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Mocha Moms GB Interest Flyer

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Mocha Moms, Inc.®NationalMocha Moms, Inc.®BaltimoreMocha Moms, Inc.® is the premier voice for mothers of color. Mocha Momsserves as an advocate for those mothers and encourages the spirit ofcommunity activism within its membership.Mocha Littles @Kid’s Arts & CraftsChick-Fil-AMocha Littles @Rocky Point BeachMocha MomsPizza FundraiserMocha MomsBook DonationsMocha Moms Book ClubAll About Love-Bell HooksMocha Moms @Totally Fun Tutu RunMocha Moms, Inc.® of Greater Baltimore Maryland are:A support Group for mothers of all walks of life toencourage, uplift and nurture our members;1.Serves as an advocate for our mothers and encourages thespirit of community activism within its membership and;2.Affirms the decisions made by our members and provideinclusion and support.3.

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Meet our Executive CommitteeDeanna NealChapter PresidentKanika Jackson, PhD.Chapter Vice PresidentSharicca BoldenTreasurerMocha Moms GB CommitteesMochapreneursWe empower and support current and aspiringentrepreneurs through a dynamic platform fornetworking, mentorship, and resource sharing,fostering a thriving community.Mocha LittlesCommitted to empowering Mocha Moms' childrenthrough fun, affordable events in the Baltimorearea, fostering a positive and affirmingenvironment.Social EventsOur committee aims to strengthen connections andsisterhood among members through engaging socialevents, creating safe, uplifting spaces for bonding andcelebrating our shared experiences.Book ClubOur book club invites members to explore diverseliterature and engage in thoughtful discussions. Eachmonth, we poll for a book and gather at the end of themonth for community and rich dialogueDo you want to learn more or join? Reach out to a current Mocha MomGB member or send us an email at