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Modern House

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M O D E R NH O U S EH O M E & L I V I N GM o d e r n i t y i s n o t j u s t a t r e n d .b u t i t i s s u s t a i n a b i l i t y

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A magazine is a periodical publication, whichcan either be printed or publishedelectronically. It is issued regularly, usuallyevery week or every month, and it contains avariety of content. This can include articles,stories, photographs, and advertisements.I N T R OH O M E & L I V I N G

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T a b l e o f c o n t e n t sA B O U TC O N C E P TP L A N N I N GT I M E L I N E04071 11 5To create your own, choose a topic thatinterests you. It can be anything from fashionand beauty to travel and the news.Once you have your overall theme, you canstart brainstorming the content.Design a memorable masthead with anequally memorable name.Next, think of a compelling feature for yourcover story. This will be what draws youraudience in.

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A magazine is a periodical publication, whichcan either be printed or publishedelectronically. It is issued regularly, usuallyevery week or every month, and it contains avariety of content. This can include articles,stories, photographs, and advertisements.A B O U TMood Boards

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C o m i n g s o o n"You're free to be different."-@reallygreatsite

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When you've decided on your cover story,come up with a list of topics for your featurearticles. This can range from interviews,product reviews, human interest pieces, andeven lists.Think about what your audience would beinterested in and get writing! Again, chooseengaging photos and graphics toaccompany your words, as these also helpcatch your audience's eye.Inspiration

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C O N C E P TTo create your own, choose a topic thatinterests you. It can be anything fromfashion and beauty to travel and the news.Once you have your overall theme, youcan start brainstorming the content.Just starting? Design a memorablemasthead with an equally memorablename. This goes on the cover and sets upthe branding for your entire magazine.What style are you going for? Is it playful?Classic? Bold? A good masthead capturesthe essence of your magazine, so it needsto be flexible, meaningful, and consistentenough for future issues. C O N C E P T D E S I G NV I S U A L S T Y L E

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Make sure that you have accompanyingvisual content that immediately catchesthe eye.

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Think about what your audience would beinterested in and get writing! Again, chooseengaging photos and graphics toaccompany your words, as these also helpcatch your audience's eye.When you've decided on your cover story,come up with a list of topics for your featurearticles. This can range from interviews,product reviews, human interest pieces, andeven lists. 09Modern Style

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Next, think of a compelling feature foryour cover story. This will be what drawsyour audience in. Make sure that youhave accompanying visual content thatimmediately catches the eye. Includephotos, illustrations, and other graphicsto match. Appeal to your audience,choose the right fonts and images, andyou'll have a magazine that people willremember for years to come.Think about what your audience would beinterested in and get writing! Again,choose engaging photos and graphics toaccompany your words, as these also helpcatch your audience's eye.P L A N N I N GWhen you've decided on your cover story,come up with a list of topics for yourfeature articles. This can range frominterviews, product reviews, humaninterest pieces, and even lists.H O M E & L I V I N GPre-design phase Design developmentConstruction

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G A L L E R YMix and match into your own signature lookKitchen1324Living roomBedroomDining room

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I N D O O R C O N C E P T1234Kitchen modernBedroomLiving roomDining roomA magazine is a periodical publication, which can either beprinted or published electronically. It is issued regularly,usually every week or every month, and it contains a varietyof content.When you've decided on your cover story, come up with alist of topics for your feature articles. This can range frominterviews, product reviews, human interest pieces, and evenlists.You can add a brief description for each article or keep itsimple and paste the feature titles on the page. Don't forgetyour page numbers too!To create your own, choose a topic that interests you. It canbe anything from fashion and beauty to travel and the news.Once you have your overall theme, you can startbrainstorming the content.H O M E & L I V I N G

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WEEK 01 - 02Modern & minimalby Harper Russoand Brigitte SchwartzModern is a conceptTo create your own, choose atopic that interests you. It canbe anything from fashion andbeauty to travel and the news.Once you have your overalltheme, you can startbrainstorming the content.

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T I M E L I N EWEEK 03-04WEEK 02-03WEEK 02by Benjamin Shahand Donna Stroupeby Brigitte Schwartzand Benjamin Shahby Brigitte SchwartzTest the ResultsDevelop the ProductCreate the stunning DesignExecutionDevelopmentDesignAfter writing all your articlesand adding them to yourlayout, list down all the titlesto set up your table ofcontents.What style are you goingfor? Is it playful? Classic?Bold? A good mastheadcaptures the essence of yourmagazine, so it needs to beflexible, meaningful, andconsistent enough forfuture issues. Just starting? Design amemorable masthead withan equally memorable name.This goes on the cover andsets up the branding for yourentire magazine.

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Finally, design your backpage. Most magazinesfeature a full-pageadvertisement, which you'realso welcome to do. Why notpartner with a local businessand feature their products?Not your style? Simplyinclude some contactinformation and tell youraudience how to reach you.L i v e y o u rp u r p o s e .

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O U R P R O J E C TWhen you've decided onyour cover story, come upwith a list of topics for yourfeature articles. This canrange from interviews,product reviews, humaninterest pieces, and evenlists. Think about what youraudience would beinterested in and getwriting! AgainAfter writing all yourarticles and adding them toyour layout, list down all thetitles to set up your table ofcontents. You can add abrief description for eacharticle or keep it simple andpaste the feature titles onthe page. Don't forget yourpage numbers too!

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M O D E R NN E U T R A LH O M E & L I V I N G1 2 3 A n y w h e r e S t . , A n y C i t y , S T 1 2 3 4 5w w w . r e a l l y g r e a t s i t e . c o m