Natural productsthat work with theLaws of NatureDiscover our line of organic products thatcan maximize your garden & landscape.Not only giving better results, but alsoprotecting the health of people, pets, & theplanet. Working with nature, not against it.Organic products improve soil health and the overallproduction of your plants by nurturing the groundand the life within it. Rather than feeding the plants,they feed and increase the biodiversity in the soil.Organic products stimulate microbes, which cleanup toxins and help hold carbon in the soil. Thuspreventing loss of topsoil, water pollution, soilcontamination, and death of beneficial insects. Inaddition to more nutrient dense foods, thoseinvolved in organic practices tend to live a cleaner,healthier, more eco-friendly existence! Any project can be converted from conventional toorganic around the same budget. More importantly,costs are reduced year after year by improving soilstructure which results in higher yields, and betterwater retaining capabilities. “That which isbiologically correct is always the most economical.”About UsNature's Way Resources is one of the most trustedmanufacturers of high-quality landscape materials inthe Houston and Gulf Coast areas. Our products are100% organic and made naturally. We do not useany dangerous synthetic chemicals, toxic dyes, orsewage sludge(biosolids).Nature's Way Resources has been recognized inmany publications from the Houston Chronicle to theWall Street Journal for the quality of our products,which are designed to feed and increase beneficialmicroorganisms in the soil. Our bags are soldthrough retail partners in plant nurseries, gardencenters, feed stores, hardware stores andecommerce. At Nature’s Way Resources we focus on soilbiology which offers real value over many years.With over 30 years of experience in the industry, wetake pride in offering sustainable solutions andresources for a healthier lifestyle and a healthierenvironment. When we take care of the life in oursoil, it saves us time and money, while providing uswith better results and less problems with pests anddisease. Just the way nature intended! 100%OrganicImproved Health & 936-273-1200Reasons To Go Organic3Improved Soil HealthWe Support YouThe knowledge and service you provideyour customers with is invaluable and can’tbe found in any big box store. You haveintegrity, and so do we. We refuse tocompromise our ingredients and processesto the money hungry demands of the massmerchants. For this reason, you will onlyfind our products in independent retailers.
MULCHStandard mulch made from an assortment of nativetrees. Fibrous and resistant to washing out. Great forit’s longevity and weed suppressing capabilities.Nutrient rich mulch made from a variety of nativehardwood trees. Composted then screened forconsistency. Naturally dark brown in color. Comes intwo screened sizes: MEDIUM & COARSE csdept@natureswayresources.com101 Sherbrook Circle, Conroe, TX 77385GARDEN MIX LITEThis blend has a HIGHER RATIO of compost. Idealfor freshening up existing beds or for growingvegetables that require extra nutrients and porosity.This high-quality mix has all the basic componentsyou need for a BRAND-NEW vegetable garden orflowerbed. Enhance by adding your own fertilizer.BLUEBERRY MIXThis special blend with composted mulch and sulfuris ideal for Azaleas, Blueberries, Camellias,Gardenias, Hydrangeas and other plants thatrequire acidic soils for optimal growth and health. SOIL BLENDSROSE SOIL BLENDThis is a PREMIUM soil mix formulated in partnershipwith The Houston Rose Society to help roses andother heavy feeders look their absolute best.CITRUS MIXThis mix was formulated to solve the root rotproblems due to poor drainage for citrus trees grownin containers. Great for other FRUIT TREES as well.POTTING MIXThis mix is perfect for 6-18" containers for 1-3 yearduration plantings. CONTAINER MIXThis mix was formulated as an alternative toconventional potting soils that are too light for longterm container use. Ideal for big container planting.More InformationLANDSCAPER MIXThis MULTI-PURPOSE mix with composted mulch isideal for plants that require high levels of organicmatter without compromising drainage. Great forOur ProductsCOMPOSTLEAF MOLD COMPOSTFUNGAL BASED COMPOST50-50 COMPOST MIXMade from leaves, grass clippings, horse manure,and food waste. Ideal for top-dressing lawns andamending existing garden beds. Comes in twoscreened sizes: FINE & COARSEHumus rich compost made from the same material asour native mulch only composted for a much longerperiod. Used as a soil amendment for flowers, trees,& shrubs. Great for woody plants and perennials. Mix of 50% Leaf Mold Compost CO ARSE & 50%Fungal Based Compost. Used for amendingflowerbeds, vegetable gardens, trees, and shrubs.Diverse microbial inoculant. Great for compost tea.NATIVE AGED DOUBLE GROUNDCOMPOSTED NATIVE MULCHAZALEA MULCHThis composted mulch made with additional leaves,pine needles, and sulfur is specially blended forplants requiring a more acidic PH balance in the soil.GARDEN & FLOWERBED MIXFerns, Gingers, Impatiens, Irises, Ivies, Lilies, Tulips, Violets, etc.CACTUS/DESERT PLANT MIXThis mix is designed for plants from dry arid areasthat require low amounts of organic matter.AMENDMENTSRE-MINERALIZERThis pre-blended mix of naturally mined sands fromTexas is used by expert gardeners to restore traceminerals in soils that are deficient in macro andmicronutrients. Greensand, Granite & Basalt Sand.EXPANDED SHALE/COMPOST MIXThis heated rock is recommended by Dr. SteveGeorge at Texas A&M for physically loosening heavyclay or compacted soils. This strong but lightweightaggregate can help hold/release moisture. Options:EXPANDED SHALE & EX. SHALE/COMPOST MIX
MULCHStandard mulch made from an assortment of nativetrees. Fibrous and resistant to washing out. Great forit’s longevity and weed suppressing capabilities.Nutrient rich mulch made from a variety of nativehardwood trees. Composted then screened forconsistency. Naturally dark brown in color. Comes intwo screened sizes: MEDIUM & COARSE csdept@natureswayresources.com101 Sherbrook Circle, Conroe, TX 77385GARDEN MIX LITEThis blend has a HIGHER RATIO of compost. Idealfor freshening up existing beds or for growingvegetables that require extra nutrients and porosity.This high-quality mix has all the basic componentsyou need for a BRAND-NEW vegetable garden orflowerbed. Enhance by adding your own fertilizer.BLUEBERRY MIXThis special blend with composted mulch and sulfuris ideal for Azaleas, Blueberries, Camellias,Gardenias, Hydrangeas and other plants thatrequire acidic soils for optimal growth and health. SOIL BLENDSROSE SOIL BLENDThis is a PREMIUM soil mix formulated in partnershipwith The Houston Rose Society to help roses andother heavy feeders look their absolute best.CITRUS MIXThis mix was formulated to solve the root rotproblems due to poor drainage for citrus trees grownin containers. Great for other FRUIT TREES as well.POTTING MIXThis mix is perfect for 6-18" containers for 1-3 yearduration plantings. CONTAINER MIXThis mix was formulated as an alternative toconventional potting soils that are too light for longterm container use. Ideal for big container planting.More InformationLANDSCAPER MIXThis MULTI-PURPOSE mix with composted mulch isideal for plants that require high levels of organicmatter without compromising drainage. Great forOur ProductsCOMPOSTLEAF MOLD COMPOSTFUNGAL BASED COMPOST50-50 COMPOST MIXMade from leaves, grass clippings, horse manure,and food waste. Ideal for top-dressing lawns andamending existing garden beds. Comes in twoscreened sizes: FINE & COARSEHumus rich compost made from the same material asour native mulch only composted for a much longerperiod. Used as a soil amendment for flowers, trees,& shrubs. Great for woody plants and perennials. Mix of 50% Leaf Mold Compost CO ARSE & 50%Fungal Based Compost. Used for amendingflowerbeds, vegetable gardens, trees, and shrubs.Diverse microbial inoculant. Great for compost tea.NATIVE AGED DOUBLE GROUNDCOMPOSTED NATIVE MULCHAZALEA MULCHThis composted mulch made with additional leaves,pine needles, and sulfur is specially blended forplants requiring a more acidic PH balance in the soil.GARDEN & FLOWERBED MIXFerns, Gingers, Impatiens, Irises, Ivies, Lilies, Tulips, Violets, etc.CACTUS/DESERT PLANT MIXThis mix is designed for plants from dry arid areasthat require low amounts of organic matter.AMENDMENTSRE-MINERALIZERThis pre-blended mix of naturally mined sands fromTexas is used by expert gardeners to restore traceminerals in soils that are deficient in macro andmicronutrients. Greensand, Granite & Basalt Sand.EXPANDED SHALE/COMPOST MIXThis heated rock is recommended by Dr. SteveGeorge at Texas A&M for physically loosening heavyclay or compacted soils. This strong but lightweightaggregate can help hold/release moisture. Options:EXPANDED SHALE & EX. SHALE/COMPOST MIX
MULCHStandard mulch made from an assortment of nativetrees. Fibrous and resistant to washing out. Great forit’s longevity and weed suppressing capabilities.Nutrient rich mulch made from a variety of nativehardwood trees. Composted then screened forconsistency. Naturally dark brown in color. Comes intwo screened sizes: MEDIUM & COARSE csdept@natureswayresources.com101 Sherbrook Circle, Conroe, TX 77385GARDEN MIX LITEThis blend has a HIGHER RATIO of compost. Idealfor freshening up existing beds or for growingvegetables that require extra nutrients and porosity.This high-quality mix has all the basic componentsyou need for a BRAND-NEW vegetable garden orflowerbed. Enhance by adding your own fertilizer.BLUEBERRY MIXThis special blend with composted mulch and sulfuris ideal for Azaleas, Blueberries, Camellias,Gardenias, Hydrangeas and other plants thatrequire acidic soils for optimal growth and health. SOIL BLENDSROSE SOIL BLENDThis is a PREMIUM soil mix formulated in partnershipwith The Houston Rose Society to help roses andother heavy feeders look their absolute best.CITRUS MIXThis mix was formulated to solve the root rotproblems due to poor drainage for citrus trees grownin containers. Great for other FRUIT TREES as well.POTTING MIXThis mix is perfect for 6-18" containers for 1-3 yearduration plantings. CONTAINER MIXThis mix was formulated as an alternative toconventional potting soils that are too light for longterm container use. Ideal for big container planting.More InformationLANDSCAPER MIXThis MULTI-PURPOSE mix with composted mulch isideal for plants that require high levels of organicmatter without compromising drainage. Great forOur ProductsCOMPOSTLEAF MOLD COMPOSTFUNGAL BASED COMPOST50-50 COMPOST MIXMade from leaves, grass clippings, horse manure,and food waste. Ideal for top-dressing lawns andamending existing garden beds. Comes in twoscreened sizes: FINE & COARSEHumus rich compost made from the same material asour native mulch only composted for a much longerperiod. Used as a soil amendment for flowers, trees,& shrubs. Great for woody plants and perennials. Mix of 50% Leaf Mold Compost CO ARSE & 50%Fungal Based Compost. Used for amendingflowerbeds, vegetable gardens, trees, and shrubs.Diverse microbial inoculant. Great for compost tea.NATIVE AGED DOUBLE GROUNDCOMPOSTED NATIVE MULCHAZALEA MULCHThis composted mulch made with additional leaves,pine needles, and sulfur is specially blended forplants requiring a more acidic PH balance in the soil.GARDEN & FLOWERBED MIXFerns, Gingers, Impatiens, Irises, Ivies, Lilies, Tulips, Violets, etc.CACTUS/DESERT PLANT MIXThis mix is designed for plants from dry arid areasthat require low amounts of organic matter.AMENDMENTSRE-MINERALIZERThis pre-blended mix of naturally mined sands fromTexas is used by expert gardeners to restore traceminerals in soils that are deficient in macro andmicronutrients. Greensand, Granite & Basalt Sand.EXPANDED SHALE/COMPOST MIXThis heated rock is recommended by Dr. SteveGeorge at Texas A&M for physically loosening heavyclay or compacted soils. This strong but lightweightaggregate can help hold/release moisture. Options:EXPANDED SHALE & EX. SHALE/COMPOST MIX
Natural productsthat work with theLaws of NatureDiscover our line of organic products thatcan maximize your garden & landscape.Not only giving better results, but alsoprotecting the health of people, pets, & theplanet. Working with nature, not against it.Organic products improve soil health and the overallproduction of your plants by nurturing the groundand the life within it. Rather than feeding the plants,they feed and increase the biodiversity in the soil.Organic products stimulate microbes, which cleanup toxins and help hold carbon in the soil. Thuspreventing loss of topsoil, water pollution, soilcontamination, and death of beneficial insects. Inaddition to more nutrient dense foods, thoseinvolved in organic practices tend to live a cleaner,healthier, more eco-friendly existence! Any project can be converted from conventional toorganic around the same budget. More importantly,costs are reduced year after year by improving soilstructure which results in higher yields, and betterwater retaining capabilities. “That which isbiologically correct is always the most economical.”About UsNature's Way Resources is one of the most trustedmanufacturers of high-quality landscape materials inthe Houston and Gulf Coast areas. Our products are100% organic and made naturally. We do not useany dangerous synthetic chemicals, toxic dyes, orsewage sludge(biosolids).Nature's Way Resources has been recognized inmany publications from the Houston Chronicle to theWall Street Journal for the quality of our products,which are designed to feed and increase beneficialmicroorganisms in the soil. Our bags are soldthrough retail partners in plant nurseries, gardencenters, feed stores, hardware stores andecommerce. At Nature’s Way Resources we focus on soilbiology which offers real value over many years.With over 30 years of experience in the industry, wetake pride in offering sustainable solutions andresources for a healthier lifestyle and a healthierenvironment. When we take care of the life in oursoil, it saves us time and money, while providing uswith better results and less problems with pests anddisease. Just the way nature intended! 100%OrganicImproved Health & 936-273-1200Reasons To Go Organic3Improved Soil HealthWe Support YouThe knowledge and service you provideyour customers with is invaluable and can’tbe found in any big box store. You haveintegrity, and so do we. We refuse tocompromise our ingredients and processesto the money hungry demands of the massmerchants. For this reason, you will onlyfind our products in independent retailers.
Natural productsthat work with theLaws of NatureDiscover our line of organic products thatcan maximize your garden & landscape.Not only giving better results, but alsoprotecting the health of people, pets, & theplanet. Working with nature, not against it.Organic products improve soil health and the overallproduction of your plants by nurturing the groundand the life within it. Rather than feeding the plants,they feed and increase the biodiversity in the soil.Organic products stimulate microbes, which cleanup toxins and help hold carbon in the soil. Thuspreventing loss of topsoil, water pollution, soilcontamination, and death of beneficial insects. Inaddition to more nutrient dense foods, thoseinvolved in organic practices tend to live a cleaner,healthier, more eco-friendly existence! Any project can be converted from conventional toorganic around the same budget. More importantly,costs are reduced year after year by improving soilstructure which results in higher yields, and betterwater retaining capabilities. “That which isbiologically correct is always the most economical.”About UsNature's Way Resources is one of the most trustedmanufacturers of high-quality landscape materials inthe Houston and Gulf Coast areas. Our products are100% organic and made naturally. We do not useany dangerous synthetic chemicals, toxic dyes, orsewage sludge(biosolids).Nature's Way Resources has been recognized inmany publications from the Houston Chronicle to theWall Street Journal for the quality of our products,which are designed to feed and increase beneficialmicroorganisms in the soil. Our bags are soldthrough retail partners in plant nurseries, gardencenters, feed stores, hardware stores andecommerce. At Nature’s Way Resources we focus on soilbiology which offers real value over many years.With over 30 years of experience in the industry, wetake pride in offering sustainable solutions andresources for a healthier lifestyle and a healthierenvironment. When we take care of the life in oursoil, it saves us time and money, while providing uswith better results and less problems with pests anddisease. Just the way nature intended! 100%OrganicImproved Health & 936-273-1200Reasons To Go Organic3Improved Soil HealthWe Support YouThe knowledge and service you provideyour customers with is invaluable and can’tbe found in any big box store. You haveintegrity, and so do we. We refuse tocompromise our ingredients and processesto the money hungry demands of the massmerchants. For this reason, you will onlyfind our products in independent retailers.