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National Impact Report

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NATIONAL IMPACTWhat We DoHow We Do ItHost FamiliesWe partner with the local church toscreen, approve, and support HostFamilies to take in children for shortperiods of time. Agency Training and AdvocacyFamily Friends + CoachesWe partner with local agencies to sharethe Safe Families model and serve as a community catalyst to bring awareness andadvocate for vulnerable families. Trained coaches provide resourcesand casework-like services tofamilies in crisis. Family Friendswrap support and mentoring aroundparents while also helping to serveHost Families.Churches + Faith CommunitiesSpiritual communities support SafeFamilies as a ministry of their church.There are three church levels:Participating Church, Lead Church, andCommunity Lead Church.For 20 years, Safe Families for Children has supported and empowered families.Rooted in faith, fueled by radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, andintentional compassion, Safe Families builds a network of caring volunteers tosupport families facing social isolation. Our goals are to prevent child abuse andneglect and reduce the number of children unnecessarily entering the child welfaresystem by encircling and stabilizing families.69,000+Hosting Arrangements1.2millionBed Nightsof SafetyUS Chapters100+Reunification Rate98%With your help,we are making a hugeImpact!

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Raelyn was open toreceiving support frommany compassionate,devoted volunteers calleda “Circle of Support”. The“Circle of Support” oftenconsists of a Host Family,Family Coach, FamilyFriend, and ResourceFriends. Host Families useradical hospitality as anopportunity to provide asafe home for the childrenwhile creating extendedfamily-like support forparents facing crisis thathave nowhere else to turn.Families receive additionalsupport from FamilyFriends, and FamilyCoaches working with thefamily in crisis on goals tohelp stabilize and mitigatefurther crises situations. When Raelyn was referred to Safe Families for Children, she was a singlemother struggling with mental health issues, and caring for her 5 month oldson Wyatt. As Raelyn described it, “I was desperate, embarrassed, scaredthinking Safe Families was similar to DHHS, and worried that I would losemy son.”When Raelyn and The Burrfamily connected, theyfound out they lived lessthan a mile from each other.This brought moreopportunities to beginbuilding a relationship with encouragement andsupport. Raelyn initiallyshared, “I wasn’t using SafeFamilies as it was intended.I was scared to be fullyhonest with what was goingon for fear I would get introuble and lose supportfrom Safe Families forChildren.” But Raelyn knewthese fears would only leadto further isolation, feelingsof failure, anddiscouragement. Raelynslowly started sharingabout her mental health andalcohol use disorder.HOSPITALITYRADICALThe problem with our world is we draw the circlesof our families too small. - Mother TeresaStories of HopeThe Burr family opened uptheir hearts and home tohost Wyatt while alsoworking with Raelynbecause they led CelebrateRecovery at their church. Itwas obvious that God hadbrought this specific familyto walk with her throughalcohol recovery. Raelyncontinued to receive dayand overnight hostings forher son, Wyatt, so she couldprovide a safe environmentfor her child. Through thegift of radical hospitalityand a community of wrap-around support, Raelyn isback on her feet and feelsshe is no longer alone buthas an extended-family thatcontinues to support andencourage her as a mother!

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Database/IT25.1%Volunteer Liabaility Insurance20.9%Marketing/ Development Support19.9%Program Support/Training14.5%National Leadership11.9%HR/Benefits7.7%“Having support from our National Office allows me tobe a better Chapter Director. Being able to reach out toNational Staff who have expertise in areas I may nothave, is vital to the growth and success of my ownchapter, and allows us to operate much more efficiently and effectively. The personal support andencouragement that I receive from National Staffgoes a long way in the world of human services!” Laura Rasche, Central Indiana NATIONAL SHARED SERVICESAnnual Budget OverviewStaff TestimonialThe Safe Families for Children National Office provides shared services to support 100+ chapters located throughout the United States while helping to seed andmanage both national and international growth opportunities. Our goal is to keepoverhead costs low, so we can best support all chapters and growth initiatives withtraining and development support.together we can do so much. - Helen KellerAlone we can do so little;

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As Safe Families for Children walks alongside families facing a crisis,unemployment and the lack of affordable and dependable childcare create atremendous challenge for parents. Many of the parents we serve are jobless orwithout a steady income stream to provide crucial financial resources for theirfamilies. They often struggle to secure and maintain job opportunities becausethey lack social networks and sustained relationships. GENEROSITYDISRUPTIVENo one has ever become poor by giving. - Anne FrankStories of HopeSafe Families for Childrenhelps the parents we servenavigate the workforce andset goals to attain a jobpath that provides asustainable future.Unfortunately, many of theparents have no prior workexperience, never finishedhigh school or do not havehigher education whichlimits the places for theiremployment. Oftentimes parents findjobs at fast foodrestaurants, but this poseschallenges. The hours aretypically very few, thelocation is far from wherethey live, the workinghours don’t align with dayshifts when their childrencan be taken care of, andthe work environment isn’tpositive with co-workersand ideals to supportalready vulnerableparents. This was the exactsituation for Shayna, ayoung mom SFFC washelping and supporting. Recently, the GreaterRaleigh chapter reached outto a Chick-fil-A operator tosee if one of our partneringparents could secure a jobopportunity that was withinwalking distance of herhome and childcareprovider, as well as anemployer who would pourpositivity into her and assistwith her future success. Ahealthy work environmentwould enable Shayna toreach her desired goal tocomplete her GED andprovide a safe homeenvironment for her family.Not only did the Chick-fil-Aowner agree on the spot topartner with SFFC, but hegenerously offered Shaynaa job and worked diligentlyto give her hours thataligned with her childcareand treated her with honor,dignity, and respect;something Shayna hadnever experienced in a workenvironment before. Shaynashared with SFFC staff, "I feel like I am part of afamily at Chick-fil-A, notjust an employee." Afterworking for several months,the store owner neededweekend help and askedShayna to be a part of thisendeavor. Due to theworking hours being overthe weekend whenchildcare wasn’t available,the owner offered topersonally pay for childcareso Shayna could feelconfident that her baby wassafe. For over a year, TownridgeSquare Chick-fil-A staffgenerously supported andloved Shayna like a familyas she worked towards herGED, learned how to drive acar, obtained a driver'slicense and transitioned intopermanent housing. SFFCcelebrates what can happenwhen like-mindedorganizations work togetherfor the good of thecommunity and well-beingof vulnerable children andfamilies!

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NATIONAL FUNDING NEEDSFunding OpportunitiesIn order for the Safe Families for Children National Office to support local chapters, werely on funding from individuals, corporations, grants and foundations. Our goal is toexpand, deepen, and clarify opportunities to grow the Safe Families movement, servemore families facing crisis, and increase our local reach in communities across the U.S.ExpandUpdated website to facilitate engagement and growthSocial media and brand initiatives, training and toolkitsMarketing and communication collateral (print/digital) Volunteer recruitment and training materialsCommunity Engagement ForumsDevelopment Advancement and National ConferenceTo further develop our presence in local communities across thecountry we strive to increase our brand awareness, multiply ourvolunteer base, connect with new community partners, and supportmore families facing crisis situations.To accomplish this goal, we seek to expand our brand awarenessreach at an estimated annual cost of $500,000 to include: National Field DirectorChapter SupervisionChurch and Community EngagementFamily SupportNational PartnershipsNew Chapter LaunchesIntranet training platform and resource materials To encircle the Alliance and Affiliate implementers of our model, weidentify and prioritize the importance of deepening National staffsupport through long-range planning, on-going training, peer coaching,and professional development.To accomplish this goal, we seek to deepen our reach through thecreation and sustaining of a Field Strategy Team at an estimatedannual cost of $250,000 to include: Data Planning + Analysis ManagerDatabase platform upgrades to facilitate organization engagementDatabase ManagerSFFC app support and program developmentTo ensure our evidence-based program is serving children and families well,it is essential to have comprehensive IT and a robust database, as well asreporting and analysis systems in place to collate, measure and report data toequip and support our staff and volunteer teams. To accomplish this goal, we seek to clarify our reach through IT and datasystem improvements at an estimated annual cost of $250,000 to include:DeepenClarifyYour investment keeps children safe and families together!

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COMPASSIONINTENTIONALStories of Hope“Safe Families for Children gave me hope. I didn’t know what I was going to do.Now my life looks completely different. This is the first time I’ve ever had anyonecare about me and act like I was a real person. It feels so good to have someonecall to check on me or someone to tell me that I’m doing a good job. I wouldn’tknow how to be a dad or even have my kids with me if it wasn’t for SafeFamilies.” - Mr. HuntThe relationship betweenMr. Hunt, his children andSafe Families volunteerswill last a lifetime. It bearswitness to his personalgrowth through the hospitality, compassion,and generosity ofvolunteers willing to opentheir hearts and homes tohelp keep children safe andfamilies together.was working. One of hisHost Families even openedtheir home to him whilethey were out of town for aweek as he transitionedduring a move to keep himon his feet and providestable housing for hisfamily. With generousfinancial support, ResourceFriends came along with apartner church to helppurchase a mobile home. Mr. Hunt’s family is now ona completely different path. Safe Families for Childrensurrounded Mr. Hunt and histwo children with a Circle ofSupport. The intentionalcompassion andencouragement he received Our first conversation withMr. Hunt was heartbreaking.He wept as he explained hissituation. He was jobless,homeless, and alone whiletrying to raise his twochildren on his own. Hismother, who had beenhelping, had recently passed.His circumstances landedhim in a place that was notgood for himself or for hischildren. Mr. Hunt wasdesperate. He had no ideawhat to do next, however heknew that he wanted andneeded to be a better fatherto his children. Thankfully,Mr. Hunt called Safe Familiesfor Children.Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by wideningour circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures. - Einsteinmotivated him to findpermanent employment,buy a car, and rent a placeto live. The relationships hedeveloped with the SafeFamilies for Childrenvolunteers were lifechanging. His Family Coachencouraged him andhelped him navigatethrough things like gettingbefore and aftercare inplace for his children atschool and how to juggleevening supper, schoolactivities, and homework.He had Family Friends thattook him to church andincluded him in the men’sdiscipleship events. Mr.Hunt even decided to givehis life to Christ and gotbaptized. Other FamilyFriends helped provide dayhostings when school wasout and there was no oneto watch the kids while he

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INTENTIONALCOMPASSIONDISRUPTIVEGENEROSITYRADICALHOSPITALITY4300 West Irving Park RoadChicago, IL 60641safe-families.orgsafefamilies@safefamilies.netLiving Out Safe FamiliesCore Values