Niseko Snow Pure white snow blankets everythingto the horizon and beyond; quiet, calmand peacefulClassic Collection
ManhattanSilver Total tranquility amidst thesurrounding urban jungle; letyourself explore and experienceClassic Collection
New York NightfallNight draws in, stars come out, and themoon is bright; surrounded by serenityClassic Collection
Byron Sand The lapping of waves and soft sandat your feet; new and excitingadventures awaitClassic Collection
Midnight Dive Diving into another world beneath themysterious waves; new, exotic and beautifulClassic Collection
London Sky London Sky, a tranquil symphony of greykissed by the whispers of delicate blue,paints the horizon in a serene embrace.Classic Collection
Hampton Rosé Elegant country house vibes,entrancing and inviting; light, brightand refreshingClassic Collection
Jaipur SunsetThe relaxing twilight amidst the vibrantcultural city of royaltyClassic Collection
French Sage Limited Edition The elegance of classic interiordesign meets 80s French décor;structured, stylish and always invogue.Classic Collection
Mykonos Stripe A canvas of pristine white, reflects thebrilliance of sunlight and the purity of dreams,casting a spell of timeless allure upon thosewho dare to embrace its ethereal charm.Stripe Collection
PositanoStripe Like a verdant tapestry unfurled, weaves a tale of lush greenery,where nature's brushstrokes adornthe world with an enchantingmelody.Stripe Collection
Ibiza StripeIn the warm embrace of twilight's glow, blooms withhues of pink, whispering secrets of passion and joyupon the horizon.Stripe Collection
St Tropez Stripe A celestial dance of azure andsapphire, paints the sky with strokes oftranquility, inviting wanderers to losethemselves in its mesmerizing depths.Stripe Collection
NakedLab fabric is twice assoft as cotton, equivlent to1400 threadsSoft like SilkThis is an important factorwhy you sleep better withour beddings. Thermoregulating means you willnot get over heated, goodsleeping hormones comewhen your body is coolThermo RegulatingOne of the bamboo wondersturn into beddings. Thismeans less washing, lessallergies, less acne!Anti BacterialThe Naked Lab Difference Breathability make it easierfor air to move around asleeping body. Because air isallowed to flow through, theskin does not become assweaty, adding extracomfort.BreathableWe've used eco-friendlyreactive dye to keep thecolors deep and trueDoesn't FadeOur beddings are soft,smooth adn drapey. Butwhen compare to silk, ourbeddings is not as slipperyNon-slipperyBambooSilk utilises the wonderfully natural benefits of bamboo tohelp you get a better night’s rest. Our silky-soft weave is made of100% bamboo fiber, resulting in a premium blend-free fabric.
Long fibres present in boththe bamboo means 100%durabilityStrong and durable Bamboo grows out of earth’snatural soils without the useof any harmful chemicals orpesticides, making forcleaner, safer soils.CleanOne of the bamboo wondersturn into beddings. Thismeans less washing, lessallergies, less acne!Ethically sourcedAll aspects of NakedLabproducts are thoughtfullydesigned, down to thereusable and biodegradablepackaging, which are madefrom excess fabric.Sometimes we evenproduce hair ties from extrafabric!t.Sustainable PackagingBamboo is an amazingsustainable and renewableresource that requires nopesticides to grow, and usesless water and land thancotton. Our 100% chemical-free fiber ensures you enjoyall the benefits of bamboo100% Organic BambooPeaceful sleep comes fromknowing your sheets arecrazy comfortable, ethicallymade and free of anyanimal-derived materialsNon-slipperyEXPERIENCE THE NAKED LAB DIFFERENCE FOR YOURSELF VISIT US AT NAKEDLAB.COM | @NAKEDLAB_OFFICIAL