REPORT2023IMPACTMARKETPLACE & MEETING PLACECultivating a Sustainable and Thriving Community for Generations to Come
NeighborhoodConnectivityWe cultivate a senseof pride andownership that unifiesand strengthens ourcommunity forgenerations. Weensure that allmembers of ourcommunity have theskills, opportunities,and desire toparticipate in ourshared future. Wefoster one-on-onerelationships,partnerships, and offerregular chances forcommunity membersto participate and giveback.Health & ResilienceWe promotedignity, health, andsustainability for allcommunitymembers. We equipindividuals tostrengthen theirphysical, emotional,mental, social, andfinancial health,even in challengingcircumstances. Ourofferings includeclasses, workshops,regular access tofresh food, andinterconnectedresources. Economic VitalityWe stimulate anequitable, vibrant localeconomy bysupporting localbusinesses, and jobcreation. With abusiness approach, wecreate new economicsystems that allowcommunity membersto achieve and sustainfinancialindependence. Thisindependence allowscommunity membersto put down roots andshape our sharedfuture.Training & EducationWe break downsocial barriers byteaching communitymembers about thestructural forcesthat create cycles ofchronic materialpoverty. We equipothers, includingother organizations,to rethink howcharity works. Then,we equip others tolearn the skills andstrategies forcreating long-termcommunity health.OUR PILLARS
As we share our Annual Impact Report withenthusiasm, I'm deeply appreciative of theprivilege to have a front-row seat, witnessing theincredible transformations unfolding every daywithin our community at Main Street Marketplaceand Meeting Place. Whether it's individuals building their financialresources to move beyond crisis living, gainingconfidence in preparing healthy meals for theirfamilies, finding social support during challengingtimes, understanding the impact of trauma ontheir life, or experiencing spiritual growth throughhealthy role models, each journey is a testamentto the resilience and strength found within ourcommunity when we are connected asneighbors.A LETTER FROMHOPE OLIPHANT Executive Director As we reflect on the past year, my hope is thatyou will see the significant strides made by ourtransition from a traditional model of charity to amore sustainable and holistic approach tohelping, focusing on community development.Our commitment to sustainability not onlyincreases the impact of every donated dollar butalso creates lasting change within ourcommunity.I will even boldly say that we are trailblazers,charting unexplored territory and redefining ourapproach to charity. I liken our journey to theexpedition of Lewis and Clark, venturingwestward into the unknown. Just as they faceddaunting challenges and celebrated victoriesalong their path, so too have we encountered ourown metaphorical Rocky Mountains. With humorand humility, I've shared with our board thisanalogy of our journey. We've made strides,transitioning from a food pantry to an equitablemarket, but now we stand before the GrandTetons of our vision: true sustainability and lastingimpact. To scale these peaks, we need genuinesustainability partners—those who share ourcommitment to personal transformation andinnovation.In the spirit of our annual Impact Report, I inviteyou to celebrate with us the remarkable progresswe have made together. Your support has beenthe driving force behind our success, and for that,we are deeply grateful.Together, let us continue to pioneer change,transform lives, and build a brighter shared futurefor our community. Thank you for being anintegral part of our journey.Sincerely, Hope Oliphant
Main Street Marketplace andMeeting Place is redefining charityand creating a healthier communitythrough partnerships, education,and access to resources, fosteringlong-term impact. Our Mission Our Values Subscribe to ourNEWSLETTERNeighboringHolistic WellnessEquitySustainability Cultivating aSustainable and ThrivingCommunity forGenerations to Come
NEIGHBORHOODCONNECTIVITY01Local Living02Christmas Store50% of Marketplace shoppers live within ourlocal community (China Grove & Landis).82% of MSMP staff live within our localcommunity.100% of program participants livegeographically close. (China Grove, Landis, N.Kannapolis, S. Salisbury) 50% of Christmas Store shoppers live within ourlocal community.210 children received new gifts that were selectedand purchased at affordable prices by theirparents/caregivers thanks to the discounted pricesof our Christmas store. $180 is the average amount saved by familiesshopping at our Christmas store.
NEIGHBORHOODCONNECTIVITY03Farmer’s Market04Staying Ahead 2024 EXPECTED PROGRAM EXPENSES: $67,046 14 farmers and small businesses connectedwith local families. 760 residents engaged in buildingcommunity and supporting local farmers. 67% of Getting Ahead (GA) graduates haveremained actively connected to socialsupport through our Staying Aheadcommunity over the past 18 months. 70% of GA participants reportedimprovement in their relationships & rolemodels.
HEALTH & RESILIENCE01Adverse ChildhoodExperiences (ACEs)02Community Resiliency Model® 50% of Market staff utilized our wrap-around services including ACEs.100% of participants gained understandingof the effects of ACES and toxic stress.88% of participants gained an understandingof their Resilient Zone and CRM® self-helptools.88% felt that the information presented isimpactful for their daily lives. “I have beenliving in toxicstress withoutrealizing what itwas and thecauses.”
HEALTH &RESILIENCE03In 2023, we transitioned from a pilot program toa fully established new Food Pharmacy Program.4 strategic partnerships were developedincluding: Rowan Health & Wellness, HealthyRowan, Catawba College, South & East RowanYMCAWe also partnered with Catawba College toestablish an Institutional Review Board (IRB)tasked with overseeing and tracking data for theprogram. Additionally, we secured two studentinterns from Catawba College to assist in thepreparation and organization of the FoodPharmacy.1 Registered Dietitian hired as our food pharmacycoordinator to recruit, plan, and carry out foodpharmacy.Food Pharmacy 2024 EXPECTED PROGRAM EXPENSE: $100,659“It’s more thanfood it’s aboutconnection”
ECONOMICVITALITY01Job Creation025 local jobs were created through theMarketplace and Hydroponic Gardens (18 jobs in total since 2021).Marketplace88% of our food costs are subsidized bypurchases made in the highest retail tier.38% of food in our market is locally sourced,generating $39,000 for local farmers andbusinesses.51% increase in Marketplace Meal Kitsgenerating additional revenue for the Market.
$2,360 - $6,150ECONOMICVITALITY03Local Partnerships 8 newly established farm partnerships (35 in total). 5 newly established business partnerships(30 in total).$1,910 - $4,210$2,890 - $7,140≤ $1,450 ≤ $1,900≤ $2,350≤ $2,890$1,460 - $2,700≥ $2,710≥ $4,220≥ $6,160 ≥ $7,150Green TierYellow TierBlue Tier1 person2 people3 people4+ people# of People in Household Monthly Household Income before taxesIncrease % of shoppers from 2022-2023: Green: +85% Yellow: +58% Blue: +53%A customer that normally spends$800/month on groceries cansave by shopping at Marketplace: $560 = when shopping inGreen Tier = ½ of a rentpayment$320 = when shopping inthe Yellow Tier = a carpaymentThis allows for further stability forfamilies living in the wage gap orbelow the poverty line.
7 community partners were supportedthrough our garden as MSMP provided localgreens for the following: Happy Roots, BreadRiot, Catawba College, United Way, YMCAService club, Rural Health Cohort, FeedKannapolis6000 heads of lettuce were produced,creating affordable access to local, freshgreens.ECONOMICVITALITY04Hydroponics2024 PROGRAM EXPENSE: $307,614 *This projected expense does not include generated revenue through marketplace or hydroponic sales.
EDUCATION &TRAINING 01Getting Ahead 02Reimagining Charity Lunch & Learn 56% of our staff are GA graduates.78% of GA graduates reported improvementin their financial resources .8 GA graduates now serve in leadership oradvocacy roles within our community.13 graduated from our English GA class 12 graduated from our Spanish GA class.120 local community members attendededucational sessions about our ResponsibleCharity model.24 educational programs and tours wereprovided to local schools, civic groups, etc.
2024 EXPECTED PROGRAM EXPENSE: $169,392 In the spring of 2023, Bianca faced significantchallenges, feeling fatigued, depressed, anddisconnected from her health and community.However, her life took a positive turn when she joinedthe Marketplace team in the summer. She had alreadybegun focusing on improving her health, but havingaccess to fresh, local produce at the lowest shoppingtier prices motivated her to eat healthier and savemoney. Bianca joined our Getting Ahead (GA) class in Augustand began developing resources for gaining stability,just in time for a sudden setback in her family’sfinances. However, her GA community helped her feelless alone in her struggles. She had also decided, in herGetting Ahead personal inventory, to focus not only onher physical health but also her spiritual resources. Shedeveloped the courage to ask for guidance, and justbefore the holidays, during the Beautifully RootedWomen’s Conference at Trinity Lutheran Church, helpbegan to flow. Fast forward one year, and Bianca’s life has undergonea remarkable transformation. Applying the principlesshe learned in GA, she achieved greater stability andprogressed to the middle shopping tier in theMarketplace. She not only graduated from GettingAhead but now also co-facilitates a GA class in Spanish,extending the program's impact to others in hercommunity. Since Bianca values holistic wellness, sherecently joined our Food Pharmacy program in Januaryand is making healthy eating and exercise a way of life. Bianca is now a vital part of Main Street Marketplaceand Meeting Place. She has taken every opportunity touse the resources available to her to change her andher family’s life for the better, and she is a constantsource of support and encouragement to those in hercommunity.BIANCASUCCESS STORY
INVESTING INLASTING IMPACTLEGACY GIVINGCORPORATESPONSORSHIPONE-TIMESTRETCHIncluding Main Street Marketplace and MeetingPlace in your estate planning allows you toleave a lasting legacy of compassion andsupport. Your planned gift ensures that futuregenerations will continue to benefit from ourprograms and services, creating a brighterfuture for our community.Partnering with us through corporatesponsorship demonstrates your company'scommitment to social responsibility andcommunity engagement. Your support helps usexpand our reach and make a meaningfulimpact on the lives of those we serve.A one-time stretch donation is a powerful wayto make a significant impact. It's an opportunityto stretch your giving capacity and make a realdifference in the lives of those we serve. PARTNERSHIPPLEDGEUnlock the power of long-term impact with amulti-year partnership pledge. By committingto support our organization over multiple years,you provide our organization with stability andensure that we can continue our vital work andplan for the future with confidence.MONTHLYDONATIONSBy becoming a monthly donor, you provideconsistent support that enables us to plan andimplement long-term programs effectively.
How we will build and grow the high performing team to best make our vision a reality.Develop strategies to deepen relationshipswithin our community.Identify and collaborate with communitypartners who share our vision.Create opportunities for program participants totake an active role in the leadership of theorganization.Build a community engagement team tofacilitate outreach, advocacy, and involvement. Increase access to local, fresh healthy foodsthrough our market for all community members. Provide ACEs & CRM® as wrap-around servicesfor all program participants including theHispanic population within our community. Establish and track Food Pharmacy Programdata for long-term impact.NeighborhoodConnectivityHealth &ResilienceSTRATEGIC PLAN 2024 - 2027
Training &EducationHow we will build and grow the high performing team to best make our vision a reality.STRATEGIC PLAN 2024 - 2027 Offer up to four GA classes annually in bothEnglish and Spanish, and mentor newfacilitators from previous classes. Maintain a schedule of tours, luncheons, andeducational events to foster a deepercomprehension of our model. Introduce Training and Consulting services togenerate revenue in support of our educationalinitiatives.Increase the number of shoppers in the highestretail tier to generate revenue to cover all foodexpenses.Continue to increase partnerships withfarmers/small businesses within the market,maintaining at least 30% of market goods aslocal.Pay off property for new development andlaunch a capital campaign for the new build. Conduct a feasibility study, followed by abusiness and architectural design plan for thefuture bistro, educational, and housing spaces.EconomicVitality
OUR SHARED COMMUNITYSCAN HERE TODONATE TODAY$40 PER MONTH Enrolls 2participants in our18-week GettingAhead program.Covers foodexpenses for a foodpharmacyparticipant for 6months.$60 PER MONTHEmploys a part timemarket staff memberwith employment forone month.$80 PER MONTHProvides GAcurriculum for 4classes.$100 PER MONTH1 YEAR OF MONTHLY DONATIONS
CONTACTUSPhone/Email/Website/Address/704-855-2909admin@marketandmeeting.orgwww.marketandmeeting.org308 S. Main Street China Grove, NCMARKETPLACE &MEETING PLACEWE BUILD SYSTEMS THAT FOSTER STABILITY FOR EVERYONE, MAKING OUR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMY THRIVE.