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Introduction: “About The Artist”Before The Darkness: “Ways to Prevent Slow Season” Content Focal Points: “Having A Plan”Client Retention: “Keep Those Clients Returning”Utilizing Free Time : “Getting more Revenue”Conclusion03060407050802LETS TALK BUSINESSCONTENTS

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Cherry DabossHello, Im Cherry Daboss! A makeup artist from Atlanta, Ga. I have thrivedin the beauty industry for over ten years and is STILL thriving! I enteredthe beauty industry when I was only 17 years old. Once I discovered howhappy and beautiful my clients felt after being “BeatByDaboss” , I knewthis was the profession for me! I attended ProWay Hair School in 2015where I was licensed as a Master Cosmetologist. I always knew I wouldbe my own boss all my life so this was a no brainer when it came topicking my profession. My message to the young ladies and womenreading this manual is to NEVER GIVE UP! I have fallen and started overmany of times, but my faith keeps me going. With every fail or mishap inthis industry it has only made me stronger as a person and artist. ThisManual is not only for you as a reader , but also for me to referencewhenever those slow days occur. Here’s my knowledge as a Pro MUA toany artist out there that needs a little boost during the Slow seasons. ABOUT THE AUTHORENJOY 03

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CONTENT FOCALPOINTS When Slow Season for any artist occur it is best to have aWhen Slow Season for any artist occur it is best to have aPLAN! You may ask yourself “when will this pick back upPLAN! You may ask yourself “when will this pick back upfor me?” , “What are some things I can do to help me getfor me?” , “What are some things I can do to help me getmore clients?” and “ Should I start selling crack?” Lol!more clients?” and “ Should I start selling crack?” Lol!Well the answer is NO but here below are some helpfulWell the answer is NO but here below are some helpfulTips for a better approach when slow season starts:Tips for a better approach when slow season starts: 04HAVING A PLANPost more content: Even if you don’t have a model pleasepractice on YOURSELF! You are your best canvas. Recordmore tutorials on yourself. Whether you’re on TikTok, YouTube, facebook, twitter orinstagram please watch your explore page and recreate theviral videos for more views and attraction. This has helpedme alot.For the perfect content try more collaborations! Pick theperfect brand ambassador as well that will promote yourbusiness each week. When doing your brand ambassadortry looks that are out the box!Take the time to learn different apps for editing videosand better angles for pictures. This comes with updatingnew lights and a better work space.

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UTILIZING FREETIMEAffiliate Programs: Affiliate ProgramsAffiliate Programs: Affiliate Programsare easy ways to make passiveare easy ways to make passiveincome in your sleep. Take the timeincome in your sleep. Take the timeto research companies that allow youto research companies that allow youto join their programs where youto join their programs where youpromote their products and get paid.promote their products and get paid.Sites like Amazon, TikTok, SHEIN andSites like Amazon, TikTok, SHEIN andeven facebook are easy marketingeven facebook are easy marketingprograms that can help you with easyprograms that can help you with easyrevenue. This will come easy if yourevenue. This will come easy if youdo content on a content on a regular. THINGS THAT CAN HELP YOU GETMORE REVENUEUTILIZING FREE TIME 05YouTube Money is INSANE! If you already createYouTube Money is INSANE! If you already createcontent I recommend uploading EVERY DAY oncontent I recommend uploading EVERY DAY onYouTube! Thank me later when you’re makingYouTube! Thank me later when you’re makingThousands of dollars in a month! But consistencyThousands of dollars in a month! But consistencyis a MAJOR key on YouTube. (not as easy as itis a MAJOR key on YouTube. (not as easy as itlooks)looks)

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Ways to prevent a slow season before it starts:Honestly, slow seasons will happen to ANYONE nomatter who you are. But, the best way to preventthose times or at least try is simply INVESTING!Investing in products or a business is best to dowhen your business is at its highest peak. Starting alash business , learning to do a different service oreven getting a 9-5 hourly job to help you makemore money for your business please DO IT! Do notlet this generation make you feel like you’re failingbecause you have to get a 9-5! Please understandno one can make you seem “lame” for makingmoney! But, if you know you just can’t work foranyone -my number one rule is INVEST. During yourslow season start selling items, invest in classes,start teaching classes, or even start traveling toclients. I do not recommend doing sales during thattime! You are well worth it ANY SEASON!BEFORE THE DARKNESS 06BEFORE THEDARKNESS

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CLIENTRETENTIONBuilding a relationship withyour clients is the first thingthat you want to do whenkeeping a returning client. As amake up artist, you are yourclients therapist and friend.Making your client feelcomfortable is key to areturning client. As an artist,you should listen more thanyou talk. Your client should notknow all of your business,whether they tell all of theirs ornot. Some clients come in justto vent so take advantage andtry to make them feel verycomfortable when they areventing. Try to provide the bestcustomer experience aspossible. KEEP CLIENTS COMING BACK07CLIENT RETENTION•Have Excellent•Have ExcellentCustomer ServiceCustomer Service •Offer Personlized•Offer PersonlizedIncentivesIncentives •Have a Referral•Have a ReferralProgramProgramClient Relationships:

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CONCLUSIONSites you should have downloaded on yourphone as a content creator:CapCutCanvainshot YouTube studio Easil Here are some affiliate websites you cansign up for today: CONCLUSION…08CONCLUSION“ I pray this manual helps you understand to never give up! You are a bomb artist! Don’t let hardtimes stop what God has gifted you with! Let me know if this helped.”

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A Journal For You