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Monterey 101 Booklet Revised Oct

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2 Regular Meeting Times: 25

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2 Elders 23 276 50’s Class

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4 Operaons Minister Missional Life Minister Congregaonal Life Minister Senior Adults Minister Youth Sta Connecons Minister Ministry Staff 21

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20 Kairos Prison Ministry seeks to change the hearts, address the spiritual needs, and transform the lives of incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work in the prison environment. Kairos volunteers enter the prisons several mes a year to shine the light of God in these dark places.St. Benedict’s Chapel (1615 28th St.) “feeds body and soul” of Lubbock’s homeless, working poor, and food-insecure in partnership with ten area churches. Teams of volunteers from Monterey purchase, prepare, and serve a meal every Wednesday and some Tuesdays. For years, Monterey has operated Sugar N Spice Preschool. SNS provides classes for children through age four, two days per week during the school year. Its purpose is to provide a Chrisan environment for preschool educaon and childcare. The program is also designed to be an outreach to the community. Contact: Kelsie McNeill— Threads of Love is a sewing ministry that seeks to bless the families of premature infants as well parents of newborns who die due to sllbirth, miscarriage or infant death. This ministry desires to comfort and bind the hearts of parents during a me of uncertainty. Monterey seeks to be a safe place for young women walking through the dicules of unexpected pregnancy and related challenges. Whether it’s condenal counseling, connecon to professional care, or just someone who understands we desire to stand with these young women just as Jesus stands with us. 5 Youth Minister Preaching Minister Children’s Minister Worship Minister Children’s Minister

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6 Mission, Vision & Values 19 On rst Fridays, Monterey hosts 50 foster family kids for a night of play and pizza while foster parents enjoy a night o. We also partner with the Lub-bock Arts Alliance and Texas Tech Health Sciences Center to provide art and health acvies. Any foster parent in the community is welcome to register. Monterey helps lead One Heart Foster Alliance, an alliance of 15 Lubbock churches working to educate and equip one another to serve the foster/adopve community. Together we oer a range of supports to foster, kin-ship, and biological families in Lubbock, including Foster Parent Nights Out, Appreciate Dinners, Babysing Training, and more. Home Helpers serves the elderly, widows, and single moms in our church family by providing basic around the house labor such as yard work, clean up, and minor home repair. If you are in need of home help (or know some-one who is) contact the church oce.Hope Lodge provides free lodging for paents traveling to Lubbock for can-cer treatments. Since 2010, Monterey volunteer teams have provided week-ly meals to families staying there. Love Boxes is a ministry that walks alongside children in foster care and their caregivers. In partnership with Amarillo Angels, groups are matched with a foster family and their children to provide simple monthly care packages for one year. Monterey partners with Lubbock Meals on Wheels to deliver meals to elder-ly and disabled neighbors. The program serves over 700 meals daily, and it always seeking friendly faces to join their mission. Open Door is a robust Chrisan community development organizaon that serves the homeless, as well as young women who have experienced human tracking. Survivor Housing and Permanent Supporve Housing are two of their primary programs. Monterey provides nancial and volunteer support.

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18 Community Ministries God calls us to be His loving presence to the world. Monterey’s Community Ministries seek to bring the restoring love of Christ to our neighbors. If you or your family is interested in joining any of our community ministries or have any quesons, please contact Aaron Dawson at or 806-795-5201. Birthday Boxes is a ministry with Children’s Home of Lubbock that makes ready-to-go pares in a box for kids in foster care. Anyone can parcipate by sponsoring a cake for $25, cake and gi for $50, or an enre Birthday Box (party for 12) for $125. Boxes are packed by our Children’s Missions kids. The Children’s Home of Lubbock has blessed over 6,000 children through its various programs during its 50+ year history. In addion to Monterey’s nancial partnership with the Children’s Home, our members engage the children living at the Children’s Home through birthday party boxes, and other special opportunies throughout the year. Family Promise oers temporarily homeless families with children an opportunity to get back on their feet in a safe and loving environment. As a part of the Lubbock Family Promise eort, Monterey is one of many churches that provides meals, overnight chaperones, and weekend support for the Family Promise Hope House. Fiesta Friday is Monterey’s fun night for children and adults with special needs. On the last Friday of each month, those with special needs from across Lubbock are invited to come enjoy games, movies, and snacks while their caregivers enjoy an evening out. 7 Mission, Vision & Values

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8 Mission, Vision & Values 17 The Welcome Team’s goal is to provide assistance to anyone who may need help. Whether it is answering a queson about church events, leading some-one to where something is, or just being a friendly face to talk to—our Wel-come Team is here for you. Contact: Sco Gwinn—scogwinn@ymail.comThis ministry seeks to enhance the social, emoonal, and spiritual development of the women in the congregaon. The planning and implementaon of social events, retreats, workshops and outreach acvies, including the Wednesday morning Ladies’ Bible Class, are among the many facets of this ministry may pursue in meeng its goals of relaonship and growth. Contact: Women’s Events: Becca Webb— Ladies Bible Class: Pat Carrington— The purpose of this ministry is to help culvate an atmosphere of praise and worship at Monterey. Those who serve in this area work closely with the Worship Minister in planning weekly assemblies. This ministry team also helps coordinate retreats, workshops, and conferences related to worship. In addion, this ministry works with various singing groups to ensure that needs are met for music in funerals and other special events. Contact: Sam Souder— Ministry leaders in this area work closely with Monterey’s Youth Ministers and interns. This ministry is dedicated to helping young people mature in Christ. The goal of the ministry is to provide a well-balanced program that addresses the spiritual, social, emoonal, intellectual and physical needs of young people. Devoonals, retreats, camps, Bible studies, and service pro-jects are just a few of the many acvies in which our young people are in-volved. Contact: Eric Opton—

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16 Our safety team is made up from our o duty ocers in conjuncon with our medical, welcome team, ushers and ministry sta. Contact: Sean Collins— It is important to create areas in which smaller groups of people can connect and build relaonships. The Small Group Ministry enhances our ability to meet this need for outreach and fellowship. Those who serve in this area will work closely with the Congregaonal Life Minister in organizing training for Small Group leaders, responding to the needs of our groups, and com-municang with group leaders as needed. Contact: Joey Drumright— This ministry maintains Monterey’s website ( app, and all social media accounts. In addion, this ministry facilitates overall communicaon to our members via email, app and social media and web-site. Contact: Joey Drumright: Stephen Ministry equips people to provide one-to-one Chrisan care to peo-ple in our congregaon and community who are experiencing dicult mes in their lives. If you are interested in serving in this ministry contact us. Contact: Joey Drumright— This ministry seeks to minister to families and individuals whose lives have been touched by special needs. We oer a special-needs Bible class, Buddy Program, monthly prayer and support groups, and VBS among other opportunies. We want to help children within their abilies to grow in their relaonship with Christ. Contact: Emerald Bilbrey— This ministry seeks to help provide a place where people well as a seat. Somemes our services get crowded and we want everyone to have a seat at the table to worship. Come help people feel seen and wanted and help them nd a seat along the way. Contact: Emily Smith— 9 Children

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10 Teens 15 The purpose of this ministry is to build a “missions-conscious” church that is eecvely fullling its responsibility and call to share the gospel with those outside our immediate community. Present missions works include: El Sal-vador, Kenya, Tanzania, Mediterranean Rim, Hungary, and Open door. Our annual Special Missions Contribuon also allows us to partner with addion-al ministries in Nicaragua and Peru. Contact: Aaron Dawson—adawson@montereychurch.comThe purpose of this ministry is to respond to medical emergencies that take place on our campus during assemblies, Bible classes, and other events. Contact: Joey Drumright—806-577-8532 The overseeing & development of Monterey’s Memorial Prayer Garden, including purchasing plant material & helping grow the developed a garden plan. This project is intended to be ongoing in the development of the gar-den to honor and memorialize loved ones. Contact: Jody Davis—jodydavis@suddenlink.netThe men’s ministry serves two dierent opportunies including a Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study as well as mulple annual events including a Bris-ket Cooko, March Madness event, Cornhole Tourney & Dad’s & Kid’s Camping Trip. Contact: Joey Drumright—806-577-8532 Prayer and ulmately God’s involvement in our lives provides the foundaon for our spiritual growth as a church. This ministry seeks to connually enhance the spiritual life of members at Monterey through prayer groups, seminars, and retreats. This ministry also recruits people to pray during our assemblies—with specic requests for worshippers to be open to God in their lives. Contact: Deb Barnes— Recovery with Christ is a group environment of encouragement and support, striving to grow closer to God and to each other. This group is a safe place to become involved and to share our journey together. If you struggle with ad-dicon or have a signicant other , child or friend who does, this group will provide you the love, support, and encouragement to help you be of beer service to God and Others. Contact: Richard Bowles:

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14 Ministries ListThis ministry works with the Senior Adult Minister involving our senior adults in ministry opportunies and meeng their various needs. The “AR” leader-ship team are responsible for: Thursday lunches, monthly Game Nights, spe-cial seminars, fellowship opportunies, physical assistance, transportaon services, and opportunies for involvement. Contact: Jim Fuller—; This ministry works closely with a group of 4th—5th grade students who are commied to helping children all over the world. One of the responsibilies of this ministry is to determine the use of the second-Sunday “Changing the World” contribuon. Contact: Sherri Gray— Volunteers in this area will work closely with the Connecons Minister in meeng the needs of our college students, encouraging them to become a vital part of the church body, and equipping them for ministry. Specic re-sponsibilies may include hosng meals, and planning and integrang mean-ingful acvies. Contact: Hudson Hutchison— This ministry provides classes and support for those who have experienced divorce. DivorceCare classes have blessed both Monterey members and those from our community. Contact: Glen & Gwynn Marn— GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life aer losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the dicult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help. GriefShare meets on Wed. Nights at our Midweek Connect at 6:30pm. Contact: Jay Cornell—griefshare@montereychurch.com11 Adult Bible Classes

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12 Small Groups Sunday Nights 5:30-7:30pm Contact:Pay Fairchild Contact Info: 806-676-6806 / Pa Monday Nights 6:00pm Contact: Hudson Hutchinson Contact Info: Three Groups 1. Sunday Lunch once/month 2. Sunday evenings once/month 3. Sunday evening twice a month Contact: for more info. (Single, married, married w/children) 5-7pm every 1st & 3rd Sunday Contact: Marcia Crabtree 2-4pm every 2nd & 4th Sunday Contact: Jim Fuller 806-789.8761 / (60’s & Up) 13 Contact: Risa Jones 806-773-4428 / Contact: Pa Joiner 806-319-2232 / pa.paerson@ Contact: Butch Davis 806-790-1682 / eedbutch@suddenlink.netContact: Jim Fuller 806-789-8761 /; Contact: James Underwood 806-438-3727 / Contact: Ronnie Roberts 817-219-2300; Contact: Barry Stephens 806-790-0029 /

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12 Small Groups Sunday Nights 5:30-7:30pm Contact:Pay Fairchild Contact Info: 806-676-6806 / Pa Monday Nights 6:00pm Contact: Hudson Hutchinson Contact Info: Three Groups 1. Sunday Lunch once/month 2. Sunday evenings once/month 3. Sunday evening twice a month Contact: for more info. (Single, married, married w/children) 5-7pm every 1st & 3rd Sunday Contact: Marcia Crabtree 2-4pm every 2nd & 4th Sunday Contact: Jim Fuller 806-789.8761 / (60’s & Up) 13 Contact: Risa Jones 806-773-4428 / Contact: Pa Joiner 806-319-2232 / pa.paerson@ Contact: Butch Davis 806-790-1682 / eedbutch@suddenlink.netContact: Jim Fuller 806-789-8761 /; Contact: James Underwood 806-438-3727 / Contact: Ronnie Roberts 817-219-2300; Contact: Barry Stephens 806-790-0029 /

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14 Ministries ListThis ministry works with the Senior Adult Minister involving our senior adults in ministry opportunies and meeng their various needs. The “AR” leader-ship team are responsible for: Thursday lunches, monthly Game Nights, spe-cial seminars, fellowship opportunies, physical assistance, transportaon services, and opportunies for involvement. Contact: Jim Fuller—; This ministry works closely with a group of 4th—5th grade students who are commied to helping children all over the world. One of the responsibilies of this ministry is to determine the use of the second-Sunday “Changing the World” contribuon. Contact: Sherri Gray— Volunteers in this area will work closely with the Connecons Minister in meeng the needs of our college students, encouraging them to become a vital part of the church body, and equipping them for ministry. Specic re-sponsibilies may include hosng meals, and planning and integrang mean-ingful acvies. Contact: Hudson Hutchison— This ministry provides classes and support for those who have experienced divorce. DivorceCare classes have blessed both Monterey members and those from our community. Contact: Glen & Gwynn Marn— GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life aer losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the dicult days ahead. We know it hurts, and we want to help. GriefShare meets on Wed. Nights at our Midweek Connect at 6:30pm. Contact: Jay Cornell—griefshare@montereychurch.com11 Adult Bible Classes

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10 Teens 15 The purpose of this ministry is to build a “missions-conscious” church that is eecvely fullling its responsibility and call to share the gospel with those outside our immediate community. Present missions works include: El Sal-vador, Kenya, Tanzania, Mediterranean Rim, Hungary, and Open door. Our annual Special Missions Contribuon also allows us to partner with addion-al ministries in Nicaragua and Peru. Contact: Aaron Dawson—adawson@montereychurch.comThe purpose of this ministry is to respond to medical emergencies that take place on our campus during assemblies, Bible classes, and other events. Contact: Joey Drumright—806-577-8532 The overseeing & development of Monterey’s Memorial Prayer Garden, including purchasing plant material & helping grow the developed a garden plan. This project is intended to be ongoing in the development of the gar-den to honor and memorialize loved ones. Contact: Jody Davis—jodydavis@suddenlink.netThe men’s ministry serves two dierent opportunies including a Friday Morning Men’s Bible Study as well as mulple annual events including a Bris-ket Cooko, March Madness event, Cornhole Tourney & Dad’s & Kid’s Camping Trip. Contact: Joey Drumright—806-577-8532 Prayer and ulmately God’s involvement in our lives provides the foundaon for our spiritual growth as a church. This ministry seeks to connually enhance the spiritual life of members at Monterey through prayer groups, seminars, and retreats. This ministry also recruits people to pray during our assemblies—with specic requests for worshippers to be open to God in their lives. Contact: Deb Barnes— Recovery with Christ is a group environment of encouragement and support, striving to grow closer to God and to each other. This group is a safe place to become involved and to share our journey together. If you struggle with ad-dicon or have a signicant other , child or friend who does, this group will provide you the love, support, and encouragement to help you be of beer service to God and Others. Contact: Richard Bowles:

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16 Our safety team is made up from our o duty ocers in conjuncon with our medical, welcome team, ushers and ministry sta. Contact: Sean Collins— It is important to create areas in which smaller groups of people can connect and build relaonships. The Small Group Ministry enhances our ability to meet this need for outreach and fellowship. Those who serve in this area will work closely with the Congregaonal Life Minister in organizing training for Small Group leaders, responding to the needs of our groups, and com-municang with group leaders as needed. Contact: Joey Drumright— This ministry maintains Monterey’s website ( app, and all social media accounts. In addion, this ministry facilitates overall communicaon to our members via email, app and social media and web-site. Contact: Joey Drumright: Stephen Ministry equips people to provide one-to-one Chrisan care to peo-ple in our congregaon and community who are experiencing dicult mes in their lives. If you are interested in serving in this ministry contact us. Contact: Joey Drumright— This ministry seeks to minister to families and individuals whose lives have been touched by special needs. We oer a special-needs Bible class, Buddy Program, monthly prayer and support groups, and VBS among other opportunies. We want to help children within their abilies to grow in their relaonship with Christ. Contact: Emerald Bilbrey— This ministry seeks to help provide a place where people well as a seat. Somemes our services get crowded and we want everyone to have a seat at the table to worship. Come help people feel seen and wanted and help them nd a seat along the way. Contact: Emily Smith— 9 Children

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8 Mission, Vision & Values 17 The Welcome Team’s goal is to provide assistance to anyone who may need help. Whether it is answering a queson about church events, leading some-one to where something is, or just being a friendly face to talk to—our Wel-come Team is here for you. Contact: Sco Gwinn—scogwinn@ymail.comThis ministry seeks to enhance the social, emoonal, and spiritual development of the women in the congregaon. The planning and implementaon of social events, retreats, workshops and outreach acvies, including the Wednesday morning Ladies’ Bible Class, are among the many facets of this ministry may pursue in meeng its goals of relaonship and growth. Contact: Women’s Events: Becca Webb— Ladies Bible Class: Pat Carrington— The purpose of this ministry is to help culvate an atmosphere of praise and worship at Monterey. Those who serve in this area work closely with the Worship Minister in planning weekly assemblies. This ministry team also helps coordinate retreats, workshops, and conferences related to worship. In addion, this ministry works with various singing groups to ensure that needs are met for music in funerals and other special events. Contact: Sam Souder— Ministry leaders in this area work closely with Monterey’s Youth Ministers and interns. This ministry is dedicated to helping young people mature in Christ. The goal of the ministry is to provide a well-balanced program that addresses the spiritual, social, emoonal, intellectual and physical needs of young people. Devoonals, retreats, camps, Bible studies, and service pro-jects are just a few of the many acvies in which our young people are in-volved. Contact: Eric Opton—

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18 Community Ministries God calls us to be His loving presence to the world. Monterey’s Community Ministries seek to bring the restoring love of Christ to our neighbors. If you or your family is interested in joining any of our community ministries or have any quesons, please contact Aaron Dawson at or 806-795-5201. Birthday Boxes is a ministry with Children’s Home of Lubbock that makes ready-to-go pares in a box for kids in foster care. Anyone can parcipate by sponsoring a cake for $25, cake and gi for $50, or an enre Birthday Box (party for 12) for $125. Boxes are packed by our Children’s Missions kids. The Children’s Home of Lubbock has blessed over 6,000 children through its various programs during its 50+ year history. In addion to Monterey’s nancial partnership with the Children’s Home, our members engage the children living at the Children’s Home through birthday party boxes, and other special opportunies throughout the year. Family Promise oers temporarily homeless families with children an opportunity to get back on their feet in a safe and loving environment. As a part of the Lubbock Family Promise eort, Monterey is one of many churches that provides meals, overnight chaperones, and weekend support for the Family Promise Hope House. Fiesta Friday is Monterey’s fun night for children and adults with special needs. On the last Friday of each month, those with special needs from across Lubbock are invited to come enjoy games, movies, and snacks while their caregivers enjoy an evening out. 7 Mission, Vision & Values

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6 Mission, Vision & Values 19 On rst Fridays, Monterey hosts 50 foster family kids for a night of play and pizza while foster parents enjoy a night o. We also partner with the Lub-bock Arts Alliance and Texas Tech Health Sciences Center to provide art and health acvies. Any foster parent in the community is welcome to register. Monterey helps lead One Heart Foster Alliance, an alliance of 15 Lubbock churches working to educate and equip one another to serve the foster/adopve community. Together we oer a range of supports to foster, kin-ship, and biological families in Lubbock, including Foster Parent Nights Out, Appreciate Dinners, Babysing Training, and more. Home Helpers serves the elderly, widows, and single moms in our church family by providing basic around the house labor such as yard work, clean up, and minor home repair. If you are in need of home help (or know some-one who is) contact the church oce.Hope Lodge provides free lodging for paents traveling to Lubbock for can-cer treatments. Since 2010, Monterey volunteer teams have provided week-ly meals to families staying there. Love Boxes is a ministry that walks alongside children in foster care and their caregivers. In partnership with Amarillo Angels, groups are matched with a foster family and their children to provide simple monthly care packages for one year. Monterey partners with Lubbock Meals on Wheels to deliver meals to elder-ly and disabled neighbors. The program serves over 700 meals daily, and it always seeking friendly faces to join their mission. Open Door is a robust Chrisan community development organizaon that serves the homeless, as well as young women who have experienced human tracking. Survivor Housing and Permanent Supporve Housing are two of their primary programs. Monterey provides nancial and volunteer support.

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20 Kairos Prison Ministry seeks to change the hearts, address the spiritual needs, and transform the lives of incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work in the prison environment. Kairos volunteers enter the prisons several mes a year to shine the light of God in these dark places.St. Benedict’s Chapel (1615 28th St.) “feeds body and soul” of Lubbock’s homeless, working poor, and food-insecure in partnership with ten area churches. Teams of volunteers from Monterey purchase, prepare, and serve a meal every Wednesday and some Tuesdays. For years, Monterey has operated Sugar N Spice Preschool. SNS provides classes for children through age four, two days per week during the school year. Its purpose is to provide a Chrisan environment for preschool educaon and childcare. The program is also designed to be an outreach to the community. Contact: Kelsie McNeill— Threads of Love is a sewing ministry that seeks to bless the families of premature infants as well parents of newborns who die due to sllbirth, miscarriage or infant death. This ministry desires to comfort and bind the hearts of parents during a me of uncertainty. Monterey seeks to be a safe place for young women walking through the dicules of unexpected pregnancy and related challenges. Whether it’s condenal counseling, connecon to professional care, or just someone who understands we desire to stand with these young women just as Jesus stands with us. 5 Youth Minister Preaching Minister Children’s Minister Worship Minister Children’s Minister

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4 Operaons Minister Missional Life Minister Congregaonal Life Minister Senior Adults Minister Youth Sta Connecons Minister Ministry Staff 21

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