31 days to get an Attitude of Gratitude Attitude of Gratitude Video about the Mustard Tree Foundation www mustardtreefoundation org www feelgoodmerchandise com
Why did we do an “Attitude of Gratitude” monthly exercise? In June of 2011, my family came to Insight with our son who was addicted to drugs. We were angry, hopeless, and in despair. There was no room for gratitude and honestly, we did not see gratitude as an action. What we didn’t know on that day was that our whole world would change, we would be given amazing tools to use in our everyday life. He is now sober, and, best of all happy. I share this with you to show you it is never too dark a day to have gratitude in your life. These cards were made with love. Sincerely, Sue Hansen, Founder and Director of the Mustard Tree Foundation. www.mustardtreefoundation.org The Mustard Tree Foundation is a non-profit organization and has helped over 250 young people with addiction since November 2016. The MTF proudly modeled and helped start other foundations across the country for additional Enthusiastic Sobriety Programs.
Plan an event to give to MTF. Host a get-together breakfast or lunch with neighbors andinclude a testimonial from you or your child. Feel free to also use our video!Talk to the director if you want to run an event for the MTF. We are open to anything thathelps young people in addiction. Use Amazon Smile and choose the Mustard Tree Foundation located in Roswell Georgia asyour charity, you need to always order under the amazon smile after you get it setup.Donate online https://mustardtreefoundation.org/donate/Or donate with the QR scan-code on this card.You can also choose the Mustard Tree as the organization for your Facebook birthday gift.Always Open to other ideas! "31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Did you want to help the Mustard Tree Foundation? www.mustardtreefoundation.org Donation QR Code
Learn to breathe Start your journalWake up "Happy"Smile todaySay "WOW"Create your mantraBe silent in natureWrite a letterTake a break Stand up and stretchExpress your gratitudeTell your familyAccept appreciationLend a handKeep goingPerform an act of kindnessStay positivePost remindersFocus on strengthsLearn from mistakesBring it homeForgiveSpeak loveSay thank youLook outwardPractice empathySpread loveFind the silver liningName your knotsLove yourselfThank yourselfYour to-do-list over 31 daysYour to-do-list over 31 days
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 1 Learn to Breathe www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 2 Start a Gratitude Journal www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 3 Wake up Happy www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 4 Smile at everyone you seetoday! www.MustardTreeFoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 5 Learn the Power of"WOW" www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Learn the Power ofLearn the Power of WOWWOW Square your shoulders and smile;Square your shoulders and smile; even if you don’t mean it.even if you don’t mean it.Say "Say "WOW!"WOW!" 8 times. 8 times.Say it out loud.Say it out loud.Then smile at the end and say:Then smile at the end and say:“Today I am GRATEFUL!”“Today I am GRATEFUL!”
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 6 Create a Mantra www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 7 Be Silent in Nature www.musardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 8 Write a Letter www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 9 Take a Break www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 10 Stand Up & Stretch www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Stand Up and StretchWhen you wake up in the morning, stand up, and stretch. With each stretch, say somethingyou are grateful for today. Smile and greet the new day with gratitude.
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 11 Express your Gratitude www.mustardtreefounation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 12 Tell your Family www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 13 Accept Appreciation www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 14 Lend a Hand www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 15 Keep Going www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 16 Perform an Act of Kindness www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 17 Stay Positive www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 18 Post Reminders www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Post remindersPost remindersaround your house.around your house. Post quotes andPost quotes andImagesImages that remind you to bethat remind you to be "Grateful"!"Grateful"!
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 19 Be Grateful for Strengths www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 20 Be Grateful for Mistakes www.mustardtreefoundation.org
LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKESLEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES When you go to bed tonight reflect onWhen you go to bed tonight reflect on the day.the day.Did you make any mistakes?Did you make any mistakes?What lesson can youWhat lesson can you learn?learn?How can I use thisHow can I use this experience to grow?experience to grow?
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 21 Bring it Home www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Bring it Home
Make gratitude a part of your family life,share gratitude with each otherduring mealtime.
Make up a prayer to say with your familyeach time you are together.
"I am so grateful and lucky.I am excited to nourish my bodywhile I sit next to those I love.Thank you for everything!"
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 22 Forgive Others www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Forgive OthersForgive OthersForgive OthersSend love, especially to theSend love, especially to theSend love, especially to the people you may people you may people you may dddislike.islike.islike. It can be as simple as It can be as simple as It can be as simple as sendingsendingsending good good good ttthoughts their way.houghts their way.houghts their way. Learn to Learn to Learn to aaaccept others,ccept others,ccept others, even if you don’t even if you don’t even if you don’t uuunderstand them.nderstand them.nderstand them. Remember to include yourselfRemember to include yourselfRemember to include yourselfin the process of forgiving others.in the process of forgiving others.in the process of forgiving others.
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 23 Speak With Love www.mustardtreefoundation.org
SPEAK WITH LOVE Refrain from gossip or speaking badly aboutanyone.If you have a negative thought about someone, Replace it with a positive thought about them.
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 24 Say Thank You www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 25 Look Outward www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 26 Practice Empathy www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Practice Empathy Change your perspective.If you struggle to come up with something to be grateful for, put yourself in the shoes of someone who is experiencing greater misfortune than your own. Think about how you can help them. A random act of kindness. Sometimes our own problems get solved or diminishedwhile trying to help someone else solve theirs.
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 27 Spread Love www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Spread LoveSpread Love Harness the power ofHarness the power of technology.technology.Send three gratitude messages aSend three gratitude messages a week.week.Send texts, Facebook comments, etc..Send texts, Facebook comments, etc..Let people know youLet people know you appreciate them.appreciate them.
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 28 Find the Silver Lining www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Look for the Silver LiningLook for the Silver Lining Even the most difficult life challengesEven the most difficult life challenges can come with can come with ssome benefits;ome benefits; you just have to find them.you just have to find them.When you are sick, it draws out the compassion in others.When you are sick, it draws out the compassion in others.When we make a mistake, we can learn valuable lessons.When we make a mistake, we can learn valuable lessons.When things feel hard, ask yourself these questions:When things feel hard, ask yourself these questions:Is there any good in this situation?Is there any good in this situation? What are the benefits?What are the benefits? What did I learn?What did I learn?
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 29 Name your Knot www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Name your KnotWhat is a Knot? It is something that stops you in your tracksand doesn't let you move past it. Pretend the knot is a thought in a cloud right in front of you and tryto blow the thought away. Poof you are gone.(it works sometimes, especially if it is fear)If you still can’t get rid of the knot, then name the knot, pray about the knot, and then hand the knot over to your higher power .Imagine your higher power undoing the knot foryou; and you don't have say on where it falls. Let Go, Let God!
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 30 Love Yourself www.mustardtreefoundation.org
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Day 31 Thank Yourself www.mustardtreefoundation.org
MTF Video12 Step Parent Handbook
"31 days to get an "Attitude of Gratitude" Index www.mustardtreefoundation.org
Lear to breathe Start your journalWake up HAPPYSmile todaySay WOWCreate your MantraBe silent in natureWrite a letterTake a break Stand up and StretchExpress your gratitudeTell Your familyAccept appreciationLend a handKeep goingPerform an act of kindnessStay positivePost remindersFocus on strengthsLearn from mistakesBring it homeForgiveSpeak LoveSay Thank YouLook OutwardPractice EmpathySpread LoveFind the Silver LiningName your KnotsLove YourselfThank YourselfThe End, but also your New Begin-Again.The End, but also your New Begin-Again. Take a break and practice the 10 attitudes you chose to make into a habit.Take a break and practice the 10 attitudes you chose to make into a habit.In a few months begin the process again.In a few months begin the process again.
The Mustard Tree Foundation is grateful to youThe Mustard Tree Foundation is grateful to youThe Mustard Tree Foundation is grateful to you and your donations!and your donations!and your donations! MTF Donation