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My Turf @ Work

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Unlocking Opportunitiesfor NeurodivergentIndividualsAt My Turf@work, we arededicated to creatingmeaningful employmentopportunities tailored to theunique strengths and needs ofneurodivergent individuals.Our program is designed toempower participants byproviding hands-on training,real-world experience, andongoing support in aninclusive, understandingenvironment. Why My Turf@workFor many neurodivergentindividuals, findingemployment that alignswith their skills andabilities can bechallenging. MyTurf@work bridges thisgap by offering apathway to supportedemployment thatnurtures professionalgrowth while fosteringconfidence andindependence. Designedfor individuals aged 14and up, our programensures that everyone,regardless of where theyare on their life journey,has the opportunity tothrive.

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Our program kicks off with either a series of weekendintensives, held over five weekends or a series ofweekday intensives held over a 2 week period, all atthe beautiful Cooinda Retreats Victor Harbor. Theselive-in programs cover everything from basic foodpreparation and customer service skills to advancedfood techniques and job readiness. Participantsreceive personalised training that caters to theirindividual needs, with ongoing retreat supportprovided at a 1:2 ratio to ensure they gain the skillsnecessary to excel. A standout feature of My Turf@work is the Open Eatsfood van, a fully operational business run by ourparticipants. Here, they apply what they've learned ina real-world setting, gaining hands-on experience infood preparation, customer service, and cashhandling. This experience not only builds their skillsbut also boosts their confidence, preparing them forfuture employment opportunities. ComprehensiveTraining andSupport

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My Turf@work is fullyaligned with the NDIS,offering services underboth Core Supports andCapacity Building. Werecognise the importanceof creating a supportiveemployment pathwaythat adheres to NDISguidelines, ensuring thatparticipants caneffectively utilise theirfunding. Our program isstructured to meet thecriteria for SupportedEmployment Services(SES), offering real jobopportunities with payrates aligned to the FairWork SupportedEmployment ServicesAward. Aligning withNDIS GoalsAt My Turf@work, wedon’t just offeremployment; we offer asense of belonging. Ourparticipants are part of acommunity that valuesand celebratesneurodiversity. Byfostering an inclusiveenvironment, we helpindividuals buildmeaningful connectionswith peers and mentors,enhancing their socialskills and self-esteem. EmpowermentThroughCommunity

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Key ComponentsTraining ModulesThe program consists of sixcomprehensive training modulescovering topics such ashospitality basics, foodpreparation, customer service,specialised training forneurodiversity, advanced foodpreparation, and practical jobreadiness. Hands-On Experience: Participants gain practicalexperience by working in the foodvan, allowing them to apply theirskills in a real-world environment. Personalised SupportThe program includes tailoredsupport plans and adaptive toolsto meet the unique needs ofneurodiverse individuals. Job Readiness:The program preparesparticipants for employmentthrough resume writing, interviewpreparation, and job searchstrategies. My Turf @ Work is asupported employmentprogram designed forNDIS participants livingwith neurodiversity. Theprogram focuses onproviding participantswith job-ready skills inthe hospitality andcatering sector,specifically throughhands-on experiencefrom a commercialkitchen to a mobile foodvan setting. The aim is toprovide trainingopportunities so thatparticipants gain skillsand confidence to secureemployment in thehospitality industry orwherever their dreamstake them. My Turf @ workand the OpenEats Food VanProgram

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The My Turf @ Work program isconnected to Cooinda Retreats,leveraging the retreat’s facilitiesand supportive environment toenhance the training experiencefor participants. The tranquilsetting of Cooinda Retreatsprovides an ideal backdrop forthe program, allowingparticipants to focus on theirtraining and development in apeaceful and nurturingenvironment. Cooinda Retreats is afacility located in VictorHarbor that offers aserene and supportiveenvironment for variousprograms, includingschool camps, groupretreats, and communityprograms. The retreatprovides a range ofamenities and activitiesdesigned to fosterlearning, collaboration,and personal growth. Connection toCooindaRetreats atVictor Harbor

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Objective: To teach p ar ti ci pa nt s es se nt ial food preparationand cookin g sk il ls . Kitchen Safety: Safe use of kitchen equipment and tools. Food handling and temperature control: Basic Cooking Techniques: Introduction to chopping,slicing, boiling, and frying. Recipe Reading: Understanding and following recipes. Food Storage: Proper storage techniques to maintainfood quality and safety. Objective: Al lo w pa rt ic ipants to feel comf or ta bl e in theirsurroundings, m ee t ot he r participants and be co me f amiliar withthe program d el iv er y. Introductions: Introduce participants to the program andretreat staff and to each other. Retreat Tour: A walk around the retreat to familiariseparticipants with their surroundings. Retreat and Program Rules: General Retreat rules andexpectations from participants in the Program. Agreedcodes of conduct created by Participants. Program Overview: Explanation of what we are deliveringand what participants can expect. What outcomes will begained and why they are beneficial to each participant. Module 1ProgramOrientationModule 2 Food Preparation andCooking Basics

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Objective: To enhance parti ci pa nt s’ s ki lls in advanced foodpreparation and pr es en ta ti on . Advanced Techniques: Introduction to specific advancedmethods required in the Food Van Barista Training: Specific training to make coffee and theuse of the commercial coffee machine equipment. Food Presentation: Techniques for plating and presentingfood attractively. Menu Planning: Basics of creating and planning a menu. Quality Control: Ensuring consistency and quality in foodpreparation. Objective: To develop participants’ c us to mer service skills for afood van envi ro nm ent. Communication Skills: Effective verbal and non-verbalcommunication with customers. Handling Complaints: Techniques for managing and resolvingcustomer complaints. Cash and Payment Handling: Basic cash handling andtransaction skills. Customer Interaction: Role-playing exercises to practicecustomer interactions. Module 3 Customer Service Skills Module 4Food Preparation andCooking Basics

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Objective: To provide t ai lo re d su pp or t and training forparticipan ts w it h ne ur od iv er sity. Understanding Neurodiversity: Education on differenttypes of neurodiversity and their impact on work. Personalised Support Plans: Creating individualisedsupport plans for each participant. Stress Management: Techniques for managing stress andanxiety in the workplace. Adaptive Tools and Techniques: Introduction to tools andtechniques that can aid neurodiverse individuals in theirroles. Objective: To pr ov ide hands-on expe ri en ce a nd prepare participan tsfor employmen t. On-the-Job Training: Practical experience working in the foodvan. Mock Service Days: Simulated service days to practice skillsin a real-world setting. Job Search Skills: Resume writing, interview preparation, andjob search strategies. Feedback and Evaluation: Regular feedback sessions toassess progress and areas for improvement. Module 5Practical Experienceand Job Readiness Module 6Specialised Training forNeurodiversity (Inhouse – EmpowermentCoach)

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A Cooinda Retreat s, My Turf and Op en EatsInitiativeSubscribe on:www.cooindaretrea us:email: myturf@coo au