Message My Unexpected Treasure!David L Jnst
True love, n selfishne, is my osen philoshy le Everyone lives by a philosophy of life. The narcissist thinks the world revolves around him or her. Everything is measured by self gratication. It is the extreme love of self in contrast to the proper and genuine love and care of others.Some have “if love.” I’ll love you if. Some have “because love.” I love you because. But then there is, “I love you in spite of.” That’s my love for my baby... sick or in health, dirty diapers or not. Love is the unrelenting pursuit of another’s highest good without personal prot or benet as a motive. “All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” –Helen Keller
God d I are joint venturers in shaping a hum le Babies actually come from heaven. A man and I got together sexually and there was a baby coming. But it is God who put the person inside that baby’s body.The Master told us to pray saying, “Our Father which art in heaven...” He is the Father of us all.One Scripture says, “The Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves” (Psalm 100:3).God loves my baby immensely. My baby is both His and mine together.And just like He will never give up on my baby, neither will I. NEVER!
I desire to give len take le! When it comes to giving life, I am all in! I am mentally, morally, and emotionally committed.I want to vote “love” every time. I am a giver of life and totally out of step with a culture that wants to take the life of little ones!I, for one, am not going to break one of the “Big Ten” — the Ten Commandments, which says, “You shall not kill!”Oh the shame! Oh the guilt that must follow the killers. My joy, my thrill is to give life, not take it! Especially that of my own child!“Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.” - Martin Luther King Jr
My Baby is n my body but has their own bodySome slogans are simply lies. Here’s one: “My body—my choice.” This is a big deception, an unintelligent misleading rallying cry to a movement bent on destroying children. It is an unfounded, nonsensical absurdity. I, for one, am not buying in. My baby and I have separate hearts, separate minds, separate bodies, separate DNA types, and separate lives.And just why are they after my baby’s body? To get money from the government for the killing? To sell my baby’s body parts? I have learned that everything that is legal is not necessarily moral.“When law and morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law.”–Frederic Bastiat
I wi have awese reas for living the rest my leLove is the reason!Love is the most important thing in life. To have lived and loved is the zenith of life. As the “Good Book” says, “If I could know everything, understand all mysteries, and if I could move mountains but I don’t love, I am nothing, very useless.”The meaning and purpose of life is to love. So the baby, my baby, shall be the object of my affections as long as I live, so help me God!“Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.”–Khalil Gibran
I wi receive the greest joy in le — mherhdMothers are strength, wisdom and love personied.“Giving birth is the epicenter of women’s power.”–Ani Difranco“There’s such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation.” –Pamela S. Nadav“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” –Robert Browning“Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God. Lucky the woman who knows the pangs of birth for she has held a star.” – Larry Barretto
I refuse to live in shame the rest my le It’s sad. People don’t seem to blush anymore. I think I’m out of step with the culture.Shame is the painful emotion arising from the proper guilt of doing something indecent, dishonoring, degrading or disgraceful.As Marquis de Sade said, “One is never so dangerous when one has no shame, or when one has grown too old to blush.”We either blush at our shame or become indifferent.“The bold deance of a woman is the certain sign of her shame, — when she has once ceased to blush, it is because she has too much to blush for.”Charles Maurice de TalleyrandThe solution for me is to never do that for which one should properly be ashamed.
In the end, I wi give aount to GodThe reason people don’t nd God is the same reason a thief doesn’t nd a cop. He’s not looking for him; in fact, he will avoid him at all costs.Some people hide from God... real dumb.Their boastful unbelief doesn’t make the reality of God go away. He still IS! ...just like The Book says, “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment....” Judgment is an adjudication, a determination of consequences. To put it simply, “Everyone has to die once, then face the consequences.”Ouch! How I treat my baby is one of the many behaviors I’ll have to answer to God for. This jerks the slack out of me.I want God to be able to say to me, “Well done! Come on in! Live with me forever!”
My Pledge To Mherhd Pledge: a solemn promise or commitment.My Baby is so valuable, important, desirable and signicant that I pledge the following: 1. My baby shall live and not die.2. My baby shall be loved by me. 3. I will provide nutrition during pregnancy. 4. I will observe, guard and protect my baby. 5. Any man in the life of my baby must also be loving and nurturing. 6. I will provide food, shelter and healthcare. 7. I will be sure that my child will be educated without the intrusive perversions of governments, educational systems or any others. 8. I will teach my child to live by the Ten Commandments.
9. I will teach my child moral intelligence, the difference between right and wrong, good and evil. 10. I will guard my child from the inuences of destructive and untaught peers. 11. I will teach my child about their divine origin, to know God and to pursue a life of purpose. 12. I will teach my child to have self-respect, the sense of importance and to have respect for all others. 13. I will teach the equality of all races and nationalities. 14. I will teach the principles of conict resolution. 15. I pledge to do these things myself to set the right example. 16. I will develop relationships with others of like commitments so if I ever have need of godly counsel, advice, or help I will be receiving right and wise counsel.MY NAME ____________________________DATE _______________
God has provided a Le Magent Syst The Master, God’s Son, Jesus, said His way was easy and His burden was light. That means that with Him I can handle every life issue for myself and my baby. I think a good word here is, “Hallelujah!” A change of management requires a change of Managers. If and when I bring God into my life properly... to the management position, not to be challenged by anyone or anything, everything will go well. When I go wrong He provides forgiveness, and cleansing, and re-establishment. I guess that’s why they call Him Savior. And here is what I know...“In all my ways, if I acknowledge Him, He will direct my paths.” –Proverbs 3:6
I wt my babyto live but I am unable to mher…If ever there are circumstances beyond my control, I will take steps to assure that my baby will still be loved, cared for, guarded and provided for by legally allowing a morally qualied husband and wife to take full responsibility of parenting my baby. This is called, Adoption!My baby will be safe, provided for, healthy and have a lifetime of opportunity. My baby will be able to fulll his or her dreams.Not only will my baby live and not die, but my baby will fulll a meaningful role in the lives of those who desire to parent but have not been able to have their own. ADOPTION IS LOVE!
Your Baby Wi Live! There are two important days in your life and in the life of your baby... the day you were born and the day you find out why you were born... Likewise, the day your baby was born and the day he or she finds out why they were born. Here are some FREE VIDEOS you can watch to give you more help, encouragement, and support in being the best mother you can be:What to Do When Your Life Is Out of Control: Woman - Good Mother: Virtuous Mother: the Real You:
Additionally, these books will make you a master of your life and that of your baby. They are available for free at NothingButTheTruth.orgWhen you know why you were born, you will have a new appreciation for your true self, have a known purpose in life, and know why you matter. Then, and only then, can you choose a life path.Iniquity is the ancient term for nar-cissism. As you journey through the pages of this book you will not only identify the problems iniquity imposes upon us, but you will also discover the solutions. How can we manage our own path, and live life effectively? Could anything be more important than an efcient, effective, and trust-worthy life manage-ment system? We need a life manage-ment system.
The Virtuous WThis richly illustrated, hardback book is the perfect way to honor and encourage your choice of life!This book, following the passages of Scripture found in Proverbs 31, reveals how God can help you excel in the areas of career, family, community service, and self-fulllment in a productive and peaceful way.We want to encourage you by giving you free access to the digital version of this book.
Your Le ChoiceNothing is more important than Life Management, which, as you learned earlier, requires a qualied Life Manager.Such a person must be trustworthy, be very smart, and know how to properly advise you on every aspect of life.Such a person should love you unconditionally which means to always enthusiastically choose your highest and best interest without their own personal benet as a motive.Such a person should never desert you or your baby. Only God lls that position adequately. He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).So get started with God. Here’s how…Turn your all, your heart, mind and body over to His care. He invites you to invite Him. And He will accept your invitation to come into your heart in the management position. All that’s left for you to do is follow Him; follow His directions. You will never fail. But don’t forget He’s the manager
from now on. His instructions are not optional. He is your Lord and Master.Guess what He will do. Based on what He has already done for you on the Cross, He will forgive all your past… Yay, God! Cleanse you from every wrong! Yay, God again! Make everything so new because you get born again… a new life, a new start. And what’s more He will give you direction and power—power to follow. His Spirit will be in you! Instead of “Yay, God,” let’s just shout, “Hallelujah!”Learn to think His way about every subject in life.Follow the steps to get your feelings going in the same direction as His thoughts which have now become yours. Feelings can never be an accurate guidance system. They are meant to empower going the right ways.Now that your heart is right, your thoughts are right and your emotions under control you can replan your life. Go ahead and set goals. They will be proper now!Seek opportunities to lead others in this wonderful God-connected way of life.We call this Personal Digital Discipleship:
ReBorn + ReThink + ReFocus Emotions + RePlan + Reproduce = Discipleship!Some more good news… you can sign up for “Personal Digital Discipleship!” Get this course at no cost.
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I’ve carried a child within my body. I’ve slept with them on my chest. I’ve kissed toes and wiped away tears. I’ve been vomited on, peed and pooed on, and spent sleepless nights cradling my child. I’ve fallen asleep caring for my child. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.My body isn’t magazine perfect, I have a pouch on my belly, I have yet to get back my pre-pregnancy body, but when I look in the mirror, I see a mother. And there is no greater honor, love, or blessing. For that, I am eternally blessed and thankful.