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Monterey 101

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Mission Vision Values On first Fridays Monterey hosts 50 foster family kids for a night of play and pizza while foster parents enjoy a night off We also partner with the Lubbock Arts Alliance and Texas Tech Health Sciences Center to provide art and health activities Any foster parent in the community is welcome to register Monterey helps lead One Heart Foster Alliance an alliance of 15 Lubbock churches working to educate and equip one another to serve the foster adoptive community Together we offer a range of supports to foster kinship and biological families in Lubbock including Foster Parent Nights Out Appreciate Dinners Babysitting Training and more Home Helpers serves the elderly widows and single moms in our church family by providing basic around the house labor such as yard work clean up and minor home repair If you are in need of home help or know someone who is contact the church office Love Boxes is a ministry that walks alongside children in foster care and their caregivers In partnership with Amarillo Angels groups are matched with a foster family or kinship family to provide monthly care boxes Open Door is a robust Christian community development organization that serves the homeless as well as young women who have experienced human trafficking Survivor Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing are two of their primary programs Monterey provides financial and volunteer support Kairos Prison Ministry seeks to change the hearts address the spiritual needs and transform the lives of incarcerated individuals their families and those who work in the prison environment Kairos volunteers enter the prisons several times a year to shine the light of God in these dark places 4 17

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Community Ministries Mission Vision Values God calls us to be His loving presence to the world Monterey s Community Ministries seek to bring the restoring love of Christ to our neighbors If you or your family is interested in joining any of our community ministries or have any questions please contact Aaron Dawson at adawson montereychurch com or 806 795 5201 Birthday Boxes is a ministry with Children s Home of Lubbock that makes ready to go parties in a box for kids in foster care Anyone can participate by sponsoring a cake for 25 cake and gift for 50 or an entire Birthday Box party for 12 for 125 Boxes are packed by our Children s Missions kids The Children s Home of Lubbock has blessed over 6 000 children through its various programs during its 50 year history In addition to Monterey s financial partnership with the Children s Home our members engage the children living at the Children s Home through birthday party boxes and other special opportunities throughout the year Family Promise offers temporarily homeless families with children an opportunity to get back on their feet in a safe and loving environment As a part of the Lubbock Family Promise effort Monterey is one of many churches that provides meals overnight chaperones and weekend support for the Family Promise Hope House Fiesta Friday is Monterey s fun night for children and adults with special needs On the last Friday of each month those with special needs from across Lubbock are invited to come enjoy games movies and snacks while their caregivers enjoy an evening out 16 Values continued on next page 5

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Teens GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life after losing a loved one Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead We know it hurts and we want to help GriefShare meets on Wed Nights at our Midweek Connect at 6 30pm Contact Jay Cornell griefshare montereychurch com The purpose of this ministry is to respond to medical emergencies that take place on our campus during assemblies Bible classes and other events Contact Sara Pena 806 787 1794 This committee is composed of members of the Monterey church that have agreed to oversee the development of Monterey s Memorial Prayer Garden The committee has established guidelines for purchasing plant material and has developed a garden plan This project is intended to be ongoing in the development of the garden to honor and memorialize loved ones Contact Jody Davis jodydavis suddenlink net The purpose of this ministry is to build a missions conscious church that is effectively fulfilling its responsibility and call to share the gospel with those outside our immediate community Present missions works include El Salvador Kenya Tanzania Mediterranean Rim Hungary and Open door Our annual Special Missions Contribution also allows us to partner with additional ministries in Nicaragua and Peru Contact Aaron Dawson adawson montereychurch com Prayer and ultimately God s involvement in our lives provides the foundation for our spiritual growth as a church This ministry seeks to continually enhance the spiritual life of members at Monterey through prayer groups seminars and retreats This ministry also recruits people to pray during our assemblies with specific requests for worshippers to be open to God in their lives Contact Debra Rogers ddrogers626 gmail com 8 13

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Ministries List Adult Bible This ministry works with the Senior Adult Minister to involve our senior adults in ministry opportunities and to meet the various needs of our senior adults They are responsible for a variety of activities including Thursday lunches monthly Game Nights special seminars fellowship opportunities physical assistance transportation services and opportunities for involvement Contact Jim Fuller jfuller montereychurch com Every Sunday Monterey is blessed with many guests in our worship assemblies Affectionately known as Bakers of Men this ministry especially reaches out to first time guests Baking and delivering cookies along with calling and caring are some of the areas of involvement and oversight in this ministry Contact Scotty Cindy Elston scotty elston agtexas com This ministry works closely with a group of 4th 5th grade students who are committed to helping children all over the world One of the responsibilities of this ministry is to determine the use of the second Sunday Changing the World contribution Contact Christi Sanders hiskids montereychurch com Volunteers in this area will work closely with the Connections Minister in meeting the needs of our college students encouraging them to become a vital part of the church body and equipping them for ministry Specific responsibilities may include hosting meals and planning and integrating meaningful activities for these young adults Contact Hudson Hutchison hudson montereychurch com This ministry provides classes and support for those who have experienced divorce DivorceCare classes have blessed both Monterey members and those from our community Contact Glen Gwynn Martin gmart6583 gmail com 12 9

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Small Groups Contact Risa Jones 806 773 4428 risa_jones ml com Contact Patti Joiner 806 319 2232 patti patterson ttuhsc edu Sunday Nights 5 30 7 30pm Contact Patty Fairchild Contact Info 806 676 6806 Patty fairchild42 gmail com Mac Cheese Mondays Monday Nights 6 00pm Contact Hudson Hustchinson Contact Info Hudson montereychurch com Contact Butch Davis 806 790 1682 eedbutch suddenlink net Contact Jim Fuller 806 789 8761 jful44 yahoo com jcornell starcarelubbock org Three Groups 1 Sunday Lunch once month 2 Sunday evenings once month 3 Sunday evening twice a month Contact youngadults monterey gmail com for more info Single married married w children Contact Clara Ellison 806 773 3712 cdellison suddenlink net Contact James Underwood 806 438 3727 ford27t aol com Contact Joan McKandles 806 790 8760 joannmckandles sbcglobal net 5 7pm every 1st 3rd Sunday Contact Ashley Davis 806 252 7233 adavis8603 yahoo com Contact Ronnie Roberts 817 219 2300 ronnie robertstexas com 2 4pm every 2nd 4th Sunday Contact Jim Fuller 806 789 8761 jfuller montereychurch com 60 s Up Contact Barry Stephens 806 790 0029 bstephens montereychurch com continued on pg 11 10 11

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Recovery with Christ is a group environment of encouragement and support striving to help each group member grow closer to God and to each other Our spiritual fitness enables us to cope with or overcome any obstacle or difficult circumstance that life throws our way This group is a safe place to become involved and to share our journey together If you struggle with addiction or have a significant other who does this group will provide you the love support and encouragement to help you be of better service to God and Others Contact Richard Bowles rbowles15 suddenlink net Children It is important to create areas in which smaller groups of people can connect and build relationships The Small Group Ministry enhances our ability to meet this need for outreach and fellowship Those who serve in this area will work closely with the Congregational Life Minister in organizing training for Small Group leaders responding to the needs of our groups and communicating with group leaders as needed Contact Joey Drumright jdrumright montereychurch com This ministry maintains Monterey s website www montereychurch com app and all social media accounts In addition this ministry facilitates overall communication to our members via email app and social media and website Contact Joey Drumright jdrumright montereychurch com Stephen Ministry equips people to provide one to one Christian care to people in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficult times in their lives If you are interested in serving in this ministry contact us Contact Joey Drumright stephenministry montereychurch com This ministry seeks to minister to families and individuals whose lives have been touched by special needs We offer a special needs Bible class Buddy Program monthly prayer and support groups and VBS among other opportunities We want to help children within their abilities to grow in their relationship with Christ Contact Deanna Dawson deannadawson1212 gmail com 14 7

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Elders 2 19

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St Benedict s Chapel 1615 28th St feeds body and soul of Lubbock s homeless working poor and food insecure in partnership with ten area churches Teams of volunteers from Monterey purchase prepare and serve a meal every Wednesday and some Tuesdays For years Monterey has operated Sugar N Spice Preschool SNS provides classes for children through age four two days per week during the school year Its purpose is to provide a Christian environment for preschool education and childcare The program is also designed to be an outreach to the community Contact Kelsie McNeill sns montereychurch com Threads of Love is a sewing ministry that seeks to bless the families of premature infants as well parents of newborns who die due to stillbirth miscarriage or infant death This ministry desires to comfort and bind the hearts of parents during a time of uncertainty Ministry Staff Senior Minister bstephens montereychurch com Missional Life Minister Congregational Life Minister adawson montereychurch com jdrumright montereychurch com Worship Minister Operations Minister ssouder montereychurch com scollins montereychurch com Children s Minister Children s Minister Youth Minister Youth Staff csanders montereychurch com Monterey seeks to be a safe place for young women walking through the difficulties of unexpected pregnancy and related challenges Whether it s confidential counseling connection to professional care or just someone who understands we desire to stand with these young women just as Jesus stands with us syoung montereychurch com eopton montereychurch com tzarbano montereychurch com Youth Staff chorn montereychurch com Connections Minister Hudson montereychurch com Senior Adults Minister senioradults montereychurch com 18 3

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Mission Vision Values The Welcome Team s goal is to provide assistance to anyone who may need help Whether it is answering a question about church events leading someone to where something is or just being a friendly face to talk to our Welcome Team is here for you Contact Keegan Stewart keegan stewart gmail com This ministry seeks to enhance the social emotional and spiritual development of the women in the congregation The planning and implementation of social events retreats workshops and outreach activities including the Wednesday morning Ladies Bible Class are among the many facets of this ministry may pursue in meeting its goals of relationship and growth Contact Women s Events Becca Webb becca webb lubbockisd org Ladies Bible Class Pat Carrington pacarrington520 yahoo com The purpose of this ministry is to help cultivate an atmosphere of praise and worship at Monterey Those who serve in this area work closely with the Worship Minister in planning weekly assemblies This ministry team also helps coordinate retreats workshops and conferences related to worship In addition this ministry works with various singing groups to ensure that needs are met for music in funerals and other special events Contact Sam Souder ssouder montereychurch com This ministry is dedicated to young adults in their 20 s and 30 s married or single to engage in intentional relationship growth Contact Hudson Hutchinson hudson montereychurch com Ministry leaders in this area work closely with Monterey s Youth Ministers and interns This ministry is dedicated to helping young people mature in Christ The goal of the ministry is to provide a well balanced program that addresses the spiritual social emotional intellectual and physical needs of young people Devotionals retreats camps Bible studies and service projects are just a few of the many activities in which our young people are involved Contact Eric Opton eopton montereychurch com 6 15