Chalkboard Golf School District 67 9401 Waukegan Rd. Morton Grove, IL 60053 Ph 847-966-8200 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education In this issue: Note from the Superintendent Eureka Math English/Language Arts/Humanities Hynes Elementary School Golf Middle School Writing Unity Day Future Ready Schools District 67 Foundation PTA 2016-17 School Calendar School Board A Note from the Superintendent Time passes quickly and already it is November. Soon the days will get shorter, the beautiful leaves will fall, and Thanksgiving will be here. I want to take a moment to reflect and express my gratitude for all the people who work to make our District such a great place for our 663 students. Every day, our teachers, support staff, and administrators work together to help students learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. Teachers are participating in high quality professional development in math, STEM, and literacy, and significant progress has been made in integrating technology in the curriculum. I am truly inspired by the incredible devotion of our staff and their unique ability to teach and inspire our children. I am grateful for the amazing support from our parents, our community and our Board of Education. Our continuous partnership is vital to our success as we prepare our children for a successful future. With my best wishes to you for a Happy Thanksgiving! Dr. Beth Flores, Superintendent Subscribe November 11/8 Non-aendance for students - Teacher Instute Day 11/11 Schools closed - Veteran’s Day 11/16 Classrooms First Steering Commiee 11/21 Parent Conferences 11/22-25 Schools Closed -Thanksgiving break December 12-7 1/2 day aendance for students 12-26-1/6 Schools Closed-Winter Break January 1/6 Resume classes 1/16 Schools Closed—Marn Luther King Holiday Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
2 2 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016 At the October School Board meeng, Dr. Steven Shadel, CFC K -12 Mathemacs Director, shared an overview of the work he is doing with our teachers. He explained that all teachers meet regularly with him to plan lessons, discuss instruconal methods, and to design dierenated lessons. Professional development for teachers will connue regularly throughout the school year during team meengs, early release, and instute days. Addional professional development will be provided during the November 8th Instute Day by Eureka Math trainers on solving word problems and using diagrams. Dr. Shadel highlighted the Eureka Math website that provides resources for teachers and parents as an important feature of the Eureka Math program. hps:// Parent partnerships are an integral part of a child’s educaonal growth and success in school. Understandably, it can be dicult to determine how to support children when they come home from school needing help, encouragement, or celebraon. The parent support website includes videos with worked out homework and problem set quesons for parents, along with homework helper worksheets that help parents ask higher level quesons when working with their children. Parent Resources Parent Website ( Homework Helpers Lesson Videos Worked out problems Student Ebook Zearn—an interactive platform where children can practice math problems, watch videos, and play math related games ( ’ Kate Molitor
3 3 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Literacy Leadership Team is Formed One Strategic Plan goal is to review, revise, and expand the English Language Arts and Humanies curriculum. The Leadership Team is comprised of two teachers from Golf Middle School and three teachers from Hynes Elementary School. The District 67 representaves will join District 69’s elementary and middle school representaves and be guided by Classrooms First Literacy Director, Jennifer Laughlin. The team is charged with developing the ELA and Social Studies curricula. The Leadership Team will serve for approximately 3-4 years as a joint curricula collaboraon among the CFC member districts. English Language Arts/Humanities Literacy Leadership Team Goals - - Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
4 4 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Hynes Elementary School The fourth grade students recently participated in a Revolutionary War Debate as the culminating activity for their American History unit. The students became Loyalists and Patriots as they debated the Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence. First graders look forward to working in Hynes’ newly remodeled Media/Tech Center. Here, they are working in groups on I Spy and Where’s Waldo. Each week, the students arrive eager to check-out books and listen to read-a-louds. Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
5 5 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education This year’s 3rd and 4th grade music fesval focused on music from around the world. Students learned about the dierent countries and cultures that the selecons represent, what makes the countries’ music unique, and why it sounds the way it does. Crisna Brown shared, “In a me where there is much conict and division all over the world, music truly serves not only as a universal language, but also as a common bond that makes us human. Students were encouraged to be curious, to have an open mind, to ask quesons, and to share with each other throughout our learning process. In this way, in our classroom, we were able to share in the dierent cultures represented by the music, as well as all the cultures of our students and sta that make our school special and unique. What we discovered is that our music has a lot in common, even though it may sound dierent, it may use new instruments, or even be in an unfamiliar language. Music is used to celebrate, to come together, and to create something wonderful that wasn’t there before.“ Ms. Brown and her music students shared this joy with Hynes’ families on October 19th. Hynes Halloween Parade Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016 Third and Fourth Grade Music Fesval
6 6 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Golf Middle School 6th grade students explored the power of the sun and green cooking when they built solar ovens. Student groups explained the challenge and worked through a process to design solar ovens. Then, on a recent sunny day the students tested their ovens. First they tested heang water and then they baked biscuits. They found that the water heated nicely and while the biscuits cooked some, too much heat was lost from the oven to nish baking the biscuits throughout. Sixth Graders Experiment with Solar Ovens Fih grade students were recently introduced to their 8th grade buddies. The buddies completed a get-to-know-you project in the morning and ate lunch together that day. The 5th grade students were excited to meet the 8th graders. In addion to seeing each other in the hallways, they will meet at various mes throughout the year. This is a great way to make the 5th graders feel a lile more at home and adds more to the 8th graders' leadership ability. Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
7 7 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Writing T T Ms. Joyner, 8th grade language arts teacher, shares... Rachel Belkov, my co-presenter at the Illinois Reading Conference, was a GMS graduate and my former student. She currently teaches 8th grade LA at Heritage Middle School in Berwyn, Illinois. The name of our September 30th session was A Tale of Two Bloggers: Using Student Blogs to Strengthen Wring and Foster Collaboraon. My students have created their own blogs and have been assigned blog buddies from her school (it's high-tech pen pals). Student blogs can be accessed through my blog: All of this is possible with the support of the Golf instruconal technology facilitator, Ms. Sara Molnar. Ms. Belkov and Ms. Joyner Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
8 8 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Katie, a Global Messenger for Special Olympics, spoke with 5th and 6th grade students on October 11th. She explained how Special Olympics allowed her to participate in team sports, which she could not do at school due to her disability. Being part of Special Olympics changed Katie's life and helped her to develop self-confidence and a sense of belonging. Hynes Elementary and Golf Middle School students recognized Unity Day on October 19th. Last year we all learned that recognizing “Unity Day” is a special way that our students and sta members can work together toward a common goal to STAND TOGETHER AGAINST BULLYING AND BE UNITED FOR KINDNESS, ACCEPTANCE, AND INCLUSION. This year, our message to students was how they should RESPECT and CELEBRATE DIVERSITY and NEVER BULLY OTHERS who are dierent than themselves. Each school had a Unity Day kick-o assembly and students and sta embraced unity in our schools. Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
9 9 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016 D67 AND FUTURE READY SCHOOLS It was an honor to aend the Future Ready Superintendent brieng on October 28th. This was an excing opportunity for me to meet with 14 superintendents from across the country, as well as members of the United States Oce of Technology and Secretary of Educaon, John King. Future Ready Schools builds on the momentum of President Obama’s ConnectED Iniave with the launch of the Future Ready Pledge. Signing the pledge means superintendents commit to foster and lead a culture of digital learning in their district and to share what they have learned with other districts. The brieng was informave and benecial. The goals included opportunies to share resources, and to learn and share feedback about new tools and frameworks for implemenng a rigorous digital learning environment in our schools. Aending this event was truly an honor and recognizes Golf School District’s commitment to preparing all of our students for success in college, career, and cizenship. Beth Flores, Superintendent Click for video Dr. Flores with US Secretary of Education, John King
10 10 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education District 67 Foundation Trivia Night (adults only) December 3, 2016 Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
11 11 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education Thanks, Oberweis for your support of Golf District 67 students and families. The PTA presented a check to Golf School District 67 for $18,000 at the September board meeting. These funds were a result of our successful fundraising efforts during the 2015-16 school year. The money will be used to purchase Chromebooks and iPads for Golf and Hynes Schools. Thank you to the families, staff, and community members who support the Golf School District 67 PTA! The PTA has had a great start to the 2016-17 school year and we hope to donate even more at the conclusion of this year. We know with your help we can reach that goal! Language Stars is off to a great start! We were overwhelmed with the responses of over 70 students wanting to participate in this valuable program. We have many activities and events coming up… JOIN US! Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
12 12 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education New this year will be five 1/2 day in-service sessions for teachers. Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016
13 13 District 67 Board of Education Mr. Richard Toth, President Mr. Sam Barhoumeh, Vice-president Ms. Samina Hussain, Secretary Ms. Nada Ardeleanu, Member Dr. Guy Hollingsworth, Member Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Member Mr. Jermaine Lindsay, Member Administrators Dr. Beth Sagett-Flores, Superintendent Mrs. Carol Westley, Principal, Hynes ES Ms. Karen Chvojka, Principal, Golf MS Mrs. Christine Hoffman, Business Manager Ms. Lynn Kurokawa, Director, Student Services The Golf School District 67 Board of Educaon meets monthly to review and oversee the management and direcon of the school district. You are encouraged and welcome to join us at these important and informave meengs. Visitors are invited to speak before the Board both before and aer the Board’s deliberaons. Board meengs begin at 6:30 PM in the Board Room at Golf Middle School. Scheduled meengs are: November 10, 2016 December 15, 2016 January 19, 2017 February 16, 2017 March 16, 2017 April 20, 2017 May 18, 2017 June 15, 2017 A Publication of the Golf School District 67 Board of Education The Illinois Association of School Boards hosted the North Cook Division Meeting and Dinner on October 19th. At this meeting Board members were recognized for receiving Master Board Member Status or Maintaining Master Board Member Status. Congratulations to Golf School District 67 School Board President , Rich Toth who continues to maintain Master Status! Golf School District 67 Newsletter Vol 2, 2016