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MULA Stylebook - February 2022

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mulaFebruary 2022

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February 2022CreditsCover photo, lifestyle photos, &Fashion PhotographyIG: mharrisstudios_studiosCover art: LaKisa B. Taylorwww.mharris.comPhoto Shoot Stylist:Team MulaHair: Paris Kennedy@theparisbeautybarMake-Up: Make up by Andy All projects featured, furniture,exterior & interior work, décor, design,concepts, project management andworks featured belong to MULAdesign team, LaKisa B Taylor, AmuAllson, or all parties mentioned@copyright2022 For inquiries, please 3 Monthly Planner4 Valentine's Day Planner5 Mood Board6 Til Death Do Us Part7 Self-Care: Your Brain, Heart, and Gut8 Guest Reflections9 Featured Entrepreneurs10 Style File11 Wardrobe Checklist12 Saving Our Marriage13 Thoughts on Black History Month 14 4 Vision and Hope15 Made Us Love Absolutelywww.mula4life.commulaEditor-in-Chief  LaKisa Taylor - AllstonTable of Contents2

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February 2022M O N T H L Y P L A N N E RN O T E SM O N3 10 71 42 12 80 10 81 52 20 10 20 91 62 30 20 31 01 72 40 30 41 11 82 50 40 51 21 92 60 50 61 32 02 70 6T U E W E D T H U F R I S A T S U N3

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No Surprisesthis Valentine's DayWOMAN - FOR VALENTINE'S DAY, I WOULD LIKE...MAN - MY IDEA OF VALENTINE'S DAY IS.....4Complete your section below for thehappiest Valentine's Day!

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Chance Encountersmood02Co l l ec t i on 2021E s t . Make itRomanticPhoto Credit: @simplycyn5Use MULA color palettes tobring design and style to yourlife. We introduced theChance Encounters themelast year. We find this mood tobe sexy, sophisticated,modern and classy. Have funand see where you can levelup your style today.

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I had to look up the meaning of ebbs and flows. Then I had toprocess its meaning. I had to sit, pause, and take a moment tothink about my marriage, my thoughts about marriage, andits perceived perfection. In addition to the good times and bad times, there are toughtimes and uncertain times. It's hard. Like really, really hard. This up and down nature is referred to as the "ebb and flow."Accepting this understanding, the "ebb and flow" of love in arelationship is necessary because your situation will not staythe same. You will change. Circumstances around you willchange and will affect change in you. On every level of yourbeing, you are a person who will evolve; spiritually, mentally,emotionally, physically, and financially. In some way, shape, orform, you or your partner will become a different person.Then you realize, I've committed myself to this; Imean this person. Yes, you are married to their good side andtheir bad. Then you ask yourself, what do I do? Some just wantto leave. However, I want to remind you, as I've remindedmyself, I took a vow, "til death do us part." Oh yeah, this is what it means to be for better or worse. For richer or poorer. In sickness and in health. Til death do uspart. This is it in full effect!Hopefully, you change and grow together. It seems thatdoesn't typically occur at the same pace or time. Your matemay feel like a stranger at times. Don't worry, at times you mayfeel the same way to them. Thankfully, we (Amu and I) choose God. He settles the tide forus, that is, of the "ebb and flow." TIL DEATH DO US PARTSomeone told me, in marriage, like a tide, it ebbs and flows...6

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We are grateful that so far, we've been able to work ourway back through tough moments and disagreements. Iwant to encourage couples never to stop working witheach other and remember that love will include bothgood and bad times. Accept it as part of the process and for seasoned couples,never ever forget that sometimes it ebbs and flows. Lovedoes conquer all, and love will enable you to navigatethese expected changes in marital life. Self-CareBrain, Gut, and Heart HealthThe three most important organs that we need to take care ofare our brains, our hearts, and our guts. These primary organsare hands down the most important parts of our bodies thatmake sure all of the other systems are functioning properly.8 hours of sleep; go to bed by 10:30 pm.Drink green or herbal tea.20 minutes power walk at least 5 times a week.15 to 20 minutes of prayer and meditation.Brush your teeth at least twice a day.Drink more water; stay hydrated.Perform your at home triage; check blood pressure,heart rate, oxygen, and glucose levels.Add melatonin to your life.Have an apple a day.Have yogurt and other probiotics as snacks.Do This:7LaKisa

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The Gems WeCarry With Us“Love forces, at last, this humility; youcannot love if you cannot be loved, youcannot see if you cannot be seen.” - James BaldwinWe recently celebrated our five-yearwedding anniversary. I guess you can stillconsider us “new” to marriage when youthink of how long a lifetime can really be,but let me tell you, all that has transpired inthe last five years (good, bad, and inbetween), we don’t take it for granted andsee this as a major milestone.It has definitely taken years to fully see howthe above sentiment from James Baldwincaptures what I’ve seen reflected in ourmarriage. As we’ve embarked on this newbusiness journey this past year, it remains atthe core of what we strive to be for eachother and ourselves. All of that SOUNDSgood, right? But what does it really mean?So let me actually break it down. Here aresome gems we carry with us:Kyle and Kara CurryGuest Reflections byCONTINUED8

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Show vulnerability and make your spouse feel safeto show vulnerabilityRespect one anotherBe willing to be checked/corrected andcheck/correct in loveBe chronically encouragingAlways be aware of your marriage/family goals. Lifewill naturally bring moments of discomfort withinyour marriage, but always lean on your goals.Be humble enough to know you may often bewrong or “miss the mark”Be gracious enough to be respectful when youhave a better solution/outcomeThe amazing part of it all, though, is that I don’t thinkeither one of us pictured our current life the way it’splaying out – big picture, yes, but the details…oh thedetails. It’s the details for us, in business and in life,that brings forth character, strengthens our bond, andis creating our legacy. Take note:Kyle Curry, Lead CarpenterKara Curry, Project ManagerK. Curry Craftsman Married: 5 yearsBusiness: 2 YearsHighlight:Husband and wife duo creating high-end finishes, pieces and furnishings.Their creations are custom andspecifically designed to help create a"purposeful" space.www.kcurrycraftsman.comIG: @k.currycraftsman9Marriagepreneurs

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Enjoying a winter vacation for most will include hitting the slopes, goingsnow tubing or sitting around the fireplace with hot cocoa looking cute.With so many compliments on our recent winter baecation get-a-way,we decided to show you how we made it happen. Ready for Snow style

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Looking fashionable is not about the money you spendon a garment. It’s about how you put it together.I’m most excited when I receive so many complimentson an outfit and with this one, I only spent $12.00 onmy ski pants. Thanks to Costco Wholesale, we were able to puttogether a fabulous vacation look for less than $100.00Puffy Ski Pants - ($12.99)Puffer Ski Coat - (Nautica/Michael Kors - $25.00)Warm weather ski gloves - (Head - $16.99)Heated leg warmers and tops - (Approx $12.00/ea)Foot/Toe warmers - (Little Hotties - $39.99)C H E C K L I S TWARDROBEPulling It Off C H E C K L I S T F R O M C O S T C O ’ S11

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The TaylorsMarried 15 yearsSeptember 16, 2006Saving MarriagesI had the pleasure of connecting over 15 years ago this month'scouple. My match-making skills were on point and I'm so gladthat these two have a successful marriage. They both give wonderful advice, so I'm delighted to have themcontribute their marriage tips. - LaKisaBrian's Checklist for Success1.) Never Call each other out byhis/her name.2.) Patience is not an immediatevirtue... you have to develop itthroughout the years.3.) Choose your battles wiselybecause everything is not reallyworth fighting/fussing over.4.) Communication is key.5.) Be sure there is plenty ofLaughter…be ready to laugh atyourself too. Tonya'sChecklist for Success1.) Trust2.) Respect3.) To Be Best Friends4.) Communication is key5.) Freedom to do things with friendsand family without spouse. 12Bonus Tip from the coupleInvest in a sleep number bed!

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- George Washington Carver“Where there is no vision,there is no hope.” I've always had big goals and big dreams. I always have a vision, a plan, and theway I'd like to see things come together. Having a vision for myself helps medevelop my goals and think about the steps that I need to take to move forwardin life. I imagine that this was a similar process for our Black leaders of the pastand some history makers.When I think about Black History, I see the sacrifices of others that we live ontoday. I envision how my ancestors would want me to be and make themproud. I ask myself, "What choices would they expect me to make?" If I also wishto be a leader myself, have an impact or make change in today's time, I have tohave more than a vision.The aforementioned quote by George Washington Carver allows me torecognize an element of hope missing from our community. The key tobuilding hope and vision is being consistent in positive things. If we can changeour focus on good health, ownership, becoming masters of something, andeducation, we will establish building blocks in our community that will lead usto more positive change.I always want to give hope to my people, so I'm considering these principles inmy life. The others perceive us may never change, but if we fight and maintainour own equality, I believe there will be a new vision to achieve. - LaKisaBlackHistoryMonth13What's your vision?

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Vision Four things to build on in your life. 3 421Health OwnershipMaster EducationFocusing on health in our blackfamilies would make a hugedifference in how we live andchange the lifestyle of our futuregenerations. Poor lifestyle choices, mentalhealth stigmas, and high rates ofdisease are the death cycle ofour community. We can dobetter. What is your skill set? Whatdo you offer? When youmaster something, you willbe in a good position toprovide for yourself and yourfamily because you will bethe resource, have thesolution to a problem, orhave the information thatsomeone is willing to pay for. Economy is the be part of theconversations that we need tobe part of. We're more thanvoters, borrowers, andconsumers. Owning a home or a business,is one way to establish yourfootprint. When you claimeconomic power that alwayshas the attention of others. Formal education, at the veryminimum is proof that youhave accomplished something.It's proof that you are capable ofthinking, application, andresolution. The more weeducate ourselves, whetherthrough college, certificateprograms or trade school, themore we elevate our lives. 4 Hope144

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MADE US LOVE ABSOLUTELYLast month when we stated that we were going to the Poconos, people automatically assumed we were goingto the place with champagne glass bathtubs and heart shaped beds. Well, Mt. Airy Resort is not your mom andgrandmama’s Poconos. The Pocono Mountains have a few resorts to offer couples, families and friends. Our stay at the Mt. AiryResort was nice and we, as always made it the best baecation ever. It was modern, cozy and has a nice casino.Our itinerary included spa day, pool day and snow tubing. Since the weather was 9 degrees for a couple ofdays, we took complete advantage of the resort setting.Nearby, the Kalahari Resort has an indoor water park and extended arcade system that any age can enjoy. Wetried the Escape Room and couldn't get out. This resort is a 5-minute drive from Mt Airy Resort, Food options were average. Skip the fancy restaurant at Mt. Airy and hit up the pizza place. The pizza shop wasthe best. We learned prior to leaving that better food options existed on Main Street in the town ofStroudsburg. - LaKisa and AmuMt. Airy Casino Resort - Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania 15

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"SOME PEOPLE LOOK FOR A BEAUTIFUL PLACE. OTHERS MAKE A PLACE BEAUTIFUL."IN VENTO RYIS NEED EDFO R BUY ERSWH O ARERE ADY! CA LL TO DAYFO R A FR EEMA RKETAN ALYSI S - H AZRA T IN AYAT KHA NLaKisa Taylor is always a beautiful choice to be your Realtor!(240) 304-2417lakisataylor@gmail.comwww.taylornetrealestate.comBroker: Taylor Properties175 Admiral Cochrane LaneSuite 111Annapolis, MD 21401800-590-0925