “What I Learned aboutAntietam and The MarylandCampaign”Although soldiers on both sides hadalready experienced hard fighting inthe Seven Days Battles and SecondManassas Campaign, the battle ofAntietam still shocked those whotook part in it. This is the story ofhow the soldiers, both enlisted menand officers, experienced the battle,not just the shooting part, but themental and physical preparation forcombat, how some withstood thefrightful shock of battle while otherscrumbled; More...December 2024NO MEETINGSee you in JanuaryPrograms Subject to Change.For more information and/or fieldtrip flyer. Contact Ricky Hollis or (717)805-7502ALSO HERSHEYCWRT.ORGTHANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUSSUPPORTMAY 4, 2024FIELD TRIPThe Battle of Spotsylvania CourtHouse, Spotsylvania, VirginiaFOR INFORMATION CHECKOUR WEB SITE

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July 18, 2024Bruce Mowday “Three Views of Gettysburg"A combination from his 3 booksBruce will combine the three Gettysburgbooks, whose ancestor was wounded atthe Wheatfield. Bruce didn’t set out towrite about Gettysburg. He will describewhy he believed the Pickett’s Chargebook was necessary. The book led to hiswork on the largest private collection ofartifacts of Gettysburg. The podium usedby Lincoln is in the collection and Brucehad an opportunity to stand behind theartifact as PCN filmed a show on hisbook. The third book takes a look at thehistory and legacy of Gettysburg.More... August 15, 2024Scott Mingus “Flames Beyond Gettysburg’"In late June 1863, two powerful columnsof Confederate troops approached theSusquehanna River in south-centralPennsylvania. One, under Lt. Gen.Richard Ewell, marched northeasterlyfrom Franklin County through Carlisletoward Harrisburg and the other, underMaj. Gen. Jubal A. Early. More...September 19, 2024Tony Rose & Barbara Kauffman Panel Discussion of Lincoln’sAssassinationGashes on the Face of Heaven is a Work-in-Progress Historical piece. The Project ishistorically accurate and strives to “pull thecurtain back” on the untold stories andlives of many of the people ignored orforgotten about during the lead up to theassassination of Lincoln and the aftermathof his death. Our goal is not to focus onAbraham Lincoln—his story has been toldhundreds of times--but instead, on all thesecondary characters who wittingly orunwittingly played a role in that tragedy.Who were they as people? What inspiredthem? What were they fearful of? Whatmotivated them to make fateful decisionafter fateful decision leading up to themurder of the US President? This historicaldrama will tell THEIR stories in a powerfuland moving narrative sure to both educateand entertain, and make the world realizethat maybe the “good guys” weren’tnecessarily all good, and maybe the “badguys” weren’t necessarily all bad. Notunlike the political and societal climatefacing the world today, parallel themessuch as political unrest, the struggle andsuffrage of women, and an overallredefining of culture occurred during themid to late 1800s, as well. More...October 17, 2024Pat Falci “Saddle-up with General A.P. Hill”Ever since the movie Gettysburg, wherePatrick created the role of Hill, he hasbeen enlightening the public about “Lee’sForgotten General.” Come and hearabout the life of General AP Hill and themaking of the movies “Gettysburg” andGods and Generals”. More...November 21, 2024Scott Hartwig “What I Learned aboutAntietam and The MarylandCampaign”Although soldiers on both sides hadalready experienced hard fighting inthe Seven Days Battles and SecondManassas Campaign, the battle ofAntietam still shocked those whotook part in it. This is the story ofhow the soldiers, both enlisted menand officers, experienced the battle,not just the shooting part, but themental and physical preparation forcombat, how some withstood thefrightful shock of battle while otherscrumbled; More...December 2024NO MEETINGSee you in JanuaryPrograms Subject to Change.For more information and/or fieldtrip flyer. Contact Ricky Hollis or (717)805-7502ALSO HERSHEYCWRT.ORGTHANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUSSUPPORTMAY 4, 2024FIELD TRIPThe Battle of Spotsylvania CourtHouse, Spotsylvania, VirginiaFOR INFORMATION CHECKOUR WEB SITE

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July 18, 2024Bruce Mowday “Three Views of Gettysburg"A combination from his 3 booksBruce will combine the three Gettysburgbooks, whose ancestor was wounded atthe Wheatfield. Bruce didn’t set out towrite about Gettysburg. He will describewhy he believed the Pickett’s Chargebook was necessary. The book led to hiswork on the largest private collection ofartifacts of Gettysburg. The podium usedby Lincoln is in the collection and Brucehad an opportunity to stand behind theartifact as PCN filmed a show on hisbook. The third book takes a look at thehistory and legacy of Gettysburg.More... August 15, 2024Scott Mingus “Flames Beyond Gettysburg’"In late June 1863, two powerful columnsof Confederate troops approached theSusquehanna River in south-centralPennsylvania. One, under Lt. Gen.Richard Ewell, marched northeasterlyfrom Franklin County through Carlisletoward Harrisburg and the other, underMaj. Gen. Jubal A. Early. More...September 19, 2024Tony Rose & Barbara Kauffman Panel Discussion of Lincoln’sAssassinationGashes on the Face of Heaven is a Work-in-Progress Historical piece. The Project ishistorically accurate and strives to “pull thecurtain back” on the untold stories andlives of many of the people ignored orforgotten about during the lead up to theassassination of Lincoln and the aftermathof his death. Our goal is not to focus onAbraham Lincoln—his story has been toldhundreds of times--but instead, on all thesecondary characters who wittingly orunwittingly played a role in that tragedy.Who were they as people? What inspiredthem? What were they fearful of? Whatmotivated them to make fateful decisionafter fateful decision leading up to themurder of the US President? This historicaldrama will tell THEIR stories in a powerfuland moving narrative sure to both educateand entertain, and make the world realizethat maybe the “good guys” weren’tnecessarily all good, and maybe the “badguys” weren’t necessarily all bad. Notunlike the political and societal climatefacing the world today, parallel themessuch as political unrest, the struggle andsuffrage of women, and an overallredefining of culture occurred during themid to late 1800s, as well. More...October 17, 2024Pat Falci “Saddle-up with General A.P. Hill”Ever since the movie Gettysburg, wherePatrick created the role of Hill, he hasbeen enlightening the public about “Lee’sForgotten General.” Come and hearabout the life of General AP Hill and themaking of the movies “Gettysburg” andGods and Generals”. More...November 21, 2024Scott Hartwig “What I Learned aboutAntietam and The MarylandCampaign”Although soldiers on both sides hadalready experienced hard fighting inthe Seven Days Battles and SecondManassas Campaign, the battle ofAntietam still shocked those whotook part in it. This is the story ofhow the soldiers, both enlisted menand officers, experienced the battle,not just the shooting part, but themental and physical preparation forcombat, how some withstood thefrightful shock of battle while otherscrumbled; More...December 2024NO MEETINGSee you in JanuaryPrograms Subject to Change.For more information and/or fieldtrip flyer. Contact Ricky Hollis or (717)805-7502ALSO HERSHEYCWRT.ORGTHANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUSSUPPORTMAY 4, 2024FIELD TRIPThe Battle of Spotsylvania CourtHouse, Spotsylvania, VirginiaFOR INFORMATION CHECKOUR WEB SITE

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July 18, 2024Bruce Mowday “Three Views of Gettysburg"A combination from his 3 booksBruce will combine the three Gettysburgbooks, whose ancestor was wounded atthe Wheatfield. Bruce didn’t set out towrite about Gettysburg. He will describewhy he believed the Pickett’s Chargebook was necessary. The book led to hiswork on the largest private collection ofartifacts of Gettysburg. The podium usedby Lincoln is in the collection and Brucehad an opportunity to stand behind theartifact as PCN filmed a show on hisbook. The third book takes a look at thehistory and legacy of Gettysburg.More... August 15, 2024Scott Mingus “Flames Beyond Gettysburg’"In late June 1863, two powerful columnsof Confederate troops approached theSusquehanna River in south-centralPennsylvania. One, under Lt. Gen.Richard Ewell, marched northeasterlyfrom Franklin County through Carlisletoward Harrisburg and the other, underMaj. Gen. Jubal A. Early. More...September 19, 2024Tony Rose & Barbara Kauffman Panel Discussion of Lincoln’sAssassinationGashes on the Face of Heaven is a Work-in-Progress Historical piece. The Project ishistorically accurate and strives to “pull thecurtain back” on the untold stories andlives of many of the people ignored orforgotten about during the lead up to theassassination of Lincoln and the aftermathof his death. Our goal is not to focus onAbraham Lincoln—his story has been toldhundreds of times--but instead, on all thesecondary characters who wittingly orunwittingly played a role in that tragedy.Who were they as people? What inspiredthem? What were they fearful of? Whatmotivated them to make fateful decisionafter fateful decision leading up to themurder of the US President? This historicaldrama will tell THEIR stories in a powerfuland moving narrative sure to both educateand entertain, and make the world realizethat maybe the “good guys” weren’tnecessarily all good, and maybe the “badguys” weren’t necessarily all bad. Notunlike the political and societal climatefacing the world today, parallel themessuch as political unrest, the struggle andsuffrage of women, and an overallredefining of culture occurred during themid to late 1800s, as well. More...October 17, 2024Pat Falci “Saddle-up with General A.P. Hill”Ever since the movie Gettysburg, wherePatrick created the role of Hill, he hasbeen enlightening the public about “Lee’sForgotten General.” Come and hearabout the life of General AP Hill and themaking of the movies “Gettysburg” andGods and Generals”. More...November 21, 2024Scott Hartwig “What I Learned aboutAntietam and The MarylandCampaign”Although soldiers on both sides hadalready experienced hard fighting inthe Seven Days Battles and SecondManassas Campaign, the battle ofAntietam still shocked those whotook part in it. This is the story ofhow the soldiers, both enlisted menand officers, experienced the battle,not just the shooting part, but themental and physical preparation forcombat, how some withstood thefrightful shock of battle while otherscrumbled; More...December 2024NO MEETINGSee you in JanuaryPrograms Subject to Change.For more information and/or fieldtrip flyer. Contact Ricky Hollis or (717)805-7502ALSO HERSHEYCWRT.ORGTHANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUSSUPPORTMAY 4, 2024FIELD TRIPThe Battle of Spotsylvania CourtHouse, Spotsylvania, VirginiaFOR INFORMATION CHECKOUR WEB SITE