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MRN Sellers Guide

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Team Lead & Real Estate Sales RepresentativeMEET THE MRN TEAM SANDY MACKAYFounder & Real Estate SalesRepresentativeWith more than 10 years in the real estate industry, Sandy is an experienced investor, a realestate entrepreneur, and a visionary for building generational wealth through real estate.With his expertise in the investment world, he decided to share his knowledge, and since 2014to date, he Co-hosts the number 1 Canadian real estate investment podcast Breakthrough RealEstate Investment Podcast (#1 Canadian REI podcast, over 2,000,000+ downloads)His consistent and strategic work has led him to build multiple million-dollar businesses in realestate including a realtor team selling 300+ units a year, a property management company, andan investment company. Sandy's success can be attributed largely to his ability to build andlead teams. His passion is helping others to achieve financial freedom, build generational wealth, and liveepic lives. MIKE JOHNSONTeam Lead & Real Estate Sales RepresentativeMike is a talented and accomplished individual, proudly born and raised in Halifax, NovaScotia. With a deep passion for entrepreneurship, Mike has always been driven to succeed inhis career. After earning his MBA from Wilfred Laurier, he began working as a corporateemployee at Honda Canada.Despite his success in the corporate world, Mike felt a calling to explore the world of realestate. He joined Mackay Realty Network as a licensed Realtor, and quickly establishedhimself as a top performer. In his very first year as a realtor, Mike sold an impressive 52houses.Mike's talent and dedication did not go unnoticed, and he was soon promoted to Team Leadat Mackay Realty Network. In this role, he oversees a team of agents, helping them to achievetheir own success in the world of real estate. Mike's leadership skills have been instrumentalin the growth of MRN, and he has doubled his agent count from 2021 to 2022.Through his hard work, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit, Mike has established himselfas a leading figure in the world of real estate in Hamilton. He takes great pride in his work,and is always striving to achieve the best possible results for his clients.

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Director of Client CareKristan Billing mackayrealtynetwork.comMeet the Operations TeamTransaction CoordinatorJessie FraserDirector of MarketingJade BrownMackay Realty Networkis partnered with a full- service real estate platform designed to make the buying, selling and investing process as seamless as possible. What does this mean for you? You will have access to the best resources to help achieveyour real estate goals. MacKay Realty Network'sclient care department will reach out to you, to help keep everything on track, and make sure the entire process, from signing the paperwork tothe closing, is trouble free!

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DECIDING TO SELLWhy do you want to sell your property? Do youintend to simply find a larger property, or do youplan on moving to another neighbourhood, schooldistrict, city, or province? You might think yourreasons are obvious, but it would do you well toconsider the implications of each option for yourlifestyle, opportunities & finances. Being clearabout your intentions for selling will make it easierfor us to determine the most appropriate optionfor your specified financial, lifestyle, and realestate goals.SO YOU HAVE DECIDED TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY. BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO SIT DOWN AND CLARIFY YOUR MOTIVATIONS AND DRAW UP A BASIC TIME FRAME FOR THE SELLING PROCESS.WHY SELL?WHEN SHOULD I SELL?You should immediately establish your time framefor selling. If you need to sell quickly, we canspeed up the process by giving you a completemarket analysis and action plan to obtain yourgoals. If there is no pressing need to sellimmediately, you can sit down with one of ourexpert REALTOR®s to thoroughly review thecurrent market conditions and find the mostfavourable time to sell.WHAT IS THE MARKET LIKE? When you work with us, you can be sure that youwill have our knowledge, expertise and negotiatingskills at work for you to arrive at the best marketprices and terms. We will keep you up-to-date onwhat is happening in the marketplace and the price,financing, terms and conditions of competingproperties. With us, you will know exactly how toprice and when to sell your property.HOW DO I OPTIMIZE MY FINANCES?Deciding to sell your property demands a seriousconsideration of your current financial situation andfuture possibilities. With the help of our qualifiedagents, you will be able to effectively assess thecumulative impact of these changes, estimatepotential proceeds of selling your property, andplan effective tax savings and estate planningstrategies. We will ensure that you not only takecontrol of your finances, but use them to theirfullest potential.

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Fewer buyers are attracted and feweroffers are received, if anyMarketing momentum from the initiallisting is lostThe property attracts ‘lookers’ and helpscompeting houses look better bycomparisonWithout a professional REALTOR®, mostindependent property sellers tend tooverestimate the value of their property.There are dangers to overestimating yourproperties value that may cause your propertyto sit on the market for a longer period oftime and could eventually cause your propertyto sell below market value:CHOOSING A REALTORYou can avoid these pitfalls by consultingwith an experienced real estate listing agent.At Mackay Realty Network we believe thatevery home sale should be handled with theutmost responsibility and care. We believethat the selling process should be exciting,comfortable, informative and stress-free. Weare committed to a consultative approach toselling your home so you can make informeddecisions regarding the sale of your home.

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You may opt to sell your property independently, but there are many excellent reasons why you should choose us to assist you in this important step in your life. Selling your home is one of the most important decisions you will make, it will affect your family, your finances and your lifestyle. For such a large decision you deserve the best! Our Team’s full service, client –focused approach to real estate puts people first. Remember, we’ve done this before! Our experienced team will employ the most effective marketing and advertising strategies for your property and guide you through the complicated paperwork in involved, from the initial agreement to the final documents.WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE OUR PROFESSIONALS?

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When you work with us, you work with an extraordinary team of experts. We never run out of time for you because each of us is separately responsible for specific tasks in the sale of your property. ALL-IN-ONE SUPPORTBUYER AGENTS TRANSACTIONTEAMCLIENT SERVICES AGENT SERVICES HOME STAGINGMARKETINGTEAMPHOTO & VIDEOGRAPHER PROFESSIONAL NETWORK YOUR REALTOR & YOU! INSIDE SALES

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WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO TO GET YOUR HOME SOLD? WHATEVER IT TAKES!Provide a comparative market analysis so you know exactly what to expect and to guide you through choosing the listing price.Provide detailed action plans for every step of the process.Create a customized marketing plan which leverages their own experience as well as their connections through Mackay Realty Network and Keller Williams.Professional marketing package tailored to you and your property. Examples of our services include: photography, videography, listing website, drone shots, and twilight shots.Professional and superior negotiation services to ensure that your interests are protected.Guidance through every step of the transaction, including assistancescheduling: junk removal, painting, staging, cleaning, storage units, and more.MRN Agents will be actively prospecting for buyers for your home through: open houses, door knocking, cold calling, leveraging our connection with other realtors, connecting with our database of buyers, and more. We will always be looking to adapt our strategy to meet your needs, and meet the unique market that your home is selling in. With that being said, below is an outline of the many activites and strategies we use to get your home sold:

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SELLING YOUR HOME FOR MORE MONEY AN EFFECTIVE PRICING STRATEGYSome of these things are within your control, some are withinour control and some things we have very little control over.Access to the propertyCondition of the propertyMarketing and exposure of the listingCurrent real estate marketCurrent financing available and climatePopulation and demographicsCondition of the property from a Buyer’s perspectiveEnergy efficiencyCurrent competition in the marketProperty locationFACTORS WE CAN CONTROLFACTORS WE CANNOT CONTROLTake a look at theeffects of pricing onthe graphic belowcompared to amountof potential buyerswho will actually lookat the property.

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SELLING YOUR HOME FOR MORE MONEY INTERIOR DESIGN AND PRESENTATIONThere’s no competitive advantage in being just like everyone else.We want your property to be shown in the best possible light to prospective buyersto get you top dollar in the shortest amount of time. We will create a warm and inviting environment focusing on the best architecturalfeatures and selling points of your home.STAND OUT FROM THE COMPETITION: To ensure your property stands out among the competition, we will:Provide you with an itemizedchecklist that will help youprepare your property roomby room.Coordinate a consultation withour Certified ProfessionalStagerProvide you with a list ofsuggestions: should do,could do, recommended. Coordinate any improvementsyou decide to make or workwith what you provideGet quotes and encouragethe buyer to do their ownimprovements

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PREPARING TO SELLStep-by-step CURB APPEAL1.Keeping your landscape pristine, and addingcreative touches to your yard (such ascolourful annuals or hanging baskets), anddoing a simple clean up such as: cutting thelawn, removing garbage & debris and puttingaway recycling boxes, can create animmediate impact on passers-by andpotential buyers.2. PROPERTY REPAIRS & UPDATESPerform minor repairs & updates as needed,simple things such as repairing foggywindows, and putting a fresh coat of paint inthe most frequently used rooms will instantlybrighten up the property.3. CLEANLINESS & STAGINGWe can’t stress this enough: Keep yourproperty uncluttered, sweet-smelling andwell- lit from top to bottom. Pay attention todetails: put away kitty litter, place a vase offresh flowers near the entryway, pop a batchof cookies in the oven, have your carpetscleaned.4. SHOWTIME!Ensuring that your home is ‘Showing Ready’ issomething that you’ll need to keep in mindonce your home is on the market, you neverknow when a new Buyer might want to book ashowing! So it’s best to always be ready!

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WHILE YOUR HOUSE IS ON THE MARKETMake sure that the home is tidy and uncluttered, that means toothbrushes put away, no dishes in the sink, coats in the closet, etc.THERE ARE A FEW BASIC THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO TO ENSURE YOUR HOME IS ALWAYS READY FOR SHOWINGS:NEAT AND TIDY TEMPERATUREMake sure your home is set to a comfortable temperature; not too cold in the summer or too warm in the winter.LIGHTINGProper lighting always helps to show your tidy home in the ‘best light’. That means turning on all the lights at night or opening all curtains and blinds during the day. Turning the fireplace on in the winter is also a nice touch!STAY OUT OF THE WAYThe last, and arguably most important rule of thumb when it comes to showings, is to make sure that you leave the property whenever showing are scheduled. Don’t sit outside the home in your car, or watch from the park across the street. Having the home owner present during showings can put buyers on edge and taint the whole viewing experience. You want a prospective buyer to feel comfortable while viewing your home so that they can picture themselves actually living there! Buyers feel more comfortable discussing the property with their showing agent, if you are not there. Moreover, agents will know what information will be most useful in representing your interests when speaking with prospective buyers.

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“The higher the price, the better the offer” Do notlet yourself be fooled by this popularmisconception. Price is not always the determiningfactor when accepting an offer for severalimportant reasons: the initial offer is usually notfinal, and there are a number of terms andconditions that may influence the final outcome ofa price. You can trust our professionals to help youthoroughly evaluate every proposal withoutcompromising your marketing position.ACCEPTING AN OFFERKeep written records of everything: For thesake of clarity, it will be extremely useful totranscribe all verbal agreements includingcounter-offers and addendums, and convert themto written agreements to be signed by bothparties. We will draft all of the paperwork for yoursale and make sure that you have copies ofeverything.Stick to the schedule: Now that you have chosenyour offer, you and the buyer will be given atimeline to mark every stage in the process ofclosing the real estate contract. Meeting therequirements on time ensures a smoother flow ofnegotiations and also ensures that each partyinvolved is not in breach of their agreements.During the process we will keep you constantlyupdated so you will always be prepared for thenext step.Once a buyer decides that your home is the right onefor them, they will put in an offer. At this point yourREALTOR® will discuss with you the terms of the offerand advise you on what to do next, based on yoursituation and needs. You may even receive severaloffers at once, in this situation your REALTOR® willguide and advise you but it is ultimately your decisionwhen determining which offer you’d like to work with.Typically offers will go back and forth a few timesbetween the buyers and the sellers as you try to agreeon price and terms. When an offer goes back andforth like this it is referred to as being in ‘signback’.Any changes from the original offer will bedocumented in writing, although in extenuatingcircumstances negotiations will continue verbally untilthey can be documented in writing. This is where yourREALTOR®’s negotiation skills and experience reallygo to work for you!Some Important tips to keep in mind to streamline theprocess:THE PRICE IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHTNEGOTIATING THE RIGHT WAYWe take the ethical responsibility of fairlynegotiating contractual terms very seriously. It isour job to find a win-win agreement that isbeneficial to all parties involved. You may evenhave to deal with multiple offers before ratifyingthe one you judge to be the most suitable for you –and as your agents, we will guarantee a thoroughand objective assessment of each offer to helpyou make the right choice.THE OFFER PROCESS

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CONDITIONS, INSPECTIONS AND APPRAISALSTHE CONDITIONAL PERIODFinance: Mortgage approval for the purchase willneed to be obtained by the buyers for thiscondition to be met.Appraisals: Expect an appraiser from the lender’scompany to review your property and verify thatthe sales price is appropriate.Inspection: A professional home inspector willthoroughly check the home and let the buyersknow if there is anything to be concerned about.The inspection will be scheduled by the buyer’sagent.Insurance: Buyers who are obtaining a mortgage,are required by their lender to purchaseinsurance on the property.Sale of Purchasers Property or SSPIf your buyersare purchasing a property and still need to selltheir current property they might make thiscondition part of their offer. Your agent will guideyou and help you decide whether to accept anoffer with this condition or not, and what type oftimeline you will allow if you do accept it.Either each milestone is successfully met and theconditions will be removed, bringing you one stepcloser to the closing; OR The buyer, after reviewing the property and thepapers, requests a renegotiation of the terms ofthe contract (usually price).Once the offer is accepted the conditional periodbegins. All of the conditions in the offer must be metbefore it can become firm and the deal finalized.Most offers contain the following conditions:And sometimes:Depending on the outcome of the inspections, one oftwo things may happen:1.2.

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How do you respond objectively and fairly to the buyer when a renegotiation is demanded, while acting in your best interests? This is when a professional listing agent can make a real difference in the outcome of the transaction. Having dealt with various property sales in the past, we guarantee our expertise and total commitment to every customer, no matter what their situation is. When all of the negotiations have concluded, conditions have been met and the appropriate paperwork is signed and submitted the offer is considered firm. A FIRM OFFERNow that all of the conditions have been met the offer is firm, congratulations you just sold your house! All that’s left to do is to get ready to move on closing day.HOW DO YOU RESPOND TO A REQUEST TO RENEGOTIATE?

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CLOSINGMore of a formality than anything else, the final inspection takes place anywhere from a few days before closing to the day before;The buyer visits the property to verify that all is in working order, everything is the same as when the buyer last viewed the property, and that there are no extra items left behind.FINAL WALKTHROUGH CANCEL HOME SERVICES AND UTILITIESWe will provide you with a list of useful numbers for you to contact for the termination ofhome services & utilities before closing day.BE PREPAREDWe are ready to assist you should an unforeseen glitch pop up, even at this last stage. If something at the property breaks down, orsome other minor issue arises – there is no need to worry! We haveencountered these problems before so we know how to handle them efficiently and in a stress- free manor.CLOSING DAY - WHAT TO EXPECTThe biggest misconception when it comes to closing is that come closing the new owners get the keys right away and canstart moving in, although this would be ideal it’s simply not the way things work.In order for the keys to be passed from theseller to the buyer you have to wait for the title to be transferred. The title transfer is handled by your lawyer, who is yourbiggest ally come closing day. Your lawyer will notify you after the title has transferred. Thisgenerally happens between 1:00 and 5:00 PM. What a lot of people aren’t aware of is that as soon as the title has transferred, legally the house is no longer yours and youmust vacate the premises. Because you can never be sure what time the title will transfer we recommend, if possible, totry and have everything packed and out of the house the day before closing or the morning of. This will just help to keep closing day as stress-free as possible.Once the title has officially transferred, it’s time to celebrate; your house has officially sold and you can move on to your next stage in the property ladder!

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MARKETINGListing your home on the MLS(Multiple Listing Service) systemis important because it providesexposure to a vast network of realestate professionals and potentialbuyers who use the platform tosearch for properties. By listingyour home on the MLS, youincrease the visibility of yourproperty, which can lead to moreshowings and offers. Additionally,the MLS provides accurate andup-to-date information onproperties, which helps to ensurethat buyers and their agents havethe information they need tomake informed decisions aboutpurchasing a home. Finally, listingyour home on the MLS is often arequirement for working with alicensed real estate agent, whichcan provide you with access toadditional resources andexpertise throughout the sellingprocess.MLS SOCIAL MEDIAAll our listings get posted to ourteams social platforms & the MRNplatforms with over 25k followingcombined. Social media isimportant in real estate becauseit provides an effective platformfor agents and brokers to reach awider audience, showcaseproperties, and establish theirbrand and credibility in theindustry.EMAIL MARKETINGWe send all our new listings out toour database of 10,000 pluspeople everytime to get yourhome the most exposure. Emailmarketing is important in realestate because it enables agentsand brokers to communicatedirectly with their clients andprospects, build relationships,and share valuable informationabout properties, market trends,and industry updates. It alsoallows for targeted messagingand personalized communication,increasing the chances ofconversion and building brandloyalty.

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Sellers Listing ChecklistOverall appearanceWalls and ceiling freshly painted/ cleanedWood floors or carpet is clean and in good condition Doors are in good condition and polishedRoom is free of clutter Excess furniture is removedFireplace is clean (wood stacked neatly) Lights and outlets are working and polishedOverall appearanceWalls and ceiling are freshly painted and cleanWood floors or carpets are clean and in good condition Curtains, drapes and windowsills are cleanDoors are in good condition and polished Excess furniture removedLights and outlets are working & polishedOverall appearanceCeilings, walls & floors are clean Paint & wallpaper is in good conditionSinks clean and working without leaks or dripsPantry, cupboards & drawers are clean & unclutteredAll appliances are clean inside & outsideAll appliances are in good working condition Counters free of clutterLiving RoomDining RoomKitchenOverall appearance Clean and uncluttered Excess furniture removedLight fixtures work and are polishedNo shoes or jackets out for photos Overall appearanceWalls and ceilings are freshly painted & clean Paint and wallpaper are freshWood floors or carpets are clean & in goodcondition Curtains, drapes & windowsills are cleanDoors are in good condition & polished Room is free of clutterExcess furniture removedLights and outlets working and polished Closets & dressers are tidyOverall appearanceWalls and ceilings clean or freshly painted Paint and wallpaper is clean or new Floors are clean and in good condition Sinks and tubs are clean and scrubbed No leaks or dripsFixtures are clean and in good workingconditionTile is clean and un-cracked with caulking All cabinets are free of clutter and cleanToilet is working and clean Hang white fresh towelsEntrywayBedroomsBathrooms

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mackayrealtynetwork.comRetiring faster and wealthierFinancial independence and generational wealthSupporting your child’s education and housing needsA true feeling of freedom through home ownership What’s an Empowered Homeowner? A homeowner who is equipped with all the education and resources theyneed to drastically enhance their homeowner experience, and improve theirfamily’s opportunities for generations to come.Our founder, Sandy Mackay, comes from a background in real estate investingand education. Sandy has hosted the longest running Canadian real estateinvesting podcast since 2014. With 3 million+ downloads, it has long been oneof the top podcasts in Canada. You can find The Breakthrough Real EstateInvesting Podcast on all the podcast platforms or 2016, MRN has been empowering homeowners to build generationalwealth through real estate. We view homeownership both as a path tocreating incredible memories with your family and friends, and as a path tofinancial independence. We specialize in guiding you through your personal path to financialindependence through homeownership. Through our Empowered HomeownerProgram, you too could achieve incredible milestones in your life such as:As Canadians, you have one of the greatest opportunities on the planet tobuild a legacy for you and your family through homeownership. We’d behonoured to serve you and help you become the next EmpoweredHomeowners! MRN’s mission is to create empowered homeowners.

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P: (289) 389 6846E: info@mackayrealtynetwork.comLet's connect on social!@mackayrealtynetwork

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P: (289) 389 6846E: info@mackayrealtynetwork.comLet's connect on social!@mackayrealtynetwork