N E T W O R K N E W S I S B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y ' S S T U D E N T M A G A Z I N E . I T I S P U B L I S H E D O N L I N E B Y T H E B A Y P A T H U N I V E R S I T Y S T U D E N T N E W S R O O M . N O V E M B E R 2 0 2 1Network NewsCover Art by Cora SwanIt's time we all see each other.It's time we all see each other.It's time we all see each other.
Rebecca Wehner '24Current Events Writer/ColumnistCora Swan '23Digital Artist and Art DirectorLiz Hall '22Editorstudentnewsroom@baypath.edu Student Newsroom Contributors:Fall 2021 Network News TeamJulia DeRidder '23Associate Editorjderidder@baypath.eduBAYPATHUNIVERSITYSTUDENTNEWSROOMFall 2021Zanab Rizwan '24Social Action SeriesEditor/Columnist Charlize Hernandez '23 Creative Writer Gabriela Ramirez '23Layout and DesignCoordinatorDia Arias '23BPU Student AdvocateWriter/Columnistdalmontearias@baypath.eduSamantha Robinson '25Alexia Perez-Lucas '25Contact us: studentnewsroom@baypath.edu
Thank you for your support as we find our footing with a huge staff ofboth virtual and in-person contributors. There are many new ideas thatwe now have the ability to pursue further and we will hopefully be ableto share by the end of the 2021-2022 school year. We have an exciting issue to share with you all. The amazing peopleon our team put together a great magazine filled with informativearticles about diversity and inclusion. We hope you enjoy thiswonderful collection of statistics, information, and laughs. It's time we all see each other. Liz Hall, EditorLiz (right) and roommates on a day trip to New BedfordCongratulations to Bay Path Alumni Delmarina Lópezwho is the first person of color to ever be elected toserve on the Chicopee City Council.
Womxn FirstWhat's HappeningOn CampusSocial Justice On Health andWellnessCreative SectionKey sections
Enter event/club flyers, issues you want to see in our socialjustice section, visual/written art, or contribute your alumnivoices to our future issues. Get Involved Now!We want to hear your voice!We are now accepting submissions for the next issues of our online magazine, Network News!Calling all TAWC (The American Women's College), Undergrad, and Graduate students!This is your time to raise your voices!Contact anyone in the News Team or email:Studentnewsroom@baypath.edu
WOMXN FIRST*by Dia Arias Page Art by Dia Arias*The term "womxn" is intended to beintersectional, to encompass not just womenbut also nonbinary and genderqueerindividuals. We acknowledge that there aremultiple genders here at Bay Path, despitebeing labelled a "women's" college. We alsoacknowledge the drawbacks of this term. Ifyou have a term you think would be moreappropriate to use, please email us at eitherdalmontearias@baypath.edu orstudentnewsroom@baypath.edu. The truth of what really matters to women in our media
MEET THE SECTION EDITORImportant PSAsshared on next threepagesStudents from the Introto Mass Communicationand Pop Culture classuncover a few importanttopics that we should allbe more aware of.Students participated in speed networkingexercises to quickly exchange ideas and findother students with similar ideas for topicsto research for this product. Here's aninsight into the issues that affect ourstudents and all womxn in our society.A new club oncampus! One of the new clubs oncampus is The BodyPositivity Club! They are agroup of highly motivatedpeople, who want to createspace for womxn to beconfident in our skin.Welcome!My name is Dia Arias and I am the Section Editor for ourstudent advocacy column called "Womxn First!" I am currentlypursuing my Bachelor's degree in Communications with aMinor in Sociology here at Bay Path University. In my threeyears at Bay Path, I have noticed so many great changes.However, that doesn't mean there isn't room for more. Mymission is to capture the student's voice and amplify theconcerns that are not being addressed. My vision for this sectionis to shine a light on the hidden gems here at Bay Path that areworking to create a community they want, and changing the waystudents think about making change! However, it's important tome to find the truth behind student's concerns and questions. In Unity there is Strength.Meet the student leaders that are breakingbeauty standards and creating a bodypositive safe space for all!We Want Answers!The new Network News section,"We want answers," gives readersan inside look into some studentquestions about campushappenings. Please submit answersto the questions viastudentnewsroom@baypath.eduIn upcoming editions, we lookforward to sharing the answers tothese student questions.WOMXN FIRSTIf you have any suggestions, stories, or concerns that you would like to be included in Womxn First pleasedon't hesitate to contact me via email at dalmontearias@baypath.edu
Womxn First Introduces A New Club on Campus:To me, the Body Positivity Club meansthat there is freedom to expressyourself, and learn to love and care foryourself. Many people believe thatbody positivity is the way you look atyour physical appearance and that youdon’t let it get you down, but I believethat it is so much more than physicalappearance. It is also how you care foryour body mentally.As a transgender man, body positivity means notonly contentment with dissonance in my body butcontentment with bodies in their ordinary state onan ordinary basis. We tend to focus on bodies intheir extreme states: beautiful or not and neglectpaying attention to ordinary needs as well whichis what inspired me to add myself to the discussionand advocate for this club's purpose.Being a part of the Body Positivity Club meansa lot to me as it provides the space for peopleto truly be themselves and gives them a chanceto feel accepted no matter what. It provides asafe space for unlimited positivity andkindness which is what I believe this worldtruly needs. To me, the Body Positivity Club ishope for a change. We are on acampus full of non-males except afew and there is still a lot of bullyingover what someone looks like. So forme this club is hopefully going tobring more body positivity to thisentire campus. Reagan SperrazzaPresident Sierra Anna MarieVice PresidentAnnika JayneCo-SecretaryCadis DahlTreasurer
We Want AnswersPeople on campus are talking. Here are some questions that came fromstudents on campus. It is important to find the answers. In our next edition,we look forward to sharing the answers. Email responses to studentnewsroom@baypath.eduD O E S B A Y P A T HH A V E T R A C KA N D F I E L DS P O R T S ? W H YN O T ?H O W D O W EM E A S U R EI N C L U S I V E N E S S A TB A Y P A T H ?D O E S P U B L I CS A F E T Y K N O WW H A T S T U D E N T SN E E D T O F E E LS A F E ?H O W D O E S B A Y P A T HK E E P S T U D E N T S , O NC A M P U S A N D O F F -C A M P U S , S A F E W H E N I TC O M E S T O I S S U E S L I K ED R U N K D R I V I N G ?W H A TH A P P E N E D T OC L U B S L I K EM O T H E R L A N DA N D T H E D A N C ET E A M ?W H O C H O O S E S T H EI T E M S O N T H ED I N I N G H A L LM E N U ?
Upcoming Thumbprint EventUpcoming CulturalExtravaganzaCelebrating indigeneity Renaissance FaireFriends and Family DayWhat we've been watchingIn this section, we cover events andtopics, including:
On Monday, November 15, 2021, Bay PathUniversity’s WELL Program will sponsor aThumbprint Lecture featuring two Bay Path alumnaeas guest speakers, Haydee Lamberty-Rodriguez andVictoria Ann Rodriguez. The Thumbprint will focus onthe University’s theme of “REimagine” and will beone conversation between two different Bay Pathgenerations. Like this year’s University theme, the Thumbprint hasbeen reimagined. Originally the Thumbprint was set upas a lecture and a common book was read by studentstaking WELL 100 in preparation for discussion. PeerMentors, instructors, and WELL 100 students gatheredin Mills Theater to listen to the author of the assignedbook. Years later, it became a common essay that wasread in preparation for the discussion. This year we usea common experience as the basis for the Thumbprintand it is no longer formatted as a lecture. Instead, thetime will be used as a place to take away a whole newperspective and notion on REimagine.Student Moderator AlexiaPerez-Lucas (Class of 2025) Victoria Ann Rodriguez, G'12, G'16 Haydee Lamberty-Rodriguez, G'04 See you at the Thumbprint Event!November 15, 20214:30 Bay Path Cafeteria (with dinner) or 5 pm online by Alexia Perez-Lucas The Thumbprint conversation will take place inBlake Dining Hall and via Zoom for those who areunable to attend in person. A complimentary dinnerwill be provided for those attending in person,registration is required. Please look out for an emailcontaining the flyer and registration form. This eventis open to Bay Path students, faculty, staff, alumni,the Board of Trustees, and Advisory Board Councilmembers. I encourage and invite all Bay Pathstudents, residents and commuters alike, to join usfor this wonderful event sponsored by the WELLprogram and put together through the collaborationof the Thumbprint Committee.I am very excited about this event and cannot wait totake part in the REimagined Thumbprint as the firstfirst-year student moderator! Without the WELLprogram, I would not have been given thisopportunity and the guidance from the community atBay Path. The event will not only include aconversation between the guest speakers and I, butalso the audience!
Raising campus awareness ofdomestic violenceSpecial thanks to Dinah Moore.On Thursday, October 21, Bay Path students, faculty, andstaff helped to bring awareness to Domestic Violence.Dinah Moore (Executive Director of WELL and Title IXCoordinator) and Aryele Nicholson (WELL Peer Mentor,and 2nd Year Forensic Psychology Major) handed outdomestic violence awareness ribbons, information andresources from the National Coalition Against DomesticViolence, fruit, and snacks to all students, faculty, andstaff during lunchtime. Students, faculty, and staff,including Bay Path President Doran and members of theexecutive staff, took a picture at lunch to help bringawareness to domestic violence on Bay Path's socialmedia site. Thank you to all who participated.(Pictured above) Mariah Cabrera (Pictured right) Dr. Percy, Kathy Picard, and Dinah Moore. Source: Robyn Rawson Bay Path University staff and students wearing purple posing in front of Blake Hall. Source: Robyn Rawson(Continued on next page)
Later that night, Kathy Picard, a sexual assaultvictim, and Mariah Cabrera of the YWCA served asguest panelists in a virtual event to define domesticviolence, speak about the signs of domestic violence,provide resources, and share their experience. Thankyou to WELL, Student Life, Health Services, and theOffice of Title IX for sponsoring this event.Kathy Picard also presented her story to Dr. Percy'sWEL100-05 class on October 27th. The class wasable to listen to her story and ask questions regardingher experience and how she was able to use herexperience to help others mentally, emotionally, andlegislatively on a national level. Kathy embraced andwelcomed all questions asked. A huge thank you toDr. Percy for coordinating this visit, to Kathy Picardfor being so genuine and creating that moment ofbrave space that allowed the students to learn and askquestions about her story, and to the students forbeing open to the learning and sharing experience!(Pictured left) Kathy Picard. (Pictured below) Dr. Percy's WEL100 class. Source: Robyn Rawson(Continued from previous page)
Teaching the truthby Julia DeRidderIndigenous People’s Day is slowly replacing the infamousColumbus Day. Dr. Jarvis, the keynote speaker at the“Celebrating Indigeneity” event on October 5, shared that overthe past ten years, he has seen more and more students interestedin learning the facts, struggles, and experiences of Indigenouspeople.The event itself was an example of this. About 50 people joinedthe Zoom call to learn about and celebrate Indigenous people inthe Americas. Khyarah Gastón-Feliciano and Anasthasia Luongwere the facilitators of the hour-long Zoom on behalf of theDiverse Voices club. Khyarah gave land acknowledgments tothe Algonquian of Agawam, compiled by Historian MargaretBruchac and Dr. Laurel Davis-Delano. “We acknowledge that here, we stand on Indigenousland, known to the original Algonkian NativeAmerican/Indigenous inhabitants as 'Agawam’, or‘Akawaham’. The Indigenous name for this place is alocative term that roughly translates to ‘low-lyingmarshy lands’ describing a large region along bothsides of the Kwinitekw (now called the ConnecticutRiver) from present-day Enfield, Connecticut to theHolyoke Range.”For about 10,000 years, the Agawam engaged in tradeand kinship with their Indigenous neighbors in thisregion. Yet as has so often been the case, when Englishsettlers arrived, diplomacy and written deeds to theland failed and the Agawam people were dispersedacross the country. Dr. Jarvis informed attendees that they now have areservation in Ohio. “That’s where they stoppedrunning in 1636, when Springfield erupted in violence,before King Philip’s War,” he said. “Theycounterattacked the whites at Springfield, and then theyran. Because they knew what was going to happenwhen the whites got their guns loaded…. That’s howharsh things were right here in the Pioneer Valley, andin Longmeadow.”Aprell Munford, Bay Path graduate, reflected next onIndigenous identity. She talked about local calls to actionsuch as signing petitions for the Land Back initiative andsending light and healing to Indigenous tribes. She alsowanted to spread awareness about Indigenous people whoare kidnapped, raped, and murdered in large numberswithout as much publicity or awareness that other ethnicgroups garner.Chali‘Naru Dones, a member of the Taíno (the Indigenouspeople of Puerto Rico), submitted a video to be sharedabout the history of her ancestors.The Taínos had a culture of reciprocity and respect.They were sophisticated farmers and seafarers, had anorganic diet, and used canoes that held up to 150 people. Chali‘Naru Dones. Source: Julia DeRidder"We Taíno are part of a large language and culturalfamily called, by others, Arawak. Our ancestralrelations include many nations in what is known asSouth America today... our traditional islandsextended throughout the Caribbean region to thesouth tip of Florida into the US.” - Chali'Naru Dones(Continued on next page)
Christopher Columbus arrived in the 1400s and foreverchanged Taíno’s history. “His crew abused ourancestor’s ways,” Chali’Naru said. “Even though Taínotried many times to reach a diplomatic solution withColumbus and the Spaniards, they proved time and timeagain that they were more interested in gold than fairtrade." The colonizing Spaniards were barbaric in theirtreatment of the Taíno. Those who would not supplygold would get their hands, ears, and noses cut off.According to eyewitnesses, children were fed to viciousattack dogs.The Christian Church also had a hand in the genocide.Chali’Naru said that colonizers would lynch thirteenpeople at a time to represent Jesus Christ and his twelveapostles. “So yes,” she stated, “the church has aresponsibility for reconciliation. You can see thiscoming to light today as the bodies of Indigenouschildren are uncovered at church-run boarding schoolsin the U.S. and Canada.”When it comes to the issues the world faces today,Chali’Naru thinks that all of society should take a pageout of Taíno’s book. “The thinking of those non-Taínohas the world in a mess that it is today with foodshortages, homelessness, and climate change,” she said.This powerful speech was finished off with thestatement, Dr. Jarvis began his portion of the event by talking about theimportance of “teaching the truth.” Dr. Jarvis lived on a NativeAmerican reservation in Idaho until he was 18. He calls himselfa cultural interpreter and a guide. Growing up, Dr. Jarvis didn’t encounter any racism. He goes asfar as to say, “I didn’t experience racism until I was away fromthe Indians.”“They didn’t look at me and see a white man,” he said ofhis neighbors. “They looked into my eyes and sawsomebody that they respected or didn’t like... but it wasn’tbecause of the color of my skin.”When speaking to his Indigenous friends back home, hesaid that they tell him to not only speak of the pain andsuffering, but also of the triumph that Indigenous peoplehave experienced. Dr. Jarvis, therefore, shared the axiom,“No triumph can be greater than the tragedy that camefirst.” Dr. Jarvis continued by giving some background on theperson behind a book that he had written, Johnny Pail FaceBecomes a Human Being. “There are many books in Nativecultures that talk about becoming a human being... it takesa lifetime. Fortunately, this man whom I write about in thisbook had a long lifetime to grow into being a humanbeing.” Johnny Pail Face was a Navajo Indian who at age90 asked Dr. Jarvis if he would write a book about his lifestory. He was a retired American soldier living in Granby,Massachusetts. Working at Westover Airbase had kept himsafe from “the brokenness of his home in New Mexico as aNavajo Indian,” according to Dr. Jarvis. Johnny Pail Faceintended for his story to be a gift to anyone who reads it. While Dr. Jarvis was not able to share all of the triumphs andtragedies that Johnny Pail Face experienced in the hour-longevent, he and the other speakers were able to teach more ofthe truth about life as an Indigenous person in the Americas. Dr. Jarvis. Source: Julia DeRidder“We are still here. Wewill always be here.”(Continued from previous page)
Interview with a member ofthe Native American Councilof Western MassachusettsQ: Would you mind sharing a bit about the NativeAmerican Intertribal Council of Western Mass, andyour role in it?A: The council was started by my cousin Greyhawkwho has recently passed away. His mission is to start aNative American Cultural Center where we can teachcrafts, sustainability, and traditions, and as a place togather and have ceremonies. I joined almost two yearsago. So far I have participated in events such as theAnnual Flag Raising, Stone Soul Festival, and ourHarvest Festival. I have also done speaking and I amworking on an exhibit with the council and museumentitled We Are Still Here.Q: What would you say are one of the biggestchallenges facing Native Americans today?A: Extinction propaganda. When people believe we areall dead and gone, there is no way of them seeing ushere and now. Our contemporary issues are invalidbecause we are invisible. Hence the reason for myexhibit.Q: What is something hopeful or positive aboutbeing Native Americans today?A: We are still here, we have survived and we are theseventh generation. We are reclaiming our identities,our ways, and our communities.Q: Could you explain what the Land Back Initiativeis, and its significance?A: The Land Back campaign is to seek political andeconomic control back to its rightful owners. I was sohonored when Bay Path’s Office of Multicultural Affairspresented me with a Land Acknowledgment last year atour graduation ceremony.Q: Do you have any causes or petitions you’d like topromote?A: This year we are focused on two main initiatives, tobring awareness to the 6,000 plus children (bodies foundburied) and survivors of the boarding school era. So wesupport Orange Shirt Day held on September 30.Also, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.506 cases were identified across 71 cities including herein Massachusetts.Aprell Munford is a Bay Path University alumni whoparticipated in the Celebrating Indigeneity event.She currently works as a Trending/Breaking NewsReporter at the Republican Company. I reached out to her to expand my understanding ofthe Native American Intertribal Council of WesternMassachusetts. The following page contains an infographic on the plight of the Missing and MurderedIndigenous Women in the United States.Source: Aprell Munfordby Julia DeRidder
STARTLING STATISTICS OFMURDERED AND MISSINGINDIGENOUS WOMENfrom Native Women's Wilderness.orgIndigenous Women are 1.7xs morelikely than Anglo-Americanwomen to experience violence. The murder rate of Indigenouswomen is 3xs higher than Anglo-American women. Indigenous Women are 2xs morelikely to be raped than Anglo-American white women. More than half Indigenous Womxnhave been physically abused by theirintimate partners (55.5 percent)."Our women, girls, and two-spirits are being taken from us. As of2016, the National Crime Information Center has reported 5,712cases of missing American Indian and Alaskan Native womenand girls. Strikingly, the U.S Department of Justice's missingpersons database has only reported 116 cases. The majority ofthese murders are committed by non-Native people on Native-owned land. The lack of communication combined withjurisdictional issues between state, local, federal, and tribal lawenforcement, make it nearly impossible to begin theinvestigative process."84.3%O F I N D I G E N O U S W O M E NH A V E E X P E R I E N C E DV I O L E N C E56.1%O F I N D I G E N O U S W O M E NH A V E E X P E R I E N C E DS E X U A L V I O L E N C EMo re tha n 4 ou t o f 5 In dig eno usWo men ha ve exp eri enc edvi ole nce (8 4.3 %) (Na tio nalIn sti tut e o f J ust ice Re por t). Mo re tha n h alfIn dig eno us Wom en hav eex per ien ced se xua lvi ole nce (5 6.1 %). "Data collection remains difficult because of poor record-keeping,underreporting, racial misclassification, and media coverage. Statistics fromlaw enforcement and media reports create an inaccurate picture of MMIWGbecause these reports minimize the extent to which Indigenous Women andgirls experience violence. In each of these state reports, inaccuracies existdue to underreporting and racial misclassification. Further, the lack ofconsistent and current data limits the depth of these reports. Therefore, thestatistics are most likely an undercount. While condensing IndigenousWomen’s experiences into a numerical value is a heavy burden thatpotentially relegates human women, girls, and two-spirit into statistics, thecurrent numbers illustrate the harrowing conditions for Indigenous personswithin the U.S. " R e ad m o re a n d f i n d c a l l s t o a c t i o n a t N a t i v e W o m e n sW i l d e r n e s s . o r gby Julia DeRidder
Dr. Stratton’s children’s bookillustrates movementChris Kuster’s job for illustrating the children’s book NickSpringer on the Move was to push movement into everypicture. This is important to keep children interested, yes, but itwas especially important because the main character is in awheelchair.“We are redefining what it means to move,” Dr. JenniferStratton, author of the book and relative of the real-life lateNick Springer, a paralympic rugby player, told the Zoomattendees. The idea behind the book came from her daughter. Akindergarten teacher refused to let her bring in a poster of Nickwith two of his rugby Paralympic medals for show and tell. “Icould not believe that she was going to discriminate and notallow this incredible representation of a human persisting andovercoming.” Dr. Stratton called Nick, who told her that suchignorance just happens sometimes.Dr. Stratton could not accept that, so she created a blogshowcasing athletes who play adaptive sports, or traditionalsports in an adaptive manner. “I wanted to start showing thestory of how these world-class athletes train, and be seen asathletes first.”Meanwhile, she was authoring a children's story basedon interviews she was conducting with Nick about hislife. In 2015, Dr. Stratton set out to find a publisher.However, she was shocked to find that only 8% ofpeople in the entire publishing industry were disabled,with the executive level being less than 4%. “I thought,here I am going to do a sports book about a wheelchairrugby player, and I realized that I needed to challengethe publishing industry, that I wasn’t going to go atraditional route.” Dr. Stratton instead reached out tothe Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, who connectedher with the artist Chris Kuster.by Julia DeRidderChris Kuster. Source: Julia DeRidderThe poster of Nick Springer that Dr. Stratton'sdaughter wanted to share with her class. Source: Julia DeRidderSource: Dr. Stratton(Continued on next page)
Dr. Stratton and Chris are encouraging people to buy the book,and either give it to a child they know or donate it to their locallibrary. Both have heard that children are greatly receptive to thebook and are asking their parents insightful questions. “To hearthese stories about opening up the curiosity of young childrenthrough the pictures and through the story is one of the things thatyou just can’t get enough of… from an artist’s point of view, it’sone of those things that makes me feel proud,” Chris said. As the event drew to a close, Chris wanted the attendees to knowthat “there is no reason for anybody that is disabled to not have agreat life if they choose to.” Nick Springer on the Move isavailable to prove this to young children through the MFPAwebsite. Now that the book is published, Dr. Stratton andChris are hoping it will create a ripple effect. NickSpringer on the Move has been added to thecollection of the Paralympic Heritage Trust inEngland, along with local early childhood literacynonprofit programs and cable shows.Seeing the pages come together made Chris feellike the story had come alive. “There’s a lot ofaction [and] movement in the story.” Dr. Strattonshared a word cloud of all the verbs in the bookto prove it. “Even though you’re reading this, youcan hear it in your mind, because you know whata crash sounds like, or a bam, or a screech,” Chrissaid.Chris shared that he started out with a light pencilsketch for every page. “I have the ability to leanover onto the desk and draw by holding the pencilin my mouth… then I’ll go over the whole drawingwith my pen and then I can start using my paintsand markers.” Although it is time-consuming andcan be painful, as “you get sore in the neck and thejaw after a while from holding a pencil andclenching down so hard,” it was an enjoyableproject and he hopes to get the chance to doanother.The process of creating the illustrations was a longone. “Each one of these drawings took me aboutsix to eight hours to do. Sitting there for such along time drawing, you kind of get into the head ofwhat’s going on in the picture.”Chris Kuster is a Mouth and Foot Painting Artistwho lives on the west coast of Florida. Since hedoes illustration and cartoons, the MFPA thoughtof Chris right away. “They reached out to me, saidthey had this person who wrote a story about aperson in a wheelchair playing wheelchair rugby,which I was a little familiar with because duringmy rehab I had seen it.” He decided that it’d be afun project, did some research, and met Nick. “Ifound out that he and I were very similar. We hadthe same mindset. We were both disabled but atthe same time were very outgoing, not lettinganything stop us, just powering forward in ourfields of expertise.”Dr. Stratton. Source: Julia DeRidderAction words in the book. Source: Julia DeRidder(Continued from previous page)
Inclusion versus ignorance with Inthe Heights follow up discussionby Dia AriasAfter watching HBO’s In the Heights on September29, there was a panel discussion about what beingLatinx meant and how we felt about the movie. Itstarted off with us introducing ourselves andexplaining our Latin heritage. Once the introductionswere over the zoom atmosphere completely changed.Everyone got comfortable and it was as if we allunderstood each other in a way that only people fromthe same culture would. “Being Latina is the abrazos y besos (hugs and kisses) that your loved ones give to you every timeyou see them as if they haven’t seen them in years. It’s the smell of arroz, abichuela, and pollo (rice, chicken, and beans) when you enter your mom’s house after a long day at work, It’s thesaying bendition (asking for a blessing) every time you see any family member who has earnedyour respect. It’s being myself with curly hair, curvy hips, strong opinionated self and not lettinganyone or anything take that passion away from me.”- An attendee's response to "What does being Latina/Latinx mean to you?This panel discussion proved the power of inclusionover ignorance and created a comfortable space forLatinx students to be able to find a little community atBay Path that made them feel more at home. The conversation flowed as we shared our favoritecharacters in the movie. Professor Lopez explainedhow Abuelita was her favorite because it felt like hometo her. The character reminded her of her Abuela andbrought her to a happy place in her heart. A few other panelists agreed that Nina was thecharacter they resonated most with because she wasthem. She was the first-generation college studentpaving her own way and facing the culture shock ofgoing to school and trying to adapt to a completelynew world that doesn’t always welcome you for beingdifferent. This conversation led to the question, "Whatdoes being Latina/ Latinx mean to you?"The Zoom attendees. Source: Dia Arias
On October 9, 2021, Bay Path students took a trip to theConnecticut Renaissance Faire in Lebanon, CT to dressup in medieval clothing and enjoy Elizabethan andfantasy culture such as going on quests, partaking inarchery and dagger throwing, and attending jousts. Thehosts of the faire dressed up as various members of theQueen’s court as well as different types of Renaissancetownspeople and interacted with the attendees in old-fashioned language and dialect to stay in character. Medieval fun at the Renaissance Faireby Rebecca Wehner(from left to right) Fern Mangan, Nola Boothe, Rebecca Wehner, Alexandra Staples, and Virgil Lybarger pose in theirRenaissance costumes at the faire. Source: Tres-belle Gaudette.The Connecticut Renaissance Faire is hosted every year inSeptember and October, and has a variety of themes foreach week it is open to the public. On October 9 whenBPU students attended, the theme for the weekend was“Time Travelers”. Some dressed in steampunk-styleattire, while others made an appearance as characters fromDoctor Who, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. An assemblyof Storm Troopers marched around, and several versionsof the Marvel character Loki also appeared. The majorityof visitors to the faire dressed in garb relevant to theElizabethan era, but if not, there were many booths sellingcloaks, hats, and armor that could be worn as well. First-year Fern Mangan takes a photo as a StormTrooper approaches from behind, giving a thumbs up.Source: Rebecca Wehner.(Continued on next page)
There were a number of shows presented throughout the day,including an interactive performance by the village jester, aribbon dancer on an intricate stage covered in mushrooms andflowers, and a ceremonial joust where knights and their horsesrepresenting England dueled with those representing Scotland.The bleachers were packed and viewers were encouraged tocheer and chant the names of the jousters during the duel. Thehorses were professionally trained to act for the faire, and noharm was done to them or their riders. In between shows,visitors were able to interact with the horses and pet them,along with some exotic birds and hunting dogs. A Renaissance Faire worker and her bird of prey.Source: Rebecca Wehner.The Jester performing with a lady in waiting. Source: Rebecca Wehner.The jousters representing England and Scotland clash on their horses. Source: Rebecca Wehner. Junior Tres-belle Gaudette and Elizabeth Dowdingenjoy a hot drink and the many booths stationedaround the event Source: Rebecca Wehner.While the group from Bay Path that attended the RenaissanceFaire this year was small, it was a wonderful way to gauge theinterest of students in such an activity, and many are alreadylooking forward to next year when they can attend. Theexperience was unforgettable, and a perfect way to leavebehind the stresses of the 21st century and the collegeclassroom and to delve into a fantasy world for a day!(Continued from previous page)
Fun times with friends and familyBy Gabriela RamirezSaturday, October 30 started out as a cold andrainy day, but not even rain was able to stop thefestivities of Friends and Family Day. The daystarted with a lovely brunch for all students andtheir guests in Blake Dining Hall. Then,downstairs in Blake guests were able to painteither small plastic or ceramic pumpkins. Withseveral color choices, there were many beautifuland colorful creations that were left out to dry onthe window sills. Meanwhile, outside at the BlakeTent, a group scavenger hunt was assembling. Onthe back of the handouts given at check-in was ascavenger hunt checklist with activities varyingfrom mingling with current Bay Path students toexploring campus.Left to right: Dakota Hanley, Rashel Wagner, and AndromedaFleury providing assistance with the pumpkin painting station.Source: Gabriela RamirezOnce the scavenger hunt was complete, familybingo began in Blake Dining Hall. On theprojection screen was a QR code for everyone tosign in to the game. A game of Family Bingo about to commence.Source: Gabriela Ramirez(Continued on next page)
Rashel Wagner and their parents posing for a photo withPresident Doran.Source: Rashel WagnerWith each game, the top two winners were able to come upto the front of the room and have their choice of prize.There were Bay Path lawn chairs, t-shirts, and all sorts ofmemorabilia. A total of six games were played includingboth a Pixar and a Harry Potter edition of bingo.As the family bingo game wrapped up, guests were able tomeet and chat with President Doran downstairs in thefireplace lounge. Prospective and current students had theopportunity to not only meet President Doran, but beginbuilding a relationship with her, have questions answered,and introduce their family to her.Roary asking a bingo first place winner for a congratulatory hug.Source: Gabriela RamirezAfter the meet and greet, guests were invited to MillsTheater for the matinee play: Shuddersome: The Tales ofEdgar Allen Poe. For more on this play, refer to thefollowing page.Then, to wind down the day, guests were invited back toBlake Dining Hall for a welcome dinner.Friends and Family Day was a perfect opportunity tointroduce our families to the Bay Path community andunwind with the warmth of our loved ones for theweekend.(Continued from previous page)
Lola Casillas at a booth in the Carni-Fall tent. Source: Julia DeRidderAs the sun set on the chilly evening of October 28, peoplegathered to watch the opening night of Shuddersome: The Talesof Edgar Allen Poe. A small carnival, festively nicknamed“Carni-Fall”, preceded the show. Attendees set up their chairs orblankets on the grass in front of the makeshift stage after millingin and out of a crowded tent. Inside the tent, there was strobingpurple-hued light illuminating crowded booths with displaysincluding Tarot, pumpkin arts and crafts, and the Bay Path eventstaple Krazy Kans. Treats such as popcorn and cupcakes werealso available. Shuddersome: The Tales of Edgar Allan Poeby Julia DeRidderOutside view of the Carni-Fall tent. Source: Julia DeRidderCast of Shuddersome: The Tales of Edgar Allen Poe. Source: Beck WehnerChilling tales on a chilly night(Continued on next page)
Kristina Tran and Jordan Rich in The Telltale Heart. Source: Julia DeRidderApplause rang out when the play drew to aclose. Bundled in jackets and flannels,attendees congratulated the cast on a job welldone. Last-minute drinks and snacks weregrabbed, and people headed back to their carsor dorms to reflect on the successful return toin-person theater at Bay Path.The spectre in The Masque of the Red Death.Source: Julia DeRidderWith the sun fully down, the play began. It consisted of fivesegments, each a tale by Edgar Allen Poe: The TelltaleHeart, Oval Portrait, The Raven, The Bells, and The Mask ofthe Red Death. The acting itself was realistic, and thewardrobe choices felt authentically vintage. While the lightsand sound effects were appropriately spooky, Bay Path’stheater program would do well to invest in some sturdiermicrophones, as the actor's voices routinely cut out. Erin Harlow and Rebecca Wehner in Oval Portrait. Source: Rebecca Wehner People were encouraged to come in costume for acontest. Aryele (left), Bay Path student, was announcedthe winner. Source Julia DeRidder.(Continued from previous page)
Career Vision Boards GalleryYes, you heard it! In addition to the in-person event,remote students were also able to engage online andcreate a virtual vision board using Canva, a graphicdesign platform with the help of Nikai's personalized"How to Create a Career Vision Board Using Canva"video.This effort not only incorporated both traditional andstudents of the American Women's College, but it alsomade a direct connection to a WELL first-year signatureassignment, My Education My Life (My Career) fortraditional students and allowed these students to think"backward, inward, and forward" and reimagine theircareer possibilities.Dinah Moore wanted to extend a HUGE thank you to allparticipants as well as to both Nikai and Allison for thework effort that went behind bringing this idea to fullfruition and to the Network for Vocation inUndergraduate Education for providing the monetarygrant support to the WELL Program to sponsor thisevent. All photos are sourced from Nikai Fondon. Have you ever created a career vision board? BPU studentscan say, "Yes we did!" On Wednesday, November 3, BPUstudents attended a virtual career roundtable discussion withguest speakers Nikai Fondon and BPU Alum, AllisonZaczynski. Together with BPU's Executive Director ofWELL and Title IX Coordinator, Dinah Moore, the threechallenged students to think about and discuss the feelingsthat they want to have in their careers, the values in theirpersonal life that they do not want to jeopardize orcompromise in their careers, and the identity that they wantto maintain. In addition, students were asked to share whoor what fuels their passion and keeps them motivated. Theroundtable discussion (Part 1) was used as a foundation forstudents to then create their own vision board as Part 2 ofthis two-day series. Students were given a personalized career-orientedmeditation video to compliment the part 1 session and trulythink about the things that they envisioned for their futureselves. Thursday's session was dedicated to building thevision board over pizza, salad, music, and the guidance ofAllison, Nikai, and Dinah in person and online. (Continued on next page)by Dinah Moore
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Decompressingat OctoberfestI highly enjoyed the Octoberfest concert starringDesiree Ragoza and her husband DJ Ragoza. Thatevent was perfect for students to destress and havesome much-deserved fun. I have been to concertsbefore, but nothing like this. It was something Iwill never forget because it was such a fun andamazing experience.After Desiree was done playing her guitar, she came anddanced with us. I stayed the entire length of the concertand enjoyed myself so much. The concert provided abreak where students didn’t have to worry abouthomework or midterms that were coming up in a fewdays' time. It was just a time where students could relaxand enjoy a Friday night concert.by Samantha RobinsonI was happy I decided to go to the concert, and if I hadthe opportunity to go to something like that again, Idefinitely would.
Squid GameDirected by Hwang Dong-hyukBonesProduced by Hart HansonI'm currently watching Bones with my mother. We've seen afew seasons throughout the years, but this is our first timewatching it start to finish. It has surprisingly not aged asbadly as I thought. If you haven't yet seen this show and arelooking for a crime-fighting dynamic duo to obsess over, thisone might be for you. - Julia DeRidderAfter hearing all the hype regarding this Korean drama overthe past month, I decided to jump on the bandwagon andwatch the show with my girlfriend. This show does NOTdisappoint. There are compelling cliffhangers around everyturn, and all of the characters have complex and interestingbackstories that leave you wanting more. There are manygraphic and gruesome scenes throughout the show, so if youare inclined to be upset by this kind of content, I wouldrecommend looking up a list of content warnings beforewatching. While many felt as if the ending of season one wasdisappointing or anticlimactic, I think that while it waspredictable, it is a worthy setup for a second season. I will bewaiting with high hopes to see more! -Rebecca WehnerSource: NetflixSource: Wiki commons Shows and movies we've been streaming all month long(Continued on next page)
Source: IMDbThe NannyCreated by Fran Drescher andPeter Marc JacobsonSource: Fandom.com Alice in Borderland Directed by Shinsuke SatoAfter watching this show produced by Netflix, I have to say it's anail-biting at the edge of your seat at the end of every episodekind of show. If you liked Squid Game you will love this! Themain characters mysteriously appear in a world they know andlive in but there is no one around them. They finally find a fewother people and are mysteriously forced into a different gamewhere if they don’t figure out the puzzle in time they are killed.The games are life or death and everyone is trying to win. As theshow unravels you find out that there are game masterscontrolling all of the games, but the identity of the person inpower is yet to be discovered. Definitely will keep you wantingmore! -Dia AriasI've been binge watching the 1993 sitcom The Nanny onHBO Max. In summer coming into eighth grade, I would stayup until four in the morning watching this show on Nick atNite. If you haven't heard of this show, it's definitely a mustwatch. Fran Fine is such a fashion icon and you definitely seeher influence showing up in today's fashion trends. -Gabriela Ramirez(Continued from previous page)
October is usually a time where peoplecelebrate Halloween, but for locals in theWestern Massachusetts area, includingmyself, it is a time we like to call Hockeyseason. We call it that because our team TheSpringfield Thunderbirds play their gamesduring this month. The season runs Octoberthrough April, opening the weekend afterColumbus Day, and ending right after PatriotsDay. I first got into this new team back in 2016after Springfield had lost their last sportsteam, The Springfield Falcons. It was a mid-April afternoon and everything seemednormal, but it wasn’t. Little did we know thatSpringfield was going to change forever. TheFalcons were leaving and it would affect thecity financially if it didn't get a new sportsteam soon.Fast forward to 2021, and the SpringfieldThunderbirds will be celebrating their fifthanniversary of being in the city of Springfield.The Thunderbirds have been doing very wellin Springfield since their first year in the city.They have sold out games time after time, hadmany different types of events, promotionalnights, and many other things to get fansinvolved with this team. One of my favorite promo nights happens inMarch and it is Pink In The Rink. It celebratessurvivors of breast cancer and all those we lostto the horrible disease. The reason I think thatpromo is cool is that they dye the ice pink andthe jerseys are neat. All the money after thegame with a post-game auction goes to breastcancer research. ThunderbirdsHockeyby Samantha RobinsonFor more information on how to obtain ticketsor their schedule for the season please visitSpringfield Thunderbirds.comOpinion PieceSource: Samantha RobinsonSource: Samantha RobinsonSource: Samantha Robinson
On October 11, I had the opportunity to go to New York andsee the musical Six, a new musical that hit North Americantheaters just before COVID and reopened only this past fall.Six is a concert-story told from the viewpoint of King HenryVIII’s wives. They battle against each other to decide who isthe Queen who dealt with the most from Henry andtherefore, deserves the ending solo. The queens each have asong that argues their case and they go in order of their rule,starting with Catherine of Aragon. Then follows AnneBoleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Catherine Howard,and ending with Katherine Parr who was married to KingHenry VIII when he passed away in 1547. The whole point of the musical is to reclaim a part of history.The entire cast is made up of just these six women. In thebackground on raised platforms was the band, which is alsomade up entirely of women-- who are affectionately known asthe "ladies in waiting". Personally, seeing a woman shreddinga guitar in multiple forms of pop, dance, and rock music wasawe-inspiring. It's hard to find girl bassists in the musiccommunity, let alone guitar players. These six womenwouldn't be historically famous without Henry VIII, but whenyou hear this king's name in conversation, what's the onlything you think? "Hey, isn't that the guy who had six wives?"But while I'm all for reclaiming femininity, and using catchysongs to do it, there should still be some accuracy to thehistory behind it. Here are some of the great things thesewomen did that made them pre-feminism agitators. Reclaiming historyHow the musical Six takes back femininity By Liz HallCatherine of AragonCatherine of Aragon was loved by King Henry VIIIand he confided in her in most things. Theirmarriage spanned 24 years while the rest of the fivewives time spanned 14 years total. When Henrywas in the middle of a war with France, Catherinewas regent during the Battle of Flodden where shesecured a massive victory for England overScotland. Because she could not give Henry a maleheir, he became obsessed with divorcing her; evengoing so far as to humiliate her in court by trying toclaim she wasn't a maiden when they married dueto her previous marriage with his brother, Arthur.She continued to deny any intimacy with Arthurand after being fed up with the interrogation,delivered her famous three-paragraph speechproclaiming her innocence. “Alas! Sir, wherein haveI offended you, or whatoccasion of displeasurehave I deserved?…”Liz and sisteroutside the theatre!-Catherine of AragonJune 21, 1529(Continued on next page)
Anne BoleynAnne Boleyn is the most well-known wife of Henry VIIIdue to her infidelity scandal and the loss of her head.During this marriage, Henry started the Church of Englandand as a devote Christian, she supported these new religiouspolicies and was the biggest advocate to Henry aboutbreaking away from the Pope. She even translated her ownbible into English so that her ladies-in-waiting could read it.Other people were not a fan of breaking away from thePope, which is why the conspiracy was made by ThomasCromwell who accused her of adultery and treason. Anna of ClevesHer marriage to Henry was short-lived as he saw herportrait was altered to have her look different. Thoughwhen they first met, Henry disguised himself and tried toseduce her. She turned coldly away from him due to himbeing a stranger trying to molest her, making him want tomarry her even more. Their marriage only lasted sixmonths, but she didn't go quietly. Anna received a hugesettlement for the annulment, including two castles, andbecame a member of the court and one of Henry's goodfriends. Divorced Divorced BeheadedBeheadedDiedSurvivedJane SeymourJane Seymour was not a particularly independent woman,and even had a saying: "bound to obey and serve". But shedid give Henry VIII his only male heir, before her untimelydeath from hemorrhaging after childbirth. She isaffectionately called the "only one he truly loved" becausehe did not divorce or behead her. Katherine HowardKatherine Howard was the most amorous of the wivesand was rumored to have had many affairs in her life,starting around the age of 12 with her music teacher.She was beheaded on the grounds of not telling Henryof her unchaste lifestyle before they were married. Catherine ParrThe last of Henry's wives, Catherine was in love andplanning to marry Thomas Seymour before she wasforced into marriage with Henry. She was well educatedand was the first woman to publish books under her ownname and was an advocate for education. After the deathof Henry VIII she married Thomas Seymour in secret. Source: Liz Hall from PlaybillSource: Liz Hall (Continued from previous page)
Social JusticeWe accept submissions; refer to page 4 for more informationWARNING: This section contains sensitive content, includingdiscussions around discriminationSection editor: Zanab RizwanThis section of the Bay Path Network News will be recurring in futureissues. A variety of social issues will be discussed, such as minorityrecognition, gender equality, the Black Lives Matter movement, globalissues, and so much more.Source: Canva
The past year has been significantlyimpacted by an unprecedented crisis of theglobal pandemic. While people across thecountry have experienced the detrimentalrepercussions of this crisis, people of colorhave typically been at a greaterdisadvantage even before the pandemic dueto escalating workplace discriminationwithin the United States. One of the most prevalent aspects of ethnicmarginalization was reflected through theremote allocation of jobs as people of colorwere previously restricted from remoteworking. However, the numbers ofemployees working from home depicted acontrasting image about hybrid workingmodels when compared with whiteemployees. About 97% percent of AfricanAmericans supported remote or hybridwork settings as compared to 79% whiteindividuals. One of the most prominentreasons for the increasing support towardshybrid working is reduced prejudice anddiscrimination. C H A N G I N GW O R K P L A C ED Y N A M I C SOur "DEI" journeyduring the pandemicSource : Vector https://hbr.org/2021/10/dont-let-hybrid-work-set-back-your-dei-effortsBy: Zanab Rizwan Moreover, remote working has also developed diverse avenuesfor workplace promotion of workers belonging to ethnicminorities as a response to DEI implications. However, a greatmajority of individuals also reported reduced workplaceproductivity that adversely affected their professional workpace adding to the performance pressure on employees.While the professional working practiceshave shifted to a new tangent, our struggle forDEI proceeds on a new journey of progress.
by Rebecca WehnerOn Thursday, October 7, senators passed a deal atthe White House to raise the country’s debt ceiling,or the limit at which the United States can spend togo further into debt, in order to temporarily give theNational Treasury Department the time andcapability to continue paying bills throughDecember of this year. The nation is divided on thissubject of the debt ceiling and what resourcesshould be prioritized within our government.In order to understand the gravity of this situation,one must know the definition of the debt ceiling andhow it works. The American government, though having variousmeans of taxes and fees implemented throughout thecountry, fails to make up for the amount of spendingthat occurs. In order to prevent bankruptcy, thegovernment must borrow money from the TreasuryDepartment, which issues different bonds of howlong they can spend their money and where. Thegovernment, in order to not give away all of thetreasury’s funds, placed a limit on the amount theyare able to borrow, which is the debt ceiling. This isa facet of government not often seen in many of theother major economic nations.When the debt ceiling crisis began to make itselfknown in 2011, both major political parties ofAmerica agreed that it was essential to raise the debtlimit in order to avoid catastrophe. Since then,Republicans have changed their stance, arguing thatthe Democrats are responsible for the process on theirown, and have refused to vote for the debt limitincrease even in the preliminary round of voting;Democrats have tried to get them to sway theirposition, as it would be near impossible to get theadequate support without both parties workingtogether. Both parties also have an alternative motive:Republicans seek to have the upper hand during the2022 election season, and Democrats want to suspendthe debt limit so that for a period of time there will beno fixed cap on government spending. As of now, lawmakers have increased the debt limitby $480 billion, giving the Treasury time to makeup for the financial crisis until around December3rd. If an agreement is not reached on that day, thegovernment will effectively shut down. This willimpact citizens in a variety of ways, includingchecks no longer functioning, car and housemortgage raising, and social security benefits forseniors and veterans delaying or halting completely.Time will only tell how the government and itspolitical parties will begin to address this and reacha conclusion.The U.S. financial crisis and debt ceilingSource: Canva
"Latinx" versus "Hispanic"Latinx Heritage Month, also referred to asHispanic Heritage Month, came to an end onOctober 15. Latinx Heritage Month celebrates theaccomplishments, contributions, and influence ofLatinx Americans to the history and culture of theUnited States. It began as a week-long celebrationin 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson. Then, in1988 under President Ronald Reagan, it expandedto a month-long celebration starting fromSeptember 15 to October 15. By Gabriela Ramirez What is the difference and when should we use them?Though to truly celebrate Latinx Heritage Monthwe need to discuss the difference between theterms "Latinx" and "Hispanic" and theconnotations behind the term. "Latinx" is a newlyrecognized gender-neutral term referencing allpeople of Latin American origin or descent."Hispanic" is a term that refers to Spanish-speaking people or those who descend fromSpanish-speaking countries. The main difference is"Latinx" is a more inclusive term thatacknowledges Indigenous peoples from Spanish-speaking countries who don't identify with Spanishculture, those who don't conform to a binarygender, and other cultures from Spanish-speakingcountries.Source: UnsplashPeople argue that "Hispanic" was a label that wasforced onto the community by non-Latinx peoplewhile others argue that "Latinx" was a label placed onthe community by white progressives. Both terms,while one has been embraced more than the other,have caused uproar in the Latinx community becausethey feel they should not be labeled by those who arenot a part of it.(Continued on next page)
Young Latinx womenare more likely thanmen to use the termLatinx.HISPANICVSLATINXWhich term should you use?1 IN 4 ONLY 3%What exactly is the term "Hispanic?"Which term should be used and when?The Spanish language is a very gendered language.Many words have a masculine and feminine ending (-o or -a) which varies depending on context. Manygender-nonconforming people feel excluded from theterm "Latino/a" because of the masculine andfeminine connotation which is why "Latinx" cameabout. While "Hispanic" is also gender-neutral, it isnot inclusive to Indigenous people, Black Latinxpeople, etc.For a group that is so widely diverse in race, culture,and language, it is difficult to put one generalizedlabel. When deciding on which term to use, it'simportant to remember the context and what languageis spoken, and from where. When speaking to orreferring to a person of Latin American origin ordescent or Spanish-speaking origin or descent, it is inbest practice to ask the person's preference on whichthey would like to be referred to as and continue fromthere. The term "Hispanic" is thought to generalize and strippeople from their culture and identity and associatethem with their colonizers, while "Latinx" is a termreferring to people from Latin America and is basedon geography, so it's easier to separate the negativehistory of their colonizers for most people.For future reference on "Hispanic" vs "Latinx," thisinfographic is here, should you ever need it.The term "Hispanic" came about in 1980 underPresident Nixon's administration on the U.S. Census. People at the time felt the term was pushed onto themrather than accepted by the community as a whole.Some people feel "Hispanic" has connotations thathint towards the Spanish colonialism of the Americasand feel it's irresponsible to use "Hispanic" and"Latinx" interchangeably.(Continued from previous page)
AntidepressantawarenessSeasonaldepressionAnother risk of taking antidepressants is toxicity.This can lead to health concerns that will eventuallyimpact the body’s organs over time. Taking this intoconsideration should not stop you from taking thesemedications if you need it. Being educated on thesubject and knowing the possibilities is important. October is the month where many individuals allaround the world get together and mourn the onesthey have lost to antidepressants. I have been onantidepressants for almost three years now. Therewas never a thought in my head that the only thingkeeping me sane would eventually be my downfall.Of course, this is not always the case, but there areseveral risks when it comes to takingantidepressants-- suicidal thoughts being one ofthem. I would be lying if I said these thoughts nevercame to mind. Dealing with mental illness is farfrom easy. There is no cure when it comes todepression and anxiety. Taking medication will notmake everything go away. But it will help you onyour journey. It is scary to think about becomingdependent on a certain medication. There will be atime where you won’t need it anymore. by Charlize Hernandez by Charlize HernandezOur days are getting shorter and the temperature isgetting colder. We are creeping our way up towinter. The leaves are changing colors andbeginning to fall off the trees. For some people, thisis the best time of year, and for others it's when theseasonal depression hits. There tends to be lesssunlight and the urge to stay cuddled in bed all dayis much greater. The shift in seasons can beoverwhelming. The bitter cold is never welcoming,especially when leaving your warm cocoon. Gettingup every morning is already a challenge in itself.Praise yourself for those simple yet hugeachievements. On Health and WellnessIt is important to note if you are planning to takethis type of medication, talk to your doctor aboutthe best course of action. Your doctor can helplessen the side effects of antidepressants as well asguide you in the right direction. “But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - whata waste!” -Andre AcimanBalancing school and work isn’t easy. Transitioningfrom a warm and calming breeze to anuncomfortable gust of freezing air can be difficult. Itfeels almost impossible to get yourself out of bed. Itis important to remember that this feeling istemporary. We can’t have happiness without thesadness. There would be no light if we didn’t havedarkness.
Together let's fight Breast CancerBreast Cancer is one of the leading causes ofdeath among women and is the most commontype of cancer found among women. Accordingto statistical data by Breast Cancer.org, about281,550 invasive cases of breast cancer areexpected to be reported and roughly 43,600females are expected to lose their lives battlingwith breast cancer within our country in 2021. Source: TwitterBY: ZANAB RIZWAN A major reason for this rising number of deaths due tobreast cancer is the lack of early awareness regardingdetection and prevention among women. Whilewomen across the world are at risk of this disease,African American women are typically mostvulnerable to breast cancer. Data analysis reflects thatthe number of breast cancer cases among Blackwomen rose up to 121 per 100,000 women and thenumber of deaths among African American womendue to breast cancer was approximately reported as26.8 per 100,000 women as compared to 19.2 per100,000 white women. Information Sources: https://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/understand_bc/statisticshttps://www.clinicaladvisor.com/home/topics/oncology-information-center/breast-cancer-awareness/
Overloading yourself with too much work can easilycause burnout. Start figuring out what classes orassignments are causing the most stress and try tobreak them down into small tasks and work your waythrough to finals. By doing this, you’re easing up theamount of work you have to do at once and you’llhave more time to breathe in between assignments.Make sure to keep notes of what you have completedand what you have left to do. Having a group of friends that you can study withcan help keep your focus on your work. Hey, younever know if you have a friend that is a genius in asubject you might be struggling with and vice versa.Help each other out! Make studying fun by creatingstudy group games that you know will help youretain the information. You and your study group canmeet in the Hatch Learning Commons but rememberto reserve your study room ahead of time!2. Create a study groupSource: CanvaFinals. Like a creep in the night, it just sneaks up onyou and catches you by surprise. Ask any collegestudent how they're feeling during finals and I guaranteeyou they will force a smile and say they're "fine" whenin reality, they're in their dorm rooms with papersscattered around them, hair disheveled, chewing ontheir pencil, and stressing beyond comprehension. Asthe semester begins to wrap up, the stress and anxietiessurrounding finals start to pick up. With each reviewpacket that is printed, it’s like another 10 pounds ofstress that's added to our shoulders. But don't let finalsmake you feel like you’re drowning. Your mental andphysical health is far too important to neglect in suchtrying times. 6 effective ways tomake finals a breezeImagine trying to fight through burnout while writinga five-page research paper and studying for two otherexams-- and on top of that, trying to balance a sociallife and a job. It's no fun, really. That's why stressrelief is so important during finals. But if you Google"how to reduce stress during finals," they all say thesame obvious things. "Don't procrastinate," "get sleepand exercise." These are all things that are easier saidthan done-- they don't help at all. I am here to help, asmuch as I possibly can. Here are some real tips on stress relief to preventburnout during the upcoming finals season. Identify your mainstressors and tacklethem slowly1.(Continued on next page)
If at any point in the semester you feel like you aregenuinely not okay and need help, reach out to someone,whether it be a friend, a family member, or a member ofthe campus counseling center. Talking to someone andexpressing your anxieties and stress can help put thingsinto perspective. You can reach the campus counselingcenter via phone at 413-565-1544 or emailcounseling@baypath.edu to schedule an appointment. Sometimes it's hard to reach out to someone when you'restruggling. It's difficult to get vulnerable with someoneeven when you know you need the help. If you'd prefer notto speak to someone you know, you can message theCrisis Text line at any time of any day and talk to someoneabout your anxiety or how you're feeling. Just text"HELLO" to 741741 and you'll be connected to a CrisisCounselor. You can talk about everything you are feelingand thinking about and they can help. It's important toremember, you are not alone. When I say write everything, I mean every single thing.Write down every single thought that passes throughyour mind. Even if it's about a video you saw onInstagram or TikTok--write it down. Write down ideas,breakthroughs, or questions, that you can physically seewhere your mind is at and what you can work on andseek help with. Writing things down is also helpful instaying organized which is a major thing during finals.Sometimes, when your mind is a jumbled mess, you canget overwhelmed and forget things. Writing yourthoughts down gives you a physical tool to referenceback to.4. Dedicate some time forpersonal self care treatmentsHowever you define "self-care," do exactly that.Take some time to do the things you genuinely liketo do, whether that be doing a rejuvenating facemask, painting on a canvas, or indulging in all ofthe sweets you can get your hands on (my personalfavorite). It'll help you feel at ease and have a senseof normalcy amongst the craziness that is finals.Prioritize yourself, your needs, and your interests.6. Talk to someone5. Write everything down3. Take a break from studying tounplug and do some yogastretchesYoga helps the body recover from being overworkedand overall makes you feel good and free. Find agood spot in your dorm, lay down a blanket, look fora YouTube video with a routine that looks like oneyou can do, and get to stretching! Set aside 10minutes a night or every other night to unwind andrelease your anxieties and stress from the day. P.S. Certain yoga routines can help you sleep bettertoo!Source: Canva(Continued from previous page)
The Path ForwardBay Path University’s COVID-19 Task Force Updated Certain Protocols on October 29, 2021Do you miss the days when you could let your commuterfriend sleep over? Remember when you could help yoursibling test the college waters? Wishing you could havesome quality time in your dorm with your long-distancesignificant other? Now, you can!The Covid-19 Task Force has deemed it safe to bring afully vaccinated guest into resident halls.But first, make sure you fill out the "request a guest" form48 hours before their visit. Otherwise, you could findyourself in the Student Conduct system with the Dean ofStudents office.Remember that everyone on campus needs to continue tofollow the mask policy protocols.So, what are the mask policy protocols again?you are working alone in an officeyou are working in a shared space more than 6 feetaway from another personyou are in a cubicle with a barrier between others andnot providing servicesyou are actively eating or drinkingEveryone must wear a mask indoors, unless:As a reminder, masks are not required outdoors but aregenerally recommended if you are in a crowded outdoorspace. Vaccination requirements have notchanged, and pool testing continues to beimplemented.What category do you, as a non-resident, fall under?Anyone who doesn’t have a current andactive university ID cardAnyone employed by Aramark or theon-campus bookstoreVisitor (12 or over)A person who is on campus for lessthan a day, including:Delivery peopleContractors and vendorsAdmissions visitors Athletic recruitersShort-term visitor/ vendorA person who isn't a Bay PathUniversity residential student that isentering dorms 14 years or olderMust have a valid ID, proof ofvaccination, and telephone number toenter dormsGuestIs an active Bay Path student Takes one or more classes on campusUses an ID card to get into thebuildingsID card is activated daily on theMy Bay Path portal by symptomtrackingCommuter studentby Julia DeRidder
CreativeSpotlightTHe Creative Spotlight is asection where we highlightsome of the amazing visualand literary art that ourstudents create. These piecescan range from poetry toillustrations.
by Marissa Gallant
Watermelon Sugarby Gabriela Ramirez