SellerR E S O U R C EG U I D E
Expert GuidanceResearch the comps in your area & complete acomparative market analysis to determine arange of the best list price for the sale of yourpropertyMake recommendations on potential repairs andcleaning of your property, in order to make yourhome more attractive to buyersSuggest a list of quality professionals, includingattorneys, handymen and inspectorsGuide you in making informed decisions leadingto a satisfactory salePresent and respond to all offers in a timelymannerNegotiate the best price & terms available,always keeping your specific needs in mindAct in good faith at all timesAdhere to your instructions & concernsReturn calls & emails promptlyClosely track dates & deadlinesTrack receipt all earnest money depositsReceive and deliver all documents in a timelymannerReview final settlement statementsYou are our priority!Place your interest above all othersKeepyour personal information strictlyconfidentialEnsure you are fully informedagentresponsibilitiesResponsivenessAccountingLoyalty
A T T O R N E Y R E V I E WOnce an offer is accepted in NJ wesend it to your attorney to review. During this time both seller and buyerattorneys will review contract andexchange letters that will revise thecontract, some timelines and items toprotect the buyer and seller. I N S P E C T I O N SYour buyer will probably hire aninspector to inspect your home. Theinspector is likely to recommendrepairs or upgrades that will benegotiate with you and the buyer fora credit or repairs to be done.L O A N C O M M I T M E N TThe buyer's loan is underwritten andappraisal is performed. All buyersdocumentation is verified and we waitfor final approval. Commitment will beissues with conditions still left. 78910C L O S I N G P R E P A R A T I O NThe lender's requirements have beenmet and the documents have beenordered. Closing has been scheduled. We will review the figures along withyour attorney and the buyer has a finalwalk through of your home usually 24-48 hours prior to closing.11C L O S I N GThe last step! Documents are signed,keys are exchanged and proceedsreceived. You may cancel your utilitiesand insurance, and your yard sign isremoved from your property.We are here to help after the sale ofyour home - whenever you need us!1D I S C O V E R Y & R E S E A R C HWe will tour your home and give ourinsights on what will help your sale.We will discuss the process anddevelop initial marketing strategies. 2L I S T I N G A P P O I N T M E N TWe will discuss the range of the valueof your home, review the calendar ofexpectations, sign documents andenter into contract. You're ready tolist!3P R E - L A U N C HAll of our marketing materials arecollected. From photography to lockboxes on your home, we make sureeverything is prepared for launch day.4L A U N C H D A YIt's time! Your home's profile is posted online. Ayard sign is placed on your property.Any and all marketing materials we'veagreed upon will be rolled out.5B U Y E R P R O S P E C T I N GConsistent exposure of your home isspread across the marketing platforms.All scheduled events are completeduntil we reach a sales agreement.eleven stepsselling in easy6S A L E S A G R E E M E N TOnce an offer has been made, we willreview all terms, conditions andrespond as needed. Choose the bestone and have it signed. Let's keep themomentum going!
Cleaning every room and removingclutter. This alone will make your houseappear larger, brighter and help themenvision themselves in your home.Hiring a professional cleaning serviceevery few weeks while the house is onthe market.Removing items from kitchen countersand closets. Removing all personal photos from thewalls, and patch the holes where theywere removed. Helps buyers visualizethemselves in your home withoutsomeone else's pictures on wall.Re-surfacing soiled or strongly coloredwalls with a neutral shade, such as off-white or beige, and applying the samecolor scheme to carpets and flooring.We have some great colors suggestionswe can share with you. Checking and repairing cracks, leaksand signs of dampness in the attic andbasement.Repairing holes or damage to sheetrock,plaster, wallpaper, paint and tiles.Replacing broken or cracked windowpanes, molding or other woodwork.enhance theaestheticthe interiorprepKeeping the lawn manicured andwatered regularly.Trimming hedges, weeding flower bedsand pruning trees regularly.Checking the foundation, steps,walkways, walls and patios for cracksand crumbling.Inspecting doors and windows forpeeling paint.Cleaning and aligning gutters.Inspecting and clearing the chimney.Repairing and replacing loose ordamaged roof shingles.Repairing and repainting loose sidingand caulking.Keeping walks neatly cleared of ice andsnow in the winter.Adding colorful annuals near the frontentrance in spring and summer.Re-sealing an asphalt driveway.Keeping your garage door closed.Applying a fresh coat of paint to thefront door.the exteriorprepappeal
Make the bedsGrab a basket and put personal items of clutter in your carMake sure the bathroom towels are clean, straightened and matchWipe down toilets and put the lids downWipe down all counter tops and sinksOpen all blinds & turn on all the lights in the houseMake sure the house temperature is comfortableMake sure the house smells good, but don't over do the air freshenerVacuum all carpeted areas, sweep all surfacesClean all mirrorsSweep the front doorway and wipe off the mat( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )show home ready in hour. one
4 F A C T O R ST H A TA F F E C T T H EO F Y O U R H O M EPrice PointPricing your home for the current market isimportant for maximum exposure and ultimately, asatisfactory sale. - Factors that determine a property's value:location, design, amenities, competing properties,economicconditions- Factors that have little or no influence:price the seller originally paid, amount spent onimprovementsMarket ConditionsThe real estate market is always fluctuating, andas your agent we will be able to discuss the prosand cons of listing during varied marketconditions. Property ConditionThe condition of your property will have a lotto do with the selling price and how quicklyit will sell. If there are repairs needed, or ifprofessional staging is required, we will bethere to assist and offer our guidance andnetwork.Market ExposureOur focus will be on what we're able tocontrol - market exposure and negotiatingoffers. We want to get the most qualifiedbuyers into your home, in the least amountof time, and with minimal inconvenience.With a comprehensive marketing plan, yourhome will get noticed in any market.saleability
Check in with the HOA to see if there areany restrictions or policies when listingyour condo/townhomeIf you have any known info regardingassessments, certification letters or HOAcovenants, have those available forbuyersOnce your home is on the market, it'svery important to have information readyto go in case the buyer or lenderrequests it. Below is a list of items that buyers,lenders and title companies mightrequest during this phase of selling your home.information Receipts of work done to the home - including all major & minorrenovationsAll keys and garage door openersSurveys previously doneA list of utility providers & averagecosts per monthAlarm instructions( )( )( )( )( )HOA Communities - if applicableprep
HAVE YOU FOUNDTHE RIGHTBUYER?Make the dealhappen.negotiatingthe dealsuccessfullyDisclose everything if known. Be proactiveto disclose all known defects to buyers -avoid legal problems later.Remember your priorities, but also respectthe buyer, as this will be their next home &they are nervous about the unknowns.Ask all of your questions. Offers mayinclude complicated terminology, whichcan be clarified for you.Respond quickly. The mood for the buyerto buy is exactly when the offer is made -don't delay (real estate is all aboutmomentum) Meet halfway if there are disagreementsabout small expenses - split the differenceand move on.Stay calm, even if the situation is tense.We are there to help ALWAYS!
You are now Under Contract.Congrats! One of the mostcrucial steps in buying ahome is performing aninspection. The buyers electto do this if they choose. Thebuyer's agent will set up a dayand time that works for youto have the inspector performa full inspection on yourhome. You will be asked toleave during this time. Itshould take anywhere from 1-4 hours depending on thesize of your home. Afterinspection, the buyer's sidewill send an inspection reportand may request specificrepairs or replacements, if anyneeded. At this time you candecide which items you agreeto fix, repair or replace, if any. Or just give a credit.Remember, inspection itemsthat affect health and safetyare pertinent.O F F E RA C C E P T E DNow that you've decidedon an offer, it's time to startthe Attorney Review andUnder Contract process.There are a few dates anddeadlines to be aware of -Attorney review period,title deadline, inspection,appraisal, and loanconditions. I N S P E C T I O NA P P R A I S A LAn appraisal will berequired by most lenders ifthe buyer is obtaining aloan. The appraisal couldcome in low, high, or atvalue. We will guide youthrough the process on theright moves to make if theappraisal comes in low.After the appraisal, we waitfor the loan conditionsdeadline for the buyer andare that much closer to theclosing table.under contractprocessA T T O R N E YR E V I E WThe Attorney Reviewperiod starts within 3 daysof signed contract and takeabout a week or lesstypically. The UnderContract process is right after Attorney Review cannormally take anywherefrom 30-60 days.
T H E C L O S I N G P R O C E S SF I N A L I Z E S T H E S A L E O FY O U R H O M E A N DM A K E S E V E R Y T H I N GO F F I C I A L . A L S O K N O W NA S S E T T L E M E N T , T H EC L O S I N G I S W H E N Y O UG E T P A I D A N D T H EB U Y E R R E C E I V E S T H ED E E D T O Y O U R H O M E .A FEW THINGS TO BRING TOCLOSING OR WHEN SIGNINGDOCUMENTSA valid government issued picture IDHouse keysGarage door opener(s)Mailbox and any other spare keysWHAT TO EXPECTThe escrow officer will look over the purchase contract andidentify what payments are owed and by whom; preparedocuments for the closing; conduct the closing; make suretaxes, title searches, real estate commissions and otherclosing costs are paid; ensure that the buyer's title is recorded;and ensure that you receive any money due to you.YOUR COSTSellers commonly pay the following at closing:Mortgage balance and prepayment penalties, if applicableOther claims against your property, such as current or pastdue unpaid property taxesUnpaid special assessments on your property if applicableReal estate commissionHome warranty, if applicableSurvey, if applicable but most buyers pay that.Real Estate Transfer Tax AFTER CLOSING, MAKE SUREYOU KEEP THE FOLLOWING FORTAX PURPOSESCopies of all closing documentsAll home improvement receipts on the home you soldclosing101congrats!Y O U A R E A L L C L O S E D !H O W E X C I T I N G !
@ m s q u a r e r e a l e s t a t evisit usw w w. m s q u a r e r e a l e s t a t e . c o mN O T E SW R I T E D O W N Q U E S T I O N S Y O U M A Y H A V E F O R Y O U R A G E N T
We had just opened M Square as Covid challenged our world. As an independent real estatecompany Melissa and Manny responded with creative solutions for their buyers and sellers. As Covid rules frequently and unpredictably changed, Manny and Melissa never let ourclients down. During this difficult time, the M Square difference was so successful that weexpanded to include eleven other agents. Our focus was and continues to be on the people, thefamilies that we help match up with their dreams on a daily basis. Give us a call and feelthe M Square difference. a littlemoreabout usm e e t o u r t e a mCarla GarciaSales RepresentativeManuel NunezSales Rep./ OwnerMelissa SilvaBroker/OwnerFatima LuisSales RepresentativeChristine Vosler Sales RepresentativeLindsey GiannatonioSales RepresentativeJessica RoisenvitSales RepresentativeMaria FuscoSales RepresentativeCristinaStoicescuSales Representative