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GREEN FLEETS & ALTERNATIVE FUELSCONNECT WITH US ISUZU CV The 2025 Isuzu NRR EV with a van body by Utilimaster.www.IsuzuCV.comINSIDE THIS ISSUEOCTOBER 2024 VOL-9 NO-10COVER STORIESFUTURE OF EVS WHAT FLEETS SHOULD KNOW28INDUSTRY INSIGHTSURVEY SAYS ................ 14Total cost of ownership, safety and EVs as goals for fleets.MANAGEMENTMAXIMIZING ASSETS ....................................................... 22A fleet's clever strategy to support EV transition.IN EVERY ISSUEINDUSTRY NEWS ............................................... 8WORK TRUCK PRODUCTS ............................. 37ISUZU CHARGES FORWARD GOES ELECTRIC WITH NRR EV18SHOWCASEMEDIUM-DUTYTECHNOLOGYALTERNATIVE FUELS EMERGE ASVIABLE ZERO EMISSIONS SOLUTION ............................... 24There are several pathways for fleets to reach compliance with new EPA regulations.@mwsmag modern-work-truck-solutions.
TECHNOLOGY FUTURE OF EVS IN TRUCKING. ..............................................28 How the shift to BEVs is going and what fleets should know about charging.SAFETY DRIVING SAFETY FOWARD ....................................................30 Technicians conquer distracted driving at top tech competition.OPERATIONS ENHANCING TRUCK EFFICIENCY WITH MMS ..........................32 Huey P Stockstill LLC utilized new technologies to help its 3100 Lorna Rd., Ste 101Birmingham, AL 35216MARIO CYWINSKI J, CAMPBELL VP of RANDY MOON Publisher randym@mwsmag.comGARY BARKER Media Consultantgary@mwsmag.comTIM O’HARA Media Consultanttim.ohara@mwsmag.comSETH SAUNDERS Digital Media SpecialistINGRID BERKY Office ManagerNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. The views expressed by those not on the staff of Modern WorkTruck Solutions, or who are not specifically employed by Highlands Publications are purely their own. All Industry News material has either been submitted by the subject company or pulled directly from its corporate website, which is assumed to be cleared for release. Comments and submissions are welcome, and can be submitted to INQUIRIES OR CHANGES CALL:205.380.2048CHRIS GARMONCFO TIM GARMONCEORUSSELL HADDOCKPresidentThe October issue of Modern WorkTruck Solutions is the Green Fleets and Alternative Fuel issue. With each passing day, this is becoming increasingly important for work truck fleets. Regulations are changing, and fleets need to keep up. In this issue we look at several ways that fleets can move their fleets to be more sustainable.First, our medium-duty Showcase this month looks at the new electric N-Series NRR EV from Isuzu on page 18. It comes with a variety of options for those that need an electric-powered medium-duty truck. Our Industry Insight shows how a Survey Points to Total Cost of Ownership, Safety and EVs as Goals for Fleets, as we speak with Jim Perkins from Shell Fleet Solutions on page 14.Over in management, we look at Maximizing Assets: A Fleet's Clever Strategy to Support EV Transition, on page 22. Technology looks at Alternative Fuels Emerge as Viable Zero Emissions Solutions for Work Trucks on page 24. As well as looking at the Future of EVs in Trucking on page 28.On the safety front, we also look at Driving Safety Forward: Technicians Conquer Distracted Driving on page 30.In operations we look at Enhancing Trucking Efficiency with MMS on page 32.As well, be sure to look at our industry news and products sections for the latest.Good day.EDITOR’S NOTEMario Cywinski Editor3230
ALLISON TRANSMISSION EQUIPS HYDROGEN-FUELED TRUCK Allison Transmission integrated the Allison 4000 Series transmission with a Class 8 truck equipped with a Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2-ICE), which was displayed by Southwest Research Institute at SAE International’s Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress. The vehicle demonstrates emissions control capable of outperforming EPA/CARB 2027 and Euro 7 criteria pollutant emissions standards. "The integration of our Allison 4000 Series in the H2-ICE vehicle demonstrates the critical role internal combustion engine (ICE) powertrain solutions can and will play in moving the industry closer to ultra-low emissions,” said Ryan Milburn,vice-president, product engineering, Allison Transmission. “From our fuel-agnostic conventional transmissions to electric hybrid and fully electric propulsion systems, Allison proudly offers the power of choice for customers aiming to achieve sustainability goals without compromising performance or reliability."To compensate for the lower power and slower engine response associated with alternative fuels, Allison’s power shift technology and torque converter improve startability, drivability and overall productivity.MCNEILUS SECURES ORDER FOR ELECTRIC REFUSE TRUCKS McNeilus Truck and Manufacturing, Inc., announced that Republic Services, Inc. placed an order for 100 McNeilus Volterra ZSL electric refuse and recycling collection vehicles. “Republic Services has made an industry-leading commitment to fleet electrification, and we look forward to continuing our longstanding partnership with Oshkosh and McNeilus,” says Brett Rogers, Republic Services vice president, operations technology. “Our latest order of Volterra EVs will help us provide cleaner, quieter service to customers and help our municipal partners achieve their climate goals.” The 100 McNeilus Volterra electric vehicles will be deployed across multiple states. Each vehicle is equipped with 360-degree cameras, lane-departure sensors and automated braking systems. The Volterra eRCV can operate a full day’s route on a single charge. MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 20248INDUSTRY NEWS
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202410INDUSTRY NEWSThe McNeilus Volterra electric refuse and recycling collection vehicles feature a purpose-built chassis and body, integrated as a single unit. The vehicle’s zero emission certifications from the California Air Resources Board and the United States Environmental Protection Agency help customers meet stringent environmental regulations and clean fleet goals.NAVISTAR REBRANDS TO INTERNATIONALNavistar, Inc. announced its plan to rebrand and change its name to International Motors, LLC. Along with the name change, the company also debuted a refreshed logo and distinct visual identity. This rebranding is driven by a shift in strategy to transform the business into a solutions provider, and the role the International brand can play in a streamlined customer and user experience."After more than 120 years, we are choosing to return to our roots as International," says Tobias Glitterstam, chief strategy and transformation officer. "International embodies determination, partnership, and collaboration in meeting every challenge with a solution. Our new name and look complement the strategic changes we are making to offer enhanced customer experiences." The company will focus on more than engineering and producing truck and bus products. While the product remains the core of every customer interaction, International's full solutions portfolio will also include services such as parts, maintenance, financing, connectivity, and charging.In the coming months, current tools like OnCommand Connection and International 360 will come together under a new digital customer interface called My International. My International will enhance and customize the customer experience by aligning all customer solutions and data, including service contracts, financing, and fleet management in one place."The return to International is an acknowledgement of our rich heritage as much as it is an investment in our promising future," says Mathias Carlbaum, president and CEO. "The simplified brand structure, distinct visual identity, and clear strategy to more effectively engage with our customers ensure we can lay claim to another 200 years of success and signals a new phase of our company's positioning."VOLVO TO LAUNCH ELECTRIC TRUCK WITH KM RANGENext year Volvo will launch a new long-range version of its FH Electric that will be able to reach up to 600 kilometres (approximately 372.8 miles) on one charge. The new Volvo FH Electric will be released for sale during the second half of 2025.
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202412INDUSTRY NEWS“Our new electric flagship will be a great complement to our wide range of electric trucks and enable zero-exhaust emission transport also for the longer distances. It will be a great solution for transport companies with a high annual mileage on their trucks and with a strong commitment to reduce CO2,” says Roger Alm, president, Volvo Trucks.The enabler for the range is Volvo’s new driveline technology, the so-called e-axle, which creates space for more battery capacity onboard. More efficient batteries, a further improved battery management system and overall efficiency of the powertrain also contribute to the extended range. “The transport sector represents seven percent of global carbon emissions. Battery-electric trucks are important tools to reduce the climate footprint. Besides the important environmental gains that electric trucks bring, they offer truck drivers a much better working environment, with much lower levels of noise and vibrations,” says Roger Alm. ISUZU EXPANDS NRR-EV BENEFITS Isuzu Commercial Truck of America, Inc., announced that the NRR EV has been awarded California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) eligibility by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The NRR-EV’s HVIP-eligibility means customers can qualify for up to a $60,000 HVIP voucher that can be stacked with other programs. This funding eligibility gives businesses more choices as they transform their fleets to zero emission vehicles “As businesses continue to build their zero-emission fleets, the HVIP voucher for the NRR-EV is a big step in bringing those customers into the Isuzu brand,” says Shaun Skinner, president, Isuzu Commercial Truck of Ameria. “EV customers will also appreciate the many benefits associated with our new ISUZU360 connected service as we continue to elevate the Isuzu ownership experience.”Also, ISUZU360 is a dedicated online platform that connects owners to their vehicle(s) and allows them to monitor the vehicle’s performance, customize its charging parameters, oversee its maintenance periods, and check alerts and notifications.
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 15AQThe in-depth stats found in the survey, can be found in the whitepaper, Shell Fleet Solutions 2024 Fleet Trends Survey Results: Surprising takeaways on how fleet stakeholders spend time and energy.MWS recently spoke with Jim Perkins, director for Shell Fleet Solutions, US, who provided insights into what the survey uncovered. MWS: WHAT WERE THE KEY STANDOUT RESULTS OF THE SURVEY?JIM PERKINS: The topics most fleets responded to strongly weren’t surprising. Reducing total cost of ownership (TCO), maintaining or improving safety, and incorporating sustainability into fleets, all scored high across the survey.Asked to rate the six categories by level of concern for 2024, stakeholders graded TCO the highest. In fact, more than half of respondents to the survey graded it as their highest or second-highest area of concern this year with safety just behind.That result was similar to the top goals for fleets in 2024. When we asked how much TCO would be a goal in the year ahead, over 88 percent agreed that reducing overall costs would be a priority. MWS: YOU MENTIONED SAFETY AS ANOTHER AREA OF CONCERN. WHAT OTHER AREAS DID FLEETS FLAG?PERKINS: Safety finished second as a top priority, something fleets are aware of and constantly working on as the No. 2-ranked area for time spent among fleets in 2023. Over 86 percent agreed that fleet safety was a priority or top concern for 2024. Reducing overall costs and bringing down TCO are important to fleets, and safety is one key area that can help achieve both goals. This makes sense when you consider that a single nonfatal accident on the job can cost over $75,000, according to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety.Finishing in the top five for priorities were sustainability, electric vehicles (EV), and business growth. As a fleet management provider, we hear from our customers that many fleets are working to find avenues to run a more streamlined fleet operation, while navigating what fleets will look like – and how they will be run – in the future.MWS: THE SURVEY TALKS ABOUT POINTS OF PRIDE AND PROFITABILITY. WHERE ARE FLEETS FINDING SUCCESS?PERKINS: The numbers for pride and profitability are close to what we’re seeing for priorities and concerns. Safety placed first, showing that fleets can point to their safety efforts as a positive factor in overall operations. Over 75 percent called out TCO as a point of pride and profitability – that fleets are making progress in meeting budget goals. Overall sustainability placed third, with over half of respondents feeling proud of their efforts in this space. MWS: SUSTAINABILITY AND EVS ARE A BUZZ WORD ACROSS THE FLEET WORLD. WHAT CONCLUSIONS CAN BE DRAWN FROM THE SURVEY DATA?PERKINS: Sustainability and most notably EVs are making an impact for fleets. Whether it’s due to local, state or federal mandates, operators are thinking about how they can implement sustainability measures. Over 60 percent of respondents said fleet sustainability goals were a top priority for this year. Additionally, over 56 percent agree or strongly agree that investing in initial or additional EVs is a priority for 2024. When asked which industries and trends they pay the most attention to, 41 percent of respondents mention EVs or related sectors, in their open-ended responses.One thing to take away from this, which we are seeing in real time, is that many fleets are expected to be a hybrid mix. Just like fleets aren’t confined to a single class type, you may see a mix of both ICE and EV. Most fleets are not planning to immediately replace all their ICE vehicles with EVs, but the transition is happening and is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.MWS: WERE THERE ANY OTHER STANDOUT FIGURES? PERKINS: Over 71 percent agreed that external global or national market and political factors – such as supply chain disruptions, inflation, recession fears and sustainability mandates – were a top concern for their fleet.JIM PERKINS
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202416INDUSTRY INSIGHTWhile supply chain issues and inflation are starting to see some relief, there are still lingering effects from the pandemic that fleets are having to consider. Various local, state and federal mandates and policies are affecting fleet operations. Many of our fleet customers are acutely aware of their costs. That’s where fleet management providers can work toward helping fleets - to sort through any obstacles and help assist with their total cost of ownership as they try to find relief when setting budgets.MWS: BASED ON THE RESULTS, WHERE DO YOU SEE CHANGES IN THE FLEET WORLD?PERKINS: Change is coming fast – the survey highlighted that fleets are on a tight timeframe to achieve their goals. Nearly 40 percent stated that they have 12 months to implement changes that benefit their fleet, and over 25 percent only have six to nine months to address barriers and make meaningful progress. While there are a variety of external factors influencing businesses, the survey results show that fleets are working on changes they can control.As for changes ahead, we see time and energy are precious commodities to fleets. They need to feel confident they can see results when they take the step to address improvements. We believe that fleet operators can be very discerning when moving forward.The industry is changing rapidly, especially in areas of technology and sustainability, which may seem overwhelming. That it’s becoming more affordable to purchase EVs and the growth of data available to fleets make these shifts valuable in the long run. ABOUT THE INTERVIEWEEJim is the head of Shell Fleet Solutions USA, leading a team of sales and marketing professionals. He has worked for a variety of Shell businesses during his 30-year career. Before joining the Fleet Solutions team in 2014, he spent most of his career in the Shell Mobility organization as well as the Jiffy Lube organization.To learn more about the results of the Shell Fleet Solutions-NAFA survey, please download the Shell Fleet Solutions 2024 Fleet Trends Survey: Results Surprising takeaways on how fleet stakeholders spend time and energy whitepaper by visiting
The Charlotte, MI built NRR EV recently began production, and offers an EV option for those who need an Isuzu-built vehicle, but one without a petrol-engine. Isuzu says that the vehicle has the quietest and most efficient cab in its stable, with enhanced aerodynamics which allow the airflow to be directed around the cab. New front bumper is designed to improve cooling performance, and a front frame is made of hot-rolled steel, which with its high tensile strength design is more rigid, stronger, and taller than previous frames.POWERTRAINThe new N-Series NRR EV is available in chassis or van body styles. The powertrain consists of a choice of four battery packs configurations (60, 100, 140, or 180-kWh), this is mated to 150kW of maximum power, 280 pounds/feet or torque at a voltage of 350V. An eco mode helps to reduce battery consumption and acceleration to increase available range. Regenerative braking can be set to the driver’s preference and helps to further increase range. AC (Level 2) and DC fast charging can charge to vehicle to fill in under two hours.“Isuzu teams overseas and here in North America have worked tirelessly to bring the NRR-EV from concept to reality,” says Shaun Skinner, president, Isuzu Commercial OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 19Top view with nine battery pack (180 kWh)
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202420MEDIUMDUTY WORKTRUCK SHOWCASETruck. “Start of production marks a pivotal moment for us. This vehicle not only showcases our technological prowess but also our dedication to sustainability and innovation. We are incredibly excited to start seeing our EV on the road and in the hands of our customers.”Depending on the battery pack that is used for the selected vehicle, the range varies. A 60kWh (three battery packs) offers three wheelbase options (132.5, 150, 176 inches) and has a range of 41 to 80 miles; 100 kWh (five battery packs) also has the same three wheelbase lengths and a range of 68 to 130 miles; 140 kWh (seven battery packs) is available in the 176” wheelbase and has a range of 95 to 180 miles; and finally the 180 kWh (nine battery packs) is also offered in the 176” wheelbase and has a range of 122 to 235 miles.TECHNOLOGY ON TAPNRR EV comes with advanced driver assistance system, which provides lane departure warning system, automatic emergency braking system, following distance warning, mis-acceleration mitigation, forward vehicle start notification, and full-range adaptive cruise control. Additionally, a pedestrian alert system helps to notify pedestrians with audible cues that the vehicle is near when operating at low speed.The electric power take-off (ePTO) for powering auxiliary equipment and provides seven kWh of continuous power with a peak of 26kWh.Also, by using the company’s Isuzu Group Connect, you can remotely monitor cruising distance, battery level, charging status, and charging history. The service is available as standard.NEW WARRANTYNRR-EV customers now have to an enhanced warranty and complimentary scheduled maintenance that accompanies Isuzu360. NRR-EV powertrain limited warranty coverage will be up to eight years or 130,000 miles (whichever occurs first) when customers register for Isuzu360. Complimentary scheduled maintenance is included for up to five years or 100,000 miles (whichever occurs first) when the vehicle is registered with Isuzu360.“The NRR-EV warranty and complimentary maintenance will give customers the peace of mind that they are accustomed to with Isuzu trucks. The additional warranty coverage and maintenance that is provided
if customers subscribe to the Isuzu360 connected vehicle service really adds to the value of the NRR-EV. The Isuzu360 Connected vehicle service allows us and owners to monitor a vehicle’s performance and identify potential issues quicker in an effort to maximize the vehicle’s uptime,” says Skinner. “We have so much to look forward to with this new electric vehicle and we will continue to elevate the customer experience with the NRR-EV and our other products.”IMPORTANT INFOThe Standard cab version of the NRR EV is available with bodies up to 20’, payloads of 9,882 to 12,951 lbs, and a GVWR of 19,500 lbs. The NRR EV has also been awarded the California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP) eligibility by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Therefore, now when the Isuzu NRR-EV arrives in California, customers can qualify for up to a $60,000 HVIP voucher that can be stacked with other programs.“As businesses continue to build their zero-emission fleets, the HVIP voucher for the NRR-EV is a big step in bringing those customers into the Isuzu brand,” says Skinner. “EV customers will also appreciate the many benefits associated with our new ISUZU360 connected service as we continue to elevate the Isuzu ownership experience.” OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 21Organized by Eaton Hall Exhibitions ATTENTION WORK FLEET LEADERSRegistration includes hotel accommodations, meals, all events & sessions and comes with travel reimbursement. “If you’re directly involved in your eet’s decision-making and have any needs for products or solutions that will help your eet run more safely and eciently, then we invite you to apply to attend this year’s Work Fleet Forum”CONNECT with the best ideas, the newest solutions and the brightest minds all in one location.LEARN about new products and solutions with private demos and small presentations. You can even customize your event based on who you’d like to meet with.NETWORK with other top eet managers in a relaxed and productive setting at the beautiful Palms Resort. You’ll add to what - and who - you know in the eet industry. e 16th Annual Work Fleet Forum is for those who run hard-working eets. It’s designed to be more productive, more valuable, more fun and just for eet leaders like you. NOV 12-14Register Today!(800) 746-9646 www.workeetforum.comanthony@eatonhall.comLimited Vendor Opportunities Still Availablee Palms Resort in Las Vegas, NV2024ABOUT THE AUTHORMario Cywinski is the editor of Modern WorkTruck Solutions and has worked in the automotive industry for 20 years, both as an automotive journalist and working for a local dealership. He is a member of the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada and has been a judge for the Canadian Truck King Challenge. He can be reached at
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202422MANAGEMENTOriginally developed to provide ready clean power on jobsites, eliminate heat and noise, offset emissions, and reduce maintenance at one of American's largest utilities - the high performance all-electric generator successfully replaced the diesel genset used in utility step vans for underground work in an urban area.Systems come in 14.4 or 21.6kWh sizes, delivering 120V or 240V pure sinewave generated power, enabling a wide range of tasks while also providing 1,000W for 12V DC, maintaining chassis function while the engine is not running. In this application, a rooftop HVAC unit for comfort, a four horsepower trash pump used to clear water and debris, internal and external outlets for 120V applications, an external 240V outlet when heavier equipment is required, a variety of work lighting, and hand tools all come ready for work. Supported by the walk-in box lined with stainless steel cabinetry and table space, these vans act as mobile workshops and, in some sense, offices for the operators that use them daily, powering microwaves, charging devices, and more. The battery is tested to operate at 80 percent of its capacity even after 10 years of use. “When this utility approached us with the challenge of electrifying their fleet of step vans it felt like the right fit. We were eager to tackle a new set of challenges. Through this effort SmartPX was born,” says Mark Ferri, president and CEO, Viatec.Standard recharging happens overnight, with a drop cord plugged into a wall outlet. With the fast-charger option, it’s recharged using a Level II EV charger in 2.25 and 3.25 hours respectively for each battery size.The possibilities for clean, mobile power generation were broad and the system had the ability to handle heavy, highly inductive loads such as welders, among other demanding applications. As it turned out, these weren’t the only uses for SmartPX. It became the surprising answer to an issue with EV rollout in the same fleet.NOW, MOBILE EV-BOOST CHARGING SmartPX gensets were already well-positioned to provide the power needed to charge an EV. They could handle the heavy load and were already mobile on jobsites. By mounting four of these units on a trailer fitted with four EVSE chargers, the fleet realized a practical solution to support charging multiple electric vehicles on the go.The configuration was set up on a standard utility trailer. The trailer was towed behind an EV pickup to extend range, parked at a service point for a crew to stop at in the middle of a long route, and presented it out in the parking lot when guests were lined up to use the few available permanent charging stations. As an added benefit, it avoided having to use diesel generator to rescue EVs in the field.Maximizing Assets:A Fleet's Clever Strategy to Support EV TransitionIN 2021, A MAJOR UTILITY COLLABORATED TO BUILD A BATTERY-ELECTRIC GENSET.
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 2323MANAGEMENTWhile there are plenty of ‘EV-rescue’ solutions on the market, most were so substantially heavy that they required a larger engine and chassis to tow them (and a CDL to drive it), had slow re-charging cycles, and could only be used for the single purpose. With the new reconfiguration, fleet management gained the flexibility to handle supplemental EV charging on the fly with an asset that was field-tested, production ready, and already in their fleet. Moreover, a SmartPX EV-Boost configuration could be disassembled with ease into individual gensets to be deployed anywhere export power is needed in situations like the step van or otherwise.AVAILABLE TODAYThis setup, now known as SmartPX EV-Boost, demonstrates the reason versatility with EVs is essential if we are to change the fundamentals of how work gets done.Now, 1-6 SmartPX all-electric gensets can be fitted to a trailer, providing a scalable, mobile setup that allows for extended EV operation in the field, reducing downtime while maintaining enough flexibility for easy redeployment. SmartPX EV-Boost is a portable, modular Level II charging station utilizing a field-tested, proven electric powertrain. Compact and ready for rapid deployment, it can boost the charge for up to six EVs at a time, allowing you to bring your power where you need it most. That was the true story of how SmartPX EV Boost made its debut with the help of Viatec. FOR MORE INFORMATIONFleet transformation is more than just a product - it's a process. Viatec's Customer Care platform helps identify the smartest way to electrify fleets today: providing reporting, metrics, change management, and guidance through the process of realizing the most practical decarbonization goals first and how to meet them efficiently. Viatec's Customer care is the easy button for deploying emissions-reduction strategies as industries bridge their way into EV transition. To learn more, visit
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 25Earlier this year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new emissions standards for heavy-duty trucks beginning with model years 2027 through 2032. The updated regulations provide fleets with a timeline of 2027-2030 to build out zero emissions infrastructure. The EPA also set targets for the percentage of new vehicles that will have to be built with zero emissions technology by 2032. As explained in a statement by the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association, “the EPA final rule includes an amended and more comprehensive analysis of compliance pathways for a variety of propulsion technologies including plug-in hybrid, BEVs, hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), hydrogen combustion (H2ICE), and other renewable fuel vehicles. This should allow for more technologies to achieve compliance.”Previously, there was a perception that EVs were the primary pathway for commercial vehicle fleets to reach zero emissions. However, EV adoption remains in its infancy, with less than one percent of the globe, excluding China, having adopted the technology to date. Current projections indicate that global electric vehicle adoption will reach 10 percent by 2028. While there is significant interest in EVs, many work truck fleets are hesitant to adopt fully electric solutions at this time due to limited driving range, lack of sufficient charging infrastructure and the high purchase price of EVs.As a result, alternative energy sources have gained momentum as solutions for OEMs and fleets to reduce emissions in the near term to meet upcoming changes to the EPA’s standards.NATURAL GAS ENGINES DELIVER CLEANER, QUIETER OPERATIONCommercial vehicle fleets that use natural gas vehicles can significantly reduce their operating costs. Compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquified natural gas (LNG) are often less expensive than diesel fuel. Since natural gas in the U.S. is typically produced domestically, prices tend to be more stable than oil-based fuels. In addition, natural gas engines produce less soot and carbon build-up, leading to reduced maintenance needs and more time on the road.One of the main concerns for fleets owners and drivers as they transition away from diesel fuel is if the change will negatively impact the performance of their vehicles. Pairing natural gas engines with fully automatic transmissions can maximize the performance of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles because they do not require power interrupts during range shifts, unlike manual and automated manual transmissions (AMTs). Fully automatic transmissions also multiply engine torque to significantly improve startability, drivability and overall
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202426TECHNOLOGYproductivity to compensate for the lower power and torque-per-cylinder displacement associated with CNG and LNG engines. This means vehicles will not suffer from the throttle-response delays seen with manual or AMTs.Natural gas engines are cleaner and quieter than their diesel counterparts. Natural gas engines deliver significant noise reduction compared to a diesel-powered vehicle, leading to a better driver experience and reduced noise pollution. The alternative fuel also offers a variety of fuel benefits, which are amplified by fully automatic transmissions. The torque converter supports the engine during frequent start-stop duty-cycles, enabling peak fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. S&P Global Mobility forecasts that sales of CNG vehicles will increase 63 percent by 2030. Natural gas vehicles have been in use for decades, enabling fleets to use reliable, familiar hardware to achieve sustainability goals and meet stricter environmental regulations. HYDROGEN EMERGES AS PROMISING ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCEHydrogen is another clean energy source that has successful use cases in commercial vehicle applications. Hydrogen can power both FCEV and H2ICE vehicles. In 2023, the federal government announced plans to invest $8 billion into regional clean hydrogen hubs to increase domestic production of the zero emissions fuel. This investment is spurring renewed interest in hydrogen as a clean energy solution for medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.In fuel cell applications, hydrogen can extend vehicle range and reduce on-board battery requirements. This enables zero emission operation while mitigating the range anxiety that often comes with BEVs. Like battery charging in EVs, hydrogen fueling infrastructure will need to expand to enable wide-scale adoption of this alternative fuel solution. However, building this infrastructure is expected to be as challenging, if not more challenging, than building a nationwide EV charging infrastructure to support commercial vehicles. In terms of hydrogen combustion, engine manufacturers have invested in researching this topic significantly in recent years. Much like hydrogen FCEVs, hydrogen ICEs reduce carbon emissions, but this technology also allows OEMs to use familiar technology to manufacture vehicles. It also comes with a lower upfront adoption cost for fleets. Allison Transmission’s propulsion solutions have been successfully paired with hydrogen ICEs, and we’re collaborating with our OEM partners to explore this technology further as a viable solution for meeting EPA standards. LOOKING AHEAD TO A ZERO EMISSIONS FUTUREBy incorporating vehicles powered by natural gas, propane, hydrogen fuel cell and other diesel-alternative fuel sources into their fleets, owners and operators can often use familiar hardware to achieve their sustainability goals. For example, propulsion solutions, including those designed and manufactured by Allison Transmission, are energy agnostic, meaning they can pair with several energy sources to achieve vehicle propulsion.When planning for the upcoming changes to EPA’s emissions standards, one thing is clear, there will be no one-size-fits-all approach for commercial vehicles. It will be critical for vehicle, engine, and propulsion manufacturers to offer a broad portfolio of diesel-alternatives designed to meet the unique needs of customers. This will provide fleets the power of choice in selecting the energy source that best fits their vehicle and application. ABOUT THE AUTHORBranden Harbin is the executive director, global marketing at Allison Transmission. To learn more, visit
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202428TECHNOLOGYRecently, Mike Roeth, Executive Director of the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE), spoke with Charlotte Argue, Senior Manager, Sustainable Mobility at GEOTAB, on the state of commercial adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), freight efficiency and electrification trends. With more than 35 years in the commercial vehicle industry, Roeth has seen practices evolve and has been instrumental in bringing green truck collaborative opportunities to the real-world at scale.Q: WHAT EXCITING INNOVATIONS ARE YOU SEEING IN TRUCKING? MIKE ROETH: It is hard to point to just one thing when talking about innovation in the trucking industry today. The industry is working on a variety of technology solutions to get us to a zero-emission freight future. This is something we should be proud of as we are recognizing our responsibility to operate in a more sustainable manner.Q: HOW DO YOU SEE THE ROLE OF BATTERY ELECTRIC VEHICLES (BEVS) EVOLVING FOR FLEETS? ROETH: Today BEVs are already being successfully deployed by fleets in a wide variety of applications. I expect to see more fleets move from having one or two BEVs to having 10, 15, 20 or more. As battery weight comes down, range increases and there starts to be a better opportunity for charging at locations other than fleet depots, I expect we will see more fleets deploying BEVs in larger and larger numbers.Q: BEYOND BEVS, WHAT OTHER CLEAN POWERTRAIN TECHNOLOGIES DO YOU BELIEVE HOLD PROMISE FOR THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY?ROETH: We are in a time that NACFE has dubbed the “messy middle.” During this time fleets have access to a variety of powertrain options in addition to BEVs, including fuel cell electric, renewable diesel, hydrogen, hydrogen internal combustion, renewable natural gas, and hybrids. The key is to match the right powertrain to the right application. There is no one-size-fits-all solution as we move to a cleaner transportation future.Future of EVs in TruckingHOW THE SHIFT TO BEVS IS GOING AND WHATFLEETS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT credit: NACFE
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 29Q: WHAT IS A COMMON MISUNDERSTANDING ABOUT BEVS AND THEIR CAPABILITIES? ROETH: People erroneously believe that BEVs always need to be charged to 100 percent. The reality is that BEVs can still operate effectively at reduced state of charge levels. Opportunity charging allows a fleet to increase the battery’s state of charge so a truck can finish its route without needing to be fully recharged.Q: HOW DO YOU RESPOND TO THE CONCERNS OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE BEVS ARE NOT YET A VIABLE OPTION FOR ALL TRUCKING APPLICATIONS?ROETH: To some extent they are correct. Today BEVs are proving to be a viable option for terminal tractors, vans and step vans, medium-duty box trucks and Class 8 trucks in regional haul applications. People mistakenly believe that all trucking is long haul but that is not true. In addition, significant improvements are being made in BEVs every day. In Run on Less – Electric DEPOT, the Tesla Semi saw ranges of 410 miles on a single charge and completed 1,076 miles in a 24-hour period. NACFE is planning Run on Less – Messy Middle in 2025 and it will focus on the various powertrain options, including BEVs, in the long-haul segment of trucking.Q: IN WHAT WAYS CAN OEMS, FLEETS, AND REGULATORY BODIES COLLABORATE TO ACCELERATE THE ADOPTION OF BEVS?ROETH: There is some complexity when switching to BEVs so that the right vehicle is chosen for the application and to ensure that the proper infrastructure is in place when the vehicles arrive. Fleets and OEMs can work closely with utility providers and others so that the infrastructure is in place when needed. In addition, fleets and OEMs can share real-world information with regulatory agencies so that regulations are not onerous but help move the industry closer to decarbonizing.Q: HOW DO YOU ENVISION THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY’S LANDSCAPE IN THE NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS, IN RELATION TO BEVS AND OTHER CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES?ROETH: More fleets will be making investments in BEVs and other clean technologies. We will continue to see fleets operating vehicles with a variety of powertrains as they match powertrains to duty cycles to optimize efficiency. FOR MORE INFORMATIONThe North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE) works to drive the development and adoption of efficiency enhancing, environmentally beneficial, and cost-effective technologies, services, and operational practices in the movement of goods across North America. NACFE provides independent, unbiased research, including Confidence Reports on available technologies and Guidance Reports on emerging ones, which highlight the benefits and consequences of each, and deliver decision-making tools for fleets, manufacturers, and others. To learn more, visit credit: NACFE
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202430SAFETYThe Cox competition brought together the best of its Fleet Services and Manheim technicians. This event showcases the skills and expertise of the top one percent of Cox Automotive's technicians, with 45 finalists competing across three categories: heavy-duty truck, light/medium-duty truck, and trailer. One of the highlights of this year’s event was the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) station, which focused on the critical issue of distracted driving. A FOCUS ON DISTRACTED DRIVINGEvery year, the EHS station at Top Tech features a new theme. This year, the spotlight was on distracted driving, a significant concern for technicians who spend considerable time on the road. Partnering with Smith Systems, Cox Automotive implemented a comprehensive training module aimed at reducing distracted driving incidents among its technicians.The training session included a 10-minute educational video followed by a rigorous 45-question test designed to be completed in just 10 minutes. The test comprised 27 true/false and multiple-choice questions, along with 18 questions in fill-in-the-blank and matching sections, challenging participants on various aspects of distracted driving, including cell phone use, GPS distractions, eating while driving, and drowsy driving.Questions included (answer): • True/False To be a safe driver, you only need to devote between 25-50 percent of your attention to the task of driving. (False)• Multiple Choice Last year, what percentage of teenage drivers killed in crashes were using a cell phone while driving? (10 percent)• Matching Focusing on looking at something other than the road while driving. (Visual Distraction) These questions ensured that participants had to recall specific statistics and apply practical knowledge about distracted driving, emphasizing the importance of undivided attention while driving.Chad Christensen, an environmental health and safety analyst who helps put together the EHS stations, explains the rationale behind the challenging nature of these stations. “We intentionally design these stations to be difficult to encourage critical thinking. The idea is to push our technicians to really engage with the material and understand the importance of safety protocols. By making the training challenging, we ensure that the lessons learned stick with them long after the competition is over.”Driving Safety Forward: Technicians Conquer Distracted DrivingCOX AUTOMOTIVE RECENTLY HOSTED ITS ANNUALTOP TECH COMPETITION. By Dan Nicholls
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 31MEET THE SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATION WINNERSThe results from this year’s EHS station were impressive. The top scorers achieved a 98 percent, while the average score was 88 percent. The challenging nature of the test ensured that the competition remained intense. For our safety and environmental station, Evan Bailey won in the heavy-duty category, Juan Carlos Felix Rivera won in the Light/Medium-Duty category, and Kendall Bryant, the first female technician to compete in Top Tech, won the trailer category. These winners exemplify the high standards and dedication of Cox Automotive's technicians.BUILDING A CULTURE OF SAFETYCox Automotive’s commitment to safety extends beyond the Top Tech event. Each month, technicians must complete safety training modules on various topics through Learn@Cox. These interactive sessions include videos, quizzes, and other engaging content to reinforce safety protocols and knowledge. This ongoing education ensures that safety remains a top priority for Cox Automotive technicians year-round.By addressing relevant and critical issues such as distracted driving, Cox Automotive ensures its technicians are well-equipped to handle the challenges they face on the road, ultimately contributing to a safer working environmentIn previous years, the EHS station themes included safety data sheets, personal protective equipment (PPE), and ladder/fall protection, demonstrating the company’s comprehensive approach to safety training.As it continues to prioritize safety and excellence through events like Top Tech and ongoing training programs, the company not only elevates the skills of its technicians but also reinforces its commitment to safety, setting a benchmark for the industry. ABOUT THE AUTHORDan Nicholls is the AVP, environmental, health and safety at Cox Automotive.
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202432OPERATIONSWhen Huey Stockstill Sr. created his construction company in the 1960s, he only had a few employees and one dump truck. However, over time, it soon had significant growth, ultimately leading to over 275 employees, three asphalt plants, seven ready mix plants, two aggregate mining operations, and a large fleet of construction equipment and trucks.In response, the third-generation company, known today as Huey P Stockstill, LLC (HPS), knew it had to adapt. Its truck lineup was steadily increasing. Its customer base in South Mississippi and South Louisiana was rising exponentially. Therefore, it decided to utilize new technologies, that included FleetWatcher Materials Management Solution (MMS). Seeking to boost its trucks’ efficiency, HPS implemented a pilot project during the summer of 2019. AN “AHA” MOMENTThe maintenance overlay project called for 40,000 tons of asphalt across Mississippi’s two-lane Highway 90 between Gulfport and Bay St. Louis. Since the highway is heavily traveled, the project was completed at night. HPS initially had tasked 10 to 16 trucks, figuring each truck could cycle the 15 miles from its Gulfport asphalt plant fairly easily. However, Jacob Hickman, asset manager, quickly realized that the project was overtrucked.By adding FleetWatcher MMS devices to some trucks, HPS discovered that it often had longer hold times than it should have. Despite making quick turns at the plant, trucks were waiting at the jobsite for up to 40 minutes to unload. Therefore, Hickman eventually pulled two trucks from the project and used them to haul other materials. “When we pulled the two trucks, each truck had an average of one to two loads more than it previously did. We greatly reduced the amount of wait time on the job while still achieving the same amount of tons on the project. The same job was accomplished with fewer trucks, an ‘aha’ moment for us,” says Hickman. “Total time on the jobsite declined from about 1 hour to roughly 20 minutes.”This increase in efficiency was critical for HPS. First, the company was able to determine what quantity of trucks would offer maximum efficiency and operational profits for each particular job. Second, it increased its confidence for future tasks, including those that utilized multiple trucks for extremely large loads, which is vital for HPS.Although the company offers asphalt paving, ready mix, mining and aggregate, and site development solutions, its primary scope of work is heavy highway projects, as it conducts many large asphalt contracts. Hence, it must have a more reliable method to determine how many trucks it needs, while striving to complete each large contract as cost effectively, efficiently, and timely as possible.“Before FleetWatcher, we weren’t being efficient with trucks, but we Enhancing Trucking Efficiency with MMSHUEY P STOCKSTILL LLC UTILIZED NEWTECHNOLOGIES TO HELP ITS BUSINESS.
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 33really couldn’t say with confidence where the inefficiency was. Were we taking too long to load at the plant or too long at a certain job?” says Hickman. “We didn’t have enough trucks for production, and we were having difficulty tracking our trucking cost. Also, we couldn’t calculate our productivity, and we were having difficulty estimating the right number of trucks for a job.” As a result of FleetWatcher MMS, HPS is no longer overtrucked. The data has been a critical tool to ensure both production is being met and trucks are being utilized efficiently so that the company can move as much material as possible with the fewest trucks. Gone are the days of limited production or arguments with field professionals over how many trucks are necessary for each job. Now HPS has the data it needs to utilize the exact amount of trucks that are required for every specific jobsite, resulting in efficiency increases.If HPS would like, it may use its additional trucks for other tasks on nearby jobsites, following suit with its pilot project. When necessary, it may also transport the additional trucks from one jobsite to another. In doing so, HPS can quickly acquire the same amount of trucks it previously had on a particular jobsite.“By using those two extra trucks for other jobs, as we did during the pilot project, we earned money we wouldn’t have otherwise captured,” says Hickman. “As an example, each extra truck we pulled from the pilot project can make $100 an hour for 10 hours each day. That quickly escalates to $20,000 per truck over the life of a 20-day project.”IF YOU CAN MEASURE IT, YOU CAN MANAGE ITHPS now uses FleetWatcher MMS on every project, according to Hickman, giving critical, real-time information to field, trucking, and plant personnel. The software aids them by highlighting where the inefficiency is, whether a truck is spending too much time loading at the plant or is waiting too long for the paver. From there, the company can respond accordingly, as FleetWatcher MMS is on each of its trucks, nearly 65 in all.
MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM OCTOBER 202434OPERATIONS“If you can measure it, you can manage it. By measuring our trucking, we’ve become much more efficient and saved a significant amount of money,” says Hickman.Presently, HPS conducts a majority of its hauling with its own trucks. However, this year it has begun to utilize third-party trucks at its Picayune, Mississippi headquarters, primarily due to HPS’s trucking efficiency. Each of these trucks feature FleetWatcher MMS. Consequently, HPS can manage its truck calls, have a much more proactive approach over truck usage, and receive instant feedback, regarding exactly what’s occurring at each jobsite (and why).“Inspectors can choose whether or not they want to use e-ticketing too, as it’s job-specific. Some want to use it, while others don’t,” says Hickman. “If inpsectors want to see all of the tickets for a particular job, we will provide them access whenever they request it.”While HPS does not use FleetWatcher to pay its drivers, the company does use it to verify. For example, if a project uses company-owned trucks and third-party vehicles, and HPS employees are reporting very different results than third-party trucks, Hickman will go back and investigate. HPS integrated FleetWatcher MMS with its scale ticketing system, leading to time savings and consistency, as everyone is using the same data to determine project results and productivity. “The magic for us is this integration with our scale ticketing system,” says Hickman. “Employees can see all tickets and grab any data they need from our software platform, Samsara, while doing so.”REFLECTING ON THE PAST, PREPARING FOR THE FUTUREWhile reflecting on FleetWatcher MMS’s impact on HPS so far, Hickman has especially noticed its influence on load times. This is particularly critical as HPS encounters a variety of ever-changing, unpredictable factors, such as scheduling changes and traffic.Of equal importance, it itself offers consistent customer service, in addition to its fleet tracking capabilities and fleet status data offerings, from fuel usages and hour meter readings to rates per mile and temperatures. “You get to call a person instead of just sending some random email. They’re good about getting back with you and helping you troubleshoot too,” says Hickman.Upon contemplating the past five years that HPS has utilized FleetWatcher MMS, Hickman believes its experience with the construction fleet management software provider has been very positive overall. “By looking at our trucking operations, we have really changed the whole way we’ve looked at our business. It has given us the tools we need to challenge ourselves to get better and see our errors. So, for that, we’re very thankful,” says Hickman.With assistance from FleetWatcher MMS, HPS continues to improve its operations and grow its business, while preparing for its fourth generation of ownership. FOR MORE INFORMATIONEarthwave Technologies manufactures construction-specific wireless telematic products. FleetWatcher Materials Management Solution (MMS) is being used by asphalt paving contractors across the U.S. To learn more, visit
OCTOBER 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 37WORK TRUCK PRODUCTSNEXIQ TECHNOLOGIES ETECHNICIAN 2.12 UPDATENEXIQ Technologies eTechnician 2.12, which enables the latest bi-directional diagnostic support for PACCAR engines through MY 2024 and PACCAR body and chassis modules for MY 2020 and newer. The update also supports Detroit engines through MY 2024, Ford engines through MY 2024, Freightliner Cascadia body and chassis modules, and Eaton and PACCAR transmissions. A wide range of new Ford commercial vehicle support includes coverage for 2022 – 2024 F-Series trucks and E-Series vans as well as Transit and Transit Connect vehicles. ETechnician 2.12 can read proprietary Freightliner body and chassis fault codes and parameters from 2013 – 2024. This includes support for the transmission control module, central gateway, maintenance system and more. www.nexiq.comCOXREELS CHALLENGER SERIES REELSCoxreels roller bracket assemblies for the Challenger Series. The function of the roller bracket is to assist in guiding the hose during both extension and retraction. The roller bracket assembly is available only in a four-way upper roller format, due to the compact size of the Challenger platform. For 12” disk Challenger models, the roller bracket assembly is available for 8” wide drums and 12.5” wide drums. For 17” disk Challenger models, the roller bracket assembly is available for 8” wide drums, 12.5” wide drums, and 18” wide drums. www.coxreels.comHILLTIP ICESTRIKE COMBI SPREADER Hilltip IceStriker 8000 CM Combi Spreader is a truck-mounted unit that is fully electric powered. It can be powered by 12- or 24-volt dual motors, which are mounted inside a sealed, weather-resistant enclosure. An automatic GPS speed control adjusts the material rate according to vehicle speed. It works with Hilltip’s HTrack tracking software. The integrated liquid tank has a 370-gallon capacity for pre-wetting material, and a spray bar can be added for de-icing applications, as well as a 40-foot hose reel for spraying hard-to-reach areas. The spreader has a stainless-steel auger, and the modular hopper body is made of polyethylene. It also includes an inverted V with a vibrator to help prevent bridging. Other standard features include built-in tie-down loops, a top screen, tarp kit, and an accessory wire. www.hilltipna.comGRAY TOOLS FULL LINE OF INSULATED HAND TOOLSGray Tools full line of insulated hand tools consists of over 275 products, including both sets and loose tools. Gray’s insulated line includes ratchets, sockets, wrenches, screwdrivers, nut drivers, pliers, hex keys and hacksaws, as well as a selection of uncommon tools. Various styles and sizes, including SAE and metric, are available. Each tool features a dual-colored insulation. If the outer orange layer of insulation becomes damaged, an inner yellow layer alerts the user that the tool is no longer safe for use. Gray’s insulation process meets or exceeds ASTM F1505 standards for insulating adhesion, dielectric properties, flammability and durability. When the process is completed, each tool is charged with 10,000 volts of energy for 180 seconds to ensure its insulation resists potential electric shock.