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NBisiing Names

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NBisiingNishnaabewinizhi-wiinzh(call, in a certain way) NamesDR. JOAN MCLEOD SHABOGESICJANUARY 24,2024NORTH BAY FRIENDSHIP CENTRE

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This is a copy of the presentation given by Dr. Joan McLeod Shabogesic at the North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre on January 24, 2024. Please use this for the purpose for which it is intended, which is to encourage conversation, research and the preservation of our languages. 


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Naitumegabow ‘Goulais’ – ‘one being in front’ ‘warrior??’ (National Archives)Arrow and Bow symbology (DLB)Meetigwaub- wife Chas G. daughter Laronde 2 'bow’PashegehicObtageshic‘half ‘ ‘aabita’; ’day’ ‘giizhig’Pashgon(1835) (Gchi) BARSHIGAN (Gun) (June Commanda Elder) DLB symbol of gun Peshakan(DLB)Chevrier Pakwakona Kakatosak Pikidjissak, (Chef du Lac 16 April 1833 OKA)Pikidjissak (Ouaouais)

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Tana sa we Ko Ce (DLB)Oki Kat(DLB)Nummace– Namasse (1835) ‘MOOSE’ ‘ I am MooseNamasse (signature of 1904 surrender document) Mooz or Moose??Peshakan(DLB)Ki si si pa to (DLB) (claw hand?)

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Wap wi wag wan(DLB)Janpol(DLB)Shapol, ga ohtn shha, Ke the wa the?Wabe-cecip(1835)Ojick(1835 Nipissingues)Ta-nas-Kon(1835 Nipissingues)Cha-wa-na-bais(1835 Nipissingues)Kejic-o-manitou(1835 Nipissingues)Takwa-nin(1835 Nipisingues)Tchan-gi(1835 Nipissingues)Takwan-nin(1835)Ka-on-tinoKetch(1835Nipissingues)Pa-Ku-Ku-si-ketch(1835 Nipissingues)Wabe-cecip(1835 Nipissingues)

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Wabe-cecip(1835)Ojick(1835 Nipissingues)Ta-nas-Kon(1835 Nipissingues)Cha-wa-na-bais(1835 Nipissingues)Kejic-o-manitou(1835 Nipissingues)Takwa-nin(1835 Nipisingues)Tchan-gi(1835 Nipissingues)Takwan-nin(1835)Ka-on-tinoKetch(1835Nipissingues)Pa-Ku-Ku-si-ketch(1835 Nipissingues)

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Hotchig (Aouschik) (Montcalm Biography - Jeançlude Henri Lomard de Combles 1756)Shawquish (Pet 1868)Wikassouint (Jesuit Relations)Mangouch (Jesuit Relations)Waiudalibau (Pet 1868)Shinguacko (Pet 1868)Shouioskeway (Pet 1868)Pashapa Pet 1868)Cartoo (Pet 1868)

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DokisDokis – Ducas French language translation ‘Ducas’’ ‘may you lead, may you guide’; ‘Ducasse’ – topographic name preposition and definite article, ‘du’ ‘from the’ for someone who lived by an oak tree 9origins southwestern part of France.Eastol(DBL) Restoule - Wajajk(DLB) ‘wazhashk’ – ‘muskrat’

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DoodemSESSIONAL PAPER No. 21aProbably e. of French r. They were connected with the Amikwa. In 1736 they were livingat Oka, Quebec, and were described by Chauvignerie as a clan of the Nipissing, with the heron as their totem. Handbook of Indians of Canada, Geographic Board Canada, 1912, Published as an Appendix to the Tenth Report of the Geographic Board of Canada, Pg. 381

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Nipissing Clans DodemsPaul Kane’s sketch of Shabogeshic stated his name translated to ‘Against the Heavens’ and his dodem was heron and a bird is depicted at bottom of sketch somewhat like signature of bird on following 1848 letter.In an 1848 letter sent to the Government House, Shabogesic stated they were the People of the Deer and his Headmen signed with what appears to be the following dodems:• Moose, • Deer,• Elk, • Fish,• Sturgeon,• Salamander,• Bird.Handbook of North American Indians records the following Dodems for the Nipissing;• Blood• Birch Bark• Heron• Beaver• SquirrelPresent day Clans (Dodems)ELDER’S Choice• Heron• Beaver• Eagle• Mink• Owl• Lynx• Hawk• Fox• Wolf• Red Tail Hawk• Bear

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Nipissing Clans DodemsShabogesic’s Petition Letter Month of Flowers, 1848References possible dodems of Nipissing:Bird, moose, deer, fish or sturgeon,marten or mink,

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Nipissing Clans DodemsThe Dokis Log Book1861-1879References possible dodems of Nipissing:heron, loon, duck, marten of mink, acorn bow and arrow, partridge or grouse, owl muskrat, beaver, squirrel or chipmunk, turtle, snake, fish, birch bark, snake or reptile,

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Gchi NibiinssingGchi ‘big’underlined ‘little’‘sing’ means ‘place’Misinterpretations with ‘Niib’ which means Elm.

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Lake Nipissing locations• Lake Nipissing – NBisiing ‘nising’ ’people’ of ‘nibi’ small water; archival record; elders;• Sturgeon River – Name Ziibi• Dokis Point – ‘Abitawe’ ‘Half way central’ archival record.• Yellek – Kelly spelled backward• Garden Village – ‘giitigaan’• Duchesnay – early 20C ‘Waabanong’• North Bay – ‘giiwedin wiikwed’

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Ezhnikaade(gin) Name of PlacesEnglish Anishinaabemowin Meaning NotesAll the Islands ManidoowngongBatchewana ApijijiwanBear Island Mkwa-mnisingChaudieres (French River) Akikenda (Akik-endaad) 'Lake Nipissing diary' by Fr. SpechtChaudierre Falls Kikendaa-baawitigAkikendaPlace of the big potIn some of the Baptism records for DokisThey found a lot of pots, axes, etc hereCouchie PointDuchesnayNeyaaba’aakwaang Point of land This version was found in some old baptism church records. (Steve C)Neibaakwang Point of land There has been a lot of land erosion here since)'Neyaabik is a point of land or cape, of rock, but I am not sure what the ending means).Refers to Couchie Point Duchenet (birth records)DuchesnoCrooked Rapids Gaa-baabiimjiwangCache Bay Zhooniyaa-wiikwed This sounds like a literal translationSome people used to refer to this place as “a place where things are hidden”Shabogesic had his cranberries there. Old records said “cash”Elm Tree Rapids Niibii-bdakshing Elm trees by the rapids?Where the elm trees standThis may be where the mix up is coming from regarding the Nipissing name. Nbii (little water)Frank's Bay on L. Nipissing Negawi-sibing (Negwi-ziibiing 'Sand riverFrench River Wemitigoozhi-ziibiWemtigooswishag ZiibiGarden Village Ktigaaning Village. “k” – “Our”“My” Garden

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Goose Island Nkinziing mnisGoulais Point Gete-waakaa’iganishing old -----point It was flat land – farm animals and gardens. Because of the cemetary’s act, the owners cannot do anything with the land. A lot of bones there. An American had purchased this land.Hair Knot Rapids Zegobinaang OkwapidegIron Island Biiwaabko mnistoBiiwaabko MnisingWhen you go to the middle of the island, it sounds hollow. You can here the wind echo. John Fisher thought it was because of the minerals in thereIsland in French River Jiimaan AgwandeIsland next to Kervin’s Island Gchi mamnoo Bull FrogJocko’s PointNeganshiing (error) A man from another tribe was living there. Jocko JaagewesChakeweiss, JaagewesKeewatin kiiwaadin NorthNot our areaIt refers to the north end of the Lake of The WoodsLavigne waakweshzhiing WaakwezhiigManitou Islands Mnidoo mnisanMouth of the River SaagdawaangMosquito Creek Skime ziibiinsMud Bay Waashkong Chevalier’s and Whiteducks lived hereNipissing Nbisiing NipissingNipissing Reserve Nbiising Shkonganing Land left over land from traditional land Nipissing ReserveNorth BayGiiwedino-wiikwed(literal translation)Where the waters flow into the lakeEnsawaakmik Where the waters flow into the lake Evelyn McLeod her Grandfathers translationOak Island Kenagaag (?) Past Sturgeon River.

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On French River where CPR camp used to be Gchi-gtigaaningPine Rapids Zhingwaak-baaw(tig) In the French RiverThere was a lot of pine trees here. It was mentioned in the treaty-markings in the pine treesPlace on 18 Mile Island Kookooko’oonsing(gchi kookookoo was once referred to the Restoule’s from Dokis Bay)Red Rock ‘Beaucage’ Miskwaabik Red rock located there Fren McLeod Sr. detailed that setting sun set off the red rock.Peter Beaucage"Split Rock" on French River Gatashkabikag gaa-daashkaabikaagSturgeon Falls Mne’baawtigongNbaangaangSturgeon River Nme-ziibiSucker Creek Nmebini-ziibiTemagami Dimaagamii “deep waters” from the word “timiigama”West Arm Yekwaa(gam) Yekwaa (length)Gam (water)West Arm NbaangaangEkwaagamHugh Stevens family lived hereTowards end of the river – this area was close to MonetvilleWigwaam Point NbashkongEkwaagamYellek (Nova Beaucage Mines) Nobody ever lived there. A man working on the tracks (Kelly). Used to load siding thereNot sure what our people called it. See value maps. There was a person living there in a shack

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GOING FORWARD• Research on maps• Continuing the dialogue with our Elders and YOUTH. YES, Youth or new learners have been successful in language revitalization. New learners are strengthened with language skills that may contribute to this type of work.MIIGWECH TO ALL THE LANGUAGE PROTECTORS. THIS IMPORTANT WORK WILL REQUIRE YOUR FUTURE CONTRIBUTIONS

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Miigwetch,Merci,Thank you.

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This presentation has been provided to plant a seed for discussion. The presenter gives Miigwech to all contributors past and present.• Norm Dokis• Peter Beaucage• Larry McLeod Shabogesic• Glenna Beaucage• June Commanda• Chris Mayne, maps (2)• British Museum map (1)• Nipissing Nation Language Charts Places• Nipissing University

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Shabogesic‘Against the Heaven’Sha-nu-oh-ke-zhick, (HBNAI)Shaabgiizhik, Zhaabgiizhik, Shapisgeshig, Shabogeshick, Cbokijik (1835) Ja jio ki jik (Kupinini au u ki pi nah) (DLB), Shabogezhick(Pet of 1886), Shabogezhick Commander (Pet of 1886)Ja jio ki jik ‘Kupinini au u ki pi nah’ (DLB)Cochai – Kodji(e)(treaty Pay) Kejic-o-manitou(1835)Kiso Ko tehe(DLB)Ki she i nini(DLB

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O’Jeek - FisherOjik – (Petition 1835), (Doodem and Council Fire Bohaker; Corbiere, Alan) ‘Ojig’ – Ruffled Grouse doodemBarraga Pg. 319 ‘Ojig’ - I am formed; ‘Ojige’ I make or build a lodge’;Barraga Pg 320 ‘Ojigwan’ fish tail, of fish;Rhodes Pg. 475 ‘zhi gnid’ fish tail, have a fish tail;Barraga Pg. 316 ‘Odjishingwe’ – I have a scar on the faceBarraga Pg. 315 ‘Odji’- flyRhodes Pg. 328 ‘Oojii – fly; Oojig (plural)Barraga Pg. 103 ‘Otchig’ – fisher (animal)Barraga Pg. 24 “akakwijish – fisher (animal)Rhodes Pg. 475 ‘jiig na’; ‘wjiig na’ - fisher; ‘jiigked’ – hunt fishers(plural)Partridge:Rhodes Pg. 536 ‘bne’ partridge; pg. 75 ‘ruffled grouse’Barraga pg. 190 ‘bine’ – partridgeBarraga Pg 167 ‘mashkodesse’ – marsh partridgeBarraga Pg 167 ‘wabijeshi’ - Marten‘naabesenh’ – rooster Rhodes pg 555‘pakaakwewewi gameg’ – roost, hen roost Barraga pg.215

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BeaucagePo Kash (DLB)Min on gom (DLB)Minongom kakina kitipnang (DLB)Tenose Beaucage (Pet 1868)Bernor Ogage(Pet 1868),msko aazhbik (red rock (Rhodes pgs.550, 554)

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COMMANDALocal lore and historical writings observed that the name Commanda was a derivative of “Commander’, “Commandant’, ‘Commando’. Colonial interpretation taken by warriors in honour of their colonial commanders. The name Commanda ‘r’ ‘o’ ‘ant’, recurs not only at Nbissing but also Cutler, Two Mountains and other Nations. The presenter has seen archival files where NBisiing men returning from WWI; Beaucage Commander, Shabogesic Commander. An Elder has told the presenter the Commanda ‘r’ ‘o’ ‘ant’ were record keeping of those warriors who lead a group of warriors. This would be interesting to see if historical records could provide more clarity to the origins of this name.A challenge to us is to find the originating names of the Commanda families.SEMO’s father CommandaBeejesick (Semo/Josephine NBN) (duck dlb?)Commanda, AlbertShawanipinese - ? Bird? (NBisiing Nation Member)Shwanibinesse Commanda - Brown bird old angus Zhawni binesse; Nipissing Nation Family Elder

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PenasseBinessi, (DLB) Bineshi (z? elders), Binesi (DLB)Pinesi (DLB)Pinesi (DLB)Penasse (Pet. 1868)OAKMitikonan (DLB) (acorn)Mitikomin(DLB) (acorn)In the French language oak is tanslated to ‘chene’. The name Duchesno comes to mind here! Is the name. Google French translation states “topographic name used preposition and definite article ‘du’ ‘from the’ from Old French ‘chesne ‘oak’

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Anishnauba (Treaty List 1889)Cha wa na bais (1835)Shin ape (DLB)Pa nape (DLB)Anisagbeg Pet 1868)McQuabbyAme (treaty pay 1889)Ami kwa be (DLB)Amikwape ki we kom (DLB)Api nabi kwa Ki a (DLB)A mi kwa be(DLB)A mi gwa be (DLB),Amikwaa(DLB)Amik kwa be(DLB)Minequabey(Pet 1868)Baptiste Minequabey (Pet 1868),Amik ‘beaver’ Waab ‘white’ waabgaag ‘white porcupine’ (barraga)