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MNCJ Women's Dept | Nuts & Bolts Newsletter - 2023 4th Quarter

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4TH QUARTER 2023 | VOLUME 10 From The Desk of TheSupervisor 2Helpful Information 6Word Up - Youth: LearningHow To Trust In YourWaiting Season 9Recipe 10More ……..Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Jurisdictional Prelate, Presiding Bishop and Chief ApostleNuts & Bolts M I C H I G A N N O R T H C E N T R A L E C C L E S I A S T I C A L J U R I S D I C T I O NC H U R C H O F G O D I N C H R I S T , I N C . of The Women’s Work D E P A R T M E N T O F W O M E N Mother Olivia A. Williams, Jurisdictional Supervisor, Department of WomenHIGHLIGHTS IN THISISSUE:

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CONTENTST A B L E O FNuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O M2> From The Desk of The Supervisor 5> Devotional> Words of Wisdom> A Dip of Humor10> Upcoming Events 6> Helpful Information > Word Up - Youth > Recipe 11 — Better Report > The Best and Worst Times To Buy Gas > Can You Identity A Phishing Scam?— German Chocolate Cake— Jurisdictional and National Conferences and Meetings > Save-the-Date - Church of God in Christ, Inc. - National Leadership Conference - MNCJ Annual Leadership Conference - MNCJ Women’s Advisory Board Virtual “Be-You-Tea” - MNCJ Annual Missionaries Conference and District Missionaries Pew Rally - MNCJ Ministers and Workers Meeting 123913 > A Very Special Day — Happy Birthday Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard

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M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MIt is my prayer that each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving season with family and friendsand now may you have a joyful Holiday season. As we close out 2023 I can truly say that Godhas been faithful to me and my family. I am so humbled by all the blessings shown to me thisyear. December 10th marked my third year as your Jurisdictional Supervisor and it is mypleasure to serve God’s people. I thank God for my Bishop seeing something in me that he feltcould be of value to him in ministry. I love my Bishop, Lady Karen and all of Michigan NorthCentral.Women of MNCEJ, I love you and I thank you for all your love, support, cooperation, financesand prayers you have given to the Jurisdiction and shown to me. It takes a team to make thedream work. I thank God for the men of Michigan North Central. We need you, and I need youand your support.Let us all strive to be better and do better in 2024. Our Bishop has given us our NationalTheme for focus this upcoming year. “We’ve Got Work To Do!” John 9:4; Luke 10:1-2There is work to be done by everyone. Let us each strive to do more this year for ministry thanlast year. Our world needs us, our world needs YOU. There is enough work to go aroundwithout stumbling over anyone. Ask yourself, “what can I do to help win the lost, give anencouraging word, meet a need, pray for? Simply put what is your ministry? Do it.Enjoy this season. Cherish the memories. Show love and know that I love you and God lovesyou. Michigan North Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction I love you and there is nothing youcan do about it.Jesus is the reason for the season.P R I M E M A G A Z I N E . C O MFROM THE DESK OF: THE SUPERVISORNuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work2Is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, Because his compassions fail not. Theyare new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness” Lamentations 3:22-23HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 3M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MDEVOTIONALWRITTEN BY: EVANGELIST CYANDII CHAMBERS, ADMINISTRATOR CLIMBING JACOB’S LADDER MINISTRIES CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST DETROIT, MI MNCJ WOMEN’S ADVISORY BOARD CO-CHAIR BE STILL AND KNOW THATI AM GOD Background Reference: Psalm 46As the day of Christ’s return draws nigh, we need to be reminded of these eight powerfulwords:“BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD“! These eight words carry such a profound and prophetic message to the one who embracesits meaning. These inspired words hold the secret to a victorious and surrendered life to God.They will bring balance in our lives and allow us to live a life of peace and contentment. Sometimes, as women, we are stewards of various responsibilities in life, and stillness maynot be a virtue we have learned to embrace. But today, God invites us to “Be Still”. TheNewInternational Study Bible theme of Psalms 46 is, “God is always there to help, always there toprovide refuge, security and peace. His Ultimate victory is certain, and he will rescue thosewho love and trust Him.” Slow down and meditate on that for a moment! Always there to help(ever-present), our victory is certain (it is a done deal) and He will rescue us. Look at thecertainty of those promises that we can claim and embrace as our own. In the face of life’s adversity, we have a hiding place, a place we can run to, a secret placewhere our souls can be renewed and restored. So Queens….who and what do you listen towhen the storms of life are raging and when the winds of disappointment, tragedy, rejectionflood your soul? At times it seems as though life has gotten the upper hand, and the enemy ofdefeat tries to overtake you. Know for certain, our God, our Warrior Jesus stands up and says, “BE STILL AND KNOWTHAT I AM GOD”! When wrestling with life’s issues, the Holy Spirit whispers, “Surrender thatproblem, that child, that pain, that rejection, that stress, that plan to me.” Enough is Enough!Continued on Page 4”He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among thenations, I will be exalted in the earth.”“ Psalm 46:10 NIV

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Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 4M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MDEVOTIONALBE STILL AND KNOW THATI AM GOD (CONT.) 1 Peter 5:7 (Amplified Bible) says “Casting all your cares (all your anxiety, all your worries,and all your concerns once and for all) on Him, for he cares about you (with deepestaffection, and watches over you carefully).” Just meditate on that for a moment and let it sinkinto your very soul. Notice the “ing” in the word casting, which implies this will be acontinuous action we must do during our journey on earth. The second part of Psalms 46:10 says, “and know that I am God”. Queens, you mustknow through careful studying and learning God’s nature, His ways, His patterns, Hischaracter, Hispromises. You must store up in your memory bank what the Word of God saysalong with your life experiences and what you have heard others have testified about whoGod is and what He can do! Our God is Sovereign, Unchangeable, All-Knowing, Ever-Present, Creator over all, Ruler,Master, the Great I AM, ourRedeemer, our Sustainer, the Lifter Up of our Heads, alwaysmaking our lives work together for the good, to them who are called according to Hispurpose. You, my Sister are a “Purposed Child of God”. God always oversees those He hascalled. He wants the opportunity to show us the Greatness of His Power and what Grace cando in our lives. He will be exalted in the nations and in the earth. Acknowledge hissovereignty and rule over your entire life today. Exodus 14:13-14 (NIV) tells us, “Do not to be afraid, stand firm and we will see thedeliverance the Lord will bring to us today. The Egyptian you see today, you will never seethem again. For the Lord will fight for you: you need only to Be Still.” Wait for God to actbefore you react and watch Him perform the impassible. “Be Still and Know that I amGod!” Blessings, Evangelist Cyandii ChambersWRITTEN BY: EVANGELIST CYANDII CHAMBERS, ADMINISTRATOR CLIMBING JACOB’S LADDER MINISTRIES CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST DETROIT, MI MNCJ WOMEN’S ADVISORY BOARD CO-CHAIR Continued from Page 3

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ARE YOU TRULY THANKFUL?The briskness of the mornings and the multi hues of the collage on the trees let us knowwhen the Thanksgiving season is approaching.To set aside a day for thanksgiving, was a wise tradition established by our forefather.“Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good.” Psalm 136.1Now, pause for a minute and recall your past life and situation. Isn’t it amazing how muchyour life has been improved and blessed?It is impossible to innumerate your physical, domestic and familial blessings.Many of us are survivors of diseases that proved to be fatal for others. Look around you, appraise your home, and remember the days when things were sparse and very meager. Inyesteryears, the economy did not reflect long life spans. Without enumeratin, we have somuch for which to be thankful.So, how are you going to show gratitude?First, thank the source of your blessings by giving something in exchange. What shall yourender to the Lord?Dedicate your life and reasonable service. Not just in November and December, but everyday as an ambassador of the Gospel and the good news of redemption.HAPPY THANKSGIVING and MERRY CHRISTMAS!Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 5M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MWORDS OF WISDOMWRITTEN BY: DR. CLAUDIA WELLS HAMILTON GREATER EMMANUEL INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST DETROIT, MI DISTRICT MISSIONARY EMERITA

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The Best and Worst Times to Buy GasBETTER REPORTNuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 6M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MHELPFUL INFORMATION This article was adapted from Written by: Michael Nordine, Staff Writer - October 18, 2023Many of us are forever in search of cheaper gas, hoping that saving a few cents per gallon willadd up over time and make our driving experience as smooth as possible. This was especiallytrue throughout the first half of 2022, when half of Americans reported experiencing financialhardship due to rising prices at the pump. While prices have leveled off since then, the cost offuel remains a daily concern for millions of people. Despite no cure-all, there are bestpractices you can follow to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck — includingfilling up at certain times of the daGet Gas in the Morning or at NightWhen you head to the gas station does indeed make a difference. Filling up your tank early inthe morning or late at night can save you some money over time, but not because prices arelower at different times of day — it’s because of temperature. Gas expands when heated,meaning filling up in the middle of the day, when the temperatures tend to be highest, couldresult in paying more for less gasoline. Buy Gas on MondaysThe day of the week matters as well. According to GasBuddy, the cheapest day to buy gas isMonday, and the most expensive day is Thursday. “The first day of the work week offers thelowest average gas price in 17 states,” said Patrick De Haan, GasBuddy’s head of petroleum.“Though there is variation in daily gas prices across different states, the consensus is thatfilling up at the beginning or end of the work week, on Monday or Friday, is the best way tosave money.”Demand Is Higher in the SummerIt’s also true that gas costs more in the summerthan at any other time of the year. Demand ishigher, and gasoline is more costly to produce in warmer months, so most of us can’t do muchmore than be mindful of expenses and make the best of the situation.There Are Apps To Help You Save in Real-TimeGas apps like GasBuddy or Upside check local gas prices in real time and even offer cashback in some instances. They aren’t perfect, but the fact that more than 100 million peoplehave downloaded GasBuddy suggests they're doing something right. It’s also worth signing upfor a loyalty program at your local gas station, as their rewards accrue over time and costnothing.Gas Prices Vary by StateMississippi has the most affordable gas in the country at an average price of $2.984 pergallon, followed by Oklahoma ($2.999), Arkansas ($3.035), Missouri ($3.043), and Kansas($3.045). California has the most expensive gas in the U.S. at $4.822 per gallon. To seewhere your state ranks, consult a list of the states with the cheapest fuel.

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CAN YOU SPOT A PHISHING SCAM? Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 7M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MHELPFUL INFORMATION This article was shared from email address: 1800usbanks@email.usbank.comCompany Website:

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CAN YOU SPOT A PHISHING SCAM? (CONT.)Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 8M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MHELPFUL INFORMATION This article was shared from email address: 1800usbanks@email.usbank.comCompany Website:

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I have learned in this season that even when you are waiting, you still have to trust God.Waiting can be so hard, whether it is with your finances, health, mental, or even your jobwhere you are waiting not knowing what the end result is going to be. Naturally, we often liketo be in control of what goes on around us, or we try to control what we can. But, sometimesGod places things in our lives, and puts us into situations where we have no choice. God will leave you in IT until you understand the hint to surrender. But, in the waiting, youhave to trust that whatever the outcome is, God will never leave you there alone.I found myself in a waiting season, being anxious for the outcome, looking to everyone elsefor an answer or looking to other people to pray for me about my situation. There is nothingwrong with that. But I had to reaize thst I had to go to God for myself, and trust Him while Iwaited. I began to think, “maybe God is putting me in a waiting season and making me gothrough this so that I would fully trust and rely on Him.” Waiting is and can be hard. But, I learned that there is a lesson in waiting. I have to let go oftrying to be in control and let God take control. God will never put more on me than I can bear,and I am going to wait and continue to trust no matter what the outcome may be.Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work 9M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O M“WORD UP”- WRITTEN BY: SISTER TIFFANY GILLIAM MNCJ WOMEN’S JUNIOR EXECUTIVE BOARD MBR.YOUTHLEARNING HOW TO TRUST IN YOUR WAITING SEASON“Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and shield. For our heart shall rejoice inhim because we have trusted in his holy name.” Psalm 33:22-21 KJV“Therefore I will look onto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my Godwill hear me.” Micah 7:7 KJV

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P R I M E M A G A Z I N E . C O MNuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work10RECIPE BY: EVANGELIST SHERRY CADEM N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MGERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE 1/4 cup Hershey's Cocoa1/2 cup of boiling water 1 cup of unsalted butter (plus 3 tablespoons softened)2-1/4 cups of sugar 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract 4 eggs 2 cups All- purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup of Buttermilk Coconut Pecan Frosting 1 can sweetened condensed milk 14oz. Can (not evaporated milk)3 egg yolks ( slightly beaten 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1stick)1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1-1/3 cups sweetened Coconut flakes 1 cup of Pecans choppedDirections:(1) Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour three 9- inch round baking pans. (2) Stir together cocoa and water in small bowl until smooth; set aside. Beat butter, sugarand vanilla extract in large bowl until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating wellafter each addition. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; add to butter mixturealternately with chocolate mixture and Buttermilk, beating just enough to blend. Pourbatter into prepared pans.(3) Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until top springs back when touched lightly. Cool 5 minutes;remove from pans to wire racks. Cool completely. Prepare Coconut Pecan Frosting; spreadbetween layer and over top.

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I’d prefer a house with no den.Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work11P R I M E M A G A Z I N E . C O MA DIP OF HUMORM N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O M"A merry heart does good like medicine.." Proverbs 17:22{a}What did Daniel tell his real estate agent?How do you know Pharaoh was athletic?He had a court.SUBMITTED BY: Which Minor Prophet was well-known thanks to cookies?Famous Amos(Jokes adapted from “Funny Jokes”)

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Nuts & Bolts of The Women’s Work12M N C J W O M . N E W S @ G M A I L . C O MUPCOMING EVENTSNATIONAL AND JURISDICTIONAL (1ST QTR. 2024)If you have information that you would like for us to share, please contact us at: Evg. Rochelle L. Lampkin, M.Div., EditorMNCJ Leadership ConferenceSaturday, January 20, 2024 Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ Church of God in Christ, Inc.Leadership ConferenceJanuary 22-25, 2024Atlanta, GAMNCJ Women’s Advisory BoardVirtual “Be ‘You’ Tea” Sisterhood FellowshipTuesday, February 13, 2024MNCJ Ministers’ and Workers’ MeetingMarch 19 - 24, 2024Greater Emmanuel Institutional Churchof God in ChristMNCJ ANNUAL MISSIONARIES CONFERENCEAND DISTRICT MISSIONARIES PEW RALLYSaturday, March 2, 2024 @ 11:00 a.m.Greater Emmanuel Institutional Church of God in Christ

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