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ABOUT USAt New Era Towing, our vision is to set the gold standard in private propertytowing by upholding the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, and legalcompliance. We envision a future where our services seamlessly blend with theneeds of property owners, tenants, and visitors, ensuring the swift, respectful, andlawful removal of unauthorized vehicles. We are committed to transforming thetowing industry, making our mark through responsible and transparentoperations, and setting a precedent for safe, secure, and community-orientedtowing services. Our vision is a world where private property towing is not onlyefficient but also synonymous with reliability and respect for all involved parties.Our mission is to simplify property management for owners and enhance theliving experience for tenants. We understand that your multi-family properties arenot just investments; they are homes to countless families. Our goal is to help youmanage your properties efficiently while creating a safe, comfortable, andattractive living environment for your tenants.NEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 02VISIONMISSIONAt New Era Towing, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive propertymanagement services for multi-family properties. With a strongcommitment to excellence, we bring years of experience and expertise tothe table, ensuring that your investment properties receive the care andattention they deserve. As a unique player in the private property towingindustry, we own and operate our own heavy-duty fleet, ensuring top-notch service without relying on external contractors. ABOUT USAt New Era Towing, our vision is to set the gold standard in private propertytowing by upholding the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, and legalcompliance. We envision a future where our services seamlessly blend with theneeds of property owners, tenants, and visitors, ensuring the swift, respectful, andlawful removal of unauthorized vehicles. We are committed to transforming thetowing industry, making our mark through responsible and transparentoperations, and setting a precedent for safe, secure, and community-orientedtowing services. Our vision is a world where private property towing is not onlyefficient but also synonymous with reliability and respect for all involved parties.Our mission is to simplify property management for owners and enhance theliving experience for tenants. We understand that your multi-family properties arenot just investments; they are homes to countless families. Our goal is to help youmanage your properties efficiently while creating a safe, comfortable, andattractive living environment for your tenants.NEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 02VISIONMISSIONAt New Era Towing, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive propertymanagement services for multi-family properties. With a strongcommitment to excellence, we bring years of experience and expertise tothe table, ensuring that your investment properties receive the care andattention they deserve. As a unique player in the private property towingindustry, we own and operate our own heavy-duty fleet, ensuring top-notch service without relying on external contractors.

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Private Property Towing: Our expertise covers towing services forlight, medium, and heavy-duty vehicles. Our commitment tocompliance ensures that vehicles parked in fire lanes, without validhandicap permits in handicap spaces, and those occupying reservedpremium spaces will be promptly towed. Patrol Enforcement Program: Our Patrol Enforcement Programworks for you to stop unauthorized parking on your property. You setthe parameters and we enforce them by patrolling your property andautomatically removing any unauthorized vehicle. This is done at thevehicle owners expense, no cost to the property owner.Junk or Abandoned Vehicles: Junked or abandoned vehicles canbecome breeding grounds for mosquitoes, rats and other pests.Overtime sitting vehicle begin to decay, tire start crumbling, duststarts to collect, as well as fluids start to leak on your property.Dangerous and hazardous fluids could become safety hazardsallowing pedestrians to slip and fall or impose fire hazards and easilyset fire to. In many cases abandoned vehicles come back stolen or arevehicles that have been used in violent crimes. Apartmentcommunities are easy facilities to dump such vehicles. Abandonedvehicles have also been known to house criminal activity. There arestatistical reports of abandoned vehicles being utilized in prostitutionmeeting points, as well as drug dealers using them to store theirdrugs they are selling. Keeping a clean and maintained parkingfacility is crucial to maintaining curb appeal, ridding unwanted crime,and protecting your property from on wanted critters.WHATWE DO?NEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 03 Private Property Towing: Our expertise covers towing services for light,medium, and heavy-duty vehicles. Our commitment to complianceensures that vehicles parked in fire lanes, without valid handicap permitsin handicap spaces, and those occupying reserved premium spaces willbe promptly towed. Patrol Enforcement Program: Our Patrol Enforcement Program worksfor you to stop unauthorized parking on your property. You set theparameters and we enforce them by patrolling your property andautomatically removing any unauthorized vehicle. This is done at thevehicle owners expense, no cost to the property owner. Junk or Abandoned Vehicles: Junked or abandoned vehicles canbecome breeding grounds for mosquitoes, rats and other pests.Overtime sitting vehicle begin to decay, tire start crumbling, dust startsto collect, as well as fluids start to leak on your property. Dangerous andhazardous fluids could become safety hazards allowing pedestrians toslip and fall or impose fire hazards and easily set fire to. In many casesabandoned vehicles come back stolen or are vehicles that have beenused in violent crimes. Apartment communities are easy facilities todump such vehicles. Abandoned vehicles have also been known tohouse criminal activity. There are statistical reports of abandonedvehicles being utilized in prostitution meeting points, as well as drugdealers using them to store their drugs they are selling. Keeping a cleanand maintained parking facility is crucial to maintaining curb appeal,ridding unwanted crime, and protecting your property from on wantedcritters.WHATWE DO?NEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 03

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New Era Towing offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. Our securedstorage facility boasts advanced features such as cameras, lighting, and 24/7 video surveillance,ensuring the utmost safety for our customers property. Our diverse fleet of trucks is equipped tohandle towing for light, medium, and heavy vehicles, manned by uniformed drivers committed toprofessional service. We prioritize ongoing learning through conferences and employee training. Ourtow operator training sessions cover the latest changes to the industry, safety protocols in and out ofthe truck, de-escalation techniques, proper tow techniques. In addition, our in-house staff are alsotrained in de-escalating customers in person and on the phone and are up to date on all the latestlaws and compliance issues. This helps enhancing our expertise and service quality in our state-of-the-art conference room. Our secure cashier window release access box stands as a testament to ourcommitment to employee health and safety. Additionally, we prioritize convenience and accessibilityby offering a golf kart service that assists individuals with mobility challenges, ensuring a seamlessand inclusive experience when retrieving their vehicles.Over 13 Security camerasfor vehicle security WHATYOU GET! New Era Towing offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs. Our securedstorage facility boasts advanced features such as cameras, lighting, and 24/7 video surveillance,ensuring the utmost safety for our customers property. Our diverse fleet of trucks is equipped tohandle towing for light, medium, and heavy vehicles, manned by uniformed drivers committed toprofessional service. We prioritize ongoing learning through conferences and employee training. Ourtow operator training sessions cover the latest changes to the industry, safety protocols in and out ofthe truck, de-escalation techniques, proper tow techniques. In addition, our in-house staff are alsotrained in de-escalating customers in person and on the phone and are up to date on all the latestlaws and compliance issues. This helps enhancing our expertise and service quality in our state-of-the-art conference room. Our secure cashier window release access box stands as a testament to ourcommitment to employee health and safety. Additionally, we prioritize convenience and accessibilityby offering a golf kart service that assists individuals with mobility challenges, ensuring a seamlessand inclusive experience when retrieving their vehicles.Over 13 Security camerasfor vehicle security WHATYOU GET!

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Operations Mgt.  Driver Manager Dispatch ManagerNEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 06Our TeamAt New Era Towing, our team is the heart and soul of our commitment to excellence. Wetake immense pride in introducing you to the individuals who drive our mission forward:Barbara, Founder and Visionary: Barbara, the heart and soul of New Era Towing, isn'tjust a business leader—she's a passionate community advocate, dedicated to giving backthrough various charitable initiatives. Founding the company with a profound mission torevolutionize the perception of private property towing, Barbara has been a tireless forcein the industry. As a single parent and a minority woman in a traditionally male-dominated field, she's worked relentlessly to elevate industry standards, contributing hertime and expertise to the Legislative Committee at Southwest Tow Operators. Barbara'sstory is a beacon of inspiration, embodying our commitment to excellence and positiveindustry transformation at New Era Towing.Michael, Towing & Recovery Expert: With over three decades of experience in thetowing and recovery industry, Michael is a true industry veteran. His commitment toexcellence drives his belief in keeping our drivers up-to-date with the latest recoverytechniques. As a guiding force within our team, Michael provides strong leadership anddirection, ensuring that our services meet the highest standards.Felix, Rising from Within: Felix's journey with New Era Towing is a testament to hisdedication and growth within the company. Starting at the age of 17 in our office, he hasrisen through the ranks and now operates our heavy-duty trucks. His passion andexpertise contribute significantly to our service reliability.Marcelina, Towing Industry Expert: Marcelina brings over a decade of towing industryexperience to our team. Her deep understanding of the industry is invaluable. Marcelinais dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest changes in towing regulations withTDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation).Our team is not just a group of individuals; we are a cohesive unit committed toproviding you with the highest level of service. Together, we embody the values ofprofessionalism, dedication, and community engagement that define New Era Towing.With such a passionate and experienced team, you can trust us to deliver on our promiseof exceptional service to your communities.
Operations Mgt. Driver Manager Dispatch ManagerNEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 06Meet Our TeamAt New Era Towing, our team is the heart and soul of our commitment to excellence. Wetake immense pride in introducing you to the individuals who drive our mission forward:Barbara, Founder and Visionary: Barbara, the heart and soul of New Era Towing, isn'tjust a business leader—she's a passionate community advocate, dedicated to giving backthrough various charitable initiatives. Founding the company with a profound mission torevolutionize the perception of private property towing, Barbara has been a tireless forcein the industry. As a single parent and a minority woman in a traditionally male-dominated field, she's worked relentlessly to elevate industry standards, contributing hertime and expertise to the Legislative Committee at Southwest Tow Operators. Barbara'sstory is a beacon of inspiration, embodying our commitment to excellence and positiveindustry transformation at New Era Towing.Michael, Towing & Recovery Expert: With over three decades of experience in thetowing and recovery industry, Michael is a true industry veteran. His commitment toexcellence drives his belief in keeping our drivers up-to-date with the latest recoverytechniques. As a guiding force within our team, Michael provides strong leadership anddirection, ensuring that our services meet the highest standards.Felix, Rising from Within: Felix's journey with New Era Towing is a testament to hisdedication and growth within the company. Starting at the age of 17 in our office, he hasrisen through the ranks and now operates our heavy-duty trucks. His passion andexpertise contribute significantly to our service reliability.Marcelina, Towing Industry Expert: Marcelina brings over a decade of towing industryexperience to our team. Her deep understanding of the industry is invaluable. Marcelinais dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest changes in towing regulations withTDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation).Our team is not just a group of individuals; we are a cohesive unit committed toproviding you with the highest level of service. Together, we embody the values ofprofessionalism, dedication, and community engagement that define New Era Towing.With such a passionate and experienced team, you can trust us to deliver on our promiseof exceptional service to your communities.

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Operations Mgt.  Driver Manager Dispatch ManagerNEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 07Our Core Values and Company Culture at New Era TowingAt New Era Towing, our identity is shaped by a set of core values that define ourcompany culture and guide our every action. We embody these principles in our dailywork, fostering an environment that thrives on Accountability, Commitment, andExcellence (ACE).Accountability: Accountability is the cornerstone of our operation. We take ownership ofour responsibilities and actions, ensuring that we meet and exceed the expectations ofour clients and partners. Our commitment to transparency, as reflected in our ticketingprocess, is a testament to our unwavering accountability. We are proud to uphold thehighest standards of ethical conduct and reliability.Commitment: Our team is bound by an unshakable commitment to our clients and ourmission. We go above and beyond to provide outstanding on-site concierge services. Thiscommitment extends beyond our professional duties; it reflects in our activeinvolvement in charitable causes and industry organizations. Barbara's dedication tochanging industry perceptions and Michael's tireless efforts to keep our team updatedexemplify our commitment to progress.Excellence: Excellence is not just a goal; it's our standard. Our team's collective expertise,led by Michael, ensures that we deliver nothing less than exceptional service. We foster aculture of continuous learning, keeping abreast of industry advancements andregulatory changes. Barbara's dedication to staying informed with the latest industrydevelopments is a testament to our pursuit of excellence.Our core values of Accountability, Commitment, and Excellence (ACE) serve as ourguiding principles, setting the foundation for the way we operate and the service weprovide. They reflect our deep commitment to professionalism, communityengagement, and unwavering dedication to our clients.This ACE culture is not just a statement; it's our way of life at New Era Towing. It's thepromise we make to you as we embark on a journey to redefine private property towingat your communities. We are confident that our team's collective dedication to ACE willenhance your experience and set a new standard for excellence.
Operations Mgt. Driver Manager Dispatch ManagerNEW ERA TOWING | PAGE 07Our Core Values and Company Culture at New Era TowingAt New Era Towing, our identity is shaped by a set of core values that define ourcompany culture and guide our every action. We embody these principles in our dailywork, fostering an environment that thrives on Accountability, Commitment, andExcellence (ACE).Accountability: Accountability is the cornerstone of our operation. We take ownership ofour responsibilities and actions, ensuring that we meet and exceed the expectations ofour clients and partners. Our commitment to transparency, as reflected in our ticketingprocess, is a testament to our unwavering accountability. We are proud to uphold thehighest standards of ethical conduct and reliability.Commitment: Our team is bound by an unshakable commitment to our clients and ourmission. We go above and beyond to provide outstanding on-site concierge services. Thiscommitment extends beyond our professional duties; it reflects in our activeinvolvement in charitable causes and industry organizations. Barbara's dedication tochanging industry perceptions and Michael's tireless efforts to keep our team updatedexemplify our commitment to progress.Excellence: Excellence is not just a goal; it's our standard. Our team's collective expertise,led by Michael, ensures that we deliver nothing less than exceptional service. We foster aculture of continuous learning, keeping abreast of industry advancements andregulatory changes. Barbara's dedication to staying informed with the latest industrydevelopments is a testament to our pursuit of excellence.Our core values of Accountability, Commitment, and Excellence (ACE) serve as ourguiding principles, setting the foundation for the way we operate and the service weprovide. They reflect our deep commitment to professionalism, communityengagement, and unwavering dedication to our clients.This ACE culture is not just a statement; it's our way of life at New Era Towing. It's thepromise we make to you as we embark on a journey to redefine private property towingat your communities. We are confident that our team's collective dedication to ACE willenhance your experience and set a new standard for excellence.

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210-590-4444bj@neweratowing.com5127 Castroville Rd. San Antonio, TX 78227Thank you for considering New Era Towing as your trusted towingpartner. While we know you have options when it comes to privateproperty towing services, we sincerely hope you grant us theopportunity to serve and safeguard your communities. With ourcommitment to excellence, unwavering legal compliance, anddedication to open communication, we aim to exceed yourexpectations and become your go-to towing solution. Together, wecan create safer, more harmonious, and well-managedcommunities. Contact us today and experience the difference ofworking with a towing partner that truly cares." 210-590-4444bj@neweratowing.com5127 Castroville Rd. San Antonio, TX 78227Thank you for considering New Era Towing as your trusted towingpartner. While we know you have options when it comes to privateproperty towing services, we sincerely hope you grant us theopportunity to serve and safeguard your communities. With ourcommitment to excellence, unwavering legal compliance, anddedication to open communication, we aim to exceed yourexpectations and become your go-to towing solution. Together, wecan create safer, more harmonious, and well-managedcommunities. Contact us today and experience the difference ofworking with a towing partner that truly cares."