My Georgia Book ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023Teachers Edition with probing questions
The state of Georgia is located in thesoutheastern United States. Georgia has 5geographic regions. The Blue Ridge Mountainregion, Piedmont region, Coastal Plain region,Valley and Ridge region, and AppalachianPlateau. ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 20231
The Blue Ridge region is located in thenorth eastern section of Georgia. Aphysical map helps you locate landformslike rivers, lakes, and mountains. Can youlocate the Appalachian Mountains on thephysical map? ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 20232
Choose two geographic regions in Georgiato include on your Venn diagram. How arethe two geographic regions alike? How arethe two regions different?©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 20233
The Appalachian Plateau is the westernpart of the Appalachian Mountains, stretchingfrom New York to Georgia and Alabama. Thisregion is known for Lookout and PigeonMountains It is also known as the CumberlandPlateau. ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 20234
The Ridge and Valley region is locatedtoward the northwestern border ofGeorgia. The region has deep, broad, andfertile valleys. There is rich soil for farmingin this region. Can you see the high ridgesand low valleys on the elevation map?5©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023
Georgia’s Piedmont region has richfarmland and deep forests. Pine trees are amajor part of the forestry industry. StoneMountain is located in the Piedmont. It is thelargest exposed granite rock in the world.Stone Mountain extends to several countiesunderground. ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023
The Flint River is about 150 miles (240 km)long. The Flint River, which is contained entirelywithin the state of Georgia, originates from thesouthern edge of the Atlanta Metropolitan Area,in Clayton County, and flows southerly in a wideeastward arc to Decatur County insouthwestern Georgia, where it flows into LakeSeminole near the Florida line.©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023
Teacher GuidanceSS2G1 The student will locate major topographicalfeatures of Georgia and will describe how thesefeatures define Georgia’s surface.a. Locate all the geographic regions of Georgia: BlueRidge Mountains, Piedmont, CoastalPlain, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau.b. Locate the major rivers: Ocmulgee, Oconee,Altamaha, Savannah, St. Mary’s, Chattahoochee, andFlint.Map Skills: Use cardinal directions use intermediate directions©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023
Probing Questions Day One Skill: Main Idea How many regions are located in Georgia?What are the five geographic regions ofGeorgia? What are the some of the landforms found inGeorgia? What tool helps us to locate landforms inGeorgia? Which regions are best for farming? Probing Questions Day TwoSkill: Main Idea Which landforms are located in the CoastalPlain? How many major rivers does Georgia haveWhat are the names of these rivers? ©Heavenly Educational Consulting LLC 2023