Phone 1-877-822-7464E-mailhello@mycarebase.comServices Available InVancouver & TorontoWho We Are Contact UsWe are a Canadian-based team who arepassionate about supporting our agingpopulation in living safely at home for aslong as possible. We believe that innovativeand progressive home care solutions areneeded to address an increasingly diverseset of care needs, and that services need tobe client-centric and affordable. Our care advisors can help you and yourloved ones find the perfect caregiver orother services you need to keep your lovedones safe and happy.An InnovativeSenior LivingServicesMarketplaceHave a question? We're here to help.Contact us and one of our care advisors willanswer any questions you may have. Home support services to keep your lovedones safe, healthy and happy
Marketplace of ServicesmyCareBase is built from over 15 years ofexperience in the senior living industry. Weoffer affordable, vetted and curated solutionsthat allow families to choose their idealcaregiver, keep control of the hiring andoversight process and a suite of tools forremote monitoring. Different than Care AgenciesVisionMissionHow We WorkWhat People SayAt myCareBase, our visionis a world where seniorscan have their needs metin the way they want, atthe time they need, in thehome of their choice.Our mission is to offer seniors and their families an innovative online platform that becomes essential to the ongoing wellness and safety of the senior, and supports the family in their caregiving role.By providing access to pre-screened services and curated resources, our goal is to help seniors remain living happily and in good health, for as long as possible in the home of their choice.mycarebase.comThe process to of finding a care aide for mymom was simplified and streamlined by thesupport of myCareBase. I felt confident theyunderstood our family's needs, as they found theperfect candidate by screening for what wewere looking for. It is difficult to describe thelevel of relief I feel knowing that my mother issecure and in caring hands when she is with hercare aide. I would highly recommend usingmyCareBase to find the support you are lookingfor to provide care to your loved one.- Heather, VancouvermyCareBase believes a new model of homecare is needed to address the modern needsof seniors. Our model allows for home careworkers to earn top healthcare wages, seniorsto receive consistent high quality care, andfamilies to maintain control and visibility overwho delivers that care. We also offer a rangeof administrative support services to familycaregivers so that they can have more qualitytime with their loved ones. Why myCareBase?myCareBase offers a marketplace of homesupport services that address various needs ofseniors, whether in their own home or in aseniors residence. We rigorously pre-screenall service providers to ensure you choose fromonly the best. Explore the marketplace on ourwebsite to see what's available!
Marketplace of ServicesmyCareBase is built from over 15 years ofexperience in the senior living industry. Weoffer affordable, vetted and curated solutionsthat allow families to choose their idealcaregiver, keep control of the hiring andoversight process and a suite of tools forremote monitoring. Different than Care AgenciesVisionMissionHow We WorkWhat People SayAt myCareBase, our visionis a world where seniorscan have their needs metin the way they want, atthe time they need, in thehome of their choice.Our mission is to offer seniors and their families an innovative online platform that becomes essential to the ongoing wellness and safety of the senior, and supports the family in their caregiving role.By providing access to pre-screened services and curated resources, our goal is to help seniors remain living happily and in good health, for as long as possible in the home of their choice.mycarebase.comThe process to of finding a care aide for mymom was simplified and streamlined by thesupport of myCareBase. I felt confident theyunderstood our family's needs, as they found theperfect candidate by screening for what wewere looking for. It is difficult to describe thelevel of relief I feel knowing that my mother issecure and in caring hands when she is with hercare aide. I would highly recommend usingmyCareBase to find the support you are lookingfor to provide care to your loved one.- Heather, VancouvermyCareBase believes a new model of homecare is needed to address the modern needsof seniors. Our model allows for home careworkers to earn top healthcare wages, seniorsto receive consistent high quality care, andfamilies to maintain control and visibility overwho delivers that care. We also offer a rangeof administrative support services to familycaregivers so that they can have more qualitytime with their loved ones. Why myCareBase?myCareBase offers a marketplace of homesupport services that address various needs ofseniors, whether in their own home or in aseniors residence. We rigorously pre-screenall service providers to ensure you choose fromonly the best. Explore the marketplace on ourwebsite to see what's available!
Marketplace of ServicesmyCareBase is built from over 15 years ofexperience in the senior living industry. Weoffer affordable, vetted and curated solutionsthat allow families to choose their idealcaregiver, keep control of the hiring andoversight process and a suite of tools forremote monitoring. Different than Care AgenciesVisionMissionHow We WorkWhat People SayAt myCareBase, our visionis a world where seniorscan have their needs metin the way they want, atthe time they need, in thehome of their choice.Our mission is to offer seniors and their families an innovative online platform that becomes essential to the ongoing wellness and safety of the senior, and supports the family in their caregiving role.By providing access to pre-screened services and curated resources, our goal is to help seniors remain living happily and in good health, for as long as possible in the home of their choice.mycarebase.comThe process to of finding a care aide for mymom was simplified and streamlined by thesupport of myCareBase. I felt confident theyunderstood our family's needs, as they found theperfect candidate by screening for what wewere looking for. It is difficult to describe thelevel of relief I feel knowing that my mother issecure and in caring hands when she is with hercare aide. I would highly recommend usingmyCareBase to find the support you are lookingfor to provide care to your loved one.- Heather, VancouvermyCareBase believes a new model of homecare is needed to address the modern needsof seniors. Our model allows for home careworkers to earn top healthcare wages, seniorsto receive consistent high quality care, andfamilies to maintain control and visibility overwho delivers that care. We also offer a rangeof administrative support services to familycaregivers so that they can have more qualitytime with their loved ones. Why myCareBase?myCareBase offers a marketplace of homesupport services that address various needs ofseniors, whether in their own home or in aseniors residence. We rigorously pre-screenall service providers to ensure you choose fromonly the best. Explore the marketplace on ourwebsite to see what's available!
Phone 1-877-822-7464E-mailhello@mycarebase.comServices Available InVancouver & TorontoWho We Are Contact UsWe are a Canadian-based team who arepassionate about supporting our agingpopulation in living safely at home for aslong as possible. We believe that innovativeand progressive home care solutions areneeded to address an increasingly diverseset of care needs, and that services need tobe client-centric and affordable. Our care advisors can help you and yourloved ones find the perfect caregiver orother services you need to keep your lovedones safe and happy.An InnovativeSenior LivingServicesMarketplaceHave a question? We're here to help.Contact us and one of our care advisors willanswer any questions you may have. Home support services to keep your lovedones safe, healthy and happy
Phone 1-877-822-7464E-mailhello@mycarebase.comServices Available InVancouver & TorontoWho We Are Contact UsWe are a Canadian-based team who arepassionate about supporting our agingpopulation in living safely at home for aslong as possible. We believe that innovativeand progressive home care solutions areneeded to address an increasingly diverseset of care needs, and that services need tobe client-centric and affordable. Our care advisors can help you and yourloved ones find the perfect caregiver orother services you need to keep your lovedones safe and happy.An InnovativeSenior LivingServicesMarketplaceHave a question? We're here to help.Contact us and one of our care advisors willanswer any questions you may have. Home support services to keep your lovedones safe, healthy and happy