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Modern WorkTruck Solutions April 2024

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CONNECT WITH US AUTO CRANE Bring Auto Crane’s proven innovations together – Power On Demand, Titan Connect, NexStar, Titan Armor – with the all-new Titan 85 service crane body – NOW available in an 11-foot model. www.autocrane.comINSIDE THIS ISSUEAPRIL 2024 VOL-9 NO-4APRIL2024WWW.MWSMAG.COMSHIFTING GEARSBREAKING BARRIERS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYSURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGYENHANCING DRIVER AND WORK TRUCK SAFETYPRODUCTS &SERVICES GUIDE2024SPECIAL EDITIONCOVER STORIES12LIGHT-DUTYGMC SIERRA HD CAPABILITY ON TAPMITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCYHEAVY-DUTY22LEVERAGING SENSOR DATA STEPS TO REDUCE DOWNTIME18MEDIUM-DUTYSHOWCASEMANAGEMENTSHIFTING GEARS ....................................28Breaking barriers in the automotive industry. MANAGEMENTSURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGIES ......................32Enhancing driver and work truck safety. @mwsmag modern-work-truck-solutions.IN EVERY ISSUEINDUSTRY NEWS .......................................... 82024 PRODUCTS SERVICES GUIDE ........................35AND

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Page 10 3100 Lorna Rd., Ste 101Birmingham, AL 35216MARIO CYWINSKI J, CAMPBELL VP of RANDY MOON Publisher randym@mwsmag.comGARY BARKER Media Consultantgary@mwsmag.comTIM O’HARA Media Consultanttim.ohara@mwsmag.comLISA AVERY Art Director lisa@mwsmag.comSETH SAUNDERS Digital Media SpecialistINGRID BERKY Office ManagerNo part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage-and-retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. The views expressed by those not on the staff of Modern WorkTruck Solutions, or who are not specifically employed by Highlands Publications are purely their own. All Industry News material has either been submitted by the subject company or pulled directly from its corporate website, which is assumed to be cleared for release. Comments and submissions are welcome, and can be submitted to INQUIRIES OR CHANGES CALL:205.380.2048CHRIS GARMONCFO TIM GARMONCEORUSSELL HADDOCKPresidentWelcome to our special issue featuring the 2024 products and services guide. Each spring we feature the latest and greatest products and services from the work truck industry. To see all that is on offer, go to page 35. What else do we have in this issue? In a word, lots. First, in celebration of International Women’s Day, we have Shifting Gears: Breaking barriers in the automotive industry, an interview with four women making a difference in the industry. Read now on page 28. Also covered in this issue are operations article on how OEMs can benefit when a single-source parts model extends from design to manufacturing (page 14); maintenance article on leveraging sensor data snapshots for proactive maintenance (page 18); technology article on enhancing operational efficiency while reducing environmental impact (page 22); safety article on why you should never install shelving on a factory mat (page 26); and a management article on the role of surveillance in enhancing driver and work truck safety (page 32). Enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact us for any topics you would like to see covered. Good day.EDITOR’S NOTEMario Cywinski EditorOPERATIONS VALUE ADDED HYDRAULIC PART SOURCING ................................................14 OEMs benefit when a single-source parts model extends from design to manufacturing.SAFETY WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER INSTALL SHELVING ON A FACTORY MAT .............................................26 Damage can occur from a combination of Van shelving and a floor mat.26

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 20248INDUSTRY NEWSHOLMAN NAMES EXECUTIVE VP OF SERVICE EXCELLENCEHolman names Aarthi Murali as executive vice-president, service excellence. Murali will be leading Holman’s commercial client relations strategy and customer service efforts throughout North America. “Aarthi brings impressive business acumen and a wealth of customer experience expertise,” says Bob White, president of fleet operations, Holman. “Her innate ability to connect with our clients and understand their evolving needs will ensure that Holman delivers on our promise to provide an exceptional experience for all fleet stakeholders.” She will now oversee the account management and client relations teams, as well as amplifying the voice of commercial clients to further enhance the customer and employee experiences. Murali will also be appointed to Holman’s executive leadership team.Murali joins Holman after working in the financial sector for over 20 years, for JP Morgan Chase and as M&T Bank’s first chief customer experience officer. She was named to American Banker’s list of the Most Powerful Women in Banking in 2022 and 2023 and was included in CX Network’s Top 50 CX Influencers of 2024.“I’m excited to join a highly successful organization that places such a profound emphasis on both the customer and employee experience. At Holman, we genuinely believe that our people are our greatest strength, and we understand the role our people play in driving a great customer experience,” says Murali. “I look forward to leading our service innovation journey purposefully and delivering delightful experiences for our employees and clients.”NEW TRUCK STANDARDS TO HELP CUT POLLUTION AND COSTSThe new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) final new emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles were announced recently. They will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to one billion metric tons of CO2e and provide up to $13 billion in total net benefits to society through 2055, according to the EPA. "These standards will spur wider adoption of proven electric truck technologies, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollutants while cutting costs for operators and their customers. It's a big step forward for cleaning up the freight sector, but ensuring successful implementation will require trucking companies, charging station companies, and utilities and regulators to ramp up collaborative efforts,” says Daivie Ghosh, senior research analyst, The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. MWS Can help you CliMb out of the hole.NUMBERS DOWN IN THE DUMPS?NUMBERS DOWN IN THE DUMPS?combine print & digital advertising, and WatcH YoUr bottom line rise! 205.795.0223 |

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202410INDUSTRY NEWSThe standards are technology-neutral, average emissions requirements across each manufacturer's sales can be met with a combination of moving toward electric and efficiency improvements to diesel trucks."Everyone from truck manufacturers to fleet operators and companies building electric charging stations knows what they need to plan for now. Utilities have a big but achievable job ahead building the charging infrastructure that will soon be needed. Utilities and stakeholders can take advantage of the guidance provided by the recently released National Zero-Emission Freight Corridor Strategy,” says Ghosh.HEXAGON AGILITY NEW ORDERS FOR CLASS 8 TRUCKS Hexagon Agility has new orders for its CNG/RNG fuel system installations on pilot trucks powered by Cummins’ X15N natural gas engine. “The launch of the Cummins X15N, 15-liter engine will triple the addressable market for heavy-duty natural gas trucks over the next few years,” says Eric Bippus, EVP sales and systems, Hexagon Agility. “This is a game-changer for our niche industry, enabling a powerhouse solution for Class 8 fleets traveling locally and cross country. The 15-liter delivers enhanced fuel efficiency and maximum uptime.”Powered by CNG/RNG the X15N is capable of meeting EPA and CARB regulations in 2024 and 2027. With power ratings up to 500 horsepower and torque up to 1850 pounds/feet.Kenworth Truck Company is the first to open its order books for trucks powered by the Cummins X15N engine. Kenworth and Cummins have stated that trucks equipped with the X15N engine will be in serial production by mid-2024 with initial deliveries expected early in the third quarter. Hexagon Agility expects demand for the new engine will ramp-up gradually during 2024.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 13CAPABILITY ON TAP FROM PRO TO ULTIMATE. By Mario CywinskiGMC Sierra Heavy DutyRecently, Modern WorkTruck Solutions had the opportunity to drive the top of the range GMC Sierra HD Denali Ultimate. This is the top of the range model offered by General Motors for those looking to get a heavy-duty truck. It is one of the most luxurious trucks on the market, feeling more like a luxury vehicle than a work truck. While we drove the Ultimate trim, below we focus on all trim levels for the GMC Sierra HD, not simply the top end. For 2024, GMC has redesigned the front bumper, fascia, and grille on all trim levels, changed wheel designs for some trims, added new colours, new 22-inch accessory wheels, new animated lighting, and rear wheelhouse liners as standard on Denali dual rear wheel (DRW) models.AVAILABLE ENGINESThe 2024 GMC Sierra HD is available with a choice of two engines, one gasoline and one diesel. The standard 6.6-liter V8 engine (gasoline or E85 FlexFuel) has 401 horsepower and 464 pounds/feet of torque on tap. The updated turbo diesel option is a Duramax 6.6L V8 with 470hp and a whopping 975 lbs/ft of torque. GM has improved the low-end torque by 25 percent, helping with towing. It also has improved the turbocharger, added new cylinder heads, new cylinder controller, new combustion system, and improved engine braking by using a more powerful turbo vane actuator and uprated valve springs.Both are mated to a 10-speed automatic Allison transmission. The combination of the diesel engine and automatic transmission on the tester was great. For a large diesel engine, the vehicle was relatively quiet, and the shifting was always smooth. Power was more than enough for almost any job.PAYLOAD AND TOWINGThe main purpose of a heavy-duty pickup truck is to carry a lot of payload, and to tow as much as possible. While the GMC Sierra HD offers a plethora of model/trim options, the amount that you can tow or carry varies by trim level. For the 2500 level, the highest payload is on the 4WD regular cab with a diesel engine (3,850 lbs), with every other trim level starting at 3,381 lbs (2WD Crew Cab) and offering a payload in between the two extremes. The 3500 maxes out at 6,947 lbs on the 4WD (DRW), with all other models slotting in between 4,162 lbs and the max.Conventional towing on 2500 and 3500 models goes between 14,500 and 20,000 pounds, with the highest amounts being available on the diesel engines. For those using fifth wheel/gooseneck for towing, the numbers range from 17,600 lbs to an amazing 36,000 lbs (on a 3500 2WD DRW with NHT package). All other trims fall somewhere in between the two ends of the spectrum.CONFIGURATIONSThe Sierra HD is available in 12 configurations (each available in 2WD or 4WD), so you can pick the one which is right as your work truck. The 2500 level is available in Regular Cab Long Bed, Double Cab Standard Bed, Double Cab Long Bed, Crew Cab Standard Bed, and Crew Cab Long Bed. The 3500 level comes in Regular Cab Long Bed single rear wheels (SRW), Regular Cab Long Bed (2WD & 4WD) DRW, Double Cab Long Bed SRW, Double Cab Long Bed DRW, Crew Cab Standard Bed SRW, Crew Cab Long Bed SRW, and Crew Cab Long Bed DRW.Trim levels go from Pro (work truck), SLE, SLT, AT4, Denali, AT4X, and to Denali Ultimate.ABOUT THE AUTHORMario Cywinski is the editor of Modern WorkTruck Solutions and has worked in the automotive industry for nearly 20 years, both as an automotive journalist and working for a local dealership. He is a member of the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada and has been a judge for the Canadian Truck King Challenge. He can be reached at

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For OEMs of agriculture, construction, mining, oil and gas, off-road, forestry, and heavy-duty trucking equipment, there can be thousands of parts to integrate into a single vehicle. These include the hydraulic components that provide the force or power for lifting, pushing, digging, dumping, and braking. As a result of their complex machining needs, OEMs rely on preferred suppliers of hydraulic parts and assemblies to design and manufacture these critical components, which must be high quality, cost-effective, and delivered on time to remain competitive.The existing process typically requires working with multiple vendors based on their specialization and the value-added services they provide from coatings to assemblies. Establishing these trusted relationships and orchestrating parts needs across multiple vendors takes time, consuming MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202414OPERATIONSValue Added Hydraulic Part SourcingOEMS BENEFIT WHEN A SINGLE-SOURCE PARTS MODEL EXTENDS FROM DESIGN TO MANUFACTURING. By Del Williams Single-source parts model extends from design to manufacturing across a range of materials.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 15considerable organization resources and adding costs to OEM production.The OEM’s expanding demand for supplier support has resulted in manufacturers positioning themselves to be one-stop parts shops, offering a menu of complementary parts spanning different materials such as metal and plastic. A consolidated offering can help streamline parts sourcing for OEMs and provide better support to them as their product needs evolve. An example of this is Premier Hydraulics. The company, a Tier 1 preferred supplier of hydraulic components and assemblies to OEMs, produces standard hydraulic fittings, valves, manifolds, hose connectors, and flanges in large quantities. In addition, the company specializes in custom-engineered products, meaning it can create assemblies or sub-assemblies with combined components.“OEMs today want quality parts at a competitive price that are delivered on time. Beyond that, many also want value-added services like expert engineering, design support, and the ability to provide custom parts such as manifolds, flanges, valves, and fittings in various materials. Depending on how it is designed, the custom component can become a part of a kit, sub-assembly, or assembly of complete product,” says Dinitrise Hicks, sales manager, Premier Hydraulics.According to Hicks, OEMs often request custom parts, such as hydraulic A consolidated offering can help streamline parts sourcing for OEMs.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202416OPERATIONSfittings, which vary from SAE standards in size, thread size, pitch, or materials. Custom parts may also be necessary if OEMs require a unique part function or part combination.She notes that Premier Hydraulics manufactures custom components in low to high volumes domestically. The rigorous process involves verifying OEM requirements, providing design and engineering support, prototyping, and conducting thorough quality and production checks.VALUE-ADDED PARTSAccording to Hicks, a common question asked by OEMs of their parts manufacturers is, “Can you make this part?” Often behind this question is an OEM’s perception that the parts vendor can only work with one material or provide limited or no value-added services. Now, rather than losing a bid and causing the OEM to have to find yet another parts vendor, they are in a position to fulfill the order need regardless of the parts material or specialized handling needs. To meet the OEM’s need for value-added custom parts, Premier Hydraulics dramatically expanded its capabilities after the company was acquired in late 2022 by PTR Group, a contract manufacturer of components and subassemblies. PTR Group has embarked on a strategic campaign to acquire companies offering complementary parts manufacturing differentiated by material and product type to broaden the breadth of their overall parts portfolio. As a result of their acquisition strategy, it now offers OEMs a wide range of parts, including metal components and subassemblies. They can also custom manufacture precision thermoplastic injection mold tooling, zinc die-cast mold tooling, and molded plastic components.For OEMs, the ability to manufacture inject molded plastic parts can add significant value, particularly when customized to the application. For OEMs, plastic fittings provide a wide range of advantages. Plastic fittings are inherently resistant to corrosion, so can be low maintenance and suitable for use in environments where metal fittings can corrode over time. The fittings are lightweight and often cost less than metal components. In addition, plastic fittings may help reduce noise and vibration transfer in hydraulic systems compared to metal fittings. Some plastic materials are also non-conductive, which can be beneficial in applications where electrical conductivity is a concern.According to Hicks, Premier Hydraulics has received an increasing number of inquiries regarding plastic parts after announcing the capabilities of the PTR Group. In a recent example, it was asked to assist American Cap, a valve protection device and cylinder component manufacturer in the PTR Group, to recertify one of its customer’s hydraulic valves protected by injection molded plastic in two weeks.Given its experience certifying hydraulic parts for its large Tier 1 customers, Premier Hydraulics was able to disassemble the valve, conduct the high- and low-pressure tests required, and then reassemble and ship the part within the customer’s expedited timeframe.When the single-source parts model extends from design to manufacturing across a range of materials, a parts provider can play a pivotal role in an OEM’s parts supply chain. This can streamline purchasing, and foster greater collaboration in parts design, engineering, manufacturing, assembly, and testing. The approach can provide a quick response to evolving parts needs through product design and manufacturing, while achieving substantial cost savings through manufacturing synergies.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Del Williams is a technical writer based in Torrance, California.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202418MAINTENANCEDowntime due to shop delays can snowball into significant and costly productivity losses, and the time it takes to diagnose asset issues often contributes to a good chunk of that downtime. Additionally, unaddressed, or incorrectly diagnosed, issues can cause damage to other asset components. Fleets can use sensor data snapshots in fleet management software (FMS), powered by telematics, to streamline maintenance processes and keep assets running smoothly.TRACKING DOWNTIMEFor fleets, some downtime is inevitable, but unchecked downtime can have far-reaching implications. On top of the immediate productivity loss, there's also a ripple effect on schedules, as well as customer, and employee, satisfaction, all of which can impact your bottom line.While unscheduled downtime is often a more noticeable workflow disruption and can therefore be easier to track, benchmark, and improve, scheduled downtime is equally Leveraging Sensor Data Snapshots for Proactive MaintenanceTAKE INFORMED STEPS TO REDUCE DOWNTIME BY DIAGNOSING ASSET ISSUES QUICKLY. By Rachael PlantPhotos provided by Fleetio.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 19important to monitor. Doing so can help spotlight workflow inefficiencies, including delays due to improper staffing, unbalanced workloads, parts procurement, and time allotted to issue diagnoses. Key metrics to track for downtime improvement planning include:• Average percentage of downed assets in a given time period;• Average labor hours associated with specific maintenance and repairs;• Average lead time for parts procurement;• Average duration of time from dropping an asset at the shop to retrieval;• Technician productivity; and,• High fail components and recurring issues.Using asset service histories to estimate the amount of time specific service tasks should take can help fleets set labor hour estimates and compare expected versus actual labor hours to see instances of extended downtime due to service delays.IMPROVING DIAGNOSESAsset fault codes aren’t always the most straightforward, as the system and component flagged may be due to an underlying issue playing a role

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202420MAINTENANCEin component failure. Using sensor data, technicians can gain access to a comprehensive view of asset issues. This allows them to identify the source of an issue with both speed and accuracy, and it provides technicians with more context so they can tackle the problem effectively.Fleets can also use sensor data to determine if issues that happen while operators are on the road or at the jobsite need to be addressed immediately. Real-time diagnostic availability for fault alerts allows fleets to prioritize issues in a way that makes sense. If an issue doesn’t pose a safety or mechanical concern and can wait until off-hours to be addressed, it can save productivity loss. On the other hand, if an issue arises that is more critical, fleet managers can have the operator come back to, or go to the nearest, shop. Sensor data also provides invaluable insights into soon-to-fail components so fleets can take proactive measures to prevent costly breakdowns.SENSOR DATA SNAPSHOTSFleets can use sensor data in FMS to streamline service workflows, including taking a “snapshot” of selected sensor data and attaching it to new or existing issues to speed up resolution times and enhance service histories. This doesn’t just help reduce downtime in the short-term; it enables fleets to proactively address recurring issues, as well as determine whether an asset’s preventive maintenance schedule needs to be adjusted, or if the asset outright needs replacing.Once an asset issue is raised in FMS, fleet managers are alerted in real time, kicking off the service workflow automatically. From there, managers can determine the issue’s severity and assign it a prioritization level so the issue can be addressed accordingly. Managers can then assign out a digital work order directly from the issue and attach a snapshot of the correlating sensor data. Technicians can view the sensor data, issue priority, and estimated service duration, add parts from inventory, and clock in and out of jobs, all directly within the work order. Since extended service-related downtime can be as impactful as unscheduled downtime, it can pay dividends to track both and create a plan to address the major causes of each. Utilizing FMS’s automated service workflow functionality in conjunction with sensor data snapshots enables fleets to take proactive measures to reduce downtime and improve productivity in the shop and on the road.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rachael Plant is a content marketing specialist for Fleetio, a fleet management software company that helps organizations track, analyze, and improve their fleet operations. To learn more, visit

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202422TECHNOLOGYIdle mitigation is fast becoming a hot topic among today’s commercial fleets. Work truck fleets are increasingly focused on reducing or eliminating the amount of time their vehicles spend idling or running while not in motion. Whether a fleet’s goal is to meet tightening idling regulations, reduce engine wear, minimize maintenance intervals, maximize vehicle lifespans, or to make good on commitments to corporate social responsibility promises, idle mitigation is playing an increasingly pivotal role in the decision-making process. A key issue for these fleets is how they can maintain their current levels of productivity within the constraints of new environments while limiting or significantly reducing vehicle idling.Many fleets are also cautiously eyeing the impending switch from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EV). Many wonder if EV replacement vehicles will be available and ready in time. Most have concerns about whether their EVs will have sufficient power to travel to the job site, complete the necessary tasks, and return to their base of operation. “Fleets are navigating through a quickly evolving business landscape with numerous factors at play,” says Dean Strathman, vice president of sales, Vanair. “With over 50 years of service in the mobile power market, we have supported fleets through various changes. However, the pace of change we’re seeing now is unprecedented in our experience.”Strathman highlighted that Vanair maintains strong communication with its customers across a wide swath of industries. Thanks to its comprehensive voice-of-the-customer (VOC) program, which ensures a steady flow of feedback from real-world experiences, Vanair was able to see the need for idle mitigation solutions well before the trend was on others’ radars.Mitigating Circumstances ENHANCING OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY WHILE REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. EPEQ is scalable with the ELiMENT brand lithium iron phosphate battery as the heart of the EPEQ ecosystem.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 23EPEQ SAGAIn 2021, Vanair launched its EPEQ Electrified Power Equipment (EPEQ) line, an expansion of the company’s range of products, known as its “Mobile Power Solutions.” The EPEQ series is an all-encompassing, patent-pending system that provides all the necessary components for a full green technology solution. Designed to offer practical electric mobile power options for today, the EPEQ lineup enables any fleet to lower its fuel consumption, carbon emissions and comply with or exceed almost all state, county, and local idling regulations.The EPEQ line features an array of fully electric mobile power solutions that can reduce a fleet’s CO2 emissions. “With our offerings, fleets can now shut off their trucks on-site, adhere to all regulations, and crucially, still accomplish their tasks,” says Strathman.EPEQ is scalable with the ELiMENT brand lithium iron phosphate battery as the heart of the EPEQ ecosystem, which Includes welders, air compressors, EPTO hydraulic power, converters, inverters, and EV charging capabilities.In 2023, Vanair unveiled the EPEQ IM Idle Management system. The system can be customized to turn the vehicle on or off based on fleet-defined parameters, such as run time or battery state of charge. It utilizes the onboard vehicle battery or its ELiMENT LiFePO4 auxiliary battery to power various functions, including cab heat and air conditioning, emergency lights, radios, laptops, cameras, and AC electrical equipment.The system’s “smart controller” unit is installed under the dash and links up with the vehicle’s J1939 CAN bus network or OBD port. The EPEQ IM system is designed to automatically shut off the vehicle once it meets predetermined conditions, effectively cutting down on idling time, or ghost miles, which contribute to vehicle wear and tear. The decrease in idling saves on maintenance costs through less fuel use, fewer engine hours, and lower frequency of DPF regeneration and cleaning, but also tackles emissions issues and prolongs the service life of the chassis.READ Smart Controller unit installs under the dash and links up with the vehicle’s J1939 CAN bus network or OBD port.onal vehicles.

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202424TECHNOLOGY“Vanair also provides telematics features, delivering crucial data on asset usage to fleet managers,” says Strathman. “This advanced telematics suite allows for detailed tracking of multiple factors such as, connected equipment including total run time, battery conditioning and utilization, component condition and usage, fuel savings and CO2 reduction. Armed with this data, fleet managers are better positioned to make strategic fleet investment decisions, enhance asset deployment, and pinpoint parts that could be eliminated to reduce space and weight.”FAILURE RATE MOTIVATOROne Midwest-based, heavy construction fleet that does a lot of idling in the field, reported that it had “burned-up” several gasoline engines. They were frustrated by the failure rate and felt like they had to find a solution that would help keep their remaining vehicles, and potentially new replacement vehicles, in service for a more reasonable length of time.“They asked for a quote on multiple vehicles to start with,” says Strathman. “And they plan on ordering more, once they have a chance to see them perform.”CONTROL MOTIVATORA large Southwest-based heavy construction equipment dealership has an equally large contingent of service trucks that they use to support both their customers who purchase and rent their equipment. “Years ago, there was a trend in the marketplace to put auxiliary power equipment of some sort on work trucks and eliminate PTOs,” says Strathman. “This fleet decided that they would start using APUs, including Vanair’s PowerFlex Series and Air N Arc Series auxiliary power units, all in an effort to reduce idle time and extend chassis life.”Strathman went on to explain that their fleet vehicles are equipped with telematics and that when the fleet pulled reports for its 500 service vehicles, they noticed an interesting trend. When they compared the idling times between the PTO-driven vehicle with those with auxiliary power units, there was no difference in idling time.They realized that an extenuating circumstance was the warm weather in the lower elevations and cold weather in the upper elevations and that the workers were idling the vehicles to run their HVAC systems. Unfortunately, in the process of staying comfortable, nullifying the anticipated benefit of moving to auxiliary power units. “This fleet is thrilled that Vanair’s EPEQ IM can circumvent worker EPEQ is scalable with the ELiMENT brand lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) battery as the heart of the EPEQ ecosystem.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 25behaviors, while keeping those same workers safe, comfortable and happy by providing them with auxiliary AC and heat, not to mention power for safety lighting, radios, and AC power for computers and other electrical equipment,” says Strathman. SUPPLY SIDE MOTIVATOR A large customer has an aggressive growth strategy, with their business model working well for them, and they are growing organically through acquisition. With the shortages and backlogs in vehicle delivery that are still plaguing the industry, they are finding that they just can’t get the volume of vehicles to keep up with their growth trajectory targets. Therefore, part of their strategy is to be able to extend the life of their existing chassis and they’re looking at idle management as a solution.“They’re just dealing with the reality that they’re not going to be able to get the new chassis they want, so they need to make the ones they’ve got last a lot longer by adding our EPEQ IM System,” says Strathman.CORPORATE CITIZENSHIPFor large organizations, particularly utilities and publicly traded entities, some of the common motivating factors surrounding idle mitigation are still applicable but are not necessarily the top driving factor in adoption. In the C-suite, attention often turns to the goals and objectives the company has publicly committed to and these often include CO2 emission reductions.“If our standard solution cuts idle reduction by 60 to 70 percent, the executives I encounter around the boardroom table often ask what the impact of adding another EPEQ ELiMENT LiFePO4 auxiliary battery would be,” says Strathman. “They want the maximum amount of CO2 reduction possible.”Strathman also highlighted an additional advantage for publicity-conscious boards of directors. He explained that with the EPEQ system, these fleets don’t have to wait for the conversion to EV to take place, they can reap significant emissions reduction benefits immediately with their existing ICE vehicles. GRIP ON THE FUTUREIn January 2024, Vanair announced the acquisition of Grip Idle Management, a company recognized for its patented and leading technology in advanced vehicle engine idle reduction. Grip’s cutting-edge technology integrates with Vanair’s existing EPEQ IM system.FOR MORE INFORMATIONTo learn more about Vanair and its EPEQ Idle Management System, visit

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202426SAFETYMany dealerships tend to sell, what they call, a standard work van mat with all their new vans. While these mats look good when you first take ownership of your van, over time it’s possible they can do damage serious enough to compromise your van’s structure, and as a result, its contents and even worker’s safety. If you are a fleet owner or an independent contractor, you will benefit from, or have a requirement for, cargo van shelving or work van shelving in one form or another.UNPREDICTABLE EXPENSEGeorge, a successful plumber in the San Francisco Bay area, has been servicing his customers for over 20 years. In 2022, when it came time to upgrade his Ford Transit, his dealership had the exact model George wanted. It was an easy sale, and the dealership included a brand-new rubber floor mat, even supplying a cushiony under-mat to slip under the rubber for extra comfort. Even without van wall and door liners, the new mat looked great, and George came away with a new Transit and another enjoyable experience from his dealership.However, there is one thing people do not consider when upfitting their van. If the van eventually gets a cargo van shelving assembly installed, shelves are often bolted to the van walls but left unsecured or fastened to a loose mat. This causes the shelving to constantly move little by little in transit, and over time, causes the shelving mounts to fatigue. This results in the cargo van shelving separating from the metal van interior and falling off or collapsing completely. This is because the shelving was not put on a rigid, heavy-duty floor.Vehicle/van upfitters are seeing an increasing number of shelving warranty claims on shelving for this flooring problem.Not only can this type of damage affect the shelves and motivate warranty claims, but also the safety of the techs working around the shelves if the shelving does collapse. The worst part is the way this trouble can sneak up on you. When it comes to vans being used as mobile workshops, shelving is often installed to hold equipment, tools, serve as worktables, and are Why You Should Never Install Shelving on a Factory MatDAMAGE CAN OCCUR FROM A COMBINATION OF VAN SHELVING AND A FLOOR MAT.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 27often taken for granted once installed. For busy contractors like George, the shelving is expected to hold up to daily wear and tear expertly, and for the long haul, and usually goes unmonitored until it is too late.Overlooking van flooring has consequences – the floor is the foundation of the upfit. If the floor is low-performance, you can bet the rest of the upfit will eventually be low-performance too.For George, this collapse happened unexpectedly when he was in the middle of a job. Equipment, tools, loose screws, and spare piping fell everywhere, and George became injured when a plumbing snake tool, resting on a shelf, fell and impacted his ankle.The aftermath saw George losing several days of work due to a bruised ankle and several thousand dollars repairing one bulkhead, replacing one piece of expensive equipment, and the entire shelving assembly.HEAVY-DUTY FLOORWith a solid floor, the problem of shifting foundation is eliminated and shelving can be installed without worry for the life of the vehicle. However, many work vans right off the production line do not feature a flat floor surface, rather the exposed ribbed steel of the rear deck floor. Its why factories throw in a rubber mat when selling new vans. Recognize those loose mats for what they are; invitations for an expensive accident waiting to happen. COMPOSITE FLOORING In the past, the most widespread option to upfit a van floor had been the go-to material, plywood. It is because back in the heyday, coated plywood was readily available and inexpensive, but that has changed. Disregarding the fact that coated plywood easily cracks, splinters, and is prone to mold, it has become harder to purchase due to global supply-chain volatility and has become incredibly expensive, and heavy. Plywood is no longer the economically-sound material to upfit a work van.The alternative has become composite van flooring. Legend Fleet Solutions offers composite flooring with their lightweight but heavy-duty Stabiligrip floor for work vans. This is what solved George’s problem and he was able to re-install a new set of shelves that are solid. Made from 75 percent recycled material, Legend has supplied their floors to van fleets including Riverford Organic Farmers in the UK.Shelving units, installed properly on a solid and durable floor, can increase the life of the work van, and deliver high functionality without the concern of damage occurring through daily wear and tear. Installed on a loose floor mat, shelving is unstable and can cause damage, not only to the shelving units, but the van walls themselves. When you know you will need shelving assemblies in your van, a solid, heavy-duty composite floor is essential.FOR MORE INFORMATIONDiscover more about how composite flooring can increase the value and safety of your van and eliminate unnecessary warranty claims at NEED A JUMP START?BUSINESS NEED A JUMP START?MWS CAN HELP CrANk it uPHELP iS JuSt A CALL AWAy 205.795.0223 | ruSSELL@MWSMAG.COM

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202428MANAGEMENTIN CELEBRATION OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY, JOE GEORGE, PRESIDENT OF COX AUTOMOTIVE MOBILITY, AND GRACE HUANG, PRESIDENT OF COX AUTOMOTIVE INVENTORY SOLUTIONS, CHATTED WITH FOUR FEMALE TECHNICIANS WITHIN FLEET SERVICES BY COX AUTOMOTIVE AND MANHEIM, REDEFINING THE TRADITIONALLY MALE-DOMINATED AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY LANDSCAPE. THEIR STORIES ARE NOT JUST ABOUT OVERCOMING GENDER BARRIERS; THEY'RE ABOUT PASSION, RESILIENCE, AND THE RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE. NAKITA (KEY) STEVENSLevel II Mobile Trailer Repair Technician, Fleet ServicesGEORGE: YOU'VE BUILT A CAREER ACROSS VARIOUS FACETS OF THE TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY, PARTICULARLY IN TRAILER MECHANICS. HOW DID YOUR JOURNEY BEGIN? STEVENS: My journey started in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, at Charlotte Amalie High School with a foundation in Auto Body and Welding. This passion led me to further my education at the Universal Technical Institute and the NASCAR Technical Institute. Over the years, I've focused on delivering quality repairs and have moved into leadership roles, teaching others the art of trailer mechanics. GEORGE: WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE YOU FACED IN THIS INDUSTRY, AND HOW HAVE YOU OVERCOME THEM? STEVENS: Being a woman in a male-dominated field comes with challenges, from stereotypes to being underestimated. My approach has always been to focus on my skills and deliver my best work. I advocate for myself and use mentorship as a tool to both learn and teach. Shifting GearsBREAKING BARRIERS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY.

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 29HUANG: YOU MENTIONED THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTORSHIP. CAN YOU SHARE A SPECIFIC INSTANCE WHERE MENTORSHIP SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED YOUR CAREER? STEVENS: Participating in “Women Who Wrench,” our mentorship program, which pairs female technicians with experienced leaders, has supported my career. Through this mentorship program, I gained access to educational tools and mentors. It reinforced my belief that women can excel in traditionally male-dominated fields. I realized I am not alone in advocating for equal rights for women in any career. Witnessing the successful women in the program reaffirmed my determination and fueled my drive to succeed. GEORGE: HOW DO YOU VIEW THE ROLE OF MALE COLLEAGUES IN SUPPORTING GENDER DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE? STEVENS: They play a vital role. Challenging stereotypes, amplifying women’s voices, and advocating for equal opportunities contribute to a more equitable workplace where everyone can thrive. When women feel more comfortable trusting mechanics, it fosters an environment of fairness and equality. They can confidently seek out repairs, knowing they won’t be mistreated or taken advantage of in terms of costs or services.JULIA MILLERLevel II Mobile Diesel Technician, Fleet ServicesHUANG: WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO PURSUE A CAREER AS A DIESEL TECHNICIAN? MILLER: It was my dad's influence and my love for working with my hands. I started young, working for an international dealer, and eventually found my way to Cox Automotive because of the flexibility, mentorship, and opportunities here. HUANG: WORKING WITH ENGINES IS CHALLENGING. WHAT KEEPS YOU MOTIVATED IN SUCH A DEMANDING FIELD? Organized by Eaton Hall Exhibitions ATTENTION WORK FLEET LEADERSRegistration includes hotel accommodations, meals, all events & sessions and comes with travel reimbursement. “If you’re directly involved in your eet’s decision-making and have any needs for products or solutions that will help your eet run more safely and eciently, then we invite you to apply to attend this year’s Work Fleet Forum”CONNECT with the best ideas, the newest solutions and the brightest minds all in one location.LEARN about new products and solutions with private demos and small presentations. You can even customize your event based on who you’d like to meet with.NETWORK with other top eet managers in a relaxed and productive setting at the beautiful Palms Resort. You’ll add to what - and who - you know in the eet industry. e 16th Annual Work Fleet Forum is for those who run hard-working eets. It’s designed to be more productive, more valuable, more fun and just for eet leaders like you. NOV 12-14Register Today!(800) 746-9646eetforum.comanthony@eatonhall.comLimited Vendor Opportunities Still Availablee Palms Resort in Las Vegas, NV2024

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202430MANAGEMENTMILLER: The satisfaction of solving complex problems and the joy of working with my hands motivates me. Every engine is a new puzzle, and the sense of achievement in finding a solution is unparalleled. GEORGE: MENTORSHIP IS A RECURRING THEME. HOW DO YOU PLAN TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY THROUGH MENTORSHIP? MILLER: I aim to mentor young women entering the field, sharing my knowledge and experiences. It's about creating a supportive environment where they feel empowered to pursue their passion for mechanics. Through “Women Who Wrench,” it's been easier to connect with other female technicians, which was rare in my previous experiences. This support system has been invaluable, providing me with a network of women who understand our challenges. HUANG: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE YOUNG WOMEN ASPIRING TO ENTER THIS FIELD? MILLER: Go for it! It's rewarding to diagnose and fix issues, and while there are hard days, the sense of achievement is unparalleled. Having supportive leaders and coworkers makes a significant difference. Diversity changes everything. Nothing is impossible when different people from different backgrounds come together.SUSANA GUILLENLevel I Auto Maintenance Technician, Manheim GEORGE: WHAT DROVE YOU TO BECOME A TECHNICIAN? GUILLEN: Since high school, I wanted to be a tech. I took an auto collision course for two years while in school, and right away, I knew I wanted to build a car from the inside out. Going out of town for school wasn’t an option then for me. One day, I found out about a trade school for automotive training. I did not hesitate. I told my daughter I wasn’t getting any younger and that I still wanted to be a tech. At that time, she was a senior in high school. She had asked if I could wait until she graduated so she could go with me. Going to school with her was one heck of an experience. I have almost two years as a tech, and I still love it. GEORGE: TRANSITIONING FROM A DIFFERENT PROFESSION INTO AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY IS INSPIRING. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR OTHERS CONSIDERING A CAREER CHANGE? GUILLEN: It's always possible to follow your passion. The transition might be challenging, but it's rewarding with perseverance and the right support. Embrace every learning opportunity and believe in your ability to succeed. HUANG: REFLECTING ON YOUR JOURNEY, WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR PROUDEST MOMENT AS A TECHNICIAN? GUILLEN: My proudest moment was completing my first solo project. It validated my career change and proved to myself that I made the right decision. It's a reminder of how far I've come and what I can achieve. HUANG: WHAT'S YOUR MESSAGE TO WOMEN ENTERING MALE-DOMINATED PROFESSIONS? GUILLEN: Do it! Pursue your dream, no matter the challenges. Find your place, and you'll see that all the hardships are worth it. A welcoming environment from male colleagues makes all the difference. All it takes for our male colleagues to be allies, promote gender diversity, and support females in the workplace is to be welcoming. Not to make women feel like they shouldn’t be there. That’s all it takes a welcoming environment.ICIE HINTONLevel I Trailer Repair Technician, Fleet Services 866.251.1777 • 205.824.9796 Russell@mcsmag.comREACH KEY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS get your media planner MWSMAG.COMNOVEMBER2023WWW.MWSM AG.COMDEVELOP AN UPFIT STRATEGYA COMPREHENSIVE PLANROUTINE INSPECTIONSCOMMON WHEELEND ISSUESTOOLS ELEVATE YOUR OPTIONSACHIEVE WORK-READY RELIABILITYMEDIUM DUTY 2024 MULLEN THREE CLASS 3 ELECTRIC VEHICLEALL ABOUT EXTERIORS ISSUEADVERTISING OPSREACH KEY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 31MANAGEMENTHUANG: WHAT LED YOU TO BECOME A TRAILER TECHNICIAN? HINTON: I’ve worked in many fields. I have a culinary degree, I’ve worked as a correctional officer, I’ve been a peer coach, I worked as a GM at a restaurant and bar, I’ve been a personal chef, I’ve done hair and fixed brakes as a side job to make ends meet. When COVID hit, it impacted my ability to provide for my son and myself. My sister, works at Cox and told me about FleeTec Academy. Since FleeTec offers paid training, it seemed like an excellent opportunity to learn more about something I’m already interested in, especially since I’m still paying off my student loans for culinary school. Now I’m a trailer technician, installing liftgates on trailers. HUANG: HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR UNIQUE EXPERIENCES CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR ROLE AS A TECHNICIAN? HINTON: My diverse background has taught me adaptability, problem-solving, and the importance of hard work, invaluable skills in this field. Each experience has contributed to a broader perspective, which I bring daily to my role. GEORGE: LOOKING TO THE FUTURE, WHERE DO YOU SEE THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY HEADING? HINTON: I see a future where women are equally represented across all levels, from technical roles to leadership positions. We're breaking down barriers and changing perceptions, paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse industry. HUANG: WHAT ADVICE DO YOU GIVE YOUNG WOMEN IN MALE-DOMINATED FIELDS? HINTON: Follow your passion, find mentors, and don't be afraid to speak up. Be confident in your abilities and be a role model for other women. It's about proving that gender does not define capability. Diversity is important because it can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life, fostering creativity, innovation, empathy, and social cohesion. It also helps create a more just and inclusive society where everyone can succeed. A diverse workforce brings together individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and problem-solving approaches.FOR MORE INFORMATION'Project Pink' and 'Women Who Wrench' are programs that are transformative movements within Cox Automotive, propelling the industry towards a more inclusive and supportive environment. To learn more, visit

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202432MANAGEMENTSurveillance technologies, both on-site and in work trucks, play a crucial role in enhancing driver and work truck safety in numerous ways. By integrating on-site surveillance with vehicle surveillance systems, drivers, work crew and companies can achieve comprehensive coverage of the work environment. On-site cameras can be used to cover fixed locations such as site entrances, exits, and common areas, while truck-surveillance technology provides mobile coverage of different areas as trucks move around the site and of the operation of the vehicles. Together, they provide a comprehensive security and operational ecosystem that provides monitoring of all critical assets and enhances overall safety.Enhanced situational awareness is of outmost importance to the modern work truck industry, for operators and companies. By integrating surveillance systems and related technologies, they are provided with real-time visibility into both the on-site environment and in and around the work trucks. This enhanced situational awareness enables personnel to detect and respond to incidents more effectively, whether they occur at fixed/remote locations, or involve mobile assets like the work trucks.According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), in the construction industry, which involves the use of work trucks, the leading causes of fatalities are falls, being struck by objects or work truck vehicles, electrocutions, and caught-in/between accidents, like trends seen in other countries. By integrating work truck surveillance with on-site surveillance systems, drivers and companies can create a seamless security and safety infrastructure that provides comprehensive protection for both personnel and assets. CENTRALIZED MONITORINGWork truck surveillance systems, often equipped with onboard cameras and GPS tracking, feed data to a centralized monitoring station. This camara station can be located on-site or remotely managed by security personnel. It is powerful and easy to use with an intuitive interface so anyone can manage the system, handle incidents and quickly export high-definition evidence. Some stations also include access control management as part of its seamless, user-friendly interface and this is ideal for work sites. Work truck surveillance systems can be integrated with on-site access control systems to regulate entry and exit of vehicles from the work site. Access control measures such as radio frequency identification (RFID) readers or biometric scanners can be used to authenticate drivers and ensure only authorized personnel have access to the trucks.Camera stations can help do more than manage cameras and control building access. It is easy to add features like network speakers to communicate with staff and deter intruders, network intercoms for audiovisual identification and remote entry control, body worn solutions for individual driver protection, evidence collection and for monitoring by private security and law enforcement, analytics to improve driver/operator efficiency, radar to follow intruders and strobe sirens for safety and deterrence. More advanced cameras such as thermals can also monitor for thermal runaway in electrified fleets, helping to prevent large scale accidents in lots where similar vehicles are parked closely together. Additional cameras with integrated radar can monitor the speed of vehicles and generate warnings on speeding, helping to avoid accidents on site. Today’s stations can be remotely accessed by security personnel who are able to view live video feeds and vehicle tracking data Surveillance TechnologiesROLE OF SURVEILLANCE IN ENHANCING DRIVER AND WORK TRUCK SAFETY. By Jason Chiu

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 33from work trucks remotely using mobile devices or desktop computers. This allows for continuous monitoring of truck activities even when personnel are not physically present at the central monitoring station.Good camera stations should be future-proof and allow for integration. They can be upgraded with new possibilities all the time to better protect premises, work trucks and their drivers and to make their life easier.REAL-TIME MONITORINGLive video feeds from onboard cameras in work trucks can transmit to the central monitoring station, where personnel can monitor the trucks' surroundings in real-time. This allows

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202434MANAGEMENTPRODUCTS SERVICES GUIDEfor immediate response to any security threats or incidents encountered by the trucks while on the move. GPS tracking data from work trucks can also be synchronized with on-site surveillance systems, providing precise location information for each vehicle. This integration enables security personnel to track the movement of trucks within the work site and ensure they remain within authorized zones.EVENT-BASED ALERTSWork truck onboard surveillance systems can be configured to trigger event-based alerts based on predefined criteria, such as unauthorized access attempts, vehicle tampering, or sudden changes in speed or direction. These alerts can then transmit to the central monitoring station, enabling company personnel to respond promptly to potential security breaches. As part of an end-to-end security system, stored surveillance footage and GPS tracking data from work trucks can be accessed for review or investigation purposes as needed. This comprehensive data storage capability ensures that a detailed record of all truck activities is maintained, facilitating post-incident analysis and resolution.OVERALL SAFETY CULTUREBy integrating work truck surveillance with on-site surveillance systems, companies can create a seamless security and safety infrastructure that provides comprehensive protection for both personnel and assets. This integrated approach enhances situational awareness, enables proactive security measures, and facilitates rapid response to security incidents, ultimately enhancing overall safety and security of work truck driver and at the work truck site. When companies who operate work truck and public works demonstrate a commitment to driver safety through the implementation of surveillance systems, they can foster a culture of accountability and responsibility among drivers and employees. Knowing that their actions are being monitored can encourage drivers to prioritize safety and adhere to company policies and procedures more diligently.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jason Chiu is the professional services group manager with Axis Canada. He has a background in IT and networking and has spent over 15 years in the security industry, from being an integrator, consultant, and manufacturer. He is an ASIS board Certified Protection Professional and Physical Security Professional. Trained in Critical Infrastructure Protection, and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (Levels 1 and 2).

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202436PRODUCTS AND SERVICESFROM OUR HANDSTO YOURSFounded with the conviction that everyone should be able to afford strong, high quality and precision manufactured utility accessories, Affordable Aftermarket Products has been a pioneer of competitive commercial upfit solutions for over 20 years. As a manufacturer of truck and van racks, shelves, partitions, and more, our innovative custom design process allows us to build your perfect upfit solution at a fraction of the cost. We’re a company built by tradespeople, mechanics, and the type of people who’d take apart the lawnmower to see how it worked. We design our equipment with the needs of tradespeople in mind because we’ve been in your boots: digging around the van for a misplaced tool, rattling equipment going over speed bumps, and of course, holding hardware with our teeth. We understand the needs of tradespeople, because like you, we work with our hands. Our goal is to make your business more profitable by maximizing space, giving you more freedom and decreasing downtime to have more customers.HIGH QUALITY,HIGH PRECISIONFrom design, engineering, manufacturing, testing, and quality control, we’re a one-stop shop. All our products are subjected to batteries of tests throughout our process to ensure everything we make adheres to strict, high precision manufacturing protocols.• ISO 9001 certified, we know the quality of our material is strong enough for the toughest jobs. • We use a patented blend of high strength steel or aluminum alloys for truck and van racks and interiors. All material has passed tests for tolerance, environmental factors, and more.• Corrosion resistant, powder coated, and durable, our racks are used to carry everything from lumber, construction equipment, and other heavy-duty loads.• Our equipment is easy to install or adjust. We have both permanent and temporary installation options depending on your needs.• Our design team will work with you to help develop your ideal upfit and assist you at every step of the process. You’ll always get a live person. No robots or phone trees.COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCEOur equipment is designed to be where great craftsmanship meets great price. We know that whenever someone pulls a ladder from one of our racks or locks their custom-made tool in one of our cabinets, that they’re being used by someone just as committed to excellent workmanship as we are, and we’re proud of that. Whether you’re a weekend warrior tired of hearing loose screws while driving, just got your contractor’s license, or a company looking to outfit your fleet, we’ve got you covered! Find out more, visit Products Inc. WHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICE.

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WHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEWHERE GREAT CRAFTSMANSHIP MEETS GREAT PRICEHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISIONHIGH QUALITY, HIGH PRECISION• Precision made • Heavy duty and durable • Solutions for any truck or van• Affordable and competitive pricingVAN SHELVING & PARTITIONS VAN UTILITY RACK SYSTEMSH-TYPE RACK SYSTEMS FULL RACK TRUCK SYSTEMSVAN RACK ACCESSORIES TRUCK RACK ACCESSORIESCall or email now to get a complimentary • www.aaproductsinc.comAAffordable Aftermarket Productsffordable Aftermarket Products

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202438PRODUCTS AND SERVICESThe BOSS Air and Power Truck Mounted Underdeck Systems are the most advanced and user friendly in the market today. Based on our revolutionary rotary screw air compressor, the BOSSAIR 185G exploits all the latest engineering advances in rotary screw and AC power development for the work truck industry. Leading off with the BOSS BCAN Digital Interface which takes advantage of the vehicles J1939 electronic connection to communicate effortlessly between the vehicle, air compressor and power systems. The BOSS BCAN can also add other functionality to your vehicle such as hydraulics, and other power related components. And the BCAN is not just a monitor, with our system intelligence, the BCAN will notify the operator of any maintenance concerns and will display any system issues that could prevent you for performing the task at hand. Additionally, we have continued to make improvements on the most efficient airend in production today. On our latest production model of the BOSS 185 CFM Airend, we have modified the discharge from its traditional position to a radial discharge position, creating 3-4 additional inches of ground clearance for the most challenging job sites. As room on the underneath of the new era trucks becomes more cramped, we have developed a new smaller, lower profile 10" separator tank which increases the ground clearance even more!Our BOSSAIR 185G compressor/generator design has been integrated into a one-piece design producing up to 10kW of A/C power. No need for a separate gearbox and additional maintenance concerns, as the compressor and generator mount together in the same casting. To help facilitate a more efficient install process, the Air/oil manifold are now separated into two smaller manifolds for easier installation and more versatile location opportunities. The air manifold can be mounted anywhere the installer wants and has 3 different configurations, maximizing every inch of the bracket design. The oil manifold also has multiple different mounting configurations, but we have also designed the compressor mounting foot to allow for installation and optimal oil flow and hose routing. Our new bracket system for mounting the compressor, and the air oil manifolds allows for the flexibility of “no-drilling mounting” on most applications! And finally, with our “Spin-On” filter design, the service time is now down to minutes instead of hours when compared to the competitions. As you can see, BOSS Industries continues to lead the way on intelligent designed mobile compressor systems today and we back it with our Shieldworks + Lifetime Warranty. Utilizing our lubricants and filter service kits not only saves you money but time as well. All our service kits are available through our extensive distributor network or online at BOSS Industries not only manufactures air and power solutions for the work truck industry, but we are a leading provider of quality products for Rail Roads, Spray Foam and Vapor Recovery markets. All this and more at TRUCK MOUNTED UNDERDECK AIR AND POWER SYSTEMS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202440PRODUCTS AND SERVICESBrandmotion was founded in 2006 as a spin-off from Johnson Controls, Inc. Headquartered inNovi, Michigan, they sit by the bustling hub of automotive innovation found in the Motor City. Since its inception, Brandmotion has emerged as a trusted leader in aftermarket applications of OEM level technology, setting itself apart as a pivotal partner in driving safety and technology excellence.At the heart of Brandmotion's mission is a dedication to creating safer roads by enhancing situational awareness for a diverse range of drivers, including commercial fleets, RV enthusiasts, and everyday passenger vehicle owners. With a focus on aftermarket solutions, Brandmotion provides cutting-edge technology to equip vehicles with the latest safety features, improving not only the driver experience but also operational efficiency and overall profitability for their customers.What sets Brandmotion apart is its unwavering commitment to innovation. From vision systems and blind spot monitoring to cameras, displays, proximity sensors, and collision avoidance technology, Brandmotion offers a comprehensive suite of products tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clientele.These products not only enhance safety for drivers and passengers but also extend its impact to include cargo, pedestrians, and the overall road ecosystem.Brandmotion has solidified its position as an industry leader through strategic partnerships with OEM industry leaders in the fleet and RV markets. These collaborations enable Brandmotion to integrate its innovative safety solutions seamlessly into the offerings of long-standing automotive manufacturers, ensuring that innovative technology is accessible to a broader range of drivers. These partnerships exemplify Brandmotion's commitment to advancing road safety on a comprehensive scale, driving forward the collective effort to improve road safety for everyone.By integrating Brandmotion's advanced safety technology into fleets, businesses gain more than just enhanced safety measures; they also reap significant financial benefits. Implementing these cutting-edge solutions effectively prevent collisions, minimizing the risk of costly vehicle damage, injuries, and potential legal liabilities. Moreover, by reducing the occurrence of collisions, fleets experience decreased downtime, ensuring that vehicles remain operational and productive. With fewer disruptions to their operations, businesses can optimize their resources and maximize productivity, leading to increased overall profitability. Brandmotion distinguishes itself through its dedication to integration engineering and support, ensuring the seamless incorporation and enduring effectiveness of its products.One of Brandmotion's key strengths lies in its ability to offer customized solutions to meet the unique requirements of its clients. With an in-house engineering and design team, Brandmotion can tailor existing systems or develop entirely new ones to address specific customer needs, providing unparalleled flexibility and adaptability in a rapidly evolving industry landscape. Their work to create tailored product packages empower businesses to achieve greater success and sustainability in their operations. This commitment to excellence has established Brandmotion as the preferred partner for industry leaders seeking to enhance the safety and efficiency of their fleets.By revolutionizing the driving experience through innovation and customization, Brandmotion stands at the forefront of vehicle technology. Through its rich history of innovation and commitment to excellence, Brandmotion continues to drive advancements in road safety, setting new standards for the industry and ensuring a safer, more secure future for drivers everywhere. Find out more, visit TRUSTED LEADER IN AFTERMARKET APPLICATIONS

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Brandmotion seamlessly integrates tomorrow’s technology into today’s vehicles. We deliver everything from vision systems, sensors, radar, displays, collision avoidance, installation and custom engineering services. Brandmotion safety solutions are designed to improve the driver experience, improve your bottom line, and give your business the ultimate peace of mind.Changing Fleet Ownership TodayImproving Profitability ForeverLearn More About Our Fully-Integrated Safety Solutions Scan or Visit Brandmotion.comSENSOR INTEGRATIONADAS & DMS SYSTEMCARGO CAMERASTOWING VISION SYSTEMSFULLVUE® CAMERA MIRROR SYSTEMRADAR BLINDSPOTHEAVY DUTY CAMERASSURROUNDVUE® 360 CAMERASFully-Integrated Safety Solutions

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202442PRODUCTS AND SERVICESBYD isn't just another truck manufacturer jumping on the electric bandwagon. Founded on a mission of "Technological Innovations for a Better Life," BYD is a global leader in new energy vehicles and battery technology. The company’s commitment to sustainability and efficiency drives the design of their Class 6 and Class 8 electric trucks, offering a compelling alternative for fleets looking to take their operations into the future.WHY CONSIDER BYD? THE ELECTRIC SHIFT, SIMPLIFIEDCommercial fleets are under increasing pressure to reduce their environmental impact, but obstacles like upfront costs and operational concerns remain. BYD understands this, and our approach focuses on making the transition to electric practical and profitable: • Range for the Real World. BYD prioritizes usable range that addresses common commercial routes, taking away the worry of being stranded with an empty battery.• Charging Without the Headaches. We can connect you with fast charging solutions and work with you to design a charging infrastructure that fits your operation. • Long-Term Savings. While the initial purchase price might be a bit higher, don't underestimate the massive savings in maintenance and fuel over the truck's lifespan. Federal and local incentives can further offset that upfront cost.CLASS 6: THE ELECTRIC WORKHORSE EVOLVEDBYD's Class 6 offerings include cab and chassis models, purpose-built refuse trucks, and more. They're changing the game for last-mile delivery, pickup and delivery, and waste collection:• Responsive Performance. No more underpowered electrics. BYD's Class 6 trucks have the pep to handle busy routes, hills, and constant stop-and-go.• Quiet Revolution. Reduced noise benefits drivers and communities, especially on early morning routes.• Smarter by Design. BYD's trucks feature integrated tech that aids with data, route optimization, and fleet management – it's about more than just a fancy screen.CLASS 8: POWERING EFFICIENT DELIVERYAND DISTRIBUTIONBYD's Class 8 semi-trucks are ideal for regional deliveries, distribution runs, and drayage operations. They're also superstars in yard work with the Class 8 terminal tractors (yard trucks).• Routes, Not Roadside Charging. These trucks offer the range needed for longer regional runs with minimal impact payload capability.• Zero-Emission Yard Ops. Imagine your port, warehouse, or distribution center humming along quietly and without tailpipe emissions – that's what BYD yard trucks bring to the table.• Data Drives Efficiency. BYD's Class 8 trucks analyze and track their performance, helping make data-driven decisions about fleet expansion and operations.THE BYD ADVANTAGE• Battery Confidence. BYD's lithium iron phosphate batteries are backed by an 8-year warranty.• Fleet-Focused Support. BYD helps fleets of all sizes transition to electric, from truck spec'ing to seamless charging integration.• Proven Global Leader. BYD has been in the electrification game for a long time, and their trucks already dominate in many markets.READY TO SEE THEBYD DIFFERENCE?Visit BYD's website ( or contact a representative to explore how their Class 6 and Class 8 trucks could benefit your fleet, your bottom line, and the environment. Find out more, visit THE FUTURE OF COMMERCIAL FLEETS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202444PRODUCTS AND SERVICESFEAL is a company that excels in the design and production of loading ramps. Their singular focus on this product category has allowed them to develop unparalleled expertise in the field. Their innovative designs prioritize safety by reducing the risk of falls and trips during manual loading and unloading. The ramps are universally compatible with all cargo vans and feature an efficient installation process that minimizes the need for hardware. is committed to using only the highest quality materials, sourcing military-grade aluminum locally to ensure the durability and longevity of their products.Feal loading ramps are designed with the needs of businesses in mind. One of the key features of their ramps is the diamond-shaped mesh that provides traction in any weather. Snow, sleet, and mud are no match for this innovative design, which allows for safe and efficient loading and unloading in even the most challenging conditions.Another feature that sets Feal’s ramps apart is the double hinge, which provides a smooth transition in and out of the van, regardless of the angle at which the ramp is positioned. This also allows the ramp to be used as a bridge between vehicles or a loading dock, adding versatility to its functionality.The unique gas struts provide just the right amount of tension for a lightweight, one-handed deployment and stowing away of the ramp. This makes it easy for businesses to quickly and efficiently set up and take down the ramp, saving time and reducing the risk of injury.In addition, Feal ramps come with optional support legs that can convert the ramp into a working bench in seconds. This feature adds even more value to businesses, providing a convenient and practical solution for on-the-go work.Overall, Feal loading ramps are designed with the needs of businesses in mind, offering a range of features that add value and enhance efficiency.In conclusion, Feal loading ramps are an essential tool for businesses that require safe and efficient loading and unloading of cargo. Their innovative design features, such as the diamond-shaped mesh for traction in any weather, the double hinge for smooth transitions, and the gas struts for easy deployment, set them apart from other ramps on the market. The optional support legs that convert the ramp into a working bench add even more value and versatility. With their commitment to using locally sourced, military-grade aluminum, Feal ensures that their ramps are of the highest quality and durability. Overall, Feal loading ramps are an investment that businesses can rely on to enhance their operations and improve their bottom line.Feal invites potential customers to reach out and set up demonstrations to see first-hand how their loading ramps can enhance their fleets. Do not miss the opportunity to experience the innovative design and practical features that set Feal ramps apart. Contact Feal today and start thinking about how to improve the efficiency and safety of your operations. Find out more, visit AND PRODUCTION OF LOADING RAMPS.Booth 1145

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202446PRODUCTS AND SERVICESProfitability in the work truck industry is closely tied to an organization’s ability to keep vehicles on the road. A truck sidelined for repairs for any length of time can be costly in terms of lost revenue. For this reason, commercial vehicle repair operations feel the pressure to complete repairs as quickly as possible—without compromising quality.A growing number of repair providers across the country are switching to eTechnician diagnostic software from NEXIQ Technologies to improve the speed, efficiency and accuracy of the vehicle diagnostic phase and help work truck fleets and independent owners maximize vehicle uptime.By combining extensive coverage for a wide range of vehicles, eTechnician delivers critical diagnostic capability for engines, transmissions, brakes, body, chassis and more. To help repair facilities and fleet managers better understand the benefits of eTechnician, Dave Shock, product manager, Snap-on Business Solutions/NEXIQ Technologies, has provided answers to frequently asked questions concerning commercial vehicle diagnostics and NEXIQ’s advanced PC-based software application.WHAT ARE REPAIR OPERATIONS LOOKING FOR IN VEHICLE DIAGNOSTICS?Simplicity. Technicians want to have everything right at their fingertips rather than searching multiple applications or locations for the information they need. This includes collecting service information, which can be a challenge. To address this challenge, NEXIQ partnered with our sister company, Mitchell 1, to bring service information into the equation. The result is a comprehensive, single-source diagnostic tool designed to provide technicians with fast and accurate diagnostic support.WHAT VEHICLE MAKES DOES eTECHNICIAN SUPPORT?Pretty much all commercial vehicles. Everything from semi-trucks to work trucks and last-mile delivery vehicles. This includes the Class M2 Freightliner and Peterbilt medium-duty trucks equipped with either Cummins or Paccar engines and International MV and CV Series medium-duty trucks.In terms of light- to medium-duty work trucks, eTechnician provides support for GM Savana and Express vans, and trucks with gas and diesel engines. It also supports Ford Transit and E-Series vans, F-Series trucks, and RAM ProMaster vehicles, along with gas and diesel trucks. Furthermore, we offer support for light- to medium-duty vehicles manufactured by Hino Trucks and Isuzu.WHAT ENGINES DOESeTECHNICIAN SUPPORT?eTechnician covers all commercial on-highway diesel and gasoline engine equipped vehicles—including those that power the vehicles I previously mentioned. IS THIS A DIFFERENTIATORFOR eTECHNICIAN?eTechnician supports all commercial Cummins and Detroit engines for medium-duty work vehicles, including Freightliner, Peterbilt and International trucks. We also cover gas and diesel engines that power light- to medium-duty GM, Ford, RAM, Hino, and Isuzu vehicles. Not all diagnostic solutions cover engines for this range of vehicles.DOES eTECHNICIAN SUPPORT THE FCA SECURE GATEWAY MODULE FOR RAM VEHICLES?Yes. eTechnician supports RAM vehicle model years 2018-2022 with FCA Secure Gateway. WHICH BI-DIRECTIONAL TESTS DOES eTECHNICIAN SUPPORT?eTechnician provides unprecedented bi-directional support, including changeable parameters and thousands of special tests, such as DPF Regen, Injector Cutout and SCR performance/system testing, as well as testing designed to get vehicles out of derate. WHAT ELSE MAKES eTECHNICIAN A UNIQUE DIAGNOSTIC TOOL?eTechnician allows users to connect to multiple modules on a vehicle simultaneously. You can connect to the engine and transmission and monitor the transmission's shaft speed, engine RPM and engine load at the same time. DO YOU HAVE TO BE AN EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN TOUSE eTECHNICIAN?Not at all. We designed eTechnician around the people who use it—technicians. By consulting with techs from day one of the software’s development, we created an intuitive, technician-focused diagnostic tool that’s simple to learn and easy to use.DOES NEXIQ OFFER A FREE TRIAL FOR REPAIR OPERATIONS INTERESTED IN TAKING AN eTECHNICIAN FOR A TEST DRIVE?Absolutely. Repair operations can start a 30-day free trial by visiting TechnologieseTECHNICIAN DELIVERS POWERFUL DIAGNOSTICS FOR THEWORK TRUCK INDUSTRY

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202448PRODUCTS AND SERVICESOpti-Luxx Inc., headquartered in Hudsonville, Michigan, is a full-service supplier of LED commercial vehicle lighting. Opti-Luxx offers their customers the best in product development, application engineering, program management, and launch support for new and existing products. Over 20 years ago, Opti-Luxx pioneered the use of LED lighting technology in commercial vehicle applications by developing the first LED school bus lights. It is an indisputable fact that school buses are the safest vehicles on the roads today, and as the leading supplier of LED school bus lighting, Opti-Luxx plays a significant role in that strong safety reputation. Today, the company has significantly expanded their product offerings to cover the entire commercial vehicle market, including an extensive line of the brightest and best LED signal lighting, work lighting, and a full suite of warning lights for work trucks. The Opti-Luxx commercial vehicle lineup provides increased visibility and safety, situation-specific flash patterns for any roadway scenario, and prices that won’t break the bank.Opti-Luxx understands the current roadway visibility challenge. Currently, there are over 230 million licensed drivers in the United States and that number continues to grow. Roadways are increasingly crowded, with more distraction points vying for driver attention like mobile devices, animated digital billboards, and increased use of LED lighting styles and configurations for non-commercial vehicles. The company believes it to be essential for fleets to utilize the brightest, best, most innovative, and most rugged and durable warning lights to protect drivers. Opti-Luxx delivers that protection.Opti-Luxx is driven to innovate and deliver lighting solutions that cut through the visual clutter of today’s roadways and help fleets stay visible and safe. Their lighting lineup is install-ready for snowplows, utility vehicles, delivery fleets, road construction and surfacing equipment, agricultural equipment, and all work truck applications. Light formats include beacons, light bars, signal lights, warning lights, work lights, accessory lights, and interior lights for all vehicle types. This wide array of products is focused on safety, but also delivers efficient ways to illuminate work environments for optimum task performance. Opti-Luxx believes that being able to illuminate spaces in and around the vehicle enhances the overall capabilities of work crews to get the job done safely — and efficiently.All of this can be summarized by the Opti-Luxx core value that “Seeing IS Safety.”Beyond delivering the brightest and best work truck LED lighting products, Opti-Luxx also takes pride in providing superior customer service before, during, and after purchase including:• On-time delivery and short lead times• Quality safety products• Skilled and experienced production team• Reliability• Exceptional sales team• Industry knowledge• Expert technicians• Continuous improvementOpti-Luxx is committed to continuous improvement and providing all customers with exceptional value. Knowledgeable and dedicated work truck lighting specialists pride themselves on being at-the-ready and attentive to questions and needs from customers. The Opti-Luxx team is never more than a phone call away to provide expert advice and guidance. Find out more, visit TRUCK WARNING LIGHTS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202450PRODUCTS AND SERVICESAAs the fastest-growing vehicle lighting and harness manufacturer in the U.S., Optronics International attributes its success to delivering innovative power delivery and lighting systems to its customers. Founded in 1972, Optronics is a global manufacturer of industrial and commercial vehicle safety lighting products and custom electrical wiring harnesses for commercial vehicle applications.Optronics’ new FusionX LED combination stop, tail, turn, backup and warning lights look like nothing else around and are the first of their kind to enable their brake function to override their warning function while in use.Featuring a signature “X” LED lighting array in their centers, FusionX lamps are the newest members of Optronics’ popular Fusion Series combination lamps.Before the introduction of Optronics’ Fusion Series LED combination lamps in 2014, vehicles used separate six-inch oval or four-inch round stop, tail, turn lamps and backup lamps. Each lamp needed its own mounting hole, and these holes were made in the vehicle body panels, frame posts, docking plates or gussets. Optronics Fusion lamps changed the equation by consolidating multiple lighting functions into a single lamp footprint, reducing complexity and cost, while maintaining structural integrity. The addition of a compliant warning light function in the FusionX was a logical next step in the evolution of the Fusion Series.Until now, combination stop/turn/tail lamps with warning light features have not met FMVSS 108 standards, because their flashing warning lights continue to operate even when their brake lights illuminate. The dual illumination patterns of these noncompliant lamps have the potential of confusing others on the road, by presenting them with mixed signals.Optronics’ FusionX LED combination lamps solve this problem by disabling the warning light function as soon as the brake light is illuminated. The warning override feature helps eliminate potential misinterpretations by others on the road or worksite and allows the FusionX to fully meet FMVSS 108 requirements. The lamps also meet the SAE J595 standard for Class 2 and Class 3 directional warning lamps. INDUSTRY-LEADING LIFETIMELED WARRANTYAll LED DOT regulated lighting products from Optronics come with a no-hassle, one-diode lifetime warranty protection that will replace a lamp if even one diode fails. Find out more, visit InternationalTHE FASTEST-GROWING VEHICLE LIGHTING ANDHARNESS MANUFACTURER IN U.S.Photo from Morgan Olson/EAVX booth at Work Truck Week 2024Photo from Shyft booth at Work Truck Week 2024

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202452PRODUCTS AND SERVICESPowerStop, a leader in brake solutions since 1995, is pleased to introduce Z47 Medium Duty & Fleet brake pads to its lineup of products for the Class 4 to 7 hydraulic brake vehicle market. This product adds to its already successful Z36 brake pads that many last mile fleets have found gives them a break on how often they must complete a brake job. From Gordon Virginski, who recently joined PowerStop as their new National Sales Manager – Fleet Solutions, says “we are not just another brake supplier, as we supply a brake solution.” PowerStop understands the challenges fleet managers face by offering durable solutions to ensure low cost-per-mile and maximize vehicle uptime.BRAKE SOLUTIONS FOR FLEETSVirginski also says “our newest product, Z47 Medium Duty & Fleet brake pad, is carbon-fiber semi-metallic and designed to give the proper performance and ROI for vehicles running full gross vehicle weight daily such as delivery, shuttle bus, ambulance/fire rescue, utility companies, and many others. This product, along with our Z36 Truck & Tow Carbon-Fiber Ceramic brake pads, gives last mile and normal duty medium duty fleets a complete product offering to reduce overall operating costs.” The following chart helps fleet managers determine the appropriate PowerStop friction solution for their fleet needs.MEDIUM DUTY COMMERCIAL ORLAST MILE NEEDSRESULTS THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVESPowerStop is also pleased to announce that it has already onboarded a large beverage and snack fleet and has been able to improve the brake life for their vehicles extensively.PowerStop has been a leading brand that drivers rely on for their passenger braking needs and is looking to continue that same great success for fleet managers – helping them keep more vehicles on the road. Find out more, visit WORK TRUCK FLEETS THAT NEED A “BRAKE”

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202454PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202454PRODUCTS AND SERVICESREELS THAT WON’T SLOW YOU DOWNWork trucks are more than transportation to and from a jobsite; they also carry the important tools needed to get the job done. A work truck reel needs to be durable and easy to use. Because Hannay reels are engineered with decades of industry experience, they perform when you need them to. And, because Hannay uses only the sturdiest materials to build their reels, they last in even the harshest conditions.REELS FOR EVERY INDUSTRYHannay reels are not one-size-fits-all. Just like your work truck, they’re built for a variety of different applications and industries such as fuel delivery, liquid dispensing, hydraulic or pneumatic tools, lubrication, electric cable, lighting, and more. There are also reliable reels for washdown and pressure washing, vacuuming, gas and arc welding. With the Hannay Reel Selector, it’s easy to identify the exact reel you need for your specific application.BUILT WITH THE WORKIN MINDNo matter what the job or industry there’s going to be a lot of equipment stored on a work truck. A good hose and reel complement a tool collection without getting in the way. Hannay reels are designed for quick and easy maintenance and smooth dispensing. They stand up to the punishment delivered by tough road conditions and harsh weather. HannayWORK TRUCK REELS YOU CAN COUNT ONFind out more, visit

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 55Keeping the interior of work trucks clean is an arduous and sometimes impossible task. Off-road and abusive environments can wreak havoc on cab floors, costing companies money when it comes time to sell their own trucks or return leased trucks.Nobody wants damage to the interior of the cab, yet in-cab corrosion is one of the costliest issues facing companies that run garbage haulers, cement mixers, or bucket trucks—just to name a few applications—because drivers constantly enter and exit the cab due to the very nature of the work.Since harmful elements enter the cab unavoidably and spills originating on the inside do happen, prevention and cleaning are key.TWO PROBLEMS,ONE SOLUTIONOne solution that helps accomplish both is custom molded, tray-style floor mats.The raised edge prevents damaging chemicals, accidental spills, and the usual dirt and grime from escaping the mats, which are easily removed to make the cleaning process significantly shorter. Clean the mats with a simple hose or pressure washer, and leave them to dry. Shortly after, the mats can be reinserted to make the cab floor look new again.Custom molded, tray-style floor mats are perfect for work trucks. Keep your trucks clean and nice with this no-brainer accessory that adds real value to the truck. Improve resale value and create cleaner/safer working conditions throughout the life of the truck.Minimizer offers custom molded floor mats for more than 70 Class 5, 6, 7, and 8 trucks. Find your model easily by visiting the website. Use the Floor Mat Selector Tool to find individual part numbers and see local and online buying options. Find out more, visit High Bar BrandsFIGHT CORROSION AND DIRT ON CAB FLOORS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202456PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202456PRODUCTS AND SERVICESPressure Systems International (P.S.I.), a Clarience Technologies company, is the global leader in onboard tire management systems for commercial and recreational vehicles including automatic tire inflation systems (ATIS) for trailers, tire pressure monitoring systems (TireView TPMS) and the TireView Live data analytics portal that delivers real-time tire health.Having the proper systems in place can help operators reduce the risk of tire-related issues and increase fuel economy. While a pre-trip inspection can be effective to verify proper inflation at the beginning of the trip, the driver does not have tire visibility after the vehicle leaves the terminal. The likelihood of tire damage such as punctures increases dramatically when vehicles operate in off-highway environments. The loss of fuel economy, increased tread wear and the potential of a roadside call can be avoided with appropriate intervention. ATIS maintains your trailer’s recommended cold tire pressure, while you drive!Recognizing that fleets needed to improve their tire management program beyond just trailer tires, P.S.I. launched TireView TPMS, engineered to meet the needs of the commercial vehicle industry. With a signal booster that is standard in every kit, TireView offers unmatched signal reliability with a multitude of sensor types providing the best fit solutions for the fleet. All sensors are IP67-rated for dust and water intrusion.P.S.I.’s TireView LIVE data analytics platform is just one of many offerings in the telematics market, which provides actionable data at a glance using vehicle data that has been pushed to the fleet’s operations, reducing reliance on the driver. Depending on the access portal or telematics system, the fleet can access a “dashboard” that can give a tire health snapshot of all fleet assets. This allows maintenance or dispatch to make best decisions about scheduling maintenance or asset deployment. All these solutions are designed to be easily retrofittable to existing equipment, and fleets of all sizes should consider one or more of these products to improve efficiency. Systems InternationalKEEPING COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON THE ROAD FOR OVER 30 YEARS

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 57VMAC’s hydraulic rotary screw air compressors are small yet mighty air systems that help you get more done! Available in 40 CFM and 60 CFM models, VMAC’s H40 and H60 are ideal for hardworking service truck professionals who want to maximize their time.AIR ON DEMANDOperators using VMAC’s hydraulic air compressors can complete jobs faster and easier, helping you work more efficiently. H40 and H60 air compressors operate at 100 percent duty cycle, which means the system generates air as quickly as it’s consumed, so you never have to wait to use compressed air. In an industry where every moment is valuable, these time and cost-savings can add up significantly.POWERFUL ROTARY SCREW TECHNOLOGYVMAC’s hydraulic air compressors also feature rotary screw technology, a superior option to reciprocating air compressors. Four consecutive annual surveys have confirmed four out of five service truck professionals strongly prefer rotary screw air compressors. The number one reason for this preference is performance.The VMAC H40 and H60 deliver significant amounts of air from a small, compact package with consistent air output and pressure. You can work confidently, knowing your air compressor is ready for every job that comes your way.MINIMAL DOWNTIME FOR MAINTENANCEThe second reason survey respondents favored rotary screw air compressors is because of their quality and reliability. VMAC takes this one step further with rigorous quality control, ensuring every hydraulic compressor is ready to withstand the rigors of every climate.The H40 and H60 are intentionally designed for minimal maintenance with quick servicing, giving you more time to focus on the jobs that matter most. Find out more, visit MORE DONE WITH HYDRAULIC AIR COMPRESSORS

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MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202458PRODUCTS AND SERVICES MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS WWW.MWSMAG.COM APRIL 202458PRODUCTS AND SERVICESWaytek, Inc. distributes automotive wire and electrical components across North America. Waytek partners with premier quality product manufacturers. With a mission to provide an exceptional customer experience, Waytek does its part so its customers can do theirs.Switches: Waytek stocks automotive switches from ignition and electrical pressure switches to toggle, rocker, temperature, wiper switches, and more. Battery Management: The company offers products designed to help maintain the complex battery systems in modern work vehicles. Products include battery chargers, battery disconnects, isolators and separators, converters and equalizers, and low voltage disconnects. Power Distribution: Waytek’s products for optimizing secondary power distribution include fuse blocks, fuse holders, and power distribution modules. Relays: Waytek provides electrical relays, contactors, resistors, and solenoids in many configurations. Relays are available in mini, micro, maxi, and power relay styles. DC power contactor relays come in isolated or grounded coil styles. Solenoids are available in continuous and intermittent duty with weatherproof varieties.Fuses: Waytek stocks automotive fuses from leading manufacturers such as Eaton and Littelfuse. Fuse types include blade, bolt down, cartridge, and industrial glass and ceramic fuses. Waytek also offers fuse assortment kits and accessories including fuse blocks, fuse holders, fuse clips, fuse and circuit taps, and battery terminals.Circuit Breakers: Waytek carries hundreds of automotive circuit breakers for auxiliary and accessory circuits on work trucks. From auto reset and blade type circuit breakers to short stop, high-amp, and marine-rated circuit breakers, Waytek’s selection covers all electrical projects.Waytek also offers wire and cable, terminals and connectors, lights, crimping and stripping tools, chargers and alarms, and wire management products including coverings, cable ties, tapes, and clamps. Waytek provides everything needed to build and maintain electrical systems in today’s work trucks. Find out more, visit, Inc.ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NECESSITIES

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APRIL 2024 WWW.MWSMAG.COM MODERN WORKTRUCK SOLUTIONS 59XTM Dual Hydraulic Series features:• For applications where dual hydraulic lines are required.• Coxreels’ single-sided, dual-bodied hydraulic swivel is unique in the industry and for the inlet connections to both be on the same side of the reel.• The hose included on with-hose models is a twin-line fully bonded hose for smooth performance and handling.• It is rated to 2500 PSI and combines the ultimate features into the world’s most robust reel solution.• Features stainless steel rollers directly integrated into the all-welded steel box frame. • It comes equipped with dual permanently lubricated bearings, rigidly fixing the drum assembly to the solid 1” steel axle for consistent stability, while still maintaining the single sided dual external fluid path.• Swivel retainers prevent unwanted vibratory loosening of threaded components and easily accessible ratcheting mechanisms.• High temperature, steel core arbors transfer powerful heavy duty spring motor torque to multiple supported axle.www.coxreels.comCoxreelsXTM DUAL HYDRAULIC SERIESARE YOUR RECEIVABLES FLAT?ARE YOUR RECEIVABLES FLAT?WATCH YOUR RECEIVABLES INFLATE WITH PRINT & DIGITAL ADVERTISINGHELP IS JUST A CALL AWAY 205.795.0223 | RUSSELL@MWSMAG.COM MWS Can help GIVe TheM a lIFT.

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