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Imperial Cities (with Enchanting Chefchaouen)

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DAY 1 - WELCOME TO CASABLANCAUpon your arrival in vibrant Casablanca,our friendly local guide will greet you justoutside gate 2 at the airport. From there,we'll set out northward to the charmingcity of Rabat, Morocco's beloved capital.After a scenic drive, you'll settle into yourhotel for a cozy overnight stay.Stay overnight in: RabatAdded Option: Fast Track upon arrivalMajestic Cities of Morocco& Enchanting Chefchaouen9 Days & 8 Nights

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DAY 3: EXPLORING CHEFCHAOUENStart your day with a delightful breakfastand then begin to experience theenchanting narrow lanes of Chefchaouenat your own pace. Known as Morocco'smost photogenic city, be sure to have yourcamera ready for an array of stunningshots throughout your journey. Don’t missout on visiting landmarks like the KasbahMuseum in the vibrant Plaza Uta el-Hammam.Dive into the serene beauty ofChefchaouen, affectionately dubbed the"Blue Pearl" of Morocco. The city isswathed in various shades of blue whichharkens back to old Jewish traditions,symbolizing the sky and heavens,encouraging a reminder of spirituality. Thisblue hue beautifies the city and infuses itwith tranquility, offering visitors a sense ofcalm and repose. Imagine stumbling upona blue gem that soothes the soul – theexperience awaiting in Chefchaouen.Overnight Stay: ChefchaouenIncluded Meals: Breakfast, LunchOptional Extras: Optional Tour Guide inChefchaouenDAY 2: RABAT TO CHEFCHAOUENKick off your morning with a heartybreakfast at your hotel before setting offon an urban adventure in Morocco'svibrant capital, Rabat, led by an expert localguide. Known for its military origins underthe command of Almohad ruler Abd Al-Mu’min, Rabat's old name, Ribatu l-Fath,translates to "fortress of victory," reflectingits storied past. Delve into history as wetour iconic sites such as the majestic RoyalPalace, ancient Chellah, the toweringHassan Tower, and the picturesque KasbahOuddaya. After the guided exploration,enjoy sosme personal time to meanderthrough Rabat's quaint souks and bazaarsin the old medina. Discover a treasuretrove of merchandise includinghandcrafted leather footwear in traditionaland modern designs, Moroccan-style bagswith Berber influences, and quaint antiquejewelry stores. Cap off your culturalexcursion with a serene break at “CaféMaure” on the edge of Bouregrag River.Revel in traditional Moroccan mint teacomplemented by delicious local treatssuch as Kaab Ghazal and Ghariba.As you leave behind the charm of Rabat,get ready to greet the enchanting blue cityof Chefchaouen.Stay Overnight: ChefchaouenIncluded Meals: Breakfast, Tea TimeLocal Highlight: Sipping Tea at CaféMaure with views of the Abouregrag RiverKaab Ghazal means "gazelle’s hoof" in Arabicand symbolizes warm Moroccan hospitalityalongside Ghariba sweets and refreshingMint Tea.Itinerary has been crafted by Pure Morocco

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DAY 4: DISCOVER CHEFCHAOUEN,MEKNES, VOLUBILIS, AND JOURNEYTO FEZStart the day with a delightful breakfastbefore your scenic drive to Fez with yourknowledgeable driver guide. On the way,you can't miss stopping at Volubilis andMeknes! Volubilis, a UNESCO WorldHeritage site, showcases Morocco's rich,multicultural past. Wander throughancient Roman ruins, marvel at grandTriumphal arches, explore the CapitolineTemple and be captivated by the detailedOrpheus mosaics that offer a glimpse intoRoman lifestyles.Next, dive into the historic charm ofMeknes, Morocco’s hidden gem built byMoulay Ismail and inspired by thegrandeur of Versailles. With your localguide leading the way, discover the iconicBab El Mansour gate and explore Lhri -lifelines of this imperial city. From there,we'll make our way to Fez.Meals Included: Enjoy BreakfastEvery October Fez hosts an impressive Sufifestival attracting global performers.DAY 5: UNVEIL THE SECRETS OF FEZSTAY OVERNIGHT IN FEZFuel up with breakfast before embarkingon an immersive tour of Fez. This ancientcity was once the Moroccan kingdom'sheart until 1912. You'll understand why asyou step into its Medina, a UNESCO-listedWorld Heritage Site founded in the 9thcentury and housing the world’s oldestuniversity.Your local guide will escort you throughFez's main attractions, including Bou-InaniaMedersa, Attarin Medersa, traditionaltanners, Ess-Seffarine Square, MoulayIdriss tomb, El-Nejjarine Square, thebustling cabinet makers’ souk and Mellah(the Jewish quarter). For a touch ofcreativity, join an optional potteryworkshop to craft your Moroccanmasterpiece.Post lunch at a cozy local eatery (optional),decide between relaxing back at your hotelor independently wandering Fez'scharming old town alleys.Meals Included: Breakfast and LunchUnique Experience: Pottery WorkshopItinerary has been crafted by Pure Morocco

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DAY 6: JOURNEY FROM FEZ TOMARRAKECHBegin your day with a delightful breakfastbefore embarking on the scenic drive tothe historied city of Marrakech. As wetraverse the picturesque countryside,we'll glimpse the charming hamlets ofImouzar and Ifrane, en route to therenowned farming hub of Beni Melal. Postthis rural interlude, we press on towardsMarrakech. Upon arrival, our team willassist you with hotel check-in for a restfulnight in the city.Stay In: MarrakechIncluded Meals: BreakfastDAY 7: EXPLORING MARRAKECHEmbrace the morning in enchantingMarrakech, a fairytale awakening for manytravelers. Savor your breakfast as ourdedicated local guide and chauffeureagerly await to unveil the "Ochre City"through an immersive tour. Wecommence at Majorelle Garden, a visualhomage by French artist JacquesMajorelle to his cherished masterpiece.We then saunter to Menara, not a beaconof light but rather an elegant pavilionnestled alongside an expansive reflectivepool amid fragrant orchards and olivetrees. The exploration continues with avisit to the grand Koutobia Mosque,meandering through the historic Jewishquarter—the Mellah—and a stop at theornate Bahia Palace. Cap off yourenlightening sojourn with a charmingKoutchi carriage promenade leading youto Jamaa El Fnaa square.Stay In: MarrakechIncluded Meals: Breakfast, LunchLocal Experience: Horse-Drawn CarriageExperienceItinerary has been crafted by Pure Morocco

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Itinerary has been crafted by Pure MoroccoDAY 8: EMBRACE THE FREEDOM OFMARRAKECHPost-breakfast at your hotel, seize the dayentirely at your leisure to explore thevibrant city of Marrakech. Make thisjourney your own, mingling with the localcrowd and soaking up the authentic“Marrakechi” way of life. Delve into anadventure among age-old storytellers andenchanting snake charmers, and letyourself be captivated by the spellbindingallure of Marrakech.Stay In: MarrakechMeal Included: BreakfastDAY 9: FROM MARRAKECH CHARM TOCASABLANCA DEPARTUREGreet the morning with a delightfulbreakfast before you set off forCasablanca. There, you'll embark on yourreturn journey home, hearts full ofmemories from a land that felt likeanother world.Meal Included: BreakfastOptional Extra: Priority DepartureServiceFun Fact: The sacred allure of Marrakeshstems from its title "the land of seven saints,"honoring revered religious scholars and Sufimystics devoted to enlightenment and piety.

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