BOARD OF DIRECTORS➤Elected Officers President Communications & Marketing Vice President Finance Vice PresidentMedia & Publications Vice President Events Vice PresidentResearch & Membership Development Vice President➤Appointed Officers Parliamentarian Advisor➤Executive Director
COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING DEPARTMENTCommunications & Marketing VPCommunications CoordinatorCommunications AssistantsMarketing CoordinatorMarketing Assistants
COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Manage Social Media postings, content and graphics➤ Internal Public Relations promotion of clubs, National Worker volunteers➤ Connections with sponsors and internet-based partners➤Call on us if you need…➤ Ideas for marketing your club➤ Assistance with getting your club connected online ➤Help us…➤ Re-share our social media posts to help your members stay “in the know” about Multiples of America’s events and services.
MEDIA & PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENTMedia & Publications VPPublication Assistants • Writers • Editors • Graphic designers
MEDIA & PUBLICATIONS CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Write and design Multiple Connections, Club Connections & Club Helpline➤ Proofread all organizational publications and mailings➤ Assist other departments with graphic design, as needed➤Call on us if you need…➤ Inspiration & Information➤ Help brainstorming ideas for your club’s publications or member communications➤Help us…➤ Email your story or photo ideas for Multiple Connections or contact us if you’d like to write a story yourself
RESEARCH & MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT DEPT.Research & Membership Dev. VPResearch CoordinatorResearch AssistantsMembership CoordinatorMembership Assistants
RESEARCH & MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Connect with member clubs and individual members➤ Support new clubs and prospective members➤ Create organizational research specific to parenting multiples and club management➤ Connect members with opportunities to be a part of research➤Call on us if you need…➤ Answers to questions about club management or unique parenting situations➤ Help brainstorming ideas for your club’s activities, fundraising, or need a speaker for a meeting or event➤Help us…➤ Share what’s working in your club through Zoom Connects & social media
FINANCE DEPARTMENTFinance Vice PresidentFinance Assistants • Membership Statistician • Fundraising Assistants • Grantwriting Assistants
FINANCE CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Track organizational finances with assistance from bookkeeper and Executive Dir.➤ Organize donor campaigns and fundraisers, maintain periodic contact with donors➤ Publicize the Group Exemption program, manage in conjunction with Executive Dir.➤Call on us if you need…➤ Help brainstorming ideas for club fundraising or publicizing moneymakers➤ Questions answered about your club’s Group Exemption ➤Help us…➤ Spread the word about donor campaigns or consider donating yourself
EVENTS DEPARTMENTEvents VPEvents Team Assistants
EVENTS CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Procuring bids for upcoming conventions ➤ Convention planning, promotion, and on-site coordination➤ Planning & Coordinating activities for Multiple Birth Awareness month➤Call on us if you have…➤ Ideas for speakers or topics for upcoming conventions➤ Ideas for a site for an upcoming convention➤Help us…➤ Connect with people, businesses, clubs who would like to support a portion of convention or provide donations
PARLIAMENTARY CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Connect with clubs and members to advise on matters of a parliamentary matter➤ Assist with writing bylaw proposals for national or local clubs➤Call on us if you need…➤ A review of your club’s bylaws and standing rules➤ Assistance with addressing tough issues facing your club➤Help us…➤ Email your story or photo ideas for Multiple Connections or contact us if you’d like to write the a story yourself
ADVISOR COMMITTEESEDGE Chair & CommitteeNominating Chair & CommitteeScholarship Chair & Committee
ADVISOR COMMITTEE CONNECTIONS➤What we do…➤ Publicize and grow the Multiples of America endowment, oversee Special Fund grants➤ Determine a slate of officers for each new term➤ Encourage volunteerism at the local, state, and national levels➤ Review scholarship applications and determine recipients➤Call on us if you need…➤ Information about volunteering for Multiples of America➤ Guidance on submitting a Scholarship or Special Fund grant application➤Help us…➤ Consider supporting the Scholarship Fund or EDGE Endowment