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Modern WorkTruck Solutions May 2024

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WORK TRUCKS & THE TRADES ISSUECONNECT WITH US READING TRUCK CONTRACTOR BODY Our latest addition to our product offering, the Reading Truck Contractor Body features everything you need to work at your best – a heavy-duty material rack opens for full access; convenient fold-down platform racks; and toolboxes, a shovel box and spacemaker box for all of your storage needs.www.readingtruck.comINSIDE THIS ISSUEMAY 2024 VOL-9 NO-5WORK TRUCKS & THE TRADESMAY 2024WWW.MWSMAG.COMTALENT RACEIMPACT OF INEFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE RECRUITINGMASTERING FLEET DATACENTRALIZED FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREFLEET OPERATIONSHOW THEY ARE BEING RESHAPED IN 2024MEDIUM DUTY HINO L-SERIES: MEDIUM-DUTY APPLICATIONS READYCOVER STORIES40TALENT RACE EMPLOYEE RECRUITINGHINO L-SERIES APPLICATIONS READY16OPERATIONSFLEET OPERATIONS IN 2024 .......................... 24How they are being reshaped by business flexibility and use of data.MANAGEMENTWIN THE TALENT RACE ................. 36Impact of ineffective employee recruiting and retention efforts.@mwsmag modern-work-truck-solutions.IN EVERY ISSUEINDUSTRY NEWS ............................................... 6WORK TRUCK PRODUCTS .............................44TRUCK WORLD GREEN TECH HIGHLIGHTED12SHOWCASEMEDIUM-DUTYMANAGEMENTMASTERING FLEET DATA .................... 40Centralized fleet management software automates date collection and aggregation.44

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UPFIT OUTFIT AFTER YOU UPFIT .....................................................18 Five accessories to consider for your work van.UPFIT OPTIMIZING CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS .............................22 Crucial role of customized commercial work trucks and upfitting solutions.TECHNOLOGY NEED FOR SOLUTIONS THAT WORK ........................................28 Immediate, sustainable solutions for fleet managers.TECHNOLOGY EV EDUCATION .....................................................................30 FleeTec Academy’s trailblazing 3100 Lorna Rd., Ste 101Birmingham, AL 35216MARIO CYWINSKI J, CAMPBELL VP of RANDY MOON Publisher randym@mwsmag.comVAL CARRIER Media Consultantval@mwsmag.comGARY BARKER Media Consultantgary@mwsmag.comTIM O’HARA Media Consultanttim.ohara@mwsmag.comLISA AVERY Art Director lisa@mwsmag.comSETH SAUNDERS Digital Media SpecialistINGRID BERKY Office ManagerNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. The views expressed by those not on the staff of Modern WorkTruck Solutions, or who are not specifically employed by Highlands Publications are purely their own. All Industry News material has either been submitted by the subject company or pulled directly from its corporate website, which is assumed to be cleared for release. Comments and submissions are welcome, and can be submitted to INQUIRIES OR CHANGES CALL:205.380.2048CHRIS GARMONCFO TIM GARMONCEORUSSELL HADDOCKPresident2822As the weather in many parts of the country begins to warm up, so does the work truck industry. Recently, the Truck World show featured many industry heavyweights, as well as small and medium-sized players who are vital to the industry. To read all about the show, go to page 12. In our Medium-Duty Showcase features, we look at the Hino L-Series on page 16. Looking at upfitting, we have an article focusing on the Five Accessories to Consider for Your Work Van on page 18, as well as The Crucial Role of Customized Commercial Work Trucks and Upfitting Solutions on page 22. Over in operations, we look at Fleet Operations in 2024 on page 24. Technology features include The Need for Solutions That Work Now on page 28, and EV Education and Green Conversions on page 30. Management focuses on How Your Trucking Fleet Can Win the Talent Race on page 36, and Mastering Fleet Data Through Centralized Management on page 40. As well, be sure to look at our industry news and products sections for the latest.Good day.EDITOR’S NOTEMario Cywinski Editor18WHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEWHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISIONHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISION• Precision made • Heavy duty and durable • Solutions for any truck or van• Affordable and competitive pricingVAN SHELVING & PARTITIONS VAN UTILITY RACK SYSTEMSH-TYPE RACK SYSTEMS FULL RACK TRUCK SYSTEMSVAN RACK ACCESSORIES TRUCK RACK ACCESSORIESCall or email now to get a complimentary • www.aaproductsinc.comAAffordable Aftermarket Productsffordable Aftermarket Products30

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WHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEWHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISIONHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISION• Precision made • Heavy duty and durable • Solutions for any truck or van• Affordable and competitive pricingVAN SHELVING & PARTITIONS VAN UTILITY RACK SYSTEMSH-TYPE RACK SYSTEMS FULL RACK TRUCK SYSTEMSVAN RACK ACCESSORIES TRUCK RACK ACCESSORIESCall or email now to get a complimentary • www.aaproductsinc.comAAffordable Aftermarket Productsffordable Aftermarket Products

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 20246INDUSTRY NEWSMACK’S MOBILE OFF-GRID CHARGING SYSTEMMack Trucks has built a mobile off-grid charging system that will be integrated into the body of a Mack MD Electric truck. The system can be used by customers testing the technology, and by dealers facilitating EV demos.“This system will allow the customer or dealer to charge trucks – whether it’s a demo unit or a multi-unit ride-and-drive event at the dealer – without having charging infrastructure readily available at their site,” says Ryan Saba, energy solutions manager for Mack Trucks. “Mack hopes that this option will help customers more easily experience the benefits of e-mobility and a more sustainable transportation option.”The off grid charging system will consist of a generator powered by renewable propane and a 120kW charger. The system will be mounted on the back of the MD Electric truck transporting it. Mack MD Electric can be configured to be a Class 6 or Class 7 vehicle and features a three-phase permanent magnet synchronous 260 horsepower motor powered by nickel manganese cobalt oxide lithium-ion batteries, rated at a 240kWh and with a range up to 230 miles. WAYTEK AND DSG-CANUSA PARTNERDSG-Canusa and Waytek, Inc., have an agreement for Waytek to become an authorized distributor of DSG’s products. The distribution agreement will allow Waytek to support existing DSG-Canusa products such as polyolefin, Kynar, and elastomeric tubing while enabling Waytek to expand its offering of DSG-Canusa branded products in the future.“We are thrilled to elevate our relationship with DSG-Canusa to a more strategic one,” says Chase Lundstrom, product and category manager, Waytek. “Our customers have already shown that they value DSG-Canusa’s products, and we look forward to adding additional DSG-Canusa items to continue to meet our customers’ needs.”GREENPOWER UNVEILS UTILITY TRUCK AT NAFA GreenPower Motor Company Inc., unveiled its new all-electric EV Star Utility Truck at the NAFA 2024 Institute & Expo. Upfitted by GP Truck Body on the GreenPower proprietary EV Star Cab & Chassis.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 20248INDUSTRY NEWS MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 20248INDUSTRY NEWSGreenPower's EV Star Utility Truck is purpose-built and fully customizable to fit a range of vocational applications and utility use-cases including agriculture and landscape, carpentry, construction, electrical, heating and cooling, government and municipality, and plumbing.The new vehicle has a range of up to 150 miles and a typical payload capacity of 5,500 pounds that can increase up to 6,000 pounds. It is equipped with optional power sources, providing accessible power through built-in plugs to accommodate tool charging conveniently on a job site. The front box of the vehicle has optional full pass-through capacity. EV Star Utility Truck offers tailored contractor body configurations, coming in a standard bed size of 16 feet, with the option to customize the length.FEDEX ORDERS EV TRUCKSThe Shyft Group, Inc. announced a purchase order with FedEx for an initial order of 150 Blue Arc EV Trucks to be integrated into the FedEx pickup and delivery fleet in the U.S."As we work towards the phased electrification of our entire global pickup and delivery fleet by 2040, FedEx is eager to incorporate new and efficient electric vehicle models that meet the demands of our diverse network," says Pat Donlon, vice president of global vehicles, FedEx Express. "We look forward to bringing the Blue Arc into our growing portfolio of electric vehicles in service around the world."FedEx tested the vehicle in real-life conditions, using it on last-mile delivery routes in Memphis. During the pilot, the Blue Arc truck operated extended eight-to-10-hour routes under challenging conditions, including temperatures ranging from 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit."Our collaboration with FedEx has been instrumental in refining our strategy for meeting commercial-grade EV fleet needs," says John Dunn, president and CEO, Shyft Group. "Customer satisfaction is core to our operations and we look forward to seeing these vehicles on the road for FedEx, reflecting our mutual commitment to innovation and sustainability."The Blue Arc truck was reliable on long routes, efficient in energy use, and able to regenerate 20-30 kW of power through its regenerative braking system. HOLMAN NAMES MANAGING DIRECTORHolman named Brent Scowen as Managing Director of its fleet management division in Canada. “Brent is an exceptional leader, and he embodies the core values that have long served

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202410INDUSTRY NEWSas the foundation for Holman’s sustained success,” says Rick Tousaw, executive vice-president of international operations, Holman. “His impressive business acumen, client relations expertise, and profound understanding of the Canadian market will be invaluable to both our employees and our customers.”Scowen will also play an integral role in ensuring Holman continues to enhance both the customer and employee experience. “Holman is well-known across the industry for fostering an environment that truly puts its people, customers, and communities above all else,” says Scowen. “I’m thrilled to join this renowned organization and lead a team of extremely talented fleet professionals. Together, we’ll drive what’s right and support our customers with innovative fleet management solutions.” Scowen has led teams across a variety of industries. Most recently, he was vice president of sales at Prana. Previously, Scowen held executive leadership roles in sales, client relations, and customer experience with Acosta, Campbell Soup, Cogeco, and CSI Global Education.ELECTRADA PARTNERS WITH RED BULL DISTRIBUTIONElectrada has entered into an agreement with Red Bull Distribution Company to provide the electric fuel component for Red Bull’s strategy to electrify its fleet. The program was initiated through Electrada’s program partnership with Holman. “Importantly, Red Bull’s requirement for high-uptime performance was a key consideration in their decision to team with Electrada as an electrification program partner,” says Kevin Kushman, CEO, Electrada. “Our 360 CaaS model represents the most evolved and integrated CaaS model available — one that’s required across a national footprint where use cases, duty cycles, utilities and energy prices call for a strong and knowledgeable partner that delivers reliable and predictably priced electric fuel.” This collaboration leverages the partners’ holistic electrification solution, delivered through Electrada’s performance-contracted 360 Charging-as-a-Service (360 CaaS) complete electric fuel solution, streamlining an organization’s path to scale fleet electrification programs. “We work closely with our customers to truly understand their vision for fleet sustainability, and together, develop a turnkey electrification solution,” says Emily Graham, director of energy and connectivity, Holman. “As we design electrification solutions for our customers, it is a collaborative process to ensure a seamless transition. Electrada helps to further streamline these projects and provide a reliable source for electric fuel.”

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202412SHOW REVIEWOver 14,000 truck industry professionals descended on the International Centre in Toronto for Truck World recently. “It’s wonderful to see Truck World back to pre-pandemic numbers, both in attendance and exhibit space,” says Joe Glionna, president, Newcom. “While the freight market might be in a lull, you certainly did not sense that with the activity and excitement on the show floor. The feedback related to our increased emphasis on 'green tech' has been positive and we look to continue the trend at ExpoCam in February next year.”Over 500 exhibitors showcased their newest products, technologies, best practices, and trendsetting options, in the five halls of the center. Exhibitors included International Truck, Kenworth, Peterbilt, Mack Trucks, Volvo Trucks, Nikola, Daimler Truck North America, Michelin, Bridgestone, and many others. GREENTECHNew for 2024 was the Greentech Pavilion, which highlighted innovative technologies, alternative fuels, sustainable equipment, and green products in the truck space. In addition to the 100,000 square-feet of dedicated space, the pavilion included an education stage, and ride and drive.“With transportation accounting for 21 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, the need to prioritize sustainable trucking options and fuel alternatives has never been more pressing,” says Glionna. “From new hydrogen and battery-electric models for both short- and long-haul requirements, to low-emission diesel technologies, this year’s show proves that ‘sustainability’ and ‘trucking’ can go hand in hand.”The education stage had industry experts speak about topics, including Hydrogen Hopes: The future of fuel-cell-electric vehicles and injected hydrogen, with Mike Gomes, Greentech Highlighted at Truck World TRUCK INDUSTRY OUT IN FORCE IN TORONTO. By Mario Cywinski Isuzu was one of many OEMs on the show floor.ional vehicles. Various industry experts spoke on the education stage.onal vehicles.

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 13Bison Transport; Michael Procter, cellcentric; Ryan Sookhoo, Cummins; and Philip Turi, ITD Industries. Nearing Zero: The role for diesel alternatives like CNG, LNG, and RNG, with Jonathan Royal, CAT; Bruce Winchester, Canadian Natural Gas Vehicle Alliance; and Kyle Cooper, Enbridge. Zero is the New 100 percent: Pathway to Zero Emissions and 100 percent Fossil Fuel-Free by Govi Kannan, Mack Trucks. Futureproof Your Fleet, with Matt Brunette, Partners in Project Green; Terry Rasmussen, Refuel Energy; Tariq Qurashi, Enbridge Gas; and Gupar Punia, Change Energy Services. Supply Lines: Planning charging infrastructure from energy supplies to the connectors, with Mark Marmer, Signature Electric Contacting and Energy Advisors; Keegan Tully, PowerON Energy Solutions; Emmanuelle Toussaint, Cleo Innovations; and Theresa Cooke, Siemens. RIDE AND DRIVEAlso new for 2024, a ride and drive was added to allow attendees with the proper license to drive the latest vehicles with hydrogen, battery, and electric powertrains.Vehicles that were available to test drive, included:• Nikola TRE Fuel Cell EV• Nikola Tre BEV• Lion6 (Lion Electric)• International LT 625 Sleeper with S13 Integrated Powertrain (International Truck)• Peterbilt 220EV 595553• RIZON e18L-JL6CCK13XRK001383 (Velocity EV / RIZON Truck)• VMC1200 Truck, with Box (Vicinity Motor Corporation)• VMC1200 Truck, with Flat Deck (Vicinity Motor Corporation)• Orange EV – HUSK-e Electric Shunt Truck• Mercedes-Benz ESprinter 170 Cargo Van 2024VIP BREAKFESTA VIP breakfast included a keynote presentation by Nikola’s executive panel. Moderated by John G. Smith, vice president of content and design, Newcom; the Nikola panel included Christian Appel, global head, product and programs; Ryan Clayton, global head, sales; Jason Roycht, head, FCEV market development; and Jorg Wimbert, head, Canada. The fireside chat looked at BEVs, fuel cells, and infrastructure needs.MORE FEATURESTruck World also included hat day, where attendees were each given a hat provided by exhibitors; South Asian day, celebrating the community’s contribution to trucking; Trucks for Changes food drive; and North American Council for Freight Efficiency workshop, spoke about Electrify Your Commercial Vehicles: A Truck World Workshop; Various environmentally friendly vehicles were available to test drive. Many work trucks were on the show floor. vehicles.FOR MORE INFORMATIONMario Cywinski is the editor of Modern Work Truck Solutions and has worked in the automotive industry for nearly 20 years, both as an automotive journalist and working for a local dealership. He is a member of the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada and has been a judge for the Canadian Truck King Challenge. He can be reached at

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 17Established in the 1940s and making its debut in the United States in 1984, Hino Trucks is currently celebrating their 40th anniversary in the U.S. As a Toyota Group Company, Hino has been making quality trucks for a long time. Today, Hino operates seven facilities in the U.S. They including Hino assembly plant in Mineral Wells, WV; a components plant in Marion, AR; a national part distribution center in Southaven, MS;, Hino Motors Manufacturing andH ino Motor Sales headquarters as well as national training center in Novi, MI: and a North American sequencing facility, and a California distribution and training center in Ontario, CA.“Since Hino entered the U.S. market 40 years ago, our success is due to the recognized quality built into Hino trucks as well as the strong relationships we have forged with our dealers and our customers. Looking ahead, we are poised for even greater achievements over the next 40 years,” says Mark Brakeall, director of marketing, dealer operations and connected vehicle, Hino.Currently, Hino sells a medium-duty L-series (L6 and L7), and a heavy-duty XL-series (XL7 and XL8). As this is our medium-duty showcase, we will focus on the L-series. The truck comes with a Cummins engine, Allison transmission, selection of safety features, many different configurations, and the ability to customize the truck to what they need for their work truck fleets.UNDER THE HOODThe L-series comes equipped with a Cummins B6.7 liter six-cylinder inline, four-cycle, water-cooled diesel turbocharged engine. It outputs 240 to 260 horsepower and 600 to 660 pounds/feet of torque mated to a six-speed automatic Allison transmission with neutral at stop. The truck comes equipped with a 50-gallon fuel tank as standard, with optional 70-gallon, 90-gallon, or dual 50-gallon tanks. Each L-series also comes with a 7.4-gallon DEF tank.CONFIGURATIONSL-series comes in three cab sizes, each with differing wheelbases. The biggest is the Crew Cab, which seats six and comes in one wheelbase size. The Extended Cab, seats five, and comes in three wheelbase sizes. Finally, the Day Cab, seats three, and is offered in 10 different wheelbase sizes. CAPABILITIESTwo L-series models are available, L6 and L7. L6 has a GVWR of between 23,000 and 25,950 lbs, with weight capacities of 8,000 to 12,000 lbs (for front axle range), and 17,500 to 19,000 lbs (for rear axle range). It is available with both engine outputs (240/600 and 260/660). Looking at the L7, the GVWR is 33,000 lbs, with the weight capacities being 10,000 to 14,000 lbs (front axle range), and 21,000 to 23,000 lbs (for rear axle range). The L7 is only available with the higher output Cummins engine (260hp/660lbs/ft).SAFETYL-series is available with a radar-based collision mitigation system that offers active braking on any vehicles that are on the road (moving or not). Lane departure warning system is also available using a camera-based system. Another important feature is electronic stability control, which helps to keep the driver in control of the vehicle. Other features include available LED headlights, back-up alarm, programmable speed limit (65/70 mph), 80-degree door opening, available heated mirrors.Finally, Hino Edge is offered on L-Series, is the company’s connected vehicle solution that provides a digital connection between the customer, Hino’s dealer network, the Hino Ultimate Support center, and telematics service providers.FOR MORE INFORMATIONMario Cywinski is the editor of Modern Work Truck Solutions and has worked in the automotive industry for nearly 20 years, both as an automotive journalist and working for a local dealership. He is a member of the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada and has been a judge for the Canadian Truck King Challenge. He can be reached at

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 19When it comes to upfitting a van for any trade, there are many tried-and-true elements that will always be on a tradesperson’s wish list. Shelves, roof racks, partitions, these are all things professionals everywhere agree are necessities for an upfitted work van. However, there are a wealth of additional accessories which will help to make your work van safer, more comfortable, and ultimately more profitable. Together with Steven Enriquez, a veteran tradesman with over 20 years of experience working as a service manager for Southwest Mechanical, an MEP contracting firm located in Covina, CA, we’ve compiled a short list of essentials when it comes to outfitting your upfit after the necessities are in place. EXPRESS LANE PASSAs the saying goes, time is money, and this could not be truer for tradespeople. Every minute of downtime runs the risk of negatively impacting the job you’re in, the one you’re heading to, or the one you’re trying to get. Though upfitting provides better organization and efficiency for you and/or your crew, there’s still one potential threat to any job’s profitability: other vehicles. “Traffic is a big part of it now. We work mostly in downtown LA, you leave [to get a part], you lose your parking spot, you’re stuck in traffic. That 15-minute drive could turn into an hour or a two-hour drive,” says Enriquez. While you’ve hopefully never had to experience the nightmare of rush hour in Los Angeles, this can be a common experience for any tradesperson working in a major metropolitan area. One thing that is strongly recommend if you live in an area which has the option, is paying for an express lane. RFID enabled transponders like E-Z pass in New York or FasTrak in Los Angeles can give the extra space in your schedule necessary to get to a job on time. “I wouldn’t put a vehicle out in the field without that FasTrak sticker” said Enriquez, emphasizing the importance of this fleet add-on. POWER INVERTERSWhile there are almost no benefits to being stuck in traffic, one slight positive is the ability to charge tool batteries while on-the-go. “My guys work 24/7, they might have utilized all their batteries, and they haven’t made it home to put them on the charger, ” says Enriquez. Having power inverters installed as a standardized accessory for your fleet can have huge implications for both you and your crew’s efficiency by helping to avoid downtime while waiting for a charge and can also allow you to include the next two items in your loadout. RECHARGEABLE COOLERAdmittedly, this may be considered a bit of a luxury item, but why shouldn’t you and your team be as comfortable as possible? Creature comforts go a long way in making the workday easier and more enjoyable. Though there are a wide range of electric and battery-operated coolers available on the market, it is recommended to select one which utilizes rechargeable batteries so you can charge it overnight at the shop or on the way to the job. On a full charge, most models will keep their contents chilled for a full day.PORTABLE TOILETAlthough this list so far has been quality-of-life improvements, portable toilets are one item you should not be leaving out of a work van. When considering the often less-than-favorable conditions that technicians and construction workers must contend with, it’s vital to have facilities available wherever a job will take you. This is especially true for plumbers, who are quite frequently working in places without functional plumbing. When nature calls, you don’t want to have to take time off your job to find a restroom, all the while potentially risking your relationship with your customer. Having a small portable toilet allows you to do your business near the job and

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202420UPFITcan add a comfortable layer of privacy depending on whether your interior cargo space has a partition. Be sure to double check on any local laws regarding this, as your area may have prohibitions which you could risk violating.MOBILE BLUETOOTH PRINTERAt first glance, this may seem like a strange idea. When considering the ease of paperless reporting for record keeping purposes, as evidenced by the prevalence of QR codes on many report generating systems, advocating for a printer may seem like a step backward. “I know we live in a digital age, but the problem is that it takes a lot of time to search,” says Enriquez. “Whenever I’m on a jobsite, and I have my hand-written notes, customers are asking ‘oh, can I take that note?’ The ability to print out analyzed reports, is going to make you stand out.” While saving the customer or the green tech from navigating a potentially stubborn user interface can be one advantage of keeping a portable printer in your van, having the option to provide physical copies in the field can add an element of personalization to the customer service experience; something which is becoming increasingly more important. Small gestures like this can make all the difference when trying to distinguish yourself from your competitors.While accessorizing your upfit isn’t necessarily mission critical, adding a few key items to your fleet can make all the difference in helping both you and your crew be more comfortable and profitable. Though everyone’s upfit needs will vary, these crucial add-ons will help you take your business to the next level.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nick Mecir is the fleet development manager at AA Products Inc.

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 21Visit or call 800-777-2760.• Application: • Utility & service trucks • Fire & rescue • Waste & refuse • Forestry• Pull: 16,500 lbs.• Cable Capacity: 85ft.• Speed: 22 fpm© 2024. All rights reserved. SM_02/24_RI-0283_6.875x4.5A Ramsey Industries BrandPATRIOT 16500 Ideal for municipal vehicles & refuse and forestry operations.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202422UPFITIn the world of construction, time is money and safety is non-negotiable, the choice of commercial work trucks plays a pivotal role in managing productivity, costs, and overall job site efficiency. The role of customized work trucks and upfitting solutions in optimizing construction operations, fostering efficiency, ensuring safety, and maintaining cost-effectiveness, is indispensable.CONSTRUCTION EFFICIENCYEfficiency in construction involves meticulous planning, co-ordination, and utilizing the right set of tools. A crucial component of this equation is the fleet of commercial work trucks that technicians rely on to transport themselves, tools, and equipment to and from job sites. A well-chosen commercial work truck, equipped with the necessary features, can significantly impact the overall efficiency of a construction project.Upfitting a commercial work truck with ample storage facilitates quick organization and access to tools, saving valuable time and contributing to a seamless workflow. The versatility of a slip-in truck canopy with customized storage solutions accommodates various tools and equipment, ensuring technicians have easy access to the right tools at the right time, minimizing downtime and enhancing productivity.TECHNICIAN RETENTIONThe construction industry faces a persistent challenge in retaining skilled technicians, particularly those with specialized expertise that is often hard to find. Companies facing high turnover or shortages of technician face project delays and cost overruns as a result. Skilled technicians are not only motivated by competitive salaries but also by the work environment and tools at their disposal. Investing in top-notch, customized work trucks sends a clear message to technicians that their employer values their expertise and is committed to providing the best resources for their job. PRIORITIZING SAFETY Safety is not just a requirement but a moral obligation. Customized upfitting solutions contribute significantly to ensuring the safety of technicians on the job site. Features such as secure storage, adequate lighting, and ergonomic designs minimize risks and contribute to a safer work environment. While construction professionals focus on honing operational efficiency, field service technicians face the far-reaching consequences of work injuries, impacting both their physical well-being and psychological state. The delicate balance between these challenges and the need for optimized construction operations underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to workplace well-being and operational excellence. Keep in mind, the industry needs to adapt to an aging workforce. Ergonomic design Optimizing Construction OperationsTHE CRUCIAL ROLE OF CUSTOMIZED COMMERCIAL WORK TRUCKS AND UPFITTING SOLUTIONS. By Kathy Fowler Full height slip in capsules can be upfitted to optimize the mobile workstation increasing productivity and reducing injury and fatigue.a

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 23of the mobile workstations help reduce common injuries seen with field technician when performing repetitive tasks, moving in and out of the vehicle, and working with equipment. Financial consequences follow work injuries, with the National Safety Council estimating the average cost per employee at $42,000. This includes medical expenses, compensation, productivity loss, and administrative expenses. Productivity loss, strain on co-workers, and the overall strain on organizations are undeniable ripple effects. Injuries can cause delays in a project which can also result in penalties, damage to reputation or loss of business. SAFEGUARDING INVESTMENTSEnsuring the security of construction sites is crucial, due to their vulnerability to theft. To enhance the protection of your truck and canopy, consider incorporating canopy door locks that can be synchronized with your truck's key fob for convenient access and heightened security. Additional features like puck locks can further fortify the defense against unauthorized access.Technicians often carry thousands of dollars in equipment, some being speciality tools, which are hard to replace. It is not just the hard costs of replacing tools that impacts the bottom line. The time it takes to replace the tools can take the field technician off the road impacting project schedules. Shielding your investments extends beyond theft prevention. When selecting a truck canopy, thoroughly assess the unit's quality. Opting for one-piece mold canopies with a built-in floor ensures that your equipment remains dry, as these units are seamless and fully enclosed. This is especially important as water infiltration can lead to substantial financial losses for technicians, requiring expensive replacements for damaged tools.MAXIMIZING VALUE Investing in the right commercial work truck and collaborating with upfitters for customization is a strategic decision with long-term benefits. Customization aligns the truck with specific needs, providing a tailored solution that enhances productivity, safety, and cost management. A well-designed and customized commercial work truck retains its value over time, offering a higher resale value compared to generic alternatives.When incorporating pick-up trucks into a fleet, managers gain options that not only contribute to remarketing value but also offer enduring benefits beyond the retirement of older vehicles. Take slip-in canopies, for instance, with a lifespan exceeding 10 years. This investment allows managers to address both current and future needs by seamlessly transferring the canopy to a new truck.Achieving operational excellence in construction requires a thoughtful approach to both employee well-being and operational efficiency. The vital interplay between the consequences of work injuries on field service technicians and the optimization of construction operations through customized work trucks, underscores the need for a proactive strategy. Balancing safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, construction professionals can navigate the evolving landscape, ensuring sustained success in an increasingly competitive market. Hitch steps and handrails provide convenient entry to truck canopies, enhancing both safety and efficiency for technicians.FOR MORE INFORMATIONKathy Fowler is the marketing manager at Sterling Fleet Outfitters, a leading provider of upfitting solutions for work trucks and vans, offering a range of innovative and sustainable products across North America. Find out more at

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 25Businesses with heavy duty transportation fleets are no strangers to economic fluctuations. These companies have experienced the ripple effects of market downturns, supply chain disruptions, and shifting consumer demand. In such uncertain times, flexibility becomes a key factor of success. Just as companies in a variety of industries adjust production schedules, inventory levels, and sourcing strategies to respond to changing market conditions, organizations with transportation fleets must adapt financial strategies, budgeting/forecasts, and operational approaches to mitigate the impact of volatility in the economy.ECONOMY TODAY Depending on the day or the week, the economy is either strengthening or weakening. The same can be said for the direction inflation is headed, as the last several CPI reports have gone in different directions, leaving many fleet executives scratching their heads and wondering about the right strategy for their business. Regardless of this whiplash approach to understanding the state of the economy, many of today’s industry challenges feel familiar to those of the last few years. These include driver shortages, rising insurance rates, and an economy with persistently high interest rates. As a result of these challenges, it has never been more critical for transportation fleets to rely on a KPI-driven asset management plan that focuses on shortening equipment life cycles to create the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO).Industry analysts are expecting U.S. freight fundamentals to improve this year. Entering 2024, freight demand was below typical trends, but industry observers expect it to recover, driven largely by continued consumer spending and subsequent retail sales activity, according to ACT. What’s more, organizations with private fleets are faring better than for-hire carriers, especially as these businesses face harsher realities of the difficult economy this year.EFFECTIVE PLANNING It is also important to note that a growing number of economists believe the Fed is feeling a higher level of confidence that interest rates could begin to decline at some point this year. This would mark an important step for any fleets planning to invest in new trucks and equipment, especially as the cost of equipment has become a serious issue for many. Immediately following the pandemic, supply chains made

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202426OPERATIONSavailability a major issue. Today it is no longer about availability, but more about the cost of entry into new equipment.This is a fundamental reason fleets need to have a strategic, multi-year procurement plan established around a methodical and disciplined approach to life cycle management. This multi-faceted plan is the cornerstone for achieving more business agility, allowing fleets to adapt to changing market conditions, allowing organizations to inject more flexibility into the decisions for truck acquisition while assigning stronger fundamentals toward managing the organization’s TCO and bottom line.DATA ANALYTICS Fleets have talked about using data for many years, but having data and implementing data for organizational decisions are two entirely different conversations. One area of data that continues to grab many headlines is the use of artificial intelligence (AI). While there is a lot of hype around AI, it is data that drives all these sophisticated tools. If inaccurate data is used for AI systems, outcomes detrimental to any organization’s business strategy will follow.Today, the use of this data has expanded to also include predictive modeling, which companies scrutinize to plan out their fleets’ life cycles. This data has been proven to achieve desirable goals, and fleets that are leveraging this approach are some of the most competitively aligned in the industry today and ready to weather any changing market conditions.LOWERING EMISSIONS A scan of the headlines can provide a glimpse that the need to lower emissions is still a hot item for all industries, especially transportation fleets. However, the conversation is no longer just about the rush toward electrified trucks. Many fleets are now basing organizational decisions around sustainability strategies, but rather than solely adopting electric trucks, they are focusing on emissions reduction strategies not simply going “all in” on alternative fuel equipment. Clean diesel and even hydrogen are much more in focus today, and they are both playing a significant role in company's decisioning for emissions reduction strategies.In a benchmarking survey two years ago, we asked which type of alternate fuel trucks fleets are most interested in. In that survey, 65 percent of respondents said they were most interested in electric trucks, while 15 percent cited hydrogen and 25 percent CNG. Forty-five percent of the respondents also noted that the time to deploy alternative fuel trucks would be five to 10 years.Almost one year later, we are seeing those numbers shifting, with 33.3 percent indicating EV over the next five to seven years (29.6 percent saying another 10 years), and 38.5 percent indicating hydrogen. This timetable for electric truck adoption continues to change, as just two years ago the majority (54 percent) said they didn’t plan to deploy electric trucks for five to 10 years. Because of the increased focus on legislation that mandates the movement toward zero-emission vehicles, fleets are watching closely to see what impact these mandates will have on acquisition plans. According to the survey, 59 percent of respondents are either expediting their procurement plans because of CARB pre-buy, or they are closely monitoring to see how it may alter their plans. The timeline and emphasis on CARB pre-buy continue to shift. According to ACT Research, the new standards will result in the largest Class-8 truck prebuy ever leading up to 2027, beginning in 2025 into 2026, with the cost of diesel trucks increasing between $25,000 and $30,000 more per unit, which is another driving reason why fleets must view flexibility as a business strategy, not just a fad.As fleets ponder their strategies for the balance of the year, many will certainly be focused on interest rates and how the cost of money will affect their organizations. They must rely on proven data so they can make smart, informed decisions that will have long-term benefits without financial missteps. They must have a larger focus on their business beyond what the Fed’s actions are. They must manage their life cycles with the right strategy and multi-year procurement plan. Fleets will continue to understand that as they improve the performance of their trucks, they will improve the health of their business, while also achieving their sustainability measures in 2024.FOR MORE INFORMATIONBrian Holland, CPA, CTP, CLFP, is the president and CEO of Fleet Advantage, a leading innovator in specialty financing, fleet data analytics, fleet management services, and life cycle cost management. For more information, visit 866.251.1777 • 205.824.9796 Russell@mcsmag.comREACH KEY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS get your media planner MWSMAG.COMNOVEMBER2023WWW.MWSM AG.COMDEVELOP AN UPFIT STRATEGYA COMPREHENSIVE PLANROUTINE INSPECTIONSCOMMON WHEELEND ISSUESTOOLS ELEVATE YOUR OPTIONSACHIEVE WORK-READY RELIABILITYMEDIUM DUTY 2024 MULLEN THREE CLASS 3 ELECTRIC VEHICLEALL ABOUT EXTERIORS ISSUEADVERTISING OPSREACH KEY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202428TECHNOLOGYIn today's push for sustainability, fleet managers face the challenge of upgrading their fleets to comply with emissions standards without breaking the bank or waiting years for new technologies to become viable. All-electric vocational fleets remain in the distance while we await the promise of widespread availability of both vehicles and charging infrastructure. Electric power takeoff units (ePTOs), like Viatec's SmartPTO, provide a solution by retrofitting existing internal combustion engine (ICE) work trucks. These systems hybridize work hours by first addressing idling, offering immediate emissions offset without overhauling entire fleets. This allows fleets to maintain operational resilience, even in emergencies.Almost every organization is setting goals to reduce their carbon footprint, a challenge that often extends to fleet operations due to evolving legal regulations. While the goal is a full transition to electric vehicles (EVs), the reality is that the necessary infrastructure and technology to support this change at scale is still scaling up to meet demand. Additionally, while we continue to see major strides being made by EV manufacturers in making their chassis available, the supply chain is still strained, which impacts the availability and price of the models offered, leaving fleet managers in need of immediate, feasible solutions to stay compliant and competitive.SMARTPTOWork trucks generate most of their emissions on job sites rather than in transit, making “electrifying operations" a far better and efficient focus for vocational fleets. SmartPTO is offered as an upfit or retrofit solution that hybridizes existing ICE work trucks. The system powers hydraulic upfits electrically, without idling, even on vehicles as large as an 80 feet bucket truck. This reduces fuel use and emissions with minimal effort and downtime. It is a parallel system, which means the trucks with SmartPTO installed also continue to have their conventional mechanical PTO system intact and available, a redundancy that is invaluable during power outages, extended shifts or any other kind of emergency where the trucks have unusually long duty cycles.BENEFITS Reduced operational costs: Immediate fuel consumption reduction can quickly offset costs. Over time, maintenance costs decrease due to fewer engine hours, extending service life and retaining resale value. Compliance with emissions standards and meeting emissions reductions goals: Telematics reporting provides metrics to measure emission elimination, fuel savings, and more.Crew acceptance: Modern ePTOs match the performance of legacy PTOs while eliminating noise and fumes, making job sites safer and communication easier. The Need for Solutions That Work NowIMMEDIATE, SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION FOR FLEET MANAGERS.

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 29Crews can switch back to legacy PTO operation at any time.Better from community to crew: Quieter, cleaner worksites improve public image for organizations and working conditions for crews and the communities they serve with quieter, emissions-free worksites.A reliable, practical solution: ePTOs are a realistic option today, offering immediate impacts on decarbonization goals for fleets.Recent years have seen strides made in the field of ZEVs (zero emission vehicles). All major chassis manufacturers today have a variety of all-EV solutions that fleets can take advantage of. The proliferation of all-EV options in the light-duty space has been especially rapid and in the last three years alone, many chassis manufacturers have been providing all-EV options in the Class 4 to 8 trucks – including many now in the vocational truck space.On the backdrop of this emerging expansion of the industry, it is natural that fleets managers and operators would want to understand the role that retrofit solutions would play in their fleet decisions. While it is predicted that over time, the percentage of all-electric options within a fleet will grow substantially in the future, it is just as clear that we are still some ways away from that future. Especially so in the medium-to-heavy duty trucking space, and more so within the vocational truck segment. Solutions that can be readily deployed and maintained are still not widely available and are often priced high. So, fleets can and should consider a strategy that allows for necessary investments in all-EV options, while also taking advantage of readily available, easily installable, and eminently cost-effective solutions that protect their current investments in their fleets while also providing the outsized benefits of electrification. Over 90 percent of emissions from a vocational vehicle, like an aerial bucket truck - are from their work operations, for example, the ‘non-driven’ portion of their workday. Solutions like ePTOs eliminate those emissions. Expanding the adoption of such solutions fleetwide results in an exponential growth in the savings and emissions reductions providing high returns on the investment.One additional factor to consider while planning for all-EV fleets is the availability of charging infrastructure and the overall availability of power. It is projected that with the push for fleet electrification solutions, the impact of transportation electrification on the available power systems will be at a scale that is unprecedented. In the U.S. alone, it is projected that available electrical grid capacity must grow 60 percent by 2030 and 300 percent by 2050 to meet electrification goals. Allowing for hybrid or partial-EV solutions like ePTOs lets fleets match their ambitious savings goals with growing infrastructure without putting undue pressure on either.The availability of hybrid trucks – specially in fleets that are routinely involved in disaster recovery or emergency management – is a much-needed redundancy mechanism. When trucks must work multiple-day shifts during power outages or disaster recovery operations, hybrid solutions providing redundancy are the wise choice.Another area of concern oft cited is adoption of battery-based technologies by the field crews. It has, however, been observed that fleets have taken several approaches to address and mitigate these concerns. Approaching their fleet electrification as a collective partnership, providing timely information and education around it and working with their crews to highlight the benefits of a cleaner, quieter working environment for the crews themselves. Such successful strategies can be adopted by fleets everywhere.LOOKING FORWARD As technology advances and the shift toward fully electric fleets gains momentum, retrofit solutions are essential steppingstones. They allow fleet operators to benefit from green technology immediately while preparing for a future where electric vehicles are the norm.FOR MORE INFORMATIONTo learn more, visit

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202430TECHNOLOGYIn the realm of fleet maintenance education, FleeTec Academy, spearheaded by Terry Rivers, is breaking new ground with its diesel-to-EV (electric vehicles) conversion initiatives. Rivers is no stranger to the EV market, with has a career that has embraced EVs since the ‘90s, when he worked as an EV level 3 technician on electric Ford trucks. His commitment to environmental awareness is a professional stance and a personal creed fueled by a desire to leave a better world for his children.FUTURE-PROOF SKILLSThirteen years ago, Rivers created FleeTec Academy, a hands-on residence training program designed to teach truck maintenance and repair skills from the ground up. Recognizing the role of proper vehicle maintenance in reducing carbon emissions, Rivers established a platform for in-depth automotive education. When Cox Automotive approached him to replicate his successful model, he embraced the opportunity, acknowledging the impact of well-maintained vehicles on environmental conservation.Rivers illustrates this impact with an example: a diesel truck he witnessed just a few days ago running on seven cylinders instead of eight, which he notes can pollute the atmosphere 50 times more than if it were functioning correctly. This sense of responsibility is further underscored by his military background, where he learned to confront challenges head-on—a philosophy he has embedded into the ethos of FleeTec Academy. The educational goals of FleeTec Academy, now expanded to include their diesel-to-EV conversion projects, aligns with the focus on green trucks and alternative fuels, providing a foundation for addressing the challenges posed by the shift towards electrification.SUSTAINABLE CONVERSION MODELRivers reveals the benefits of conversion versus buying new EVs with an illustration from FleeTec Academy's own experience. The FleeTec team chose to convert an existing mobile diesel service truck after its motor failed after seven years of service. The decision was economically and EV Education and Green ConversionsFLEETEC ACADEMY'S TRAILBLAZING ROLE. By Jane Langland

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 31environmentally sound; rather than spending $25,000 on a new diesel engine, they invested $45,000 to convert the vehicle to electric. The conversion stripped the vehicle down and transformed it into a 100 percent plug-in electric vehicle. Operating costs plummeted from several hundred dollars in diesel fuel each month to just $35 weekly for electric charging. The truck is expected to reach carbon neutrality in 2.5 years—an improvement over the 10 years it typically takes. The converted vehicle requires little maintenance, saving on expenses

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202432TECHNOLOGYlike oil changes and oil filters, and enjoys increased uptime, offering more available workdays than its internal combustion engine counterpart. During the conversion process, which took three days, the vehicle was not considered an EV and thus was not dangerous, requiring no special licenses to convert. Once the students installed the battery, it became a safe, full EV that was then re-certified and registered with the DMV. Notably, the students who performed the conversion signed their names on the battery, symbolizing their hands-on involvement and the educational impact of the project. This underpins the academy's emphasis on practical, real-world training and showcases how re-purposing existing vehicles can be crucial in transitioning to a greener future.EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONFleeTec Academy's approach to education is hands-on, as evidenced by their students converting a vehicle to electric as part of their curriculum. Rivers highlights the safety and simplicity of the process, noting that it does not require special certification to convert.TRAINING NEW TECHNICIANSFleeTec Academy has developed its own internal EV level 2 training program, administered on-site remotely through the FleeTec Honors branch of the academy, which brings advanced instruction directly to technicians. This approach minimizes downtime, eliminates the loss of revenue due to offsite technician training and travel, and ensures that technicians are versed in advanced mechanical, advanced electronics, and high-voltage systems. ROAD AHEADThe increase in public charging stations indicates that EVs are a growing part of our transportation landscape. According to an International Energy Agency report, at the end of 2022, there were 2.7 million public charging points worldwide, with over 900,000 installed in 2022, about a 55 percent increase from 2021. Rivers, who can now spend up to 80 percent of his workday on EV-related matters, proves that what seemed unlikely just a few years ago is an integral part of our present and future.The academy are readying the workforce for a sustainable future and proving that we can make significant strides toward a cleaner environment, and a more efficient automotive industry with the right education and a forward-thinking mindset.ABOUT THE AUTHORJane Langland is the corporate communications manager at Cox Automotive Mobility.

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Page 39 | Phone: 800-777-2760The Power On Demand™ system automates and optimizes your work truck’s engine and PTO power to give you:• Decreased fuel costs from unnecessary idling.• Reduced carbon emissions.• Remote troubleshooting and fleet monitoring.• Extended engine and chassis life.• Increased productivity.Visit our website or contact your local dealer to learn more.MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY with Work Truck AutomationIncrease productivity and savings. Decrease fuel and maintenance costs.© 2024. All rights reserved. SM_04/23_RI-0292

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202436MANAGEMENTAt a time when finding qualified truck drivers is more difficult than ever, the people side of the business is even more paramount. Your ability to hire and retain safe and reliable drivers is one of the most important factors needed to operate profitably. Before working at Acuity Insurance, I spent more than 25 years in the trucking business, in many different roles, including time as a driver and trucking fleet owner. Here’s a personal anecdote demonstrating the impact of poor employee relations.“I was working as a dump truck driver during the summer when I was in college and had asked for a day off to attend a good friend’s wedding. The request for time off was approved by my boss. It was the morning of the wedding, and I received a call from the owner asking me where I was. I reminded him my boss gave me the day off as I was standing up at my friend’s wedding. He demanded I come in. When I considered it, then declined, he fired me. “The next week, I started working for a local competitor, making several dollars more per hour than I was at the original company. Shortly after, I saw my old truck completely turned over, upside down. I wasn’t happy about this, I liked the people at my previous employer and wanted them to be safe. This taught me an important lesson early in my career about how one of the best things you can do for your business is to treat employees fairly.”TREAT EMPLOYEES FAIRLYThe importance of making your company desirable to employees is even more important today than it was in years past.Replacing employees is expensive. One report shows it costs an estimated 33 percent of a worker’s annual salary to replace them if they leave. Another report shows the estimated replacement cost of $16,500 per person for an employee earning a median salary of $50,000 a year. Not only is it expensive to replace good employees, but it can also be time-consuming and put more strain on your company’s remaining employees to meet customer needs. BEING MORE DESIRABLECompetitive pay is just one piece of the employee recruitment and retention puzzle. Other important factors include health care benefits, work/life balance, paid time off, retirement benefits, safety bonuses, and positive company culture. What this mix looks like is different for each company, but there are several things you can do to How Your Trucking Fleet Can Win the Talent RaceIMPACT OF INEFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE RECRUITING AND RETENTION EFFORTS IS FAR-REACHING. By Cliff Johnson

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 3737ensure your company has a reputation for not only being a good employer but also attracting and retaining top-quality employees. WHAT DRIVERS WANT If you’re wondering if your offerings are fair, put yourself in a driver’s shoes. Would you be satisfied with the job for the pay and benefits you’re offering? Are there ways you could improve your employee value proposition? If a staffing shortage has required your employees to work longer hours, have you recognized them for going above and beyond? Consider these questions when assessing what you can do to attract and retain high-value employees. RETENTION PROGRAMIt may be more valuable to invest in the employees you have than to spend money trying to recruit new talent. Employees who are treated well may be more loyal and more likely to tell their friends good things about your business- earning you a positive reputation and even referrals. Here are a few ways you can build a solid employee retention program.• Make sure employees are aware of their pay and benefits. Today, most pay is direct deposit, so it’s easy for employees to lose sight of what is included. Mailing a pay summary detailing a more comprehensive look at the benefits included in their total compensation (health insurance costs, retirement benefits, and vacation time) can elevate transparency.• Observe birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Congratulating your driver on their important day and offering them the opportunity to be home for these special occasions may take fleet managers a little more effort but the gesture can show them and their family you care about their work and life balance. • Conduct exit interviews with departing workers. I have a saying I use, “the best driver recruiting programs understand the driver retention issue.” Having a conversation with departing employees to honestly share why they’re leaving can shed light on the real reason(s). Those learnings can uncover potential opportunities to improve the employee experience, increase retention, and retain the driver in question. You Need Leads!We Have the Solution!Our digital marketing campaigns can identify prospects interested specifically in your product, and then tell you exactly who they are! See what our customers are saying:The reports are awesome! Thank you. If we can get that level of information from all of our suppliers, we will be very happy! We have already made one machine sale to a prospect from the eBlast and I am sure there will be more. Paul Gazik,Business Development/International Salesfor Call us today to get started at 205.795.0223 or email us at

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202438MANAGEMENT• Think about ways to engage their families. Being away from family can put strain on not only a driver, but also their family. Doing small things to engage a driver’s family, like hosting a family fun day can help to win over your drivers and their loved ones. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET Labor is often the top expenditure for a trucking business, even outpacing equipment costs in many cases. Therefore, it can be tempting to try to save on things like employee pay or benefits. If you’re looking to cut costs from this area, consider your mindset around recruiting and retention. It may be more beneficial to consider it not only a business expense, but also an investment in the future of your business. Not only can treating employees well encourage them to stay longer, but it also can help to build a good reputation for your trucking business and make your company a preferred employer for current and prospective employees living in the area. Enhancing your company’s reputation as a desirable place for truck drivers to work can feel complicated and time-consuming. However, taking an honest look at what drivers want from their employer and matching that to your retention and recruitment efforts can position your business as a go-to destination for the reliable professionals you need to thrive. FOR MORE INFORMATIONCliff Johnson is the trucking business segment consultant at Acuity Insurance.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202440MANAGEMENTWhen an asset issue arises, making informed decisions quickly can mean avoiding costly setbacks. However, many fleet managers find themselves grappling with disparate data sources — whether from manually documenting data or using multiple disconnected solutions — and struggling to gain a comprehensive understanding of their fleet's performance. Implementing a centralized fleet management software (FMS) affords fleets the ability to streamline data collection, aggregation, and analysis, while keeping key metrics front and center on a customizable dashboard.CHALLENGES OF SILOED DATAFor fleet managers dealing with manual data collection processes and siloed software systems, gaining actionable insights can be quite the undertaking. Manual data entry is time-consuming and error-prone, which can lead to Mastering Fleet Data Through Centralized ManagementCENTRALIZED FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE AUTOMATES DATA COLLECTION AND AGGREGATION. By Rachael Plant

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MAY 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 4141incomplete or inaccurate information, while disparate software solutions often fail to communicate with one another, resulting in fragmented data silos that hinder visibility.The volume of data available around asset health and overall fleet productivity is vast and can cause difficulties when it comes time to analyze it—especially if you’re having to pull metrics from multiple sources. Some of the most common obstacles fleets face with data collection and analysis include:• Lacking necessary data analysis skills: without the ability to interpret it correctly, fleet managers may miss valuable insights buried within their data.• Delayed access to critical data: waiting for data to be manually entered or transferred between systems can lead to delays in decision-making, hindering operational efficiency.• Inability to integrate fleet solutions with existing systems: siloed software solutions create barriers to data sharing and collaboration, limiting the ability to access a comprehensive view of fleet health, cost, and productivity.USING A SINGLE PLATFORMCentralizing fleet data onto a single platform can help fleets overcome challenges associated with data collection and analysis. FMS automates data collection and consolidation, acting as a kind of hub where aggregate data from various sources—including telematics devices, fuel cards, and maintenance records—come together and interact to provide a holistic view of your operation.To further help fleets make data-driven decisions, FMS provides:• Real-time data updates: with real-time access to critical data, fleet managers can respond quickly to issues and make informed decisions on the fly.• Integration with existing systems: FMS integrates with a wide range of fleet and business solutions, through both integration partnerships and a public application programming interface (API), ensuring a smooth flow of data and reducing bottlenecks in information sharing.• Customizable dashboards: FMS provides customizable dashboards and data visualization tools that enable fleet managers to interpret complex data sets easily. Arranging your dashboard to keep key metrics front and center makes it easier to quickly and accurately spot trends, patterns, and anomalies.ANALYZE FLEET METRICSSince FMS automatically summarizes aggregate data in the background, analysis becomes much easier — and so does avoiding data overload. Data in FMS is displayed in up-to-Organized by Eaton Hall Exhibitions ATTENTION WORK FLEET LEADERSRegistration includes hotel accommodations, meals, all events & sessions and comes with travel reimbursement. “If you’re directly involved in your eet’s decision-making and have any needs for products or solutions that will help your eet run more safely and eciently, then we invite you to apply to attend this year’s Work Fleet Forum”CONNECT with the best ideas, the newest solutions and the brightest minds all in one location.LEARN about new products and solutions with private demos and small presentations. You can even customize your event based on who you’d like to meet with.NETWORK with other top eet managers in a relaxed and productive setting at the beautiful Palms Resort. You’ll add to what - and who - you know in the eet industry. e 16th Annual Work Fleet Forum is for those who run hard-working eets. It’s designed to be more productive, more valuable, more fun and just for eet leaders like you. NOV 12-14Register Today!(800) 746-9646eetforum.comanthony@eatonhall.comLimited Vendor Opportunities Still Availablee Palms Resort in Las Vegas, NV2024

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202442MANAGEMENTdate fleet reports that express specific metrics from which you can follow an audit trail to source issues. The cost comparison by year report, for example, aggregates such data as fuel and service expenses, and other costs associated with running each asset over the course of a given year, such as loan/lease, insurance, licensing, and registration payments. FMS uses such costing data and divides it by the difference between an asset’s first and last odometer/meter entries for that year and automatically calculates an asset’s average annual cost per meter. Fleets can use this report to determine which asset has the highest cost per meter compared to similar assets and what the expected cost per meter is for a given make model year over its useful life. Additionally, fleets can analyze such data as downtime, recurring issues, and total cost of ownership, to:• Identify areas for improvement: analyzing downtime and recurring asset issues can help fleets implement better preventive maintenance (PM) schedules, tackle poor driving behaviors, and source the cause of high-fail components.• Implement proactive maintenance strategies: predictive analytics features like sensor data can help fleet managers anticipate maintenance needs and proactively address potential issues before they escalate.• Optimize resource allocation and workflow management: fleets can use customization tools in FMS to document downtime related to process inefficiencies, such as understaffing and imbalance workloads in the shop and delays sourcing parts replacements.When it comes to making operational improvements, fleets can take advantage of FMS to overcome challenges associated with disparate data and make quicker, more informed decisions.ABOUT THE AUTHORRachael Plant is a content marketing specialist for Fleetio, a fleet management software company that helps organizations track, analyze and improve their fleet operations. To learn more, visit

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM MAY 202444WORK TRUCK PRODUCTSFLOWBELOW AERO AEROFENDER SAVES FLEETS FUEL FlowBelow Aero, Inc., AeroFender reduces drag on day- and sleeper-cabs and provides another tool for fleets to improve fuel economy and to reduce CO2 emissions. The low-profile device improves fuel efficiency by re-directing the airflow ahead of and around a power unit’s leading drive axle. At a controlled track test recently by Mesilla Valley Transportation Solutions, the technology saved 1.49 gallons of fuel for every 1,000 miles driven, or 1.44 percent overall. A truck with an AeroFender installed and traveling 125,000 miles per year, can save an estimated 187 gallons of fuel and approximately 4,207.5 pounds of CO2. In addition to the associated fuel savings and environmental upsides, FlowBelow calculates that the ROI on its AeroFender will come in at under one year from the date of its installation MFG LTD LB20 RAMP FAMILYLink Mfg., Ltd.’s family of LB20 ramps have been reengineered. Seven of the nine ramps now feature two pull-style, gas-spring-assist lifting mechanisms, which are lighter weight. The ramps now feature a lower-profile transition threshold at their top. When stowed, the ramps have a narrow, less than eight-inch silhouette, providing 34 percent more room in the cargo area. LB20’s new base plate has been reduced to 11 inches in depth and features a larger mounting pattern. Dimensions range from 24 to 47 inches in width, accommodating standard hand trucks and other cargo conveyance and wheeled equipment. Link’s bifold ramp lengths vary from 72 to 135 inches, and extended LT30 ramp models reach 119 inches and feature adjustable support mechanisms for added stability. A 42-inch by 108-inch version of the LB20 ramp is also available. All models will come with Link’s wheel kit as a standard feature. BLACKOUT LIGHTING FAMILY Optronics International new, thin, surface-mount-style lamps are the latest additions to Optronics’ family of eight smoke-lens LED lights. First introduced in 2020, Optronics’ blackout lights meet FMVSS 108 and CMVSS 108 compliance when illuminated. The new 9-LED and 11-LED lamps are innovated by using black printed circuit boards inside the lamps, minimizing reflection when the lights are off. Optronics' smoke-lens lights rely on their high-intensity LEDs to achieve the necessary brightness levels for compliance with federal photometric standards. Thinline lamps’ lenses are made of tough polycarbonate material that is sonically welded and resistant to dust and moisture. The lamps employ a solid-state, surface-mount device design that protects their electronics against moisture, shock, and vibration. www.optronicsinc.comSHERWIN-WILLIAMS COATINGS TECHNOLOGY FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Duraspar Industrial Performance (IP) from Sherwin-Williams General Industrial offers hide and sag resistance with the aesthetics of an automotive finish, Duraspar IP is used by work truck manufacturers worldwide for improving first pass yield and reducing overall paint process time. Its ability to minimize rework makes it an option for manufacturers looking to improve product quality while minimizing total applied costs. Duraspar IP is designed for application on a variety of work trucks, including cement mixers, tankers, street, and more.

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