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Franchise Selections for Brendan Conlan (Packet #2)

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PREPARED BY: Reggie Beason OneSource Franchising407-203-3966 Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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PREPARED BY http www onesourcefranchising com Reggie Beason OneSource Franchising 407 203 3966 Due to the dynamic nature of the data the information above is subject to change without notice Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to the Franchise Brokers Association and its current and active members

Next Day Access

Franchise Brochure

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About OneSource Franchising Reggie has invested his career in engaging with business leaders to understand their unique needs and presenting solutions that have always made clients more effective and profitable As a trusted business partner he has brought his abilities to identify and understand complex business issues to his role as advisor to leading financial institutions across North America In all cases he has been instrumental in helping clients achieve their growth and profitability goals Now as founder and president of OneSource Franchising he helps his clients navigate the universe of franchising opportunities to help them plot a course for business success and new career directions Reggie Beason 407 203 3966 From the start Reggie has focused on client needs understanding their priorities and how his companies could help When appropriate he offered ideas and solutions that made sense and that also made his clients more successful and able to achieve their short and long term goals His clients rewarded him with new and repeat business that helped him advance to the top performance ranks with industry leaders including DMA Corporation Harte Hanks Fiserv FICO and Dun Bradstreet In the franchise consulting and advising business Reggie uses these relationshipbuilding and needs analysis skills along with the expert training and network of support through the Franchise Brokers Association to help clients assess franchise ownership investments His goal is to help his clients become new franchise business owners so they can achieve financial security realize personal and career aspirations and ultimately enjoy an improved quality of life as successful entrepreneurs Past clients have come to appreciate Reggie for his honesty dedication and professionalism as well as for his sound decision making As an advisor and coach to potential franchise business owners Reggie s new clients will also value and benefit from these same attributes Rather than trying to make a sale no matter what it takes he is committed to helping clients decide when and when not to make the investment in a franchise business Reggie is committed to his clients success and does everything possible to help them grow and prosper because of their relationships with him He will be pleased to assist anyone in exploring franchise ownership and will bring other experts including funding accounting and legal professionals into the conversation to help clients make the best decisions for their situations and goals Reggie Beason lives with his wife Jennifer and two younger children in the Orlando Florida area They also have two adult aged children and are the proud grandparents of two children and the pet parents of Buddy their Bichon Frise Mission Statement The mission of OneSource Franchising is to help entrepreneurial minded professionals to discover franchise ownership opportunities matching their interests motivations and talents that will allow them to flourish as business owners and strive toward financial and career independence Due to the dynamic nature of the data the information above is subject to change without notice Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to the Franchise Brokers Association and its current and active members

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Aire ServAire Serv is a nationally-recognized and time-tested HVACfranchise that has been in business since 1992.Points of InterestInnovative marketing materials and strategies designed toposition your new business with high visibility and help youstart bringing in leads.Software and technology that simplify the processes oforganizing and performing administrative duties.A Sure Start training and support program to prepare andassist you through all aspects of owning a heating andcooling business.Established trademarks and branded marketing materials tokick start your business’ authority.A dedicated Franchise Consultant to coach you in yourbusiness.Updates, workshops, and networking opportunities throughregional meetings and reunions hosted by corporate teams.Online learning tracks to help train your employees.A proven business model, culture, and team developmentprograms.Investment Range: $87,600 - $211,400 Background:Year Established: 1992Year First Franchised: 1992Franchise Units: 196Projected New Units (12 months): 38Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 40,000Cash Investment: $30,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 5-7%Ad: 2% of Gross Sales except for SpecialtyServices and “roll-in” sales.Passive Ownership: Semi PassiveEarning Claim: Item 19 Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

Why Aire Serv? (Video 1:45 min)

Aire Serv - Franchise Brochure

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Aire ServPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Description Aire Serv is a leading national heating and coolingfranchise with a primary focus on helping ourfranchisees meet and exceed their financial, professionaland personal goals. As part of Neighborly community ofhome service brands, our expertise lies in providingexactly the right tools, support and environment to turnthose goals and dreams into a reality.The heating and cooling business is an $82 billionindustry with a 4.0% annual growth rate in the last 5years ( It’s a solid, necessity-basedbusiness with ongoing consumer demand.At Aire Serv, we don’t just provide residential andcommercial heating and air conditioning services; wemake people’s lives easier. Better. With more than 200locations throughout the United States and Canada, AireServ is a trusted name in the field of heating and airconditioning installation, maintenance, and repair. Weare proud of our reputation for putting clients first andgetting the job done right the first time, every time.The Neighborly ApproachA long tradition of treating people and theirhomes the right way has given our companies areputation of quality and respect.Menu pricing guides help you price your servicesfor maximum profitability.Our marketing programs make it easier tobecome visible to prospective customers (andstay there).Our support team and network of franchiseowners can assist you with running a greatbusiness.We work with you to grow your business, so youwork ON it and not IN it.The right uniform. It’s clean. It’s pressed. It’swhat customers expect from a professional.Our unique vehicle wraps help you get noticed.Ideal CandidateHigh energy person who wants to serve customers.Person who enjoys leading a team.TrainingPhase I Training 2.5 daysPhase II Training 5 daysField Training 1-5 daysAvailabilityUnited States, Canada: Registered Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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Dryer Vent WizardDryer Vent Wizard is the only international brand that professionallyinspects, cleans, repairs, installs, and reroutes dryer vents forhomeowners and commercially-owned buildings. Cleaning andmaintaining dryer vents removes potential fire hazards, reducesenergy costs, and increases the efficiency of dryers. With 80% ofU.S. households owning a dryer, the market and opportunity for theDryer Vent Wizard business is massive.Points of InterestWhy Dryer Vent Wizard? ? Home-Based Business ? 9 to 5 Mondaythrough Friday ? Zero employees required to start ? Executivemodels and Owner/Operator models available ? 2014 Forbes #6Top 10 Franchise Under $150k ? Driven by marketing and partnerreferrals - no need for pushy sales ? US-based national schedulingcenter answers phones 24/7 ? 93% of customer calls result in anappointment (93% booking rate) ? Owners/Technicians close93-98% of appointments at the time of visit ? Technician recruitmentsupport ? We know who we are - there are no big surprisesInvestment Range: $70,500 - $149,500
Background:Year Established: 2004Year First Franchised: 2006Franchise Units: 95Projected New Units (12 months): 20Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 40,000Cash Investment: $30,000Minimum Net Worth: $100,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 10%Ad: Months 1-12: up to 4% of Gross Sales(currently 2% of Gross Sales). Months 13 – end ofTerm: the greater of (i) the applicable percentage(currently 2%) of Gross Sales or (ii) the applicableMinimum MAP Fee.Average # of Employees: 0-3Passive Ownership: Passive Ownership NOTAllowedEarning Claim: Item 19
Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

Dryer Vent Wizard - Franchisee Testimonial (Video 6:41 min) 

Dryer Vent Wizard 

Franchise Overview Brochure

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Dryer Vent WizardPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Concept History DescriptionThe Dryer Vent Wizard StoryThe founder of the Mr. Handyman franchise, founded theDryer Vent Wizard franchise system in 2004 while livingin the Boston area. As a handyman, he frequentlyencountered homeowners having issues with their dryervent systems that required an “urgent response.” Theseissues were a result of dryer vent lint accumulation,blockages, disrepair, or improper venting configurations.The concept originated when he realized the need for adryer vent specialist.Within a few short years, the concept expanded into asuccessful franchise that specializes in dryer fireprevention and energy savings thorough dryer ventcleaning, inspection, repair, replacement, alterations,and maintenance for single and multi-family residentialand commercial entities.In 2018, the then Vice President, Jason Kapica, wasnamed President and has since been tasked withcontinuing the growth of Dryer Vent Wizard’s consumersales and franchise numbers. Jason has been with DVWsince 2012, having first joined the company to acceleratefranchise growth. In 2020, Dryer Vent Wizard wasacquired by Neighborly, a home service brand,becoming the newest addition to the home-servicefocused franchise group. With over 3,000 franchiseowners to date, Neighborly is one of the largest andmost trusted home services companies in the world.Currently, Dryer Vent Wizard has nearly 100 locallyowned and operated franchise locations servicingcommunities throughout the United States and Canada! These franchise locations, although independentlyoperated, receive national support from our Dryer VentWizard headquarters in Farmington Hills, Michigan, andalso Neighborly Brand headquarters in Waco, Texas.Description The home service industry is at $20 billion and growing.Dryer Vent Wizard is the only international brand thatprofessionally inspects, cleans, repairs installs, andreroutes dryer vents for homeowners and commercially-owned buildings.Cleaning and maintaining dryer vents remove potentialfire hazards, reduces energy costs, and increases theefficiency of dryers. With 80% of U.S. householdsowning a dryer, the market and opportunity for the DryerVent Wizard business are massive.Ideal CandidateGood interpersonal communication skills Valuesexcellent customer service Likes to problem-solve -Good leadership and management skills Coachable -Handy, might be mechanicalTrainingPre-Opening or “Jump Start” program assistsfranchisees 4-6 weeks before the training.5-day training program focusing on classroom and“hands-on” training in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Currently offering virtual Meet the Team Day forcandidates.5-day hands-on field training in Greenville, SouthCarolinaAvailabilityUnited States, CanadaDay In The Life Of The FranchiseeOwner-operator or semi-absentee: P&L responsibility,relationship campaign to appliance repair centers tointroduce DVW and get referrals. The franchisee canalso begin as an owner-operator or with a tech? Hiring, training, and managing employees? Managing high-quality customer service and qualitycontrol? Relationship marketing? Scaling the business to multiple vans Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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Five Star PaintingFive Star Painting, a Neighborly brand, is a full service professionalpainting contractor company specializing in residential andcommercial interior and exterior painting.Points of InterestA long tradition of treating people and their homes the rightway has given our companies a reputation of quality andrespect.Menu pricing guides help you price your services formaximum profitability.Our marketing programs make it easier to become visible toprospective customers (and stay there).Our support team and network of franchise owners canassist you with running a great business.We work with you to grow your business, so you work ON itand not IN it.The right uniform. It’s clean. It’s pressed. It’s whatcustomers expect from a professional.Our unique vehicle wraps help you get noticed.Investment Range: $74,700 - $184,250 Background:Year Established: 2004Year First Franchised: 2007Franchise Units: 197Projected New Units (12 months): 36Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 45,000Cash Investment: $70,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 6%Ad: 2% of Gross Sales except for “roll-in” sales.Average # of Employees: 10 subcontractorsEarning Claim: Item 19 Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

Five Star Painting 

We Are Family | We Are Neighborly

(Video 3:18 min) 

Five Star Painting

Franchise Brochure

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Five Star PaintingPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Description Five Star painting is redefining the interior and exteriorpainting business in North America with a values-basedbusiness culture that takes customer service to itshighest level.Five Star Painting is a growing North American paintingfranchise with a primary focus on helping ourfranchisees meet and exceed their financial, professionaland personal goals. As part of the Neighborly communityof home service brands, our expertise lies in providingexactly the right tools, support and environment to turnthose goals and dreams into a reality.Franchising offers the independence of starting your ownbusiness with the security of joining forces with anationally recognized brand. The combination of yourenergy and ambition with the experience and expertiseof a larger company is explosive in its potential forsuccess.Five Star Painting Offers a SimpleBusiness ModelAffordable business model, low inventory, lowoverheadNo painting experience required, work withcontractors, not employeesState-of-the-art e-Business ToolsMultiple revenue streams featuring wallpaperremoval, pressure washing, carpentry servicesand more for consistent businessSearch Engine Optimization (SEO) and SocialMedia Account ManagementExecutive business modelTrainingPhase I Training 5 daysPhase II Training 5 daysField Training 1-5 daysAvailabilityUnited States, Canada: Registered Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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Mr. Handyman

Franchisee Brochure

Mr. Handyman

(Video 1:28 min) 

Mr. HandymanMr. Handyman is a professional home repair service. OWNERS DONOT DO THE HANDYMAN WORK AND YOU DO NOT NEED TOBE HANDY. This franchise is made up of Top Level businessexecutives.Investment Range: $117,500 - $149,100
Background:Year Established: 1996Year First Franchised: 2000Franchise Units: 234Projected New Units (12 months): 33Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 59,900Cash Investment: $30,000Minimum Net Worth: $250,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 7%Ad: National: 2% of Gross Sales except for “rollin” sales. In addition, Minimum MAP Fees apply;Local: $3,000 per monthAverage # of Employees: 4Passive Ownership: Passive Ownership NOTAllowedEarning Claim: Item 19
Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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Mr. HandymanPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Description The tools to reach your financial and lifestyle goalsCash Business * Scalable * You Own It—YourTechnicians Repair, Improve, and Maintain * FamilyFriendly Hours * Strong Support * Rewarding LifestyleBenefits * Residential and Commercial services“For a modest initial investment, you’ll own a scalable,equity-building business, and when the time is right, youcan plan your own exit strategy.” – David Scott, owner ofMr. Handyman of the Park Cities in Dallas, and memberof Mr. Handyman’s Million Dollar ClubMr. Handyman is the recognized industry leader in homerepairs and maintenance with more franchises units thananother handyman service. Our trusted name and brandrecognition are your foot in the door for this EntrepreneurFranchise 500® cash business. The business requiresminimal inventory and few employees. If you areambitious to succeed, join our franchise family andsecure your future.With our training and support, you’ll have the toolsto build a successful Mr. Handyman business.Our Sure Start ™ program will have you on solid footingfrom day one. Sure Start covers everything from settingup your business to placing your first Mr. Handymanads. As a Mr. Handyman owner, you’ll have access toService Titan, our proprietary management software thatsimplifies every part of your business.“What I like the most about the Mr. Handymanopportunity is that we’re leaders in a market that willcontinue to grow. Busy families, baby boomers andseniors don’t want to spend precious time on fix-itchores around the house. Quality work completed ontime and done right is their Mr. Handyman solution.” –Skip Wyatt, owner of Mr. Handyman of Upper FairfieldCounty, CT, and member of Mr. Handyman’s MillionDollar ClubYour competitive advantages include our web-basedmarketing programsIf you qualify for a Mr. Handyman franchise, we’ll inviteyou to a Orientation Day at our home office in Ann Arbor,Michigan. It’s your day to get to know us and to getanswers directly from the people who are committed toyour success. If you make an informed decision, weknow that Mr. Handyman will be your first choice.A Booming Industry with Growth PotentialNot every homeowner is a professional handyman withtime to spare. These time-conscious baby boomers andtwo-income families want a “one-stop” solution for everymajor and minor home repair.Their professional choice is the same as yours— Mr.Handyman, America’s trusted home repair franchise.We fill a unique need by helping prioritize and efficientlymanage repairs that increase home values.The Right FitSuccessful Mr. Handyman franchise owners areAchievers in their pursuits. They come in all shapes andsizes, walks of life, and life stages: individuals, husbandand wife, mother and daughter, father and son teams,and military veterans—who qualify for our VetFrandiscount—all with an uncommon desire to succeed. Takecontrol with Mr. Handyman.Ideal Candidate•• Focused on customer service •• Hoping to achievemore time for their families and things that matter ••Disciplined, ambitious, and committed •• Positiveproblem solvers with a “can do” attitude •• Prepared todedicate necessary time and resources •• Have anaptitude for consultative sales •• Honest and ethical ••Gifted in team building, networking, and promotion ••Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills,and are computer literate •• Ready to work hard andenjoy the fruits ofTraining1-2 months SureStart program: to include 5 daysof training at home office, 3 days regional trainingwith existing owner, on-site visit within the firstsix-eight weeks after you open.AvailabilityUnited States, Canada: Registered Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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Rainbow International RestorationAt Rainbow International Restoration, we don’t just restore homesand businesses. We restore value, stability, and peace of mind toindividuals after disaster strikes. With close to 40 years ofexperience, Rainbow International Restoration is one of the best-known and most respected names in the business.Points of InterestInnovative marketing materials and strategies designed toposition your new business with high visibility and help youstart bringing in leads.Software and technology that simplify the processes oforganizing and performing administrative duties.A Sure Start training and support program to prepare andassist you with owning a restoration business.Established trademarks and branded marketing materials tokick start your business’ authority.A dedicated Franchise Consultant to coach you in yourbusiness.Updates, workshops, and networking opportunities throughregional meetings and reunions hosted by corporate teams.Online learning tracks to help train your employees.A proven business model, culture, and team developmentprograms.Investment Range: $187,055 - $287,295 Background:Year Established: 1981Year First Franchised: 1981Franchise Units: 333Projected New Units (12 months): 45Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 40,000Cash Investment: $40,000Average Investment: $35,000 - $116,000Minimum Net Worth: $250,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 2% to 8%Ad: 2% of Gross Sales, except for “roll-in” salesand Reconstruction Services. In addition,minimum MAP fees apply. In no event shall yourtotal MAP Fee exceed $28,000 per year for eachof your franchised businesses.Passive Ownership: Semi PassiveEarning Claim: Item 19 Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

Rainbow International Restoration Customer Testimonial

(Video :30 min) 

Why Rainbow International Restoration?

(Video 1:31 min) 

Rainbow International Restoration

Franchisee Brochure

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Rainbow International RestorationPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Concept History DescriptionLaunched in 1981, Rainbow International is proud to beBrand One of the franchises under the Neighborly(formerly The Dwyer Group) umbrella. Neighborly is theholding company of 13 home service franchise brands inthe North America.Rainbow’s franchise growth has been strategic from thestart. We never set out to be the biggest restorationcompany in the country, we set out to be the best. Partof that promise is allowing our franchise owners to claimexclusive, protected territories.On the flipside, we are big enough to have establishedrelationships with big-name insurancecompanies. Franchise owners are welcomed into theRainbow referral network, enjoying national accountsthat are built right in. In Rainbow’s nearly 40-yearhistory, we’ve earned an irrefutable reputation forexcellence. It stems from exclusive, in-depth trainingfrom industry icons in an unparalleled training facility.Description At Rainbow, our focus is on helping our franchiseesmeet and exceed their financial, professional andpersonal goals. As part of Neighborly community ofhome service brands, our expertise lies in providingexactly the right tools, support and environment to turnthose goals and dreams into a reality.Rainbow International Restoration was established in1980 – that’s almost 40 years of expertise in thebusiness. We deliver well-established restorationprocedures based on a results-driven business modeldesigned to build sustainable profit.Our franchise offers various disaster restorationservices, such as:Mold removalCleanup servicesWater damage restorationSmoke and fire damage restorationWhen you start a business with Rainbow InternationalRestoration, you’ll discover the stability of being backedby a national organization, while realizing your dreams ofbeing an independent business owner.Ideal CandidateFocused, energetic, can do attitude, good working withothers.TrainingPHASE 1: PRE-WACO EDUCATIONIncludes 12 hours of phone calls and webinars toinsure everyone comes to training with the sameknowledge basePHASE 2: TWO HANDS-ON WEEKS IN WACOYou’ll join us at our state-of-the-art flood houseand fire training center to experience fire andflood cleanup firsthand.Training is administered by a team of theindustry’s most respected and well-recognizedprofessionals – some which have beenassociated with Rainbow since the early 80s.You’ll be trained to standards recognized by theInstitute of Inspection Cleaning and RestorationCertification (IICRC) for water damagerestoration, fire & smoke restoration, moldremediation, and carpet cleaning.In short, you’ll walk out of training as a certifiedrestoration technician!PHASE 3: POST-WACOYou’ll spend time onsite with one of oursuccessful owner/operators and put your newskills to the test.This is a very structured opportunity to bring it alltogether and prepare you for accountability inyour own market.AvailabilityUnited States, Canada: RegisteredDay In The Life Of The FranchiseeAt Rainbow, no two days are the same! Today is a floodclean-up after a water main breakage, yesterday wasremoving smoke caused by an electrical fire, tomorrowwill be deep cleaning a 20,000 SF industrial office.Really, every day is different: the only commonality isthe recurring desire to help people in their time of need.Our Franchise owners spend their days leading theirteams. Typically, the owner is active in the field and inthe office for the first 3-9 months but that timeline isvariable.We’ve realized those that flourish within our system area special breed of survivalists – they are fighters whoaren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and they don’t takeno for an answer. They realize the gravity of the Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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responsibility they have assumed; it is their job to restorehope to home and business owners who may have lostabsolutely everything else. Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

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The Grounds GuysThe Grounds Guys offers a one-of-a-kind franchise opportunity formotivated entrepreneurs with landscape and lawn care experienceto achieve something special.Points of InterestWith our landscape franchise opportunity, you’ll enjoy:Your place in a $77 billion industryRecurring revenue from repeat customersStability from a nationally recognized brandAppeal to both residential and commercial marketsPrime available territoriesOngoing support and coaching from a dedicated FranchiseConsultantInvestment Range: $81,220 - $200,070 Background:Year Established: 2010Year First Franchised: 2010Franchise Units: 221Projected New Units (12 months): 48Financial Terms:Franchise Fee: 35,000Cash Investment: $25,000Average Investment: $75,000 - $150,000Minimum Net Worth: $75,000Discount: VeteransRoyalty: 5%-6%Ad: 2%Passive Ownership: Fully PassiveEarning Claim: Item 19 Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.

The Grounds Guys

Franchise Brochure

The Grounds Guys Overview

(Video 2:17 min)

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The Grounds GuysPrepared by Reggie Beason from OneSource Franchising | 407-203-3966Concept History Description1987: Founded in Canada as Sunshine Grounds Care,the shared vision of 10 Van Stralen brothers2008: Achieved nearly 40 locations with principles rootedin excellent workmanship, customer satisfaction, andreal care2009: Peter Van Stralen meets Dina Dwyer-Owners atIFA convention; discovers similarities in Code of Valuesand Culture of CARE2010: Neighborly establishes US entity under TheGrounds Guys name and later acquires the Canadianbusiness Description Our franchise provides the resources and support of anationally respected brand and gives you the opportunityto scale your landscape business to meet your ownpersonal, professional, and financial goals. Meanwhile,you’ll help customers enhance and maintain the beautyof their outdoor spaces.As a franchisee you will provide commercial, residentialand municipal property maintenance,landscaping and hardscaping services; snow and icemaintenance services; trash and debris removal;arboriculture services; lawn renovation; residential,commercial and municipal turf care services; and otherrelated services and products.As a part of Neighborly, The Grounds Guys franchiseeshave access to resources, marketing strategies, andproven systems that business owners won’t findanywhere else. We assist with technology training,solutions for day to day operations, education onadvancement in the industry, and more. Neighborly™,Neighborly’s consumer-facing, united collective of homeservice brands, allows for valuable cross-promotionalmarketing and demographic research. Our approachincludes extensive training and support for everyfranchisee at every step of the way. Ideal CandidateWe're not looking for landscapers, but aspiringentrepreneurs, with someone good with buildingrelationships, desire to build a team, and the ability to bethe face of the business from a sales and marketingperspective. Born Leader- A desire to lead and inspire ateam of hard workers in your community. A Heart forService- A passion for giving back - faith to communities,free time to customers, and freedom to yourself and yourfamily. A Team Player- Willing to learn from ourexpertise.TrainingSure Start Business TrainingOur Sure Start training is a 4-6 week program combiningclassroom-style business operations, sales, andmarketing training. You won’t be mowing lawns, you’llbe running a business, and we’ll help ensure you knowhow.AvailabilityUnited States, Canada Due to the dynamic nature of the data, the information above is subject to change without notice.Copyright 2021 Franchise Brokers Association. Reproduction or distribution of this information is restricted to theFranchise Brokers Association and its current and active members.