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Emergency alert featureSplashproof IP65InternalMemory4-5 hrs Battery BackupHidden Installation1 Year Warranty1 Year subscriptionInternalMemory4-5 hrs Battery Backup1 Year Warranty1 Year subscriptionEngineon/offrecordEngine on/offrecordImmobilization -Engine Cut -offin EmergencyHidden InstallationSplashproof IP65Geofence ADVANCE+ GPS TRACKER Alerts for entering/exitingdesignated areasTracks vehicle speedfor safetyIgnition status tracking Logs travel routesAC ON/OFF AlertsADVANCE GPS TRACKERTrackingGeofencingSpeed AlertsIgnition StatusTamper AlertsAnti-Theft AlarmReal-time vehicle locationZone alerts for movementNotifications for speedingMonitors engine on/offAlerts for any tamperingattemptsAnti-theft & BatteryDisconnection AlarmSOS ButtonGeofencingSpeed MonitoringIgnition DetectionRoute HistoryAC MonitoringWIRED TRACKERSActual images may vary as per the latest device updation.

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OBD TRACKERTheft controlAnti-theft alerts to keep yourassets safeAlertsEngine On/Off, overspeeding,Idling, Tow-away alertsBehaviorMonitors driver actionsEasyInstallationJust plug into your vehicle’sOBD portMaintenanceVehicle health reportsGeofencingLocation-based alerts4G ConnectivityQuick & Easy InstallationWaterproof IP65High resistance toexternal damageGeofence 1 Year Warranty1 Year subscriptionPLUG & PLAY GPS TRACKERSVersatileWorks with all vehicles sinceBS-IV4G ConnectivitySplash ProofIP65InternalMemory1000/6000/10000 mAhBattery BackupHistoryRoutePlayback1 Year Warranty1 Year subscriptionSuper StrongMagnetic GripMAGNET TRACKERAccuracyUnlimitedRangeEfficiencyStrongMagnetismSecurityVersatileEasyInstallationPrecise tracking of tagged itemsLong-distance scanning capabilityFast data transmissionJust bring itclose to steelTamper-resistant tracking systemCan be used totrack most assetsJust Place ItActual images may vary as per the latest device updation.

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Waterproof IP65RFIDInternalMemory4-5 hrs Battery Backup1 Year WarrantyCustomizedSubscriptionPlansAttendanceTap & GoEfficiencyDurabilitySecurityIntegrationEmployee/ Student/Driver Attendance forEmployee Transport/School BusRFID CardAttendancewith Tap & GoFast data transmissionBuilt to withstand harsh conditionsTamper-resistant tracking systemSeamless with existing systemsRFID ATTENDANCE TAGSWITH GPS TRACKERAC on/offrecordPanic Button GPS WITH SENSORSActual images may vary as per the latest device updation. FUEL LEVEL SENSOR WITH GPSBluetoothCapabilityWaterproof IP68Engineon/off recordFuel Theft &Filling AlertsHigh resistanceto externaldamageTravelSummary2 Year Warranty1 Year subscriptionAccuracy Precise fuel level measurementDetection Alerts for fuel theft or leakageOptimization Optimizes fuelconsumptionIntegrationCompatible with GPSsystemsMonitoringReal-time fuel datatrackingAlertsCustom notifications for fuelchangesReportsPeriodic reports and trends

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1080p CCTV Camera Dual lensHD VideoMotionDetectionTwo-WayAudioWide-AngleViewRemoteAccessTwo cameras forenhanced imagingH.265 VideoTechnilogyAlerts for detectedmovementIntercom feature forcommunicationExpanded field ofvisionView live feed viamobile appIP DUAL CAMERA4G ConnectivityLane CableSupport1 Year Warranty SubscriptionPlans AvailableCAMERAS128 GB MemoryCard Supported MultipleDevice Display1080p Full HDCamera Support wifi cameraNightVisionInfrared for low-light visibilityDual lensHD VideoNightVisionTwo-WayAudio360-DegreeCoverageRemoteAccessQualityTwo cameras forenhanced imagingH.265 VideoTechnologyEnhanced visibilityin low lightIntercom feature forcommunicationPan and tiltfunctionalityView live feed viamobile app8x zoom4G ConnectivityLane CableSupport1 Year Warranty SubscriptionPlans Available128 GB MemoryCard Supported MultipleDevice Display1080p Full HDCamera Support wifi cameraActual images may vary as per the latest device updation. cameracamera

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GPS BASED E-LOCKSReal-time GPS location tracking.Control via mobile smartphoneapp.Automated locking with geofencingsetup.Access logs for user activity.Share access with multiple users.Low battery alerts for convenience.Tamper alerts for unauthorizedaccess.Weatherproof design for outdoordurability.Backup key option foremergencies.Smart home integration forconvenience.FEATURES Customizable permissions foruser access.Long battery life for extendeduse.Easy installation for quick setup.Durable materials for long-lastingperformance.Secure encryption for dataprotection.SPECIFICATIONSActual images may vary as per the latest device updation. E-LOCKS

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• IRNSS - Indian Satelite System • Emergency Button/SOS Button • Tracking Emergency • Dual Network - Embedded Sim • Water & Dust Proof • CAN Support • Real-time Tracking • Geo-Fencing • Geo-Tagging • Multiple Analog & Digital I/O • Multiple Alarms • Immobilizer • AC ON/OFFGOVERNMENT APPROVED AIS 140 GPS FEATURES • AIS 140 certified VLTD tracking Device • ICAT certified VLTD tracking Device • SOS Button • Embedded eSim • Dual Network SimSPECIFICATIONSActual images may vary as per the latest device updation. AIS 140 GPS TRACKER

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GPS transmittinglocation data Mobile APP AIS 140 VoLTEDevices send thedetails to the GovtServer using E-SIMwith dual networkPVT IPADD TECH ServerWEB Govt Nationalbackend datacenter Govt IP EmergencyIP for SOS Command andcontrol centerPassengerpresses panicbutton EmergenceyServicesWHO SHOULD USE AIS 140 DEVICES?HOW DATA FLOWS WHEN PANIC BUTTON IS USEDCARS/ CABSCars fleet ownersRental cab operatorsCab hiring service providers Self-driven vehicle hiring operatorsCorporate fleet operatorsHEAVY VEHICLES BUSES: Both private and state owned(Inter/Intra city buses)School busesCommercial vehicles - trucks, temposAIS 140 GPS TRACKER

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Unauthorized Dumping:Inability to detect and prevent illegal or unauthorized waste disposal by vehicles.Driver Behavior Monitoring:Difficulty tracking driver behavior, such as idling or off-route driving, affectingoperations.Asset Theft or Misuse:Risk of waste collection vehicles being stolen or used for unauthorizedactivities.Environmental Impact Tracking:Difficulty in assessing the environmental impact of waste collection operations.Waste Disposal Site Management:Inability to monitor vehicles entering and exiting disposal sites.Set up geofences around waste disposal sites to detect and preventunauthorized dumping.Utilize GPS data to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of wastecollection operations.Track and monitor driver behavior, reducing idling, speeding, and off-routedriving.Use GPS to monitor and prevent unauthorized use or theft of wastecollection vehicles.Provide data analytics on collection times, route efficiency, and vehicleperformance.SmartWasteWaste CollectionThe Trash has been collected from the City 2 more notificationsJust NowVisitedChallenges:Solutions:Geofencing for Disposal Sites:Environmental Impact Assessment:Driver Behavior Monitoring:Asset Security: Waste Collection Analytics:Waste Management Solution

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Challenges:Safety Concerns:Ensuring real-time tracking to prevent unsafe driving and monitor routes.Route Optimization:Difficulty in creating the most efficient routes for multiple stops.Student Attendance Monitoring:Verifying that students board and exit at the correct stops.Driver Accountability:Monitoring driver behavior (speeding, unauthorized stops, etc.).Emergency Response:Difficulty in reacting quickly to accidents or breakdowns.Solutions:Real-Time Tracking:Monitor bus location and routes in real-time for enhanced safety.Driver Behavior Monitoring:Track driving habits (speed, sudden stops) to ensure safe andaccountable driving.Route Optimization:Use GPS data to plan the most efficient routes, reducing fuel andtravel time.Student Check-In Systems:Integrate RFID or mobile check-in/out systems for accurate studenttracking.Emergency Alerts:Enable panic buttons and emergency notifications for quickresponses to incidents.School BusSolution

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30%Cost Reduction afterImplementation99%Accuracy higherthan IndustryStandard Challenges:Safety Concerns:Ensuring real-time tracking to prevent unsafe driving and monitor routes.Fuel Theft:Difficulty in monitoring Fuel during Routes & filling at Petrol Pump.Increase in Cost of Operations:Driver Accountability:Monitoring driver behavior (speeding, unauthorized stops, etc.).Fuel Accountability:Difficulty in Tracking Fuel Bills.Solutions:Real-Time Tracking:Monitor bus location and routes in real-time for enhanced safety.Driver Behavior Monitoring:Track driving habits (speed, sudden stops) to ensure safe andaccountable driving.Cost Optimization:Use fuel data to analyse route cost further improving & reducing fueland travel time.Fuel Theft & Fuel Filling Report:Date & Time of filling with Location , Quantity of Fuel filled or TheftDone.Fuel Alerts: Quantity of Fuel filled & Theft Alert on Mobile & Laptop.FuelMonitoringSolution Fuel is 40% of the cost of running the vehicles & which is uncontrolable.Results:

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90%Improves Safety95%Success RateChallenges:Employee Resistance: Resistance to tracking can arise due to trust issues or perceivedmicromanagement.Data Accuracy:GPS data may be inaccurate in certain areas (e.g., buildings, tunnels).Data Security:Integration with Existing Systems:Difficulty in integrating GPS tracking with other employee managementsystems.Overload of Data:Large volumes of location data can be overwhelming to manage andanalyze.Solutions:Opt-in/Out Features: Allowing flexible tracking options to balance employee comfortand company needs.Seamless Integration:Developing APIs for easy integration with payroll, HR, andperformance systems.Hybrid Tracking: Combining GPS with other location methods (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)for better accuracy.Data Encryption:Applying encryption protocols to secure employee location data.Automated Reporting and Filters: Using filters and reporting tools to simplify data management andfocus on key metrics.Protecting sensitive location data from breaches.Results:EmployeeMonitoringSolution

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Intelligent Automobile TrackingLive AlertsReminder & Expense ManagementNEXT-GEN SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES FOR INDUSTRIES WE SERVEADVANCE FLEET TELEMATICSWe provide an end-to-end solution withIndia’s most advanced GPS trackingsystem for your fleet management. ASSET TRACKINGMobilfox Minimize asset loss and costs inyour supply chain by using an end-to-endsolution to track assets in real-time.Long Battery LifeInstallation FreeFlexible configuration FUEL MONITORINGMobilfox provides the most advanced fueltracking solution, to meet the needs of fueltracking and considerably reduce your fueltheft and cost.Live Fuel TrackingFuel Filling & TheftAlertsFuel Efficiency ReportTEMPERATURE MONITORING Mobilfox tracking provides you with a soliddevice for measuring the temperature inyour vehicle, providing you with accurateand reliable data.Real-TimeTemperature VisibilityTemperature thresholdbreach alertsDynamic InterfaceTASK MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONMaintain the status of a task as well as thelive location of your sales force with livemonitoring and real-time updates and keeptrack of your field teams and productivity ofyour sales force with instant alerts andregular reports.Live Task Monitoring& VisitsgActivity Report LoggingEmployee attendancemanagementE.V. SOLUTIONSMonitor your Electric Vehicles from aSingle Dashboard & Optimize maintenancecosts using real-time analysis. At MobilfoxTracking, we ensure an easy, smooth, &stable experience for both fleet drivers &operators. Advance TripSummary ReportRemote visibilityof EV on rentReal-Time ChargingStatus & AlertsVIDEO TELEMATICSCapture reliable footage of the road andupdate driver performance with an easy-to-use video telematics solution. Reduceoperating costs and keep drivers, fleetsand businesses safe.Supports live streamingIdentify Bad DrivingBehaviourAI-powered sensors

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Empowering individuals andbusinesses with cutting-edge GPStechnology that improves lives,enhances productivity, and ensuressafetyPRESENCEACROSS ALLMAJORCITIES &STATES OFINDIACONTACT US8010-089-089sales@mobilfox.inTRACKSMARTER.LIVESAFER.50000+Satisfied Customers in India10000+Servicable Pin Codesacross India10+Years of Successful OperationGPS TRACKERS | AIS 140 GPS | CCTVSURVEILLANCE | RFID | FUEL SENSORS | E-LOCK | BIOMETRIC