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Nano-Needling: An In-Depth Guide for Estheticians

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N A N O - N E E D L I N GA N I N - D E P T H G U I D E F O R E S T H E T I C I A N S B Y K I N A E S T H E T I C S

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B O T O - R XEnriched with Glycerin, the Boto-RX Serum delivers a surgeof hydration, replenishing and locking in moisture topromote a plump, dewy complexion. Packed with hydrolyzed wheat protein, algae extract, andvitamin c to work synergistically to diminish the appearanceof fine lines and wrinkles to improve skin texture.The inclusion of Pullulan and Dipeptide DiaminobutyroylBenzylamide Diacetate contributes to the serum’s ability toimprove skin elasticity, leaving it visibly firmer.Last, but not least, the ingredient that gives it its name,Botulinum Toxin. A trace amount of Botox has been addedwhich introduces an innovative approach to combat signs ofaging. While it is not injected into the muscle to createmuscle atrophy, it does have a small effect on expressions byintercepting cell to cell communication. Research has also shown that when Botox is appliedtopically it can help regulate oil production and can makepores appear smaller.Recommended Usage:Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of an anti-aging/rejuvenation facial.For added anti-aging benefits and to increase collagenstimulation, add ⅓ of the ampoule in with the Green SeaPeel mixture before applying to skin.

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H Y D R O M E S O B O O S T E RThe Hydro Booster ampoule is designed to deliver intensehydration. Sodium Hyaluronate is known for its exceptionalability to attract and retain moisture. Aloe Barbadensis LeafJuice works harmoniously to calm and hydrate the skinwhile also encouraging collagen production. A multi-extraction botanical blend of cabbage, tomato and carrotextract delivers antioxidants which help protect the skinfrom environmental aggressors. An infusion of purified rose water is rich in tannins andvitamin c which help to increase collagen production andreduce redness. Tetrapeptide-30, a skin-brightening agent consists of fouramino acids which act as a tyrosinase inhibitor which helpsto reduce hyperpigmentation. Recommended Usage: Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of an anti-aging/rejuvenation facial. You may also apply a gelee maskof choice for maximum ampoule absorption.For added brightening benefits add ⅓ of the ampoule inwith the Green Sea Peel mixture before applying to skin.

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G O L D P E P T I D E M E S O B O O S T E RA golden elixir, the Gold Peptide Meso Booster is packedwith a potent blend of gold, glycerin, niacinamide, and otherrevitalizing ingredients for a healthy, bright complexion. Free radicals in the skin can contribute to premature aging.Antioxidants like gold, and Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract mayneutralize these free radicals, potentially promotinghealthier skin, and further preventing premature aging. Some research has even suggested gold nanoparticles maystimulate collagen production, strengthen the skin barrierand improve overall elasticity. This formula, which is enriched with Glycerin and a tripleblend of hyaluronic acidm delivers a surge of hydration,replenishing and locking in moisture to promote a plump,dewy complexion. Niacinamide in addition to gold, helps improve the skinbarrier function, while also strengthening capillaries andpromoting a brighter complexion.Recommended Usage: Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of an anti-aging/rejuvenation facial. For added brightening benefits add ⅓ of the ampoule inwith the Green Sea Peel mixture before applying to skin.Create a golden facial which includes the KrX Gold MesoBooster Ampoules followed by the Glowing Gold Geleemask.

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D E R M A C N E C O N T R O L M E S O B O O S T E RAcne Derm Control is a specialty ampoule which isformulated to address post inflammatory erythema, helprebuild collagen, and reduce inflammation associated withacne. Oleanolic Acid is a natural triterpenoid compound found inplants and has been shown to have a profound anti-inflammatory effect. In the context of acne, where lesionsand blemishes can cause damage to the skin, the wound-healing properties of Oleanolic Acid may contribute to fasterrecovery and reduced scarring.Willow Bark Extract and Licorice Root Extract work togetherto improve hyperpigmentation.Recommended Usage:Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of an acnefacial. Not recommended to nano-needle over inflamedacne.For added brightening benefits add ⅓ of the ampoule inwith the Green Sea Peel mixture before applying to skin.Mix with cryofacial caps for a cooling and anti-inflammatorymask

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S A L M O N D N A M E S O B O O S T E RCreated for cellular renewal, the Salmon Meso Boosterutilizes the power of PDRN. PDRN (Polydeoxyribonucleotide) consists of DNA fragmentswhich are mainly extracted from the sperm cells of salmon.PDRN is known to have significant properties whichaccelerates tissue repair, improves hyperpigmentation,reduces inflammation, and increases collagen synthesis. Other key ingredients which help with regeneration includeNiacinamide, and a host of peptides including CopperTripeptide-1, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, Tripeptide-1,Palmitoyl Tripeptide-1.Recommended Usage:Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of arejuvenation/anti-aging facial. Not recommended to nano-needle over inflamed skin.For added brightening benefits and to increase collagenstimulation add ⅓ of the ampoule in with the Green SeaPeel mixture before applying to skin.

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W H I T E + B R I G H T M E S O B O O S T E RThe White + Bright Meso Booster gives skin the antioxidantsit needs via Glutathione and Vitamin C to shield skin fromenvironmental stressors. This dynamic duo not only combatsfree radicals, but it helps repair and improvehyperpigmentation.Natural extracts like Camellia Sinensis Leaf and GinkgoBiloba Leaf help contribute to cellular renewal which helpsimprove the look and texture of skin. Recommended Usage:Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of arejuvenation/brightening facial. Not recommended to nano-needle over inflamed skin.For added brightening benefits add ⅓ of the ampoule inwith the Green Sea Peel mixture before applying to skin.

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H A F I L L I N G P O W D E R KrX’s HA Filling Powder is an innovative topical filler whichprovides fast and effective skin rejuvenation.The ultra-absorbable powder-to-water formula delivers nanoparticles of hyaluronic acid that penetrate the skin to fill inwrinkles and sunken areas, giving an immediate, plumpedand hydrated appearance. Great for targeting specific areaslike forehead, smile lines and crow's feet. Recommended Usage:Apply to skin and nano-needle at the very end of arejuvenation/brightening facial. Not recommended to nano-needle over inflamed skin.

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O M E G A G R E E NThis two-part treatment instantly improves inflamed acne,and symptoms of Rosacea.It's formulated with a combination of Chlorophyllin CopperComplex and Allantoin to trigger the wound healingcascade. It accelerates the healing of acne lesions,dermatitis, and strengthens the skin's barrier. Chlorophyllin Copper Complex has antibacterial propertieswhich kill anaerobic bacteria which may lead to furtherbreakouts. It also regulates the production of HA in the skin,improving skin hydration and appearance.Recommended Usage:Follow recommended protocol

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Nano-needling vs Micro-Channeling/NeedlingNano-needling and micro-needling are both advancedskincare techniques that involve the use of fine needles tostimulate collagen production and improve the overalltexture and appearance of the skin. The main distinction between the two lies in the size of theneedles and the depth of penetration. Micro-needlingutilizes slightly larger needles that penetrate the skin at adeeper level, triggering a controlled injury response thatpromotes collagen and elastin production. This can beeffective in addressing more significant skin concerns suchas scarring and wrinkles. On the other hand, nano-needling involves even smallerneedles, which effect the epidermis. It is a gentlerapproach suitable for addressing superficial concerns likefine lines, pigmentation, and enhancing productabsorption without causing downtime. Both techniqueshave their merits, and the choice between nano-needlingand micro-needling depends on the specific goals and thedepth of treatment required for optimal results.N A N O - N E E D L I N G M I C R O C H A N N E L I N G /N E E D L I N G

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AspectNano-NeedlingMicro-ChannelingMicro-NeedlingNeedle SizeSmallest needles, does notpenetrate the dermisSmall needles, penetrates theepidermisLarger needles, penetrates thedermis depending on depthPenetration DepthShallow, working on theepidermisIntermediate, reaching theepidermal-dermal junctionDeeper, reaching the dermisTreatment PurposeSuperficial concerns like finelines, pigmentation, productabsorptionAddresses loss of collagen andelastinDeeper concerns like scarring,wrinkles, and collagen productionDowntimeMinimal to noneMinimalModerate to significantdepending on the depth oftreatmentRecovery TimeQuick recovery, often nodowntimeShort recovery periodLonger recovery perioddepending on treatment depthSuitable for Skin TypesGenerally suitable for variousskin typesVersatile, but may requirecautionBest suited for individualswithout certain skin conditionsRecommended SessionsN/ASeveral sessions may berequired for desired outcomesFewer sessions may beeffective, but optimal resultsoften require multipletreatmentsPain LevelNo discomfortMild discomfortCan cause moderatediscomfort, often managedwith a numbing creamIdeal forAddressing superficial concerns,maintaining skin healthImproving texture and tone,collagen inductionTreating more advanced skinconcerns including scarring

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Published by:by KIN AESTHETICSAnn Arbor, MI(c) 2023 by KIN ASETHETICSAll rights reserved. No part of this workbook may be reproduced or altered inany form or by any means without the prior written permission of thepublisher, excepting brief quotes used in connection with reviews writtenspecifically for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, online, or broadcast media.Subscribers may reproduce to hard copy only.This workbook expresses the author’s views and opinions. The informationcontained in this workbook is provided without any express, statutory, orimplied warranties. Neither the authors, by KIN ASETHETHICS, nor its resellers,or distributers will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to becaused either directly or indirectly by this KIN AESTHETICS is a trademark of by KIN AESTHETICS. All other trademarksare property of their respective owners.

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C O N T R A I N D I C A T I O N SCONTRAINDICATIONSAgain, it’s important to remember that nano-needlingdoes have an exfoliating effect. So with skin barrier inmind, we want to make sure we are protecting, andstrengthening the barrier, not depleting it. IN PHOTOS, HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OFSKIN WHERE NANO-NEEDLING WOULD NOTBE APPROPRIATE/RECOMMENDEDThis skin would be contraindicated due to dermatitis.

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C O N T R A I N D I C A T I O N SAny type of unknown skin condition should be referred out. Ifperforming a facial, and when in doubt, support the barrier.Dermatitis can present itself in many ways, and nano-needlingshould be avoided

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C O N T R A I N D I C A T I O N SSome may feel exfoliation is the best course of action, and sincenano-needling has an exfoliating effect, it would be appropriate. This would actually be contraindicated. This skin is need ofbarrier support + likely dietary modifications. Erythema and abrasions are contraindications of nano-needling

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C O N T R A I N D I C A T I O N SBarrier impairment may be more difficult to identify in higherfitzpatricks due to lack of representation and subsequentlyeducation.This is a great time to point out how important continuingeducation is. There are several women within our industry whohave made it their mission to bridge the gap in education for skinof color. Here are some resources:JoElle Lee - Multicultural SkinPamela Springer - Global Skin Solutions

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C O N T R A I N D I C A T I O N SDispersed erythema indicates a disrupted barrier.

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P O S S I B L E T R E A T M E N T O P T I O N SIs today a good skin day? Although we see inflammation, this maybe an improvement from what the client generally experiences. Italso opens the door to discuss things that were possibly forgottenabout on the intake form, or lead product recommendations.What toothpaste are you currently using? SLS or Fluoride maycause adverse skin reactions such as perioral dermatitis (rasharound the mouth), stomatitis (sore or inflammation in the mouth),and urticaria (hives) are most commonly caused by the use offluoride containing toothpastes, and is generally found around themouth, chin, and nasolabial folds. Identify possible irritants: pets, laundry, chapstick, etc.Discuss current skincare routine and advise against exfoliation,even if skin is peeling and dry.An in-depth consultation would include these questions:In general, skin will need barrier support. Possible treatments: Omega Green (omit nano-needling), Custo:Med Mask (Grade IIRosacea Mask for its barrier healing properties)Homecare Ideas: Neogenesis Beta Serum, Corthe Milk Cleanser,Corthe Rich M Cream, Corthe Re Gel to occlude.

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P O S S I B L E T R E A T M E N T O P T I O N SIs today a good skin day? Although we see inflammation, this maybe an improvement from what the client generally experiences. Italso opens the door to discuss things that were possibly forgottenabout on the intake form, or lead product recommendations.Identify possible irritants: pets, laundry, etcDiscuss current skincare routine and advise against exfoliation,even if skin is peeling and dry.Refer out to a dermatologist or naturopathic doctor when unsureAn in-depth consultation would include these questions:In generally, skin will need barrier support. Possible treatments: Omega Green (omit nano-needling), Custo:Med Mask (Grade IIRosacea Mask for its barrier healing properties)Homecare Ideas: Neogenesis Beta Serum, Corthe Milk Cleanser,Corthe Rich M Cream, Corthe Re Gel to occlude.

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P O S S I B L E T R E A T M E N T O P T I O N SIs today a good skin day? Although we see inflammation, this maybe an improvement from what the client generally experiences. Italso opens the door to discuss things that were possibly forgottenabout on the intake form, or lead product recommendations.What toothpaste are you currently using? SLS or Fluoride maycause adverse skin reactions such as perioral dermatitis (rasharound the mouth), stomatitis (sore or inflammation in the mouth),and urticaria (hives) are most commonly caused by the use offluoride containing toothpastes, and is generally found around themouth, chin, and nasolabial folds. Identify possible irritants: pets, laundry, chapstick, etc.Discuss current skincare routine and advise against exfoliation,even if skin is peeling and dry.An in-depth consultation would include these questions:In general, skin will need barrier support. Possible treatments: Omega Green (omit nano-needling), Custo:Med Mask (MaturationArrest Mask for its healing and hydrating properties)Homecare Ideas: Neogenesis Beta Serum, Corthe Milk Cleanser,Corthe Rich M Cream, Corthe Re Gel to occlude.

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P O S S I B L E T R E A T M E N T O P T I O N SIs today a good skin day? Although we see inflammation, this maybe an improvement from what the client generally experiences. Italso opens the door to discuss things that were possibly forgottenabout on the intake form, or lead product recommendations.Discuss stress management, and lifestyleReferring out to a naturopathic doctor may be helpfulDiscuss current skincare routine and advise against exfoliation,even if skin is peeling and dry.An in-depth consultation would include these questions:In general, skin will need barrier support. Possible treatments: Omega Green (omit nano-needling), Custo:Med Mask (Grade IIRosacea Mask for its barrier repairing properties)Homecare Ideas: Neogenesis Beta Serum, Corthe Milk Cleanser,Corthe Rich M Cream, Corthe Re Gel to occlude.

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Kin Aesthetics DermalNeedling DeviceA revolutionary skincare tooldesigned to offer three services inone: nano, micro-channeling andmicro-needling.Features tips equipped with backflowprotection, ensuring a hygienic andsafe needling experience.1-year warranty, providing peace ofmind and reliability for your practice25% OFF WITH CODE: NANOBy Claudia AlvesPhotographer

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Nano-needling is an advanced esthetic technique that uses fine, disposable needles to increaseproduct absorption. This guide is designed to provide estheticians with the knowledge and skillsnecessary to safely and effectively perform nano-needling treatments. You will learn thefundamentals of nano-needling, including its benefits, contraindications, techniques, and thedifference between nano-needling and micro-needling. A B O U T

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T H E S C I E N C E + P R I N C I P L E SNano-needling, which is sometimes referred to as“nano-infusion,” is a non-invasive esthetic techniquethat involves the use of a handheld device to pushingredients into the skin, increasing absorption.Unlike traditional microneedling, nano-needling doesnot create micro-injuries or puncture the skin. Instead,it uses microscopic cone-like cylinders to infuseproducts into the skin’s uppermost layers withoutcausing trauma. The benefits of nano-needling include increasedproduct absorption without extended recovery times.The specialized tips create thousands of microscopicchannels or nano-channels in the skin’s uppermostlayer, the stratum corneum. These channelstemporarily disrupt the skin’s natural barrier function,allowing for enhanced penetration of ingredients. While nano-needling does not cause the same degreeof mechanical trauma such as micro-needling, it stillstimulates the skin’s natural regenerative processes.The controlled disruption of the stratum corneum andthe subsequent delivery of active ingredientsencourage collagen and elastin production.Overall, the science and principles of nano-needlingrevolve around enhancing the skin’s ability to absorband better utilize skincare products.

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I D E N T I F Y I N G S U I T A B L E C A N D I D A T E SFine Lines and Wrinkles: Clients seeking to reducethe appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can benefitfrom nano-needling hydrating, and collageninducing serums into the skin, such as KrX SalmonMeso Booster or Bio Placenta.Skin Texture Irregularities: Clients with concernsrelated to uneven skin texture, roughness, ordullness can achieve smoother and more radiantskin through nano-needling. The procedurepromotes skin renewal and the refinement of surfaceimperfections.Hyperpigmentation and Sun Damage: Nano-needling can be effective in addressinghyperpigmentation and sun damage. It aids in thepenetration of skin-brightening serums such as KrXWhite and Bright Meso Booster, which promotes amore even skin tone.Post Inflammatory Erythema (PIE): Clients with mildto moderate PIE associated with acne can seeimprovements with nano-needling the KrX Acne orWhite and Bright Meso Booster.Client Consultation: The initial step in identifyingsuitable candidates for nano-needling is through theclient consultation. During this consultation, we shoulddetermine whether nano-needling aligns with theclient's expectations and skincare needs.Nano-needling is particularly well-suited for clients withspecific skin concerns, including but not limited to:

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It is essential for estheticians to set realistic expectationswith clients. Nano-needling is not a one-time, instant-fixsolution, it is simply a modality which increases productpenetration. Estheticians should also assess the client's current skincondition and identify any contraindications to nano-needling, such as eczema, severe rosacea, psoriasis,sunburn, or any skin condition in which exfoliation is notadvised. Clients with active skin infections or flare-ups mayneed to postpone nano-needling until their skin hashealed.In addition, clients who have recently undergone otherfacial treatments, such as chemical peels or laserprocedures, may need to wait at least 4 weeks before nano-needling. This waiting period varies depending on thetreatment and should be discussed with the client.We should also inquire about the client's lifestyle habits,especially sun exposure. Clients who frequently engage inoutdoor activities or tanning may not be ideal candidates,as sun protection before and after nano-needling isimportant.Clients with known allergies to skincare products or ahistory of skin sensitivities should be carefully evaluated toensure that the products used during nano-needling willnot cause adverse reactions.

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T E C H N I C A L I T I E S + T E C H N I Q U E SIn theory most nano-needling devices are the same. They allcontain a cartridge or tip that houses microscopic, littleneedles or cone-like cylinders. Unlike micro-needling, depth and speed are not factors whenusing this modality. This is due to the fact that they aremicroscopic needles/cones and do not have the ability topierce the skin at varying depths.It is safe to nano-needle the entire face, including under theeyes. It’s important to know that there is an exfoliating effectwhen nano-needling and this is why it is not advised to beused with certain skin conditions - primarily those whereexfoliation is contraindicated; eczema, psoriasis, grade IIIrosacea, sunburns, and dermatitis of any kind to name a few.If we consider the point of nano-needling, which is to infuseproduct deeper into the skin, we can deduce that nano-needling, in most cases, should take place at the end of atreatment. There are some exceptions, however. For instance,the Omega Green treatment for acne and rosacea is nano-needled into the skin and then the mask is fully removed. During nano-needling the skin surface is treated in passes.Passes are made horizontally, vertically, or circular motions.You may even use a stamping motion. The most importantthing to consider is the fact that nano-needling does have anexfoliating effect, therefore it’s important to limit passes. Inmost cases 4 to 8 passes is sufficient.

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It is also possible to skip areas of inflammation, and nano-needle around it. You may even stamp over top ofinflamed acne rather than dragging the pen overtop. Eachclient’s skin will need to be addressed when determiningpasses.Combining Other Esthetic EquipmentTaking into account the purpose of nano-needling, and thesubsequent exfoliation that occurs, we do not recommendnano-needling anything except serums or treatmentswhere nano-needling is indicated.However, nano-needling pairs well with electroporation,ultrasound, skin spatulas, and other devices which helpwith product absorption.In fact, it worths mentioning that when nano-needlingisn’t appropriate, electroporation may be a greatalternative!Product Selection for Enhanced ResultsAs stated previously, serums and ampoules arerecommended to be used in conjunction with nano-needling, and since we want the serums to stay on theskin, nano-needling would be performed at the end of thefacial.Serum choice will depend on the client’s skin, and goals.Following is an explanation of KrX’s Meso Boosters andother ampoules and how they can be used within a facial.

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T H R E A D - F I L L A M P O U L EThe Thread-Fill Ampoule was specifically created for thosewho are showing signs of pre-mature aging or have finelines due to dehydration. Absorbable collagen threads helphydrate and plump the skin making fine lines lessnoticeable. This ampoule pairs perfectly with any anti-aging/rejuvenation facial. It can be incorporated withCarboxy, Vtox, or Custo:Med. It’s recommended that thisampoule is applied and nano-needled into the skin rightbefore applying moisturizer and SPF.Recommended Usage:Dispense a small amount into areas where fine lines exist.Nano-needle serum into the skin until fully absorbed.